PZ - Applicant's Request for Continuance to 3-5To Whom It May Concern, 2/18/2020 This letter serves as a request for the silo height variance needed by Handy Truckline to add 2 additional silo at their site, be heard @ 6:00 p.m. by the Planning and Zoning Committee at the March 5th, 2020 meeting. It is our understanding that by March 5th, all the requirements will have been met so the P/Z Committer may consider granting the needed variance. The variance was to be considered on February 20, 2020, but because of a misunderstanding in sign posting requirements, we ask that the height variance be considered at the March 5th meeting. Please let us know if there are other requirements that have not been satisfied. Please don’t hesitate to contact Scott Hanks 801 558 2259 with any concerns or questions. Thank you for your help in this matter.