CC - A Project Description REVISED Charlene Way From:Sonya Allen Sent:Wednesday, March 11, 2020 11:15 AM To:Adrienne Weatherly; Charlene Way; Chris Johnson Cc:Bill Nary; Bill Parsons Subject:Lupine Cove - Project Description REVISED Attachments:Project Description REVISED2.docx Please use this project description for City Council noticing and the agenda. It reflects one more building lot than previously noticed for. I discussed it with Bill and he felt it was negligible and didn’t require re-noticing for the Commission hearing. Thank you 1 Hearing Date: TBD (City Council) File No.: H-2019-0133 Project Name: Lupine Cove Request:  Annexation of 7.09 acres of land with an R-8 zoning district; and,  Preliminary plat consisting of 28 building lots, 7 common lots and 2 other (common driveway) lots on 7 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district, by Penelope Constantikes, Riley Planning Services. Location: The site is located at 4000 N. McDermott Rd., in the NW ¼ of Section 33, Township 4N., Range 1W.