2020-04-02 Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting April 2, 2020. Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of April 2, 2020, was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Ryan Fitzgerald. Members Present: Chairman Ryan Fitzgerald, Commissioner Rhonda McCarvel, Commissioner Lisa Holland, Commissioner Bill Cassinelli, Commissioner Andrew Seal, Commissioner Nick Grove and Commissioner Patricia Pitzer. Others Present: Chris Johnson, Adrienne Weatherly, Bill Nary, Andrea Pogue, Bill Parsons, Joe Dodson, and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-call Attendance X Lisa Holland X Rhonda McCarvel X Andrew Seal X Nick Grove X Patricia Pitzer X Bill Cassinelli X Ryan Fitzgerald - Chairman Fitzgerald: Okay. At this time I would like to call to order of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning for the date of April 2nd and let's start with a roll call, Madam Clerk. Okay. We are going to pause for a minute to deal with some -- (Pause in proceedings. Technical difficulties.) Item 2: Adoption of Agenda Fitzgerald: Okay. Let's see if we can start this thing. I want to make sure everybody is aware that we are trying to follow our social distancing policies that the city and governor's guidance to us and so we are streaming everything through YouTube and if you would like to be part of the meeting, if you aren't already, please, go to meridiancity.org forward slash virtual meeting and you can -- the phone number is on that, you can call in if you wanted to make a comment on the meeting itself or on an application that we are going to call tonight. Again, we appreciate your patience and -- so, we are going to try to do the city's business while we are at this challenging time we are all facing. So, we appreciate your patience as we do this. So, going forward the first item on our agenda for this evening -- now that we have got our technology working and we have got two changes to the agenda, so we will be opening the application for Landing South, H-2020-0005, for the continuing that upon request of the applicant and, then, Item B can't be heard tonight due to complications and that's the Teakwood Place Subdivision, H-2020-0006, and we will be opening those two only for the matter of continuing them to a date determined by staff. I think that's the plan as of right now. So, with that information out there can I get a motion to adopt the agenda as amended? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 4 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 2of51 Holland: Mr. Chair, so moved. Seal: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to adopt the agenda amended. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. Thank you all. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 3: Consent Agenda [Action Item] A. Approve Minutes of March 19, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting B. Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law for Lost Rapids Apartments (H-2019-0146) by GFI Meridian Investments II, LLC, Located on the North Side of W. Lost Rapids Dr., West of N. Ten Mile Rd. C. Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law for McMillan Independent Senior Living (H-2020-0004) by Investcor Development, Located Approximately in the Northeast Corner of N. Ten Mile Rd. and W. McMillan Rd. D. Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law for TM Crossing -Ten Mile Academy Daycare (H-2020-0007) by BVA Development, Located at 1001 S. Sentinel Ln. Fitzgerald: The next item on the agenda is the Consent Agenda. There are four items on the agenda, the approval of minutes for March 19th, 2020, Planning and Zoning Commission, the Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law for Lost Rapids Apartments, H-2019-0146. The Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for McMillan Independent Senior Living, H-2020-0004. And Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for TM Crossing, Ten Mile Academy Daycare, H-2020-0007. Anything need to be removed from the Consent Agenda? Okay. Hearing none, could I get a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented? McCarvel: So moved. Cassinelli: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to approve the Consent Agenda. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same? Motion passes. Thank you all. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 5 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 3of51 Fitzgerald: So, the public hearing process is going to be a little different. We are going to be opening each item on the -- on the agenda tonight. The first two will be to continue those. We will start with the staff report. The staff will report their findings regarding how each item adheres to our Comprehensive Plan and our development code, with the staff recommendations. After the staff has made their presentation the applicant will present and I think each one is already online and first we will give them the ability to make their presentation and if you will let me know if you have a question, we are going to need to do a little bit -- raise your hand or give me a shout or wave and I will try to make sure I call on you, but get my attention somehow. And, then, after the applicant will present. They will have 15 minutes to present their application and, then, they will have -- we will open the floor to public testimony. There is opportunity to sign up online through the virtual meeting process. Hopefully folks that are calling in we will be able to hear them and be able to take their testimony and ask them a question. I don't think we have to worry about any HOA issues this evening, so we will skip that part. After all the testimony has been heard the applicant will have an opportunity to close and answer any questions that we might have of them. Item 4: Action Items A. Public Hearing for Landing South (H-2020-0005) by Jim Jewett, Located at 660 S. Linder Rd. 1. Request: Rezone of 2.43 acres of land from the R-4 to the R- 8 zoning district; and, 2. Request: Preliminary Plat consisting of 11 building lots and 2 common lots on 2.27 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district. Fitzgerald: So, at this point I will start the first item on the agenda, which is a public hearing for the Landing South, H-2020-0005, and can I get a motion to continue that application to a date certain by staff? Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal. Seal: I move to continue file number H-2020-0005 to a date set by staff. Holland: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to continue H-2020-0005, public hearing for the Landing South. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. Thank you. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 6 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 4of51 B. Public Hearing for Teakwood Place Subdivision (H-2020-0006) by Hesscomm Corp., Located approximately '/4 mile east of S. Eagle Rd., fronting on E. Victory Road. 1 . Request: Annexation and Zoning of 7.35 acres of land with an R-8 zoning district; and, 2. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 28 building lots and 5 common lots. Fitzgerald: So, the second item, can I get a motion to continue the public hearing for Teakwood Place Subdivision, file number H-2020-0006 to a date to be determined by staff? Seal: So moved. McCarvel: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and second to continue the Public Hearing on H-2020-0006. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Okay. Thank you for that. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Fitzgerald: We are making progress. Hold on one second. Pogue: Mr. Chair, this is Andrea Pogue. Could we just take a pause for a moment. There is a question whether staff needs to set a date certain and if they can do that at this point we would need to reopen and redo that motion. Fitzgerald: Thank you to our legal counsel. One of -- we need additional conversation from the Commission. One of the things that--the applicants have requested to continue it themselves. We don't want to put the burden of -- we don't want to put the burden of having to renotice the meeting on the city, so as it was requested by the applicant to continue those meetings to a date certain, we need to find -- make a motion to have the applicant pay for renoticing of those meetings, because they are requesting the continuance. Any discussion on that thought? I just want to make sure we are all clear that because the applicant is requesting the continuation -- so, Teakwood was requested from the challenge of the city -- a mistake was made by the city, so that one would be paid for by the city and that has been already told to the applicant. So, the only motion we would need to have is for the applicant in H-2020-0005, Landing South, to pay for the renoticing of that application. Is there any discussion on that? Parsons: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go ahead, sir. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 7 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 5of51 Parsons: Yeah. This is Bill Parsons, planning supervisor. Everyone hear me okay? Yeah. Certainly I think, you know, the applicant for that Landing South has requested to be continued to the May 7th hearing. Certainly they forgot to post the site and we need to get them scheduled for a hearing date, but I would mention to the Commission that we are trying to schedule a project for that hearing that could be controversial and may only -- I mean we may only want to have one item scheduled for that hearing that night. So, I just pose that to the Commission this evening that if you do support that request just know that we are trying to be mindful of the Commission's time and -- and the public's time as they participate into the virtual world process, as we are going through tonight. There is some challenges here, but I just want to go on the record and just say -- state that whether or not the Commission would support the May 7th. If not the next available hearing would be the 21st and if the Commission feels like there is too many items getting on the May 21st hearing we certainly -- staff is open to Commission's discussion on possibly scheduling another special meeting in May. Fitzgerald: I just want to be clear we do have a special meeting already scheduled for April 23rd, in addition to our normal regularly scheduled meetings. Parsons: Yes, that is correct. We -- at this point in time planning staff has not anticipated requesting any special meetings in the month of May, but that's certainly the prerogative of the Commission to do so if they want to spread out some of these projects and keep continuing conducting business as usual, but still not bog down the hearings with -- with multiple projects at any one time, we -- we have been asked to limit our hearings to no more than three public hearing items per -- per hearing and if there is a controversial hearing we have been asked to schedule that for its own hearing. So, just keeping the public and the Commission aware of what the city is trying to do during these strange times that we are dealing with, the COVID-19 virus at this time. So, I just wanted to at least share that with you. So, keep that in mind as we continue to work through the processes, work out the kinks, we need to come up with a contingency plan if these -- if these meetings continue to back up on us. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Bill. Is there any questions for staff or comment? Cassinelli: Bill, this is Bill. What is -- what does the 7th look like at this point? Parsons: All I know is we are -- can't go into it -- too much specifics of the project, but we do have one item that we anticipate for that hearing that has already received quite a bit of neighborhood opposition. I will leave it at that. And so we -- go ahead. Cassinelli: Ryan, I can't hear you. Fitzgerald: Sorry. Because there was so much public input just for that meeting or for that item -- Parsons: Yeah. If I can -- if I may speak on your behalf, Chair. I think Ryan was saying that the Delano project was scheduled to the April 16th hearing because it, too -- we also Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 8 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 6 of 51 anticipate quite a bit of public input on that particular application. So, we decided to schedule that application solely for that meeting and, then, hold a special meeting on the 23rd in order to accommodate other applications that we have been processing. So, I think Ryan is trying to explain that same situation to the Commission that on the 7th we anticipate a project that will generate quite a bit of testimony, so we want to make sure that we limit -- I know we have continued one project to that hearing already, so there is a potential for two at this point. So, if the Commission is not in favor of supporting the applicant's request -- the Landing South application being continued to the May 7th hearing, then, I would recommend that the Commission move that to the 21st or discuss the possibility of doing a special meeting in May. Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: I would recommend I think pushing it to the 21 st. Obviously, there is a lot of uncertainties happening right now and I think companies and developers are being flexible with that uncertainty, so that would be my recommendation is to put them on the 21 st of May. Seal: I concur. Fitzgerald: Any additional thoughts? Grove: Mr. Chair? Question for Bill. What is the 21st shaping out to be? We are trying to limit -- are we already at three for the -- for the 21 st? Parsons: Chair, Commissioner Grove, certainly we are not programmed with anything yet. We are kind of waiting to see what comes in the door before we start scheduling a hearing, but my communication to the planning staff is that we will go no further -- if there is not a controversial project we are moving forward with three items on the hearing date, unless we hear otherwise. So, right now we have programmed three in. This one would be a fourth. But certainly they were in the door, they are scheduled, and if we have to push those other applicants we are happy to do that based on the Commission's recommendation this evening. We are flexible I guess is -- is the point to the Commission. We don't have anything scheduled yet, just tentatively scheduled. So, nothing's been sent -- transmitted to the clerk as of this date. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: Bill, did you say -- what was the reason for this one being continued? Parsons: The Landing -- you mean the South -- Landing South? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 9 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 7of51 McCarvel: Yes. Parsons: The applicant failed to post the property, so we have to -- we can't hear the application. It's a procedural error. And they had specifically -- they are not -- in the e-mail that they sent with their continuation request they had indicated that they were not in any big hurry to get to a hearing given the current COVID outbreak that's going on in the country, so that I think they would be amenable to even pushing it out to the 21st, to be honest with you, or even to the first hearing in June. But I will -- I will leave that up to the Commission at this point. McCarvel: Why don't we go to the first hearing in June then. Parsons: Yeah. Looking at my calendar that would be June 4th. Cassinelli: And what does that look like right now? Parsons: That's about where we stop, so that gives us a buffer for certain if we pick the June 4th hearing date. Cassinelli: I mean do you have anything else on there at this point for the 4th? Parsons: Oh, we will have applications by that point. Absolutely. I just -- yeah, like I said, we have got about ten -- almost ten applications that we haven't even transmitted yet and it doesn't take very long to get three, three and three and your -- your hearings are full, so I -- and we have more that have been submitted to me electronically that I haven't been moved on to our permit tech team. So, yes, we are continuing to do business per usual, working with our customers, so I'm just sharing that information with the Commission tonight. Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Commissioner Pitzer. Fitzgerald: Go ahead. Pitzer: Yes. I'm in favor of the June 4th. Cassinelli: Mr. Chair, I would support the 4th. Fitzgerald: Sounds good to me. I think a motion is in order whenever you guys are ready. Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: I move we continue the public hearing for Landing South, H-2020-0005 to the date of June 4th. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 10 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 8of51 McCarvel: Second. Seal: Second. Fitzgerald: It's been moved and seconded to move H-2020-0005 to the June 4th Planning and Zoning meeting. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed. Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Fitzgerald: Okay. So, we are moving to the public hearing for Hidden Gem Events, H- 2020-0015, and let's start with the staff report. Dodson: Commission and Legal, this is Joe. Can everybody hear me? Okay. I just wanted to quickly before we get into Hidden Gem Events also, if allowed, speak on the Teakwood Place Subdivision that we are going to continue. That was a staffing mistake that happened and what date we -- you guys may want to put that on as discussed, running into the same issues as Landing South would have with the 7th and the 21st of May being pretty, you know, full. However, it's different in the sense that it was not on the applicant's behalf that this occurred. So, just wanted to put that out there in case you guys needed to discuss that further. Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: Did we get -- I didn't -- was there much public input on Teakwood? Dodson: There was no public input, Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: Does it seem like it would fit on the 21 st okay? Parsons: That would be fine with me, Commissioner Cassinelli. Bill again. Planning supervisor. Cassinelli: Mr. Chair, do we need an updated motion on that? Dodson: Mr. Chair, I think today we committed the applicant that he would have -- Fitzgerald: Sorry, Andrea. Do you want to restate that or did you have something to add to that comment? Pogue: Thank you, Chair. I believe there were three citizens who submitted written comments, is that correct, Madam Clerk? Dodson: Oh. They did. I apologize. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 11 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 9of51 Fitzgerald: So, Bill Nary, do you -- just clarification. Because it's a city mistake can we -- and they were given notice anyway, we can't allow the city just to determine it with the applicant? Is there a clarification I missed in the transition of my technology? Nary: So, Mr. Chairman, through the e-mail with Joe we did explain to the applicant because it was our error that we would put him on the 7th to try to keep this moving along. So, we can go back and say now we kicked it two weeks beyond that. He was already frustrated. If you could do it on the 7th that would be a better option. Fitzgerald: Okay. Weatherly: And Commissioner -- or, sorry, Mr. Chair and Andrea, yes, we have received three comments on Teakwood Subdivision thus far. Pogue: Thank you. Dodson: Commission, I apologize for misspeaking there. That was my mistake. On this one. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Joe. Mr. Parsons, do you -- are we good for the 7th? What else do we have on that docket? Parsons: Yeah. Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission, currently we will have the one that I talked about -- can't give you the specifics of that yet. And, then, we have Victory Commons, which was continued from the previous hearing because the applicant had a noticing or procedural error. We had to -- he had to have a new neighborhood meeting in order to get that one schedule, so we had to bump him out farther than anticipated so that they could meet the requirements of the city to keep that application on a hearing. So, I don't anticipate any controversy with that application. All they are doing is providing existing platted lot, so it should be pretty straightforward. And, then, Teakwood I don't -- I didn't receive any e-mails on it, but it sounds like there is maybe some adjacent neighbors that are concerned, but it's certainly not a very large project and it's not very controversial. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: I would recommend we move 4-B to May 7th and put it at the top of the agenda. Fitzgerald: Ma'am, was that a motion? McCarvel: Sure, we can do that. Mr. Chair, I move that we continue Item H-2020-0015 to the meeting of May 7th at the top of the agenda. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 12 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 10 of 51 Holland: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second. Seal: I think that's the wrong one. McCarvel: Oh. Is that Teakwood? Seal: Teakwood is 0006. McCarvel: Six. Thank you. Holland: Second stands. Fitzgerald: Okay. Second stands. Thank you. I have a motion and a second to move the public hearing for Teakwood Place Subdivision, H-2020-0006, to the date of May -- what was the date of-- sorry. McCarvel: 7th. Fitzgerald: 7th. Thank you. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Okay. Motion passes. Thank you. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. C. (To Begin No Earlier than 6:05) Public Hearing for Hidden Gem Events (H-2020-0015) by Elizabeth Burgess, Located at 134 E. State Ave. 1 . Request: Conditional Use Permit for an event center (Arts, Entertainment or Recreation Facility, Indoors and Outdoors) on 0.32 of an acre of land in the O-T zoning district. Fitzgerald: Now, let's move to the next item on the agenda, which is a public hearing for Hidden Gem Events, H-2020-0015, and start with the staff report. Joe, can you lead us, sir. Dodson: Yes, sir. Thank you, Commission and Commissioner Fitzgerald, appreciate the consideration of the previous issue. Chris, if I may, do you have my PowerPoint up? Or do I share my screen? Johnson: I am getting that for you right now. My apologies. Dodson: Thank you. Fitzgerald: And just while Chris is doing that, is everybody hearing me better? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 13 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 11 of 51 Seal: Yes. Lots better. Cassinelli: Far better. Dodson: In the meantime I can start for Hidden Gem Events. Fitzgerald: Go right ahead, Joe. Whenever you are ready. Dodson: Okay. Thank you. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit approval to add an event center to an existing and historic downtown home known as the Tolleth House. The site consists of 0.32 acres of land, zoned Old Town, located at 134 East State Avenue. There are no proposed exterior changes to the home as this would potentially affect the historic namesake of the home. Therefore, this application is solely to review the proposed use. The proposed use is intended to occur both within and in the backyard of the home. Staff finds that these areas are large enough to accommodate the proposed use. However, staff is concerned with parking and has recommended conditions of approval to help mitigate this potential issue. You can go to the next slide, Chris. Old Town is classified as a traditional neighborhood zoning district and no off- street parking is required for a lawfully existing structure, unless an addition occurs, and there is no proposed addition with this project. However, the applicant does understand that parking is a concern and has provided a parking plan. Next slide, please. Johnson: If you can hear me I just gave control to Bill. Dodson: Next slide, por favor. Perfect. Okay. The applicant has provided a parking plan with all available public parking within one thousand feet and has used Old Town alternative parking methods from the UDC as a guide to address these parking concerns. That is where the one thousand feet comes into play. According to the applicant's plan there are approximately 327 available parking spots that include both on and off-street parking. The applicant has obtained a parking agreement with a private business for after-hour parking that accounts for 19 of these off-street parking spots and as also seen on the parking plan. That is with All American Insurance. This parking area is on the west side of Main Street, an arterial road, and concerns staff whether it would be used for the location across the street. The applicant's parking plan does assume -- or appears to assume that all offsite parking is available most of the time. During evening events additional nearby parking agreements would help alleviate any unavailable on-street parking being utilized by residents and other businesses in the neighborhood after normal work hours. Staff must review these applications from the perspective of the most intense use possible and not based upon any proposed event size or smaller sizes. Otherwise, staff is concerned with the parking intensity associated with the maximum occupant load of 257 persons. Because of this staff is recommending a condition of approval to limit the occupancy to one hundred people and if the applicant or owner can obtain more parking agreements per the conditions in the staff report, the maximum occupancy can increase to 150. Overall staff does support the use in this location, but wants to ensure that the -- the use here meshes with the existing neighborhood activities and character. Staff Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 14 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 12 of 51 recommends approval of the proposed conditional use permit per the conditions and findings in the staff report. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Joe. Are there any questions for staff? Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go ahead, Commissioner Seal. Seal: The -- as far as going from 100 to 150, exactly what would need to happen in order for them to show that and how -- I guess as I'm thinking about it how -- how do we -- how do we motion something like that? How do we put that in? Is it just something that is -- would be already in the staff report that we would just agree with it or is it going to take something more than that? Dodson: Good question, Commissioner Seal and Commission. It is already a condition in the staff report and written as such that when they apply for certificate of zoning compliance for this use that they will -- if they want to increase their occupancy, then, they will have to provide additional notarized parking agreements to staff. Seal: Okay. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Additional questions for Joe? Hearing none, Madam Clerk, would you like to bring the applicant -- or have them hop up on video. Or Chris. Dodson: I made my pretty presentation for you guys and we can't see it. Fitzgerald: Chris, are you unmuting Ashley? Johnson: Just did. Yes. And looking to get her presentation up. Fitzgerald: Thank you, sir. Ashley, how are you doing tonight? Buzzini: Good. How are you guys? Can you hear me? Fitzgerald: We can. Thank you, ma'am. We are going to get your presentation up in just one second. Buzzini: Okay. Not a problem. Holland: Mr. Chair, while we are working on that can I ask one more question fast? Fitzgerald: Absolutely. Go right ahead. Holland: Can you remind -- I was trying to load it in the folder, but can you remind us how big that first floor is in that two story building for the event space, how many square feet? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 15 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 13 of 51 Dodson: I will pull that up on my screen. Buzzini: If you can hear me I have an answer for it. Fitzgerald: Go right ahead, Ashley. Buzzini: Okay. So, that first level has been split into two separate permit packages, but the space that is being used for just the event center is 1 ,600 square feet on the first level. Holland: Great. Thank you. Buzzini: Yeah. Fitzgerald: Ashley, your first page is up. Do you want to start? Buzzini: Yeah. So, this -- this page just has pictures of the owner and family and, then, some of the previous owners as well just for you guys to kind of look at while we talk about a couple items within the staffing report. So, overall we think the staff report is great and it really represents the goals and intent of the project. We do understand the concern for parking, so we have taken some action steps to help with the anticipation. Oh. Can I continue? Fitzgerald: Ashley, can you do me a favor real quick? Buzzini: Yeah. Fitzgerald: Can you introduce yourself and who you are with and give us your address for the record, please. I forgot to add that. Buzzini: Oh, yeah. Sorry. So, my name is Ashley Buzzini. I'm with neUdesign Architecture. I'm a project manager with them and I'm helping Elizabeth Burgess, the owner, with her project Hidden Gem Events. Would you like the address of the property? Fitzgerald: neUdesign, please. Buzzini: Oh, neUdesign. Okay. 725 East 2nd Street. Fitzgerald: Thank you, ma'am. And go right ahead. Keep going. Sorry about that. Buzzini: Okay. Yeah. No problem. So, like I was saying, we -- we understand the concern of parking. So, we have taken some various steps to allocate the situation. So, one of the first steps we were looking into was utilizing the city code and part of that code says -- in the UDC that it would require one space for every one thousand square feet of gross floor area in a traditional neighborhood district. So, when applying that calculation to the project's property they would only need four off-street parking spaces, which started our hunt into the next step that we found in the city code, which was also recommended Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 16 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 14 of 51 by planning staff was to gain a shared parking agreement and so one of those shared parking agreements, like Joseph mentioned within his report, is with All American Insurance. They have 19 parking spots and are actually within 750 feet of the front door, which is awesome. So, after looking through the potential options with that, Elizabeth is still working on gaining other parking agreements with surrounding neighbors, but due to the current worldly situation we are all facing it has slowed the process down. So, she is looking into gaining more, but does agree with the staff's recommendation of having the occupancy lowered to one hundred people, unless obtaining more parking -- off-street parking agreements. So, another item that I would like to cover regarding the parking is the Planning Department's request to better understand how the owner plans to educate and inform patrons of where to park during held events. Elizabeth Burgess has written the following response: Hidden Gem Events will be providing a detailed map to all clients who will be renting out the facility to send each guest and patron before the scheduled event. Each event should be scheduled weeks, if not months, in advance. So, this will give plenty of time for new patrons and guests to know where parking is available. Hidden Gem Events will also provide this detailed map and instructions on our website. So, we do acknowledge that parking is a concern for this project, but we have taken action and have tried to take all of the staff planning advice and help mitigate what we can do for that existing property. We do believe that there is enough parking for the surrounding businesses, as well as residents of the area, and even the general public. So, aside from the parking, another thing that we wanted to touch on that was in the staff report was the landscaping. The owner agrees to the recommendation of having additional landscaping on that southern fence line of the property to help the privacy and mitigate both the sound and light maybe from the street or closer residents, but all in all Hidden Gem Events really is just hoping to add and be a part of the charm and appeal that the City of Meridian already has. Meridian holds so many memories and so much history, the Tolleth house being included. It's hosted past events with the -- with the previous owner -- excuse me -- for many years now. With this new ownership the historic home has the chance to celebrate new lifelong memories by providing space to celebrate all kinds of events, may they be bridal showers, baby showers, anniversaries, birthdays, small weddings, you know, kind of what -- whatever the community need to and as Elizabeth and her father have been kind of cleaning up the yard and the exterior, people come by and tell them how excited they are to see this house still being used and keeping its beautiful character intact. So, we -- we were just really excited to be part of it and if Elizabeth -- I know she's on if she would like to add anything on her business's behalf I would like her to do so. Burgess: Hi, guys. Fitzgerald: Hey, Elizabeth, can you introduce yourself and your give us your address for the record, please, ma'am. Burgess: My personal home address or the business address? Fitzgerald: Whichever one you are comfortable with. Either one is fine. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 17 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 15 of 51 Burgess: I'm Elizabeth Burgess with Hidden Gem Events and the event center is 134 East State Avenue and, then, I live next door, so -- Fitzgerald: Very good. Go right ahead, ma'am. Burgess: So, I just am a fourth generation Meridian native and I'm just excited to bring back a history of this house and share it with everyone. Sorry, I'm super nervous. And -- yeah. So, I just am very excited and understand that there is issues with parking and noise and it looks like lighting issues as well. So, we are going to address that as soon as we can. Yeah. I don't know. I'm sorry. I'm so nervous. Fitzgerald: You're doing great. No worries. Quick quick question. You're comfortable with the hundred spot limit right now or the hundred parking spot limit right now and, then, working towards that 150, you are comfortable with that in regards to your business; is that correct? Burgess: Yes. I'm comfortable with a hundred people in the yard. Obviously, it won't have a hundred people inside the home at one time, but I am working with neighboring businesses. Unfortunately, they can't meet until the end of April to discuss getting a signed letter from them, but I am working on another business with -- I believe there is 20 more spaces. Fitzgerald: Okay. We appreciate your doing your social distancing good deed. So, thank you for that. But we understand that. Any additional questions for Ashley -- or, Ashley, did you have anything to finish up or do you want me to open it for questions? Buzzini: Yeah. I would just like to add that even though it's called the Event Center, Elizabeth isn't planning on hosting big huge extravagant-- extravagant events. You know, there is going to be -- there is not going to be raves held there or, you know, concerts, but, you know, she has taken all the right steps to try to make her dream come true on this property and I think it's going to be such an awesome addition to Meridian. Meridian has so much character and me growing up in the valley, I -- I just would love to see it grow and I think it's super awesome and I appreciate all of you guys listening to the project and looking it over and, you know, giving us all your feedback. It's awesome. So, if you guys have any questions I'm happy to answer any. Fitzgerald: We appreciate both of you being here tonight and your patience as we are working through technical fun and excitement. Any questions for the applicant or for the owner? Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer. Pitzer: Yes. Thank you. I think this is a wonderful project and I agree it's going to be great for downtown. I just had a question regarding food, the catering, how -- how that's Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 18 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 16 of 51 going to work. Is that -- is that something that you're going to have for a -- is there going to be a kitchen? Burgess: No, there is no kitchen on the property and they will bring in their own food from caterers regarding that. Pitzer: Okay. And has any thought been given to valet parking when they have to park a distance away? Burgess: I have thought of that with using -- utilizing that trolley bus. I have used -- I have seen that where they have had connections from Albertsons and, then, they use the trolley to drive downtown. So, I'm going to look into that and get that connection if I were to have a bigger event with more parking. Pitzer: Great. Well, thank you very much. Burgess: Yeah. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Grove, thank you for raising your hand via Zoom. Go right ahead, sir. Grove: Trying out the new tech. All right. I had a couple of questions, Mr. Chair. So, the first question that I had -- I just wanted to make sure that I'm thinking of the right site. This house has been used in the past for the art week -- a fundraising events. Is that correct? Burgess: Correct. Grove: Okay. So, that's a fairly large event that happens every year -- or has happened every year for the last number of years; was that my understanding? Burgess: Yes. Gwen, who has hosted that for -- I don't know exactly how many years, but for a very long time and I -- I'm hoping to do the same, as long as it gets approved. Grove: Thank you. And, then, my -- my other question that I have is just kind of looking at the surrounding area, it looks like some of the biggest parking places in our downtown are right adjacent to that space. Have you worked with the post office and Cole Valley to see about getting parking agreements with those two entities? Burgess: I have. I have met with Cole Valley and, unfortunately, they are kind of -- they are not on sharing their parking at the moment. I did not reach out to the post office, just because I was thinking it was a federal parking lot, so I didn't know how to approach that. But I'm willing to -- to address them and see if they are willing to work with me. Grove: All right. Thank you. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 19 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 17 of 51 Fitzgerald: Thanks, Mr. Grove. Additional questions for the applicant or the owner? Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal, go right ahead. Seal: Just a question about the operational hours, what -- I mean what -- what is the plan as far as how early will events be able to be held and how late. That's -- that's my question. Burgess: Sure. So, I'm not an early person, but I know there is a lot of people that are probably interested, but I don't see anything going before 9:00 a.m. and I'm hoping to end everything by 10:00. If not having people clean up by 11 :00, so a quiet hour between 10:00 and 11:00, because I live next door and I don't want to deal with the noise as well, as -- understanding that there is people living there and my intentions are not to disrupt my neighbors, so -- Seal: Okay. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Commissioner Seal. Any additional questions? Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer. Pitzer: Yes, I'm sorry. I have one additional question. The offices that are upstairs, are they going to be for rent or are they going to be for your own personal use? Burgess: They are actually going to be for my personal use. I was planning on just having it as an office space and, then, the two other rooms were kind of more of a waiting room in case there are brides, they can just get their hair and makeup done and just wait for their time to get married. Pitzer: Great. Well, thank you. Burgess: You're welcome. Fitzgerald: Any additional questions? Dodson: Commissioner Fitzgerald, this is Joe. Fitzgerald: Yeah. Go ahead, Joe. Dodson: I just wanted to add to the answer, you know, to Commissioner Seal. The specific use standards for an outdoor event has to end by 11 .00 p.m. So, just wanted to Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 20 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 18 of 51 clarify that. Any outdoor event would be at -- at the earliest 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. per the UDC. Seal: Okay. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Joe, you were reading my mind, because I was pulling it up on the staff report. So, thank you for putting that in there. Holland: Mr. Chair? Dodson: Very welcome. Holland: This is Lisa Holland. So, one question I had earlier was about the size of the four foot floor plate on the first level. What -- do we have an idea of what the occupancy load would be from the Fire Department on what's even allowed inside that space? I don't know if that's a question for -- Fitzgerald: Ashley, is that above your head? Seal: Mr. Chair, I think it's 257, according to the -- that's what the Meridian Fire Department has in their report. Dodson: That is correct, Commission. That is -- Cassinelli: That's the yard. That's the exterior it looks like. Dodson: Yes. Fitzgerald: Yeah. Dodson: I did not see in the staff report the specific occupancy for the interior. Fitzgerald: Ashley, can you address that? Buzzini: Yeah. So, that -- the 200 number is for the exterior only. The interior I -- I don't have the exact number with me, but it was under 50 occupants. Holland: So, I guess my-- my reason for asking that question was just -- I think that helps maybe put some calm in people's thoughts about the parking situation. Buzzini: Uh-huh. Holland: Three hundred square feet. I don't think you are going to be able to have -- I mean I can't imagine having a hundred people in a 16,00 square foot space indoors. It would be pretty tight. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 21 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 19 of 51 Buzzini: Yeah. No, it would be very tight. Fitzgerald: Thank you. Any additional questions? Okay. Thanks, Ashley. Elizabeth. We are going to see if there is any public testimony right now, then, Ashley, I will let you close. Chris or Adrienne, do we have -- do we have any one on the line that is -- was wanting to testify on this application? Johnson: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Chris, go right ahead, sir. Johnson: Yeah. We -- sorry, Adrienne was muted. We do have people on the line. I'm not sure if they are here about this, so if anyone is here for that I would recommend they unmute themselves, then, we can decide who can speak at that point. Fitzgerald: Is there anyone on the line looking to testify on this application? And if you are on the phone star six will unmute you. So, just FYI if you are trying to speak and we are not hearing you. Hit star six and that will unmute you. Give you a couple seconds to see if we get any takers. Don't see anyone unmuting. Okay. Ashley, do you want to close, give us any last thoughts and, then, we can deliberate? Buzzini: I -- really I just want to thank you guys for listening and taking your time to look over the projects and get some clarification on your question, so thank you. Fitzgerald: We appreciate it. Thank you. Any last questions for either the applicant or staff? Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: I was going to make a motion here. Fitzgerald: Motions are always in order, sir. Go right ahead. Cassinelli: I move to close the public hearing for Hidden Gems Events, H-2020-0015. Holland: I will second. Fitzgerald: Motion and a second to close the public hearing on Hidden Gem Events. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same. Motion passes. Thank you very much. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Fitzgerald: Does anyone want to lead off? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 22 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 20 of 51 Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: I think it sounds like a nice use for the downtown. That's typically where you want to have people gathering and gives people reasons to come in. I'm not super concerned with the parking, because I -- again, I think that they have done a lot of work in trying to find alternate scenarios and, you know, like she said, there is so many places in parking lots around where they are located that I think if there was, you know, a one- off event that someone ended up overflowing into the post office parking lot or, you know, doing some ride sharing from the Albertson's down the street, I think there is a lot of options for that. I don't think they are going to be having lots of hundred people plus events there. From the way that they have described it it sounds like it's more kind of a smaller gathering, 20 to 30 people at a time kind of thing. So, I think it's a nice use. I think they have put a lot of thought into it and I wish them the best with their concept. Fitzgerald: Thank you, ma'am. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: I would agree with that. I think just the physical size of the space is going to limit the number of people -- you know, the number of events that you really have that are solely outdoor without an indoor backup, you know, are not that many. I think the spirit of what they are trying to do is -- it's a nice addition. Fitzgerald: Additional comments? Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Grove. Cassinelli: This was Bill. Fitzgerald: Oh, sorry, Commissioner Cassinelli. I apologize. Cassinelli: It's -- as long as you like motions, I'm going to -- I'm going to make a motion. After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council file number H-2020-0015 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of April 2nd, 2020. Holland: Commissioner Cassinelli? Fitzgerald: Can I make a -- yeah. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 23 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 21 of 51 Cassinelli: No modifications. Holland: It's a conditional use permit, so we get to approve it. Cassinelli: Oh. Oh, that's right, it is. So, I -- approve the conditional use permit. Holland: I will second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to approve the conditional use permit for file H- 2020-0015. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. Congratulations. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Fitzgerald: Good luck. We appreciate all you are doing for downtown and we -- Cassinelli: It's awesome. D. (To Begin No Earlier than 6:45) Public Hearing for Lavender Heights Subdivision (H-2020-0009) by Westpark Company Inc., Located East of S. Locust Grove Rd. and North of E. Lake Hazel Rd. 1 . Request: Annexation and Zoning of 55.14 acres of land with R-4, R-8, R-15, and R-40 zoning districts; and, 2. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 188 building lots, 24 common lots, and 3 other lots. Fitzgerald: Thank you. Thanks, Elizabeth. Thanks, Ashley. We appreciate you guys. Okay. Thank you, Commission. Moving to the last item on our agenda -- and I was given a heads up that we couldn't start until after 6:45 and we did that with all our technical fun, so we will go ahead and open the public hearing for Lavender Heights Subdivision, H- 2020-0009 and start with the staff report. Joe, are you with us? Dodson: I am still with you guys. Thank you. This one does have some nicer, prettier presentations that I would love to share with you guys. Fitzgerald: We see them. Dodson: Okay. So -- all right. Let's get this going. The application before you is a request for annexation and zoning and preliminary -- preliminary plat of 55.14 total acres, separated into four proposed zoning districts, R-4 is 16.6 acres. R-8, 27.8 acres. R-15 with 3.25 acres. And R-40 with 7.44 acres. The preliminary plat proposes 187 single family residential lots, one multi-family lot, and 27 common lots. The total proposed unit count as proposed, again, is 235 residential units, at a gross density of 5.86 DU per acre Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 24 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 22 of 51 and a net density of 3.56 DU per acre across the entire project. If you go to the next slide, Chris. Johnson: Joe, you have control over that. You have to accept that on your panel and you will be able to control the slide. It's just waiting for you to accept it. Dodson: Right. How do I -- okay. I apologize. I have not been given permission, so -- Johnson: Okay. I'm going to take away the permission and I will do the slide for you. Dodson: Thank you, sir. So, this is an exhibit showing the proposed zoning. The applicant has proposed approximately 7.7 acres of qualified open space. Approximately 14.66 percent of the 55 acres. And three amenities to include a multi-use pathway extension, swimming pool, and additional open space. Access is proposed via a new collector roadway, South Bloomerang Avenue, from an existing arterial East Lake Hazel Road. Additional access is proposed to be extending a public local street in the northeast corner from the existing subdivision to the east. The street would be East Brace Drive. The proposed project location does not lie within Meridian Fire's five minute response time goal boundaries. The expected response time is currently seven minutes from Fire Station 4 and Station 4 has a reliability rating of 78 percent, which is also below their goal of 80 percent reliable. The proposed project does not -- or does -- I apologize -- does meet all required road and turnaround widths. ACHD is not requiring any additional mitigation or road improvements to any nearby intersections. Each road intersection being in their capital improvement plan over the next three to five years. The applicant is proposing, with ACHD's agreement, to widen portions of Lake Hazel fronting the property, to install a westbound turn lane and an eastbound turn lane onto the new collector roadway South Bloomerang Avenue. Overall the project is proposed to be developed in four phases. The single family and the multi-family will be in its own space. Chris, could you go to the next slide, please. The larger R-4 lots reside around the exterior of the property to better match the existing homes to the north. The applicant is, then, proposing R-8 lots further in the interior and along the eastern property boundary to match the density in the subdivision to the east. The R-8 lots continue an inward trend towards higher density, but make up a majority of this site as depicted by the 27 acres versus all the other acres in the zoning. R-15 zoning and alley loaded of single family homes abut the Farr Lateral and our closest to the future multi-family development. The multi-family development is proposed in the R-40 zoning district and is closest to East Lake Hazel. Throughout the development landscaping and pathways buffer the densities as well. Staff notes that the multi-family requirements have been conceptually reviewed and is not a part of this approval and nor is staff approving the current layout or any proposed improvements site design elevations or open space and amenities in the multi-family development. Could you go to the next slide, please. This is the applicant's proposed phasing plan. They do propose to create a new collector roadway, do the pool amenity, and collect the secondary access with phase one. Phase two will be the southeastern portion and phase three will be the northwest -- or the western part. They are -- I have had discussions with the applicant that the multi-family is not explicitly -- explicitly stated as a fourth phase, but that is the pattern of development. Next slide, Chris. These are Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 25 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 23 of 51 some proposed elevations that they provided us. Single family would be the ones that look more conceptual. The pictures are of their alley-loaded type design. Overall staff finds the site designed to be a great example of transitional densities and housing types. In addition, staff finds the proposed open space and pedestrian -- pedestrian connections a great fit for the city. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the requested annexation and zoning, with a requirement of the development agreement and approval of the requested preliminary plat per the conditions and findings of the staff report. And I will stand for questions. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Joe. Any questions for staff? Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: Joe, are you aware of any future fire station locations in the south there? I'm -- what's their plan? Dodson: Yes, sir. Thank you, Commissioner Cassinelli. From my understanding the -- I don't know what -- what number, seven or eight, is supposed to be directly across the street almost. So, that would help mitigate those response time issues. Cassinelli: And any timeline on that at all? Dodson: That I do not know, Commissioner. I apologize. I might have heard that there could be potential -- both seven and eight coming online in the next five years, but that is, again, beyond what has been said into any kind of budget. Cassinelli: Thank you. Dodson: You're welcome. Fitzgerald: Additional questions for staff? Grove: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Grove. Grove: Joe, I have a couple of questions. I'm having a hard time -- what is considered the collector street? And there was some confusion on my part on -- in reading the ACHD report and, then, the staff report. Like what exactly was being qualified as a collector or not collector? Could you clarify that for me? Dodson: Yes, sir. Thank you, Commissioner Grove. So, the collector roadway is that roadway that runs right next to the R-40 zoning from East Lake Hazel. It connects there and runs straight up to the Farr Lateral, up into the center of the development. That is Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 26 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 24 of 51 the collector roadway and, then, everything inside is all local streets. Lake Hazel will be the arterial. The -- there is also on the -- I don't know if you are referring to this, but the master street map by ACHD does show a future commercial collector roadway that runs on the south side of the Farr Lateral, but that is on the property to the west and in regards to that, this applicant is going to do some type of curb cut for future connections to that site, as well as he has worked with that applicant as well. Grove: And so this collector street would eventually connect over to Locust Grove; is that my understanding? Or would that be the other collector? Dodson: That -- the future commercial collector will connect to this and, yes, around -- it will go all the way around the Farr Lateral and, then, branch off near the northwest corner and connect to Locust Grove. Yes. Fitzgerald: Additional questions for Joe? Would the applicant -- Chris, can you mute the -- thank you. Would the applicant -- or is the applicant ready to present? Breckon: I'm ready. Fitzgerald: Perfect. Jon, can you introduce yourself and your -- give us your address for the record, please. Breckon: You bet. I'm going to try to -- okay. How is that? Fitzgerald: Still have a little bit of an echo. Breckon: Okay. Fitzgerald: Maybe turn your speakers off or whatever you are listening on. Cassinelli: I have lost all audio. Fitzgerald: Yeah. I think he's trying to figure it out. Breckon: Is that better? Fitzgerald: It's still echoing really badly. If you're able to call in from mobile devices that's the -- usually the problem. Breckon: Yeah. I just shut it off. Can you hear me now? Fitzgerald: Yep. That's great. Breckon: Okay. Sorry about that. All right. So, let's try that again. Jon Breckon, Breckon Land Design. 6661 North Glenwood Street, Garden City. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 27 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 25 of 51 Fitzgerald: Appreciate it. Go right ahead, sir. Breckon: Okay. Well, first, I would like to just start off by saying thank you for your support on this great project. Our team supports the city and staff and we applaud the great job they have done during this extended period of city growth. I have very much enjoyed working with Bill Parsons over the years and -- and Joe is doing a great job as well. The developer for West Park has been a fan of the city since 1986 and has a history of successful past projects, some of which are Bear Creek, which includes a 15 acre park, and Tuscany, which includes a seven plus acre park. West Park is also proud to have been instrumental in the acquisition of the 77 acre Discovery Regional Park to the south of this site. Do I just request the next slide? Johnson: I have actually given you control, Mr. Breckon. You should see that there. Breckon: Okay. Johnson: If not I'm happy to advance for you. Breckon: How do I -- how do I get the next slide? Johnson: You should be able to use your right arrow to go to the slide. Or page down. Breckon: Okay. There we go. Okay. There we go. This is the vicinity map of the site and its adjacencies. The site is located on the north side of Lake Hazel, between Locust Grove and Eagle Road. Blackrock Subdivision is to the north of us. East Ridge Subdivision to the east. And Discovery Park is to the south. The design responds to the existing topography and takes advantage of the existing views of the Boise front to the northeast. The site is almost completely surrounded by the city limits. As you can see by this slide, the site is the pink and the city limits are the tan color. The project began -- this project actually began in the fall of 2018 and we have been working with Community Development staff for over 12 months to rework the original designs in an effort to support the city's recommendations by meeting the density requirements of the city and the ACHD circulation standards. It looks like I jumped ahead here, unfortunately. Well, I will keep going. Johnson: Mr. Breckon, I can control your slides. Let me know what you need and I will get you -- Breckon: Okay. I will just ask for the next slide if that works. If you could back up one, please. Yeah. There is the overall view. Okay. Very good. Well, we were challenged to meet the city density requirements first, but the current design provides a mix of five product types. And now we could go to the next slide, which shows the zoning legend or zoning breakdown of the site. The density progress -- progression and zoning transition response to the city and the neighbors requests from north -- from the north estate lots transition from Blackrock to the north and the lot lines were adjusted at the neighbors request to align with the existing lot lines to the north. So, on that north boundary line the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 28 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 26 of 51 -- we adjusted the lot lines, so that they match up with the neighbors to the north. We have the transition from R-4, which is the outer -- the yellowish color on the west, the north and the east and, then, it goes to R-8, the orange in the center, and you will notice that there is a transition there on the east side, that aligns with the development to the east and, then, it goes to R-15, the salmon color, and, then, R-40, multi-family, along Lake Hazel frontage. Okay. And, then, there is a -- if we can go ahead and -- next couple of slides. Here is some examples of similar project -- projects, building types. Next slide. And the next slide, this is just a preliminary layout of what the multi-family site might look like. Okay. Next slide. This is -- this is a map. This referenced -- received from the city, Mr. Bongiorno, shows the service -- emergency vehicle service area highlighted there. You can see we are somewhat within that on the south side. And, then, we have also, as part of -- part of our emergency service access, adjusted the phase one so that the main entry road connects to East Brace Street on the northeast of the property. So, that there is a -- that road will continue all the way through as part of phase one. Okay. Let's try the next slide. The circulation through the site is a pedestrian friendly, walkable community, and provides pathway linkages that circulate through the site and connect all of the adjacent developments to the -- to the discovery regional park on the south. You will see we have -- if you look closely at this you will see we have detached sidewalks throughout and, then, there is also a ten foot wide regional pathway that starts on the north side and parallels the canal all the way around -- if you can see my mouse, it comes all the way around, follows the canal, comes across the canal and comes down and around to connect to the park. Bloomerang Road is the main entry road. A collector, if you will, and it leads to -- over the -- well, first of all, you come in and, then, there is -- provide access to the west for the future development and also this would align -- I have got an exhibit I will show you here in a minute -- with an access to the multi-family. And, then, you go over the bridge, over the canal, and at the end of this road the plan is to have a nice infinity edge swimming pool that will double as a water feature. I already mentioned the walking trails throughout. The pool. We also have qualified open space in the neighborhood park area. Okay. Let's -- let's try the next slide, please. Okay. Yes. Here is the -- this is the exhibit that shows the access points off the main entry. These lines. And so this will allow connection and development of land to the west and the plan would be that this -- this development will also link over to Locust Grove. Next slide, please. This is a shot of the masterplan for the 77 acre park, just so you can see the ultimate build out of this. This is really quite a gem for the city. And, you know, we consider it as an amenity for--for all the adjacent developments. Next slide. Okay. Here is just a shot of the phasing. You can see the phase one, the pink, and the entry road comes through and connects up and connects over to the northeast and, then, phase two would be on the east side. Phase three on the west side. And phase four potentially, the multi-family up in front there. I would like to -- there was one -- one item on -- on the staff report,just like to make note of, was the existing Baumgartner house, and that--we would like to include that as part of phase two. Kathi Baumgartner has been very cooperative and helpful and it would assist us in making everything work smoothly to have that included in phase two. Fitzgerald: And, Jon, that's the -- kind of large lot on the blue section right there; is that correct? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 29 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 27 of 51 Breckon: It is. This -- this -- yeah. If we go to the next slide you will see on the color plan it probably shows a little bit better. I think. Yeah. Right there you see the existing home that we are working to retain and we really reworked this design many times to make this work. But, yeah, that's -- that's the Baumgartner house. Fitzgerald: Thank you. Breckon: In conclusion, I would just like to say we are looking forward to completing another high quality project that properly responds to the city's needs and that we will be a highly valued piece of Meridian's urban fabric. Thank you for your time. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Jon. Are there any questions for the applicant? Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? This is Bill. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Cassinelli, go right ahead, sir. Cassinelli: Jon, a couple questions on that. The Baumgartner lot -- Breckon: Yes. Cassinelli: Is that the -- that's going to remain a single family residence on one large lot there? Breckon: Yes, sir. Cassinelli: Okay. And, then, I also was curious if you had looked at any other layouts as far as some of the common lots there all tend to be right up front. Did you look at -- did you have any other-- did you -- did you look at any other layouts with -- with some of that -- some of the -- those common lots spread out more evenly? Breckon: Yes, sir. We went through many many concepts and we had a variety of options there. You know, I think one thing to maybe note on that is that our -- one of our driving goals was -- was to increase the density and -- and, then, also to, you know, make these amenities -- make the most of our amenities that we are providing. You know, one of the biggest amenities is just the walkability of the community and the ten foot wide regional pathway that cuts through the site and so, you know, the preference here was to have those open spaces adjacent to that. Those work in conjunction with one another. Cassinelli: Okay. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Additional questions for the applicant? Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 30 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 28 of 51 Seal: Just a question on the -- the connector street that is going to connect into the east there. Is -- is there a subdivision that's already in there or is that something that's going to be in the future? Fitzgerald: It's already -- I think it's already getting built, Bill, but I will let the applicant answer that. Breckon: Yes, sir. The -- to the east -- actually, if we can go back towards the beginning I have an exhibit that shows the adjacent subdivisions, but that's East Ridge. It's phase one of East Ridge has -- has been installed and they are currently building homes there. It wraps -- it wraps the north and east side of the adjacent larger property. I'm familiar with that one, because I did the landscape plan for it. Seal: Okay. So, essentially, the -- that connector road is going to be something that's functional and provide a second access out to Lake Hazel; correct? Breckon: Yes, sir. Yeah. That's the intent there. That provides better emergency vehicle connectivity for not just us, but the adjacent development. Seal: Okay. Thank you. Cassinelli: Mr. Chair, this is Bill. I have another question. Fitzgerald: Go right ahead, sir. Cassinelli: Jon, is that a -- back there on Lots 23, 24, 25, is that -- is that a private drive there connecting -- Breckon: Oh, yes, it is. It is. That's -- that -- that was one of the things we worked out with ACHD and the staff, because one of the earlier concepts we had that all connected through as one major road and it didn't meet the block length requirements and so, you know, in order to provide some traffic calming we -- we narrowed that down and made it a private drive. Cassinelli: So, is that accessible from one side? Breckon: It's accessible from both. And, you know, actually, I don't remember if we -- if we -- we had talked about -- at one point about putting bollards in there. I don't -- maybe -- maybe Joe remembers if we were going to do that or not, but we do have it narrowed down. It's just a private drive. Cassinelli: And there would be a -- you know, like a driveway approach on either side, so, you know, as you drive into there it would be a bump. Dodson: Commission, this is Joe. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 31 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 29 of 51 Fitzgerald: Go right ahead, Joe. Dodson: From what I understand this -- the application did not have any kind of bollards or any -- anything to close off those accesses. It would be basically a driveway for those three lots. Fitzgerald: But you do have curb, gutter, sidewalk to go over to get into it; correct? Dodson: That is -- that is correct. That's what I saw on the -- on the drawings. Correct. Breckon: Correct. Fitzgerald: Thank you, both. Bill, did you have an additional question? Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: Just -- I guess the only one is ACHD was -- was okay with that plan? Breckon: Yes, sir. Dodson: Yes, sir. I read their staff report thoroughly and they -- they did not have any issues with it. Cassinelli: Thank you. Mr. Parsons, did you have a comment there? Parsons: I do. If I may. I -- you know, I just want to share with the Commission that recently the city has been experiencing in others -- in other neighborhoods where driveways such as this -- or even multi-use pathways that are built and connecting between blocks, people are using them as private roadways to -- as their own personal road and so we are having to go back and -- the city's having to go back and retrofit a lot of these pathways with bollards or some kind of fencing to meet Fire Department requirements to restrict vehicle traffic. So, certainly, if the applicant has not proposed bollards for this common driveway I think it's best -- it's in their best interest and the city's best interest to have them work with Joe Bongiorno and our Fire Department and make sure we have some kind of bollards in place for that common driveway, so we don't create a thoroughfare for those three property owners, because I can just see that an issue for the city down the road. If there is not a condition of approval in there, then, we certainly need to add that this evening. Fitzgerald: Jon, do you have any feedback on that? I appreciate that, Bill. Breckon: Commissioners, yes, we would be glad to -- to make that modification to add bollards or some other device to pull that off so you can't drive through. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you for that. Commissioner Cassinelli, did you have additional questions? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 32 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 30 of 51 Cassinelli: No. That -- that takes care of that. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thank you. Additional questions for the applicant? Grove: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Grove, go right ahead, sir. Grove: The applicant -- this is just kind of a generalized question, so you might not be able to answer it completely, but this is me being a new Commissioner and trying to understand some things, so looking at the phasing of this project I really like how it transitions between R-4 to R-40, but my question is why is R-40 the last phase of this project? And I guess kind of in general like how -- why -- why is it backwards in terms of density going from lowest to highest density, that is -- that goes in that order? Breckon: Well, Commissioners, the -- the market kind of drives what the demand is. Right now the -- we feel that the single family homes would -- would be more beneficial and -- and, you know, I guess the multi-family, that remains to be seen. That's kind of a -- the multi-family is a project of its own I guess would be the -- the other piece of the puzzle, you know, as far as getting approvals and so forth. This is really the first step to get the overall development approved and, then, the multi-family we will have to come back for resubmittal for its own application and we will -- you know, at that time we would be seeing you again. Grove: Okay. Thank you. The reason I bring it up is just because every time we have had applications in the last few months when a multi-family comes in everyone that's in these homes for a few years in phases one, two, and three complain that they didn't know that a multi-family unit was going to be built right next to them and it's a large open space and so that's just my concern there. And my other question is looking at the West Ada report, it looks like there is going to be massive overcrowding. Do you know of -- what their plans are? Have you coordinated with them in terms of additional elementary schools in this general area? Breckon: Well, I did include -- go to some of -- the next slide shows the service areas for elementary school, middle school, and high school and our site lies within the Mountain View High School, the Victory Middle School, and the Hillsdale Elementary School and now I did not contact West Ada School District directly to determine the timing on -- on the next school construction, but, yeah, I understand. I mean that's certainly a concern, but, you know, as -- as these things -- you know, kind of how these things work is you have got to have the demand, which is the housing, which helps fund some of the -- some of the other improvements, as well as future fire stations and so forth and so, you know, we, along with some of the other developments, I'm sure will pique the interest of the school district to look for additional school sites. Fitzgerald: Mr. Grove, do you have additional questions, sir? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 33 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 31 of 51 Grove: No, not at the time. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thank you. Any additional questions? Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Yes, sir. Go ahead. Cassinelli: This is Bill. Jon, can you walk me through some of the -- I think that's the R- 15 -- not the alley load, but just to the south, what's the design on those -- the -- the ones that are on the canal. Breckon: Correct. So, like Lots 11 through 33 1 think. Cassinelli: Yeah. Breckon: Up in that -- yeah. Those are a court design. Yeah. I don't know that I have a photo of that, but what -- I guess I will just try to describe it as best I can. What it is is a -- four separate units with a shared driveway access and you can kind of see that by the -- by the lot layout. Each lot needs to have frontage on the road and so they would -- you know, you drive in a shared driveway and, then, you would have garages off of that. There -- they would be side by side and perpendicular to entry. They are a very compact, efficient design, and have been successful in various locations throughout the valley, I know that. Does that help? Cassinelli: Yeah. And, then, to the north of that is the alley loaded units. Cassinelli: Are those typically -- on those -- those ones where there is four -- a common driveway there, are those single story or are they two story? Breckon: Single story. Cassinelli: All single story? Breckon: Yes. Cassinelli: Okay. With an attached garage? Breckon: Yes. Cassinelli: But no shared walls? Breckon: The garages are shared. Yeah. Or they can be. They are --they are--typically they would be shared. From the front it looks like a nice single family home, although you have four units there. The alley load -- the -- the -- on the alley load product there, those -- those are all -- have garages off the alley and, then, a nice street frontage approach. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 34 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 32 of 51 Cassinelli: And are those two story on those alley loads? Breckon: Yes. Well, they could be either. So, yeah, I would -- I would expect they would. Cassinelli: Okay. Fitzgerald: Do we have additional questions for the applicant? Breckon: I could -- I could also share that East Ridge to the east of us, they have some of that same -- same product types with the auto court design in a future phase, as well as the R-8. Fitzgerald: Jon, I have a quick question. I think in the staff report there was a discussion about open space and the pool being included in that. Do you have a -- kind of feed -- some feedback there on making sure we are hitting adequate open space? Breckon: Yes, sir. We do meet all of our open space requirements. Fitzgerald: And got the pool area being included? Breckon: Yes. I think there is seven acres of open space. Fitzgerald: Yeah. I just want to make sure there was -- on qualified open space there was a component of the calculation that looks like there was inclusion of the -- the pool and the pool deck, which is an amenity and can't be included in open space -- or calculations. I just want to make sure that -- Breckon: Yes, sir. Joe may have the numbers on that, but I'm quite confident that we worked through all that. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you. Any additional questions for the --for the applicant? Okay. Jon, we are going to see if we have public testimony to take and, then, I will let you close. Breckon: Thank you, sir. Fitzgerald: Thank you. Chris or Adrienne, do we have anyone on the phone that would like to testify that you're aware of or should I open it up? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, we do have one person signed up. It's Kathi Baumgartner. And I do believe she does wish to participate. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you, Madam Clerk. Mrs. Baumgartner, are you on the phone? If you are -- Baumgartner: I did not sign up to wanting to speak. I'm sorry. I wasn't planning to speak. But thank you. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 35 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 33of51 Fitzgerald: Thanks, Kathi. We appreciate it. Is there anyone else on the phone that would like to testify on this application? Unmute yourself using star six if you are muted. None right now? Seeing none right now. Going once. Going twice. And, Adrienne, we don't have anybody else; correct? Just making sure just for the record. Kathi was the only one? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, that's correct. Fitzgerald: Okay. Making sure there is no one else who would like to testify. Okay. Jon, do you want to close, sir? Breckon: Yes, sir. I just appreciate everybody's time and I look forward to this project moving forward. It's been a long time coming and I think it will -- it will be a great addition to the community. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Jon. Are there any questions for Jon or for the staff before we close the public hearing? Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland, go right ahead. Holland: And there was one request by the applicant about the existing house that's on the lot. If -- do we need to make a motion to include their request or is that something that's already covered in the staff report? Fitzgerald: Jon or Joe, do you want to cover that? Just want to make sure we understand what the request is. Dodson: Understood. Yes. Commissioner Holland, Commission, it is not part of the staff report. At the applicant's request it would be -- you guys would have to make a motion to change my-- one of my conditions in the staff report. I believe it is condition number eight under A-8. Yeah. Fitzgerald: Joe, can you read that for the record. Dodson: For the record it is: The existing home that is to remain shall be required to connect to City of Meridian city services in phase one of the development. Therefore, a revised phasing plan should be submitted to the Planning Department at least ten days prior to the City Council hearing reflecting this requirement. So, if Commission were to agree with the applicant and change it to phase two, that would -- that would be the change. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thanks, Joe. Dodson: You're welcome. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 36 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 34 of 51 Fitzgerald: Jon, is that correct? Are we speaking correctly and that is your request? Breckon: Yes, sir. That is my request that it be included in phase two. We -- you know, we would like to connect as expeditiously as we can. However, yes, it would definitely be the preference -- and we respectfully request that you allow us to do it in phase two. Fitzgerald: Thank you for the clarification. Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland -- Commissioner Seal, go right ahead. Seal: Just a quick question on the -- when we were talking about the private drive there at the northern boundary, when they were talking about having bollards in there, I mean I'm looking at it and to put bollards in there, wouldn't that block off Lot 24? Fitzgerald: I think it will allow them to use -- go to the other side of the driveway, though. That would be the end. So, it would allow bike traffic and walking traffic, but not -- so, they would have to orient their driveway to attach the common drive, so you go out -- whichever area they decided to put it on, either on the east or the west. Have to work with Chief Bongiorno. Parsons: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Yeah. Go right ahead. Parsons: Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission, Commissioner Seal, certainly the applicant doesn't even need to extend the common driveway through the entire site. He could just have the two lots take access and the -- the lot to the west actually has frontage on the -- at the curve on that street. So, if he was to restrict the plat to only have the two homes access the common drive and have the other lot take access from the adjacent street to the west, we wouldn't even need bollards, unless the Fire Department needed emergency access through there, which I don't anticipate they do. So, certainly if the applicants just work with staff on addressing that concern we can certainly move forward with that condition without the bollards. I think there is an easy design fix there to work with the applicant and get that resolved. I also wanted to touch base on Nick's -- Nick's comment about the phasing and why the -- the density is happening with a later phase versus the earlier phase. Certainly I have been working with the city a long time and I have heard that complaint time and time again at public hearings, that the higher density is always the last one to go in and, then, we end up having these tumultuous hearings, because people don't want multi-family around them and in my experience with -- when that's happened we have made the developer in their marketing material inform the future buyers that multi-family will be part of the development in the future. So, that's something within your purview this evening. If you want to add that as a condition of approval as part of the development agreement that in their marketing materials the applicant share with future homebuyers that multi-family is part of the development, I think that's certainly Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 37 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 35of51 within your purview and it's something that I would recommend if you want to make sure you get that message out earlier rather than later. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Bill. Thanks for raising your hand, too. Any additional questions for the applicant or for staff? Cassinelli: Mr. Chair, this is Bill. Fitzgerald: Yeah, go ahead. Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: Question for staff. On the -- either Bill or Joe. On the -- the Fire Department, it being outside of their five minute window at seven minutes response time, was that a -- where did that play in your consideration? Are you looking more towards the future -- the future station there to -- across the street or just -- if I could kind of get a feel for what your thoughts were on that. Parsons: Joe, do you mind if I take this one? Dodson: Go right ahead. Parsons: Thank you. So, Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission, Commissioner Cassinelli, your -- yes, does that go to -- keep in mind that fire response times are goals. There is no -- there is no code that says you have to comply with that. That's the target goal for the Fire Department and that's what they strive for. It's certainly within your purview -- and we have talked about this multiple times with our City Council -- is the applicants' proposing a phasing plan. The intent of the phasing plan is to share with you how many units you can anticipate coming online in -- in a given year or -- so, certainly, the applicant -- and this may be a two year project, this may be a ten year project, we don't know at this point in time. We don't know what's going to happen to the economy. But certainly as part of the annexation request -- and certainly with staff we are making sure that applicants are providing us phasing plans so that we can provide that -- all of that information to you and share that information to you in our staff report. Now, is staff going to recommend denial of a project because it doesn't meet the five minute response times -- I can't say we are going to do that, because, again, it's a goal, we are going to defer to our community partner, our Fire Department, and -- and let them speak to that requirement. That's something that the City Council and the Mayor are going to have to take under consideration as part of a budget amendment in the future and how they want to tackle and provide service to the city. But right now, yes, we share that information with you. We -- we take all of that information into consideration, but given the fact that there is already development occurring in the area, there is appropriate stub streets, they are making those necessary connections with the first phase, staff felt comfortable with the recommendation of this project with the -- based on the feedback from all the departments that gave -- gave us input on the staff report. So, that's how we are looking at it. Again, it's a goal, it's not a code requirement. But, again, if that's something that causes the Commission a concern and you want to hold them to no more than two phases until such time as the fire department is opened across the street, certainly you can have Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 38 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 36 of 51 that as a recommended DA provision and let the City Council take that under consideration as they move forward through the process. Cassinelli: Thank you, Bill. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Bill. Commissioner Cassinelli, did you have additional questions? Cassinelli: I think I'm good. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Okay. Anyone -- additional questions for staff or for the applicant? In that regard, can I get a motion to close the public hearing? Seal: So moved. McCarvel: Second. Holland: Second. Cassinelli: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to close public hearing on H-2020-0009. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same. Motion passes. Thank you all. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Fitzgerald: Who wants to lead off? Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal. Seal: A few of the things I really like about the subdivision is the phasing, especially the way that they are going from, you know, a larger size lot down the -- and less density going to more density. You know, if the market changes that gives them a little more flexibility. It's something that they want to do things a little bit differently. I have to say I'm a little less concerned about people arguing about a multi-family going into this, just because of the -- of the Farr Lateral being in there, them having to cross a bridge and, you know, this giant area being open in there. So, I mean there is going to be quite a bit of separation in there. A lot of times that -- that comes in where, you know, essentially, you have an apartment building right up against a fence or something along those lines. So, I think this -- you know, the way that they are putting this in is -- is a responsible way to do it. With that said, I do like the idea of having them having a recommendation in there as far as them having -- having knowledge of a multi-family development as -- as part of this entire development coming in. The bridge going over the lateral is -- is kind of neat, too. I think that's going to be a -- actually kind of a neat amenity for the -- the place and provide a little bit of seclusion, you know, or not -- not a true seclusion, but the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 39 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 37of51 -- the idea of it, I guess, is they -- is they go into the -- into the subdivision. The two biggest concerns I have about this is just the way -- the way that the Fire Department worded their response makes me pause. I mean it just says, you know, the overview. This project cannot be serviced by the Meridian Fire Department. It's not a -- you know, I don't think it's that -- saying that they won't try to service it, it -- but to me that says they are saying that they cannot service it even though it's a goal, you know, and, again, we have had Chief Bongiorno come in and explain some of these things to us as far as some of their goals that they are hitting, but I have not seen something come in where they just flat said cannot be serviced by Meridian Fire Department. So, that -- that makes -- that makes me pause a little bit for sure. I mean we want to make sure that, you know, with -- with a division or development like this that's going in that they are -- you know, that our community partners that are in with this have the means to service it and -- you know, the best that they possibly can and it sounds to me like the Meridian Fire Department is saying that's -- that's not feasible. The other one -- and I have said this a lot, because it's the problem everywhere. Our report from West Ada School District -- I mean, number one, this is in the Hillsdale Elementary, which is currently capped. So, they are already so far over that they capped their enrollment. Sienna Elementary. If you look at it on a map -- I mean I think Hillsdale is like 2.5 miles and Sienna Elementary is 2.8. So, it's negligible as far as how far away those schools are going to be. So, I don't think there is going to be any opposition from parents and they are saying, hey, I thought my kids were going to go here, they got to go there, it's not like the school is next door. That said, Sienna Elementary is already over capacity. Victory Middle School, already over capacity. The only one that's not over capacity is Mountain View High School. My understanding there are no schools being -- being built in this general vicinity. So, this is going to land right in the middle of an elementary school that's already overcrowded and a middle school that's already overcrowded. So, to me that's -- you know, we are not being responsible as far as that's concerned. I mean I understand that you got to wait for the houses to go in, but we are putting the houses in so fast the schools can't catch up. I mean one year of revenue isn't going to build a school. That's not the way this works. So, I have big reservations about approving anything that's going to drive those higher, especially knowing that the counts that they have in there don't account for the multi- family dwelling that's going to go in in the future. Fitzgerald: Additional comments? Cassinelli: Mr. Chair, this is Bill. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: I -- I share Commissioner Seal's concerns about both the Fire Department's reports and where we stand with -- with overcrowding at our schools and schools that don't -- you know, that -- that goes the opposite way of making us a -- a friendly, livable community when every school around it's -- exceeds capacity and you look at the numbers at Sienna, they are actually about as much over capacity as Hillsdale, which is -- which is capped. The other -- just off the top, I have got concerns with all the open space right by the entrance. I listened to the applicant say how they -- you know, it's -- Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 40 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 38of51 it's by the -- by the lateral, by the path, but the thing is is you have got the park across the street on Lake Hazel that has plenty of open space. I would like to see the open space dispersed a little, maybe even towards the back there and it could even help with some of the -- the lot distribution against the R-2 to the north if you moved -- if you put some -- one of those open spaces at least up to the -- to the north. I think it can be so -- would they lose out on a -- on a house or two, probably. Is it going to change the density? No, I don't think so. But I think that I just -- I don't like developments that we have seen before where they are trying to cram all the open space into one area and that's what it's like when I look at the -- that color map of the open space that's what I see. It's all down in front and yet that's where all the -- the park is going to be across the street. So, it seems redundant to put that up front. Those are my comments. Fitzgerald: Just one comment that I think --just for everybody's information. I think you have got some landscape issues -- topography to the -- to the north that they are trying to manage through. Just FYI. Looking at that -- looking at some of the maps in the staff report you have got some significant topography going on. So, that's just an informational. Additional comments, questions? Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: I would echo some of the same concerns the first few Commissioners shared. You know, it's always unnerving when you don't meet Fire Department regulations, but I appreciated the map that the applicant included that showed where the service territory does exist that looks like maybe a good chunk at least of the entrance part of it would be in the service territory, but the bulk of the project as it develops out won't be. You know, it's my hope, obviously, that we get another fire station online. It's hard to know what the timing of those things are as well. But they tend to follow a demand as well, so I'm a little less worried about the fire one. I am worried about the school site. It's a challenge we have whenever we have a big development project, because all of our schools are overcrowded and we are one of the fastest growing cities. I don't know if this virus will slow down our growth for a little while. It might. So, it's hard to say what the timing of the actual implementation of these homes will be. It could be another three -- three or four years before they are done at full build out. So, by then a lot of things can change in the school district, too. So, just keeping that in mind. Going through the condition request that they had, I don't see a big concern with having the existing home connect to city services in phase two. I think that's an easy request. I would agree with staff's recommendation, instead of putting bollards there I would rather just see them work with readjusting that driveway. So, I think if -- if we make a motion there I would rather have it be work with staff to adjust the shared driveway on the northern boundary or if -- work with the fire district on calming measures if -- if they decided to move forward with it, as -- as presented. And back to the comments about the multi-family. I don't think the challenge is going to be that people don't want to live next to multi-family, especially with the canal. The challenge is going to be traffic, because that's a question we always get. Oh, my gosh, you don't understand how long we wait to try and turn off from the road and Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 41 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 39of51 it's a major collector, we get backed up and now you are going to add another 50 cars coming in and out of there to my morning commute. That's what the issue will be. It's not going to be the location or the -- it's in my backyard, it will be traffic that they come back to us with. So, I would think they need to advertise that as well. Fitzgerald: Thank you, ma'am. Additional comments? Grove: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Grove. Grove: I just wanted to echo a little bit of what's been said, but also kind of throw a few things out there. So, I like the transition, as Commissioner Seal said from the R-4 to the R-40, like the -- going low to high density. I like how they have mapped that out. I like that layout. It works. But I definitely do think we have to include the marketing piece that Bill alluded to in terms of alerting people. Even if it is not the, you know, in my backyard, you know, having it right next to them, especially with how it's transitioned from lower to high density, we will get something, you know, like Commissioner Holland said, in terms of the traffic and that being an issue. And my other point to the traffic is just to put on record I don't -- looking at how everyone's looking at the -- what's called the south Meridian transportation plan and referencing it as a standard which they are basing some of the roadway analysis on, it was done in 2009, which seems rather dated for us to be continuing to use in terms of how everything has changed, especially with the FLUM remap and all the developments that have happened. So, throwing that out there that I would like to have -- whoever is in charge of that take a look at having that re-scheduled, so that we have better information to look at for these developments that are going to come. And, then, I really do have a concern with the -- the school district numbers. That is -- in Sienna it's showing 170 over capacity. That's a lot to transport additional kids into. So, I have major concerns with the school district aspect. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: Yeah. I -- I agree with most everything that's been said. I really have no qualms about having the house connect in phase two and I agree that the common driveway--just changing the -- the design just a tad will fix that. And the materials should be included to inform of future multi-family and I'm -- I'm not quite as concerned about the fire, because I think that fire station -- especially with the park and everything that's going on around there, I'm guessing that fire station is going to come fairly quickly with the houses, but I'm not sure -- can we have as part of this -- yeah, that we recommend approval pending future site of schools? I mean because I do think, you know, at some point we have got to say, okay, everything's so overloaded and if there is not even a plan for the future site, that's where we kind of need to draw the line. At least in others, you know, we have had -- there has been a plan for a future site and we know things are coming. So, in general, I think, you know, they have done a good job with the mix and -- Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 42 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 40 of 51 and probably a push to get to their density requirements, as well as the transition to the -- what's surrounding them. So, I don't know if we -- is -- is that part of something we can do is just recommend approval pending future school site layout? Parsons: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner, right ahead. I can't tell who that is. Parsons: Sorry. It's Bill. Planning. Fitzgerald: Go ahead, Bill. Parsons: Thank you. I just want to make a comment on that, listening to the discussion from the Commission. So, no, I wouldn't feel comfortable making this continued on a future school site. What I can share with you is that we are working closely with the school district, because you are not -- not only are you guys concerned about the -- the overcapacity issue, but so is our City Council and I can tell you I have -- I have had multiple conversations with Joe Yochum at the school district and we are currently working on an application together for him to submit an elementary school site off of Linder and Overland and that will require only staff level approval at this point. So, it won't come before you or City Council -- before this Commission to approve a conditional use permit, so I can tell you that he plans on running a bond in the next month here and if that bond gets passed they are going to be constructing another elementary school in the very near future and getting that up and running, which would definitely help alleviate some student overcapacity at those three schools and, then, he also has future plans for Mary McPherson, which is about a mile and a half away where they may just scrape the whole school and rebuild a whole new school orjust add to the existing school. They don't know yet. I know he and I have had discussions where he is wanting to annex that piece of property into the city, so that they can use our sewer and water to develop that as a school site. So, there are plans in place. We just need to be hopeful that people will get out and vote and pass the bond, so that we can get some more schools built. With that I will just conclude my comments. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Bill. Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: One other comment, too. The seven acre site won't be able to start construction for the multi-family unless it comes back before us for a conditional use permit. I think that helps a little bit in the density, because if we are still in the same situation, then, we can -- we can say we are okay with multi-family, but it's not the right timing at that point. Just as something else to think about. Seven acres might make a great school site. Fitzgerald: I don't think that a triangular piece works for a school, but -- Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 43 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 41 of 51 Holland: Oh, I know. Just throwing it out there. Fitzgerald: Next to a lateral. Yeah. And that was interesting that you said that, because I think that was one of the -- Joe Yochum's comments is he is always looking for land. So, that was in their letter looking for-- and I asked staff earlier today about that in regards to looking for land to be donated to the school district, which always happens with large subdivisions. So, giving you a couple of my thoughts. I think this is a very nice development laid out wise. I think it's right next to a giant park and so I -- I have a tough time with us looking at a denial if that's where we are headed based on the future. I think the --the Fire Department was the phasing, if we wanted to put some stipulations on there I'm okay with that and they are --their response time is 78 percent on time and 80 percent is what they shoot for. So, I'm -- we are basing some of our comments on two percent of their efficiency. So, I want to make sure we are aware of that, too. I do think it's a nice -- nicely laid out project. I think they did a nice job. I think the balance between the estate level homes in Blackrock down to the multi-family to that park is kind of how you would like to see these things built out and so I -- I hear the concerns definitely. I'm less concerned about the fire department. I understand the thoughts on the school district, but I think there is mitigations that are happening that we need to take into account. I do know that this group has built some really impressive subdivisions in the past and so -- but I -- and I understand where everyone's thoughts are, so I -- those are my comments just for food for thought and would love to hear everybody else's comments. Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer. Pitzer: Patty. Thank you. I'm not going to be redundant. I mean I think -- I think a lot of what was said I agree with, especially if you are transitioning. I think it shows a lot of forethought that they -- they kept the R-4 and thought about the neighbors in this whole subdivision. But I think that there is a lacking of open space back along -- what is that, along the edge -- or Brace there could be a tot lot or something to the back there. We are going to have kids that are going from one end of the subdivision all the way to the front with no open space and I think that that's -- that's something that needs to be addressed. I feel like these houses are going to have a lot more children with the density that they are looking at, the style of home, so definitely school is an issue. My thoughts, et cetera. So, I would like to -- I'm not going to, like you said, be redundant on -- on all of that, but with the pool, et cetera, being counted as open space, I would like to see some open space back there in that corner. Fitzgerald: Thank you, ma'am. Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 44 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 42 of 51 Holland: I don't want to cut anybody off either, but I -- I would agree, I would like to see a little bit more open space up in kind of the north or the east side where it seems like it's a little more sparse and I don't know that I want to condition that they have to do that, but I think if we are already adjusting a couple of small things with staff with that driveway, perhaps you could put a condition that says work with staff to see if there could be a better open trade configuration for some of the properties in north and east. I don't know if that would appease everybody, but I would be happy to throw a stab out there in a motion if anybody was open to that. Fitzgerald: Was there other comments? Thoughts? McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: Yeah. I think staff's comments with the schools and the future plan, I think that rests my concern with that. I mean I wouldn't hold this up because of that. Parsons: Mr. Chair, if I may. Bill. Fitzgerald: Please. Go ahead. Parsons: So, yeah, I just -- I just got some confirmation that the bond's actually been extended -- postponed a year because of the current COVID outbreak. So, I will retract some of my previous statements. But I know they are still wanting to get -- get something submitted to the city, so that when they are able to they can possibly get that under construction some other means necessary. So, just wanted to clear up the record that I have errored and stated misinformation. As far as relocating open space and working with staff, I think we can work with you on that. Just be very clear in your motion that if you want those changes done before City Council that the applicant needs to provide us a revised plat ten days prior to the City Council hearing, so we have -- staff has adequate time to analyze those changes to make sure what they are proposing complies with city code, so we could share that information with City Council. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Bill. Parsons: Thank you. Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: And whoever is about ready to maybe float a motion, we definitely have to -- I would want to see that -- what Bill just mentioned. It would have to have some teeth in it that they have to do it, not just work with -- with staff to take a look at things. But since there is some concern on the fire station, would it be maybe just what some of the other Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 45 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 43 of 51 Commissioners would think as far as the limiting to perhaps just the first two phases or until the fire station goes in or begins construction. Thoughts on that maybe. Fitzgerald: Or they can increase their response time, something like that. Cassinelli: And that seven minutes was under ideal conditions and we have all driven around the roads here, there is no ideal conditions unless it's 2:00 a.m. Fitzgerald: Or now. Holland: Or with the Coronavirus. Cassinelli: Or now. Yeah. Pitzer: Or maybe on the east side of it. But it doesn't have to be built, but at least the fire station be funded. Fitzgerald: Funded in the budget or something. Pitzer: Yes. Cassinelli: I would personally be more open to a condition of something like that in there. Fitzgerald: Thank you, Commissioner. Commissioner McCarvel, did you have a comment? I think I cut you off. I apologize. McCarvel: No. I'm good. Fitzgerald: Okay. Pogue: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Yes, ma'am. Pogue: Andrea Pogue. I might suggest you reopen to ask the applicant if he would be amenable to that last suggestion, because, otherwise, it is a -- you have to be mindful of not conditioning the applicant from development on something that's out of their control. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Andrea. Commissioner Cassinelli or other Commissioners, would that be amenable to hear from the applicant on that? Cassinelli: Yes. Fitzgerald: Okay. Holland: Mr. Chair? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 46 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 44 of 51 Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: I will make a motion that we reopen the public hearing to talk with the applicant again about the fire district restriction, as well as talking about additional open space reconfiguration for the north and see if they are amenable to those two changes. Cassinelli: Second. Pitzer: Second. Seal: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion to reopen the public hearing on H-2020-0006 -- or 09. Sorry. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Fitzgerald: Jon, are you available, sir? Or maybe have you -- or you can unmute yourself. Breckon: Can you hear me now? Fitzgerald: Yes, sir. Breckon: Yes, sir. I'm here. Thank you. I -- well, first of all, I guess I will speak to the -- the Fire Department response time. We have worked with staff and had several meetings with the Fire Department. I even have an e-mail from Mr. Bongiorno that said we do meet the Fire Department response. I would be glad to forward that to you. Also I would like to share -- I did a little research on response times and such and, you know, since 1970 the gold standard has been to arrive within eight minutes at least 90 percent of the time. Anything beyond that is just a goal. It's not required. So, I feel strongly that we do fall within the Fire Department and emergency vehicle response area. In one of our meetings the Fire Department said that -- well, there is -- the future Fire Department -- future Fire Station No. 8 is supposed to go in right across the street from us. I can't remember the exact timing of that. Seven and eight are next up to be built and they are -- let's see -- within the next three to five years. You know, along with that there is adjacent developments that have been recently approved and are under construction and they are in the same response time that we are. As far as the -- you know, the site layout and open space, I guess I would just like to reiterate that we -- you know, we are right across the street from a regional park. It's almost 80 acres and -- I mean it just seems a little over the top to require more open space. We already exceed the open space requirements. I think we are 14 percent. We are only required to have ten percent open space. You know, we have been working with staff for over a year to get this layout where it is right now. I don't know that I can add much more to that. I guess I would just strongly ask that you would reconsider some of these -- some of these talking points. Holland: Mr. Chair? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 47 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 45 of 51 Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: Mr. Breckon, a question on the -- the open space. I don't think we were necessarily asking for additional open space, but we were hoping that you might be able to reconfigure it a little bit to add just a smaller pocket park or something up in the northern section. Would that be something that's possible? Breckon: Yeah. Those are -- those are half acre lots up on the north side. They -- you know, they-- those larger lots just don't need as much -- as much park space. You know, you have got a big yard associated with them. I don't know. I guess the -- and, then, to the north of us there is Blackrock and those are even larger lots. Now, you are going to have adjacency issues with, you know, children playing in the park, being in Brighton -- these folks' backyard. If -- you know, I guess if we need to we would really just need to point out and pin down where exactly -- because we have been working with staff, like I said, for over a year on this to get it where it's at. We have been bending over backwards to meet and exceed all their requirements. Holland: Yes. Mr. Breckon, just one more follow up. I was just going to say I think the section we were talking about maybe would be adding something to the R-8 section, not necessarily the R-4 section. Breckon: Okay. I mean I guess the other -- the other thing to maybe consider with this is when we originally went in we -- we had less density and we have been working to get this higher density to where it is right now. The more destiny that you have, you know, the less opportunity there is for open spaces and to make that work with the layout. You know, you just-- it doesn't-- you can't really have both. Either we want the higher density or we want more open space and larger lots I guess is my opinion. Fitzgerald: Additional comments or questions for the -- for the applicant? Breckon: I guess one more thing to add. The -- the density is up towards the front of the project and that was really some of the reasoning of having the open space up front, because that is where the higher density is. The larger lots in the back -- you were saying before, I mean those -- those folks have -- will have a bigger yard and they are not as -- not necessarily in need of a large open space as these higher density facilities are. Holland: Mr. Chair, one more follow-up question. Fitzgerald: Absolutely. Go ahead. Holland: So, switching back to the fire station question, I think the condition that was recommended was to limit the first two phases of development until the new fire station is funded and planned for construction. Would you feel comfortable with your conversation with the fire district to have that condition in there or any other thoughts on that, Mr. Breckon? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 48 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 46 of 51 Breckon: I -- I would not feel comfortable with that. You know, I think the -- you know, the Fire Department already said that they are planning on building this new station. You know, I guess it would be helpful if we could maybe move that up the schedule, so that it will align with the development requirements of the area. I mean we are not the only ones looking -- looking to build in this area, there is several other developments that are already going in. There is a need there, that's why this location has been earmarked to have a station and limiting us is -- it's discriminating between us and other folks. Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go ahead, Commissioner Seal. Seal: I mean throwing out the discriminating comment, that -- I mean, essentially, there is -- there comes a time when -- when a choice has to be made. I mean -- and -- and you are right, there are a lot of other subdivisions that are going in there and that's one of the things that I definitely take into consideration is the fact that not only are the numbers that we have and the response times that we have based on what we have there right now, we also have to base that on what's going in right now and the fact that, you know, two years ago when some of the -- some of these places were approved to go in we didn't have the issues that we have now. We now have these issues. We have schools that are capped. The other schools in the area are going to be capped. At what point in time do we just start -- I mean at what point in time are we going to shift people from this area to Star. I mean because that's coming if -- if we don't get in front of this, so -- I mean I realize people are working on a solution, but I mean a situation like that to me is something that could definitely be coming in our near future and I don't think it's something that we want to be behind on at all. As far as the fire station going in, if -- I think it would be feasible to wait -- I mean to try and build something that's going to be safe for all the inhabitants that are in there, especially as you build on you are going to be adding more and more and more, you know, higher densities as the time goes on. So, the more houses that are developed in here, the higher the density, the more people that are put at risk. So, I don't think that it's being irresponsible or -- or trying to prevent anybody from doing anything, it's just that we have to work within, you know, the means of the city. You know, if you look at it on, you know, a person's budget, I'm not going to do anything in my own home that's going to put my family at risk. I'm not going to build something on that's going to put them at risk of not being able to be educated or not being able to prevent, you know, escape from a fire. When you apply that to a subdivision level that's what -- things that we have to look at as far as Commissioners and take into account and I mean those two things to me need to be taken into account and I just don't know that there is enough information out there for me personally to want to move forward with something -- with a subdivision or a --you know, development like this knowing that those things are looming. Fitzgerald: Additional comments? Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go right ahead. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 49 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 47 of 51 Cassinelli: Bill. I -- I understand where the applicant is coming from, so, number one on the open space, I get that -- you know, that they see the density towards the south and that's where they want to put some of the other open space, but there is some -- you know, the R-8s that are in there, I think some of those people need it and I would -- I think you could shift a couple of the lots down into one of those open spaces there on the -- on the southwest and maybe put some -- maybe move some of that open space. But I think there is some things that can be done, because when you come in off of that -- from the east there -- I mean there is nothing. It's -- it's all -- it's all residential. There is no -- there is almost no open space until you get to the front if you are coming into the development from -- from that side. So, I would -- I would really like to see them look at that. And, then, as far as the -- if we were to condition on maybe the first two phases, I think that might even be a moot point anyway. Probably by the time they got midway through phase two that fire station may wind up getting approved and start construction on, which would --which would open up the rest of that. But I don't think it's -- I'm not familiar with anything that we have seen recently in this area that we have approved where the Fire Department has said to us a definitive we cannot -- you know, we cannot meet that, which I'm not seeing the applicant's e-mail, but when I read the Fire Department report, as Commissioner Seal said, the overview says on March 9th this project cannot be serviced by the Meridian Fire Department as we cannot meet our five minute response time. And I do realize the word says goal and, then, they -- they go on -- they expound on that a little bit and that is under ideal conditions and, obviously, the more that goes in are things that were already approved and already started construction on, those -- those ideal conditions become less and less. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Commissioner. Any additional questions for the applicant while we have him in public hearing? Any additional questions for staff? Are we about ready to where we need to close the public hearing again? If so can I get a motion? Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal. Seal: Move that we close the public hearing on application H-2020-0009. Pitzer: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to close the public hearing on 2022-0009. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same. Okay. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal, do you have additional thoughts as we move into essential motions or thoughts? Seal: Mr. Chair, I mean the one thing I might share at this point in time is, honestly, I would almost think a continuance is in order just so -- because we have got conflicting Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 50 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 48 of 51 reports as to what the Fire Department can and cannot do. We have got some information coming from the staff as far as what may or may not be available from -- from the school districts as far as what they are able to provide or what they would be -- or what they are looking to provide in this area. It would be nice to get some of that information in a -- you know, essentially in bundles, so that we can look at different areas as far as service areas for not only the Fire Department, but the school district and this may be the application that is the catalyst for that. I mean -- and -- and I have to say, I mean I love everything about this application. I'm -- I'm less worried about the open space than others. I mean the Lot 24 where you have that common drive, that -- that would be a great place to put it. Two birds, one stone, you know, but there is a lot of things about this development that I really like. I think it's going to serve our community well. The fact that they do have some good density in here right across the street from a park, it's a good fit in a lot of ways. There is just some concerns that I have about our ability to service it as a community and what I take is my responsibility to look at that. I just think that maybe we want to look at a continuance so we can get more information. I don't feel that I have enough information right now to be able to, you know, recommend approval on this. Nary: Mr. Chairman? Fitzgerald: Go ahead, Bill. Nary: Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission, one of the things I can help add maybe to that discussion is I have been to the Council meetings where they have discussed those guidelines that the Fire Department is looking for. Chief Niemeyer has been on record saying Station 5, which is the station immediately across the Rocky Mountain High School -- probably many of you have seen it. Cannot meet that five minute response time, because the high school is literally behind the station. Because of roadways and how connections are made within the subdivision. So, that's why it is a goal. He has said -- and he has testified that seven minutes is a nationwide average, that four minutes is an ideal goal that no one meets in the country, because it would take literally a fire station in every square mile to do so. So, the response times that Chief Bongiorno was saying is they cannot meet their goals in a consistent, reliable way. That's not a legal standard. That is an objective. So, I would be cautious in using that as your sole reason to want to recommend denial, because it's not based on the code, which was said earlier. It's based on an objective goal that they don't meet currently and as -- as the applicant stated, we have approved others in that immediate area that also don't meet that objective goal. So, it is a very valid consideration for you to consider, but if it is the only consideration you have, I would be cautious in using that as your sole reason why this doesn't fit at this time. If you look at it logically -- and I don't have the map in front of me, but if they can't get to this space within five minutes, I'm not sure how far they can get into that park in five minutes either, so -- because it's on the other side. So, it is something that is trying to be achieved and trying to be attained within a reasonable time frame. It is an objective of the city to build stations that end up being within a fairly short window of time. Obviously there is lots of factors that come into play for that. But I just wanted to let you know that, again, the chief has testified often that, again, these are objective goals they are trying to achieve on a consistent basis, but they are not code. They are not fire code. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 51 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 49 of 51 Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Thanks, Bill. Commissioner Holland. Holland: After talking with the applicant, I -- I would agree with what Mr. Nary just said, too, that I think it's -- it's tough to limit them to the first two phases of development until the new fire station is funded, because we are -- we are in a matter of two percent of meeting their goal and I don't know that that's enough to make me feel like we can't keep this project moving forward to the two percent. I understand the concerns out there, too, but I think with the intent of a new fire station right across the street and as much development as is going on, I think it's going to be a priority for the fire station to move that forward sooner than later. So, like I said, I don't know what the -- the construction industry is certainly hurting with this COVID-19 crisis and I would imagine this project, along with others, will probably be delayed further than they would like them to be. I hope that that's not the case. But I'm not as worried about that. And with a school site I think it's really tough to condition them to wait until a new school is constructed, because they are always reconfiguring things and, again, it might be three to four years before this is fully built out and the situation will change by then. A lot of people in the elementary schools will be in the middle schools, middle schools will be in the high schools and we could have a completely different landscape in four years when this is built out and also we still have -- the multi-family will have to come back to us before we get it approved, so we will have another chance to look at it before that point. And if that's their intent to do that in the fourth phase, I don't imagine we will see that for at least a couple years. So, I would be okay not conditioning them about the fire station or the school district. On the open space I -- I would certainly like to see them play around with some ideas on how to give maybe another pocket park to the R-8 neighborhood section on the east side, but I -- I understand the applicant's point, too, that there is a lot of big lots there, they have got pathways throughout the entire subdivision. If people really want to be located next to an open space lot they are going to try and buy a lot next to the open space lot regardless and there is a giant park across the street. So, they don't have to walk too far to get to open space amenities regardless. So, I'm not worried about that either. But I would be okay putting a note in there that they could at least have a conversation with staff to see if there is another opportunity if they can come to another compromise to resubmit a new plat. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: Yeah. It was my thought -- and I'm sorry I didn't articulate it before we even reopened the public hearing for the applicant, but on the open space -- and I'm not as concerned with that at all, because I actually think -- being in front with all the higher density is probably where you want it. Those bigger lots back there, they just won't need it as much and the market will help determine that as well. Fitzgerald: Additional comments? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 52 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 50of51 Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: I will take a stab at it and see where it goes. Fitzgerald: Go right ahead, ma'am. Holland: After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval of City Council file number H-2020-0009, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of April 2nd with the following modifications: That we would adjust the condition number eight in the staff report and change it to say that the existing home will be required to connect to city services during phase two. That the applicant would work with staff to adjust the shared driveway on the northern boundary of the plat or if they decide to continue moving forward with the design as presented that they work with the fire district on calming measures. That they would work on placing information in their marketing materials for the subdivision that there is multi-family project plans to be a part of the development in the future. And they would have at least another conversation with staff to see if there could be some open space configuration for the R-8 section to give more opportunities for those -- those houses and if they come to an agreement to submit a revised plat at least ten days prior to Council meeting. McCarvel: Second. Fitzgerald: Okay. I have a motion and a second to recommend approval of file number H-2020-0009 and I'm going to have the good clerk call for roll call, just to make sure we are doing this -- everybody has the ability to vote. Madam Clerk, can you do that for me? Roll call: Fitzgerald, yea; McCarvel, yea; Holland, yea; Seal, nay; Cassinelli; nay; Grove, nay; Pitzer, yea. Fitzgerald: Okay. Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. THREE NAYS. Fitzgerald: Thank you all for working through this today. I appreciate all the efforts through this craziness that we are in. I hope you guys stay safe and healthy and we will be back here in two weeks and, then, we have a special meeting the week after that, so put that on your calendars. Hopefully everybody can be there. And I need one more motion. Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: I move we adjourn. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 53 of 265 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission April 2,2020 Page 51 of 51 McCarvel: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second for adjournment. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Thank you all. Cassinelli: Thank you for putting this all together, staff. Fitzgerald: Yeah. Awesome job, staff. We appreciate it. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:45 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED 4 116 12020 RYAN FITZGERALD - CHAIRMAN DATE APPROVED ATTEST: CHRIS JOHNSON - CITY CLERK Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 16,2020— Page 54 of 265