2020-03-03 Martin Schindler Adrienne Weatherly From:Martin Schindler <marty@c3environments.com> Sent:Tuesday, March 3, 2020 4:13 PM To:City Clerk Subject:P&Z March 5th continued hearing formerly known as Meridian Station Attention,, City Clerk Cc: P&Z Commissioners; I’m in favor of exceeding current building height restrictions greater than 100 feet in elevation for all of the 6+ acres. But protest MDC Ashley Squyres administrator (Meridian Development Corporation) statement made on 2/28/19 at MDBA monthly meeting, stating that if we don’t vote in favor of height request by the development team that pubic parking would be eliminated. There’s agreements in place with City Council that would prevent such action. Rest assured this will be further discussed with City Council and our City Planners when this project moves forward. Martin Schindler 126 E. Idaho Ave. Meridian, Idaho Sent from my iPad 1