2020-02-19 Linda Lewis Charlene Way From: Linda Lewis <silverspringfarm@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 8:52 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Lost Rapids Apartments (H-2019-0146) I am writing to request that the Lost Rapids Apartments not be built. The amount of traffic from the new Costco, combined with the apartments, townhomes, and surrounding subdivisions, will make the traffic in the area dangerous, and unbearable for the homeowners. Also, the schools are already overcrowded, apartments can sometimes attract the wrong kind of people, traffic will greatly increase on Lost Rapids between Ten Mile and Chidden, making it dangerous for neighborhood kids to walk and ride their bikes, and it will destroy property values. Prior to buying into my subdivision, I wasn't told that there was going to be a large apartment complex built so close to my neighborhood. Because of the high density of homes, and townhomes that are scheduled to be built, as well as a Costco, I think adding 101 apartments to the neighborhood is not taking into consideration the quality of life for those of us who have worked hard to purchase our homes. Thank you for considering my request, Linda Lewis