PZ - Revised R-15 Zone Desc EXHIBIT DESCRIPTION FOR DETACHED BARON BLACK CAT SUBDIVISION R-15 ZONING DISTRICT A portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of Puma Subdivision as filed in Book 71 of Plats at Pages 7263 through 7264, records of Ada County, Idaho and the SW 1/4 of the SW 114 of Section 22, TAN., RAW., B.M., City of Meridian, Ada County, Idaho more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the SW corner of said Section 22 from which the South 114 corner of said Section 22 bears South 89*1 T18" East, 2647.24 feet; thence along the South boundary line of said Section 22 South 89*1 T18" East, 1,323.62 feet to the SE corner of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of said Section 22; thence along the East boundary line of said SW 1/4 of the SW 114 North 00°30'49" East, 40.70 feet to a point on the North right-of-way line of State Highway 20-26, point also being the SW corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of Rockbury Subdivision as filed in Book 114 of Plats at Pages 16873 through 16878, records of Ada County, Idaho, said point also being the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along the North right-of-way line of State Highway 20-26 North 89°19'07" West, 1035.63 feet; thence leaving said North right-of-way line North 00°40'53" East, 215.58 feet; thence North 01°25'09" East, 24.00 feet; thence North 85°23'29"West, 20.68 feet; thence North 89*19'07"West, 81.00 feet; thence North 81'18'24"West, 41.65 feet; thence North 68°22'22"West, 56.39 feet; thence 17.88 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 87.50 feet, a central angle of 11°42'31"and a long chord which bears North 74°20'35" West, 17.85 feet; thence North 89°29'19"West, 44.31 feet to a point on the easterly right-of-way line of N. Black Cat Rd.; thence along easterly right-of-way line of N. Black Cat Rd. the following 3 courses and distances: thence North 00°30'41" East, 182.84 feet; thence 341.35 feet along the are of a non-tangent curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 1,468.00 feet, a central angle of 13°19'22" and a long chord which bears North 07'10'23" East, 340.58 feet; Page 1 of 2 thence 50.49 feet along the arc of said reverse curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 1,532.00 feet, a central angle of 01°53'18" and a long chord which bears North 12°53'25" East, 50.49 feet to an angle point on the southerly boundary line of Lot 2, Block 7 of Tree Farm Subdivision No. 2 as filed in Book 114 of Plats at Pages 16914 through 16921, records of Ada County, Idaho; thence along said southernly boundary line of said Tree Farm Subdivision No. 2 the following 6 course and distances: thence South 78°03'14" East, 20.00 feet; thence 61.63 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 1,552.00 feet, a central angle of 021631" and a long chord which bears North 10°48'30" East, 61.63 feet; thence North 55"40'41" East, 10.27 feet; thence 151.39 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 700.00 feet, a central angle of 12°23'31" and a long chord which bears South 71°18'06" East, 151.10 feet; thence South 65°06'21" East, 221.65 feet; thence 56.81 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 850.00 feet, a central angle of 03°49'45" and a long chord which bears South 67*01'18" East, 56.80 feet to a corner common to Lot 2, Block 7 of said Tree Farm Subdivision No. 2, and Lot 1, Block 7 of Tree Farm Subdivision No. 1 as filed in Book 113 of Plats at Pages 16498 through 16505, records of Ada County, Idaho; thence along the South boundary line of said Lot 1, Block 7 the following 4 courses and distances: thence 135.28 feet along the arc of curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 850.00 feet, a central angle of 09°07'08" and a long chord which bears South 73°29'44" East, 135.14 feet; thence South 78°03'14" East, 263.21 feet; thence 183.86 feet along the arc of curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 841.73 feet, a central angle of 12°30'53"and a long chord which bears South 8418'41" East, 183.49 feet; thence 237.50 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 841.73 feet, a central angle of 16°09'58" and a long chord which bears North 81°20'52" East, 236.71 feet to the BE corner of said Lot 1, Block 7, point also being a point on the West boundary line of said Rockbury Subdivision; thence along said West boundary line South 00°30'49"West, 679.61 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 20.13 acres, more or less. 0 LAN S G9a 7729 om mrZ�3lmz° o Page 2 of 2 (,+ 9 P OF 'roBYG.Gp J L r7 FN n N N 25 100 400 0 50 200 600 N bl SCALE: 1" = 200' ROCKBURY NO'30'49"E MI SUBDIVISION 40.70'�� SO'30'49_'W 679,61' d 7729 A �1 0 ZI3IZOZG ,t0 GT, TF OF \p GA4Y G.C?' ¢z m I INp R� U' i lad qti Nm N � mi Ir to N W I hl < } Iym 3 Isla R-15 0l = 20.13 ACRES ml �I to zMI ZI VNj m N U� W �z I z x Qp V W y 1221.65'21'E 1 221.65 F 4 / U/ _ N1 LW� 11` S78'03'14"E 20.00' L7 C C3 NO'30'41 182.84C4 C2�-_ N. 11 nN BLACK CAT RD. Ey IN m o. EXHIBIT —_ DRAWING FOR JOB N0. I DAHO e�ewEME DST. DETACHED BARON BLACK CAT SUBDIVISION SHEET NO. SURVEY ,plg,aa ,m° °° R-15 ZONING DISTRICT loft GROUP, LLC LOCATED IN TE SW M Y HE SW O SECPIX 1Y, T. N.. R.1 W.. DWC DATE B.M.. CHY C£MERIDIAN. AUA COUNTY. IDAXO Y/3/2M0 UNE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING Li 24.00 N175'09"E L2 20.68 N85'23'29"W L3 81.00 N8919'07"W L4 41.65 N8118'24"W L5 56.39 N6822'22"W L6 44.31 N89'29'19"W L] 1 10.27 N55'40'41"E CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS LENGTH CHORD DIST. CHORD BRG. DELTA Cl 87.50 17.88 17.85 N74'20'35"W 11'42'31' C2 1468.00 341.35 340.58 N710'23"E 1319'22- C3 1532.00 50.49 50.49 412'S3'25"E 1'5318" C4 1552.00 61.63 61.63 N10'48'30"E 216'31" C5 700.00 151.39 151.10 57118'O6"E 12'23'31" CB 850.00 56.81 56.80 S67'01'18"E 349'45' C . 1135.28 135.14 S73'29'44"E 9'07'08" C8 841.73 183.86 183.49 S8418.41-E 12'30'53' C9 841.73 237.50 1 236.71 N81'20'52"E 16'09'58" � ND 7729 p M'.A2I5I1oau ,r° G, TF OF OQ4Y G.G P� EXHIBIT __ DRAWING FOR 9-10'9B NO IDAHO . e9ssW EMeRwm°.. DETACHED BARON BLACK CAT SUBDIVISION SIIFEr x0. SURVEY ;� IDAHO°"° R-15 ZONING DISTRICT 2Gf2 GROUP, LLC LDCAM IN THE SW n OF THE SW h OF SECTION U. T.4N.. R.1W.. DNC DATE S.M., CITY X MERIDIAN. AOA COUNTY. IDAHO 2/3/= ap= 'z;�3r aes,°gzn ra D,g.OT gB' R'Bhp aT8°03'14"e p= 1T3p53' p= 150458 R= 841.73 R= 641.73 rc O 3 �h 036.fi3 19•0'w 7729 mr�13I2o '�Oi c9���BY F`CP" Detached Black Cat Sub R-15 Zone Closure Sheet 2i3i2020 Scale: 1 inch= 200 feet File: Tract 1:20.1297 Acres,Closure:n31.4648e 0.01 0.(1/311022),Perimeter-4133 ft. 01 n89.1907w 1035.63 15 n55.4041e 10.27 02 n00.4053e 215.58 16 Rt,r=700.00,delta=012.2331,chord=s71.1806e 151.10 03 n01.2509e 24 17 s65.0621e 221.65 04 n85.2329w 20.68 18 Lt,r-850.00,delta=003.4945,chord=s67.0118e 56.80 05 n89.190Tw 81 19 Lt,r-850.00,delta=009.0708,chord=s73.2944e 135.14 06 n81.1824w 41.65 20 s78.0314e 263.21 07 n68.2222w 56.39 21 Lt,r-941.73,delta=012.3053,chord=s84.1841e 183.49 O8 Rt.r-87.50,delta=011.4231,chord=n74.2035w 17.85 22 Lq r-941.73,delta=016.0958,chord=n81.2052e 236.71 09 n89.2919w 44.31 23 s00.3049w 579.61 10 n00.3041e 192.84 11 Rt,r=1468.00,delta=013.1922,chord=n07.1023e 340.58 12 Lt,r-1532.00,delb=001.5318,chord=n12.5325e 50.49 13 s78.0314e 20 14 Lt,r-1552,00,delta=002.1631,chord=00.4830e 61.63