2020-03-18 Teresa KaufmanTeresa Kaufman, 2511 WTurin Ct., Meridian, ID Concerning application and public hearing for McMillan Independent Senior Living H-2020-004 I have two issues I would like to address: 1)During the last public hearing regarding the rezonirtg for this project the height of the units were questioned by the council as well as the public. The deveIaper justify the height by stating the set back of the buildings and the mature trees along Cortona Way would help blend the structures into the neighborhood of one and two story homes. I wanted the counsel members to realize that we do currently have mature svcamore trees. however they have veru invasive root systems that currently are buckling the sidewalks along ortona way and causing issues with the sprinkler system. In other areas of the Bridgeto er community they began removing this sarne species of tree last summer due to the same issues, replacing them with smaller- less invasive tulip trees. It is my understanding that it is just a matter of time until those along ortona way are also removed, thereby lowering the the treeI ine height that they see as "blending" this four story complex irito a trail itionaI neighborhood. ) During the meeting the public also addressed the concern of additional traffic onto Corona Way and McMillan Rd. The developers explained that as this was a 55+ community with amenities, the additional traffic would not impact as much as other developments. Although I appreciate the fact that a 55+ community would be less impactful than a traditional apartment complex, the fact still remains that a the fact still remains that a 162 additional households entering and exiting from two points will impact traffic tremendously. We are all aware that of those 162 fomes most of them will be double occupancy and the average 55 yea old has another 15 to 0 years of commuting for employment alone. Plus with this being an ACT] VE 55+ community I would expect residents to have additional activities as well. Thank you for your consideration