2020-02-06 MERIDIAN PLANNINGAND E IDIAN- ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA City Council Chambers 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Thursday,February 6,2020 at6:00 PM 1. Roll-Call Attendance X Lisa Holland X Patricia Pitzer X Andrew Seal X Ryan Fitzgerald—Chairperson Lefl at 629 p.m.) X Rhonda McCarvel Bill Cassinelli X Nick Grove 2. Adoption of Agenda -Adopted 3. Consent Agenda [Action Item] -Approved A. Approve Minutes of January 16,2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 4. Action Items Land Use Public Hearing Process:After the Public Hearing is opened the staffreport will bepresented by the assigned cityp lan n er Following Staffs report the applicant has up to 15 minutes topresent their application.Each member ofthepublic may provide testimony up to 3 minutes or if they are representing a largergroup,such as a HomeownersAssociation,they maybe allowed 10 minutes. The applicant is then allowed 10 additional minutes to respond to thepublic's comments.No additional public testimony is taken once the public hearing is closed. A. PubIicHearing for QualityInn&Suites(H-2019-0140)byQuality Inn&Suites-Meridian, Located at 1575 S.Meridian Rd.-Approved 1. Request: Conditional Use Permit to reinstate the nonconforming status of the sign with changes to the sign that aren't consistent with the standards listed in UDC 11-3D-8A.14. B. Public Hearing for Graycliff Estates Subdivision (H-2019-0129) by Star Development,Inc.,Generally Located South of W.Harris St. and WestofS.Meridian Rd. — Recommended Approval to City Council, Hearing Scheduled for March 10, 2020 1. Request: Preliminary plat consisting of 202 building lots, 15 common lots and 4 other lots on 52.46 acres of land in the R-8 and R-40 zoning districts. Meeting Adjourned at 7:47 p.m. Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting February 6, 2020. Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of February 6, 2020, was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Ryan Fitzgerald. Members Present: Chairman Ryan Fitzgerald, Commissioner Rhonda McCarvel, Commissioner Lisa Holland, Commissioner Andrew Seal, Commissioner Nick Grove and Commissioner Patricia Pitzer. Members Absent: Commissioner Bill Cassinelli. Others Present: Adrienne Weatherly, Andrea Pogue, Bill Parsons, Sonya Allen and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-call Attendance X Lisa Holland X Reid Olsen X Andrew Seal X Nick Grove X Patricia Pitzer Bill Cassinelli X Ryan Fitzgerald - Chairman Fitzgerald: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. At this time I would like to call to order the regularly scheduled meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning meeting for the date of February 6 and let's start with roll call. Item 2: Adoption of Agenda Fitzgerald: Thanks, Madam Clerk. The first on the agenda is the adoption of the agenda. I don't have any changes. Can I get a motion to adopt the agenda as presented? Seal: So moved. McCarvel: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to adopt the agenda as presented. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same. Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Fitzgerald: Before we go forward I want to take the opportunity to welcome our two new commissioners, Nick Grove and Patty Pitzer. If you guys want to take an opportunity to introduce yourselves to our audience, our Commission, and all those on the wonderful screen at home to say hello and if you want to say anything about yourself or your Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 4 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 2 of 35 experience or your excitement about being on the Commission we would really appreciate it. Nick, if you want to start. Grove: I am Nick Grove. Excited to be on this for the next few years. Really looking forward to taking some of the experiences that I learned being a part of the comprehensive steering committee and excited to see all the things that come in front of this Commission, so -- Fitzgerald: Appreciate it. Commissioner Pitzer, do you want to say hello, ma'am. Pitzer: Thank you. Hi, I'm Patricia Pitzer. I recently retired. Been in Meridian for 28 years and I'm looking forward to this new opportunity. Item 3: Consent Agenda [Action Item] A. Approve Minutes of January 16, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Fitzgerald: We appreciate it, ma'am. Thank you both. Next item on the agenda is the Consent Agenda. We only have one item on the agenda, which is the --or on the Consent Agenda, which is approve the minutes of January 16th, 2020, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Can I get a motion to adopt the Consent Agenda? McCarvel: So moved. Seal: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to adopt the Consent Agenda. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same. Thank you. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Fitzgerald: At this time I will explain the public hearing process for this evening. We will open each item individually and, then, start with the staff report. The staff will report their findings regarding how the application adheres to our Comprehensive Plan and Uniform Development Code with the staff's recommendations. After staff has made their presentation the applicant will come forward to present their case for the approval of their application and respond to any comments from the staff and the applicant will have 15 minutes to do so. After the applicant has finished we will open the floor to public testimony. There is an iPad in the back if you want to -- wish to speak on a specific application, please, make sure you sign up on that application in the back and you will have three minutes to present your comments to the Commission. Is there anyone here representing an HOA tonight? Okay. So, we will skip that piece. After all testimony has been heard, the applicant will be given another ten minutes to have an opportunity to respond to public testimony and, then, close the discussion and at that time we will close the public hearing and the Commissioners will have a chance to deliberate and hopefully Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 5 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 3 of 35 make a recommendation to City Council on certain applications tonight and, then, approve others. Item 4: Action Items A. Public Hearing for Quality Inn & Suites (H-2019-0140) by Quality Inn & Suites - Meridian, Located at 1575 S. Meridian Rd. 1. Request: Conditional Use Permit to reinstate the nonconforming status of the sign with changes to the sign that aren't consistent with the standards listed in UDC 11-3D- 8A.14. Fitzgerald: So, with that I will turn to our wonderful staff if they have gotten over technical difficulties? Maybe? Yes? Smiling. And start with our first public hearing, which is for Quality Inn & Suites, file number H-2019-0140. Sonya, we will start with you and the staff report. Allen: Thank you, Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission. The first application before you tonight is a request for a conditional use permit. This site is zoned C-G and is located at 1575 South Meridian Road on the west side of South Meridian Road, south of the 1-84 off ramp. The Comprehensive Plan future land use map designation on this property is commercial. A conditional use permit is requested to reinstate the nonconforming status of the sign for Quality Inn & Suites with changes to the sign that are not consistent with the standards listed in the UDC. The applicant is proposing to install a new sign cabinet shown on the right on the existing sign structure shown on the left that is 244 square feet, with a height of 50 feet, with no changes to the area at the base of the sign. The reason for the change is for rebranding purposes of the business. The proposed sign exceeds the maximum 40 foot tall height and 150 foot square -- square feet, excuse me, background area and is not set within a landscaped area having at least the same square footage as the background area of the sign as currently required by the UDC. No landscaping exists at the base of the sign as you can see there. If this request is not approved -- excuse me. For these reasons it is considered a nonconforming sign and as such a conditional use permit is required to reinstate the status of the sign. If this request is not approved the applicant would still be allowed to change the copy area and/or repaint the existing sign, provided that the sign or sign structure is not altered in any way. Although the proposed sign is not consistent with current UDC standards, it does lessen the existing nonconformity of the sign by reducing the background area of the existing sign by more than half and the site -- excuse me -- the height of the sign by eight feet four inches. For this reason staff is amenable to the applicant's request. However, recommends as a condition of approval that the design of the sign include decorative elements that are more aesthetically pleasing than just a rectangular cabinet. This is a recommendation only and it's not a requirement of the UDC. Staff recommends the applicant work with staff on a more appealing design for the site. Written testimony has been received from Cole Fischer, Persona Signs. Rachel Wehrle, Choice Hotels. They are not in agreement with staff's recommendation to add decorative elements to the sign. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 6 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 4 of 35 Staff is recommending approval with the aforementioned condition. Staff will stand for any questions. Fitzgerald: Thank you, ma'am. Any questions for staff? Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal. Seal: Just a quick question. As far as the improvements as to the sign itself, not the surrounding area or below the sign, something along those lines? Allen: Yeah. Mr. Chair -- Chairman. Yes, it's just the sign on top. Fitzgerald: Additional questions? Before bringing the applicant up, just for Commissioner Grove and Commissioner Pitzer, this is a conditional use permit, so we will be the approving body. So, this is not a recommendation to City Council. We are the -- we are it. So, final decision lies with the Commission. So, with that would the applicant like to come forward and -- on behalf of the application -- or applicant. Gentlemen, thank you for being here with us tonight. Please state your names and your addresses for the record, please. Brown: Thank you, Mr. Chairman and Members of the Commission. I'm Terry Brown with Lytle Sign Company. Reside at 270 East Commercial Street here in Meridian, Idaho. Mitchell: Good evening. My name is Thomas Mitchell. I'm with Quality Inn & Suites, located at 1475 South Meridian Road. Fitzgerald: Thank you, guys. Please proceed. Brown: We have got kind of a very unique situation here with a rebranding process. Mr. Sandman has been in Meridian for 30 years -- 30 years. They recently sold to the Choice Hotel chain and, obviously, wanted to rebrand. We have been in the process for eight months -- Mitchell: Yes. Brown: -- on trying to get a sign up for their location. What we ended up doing is basically taking and blacking out the top portion of the sign and stringing a banner over it, so they would have some type of branding for the last six -- five months. Mitchell: Yes. Brown: We realized that it was nonconforming based on current standards today. Okay. We went back with the sign manufacturer-- me being the subcontractor for Choice Hotels -- and came up with a plan to compromise, if you will, on the height and the background Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 7 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 5 of 35 area. We think it's very important that, number one, they get branding out there right now. As it is they have no night illumination and as you all know on that particular property, you got hundreds of thousands of cars up and down that freeway. Basically the sign is visible from the daytime and we get no nighttime exposure. We looked at recommendation provided by staff. We sent it off. There -- I believe you all should have a copy of the letter from Persona stating safety concerns. There also was a letter in the packet from Choice Hotel talking about their branding, as well as comments from Tom as the general manager over here. I would just like to say looking at the signs in the vicinity north of their location, there appears to be similar signs, whether it be rectangular or square. We just don't know what decorative elements that they are wanting. We are willing to listen, but at this point in time any decorative elements are going to go against the branding of Choice Hotels. If it's something that we need to add some landscaping to the base -- the entire base is a parking lot area with a concrete pad. So, we will have to endure some costs associated with that if that would be a compromise. So, that was all I would like to speak. Tommy, would you like to speak on your behalf? Mitchell: Yes. Like Mr. Brown said, we are willing to do whatever is necessary to make this happen and please staff, the Commission, anybody involved, so we may rebrand and get exposure for our hotel as it is. A big financial impact on us right now to not have -- attract evening travelers from the 1-84. Fitzgerald: Any questions for applicant? Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: You mentioned there were some safety concerns. Could you expand on what those safety concerns would be about, adding other decorative elements? Brown: Yeah. Your -- if you look at the slide that's up on the left side, the existing sign, it's basically a double cabinet which consists of two tenants. The top cabinet is an old florescent illuminated cabinet. Okay? Which is bolted onto the top of the rectangular cabinet. Okay? To do what we want to do we have to take that top cabinet off. Okay? It's been there for -- gosh, we have been working on it as a company since Lytle Signs has been in Meridian for the past 11 years. So, there are some safety concerns with leaving that up there and, plus, it goes against the branding for Choice of -- of how they want their signs to look. Mitchell: If I may elaborate, I did speak to staff regarding what decorative elements they wanted and they stated that they wanted that top piece to remain. So, that's where the safety concern came is if we left that top roof looking piece, that's where the safety concern was at. Fitzgerald: Follow up? Go right ahead, Ma'am. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 8 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 6 of 35 Holland: A follow-up question. So, in the proposed sign that you are putting up there, would you be replacing both elements of the cabinets that are existing with a completely new one or would you be keeping the bottom cabinet and just removing the top structure? Brown: Removing the top structure. Keeping the pole intact, basically the footing. There will be some additional fabrication work, if you will, that will have to remain for that bottom cabinet. That bottom cabinet now is neon. Okay? Originally that sign was designed to be fluorescent. Years ago we went in as a company and converted it from fluorescent to neon. Okay? We had to take the skins off the cabinet basically, build new channel letters, refabricate that to it. So, right now we are -- we are working with a converted twice sign. So, we want to definitely take the -- the top cabinet off, all the letters will come off, the skins will come off, we will have to add some additional structure and also we are putting LEDs back in for the cost efficiency and the lighting efficiency as well. And, then, the new cabinet will, then, be refaced. Holland: Okay. One more follow-up question if I may. Fitzgerald: Go right ahead. Holland: So, when you are adjusting the -- the main cabinet, is there the ability to put a different kind of decoration -- of decorative element around that square box, rather than the existing structure? You can take that piece off. Is there something else you can put on the top that would give it a little bit more texture and diversity? Brown: I would have to defer to Tom, because all's I have is -- is a letter that Choice sent regarding their signage and their branding. So, Tom, I would have to -- Mitchell: Yeah. So, as a -- as a franchisee -- the franchise would not allow us to put anything on the top of it. It needs to be one piece, whether it's square, rectangular, whatever it may be. I mean if -- if we want to -- if it's requested that we do a square, we will be happy to do a square. If we need to replace a pole we will be happy to replace the pole, if those are -- if we feel those are not aesthetically pleasing. Fitzgerald: Additional questions? McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: Can you tell me -- it looks -- I can't tell if it's just different lighting on that picture, but it is your intent to paint the poles as well to make them all one color? Brown: Yes. Yeah. The current structure is two different colors, if you will. There is a graduation and by that you have a larger pole at the base and it reduces down to a smaller size that, then, goes into the cabinet itself. There is actually a plate there and our -- our intent is to make that all one color. There is one other element right at the base of the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 9 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 7 of 35 cabinet that looks like -- but it is part of that cabinet. I mean if-- if we needed to paint that to -- to give it some contrast, we would be happy to do that. Tommy mentioned a new cabinet. Again, we are at the mercy of the -- of the Choice franchise with a -- you know, significant dollar amount. Fitzgerald: Additional questions? Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: One more question. I know -- I have driven through this lot a few times and I know at the bottom of the sign where the curb kind of goes around it -- you can see it in the picture that there is a few damaged pieces of that curb that go around the sign. Would you be willing to help fix some of those issues, that it looked more cohesive on the -- Mitchell: This is actually an older picture and that curbing has been replaced since this picture was taken, but there is all -- all of that area where it's cracked and broken is -- is brand new curbing. Holland: Great. Thank you. Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer, go ahead. Pitzer: Thank you. So, is the sign that you are proposing here, this rectangle sign, is that the sign that's on all Quality Inns & Suits, is that the branding itself? Mitchell: It's pretty -- pretty close. Some -- some have square signs, square cabinets versus rectangle, but that is the standard Quality Inn signage, yes. Pitzer: Thank you. Mitchell: Thank you. Fitzgerald: Additional questions? Gentlemen, we appreciate it. Thank you very much. Brown: Thank you. Mitchell: Thank you. Fitzgerald: Sonya, while they are wandering back, is there any -- was there any discussion around alternative compliance? I mean I know that we have -- whether it's landscaping or those kinds of things around the sign, was that a discussion you had? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 10 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 8 of 35 Allen: Chairman, Members of the Commission, no, because of its nonconforming status it's not a requirement now. Fitzgerald: Got it. Okay. Madam Clerk, do we have anyone who has signed up to testify? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, no one's signed up for this. Fitzgerald: Is there anyone in the audience that would like to testify on this application? Going once. Going twice. Okay. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: I move to close the public hearing on H-2019-0140. Seal: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to close the public hearing on H-2019-0140. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Fitzgerald: Commission, the application is properly before you. Do you have comments? Thoughts? McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: I actually like the clean lines of the proposed --what's on the proposed picture with the solid color. I would like to see the landscaping and upgrading at the base, even though I know they said the curbing has been done. I think the more development that comes around there -- I know what's next door and just to clean that up a little bit, make it look more fresh, but other than that I don't mind the top parts coming off. Fitzgerald: Additional comments? Commissioner Seal? Seal: Mr. Chairman. In agreement with just cleaning up the basement of it and like they said, the curbing itself has been fixed, but just a little bit of beautification to that to add to it. But I agree, I think -- I mean that sign is pretty standard. It would be nice to see something up there that would be a little more uniquely Meridian, but we can't have that on every sign, so -- it's nice this one's actually coming down a little bit, so -- I mean it's coming more into conformance. So, hopefully, it will continue in that direction. But it's got to be seen from the freeway, so -- Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 11 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 9 of 35 Fitzgerald: And I get that -- and I agree with you, I -- I tend to -- I get that there is a need definitely to be seen from the freeway. The challenge is it's -- it's a nonconforming sign and that always brings all -- all kinds of other fun with it. I do appreciate that it's shrinking. So, that's a good thing. But I -- it's one of those things I think we could make it less billboardy, but I understand the challenges they are up against, too. Anyone else? Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: I know staff's recommendation was to have the applicant work with staff on a more appealing design for the sign. They wanted to see a little bit more architectural design around the top, so it wasn't just a straight -- straight rectangle. We could certainly make a recommendation that they work with staff to see if they can come up with something that would be appropriate for Quality Inn & Suites and I'm not sure how you condition that if they can't come to some sort of agreement that we would still let them go forward with it, but just a thought. I'm -- I'm not opposed to cleaning up the sign, shrinking the space. I think it would be nice to see a little more landscaping cleaned up down there, but --just a thought. Pitzer: Chair Fitzgerald? Fitzgerald: Yes. Pitzer: Having been a franchisee owner myself at one time I understand the problems that they are going to face if they go against their franchise agreement on signage. It's -- it's nice that it's smaller. They can add some contrast and I appreciate that fact that -- and they are going to LEDs and getting rid of the neon. I think all of those are positives. Fitzgerald: I appreciate your perspective as a former franchisee. That's -- appreciate that. Mr. Grove, any thoughts? We won't make you talk all the time, unless you want to. Grove: I agree with what everyone's said so far. I like the fact that it will be reduced in size -- in height from what it is currently and 1, too, would like to see if there could be some landscaping at the base or something to break up that monotony and I think that would help. Just around the base of the sign. But overall I like the fact of it shrinking. Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal. Seal: I'm formulating on a -- Fitzgerald: On a motion? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 12 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 10 of 35 Seal: -- on a motion here and so I mean just to reiterate, I mean, essentially, I'm in agreement that if we could add something in to work with the staff to provide colors and landscaping that will add more contrast, is that -- I mean I don't want to paint anybody into a corner, but at the same time I think there is something that -- you know, I think it could use a little more. Fitzgerald: Something. Seal: For lack of better terminology and the more is something I don't want to -- I'm -- you know, I'm not a designer myself, so it's kind of interesting, you know, to go through this -- to go through this and try and figure out the proper wording that's going to get at what we are trying to do, which is, you know, get a little bit more substance to the sign, a little more contrast to the sign without denying it all together. Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: One other thought to add to your motion just for consideration. Perhaps just offering that the applicant make a reasonable attempt to explore if there is any decorative elements they can add to the top of the sign to consider with staff. But if -- if they can't come to a reasonable agreement that we be okay with it. I don't know how to frame that, but that's the best wording I can come up with. Seal: That's a tough one. Fitzgerald: It is. And I -- well, I think -- and I appreciate where you are going and I do appreciate the need for the franchisee to do what they need to do for the company, so -- and they need to have advertising out there based on where they are and I know that sign has been there for a long time -- ever since I can remember, so -- Parsons: Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, if I may. Fitzgerald: Welcome back. Parsons: Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Glad to be here. I'm glad you are all still here. Fitzgerald: We were multiplying while you were gone. Parsons: When Sonya and I were working on the staff report -- really she -- she wrote it, but I had the comment that, you know, if we are going to approve -- continue a nonconforming sign we want something that's nicer for the community. That's not an unreasonable request. I mean that's what a conditional use permit is, is to get something more -- it allows you the purview to get something better -- better than what code allows for. In discussing the proposal with the applicant, this is a one dimensional drawing. I don't know exactly what that's going to look like in reality, but I was asking if there was an Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 13 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 11 of 35 opportunity to -- again, just kind of clarifying the record, it was never staff's intention to leave the Mr. Sandman cabinet on top. That's something that they offered up. We don't -- we don't think that needs to stay on top of that sign. It -- it won't blend in with what they are trying to do. Sometimes less is more in design. But I think the Commission has some good ideas. Landscaping will help. I'm glad to hear that the curbing is repaired as well. But the intent was to just to add some kind of cornice detail on the top, like the Walmart sign just down the road. There is some kind of cornice around it, just kind of gives it a little bit more reveal, a little more dimensional at the top of the sign, not adding a real -- it doesn't really change the aesthetic of the sign that much, it just gives it more -- a little depth as you -- as you were looking for. The other thing that we could look at is whether or not -- I like -- I appreciate that the applicant is wanting to use LED lighting. I think that does make a sign look modern and new. So, I think that will contribute to the look of the sign, in the evening particularly, but if there is an opportunity to maybe make those letters on the cabinet sign itself, if those could be three dimensional or as they are pressing the new copy in there, if there is a way to at least make those pop off of that a little bit, that that's a way to get some change or, you know, make those -- Fitzgerald: Some texture relief. Parsons: Yes. So, you can --you can do that, rather than just it being a flat panel, maybe there is a way that they can have those pop -- or stand out a ways -- pushed out from the cabinet there and make it look like it's a three dimensional lettering versus just all on the same plane and monochromatic. But it's just some thoughts out there. I think we had some good ideas this evening. I don't want you to give a Ioosey goosey condition. If you feel adamant that you just want to give them flexibility, I would just say just let them go forward with what they are proposing. Don't try to -- don't try to work it so much that -- give us flexibility to work with them. Appreciate that. But, again, staff has this recommendation. We wanted some more. If you feel like they will be in violation of that branding and you feel that that's not appropriate and that additional lighting serves that purpose, then, go ahead and include that in your motion. Staff's feelings won't be hurt either way. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Bill. Comments following that feedback? Commissioner Seal, did you have any thoughts, because I think what Bill is saying -- I think that can be done relatively -- I mean I'm not a sign maker, but I think you could do some -- some kind of pop out or some kind of relief on the flat so, it's not a flat billboard. Seal: I think I'm ready to make a motion. Fitzgerald: Motions are always in order. Seal: Mr. Chairman? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 14 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 12 of 35 Seal: After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council -- recommending -- recommend approval to the City Council on file number H-2019 -- Fitzgerald: It's approval. McCarvel: We are not recommending to City Council, we are doing approval. Seal: You're right. Fitzgerald: You are approving. Seal: Recommend approval, sorry, of file H-2019-0141 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of February 6, 2020, with the following modifications: That they work with the staff to provide colors and landscaping that will add more contrast, as well as provide for a more decorative design that will also comply with the franchise requirements. Holland: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to approve file number H-2019-0140 with the modifications. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same. Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE NAY. B. Public Hearing for Graycliff Estates Subdivision (H-2019-0129) by Star Development, Inc., Generally Located South of W. Harris St. and West of S. Meridian Rd. 1. Request: Preliminary plat consisting of 202 building lots, 15 common lots and 4 other lots on 52.46 acres of land in the R- 8 and R-40 zoning districts. Fitzgerald: Thank you very much, gentlemen, for being here tonight. Okay. So, I'm -- Madam Attorney, I'm going to hand the reins of our meeting over tonight. I have a guest in the back of the room that needs me to take him to an event tonight, so I'm going to hand the reins of the meeting over to our very able vice-chair, so she can take the rest of the meeting over and, Commissioner Holland, Madam Chair, I'm going to step away and let you all have a wonderful rest of the evening. Sorry I can't stay for the next adventure. Thank you. Holland: With that we will open up the public hearing for Graycliff Estates Subdivision, H- 2019-0129, and begin with the staff report. Allen: Thank you, Madam Chair, Members of the Commission. The next application before you is a request for a preliminary plat. There is also a development agreement modification application that's been requested concurrently. The Commission is not a Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 15 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 13 of 35 recommending body on the development agreement modification. However, you may insert your your comments if you wish. This site consists of 52.46 acres of land. It's zoned R-8 and R-40 and it's located southwest of West Harris Street and South Meridian Road, State Highway 69. Adjacent land uses and zoning. There are existing and future single family residential homes zoned R-4, R-8 and R-15. This property was annexed back in 2015 and a preliminary plat was approved for 120 buildable lots. A subsequent preliminary plat was approved in 2018, which increased the number of buildable lots to 136. This entitlement is still valid. The Comprehensive Plan future land use map designation for this property is medium density residential. The applicant is requesting a modification to the existing development agreement to increase the number of single family residential building lots from 136 to 200 and the qualified open space is substantially the same from 8.85 to 8.97 acres. The number of multi-family buildable lots and apartments are proposed to stay the same at two and -- 224 units respectively. Other minor modifications to the development agreement are noted in Section 8-A of the staff report. The previous gross density -- excuse me. Let me back up just a minute here. forgot to show this when I was referencing the 2015 preliminary plat. Where we started at as on the left and, then, the amended -- or new preliminary plat in 2018 is on the right. This showed a few more building lots. The previous gross density of the single family residential portion of the development was 3.23 units per acre, compared to 4.9 units per acre currently proposed. And this is the proposed preliminary plan before you. The density of the multi-family portion is the same at 14.18 units per acre. The proposed increase in density is still consistent with that desired in the medium density residential future land use map designation. The previous development phase included a 1 ,720 linear foot segment of the city's ten foot wide multi-use pathway in a linear open space area where the Northwest Williams northwest pipeline is located, which bisects the site. A children's play structure and yard shuffleboard were also proposed as amenities. The proposed plan still includes a multi-use pathway and children's play structure, but the yard shuffleboard has been removed and a community swimming pool is proposed as an upgraded amenity in its place. The access and interconnectivity proposed to adjacent parcels with the proposed plan is substantially the same as the previous plan. The proposed plat consists of 200 single family residential buildable lots, two multi-family residential buildable lots, 14 common lots, three common driveway lots and one park lot that may be a portion of a future city neighborhood park and that is the one right here at the northwest corner of the site and, then, there is a city well lot that's proposed on the next lot over right here. Total area of the plat is 52.46 acres of land in the R-8 medium density residential zone and the R-40 high density residential zoning district. Proposed single family residential lots range in size from 4,200 to 9,600 square feet, with an average lot size of 4,692 square feet and a gross density of 4.89 units per acre. The project is proposed to develop in four phases with the multi-family residential developing last. Access is proposed via the extension of West Harris Street, a collector street, from South Meridian Road, State Highway 69. A collector street is also planned along the west boundary of the site in accord with the master street map. Public streets are proposed for internal access within the single family residential portion of the development with stub streets at the project's south and east boundaries for future extension. Two driveway connections are proposed between the single family residential and multi-family residential portions of the development for interconnectivity and those are -- if you can Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 16 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 14 of 35 see my pointer -- right here. A driveway is required at the east boundary of the multi- family residential development to future development, which is Stapleton Subdivision to the east for emergency access. A total of 8.97 acres or 17.1 percent of qualified open space is proposed in excess of the minimum UDC standards, which is ten percent, and includes a 1.69 acre common area that I previously mentioned at the northwest corner of the site that may be included with common area in adjacent developments, Biltmore Estates and Brundage Estates and consolidated for a city neighborhood park. Site amenities are proposed as previously mentioned that exceed the minimum standards. The Sundell and the Tumbler Laterals, which cross this site, are proposed to be piped with development. The Williams northwest gas pipeline, as I mentioned, bisects this site and lies within a 70 foot -- five foot wide easement -- and that is this green space right through here where the pathway is located. All development within the easement is required to adhere to the most current standards in the Williams Gas Pipeline developers handbook. The applicant has provided the city with a lease on a parcel of land within Lot 1, Block 9, for a future city well and that, as I mentioned, is in this lot right here. The well lot shall be created and deeded to the city at the time of final platting. Conceptual building elevations were submitted as shown, demonstrating the quality of homes and architecture proposed. Because facades of homes adjacent to collector streets will be highly visible, the elevations are required to incorporate articulation to break up monotonous wall planes and roof lines visible from the public right of way. Written testimony has been received from Becky McKay, the applicant's representative. She is in agreement with the staff report, except for one change to Condition A-10 in Section 9 and that is to change the timing for dedication to the well lot to the city from -- at the time of final platting to after recording of the final plat and staff is in agreement with this change. Written testimony was also received from Jennifer Pedrali. She is not in favor of the increased density proposed due to already a lot of traffic in the area and school overcrowding and she believes impact fees are too low to support all the development in Meridian. And, lastly, written testimony was received from Victoria Laidlaw. She wants to ensure the developer will still install a six foot tall fence on top of a berm across the entire southern end of the development adjoining her property to ensure crops on her property won't be ruined due to trespassing and that an underground pipe is installed to accommodate drainage from her property to replace the existing ditch that runs across this site that serves that purpose. Staff is recommending approval with the conditions in the staff report. Staff will stand for any questions. Holland: Commissioners, any questions for staff? With that can we get the applicant to come forward. McKay: Thank you, Madam Chairman, Members of the Commission. I'm Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions. Welcome new members. Just to kind of give you a history. Oh. Address 1029 North Rosario, Meridian. I have been a planner in the -- in the Treasure Valley for 30 years now, so I have been around through many administrations, many planning and zoning commissions. Meridian is definitely my favorite jurisdiction. I have done more projects here than just about anybody and it's always a pleasure to come and -- and be before you and help the city build the best communities that we can. So -- so appreciate you giving your time and your effort to -- to this goal of making Meridian a Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 17 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 15 of 35 better place to live and welcome. I have a PowerPoint here. So, the subject property that we are talking about is Graycliff Estates, as Sonya indicated. The property is approximately 42 and a half acres. It lies right here. You can see it there. This is State Highway 69. This is Harris Street right here. And Harris Street is the half mile -- mid mile collector. It is intended that this will be a signalized intersection. Then there is Biltmore Estates that's located here, which is also my client's Star Development. And, then, this is a collector roadway that we built through Biltmore. It goes on out through Kentucky Ridge and down to Victory Road. So, let me switch to the next one. This kind of gives you an idea of what's around us. There is Meridian Heights Subdivision. That was developed in the 70s and the '80s. This particular subdivision was not connected to central sewer, but had sewer lagoons and had a community well system. Kentucky Ridge was constructed and they were placed on that community system. Mr. Centers and myself worked with the city and their staff and the Meridian Heights and Kentucky Ridge people for two years to work out an arrangement, so that Mr. Centers could take those ponds offline, connect them to the city central sewer in Victory, and connect them to the central water system. They had two wells in Meridian Heights. Both of them had high levels of arsenic that did not meet the current DEQ requirements. So, it was important that they get central services. The problem that was encountered with them is they did not have the funds to pay for all of the water and sewer hookup fees. So, my client Star Development paid all of the sewer hookup fees for this development in Meridian Heights and Kentucky Ridge, so that they could connect to the City of Meridian sewer, which was a great endeavor and at a significant cost. That obviously allowed us to bring the sewer and the water up through the property just to the north of us in Biltmore Estates and we brought the sewer in and we platted this Biltmore here and these lots range from like 8,500 to 20,000 square feet. Then Mr. Centers also owns Brundage Estates, which is located here. Those were also larger lots. When we brought in Graycliff he had acquired that from another developer and we -- the sewer comes up through Kentucky Ridge. One of the things that the city came to us and they said we need a well in this section. It's integral that we get a well. Mr. Centers provided a 99 year lease. When we plat this lot here Well 32 will be deeded to the city. That well is online. The city brought a 12 inch water main up Meridian Road and down Harris Street and, then, connected to the new well. The other thing that was part of the Comprehensive Plan was a neighborhood park was designated in this section. So, what we decided to do is through the three developments that Mr. Centers owned, that we would contribute different portions of the project to make a neighborhood park and so that's what you see right here in this middle area. Now, when we initially did Graycliff that was 2015. 2015 was a whole different animal as far as cost. Cost for materials. Cost for construction. Cost for engineering. We had some smaller lots in here than we had in Biltmore and Brundage Estates, but as costs have escalated Mr. Centers became very concerned about the fact that the costs were exceeding the ability of a lot of the buyers as far as to build within or purchase within his community. So, we brought Graycliff back through, as Sonya indicated. We added about 15 lots, brought it back through the process, and, then, prices jumped dramatically and so he came back to us and said, you know, we have got to do something to help these young couples with young families be able to afford a good quality custom home and so we came up with this particular design and like Sonya indicated, this is medium density residential, which is three to eight dwelling units per acre for the single family Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 18 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 16 of 35 portion. This portion up here is R-40, high density residential. And another thing that kind of changed the -- the character of this area is the Stapleton Subdivision came in just to the east of us and this was intended to be a mixed use development. It was going to be primarily highway commercial. They were going to have kind of a multi-use -- or a multi-family component. That just didn't -- it never materialized and so, then, it was sold and they came in with an R-15 zoning and they -- their density was -- I think it was 6.73 dwelling units per acre. They had lots at 3,200 square feet, with an average lot size of 4,200. So, that made Mr. Centers -- and he said, you know, my word, you know, we started out with homes and lots and home prices in the 350,000 dollar range and in just over a handful of years, over the past four years he said the home -- a home that we built for 350 is now 700 and so we are seeing that --that we have got to do something different based on the amount of land that he has, the 300 plus acres, he said we have got to have a little better diversity. So, that's why we are here this evening to, obviously, provide diversity. We still have a preliminary plat that is in effect, but we met with the staff and we talked to them and they said, you know, we see where you are coming from and so we initially have approval for 136 single family lots and we are asking for approval of 200 lots total. We are leaving the multi-family. That will have to come back in as a conditional use, so we are not asking for any approvals on that, we just show that as two multi-family lots. One of the things I told Mr. Centers is I said, well, you know, if you are -- if you are going to increase your density, which was 3.23 dwelling units per acre, where we are allowed four to eight, I said you need to beef up your amenities. You need to beef up your open space. Because if we are going to increase the number of residents within this community we need to provide amenities for them. So, one of the things that we have within this project that has always been a part of the project is this is a multi-use pathway that's shown in your pathway plan with the Parks Department. That's a ten foot multi-use pathway, runs through there. The Williams pipeline is under it. It's 75 feet wide. We will install that path and grass along with it. Any trees that are required along that pathway we will have to plant into the neighborhood park. I think we had a significant--a significant amount of multi-use pathway throughout the whole project. It runs for probably three quarters of a mile. In the project we also decided we are going to have a central open space here with a pool facility playground. Since it is on a corner lot with a flanking street and a frontage street, we are agreeing to put wrought iron around that park, so that when the kids are playing, if a two year old takes off they can't run out into the street. We also have open space along the collector of Harris Street, which will eventually lead out and connect to Linder. So, this whole section will have a north-south collector that will go -- that goes Kentucky Way, that comes in and T's into Harris. Then Harris will go out to Linder and, then, we have a southern collector called Oak Briar that will go on and head down to Amity. So, this particular section will have a continuous collector system as shown in the master street map and as shown in your transportation plan. We have micropaths within the project that lead, obviously, to shortcuts over to our primary amenities. My plan was to have some benches put along the pathway so people could rest and kind of -- as they walk their dogs or as they jog. I think that's -- that's -- we got another pedestrian pathway located here. This was the previous plan that we had. So, looking at it there is not a heck of a lot of difference, other than we ended up internalizing and putting that -- that central amenity within the project here. You can see the portion of this project that will be part of the neighborhood park. We did take a concept plan to Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 19 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 17 of 35 your parks commission back in 2018. The parks commission looked at our pathway networks. This is an extension of that multi-use pathway. You can see it comes through the park and, then, we will drop down and run along that Williams pipeline going out to Meridian Road. The parks commission liked this concept. They gave us a couple of different examples on how they like this concept to -- to be laid out. We showed them how many ball fields could be placed in here and my client indicated to the parks commission he did make a commitment I will install sprinklers as per your standards. I will go ahead and I will hydroseed it. I will green it up. I will maintain it until such time as the Parks Department takes over ownership of the development or of the park. Sorry. So, the parks commission said they were in favor of it. We have not entered into an agreement with them, because, obviously, this is kind of a component park that we will be working on doing sections of it as we progress forward. This just is the preliminary plat. This kind of just shows you the street network, the collector roadways -- as I said, Harris, Oak Briar. We have got interconnectivity that will go into Stapleton for secondary access. I did read the comment from Joe Bongiorno, the fire marshal. We have Station No. 6 that is under construction right now at Overland Road, just west of Linder. On their website it says they hope to be operational within '20 -- or March of 2020. So, right now this property would be served by -- I think it's Station No. 4, which is located at Eagle just north of Victory. But the response times will be decreased significantly once that Overland-Linder station comes online and we have not designed this project, so there will be a lag time between when houses go up, so that station should be online. This is the pool. Kind of a --just a rendering of what it would look like. We also have a photograph of a similar pool facility. So, we are going to take the -- the best features of both. There will be changing rooms. Restrooms. A gathering place for the residents. And, like I said, we will fence it with wrought iron fence around the perimeter of that open space and, then, there will also be a playground. These are some of the home elevations. L2 will be building in here. They are custom builders. They have come up with a whole line of different homes. This one you can see is kind of a more modern with a three car garage. This one also has a three car garage and an RV bay. These will fit on some of the larger lots that we have. Here you can see a two car more modern type style dwelling unit that will fit on these lots. As Sonya indicated, our lots are a minimum of 4,200 square foot, with an average of 4,692, and our -- our density is still well within the parameters of that medium density at 4.89 dwelling units per acre. Here is another two story with a two car garage. And, then, this is -- this is another three car. We feel that, obviously, we have a --we have a good project here. We will be building 1,720 linear feet of multi-use pathway. We will be donating parkland and we will be, obviously, doing our part to make this a community that others can benefit from. Do you have any questions? Oh. And Cody will come after me. He will have his three minutes. Sorry, Cody. He has a PowerPoint. He is their -- their operations and sales expert and I wanted him to talk to you about the buyers that they are seeing and why we need to change this product -- this project at this juncture. Holland: Thanks, Becky. I do have a couple questions and, then, we will open it up to see if Commission has any other questions for you, too. So, I know Fire had some concerns about response times initially, but also about there is just being one access off of Harris initially and they had made a comment about being limited to a certain number Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 20 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 18 of 35 of lots until there is a secondary access. Can you just talk to us a little bit about timing of the development and phasing and what your expectations are there and how that would lay out? McKay: Yes. Madam Chair, Members of the Commission. I have -- I have talked to Joe. He did comment in our pre-application conference about we have -- we have, obviously, an access here to Oak Briar. The second access here to Harris. However, based on the International Fire Code they require a secondary access that is half the diagonal distance of the property. So, what we will do is we will build a secondary access that Stapleton as a condition of approval that they will make a connection to us along this boundary and we will build a secondary access to them. If their secondary access is not available, then, we will go ahead and build another secondary access that comes out to Harris and, then, we have Kentucky Ridge coming in. So, Harris is not the only ingress and egress into the project. Kentucky Way goes down to Victory. Holland: Thank you, Becky. McKay: Oh. And he wants a -- what is it, an AED at the pool facility. That was one thing he did ask for. Holland: All right. On the phasing, I know you had a map up there that showed what the phasing would look like for the project and how it would develop out. When would the greenbelt pathway and the park system be created in that? McKay: Madam Chair, the first phase was going to be kind of in this area here. We, obviously, have to create, you know, kind of a loop system and I indicated to my client that the city prefers that the central amenities be built either with the first or the second phase at the latest. He said that was fine with him. As far as the greenbelt, we were going to build that -- I think with the multi-family. That was what we were talking about. So, we could make those interconnections. That was what was discussed. As far as the parks, when we proceed forward with this, then, we will get with Elroy and proceed to get an agreement -- a parks agreement in place to specify the timing. What the parks commission told us when we went before them in 2018 that their focus was going to be on the Regional Park just south of Amity and all of their dollars were going to be allocated to that park and getting it online, because they needed another regional park desperately in southern Meridian and so we agreed -- that's why Mr. Centers agreed to, you know, obviously, you know, donate the land and install some of these improvements, green it up, get it so it's usable as quickly as possible, but I think we are kind of -- we are kind of market driven, you know, as far as how fast we progress and -- and affordability is exactly what we are trying to provide here. Holland: Any indication you can give us on how long it would be before the multi-family component would come forward? McKay: My recommendation to Mr. Centers was not to wait until the project is built out, because that happened at Lochsa Falls that I did with the Selway Apartments. It's Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 21 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 19 of 35 happened with other projects. When you build the multi-family last, when that conditional use comes through, even though it's in the development agreement, even though this is approved for 224 multi-family units, everybody claims they didn't know it was going to happen and you guys have standing room only. So, my recommendation to Mr. Centers was don't put that off until the end. Obviously, we need to get that signal built at Harris Street. We have already constructed a turn lane in Meridian Road, which is a southbound turn lane into Harris. We also widened the Harris intersection. We couldn't do anymore until Stapleton comes through and they build their side of Harris. So, then, we can get a full build out. We also worked with Ada County Highway District to --we ran the backbone of their fiber optic from Amity to Harris and all the way down to Victory for the future signal and in the Ada County Highway District report they have us participating in our proportionate share of that signal. So, we have to trust fund with the first phase for our proportionate share of the signal. So does Stapleton. So does Cavanaugh Ridge across on the east side. They want to get that signal in when it meets that warrant. Right now there is a little over 500 trips on Harris per day. So, we can't install them until it meets the warrants. But that is a priority that we get that and we get that done and as soon as that trigger point is hit on the trips, then, ACHD will have those monies and, then, whoever triggers it will install it and they can tap those funds. Holland: Thank you. That's all I have, but other questions from Commissioners? McCarvel: Madam Chair? Holland: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: Becky, can you tell me -- I know the high density is not under our consideration tonight, but just -- can you tell me are they intending to use the same amenities, since you have got the interconnectivity there or are they going to have their own set of amenities? McKay: Madam Chair, Commissioner McCarvel, no, they will have their own amenities. That's what you see right here. McCarvel: That's what I thought. McKay: They would have their -- their own clubhouse, their own pool facility. In addition to the subdivision requirements for a minimum of ten percent, we have 17 percent. They will have to have, based on their square footage, anywhere from 250 to 350 square feet of open space beyond that open space requirement for the subdivision to accommodate the multi-family. Holland: Any other questions from the Commission? Pitzer: Madam Chair? Holland: Commissioner Pitzer. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 22 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 20 of 35 Pitzer: Yes. I was wondering how do you address the south side with the six foot fence? McKay: Thank you. Madam Chair, Commissioner -- Pitzer: Pitzer. McKay: Okay. I got it. Yes, I have met with Victoria Laidlaw and talked to her on the phone on a couple of occasions and we are in agreement to install fencing along the southern boundary. We also -- the Sundell Lateral traversed her property. It comes in right here and, then, it arcs through our property and so we worked with Victoria and we piped the Sundell Lateral on her property and so it has now been piped with a 36 inch all the way up to the north. Pitzer: Thank you. McKay: And Victoria -- one of her comments was she wanted a playground in the middle of the project, so we do have a playground and play equipment. Holland: Commissioner Seal, did you have a question? Seal: I do. There is -- when I was reading through the ACHD report the Oak Briar where they look a 40 foot or a ten foot right of way, that looks like it's going to pinch right into where you have some landscaping and trees and things like that. Is there anything that can be done to help with that, so that doesn't just disappear? I mean I -- if I were living here and I had trees, obviously, on the west side and all of a sudden they are chopped down, that changes the dynamic of my backyard. McKay: Madam Chairman, Commissioner Seal, I -- I did talk with Paige over at Ada County Highway District and she basically drew that diagram the opposite of what it's supposed to be. So, what the -- the Sundell comes in right here and we -- we piped it in that landscaped area just -- and we made it wider so we didn't have any trees over the landscaped area. Then we allocated ten feet of right of way. So, what happens with Oak Briar is it comes in and, then, it angles down, it does not take out the landscaping and the other 40 feet is on the other side. So, there is 50 feet of right of way. You can kind of see it here and, then, it's going to come down -- see how the Sundell comes in here. So, we picked it up -- whoa. Seal: I can really see it now. McKay: We -- yeah. We picked it up right here. So, what I told ACHD for this collector, it's going to have to go on the far side of the Sundell on the west side to go down to Amity. So, it's going to kind of veer to the west a little bit, but -- Seal: Okay. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 23 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 21 of 35 McKay: -- still close to that half mile alignment and so I explained that to Paige that she had reversed that and she said sorry and I have a meeting with her tomorrow to show her what I'm talking about, because she wasn't quite tracking over the phone. So, I have a meeting with them at 1:00 tomorrow. Seal: That makes sense. Question for the -- right now there is single access for water. That was one of the concerns that was listed in there. Generally there is going to be, you know, redundant hookups that are in there and the reason I'm asking that question is because of the concerns from the Fire Department as far as access coming in, response and timing, even when the -- the Overland station comes online, so -- McKay: Madam Chairman, Commissioner Seal, there is a 12 inch water main that comes in down Harris Street. We are in the upper pressure zone five. Below us, at the lower elevation, is pressure zone four. So, the city took -- they went down Amity and they took from -- connected to a well at Amity, brought it down Amity, then, they brought it up Meridian Road and, then, they brought it down Harris, because the Meridian Heights -- they could not get the minimum fire flow without doing that. Then we hooked into the 12 inch in Victory and brought it up through the Hansen property -- so, if I pop -- let's see. So, there was -- there was a 12 inch in Victory and we brought it up through the Hansen property and brought it over and up to Harris. Then there is a second feed that comes down Meridian Road and comes down Harris that we have connected to that 12 inch. So, there are two -- there are two accesses. There is a pressure relief valve, a PRV, because this is the lower zone four and, then, we have the well that's online. The master water model shows that in Oak -- what was it? Oak -- Seal: Oak Briar. McKay: -- Briar. In Oak Briar there will be a 12 inch that comes down and, then, connects to Amity. So, that is the -- that is the other connection and, then, there will be a fourth connection, because there is a 12 inch water main in Linder that, then, there is -- will be a PRV and there will be a connection there and I think the city was going to take that 12 all the way around the horn here. So, we have multiple opportunities for water. But the big thing is that Well 32 is online and -- Seal: Okay. McKay: -- we made sure, because we could -- we could only develop a certain number of homes in our first and second phase in pressure zone four. Pressure zone five had to come online and it needed another well. Seal: Madam Chair, a follow on question to that. Harris Street as it goes through to Linder, when will that be completed? McKay: The highway district -- obviously, we are going to be taking it right here to the mid mile with Graycliff and, then, in Brundage Estates we would take it over to Linder. Now, the sewer for Brundage is not the same as Graycliff. It comes in down Linder. So, Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 24 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 22 of 35 the thought was we would connect -- we would start from the west and work our way to the east to interconnect the two. ACHD did not -- they -- they placed a condition on me. They did not want this interconnection until the signal goes in, because they didn't want to create a situation where it was exceeding the capacity of this intersection. Secondly, there is a capacity issue at Victory and Linder as far as this intersection, because there are three homes that are right there on that -- right at the intersection that will most likely have to be purchased for them to expand the intersection. So, in our extensive -- we have had multiple traffic studies on Brundage, Biltmore, Graycliff. We have updated our studies. ACHD has trigger points based on the number of lots where, then, they have us update our traffic study and evaluate if we need to build more of Harris or if we need to install the signal. So, they are -- on these larger projects they are -- they -- they have stages where they have us relook at what is -- where are the volumes on the background traffic and where are we in our development and so we can keep up with our improvements as we progress through these -- these larger projects. Seal: Well -- and the reason I asked about the Harris Street, extending that out to Linder, partially is for the response time for the Fire Department, because the Fire Department's going to be on the corner of Linder. So, instead of having to come all the way over to -- McKay: Correct. Seal: -- to the highway, that would improve the -- McKay: So, it would have to come -- you're right. You're right, sir. They come down they come down Linder, they come down Victory and the quickest way in would be Kentucky Way. So, there is a collector Kentucky Way right here. Right at the mid mile. It would come right to us. So, they would come here, come over, up Kentucky Way and this -- Kentucky Way is constructed all the way to Harris. Seal: Okay. But there is no timing on that -- I mean it sounds like the timing of the light is driven by rooftops or car trips and that is also going to drive when the Harris Street is going to finish extension out to Linder Road. So, really, there is -- I mean it's -- when you speak with ACHD can you maybe find out what that would be? I just have concerns over the -- what the Fire Department is concerned with and I want to make sure we are supporting them in the -- McKay: Yeah. Seal: -- you know, making it safe for everybody, because if -- if the fastest way in there is through two different subdivisions on a subdivision street, that -- that makes -- that makes me pause for concern, because if that's my house burning down in there with my family at risk, I definitely don't want the Fire Department to have to take that route. McKay: I think based on their scoring right now with the Station No. 4 here at 78 percent and they said their preferred was 80. So, we are at two percent. So, by the time these -- these homes are built and the new station comes online we will be well with -- within Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 25 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 23 of 35 their preferred response time, even with Kentucky Way. It is a collector roadway. It is intended to bring traffic up from Victory up to the center of this section to Harris. So, it's not like they will be meandering through a circuitous route, it's -- it's a pretty straight shot right-- you can see Kentucky Way. Come straight --wow. Dang it. Sorry. Come straight up right to there. Holland: Any other follow up questions? Commissioner Seal? Any other Commissioners? Commissioner Grove. Grove: Madam Chair. Becky, you mentioned the -- there was going to be a housing diversity because of the increased number of houses from the initial --or from 2018. What is the -- what is your intended price point for -- for that? McKay: I think I will leave that up to Cody. Seal: Okay. McKay: He is the specialist and that's why I wanted you to hear from him this evening, because he can, obviously, tell you what's happening out there in the field with these buyers and what the price point is going to be. So, I will leave that up to him if you don't mind. Seal: Thank you. McKay: Thank you. Holland: Any last follow-up questions? I think we can let Becky sit down. Pitzer: Madam Chair? Holland: Oh. We might have one more for you. Commissioner Pitzer. Pitzer: Sorry. Thank you. So, the collector road that you have going through Kentucky, how wide is that street? You're saying it's a connector. McKay: This collector street here, Kentucky Way -- we built Kentucky Way at a 36 back to back. That is a collector width. Thirty-six feet from back of curb to back of curb. Pitzer: Do you have any front facing homes on those roads? McKay: I do not. I do not. Pitzer: Thank you. McKay: There are --there are a couple in -- there is just a handful in Kentucky Ridge, but I have no front-on housing. So, I have -- I have a 36 back to back and, then, I have 20 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 26 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 24 of 35 foot landscaping and detached sidewalks. And in the Graycliff project we have all detached sidewalks with an eight foot landscape strip. So, we have -- pedestrians will be -- will be separated from the curb safely away from the roadway network. Pitzer: And Graycliff -- Graycliff has what size -- McKay: Thirty-three foot from back of curb to back of curb. That is Ada County Highway District standard street section for a local residential street. Pitzer: Thank you very much. Holland: Thank you, Becky. McKay: Thank you. Holland: Madam Clerk, do we have folks signed in to testify? Weatherly: Madam Chair, I believe the gentlemen that Becky was with would like to speak. But, otherwise, we don't have any signed up. Holland: Sir, if you want to come forward and put your name and address on the record we would appreciate it. Stoeger: Hello. Good evening. My name is Cody Stoeger. Address 1157 La Reata, Middleton. Get my PowerPoint pulled up, so -- no problem. So, I'm representing L2 Construction, which is the builder for Graycliff Estates. I want to provide a little bit of context for everything that Becky just presented in her presentation and why we are kind of moving from a -- from our current approved designation to a smaller lot designation. So, I wanted to provide a little bit of market statistics, maybe some things that you guys haven't heard or thought about and kind of the reason we are moving in that direction. I will give you the CliffsNotes version, because I know I don't have long. First of all, we are L2 Construction. Second generation Treasure Valley. Developer builder team. We are all Treasure Valley natives and residents. We care about what happens in this valley and I think that shows. We are committed to building beautiful, solid homes to meet the needs of our growing community. So, these are some interesting statistics that I wanted to bring -- bring to you guys so you can kind of see why we are doing what we are doing. Meridian, Idaho, median household income right now is 68,131. You can go to any lender, you can go to any website and they will tell you this is how much -- this is how much mortgage you can afford at that income and the scary part about that is right now the median sales price is up close to 400,000. This fluctuates every month. Last month it was over 430. So, this fluctuates quite a bit. This is driven by -- by one main factor and that's the inventory. We are low on inventory all the time, just because we have a massive influx of people moving here and that's what's driving the low inventory. Therefore, shooting the price up really high. So, this --this is another interesting statistic. This was a Housing and Urban Development Study that they did last year. Basically they are just telling us, hey, you guys need more homes. You need more single family homes and you need Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 27 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 25 of 35 more apartments. You need more homes in order to keep up with the influx of people that are coming here. So, they recommend by the end of 2020 we need 15,050 new homes. Another interesting statistic. Boise University once a year puts on an Idaho Policy Institute Treasure Valley survey where the Treasure Valley -- they interview Treasure Valley residents about transportation, housing, and taxes. Two biggest takeaways from that were 67.5 percent of respondents were very concerned about the increased cost of living associated with the growth in the Treasure Valley. That's no secret to any of us. The other one that I found pretty alarming -- the majority of people -- 66 percent do not believe that they would be able to find comparable housing that they could afford if they had to leave their current housing. That means people are feeling that pressure of the growth and we don't want that. So, my role is community completion. I'm from contract to contract. It's myjob to hold an open house five days a week. I interact with prospective buyers. I qualify the clients. And my most important role is I build buyer profiles. I tell the developer exactly who is coming into visit. And so with that the needs are pretty simple. We need more affordable housing. How are we going to get that? We are going to get that with more inventory. That's what we are trying to do. And to address your question, Commissioner Grove, we are shooting for the 320 to 400 starting price range. It looks like I'm out of time. Holland: I will give you another minute to wrap up. Stoeger: Okay. Thank you. Appreciate it. Holland: You're fine. Stoeger: Thank you very much. So, overall our goal is quality, safe, and thoughtfully designed communities offer more options for a larger percent of our residents here in Meridian. The fact of the matter is people just can't afford new homes. We want to give them that option. It's our -- it's our opportunity to -- to provide them with more affordably here in Meridian and they want local and affordable. People come to us because we are local. They know we are local and they know we don't build a thousand homes a year. So, they come to us because we are local. We are trying to -- to key on this one right here. We are trying to become a little bit more affordable. We want thoughtfully designed communities. We are not just going to throw them together. We care about this city. We care about this project. Unique modern designs. You saw the mockups in Becky's presentation. We don't want cookie cutter-- cookie cutter neighborhoods. You get in that three to four hundred price range -- frankly, they all look the same. We are trying to mix things up a little bit. And southwest Meridian is, obviously, booming and people want to be out there. The proximity is a big deal. Still quiet out there. It's still nice and so we are trying to get more people out that way. And, then, I will just read this really quick if I may. This is our Meridian mission. We grew up here. We live here. Our -- as our hometown grows we are dedicated to maintaining what makes Meridian so special and that's the community. It's the sense of community that keeps us dedicated to providing a unique home building experience for the families we serve. On this endeavor we will always remember that new homes are our profession, but forging relationships along the way is our passion. We care about our clients. We care about their homes. We will strive to Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 28 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 26 of 35 build communities that meet the needs of and reflect the values and diversity of this great city. So, overall we want to meet the needs of the city and we want to do that affordably, if you will. And, then, at the end I just included some homeowner testimonials here, because we are kind of -- the kind of people we are. What kind of product we produce. And just kind of show us how much we care about it. Any questions? Holland: Any questions for the Commission? Thank you, sir. Stoeger: Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Holland: It looks like we may have somebody else signing up in the back, but is there anyone else in the room that would like to testify on this application or put your comments in? I'm not sure -- are you signing up in the back to say a few words? If you wouldn't mind coming up to the mic and saying your name and address for the record we would be happy to hear a few comments from you. Bronson. My name is Monica Bronson. 389 West Bloomington, Meridian. I just wanted to express my concern about the Harris Road access. I own a few properties in Meridian Heights. I own a house in Kentucky Ridge and Harris Road has fence from Meridian Road up to past Bloomington. Just three streets that were originally part of all the Meridian Height in one, two, or three versions or sections of it. It has front facing houses on Meridian Road. I don't know what the projection is for the width of Meridian Road, if they are going to do like a -- another road called Harris Road and have a separate road for the residents that are front facing. Right now it's very narrow and it's a death trap trying to get onto Meridian Road. So, my concern is if they are going to put a light in think the sooner the better, because there is -- with the L2 housing division -- subdivision that's gone through at L2 Builders up above and, then, the rest of this Graycliffs, plus the Stapleton, the amount of traffic on Harris Road is going to be tremendous and I just am really concerned about the safety and the people -- the people who have front facing houses, they park their cars on Harris Road. So, I don't -- I wasn't sure if you were aware of that. But I think it's something to consider on the width of what the proposed Harris Road would be when they are finished and would like to see if that could be put in. Holland: Thank you. Any questions? Appreciate your comments. Bronson: Thank you. Holland: Thank you very much. Anyone else like to testify? With that I will have Becky -- if you have anymore words you would like to say. McKay: I will quick, Madam Chair, Commission. Becky McKay. Engineering Solutions. There are -- there are a few homes in Kentucky Ridge that do front on Harris. Even though it was designated a collector in those days they still allowed some front-on housing. I did a design for the property that became the Stapleton Subdivision and in my design I shifted Harris a little bit to the south and, then, created a median, so that those properties could back out easily and, then, they had curb cuts where they could come Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 29 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 27 of 35 back out onto Harris Street. I did the same thing off of -- I think it was Duncan Lane and State Street, if you ever drive down State and you can see those houses and they kind of have like a private drive, they back into it, then, they go out onto Duncan. That's how I had it designed. Now, when Stapleton came through I didn't do that project, so they are required to widen that out. I -- I recommended to ACHD that, you know, they maintain that design, because I thought it would be -- it would work and protect those existing homes, but I don't believe that's what ACHD approved with Stapleton. So, we don't control that eastern portion of Harris. ACHD is, obviously, going to have to work with that developer to create a -- there is plenty of right of way to do that, but they are going to have to work with them to create a safe situation, so that those people can easily back out. Holland: Becky, do you know how many front facing homes are on Harris off chance? McKay: My recollection was there were -- I thought there were around six and there are --the two that were right at the intersection were the ones that I saw the most problematic, because of stalking and so that's why I thought, you know, creating a-- kind of a protected private drive with a median and, then, shifting to the south made sense. Holland: Any other questions for Becky at this time? Silence. I think you get to sit down. McKay: Thank you. Holland: Thanks, Becky. With that can I get a motion to close the public hearing for Graycliff Estates, H-2019-0129? Seal: So moved. McCarvel: Second. Holland: I have got a motion and a second. All in favor. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Holland: Commissioners, your thoughts, please. Who wants to go first? Seal: Madam Chair, I will start off with -- with what I really like about the -- the plans and everything that it seems to be well thought out. I like the fact that there is a -- there is a lot of walking paths and interconnectivity to it. The main walking path that -- the large walking path that's going to go in there is going to be great attention to -- I mean any subdivision to have that would be nice. The fact that there is going to be a -- you know, essentially, a park extension to it is -- is really nice. I like the fact that the -- you know, they put the forethought into that to have a -- kind of collection in the middle where -- of property that could be donated to the city if need be or just be open to, you know, the residents in this area to be able to use for whatever park experiences they may want to have. The upgraded clubhouse is really nice as well. I mean the reality -- living in our Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 30 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 28 of 35 areas, in order to get more affordability we are probably going to have to see a lot more of this condensed structure that's -- that's coming in. I have children that are out looking for houses right now that are -- you know, they are more than likely going to move out of the area, because the affordability just simply isn't there in Meridian anymore. So, that to me is -- you know, that's kind of sad to me as a parent, but at the same time I also live in a house whose value has doubled in the last five years. So, you know, it goes both ways for sure. The biggest concern I have with -- with the property in general is just the access that's going to be provided for -- for Fire. That to me is -- that's a big concern. There are a lot of front facing houses -- I just looked at the Google Earth on this and there is about 11 front facing houses off Harris Street as it comes in off of Meridian Road and there is -- on Kentucky there is also -- there is a small section of it that has front facing houses on both sides of the road as well. So, I'm just very concerned about that. I mean the response time -- I think the -- the -- the sequence in which things are going to be built and the timeline is going to provide for the fire station to be open that's closer, but even with one being open it's still below the response time that they like to hit. I mean we have been informed that that's, you know, a nice to have, not a have to have, but in looking at the rest of the -- you know, the -- looking at the rest of the road structures and the ability for the Fire Department to respond quickly, I just have a major concern over that. What would help me with that for sure is to have some kind of timeline from ACHD that says when Harris is going to come through there. That would make me feel a lot better. But I mean we are -- we are the City of Meridian and they are Ada County Highway District, so I don't -- I don't know if there is a way that we can get around that. But, essentially, I mean it's -- it's a really nice project. I think it's very well thought out. I think it's very well laid out. I think it makes great use of the space. But I just have big concerns over the ability for the Fire Department to, you know, provide the services that they need to provide safely. Holland: Thank you, Commissioner Seal. I think I will give a couple comments to you right now, but I know one thing we will need to take into consideration was they asked for one modification of the staff report for A-10, Section 9, that they wanted to change the timing of the dedication of the well. I didn't see any big concerns with that. It seemed like staff was fine with that as well. A couple of thoughts before I go back into any concerns. I like that there is a regional pathway. I like that there is three neighborhoods contributing to a bigger park. I think that's always nice when you can do that. I also like the addition of the pool and clubhouse, because I think that makes a nice amenity for the subdivision. As a Commission -- they do have an outstanding preliminary plat that was approved for the hundred and some units -- 136 buildable lots and they are asking for the increase -- two hundred. So, just putting that out there. Also we are not -- we are not considering the multi-family component of it tonight, we are just considering the overall concept and that's why they -- they put that in there just to give us a visual, but that will come back before us with a conditional use permit,just so that you are aware of that, too, before they could start building on that. One thought I had was looking at the phasing of it, I would prefer to have the greenbelt pathway constructed before the multi-family goes in, especially if that's aimed to be the last phase of the project. So, that would be one consideration I would like to look at. Maybe not that it be required with the first phase, but maybe before the completion of the last phase of the subdivision, maybe at the end Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 31 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 29 of 35 of the phase two, something like that, I would like to see that amenity in there, so there is more pathway for people to get around. That was one of my thoughts. I also have some concerns with the access in and out, that there is just one main access off of Harris and there is certainly some challenges on Harris that will depend on what the neighboring subdivision does with Stapleton, when they come in there. There is not much that this specific property can do to help with that component, because it's not really next to their right of way, but I don't think ACHD is going to finish out Harris Road until the light's in and I don't think the light's going to come in until the rooftops come in. So, it's kind of a chicken and egg situation. So, I hear your concerns, but I'm not sure that there is much we can do to expedite that process there. Other Commissioners ready to give some thoughts? Commissioner Pitzer? Pitzer: First the positives. I mean I really like the design concept, the different style houses. It's a little modern, you know, not the cookie cutter, all of that, but 1, too, have the concerns on the Fire, that the fire issues -- the connector road that they have going in, yeah, it's a 36 wide street, but that's still going through two subdivisions -- two -- two separate subdivisions and -- and especially in the low point -- portion of this subdivision that doesn't have any grass, which is a big concern for me. The other point as far as the front facing homes on Harris Road, you know, I don't see that there is anything that's going to change that. They already have 136 on there currently and really look at that before going to 200 and that isn't going to change dramatically as far as those 11 houses on that road. I agree that the -- that the pathway needs to probably go in before the apartments, just to make this -- the amenities in for them. Thank you. Holland: Commissioner Grove, any thoughts? Grove: Trying to formulate how to say all these. Holland: I can come back -- Grove: I like the --the thought that's gone into this to address the affordability issues that -- I know a lot of people my age are -- are struggling with and finding those homes that either their first or second home to be able to find in the -- in the area. So, I applaud your efforts to address those concerns. I don't -- I don't see a big difference from a -- from 136 to 200 in terms of like how its laid out and I see the positives. I'm still learning the access road pieces and all of that, so I'm very interested to hear the rest of the Commission's thoughts on -- on these things. So, I don't have a lot of input into -- into that aspect. One thing that Becky mentioned in her response to the builder -- in response to phase four, the multi-family, I -- I have heard enough of Council meetings and things we are having that come in so late in the game can be a problem. So, I would encourage you to continue to press on that aspect of it, so that it is well timed, that -- to lessen some of the negativity of those builds, because just as affordability is an issue, you know, there is not a lot of availability for all types of housing at different price points and different styles. So, encourage you to continue looking at expediting that process. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 32 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 30 of 35 Holland: Commissioner Grove, one note I think was in the staff report, too, is that they would have to have some signage that says that this is planned for future apartments to just help with that knowledge and awareness. I believe I saw that somewhere in the staff report. Pitzer: Madam Chair? Holland: Commissioner Pitzer. Pitzer: Yes. The other thing I was concerned about was the schools. Nobody has addressed schools. This looks to be like it would be a young neighborhood. They would have children and I'm kind of concerned. I haven't heard anything about what school -- how this would affect the schools that we have going in. Holland: Sonya, do you have easy access to remember what -- if the school district sent in comments on this one? Seal: They did not. Holland: They did not? Seal: That was one of the things that was missing. Holland: Yeah. And it's tough -- when it comes to the school district, it's tough to limit development based on -- on what schools are available. A lot of times we like to hear from the school district of what capacities are available in neighboring schools. We could certainly ask for more insight to that if we wanted to -- to wait. I was trying to see if there is anything in there, but -- you say there wasn't anything in there from the schools? Seal: Madam Chair, there was -- there wasn't anything there from West Ada that I saw. And that's something that I always look for and, honestly, I'm kind of disappointed that we haven't had it in the last few projects that are out there. It's almost -- I mean I know that they are given the ability to respond and they are not responding and, honestly, I would like to dig deeper into why that is, because to me that's one of the first things -- I look at the Fire Department, I look at the Police Department, I look at Ada County Highway District, I look at the school districts. You know, we are kind of at their will sometimes, but at the same time, you know, we want to be as good and thoughtful to those agencies as we possibly can. So, you know, I agree it's -- this is -- this is going to be built to be a young neighborhood, so the schools that -- you know, 200 homes are going to impact -- are going to be a pretty sizable impact on them I would imagine, so -- Pitzer: And bus stops. I'm concerned with bus stops from here and --would be a concern for me, too. Holland: Yeah. I know there is no proposed bus stops at this point in the development, but -- Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 33 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 31 of 35 Weatherly: Madam Chair? Holland: Madam Clerk. Weatherly: Just for context, Stapleton Subdivision we did receive information from West Ada School District on that back in November. I can give you numbers for context if you are interested. Holland: That would be great. Weatherly: Mary Mac Elementary had an enrollment of 553 at that time. The capacity of the school is 566. That's 1.3 miles away. Victory Middle School. The enrollment is 961 . The capacity is one thousand, 1.5 miles away from Stapleton. Meridian High School. The enrollment was 2,004 and the capacity was 2,400. Again, that was provided to us on November 22nd, 2019. Holland: Thank you, Madam Clerk. McCarvel: Madam Chair. So, I mean finally something that's slightly under, instead of grossly over. But I mean the fact that they won't build new schools until the ones are overcrowded, until those rooftops are in place, and I know most of this was already -- has been on the books for quite some time. This is -- we are really just talking about the addition of 70 homes, not -- Holland: Correct. McCarvel: -- not 200, plus the high density. We have already seen this. I would just comment -- I mean I do think it's very thoughtful -- it makes me very sad to see the larger lots going away, but I understand the reason and also having a child just in the last two weeks has been making offers on homes trying to buy his first home and it is very disheartening to see, you know, what they are having to go through to get their first homes and some of the quality that's out there. So, I appreciate -- even though that the lots are smaller, that there is still going to -- there is still consideration for good quality in somebody's first home. I appreciate the additional amenities and I would agree that the pathway -- I would like to see that in a little sooner and I guess -- maybe I didn't hear things the same way as everybody did, but I thought I heard about what the -- in respect to the Fire response time -- maybe I heard it differently -- that once the firehouse goes online on Overland that it will --they will be well within it, which is at the end of next month. So, I'm not sure -- I mean for us to second guess -- and maybe -- I heard it -- was it -- not until Harris goes in. It's just -- it's with the addition of that firehouse on Overland at the end of March they will be way within their desired response time. So, I guess I'm not having quite the issue with that. Holland: I'm not having the same heartburn about the --the Fire as much either, because I think -- I agree that once the new station is online they will have the accessibility. We could certainly put a condition in there that says we want the applicant to work with the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 34 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 32 of 35 fire district to make sure that they have got the appropriate access points that would make them feel comfortable, because I know there was a comment in the staff report about how many lots they would be limited to until there was a point where there was secondary. But we could certainly put a note in there endorsing that we want them to work with the fire district on safety and access. Again, with the school questions that we were talking about, too, it's -- it's-- it's tough. I think we probably didn't get a comment on this, because they were already approved prior for the 133 lots and the multi-family component to it, so it's tough to condition projects based on school numbers, because, as Commissioner McCarvel stated, they typically will -- they put this into their plan of what developments are coming forward and once the -- once the schools start reaching their capacities, then, they start planning for future uses as needed, but it's tough to -- Pitzer: I appreciate that. Holland: It's the chicken and egg, unfortunately. Seal: Madam Chair? Holland: Commissioner Seal. Seal: Looking at the -- essentially looking at the layout of the -- of the roads and the Kentucky Way as it comes through, I mean just looking at the -- the trip traffic that's on the different roads and you have got -- you actually have more trips that are coming through on Kentucky Way than are coming through on Harris Street, which means that nobody wants to try and jump out on Meridian Road without a --without a signal out there and I don't blame them. But I think this is just going to add kind of fuel to the fire where most people out of this are going to take Kentucky Way up and out. I really -- I mean just because of the fact of that -- that main road coming in is Harris Street and it doesn't have a signal and there is no time line behind it, I just have -- I have big reservations about this just from a safety standpoint and traffic standpoint and -- I mean because as we have all seen before, I mean as people start to move in and they start to run through the other subdivisions and that creates safety issues for the -- for the people that are in there and the kids that are running around in there as well. So, I just -- that Harris Street being so undeveloped and not having a signal there is causing me major heartburn. Holland: One more comment just to reiterate, too, that they have -- they have already been approved for the 133 lots, so there -- there is 136. I'm sorry. Their request is to move that up to 200. So, we are looking at the difference there that we are looking to improve tonight -- or recommend approval of. So, I think there -- this development would go forward regardless. It's just a matter of do we want to give them consideration to let them do the more affordable price product and blend in a few more products there with -- with the new amenities that they have proposed as well or do we want to send it to Council and ask them to stay with the original plat. McCarvel: Madam Chair? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 35 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 33 of 35 Holland: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: I would be in support of allowing the 200 lots. That is what's in front of us this -- this evening. It's all -- the whole game is chicken and egg. I mean you don't get the stoplight until you have the rooftops there, so -- I mean until the traffic demands it. So, it's -- it's just what we face all the time with a community that's growing as we are. There is always construction and there is always more traffic coming. Holland: I think I would tend to agree with the way that they have laid out the plat, the additional amenities that they have provided, especially if we condition getting that greenbelt pathway in a little bit earlier. I don't know if -- Sonya, could you load the -- the maps that Becky had put up for us that shows what the phasing was proposed to look like, just so we can get a better context of that. I think it was towards the end. Maybe not. It was right before the picture, I think, actually. That one right there. It looks like these three would be the final piece that touches on that greenbelt pathway, but the first phase and second phase would be the western boundary. I don't know what the Commissioners thoughts are on where to -- where to put the timing in, but maybe we could condition that the pathway is put in at the end of phase two, so that way it's ahead of phase three coming in. Allen: Madam Chair? If I may, I think -- I think you stated that incorrectly. Phase one is this piece right here. I'm not sure you -- it's very small print. I doubt you can see it. It does not include the pathway. Phase two is down here and phase three is right here. So, phases one and three abut the pathway that's proposed in phase four. Thank you. Holland: Any other comments, Commissioners? Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: Madam Chair. So, are you -- what's your thought on the pathway? End of two or three? Holland: I think it would be my preference to see the pathway come in at the end of phase two,just so that the pathway could be complete when phase three gets started to be built. That's my thought. McCarvel: Are we ready for a motion? Holland: Certainly. Always ready for a motion. Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: Madam Chair, after considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to City Council of file number H-2019-0140 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of February 6th, 2020, with the following modifications: That the pathway be completed at the end of phase two and in agreement with staff's agreement on that Section A-10 -- or A-10, Section 9 -- corrections that were stated by staff. Holland: One correction to your motion. It's application number 2019-0129. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 36 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 34 of 35 McCarvel: Two nine. Thank you. Holland: I have got a motion. Do I have a second? Grove: Second. Holland: Got a motion and a second. Any further discussion? Did you have another comment you wanted to make? Okay. The motion as stands is for construction of pathway at the end of phase two and for the modification as requested by the applicant for A-10, Section 9, with dedication of the well change to after recording of final plat. All those in favor -- Pitzer: Madam Chair, are we not going to put anything in about them working with the fire district as a condition? Holland: Would you like to modify your -- your motion to put in -- McCarvel: I believe it's in there. I believe it's stated in there that it's going to be fine by the end of March before this is ever even under construction. Holland: There are some conditions in the staff report that they have to meet fire requirements. Does the second still stand? Grove: Yes. Holland: Any other discussion? Seal: We can vote with the -- Holland: Okay. We can take a vote. Seal: Still have major concerns, so -- Holland: All right. We will take a vote. All those in favor say aye. All those opposed? Seal: Nay. Holland: One opposed. Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE NAY. TWO ABSENT. Holland: I think I just need one more motion for the night. McCarvel: Madam Chair? Holland: Commissioner McCarvel. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 37 of 117 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission February 6,2020 Page 35 of 35 McCarvel: I move we adjourn. Seal: Second. Holland: All those in favor? All right. Meeting adjourned. Thank you all. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:47 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED 2 1 20 1 20 RYAN FITZGERALD - CHAIRMAN DATE APPROVED By Lisa Holland, Vice Chair ATTEST: CHRIS JOHNSON - CITY CLERK By Adrienne Weatherly, Deputy City Clerk Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 20,2020— Page 38 of 117 E IDIAN IDAHO PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING AGENDA February 6 , 2020 Agenda Item Number : 3 A Item Title : Approve Minutes of January 16 , 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Meeting Notes : APPROUD C-/WE I� ITEM SHEET Council Agenda Item - 3.A. Presenter: Estimated Time for Presentation: 0 Title of Item -Approve Minutes of January 16, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Upload Date Meeting Minutes Minutes 1/21/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 3 of 94 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 16 , 2020 Page 59 of 59 MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8 : 46 P . M . (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS . ) APPROVE roll N GERALD eHArRMAN DATE APPROVED ATTES PQOaASED AUt;�sr' VO CHR S N ON - - 1 LERK r Chyor a E IDIAN IDANO z� SEAL Of the TREPSJ��,P ( A E IDIAN*.�� IDAHO PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING AGENDA February 6 , 2020 Planning and Zoning Public Hearing Outline and Presentations Meeting Notes : Changes to Agenda: None Item#4A: Quality Inn&Suites(H-2019-0140) Application(s): ➢ Conditional Use Permit Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site is zoned C-G and is located at 1575 S. Meridian Rd. on the west side of S. Meridian Rd., south of the 1-84 off-ramp. Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: Commercial Summary of Request: A CUP is requested to reinstate the nonconforming status of the sign for Quality Inn &Suites with changes to the sign that aren't consistent with the standards listed in UDC 11-3D-8A.14. The Applicant proposes to install a new sign cabinet on the existing sign structure that is 244 s.f.with a height of 50'with no changes to the area at the base of the sign. The reason for the change is for re-branding purposes of the business. The proposed sign exceeds the maximum 40'tall height& 150 square foot background area and is not set within a landscaped area having at least the same square footage as the background area of the sign as currently required by the UDC (11-3D-8A.14). No landscaping exists at the base of the sign. For these reasons, it's considered a nonconforming sign; as such, a CUP is required to reinstate the status of the sign. If this request is not approved, the Applicant would still be allowed to change the copy area and/or re- paint the existing sign provided that the sign or sign structure is not altered in any way(UDC 11-3D-2D). Although the proposed sign is not consistent with current UDC standards, it does lessen the existing nonconformity of the sign by reducing the background area of the existing sign by more than half and the height of the sign by 84". For this reason, Staff is amenable to the Applicant's request; however, recommends as a condition of approval that the design of the sign include decorative elements that are more aesthetically pleasing than just a rectangular cabinet(this is a recommendation only and not required by the UDC). Staff recommends the Applicant work with Staff on a more appealing design for the sign. (Architectural appurtenances or other decorative elements that do not contain copy are allowed up to a max. of 15%of the district's allowable sign height as set forth in UDC 11-3D-8A.d). Written Testimony: Cole Fischer, Persona Signs; Rachel Wehrle, Choice Hotels(not in agreement w/staff's recommendation to add decorative elements to the sign) Staff Recommendation:Approval w/the aforementioned condition Notes: Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of File Number H- 2019-0140, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of February 6, 2020, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial to the City Council of File Number H-2019- 0140, as presented during the hearing on February 6, 2020,for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2019-0140 to the hearing date of(insert continued hearing date here)for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s)for continuance) Item#413: Graycliff Estates(H-2019-0129) Application(s): ➢ Development Agreement Modification ➢ Preliminary Plat Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 52.46 acres of land,zoned R-8& R-40, located southwest of W. Harris St. and S. Meridian Rd. Adjacent Land Use&Zoning: Existing &future SFR,zoned R-4, R-8& R-15 History: This property was annexed in 2015 and a PP was approved for 120 buildable lots; a subsequent PP was approved in 2018 which increased the number of buildable lots to 136;this entitlement is still valid. Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: MDR Summary of Request: The applicant requests a modification to the existing DA to increase the number of SFR buildable lots from 136 to 200&the qualified open space from 8.85 to 8.97 acres;the number of multi-family buildable lots and apartments are proposed to stay the same at 2 and 224 units respectively. Other minor modifications to the DA are noted in the Section VIII.A. The previous gross density of the single-family residential portion was 3.23 units per acre compared to 4.9 units per acre currently proposed; the density of the multi-family portion is the same at 14.18 units per acre. The proposed increase in density is still consistent with that desired in the MDR FLUM designation. The previous development plan included a 1,720 linear foot segment of the City's 10-foot wide multi-use pathway in a linear open space area bisecting the site where the William's Pipeline is located, a children's play structure and yard shuffleboard as amenities. The proposed plan still includes a multi-use pathway and children's play structure but the yard shuffleboard has been removed and a community swimming pool is proposed as an upgraded amenity.The access and interconnectivity proposed to adjacent parcels with the proposed plan is substantially the same as the previous plan. The proposed plat consists of 200 SFR buildable lots, 2 MFR buildable lots, 14 common lots, 3 common driveway lots, 1 park lot that may be a portion of a future City neighborhood park& 1 City well lot on 52.46 acres of land in the R-8 (MDR)and R-40(HDR)zoning districts. Proposed SFR lots range in size from 4,200 to 9,600 square feet(s.f.)with an average lot size of 4,692 s.f. and a gross density of 4.89 units/acre.The project is proposed to develop in 4 phases with the MFR developing last. Access is proposed via the extension of W. Harris St., collector,from S. Meridian Rd./SH-69; a collector street is also planned along the west boundary of the site in accord w/the MSM. Public streets are proposed for internal access within the SFR development with stub streets at the project's south &east boundaries for future extension; 2 driveway connections are proposed between the SFR& MFR portions of the development for interconnectivity.A driveway is required at the east boundary of the MFR development to the future development(Stapleton)to the east for emergency access. A total of 8.97 acres(or 17.10%)of qualified open space is proposed in excess of UDC standards, including a 1.69 acre common area on the north side of Harris St. that may be included with common area in adjacent developments(Biltmore Estates&Brundage Estates)and consolidated for a City neighborhood park. Site amenities are proposed as previously mentioned that exceed the minimum standards. The Sundell and the Tumbler Laterals which cross this site are proposed to be piped with development. The Williams Northwest gas pipeline bisects this site and lies within a 75'wide easement.All development within the easement is required to adhere to the most current standards in the Williams Gas Pipeline Developer's Handbook. The applicant has provided the City with a lease on a parcel of land within Lot 1, Block 9 for a future city well. The well lot shall be created and deeded to the city at the time of final platting. Conceptual building elevations were submitted demonstrating the quality of homes and architecture proposed. Because facades of homes adjacent to collector streets will be highly visible, elevations are required to incorporate articulation to break up monotonous wall planes&rooflines visible from the public ROW. Written Testimony: • Becky McKay,Applicant's Representative—in agreement w/staff report except for one change to condition#A.10 in Section IX —change the timing for dedication of the well lot to the City from "at the time of final platting"to"after recording of the final plat."—staff is in agreement with this change. • Jennifer Pedrali—not in favor of the increased density proposed due to traffic&school overcrowding; impact fees are too low to support all the development in Meridian. • Victoria Laidlaw—wants to ensure the developer will still install a 6'fence on top of a berm across the entire southern end of the development adjoining her property to ensure crops on her property won't be ruined due to trespassing; and an underground pipe installed to accommodate drainage from her property to replace the existing ditch that runs across this site that serves that purpose. Staff Recommendation:Approval w/conditions Notes: Possible Motions: After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of File Number H- 2019-0129, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of February 6, 2020,with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial to the City Council of File Number H-2019- 0129, as presented during the hearing on February 6, 2020,for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2019-0129 to the hearing date of(insert continued hearing date here)for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s)for continuance) h2 6,' ■ LAND USE AND RESIDENTIAL ZONING Code Land Use Name Residential Density Ranges Preferred Zoning Rural Rural/Estate 1 unit/5 acre or less R-2 LDR Low Density 1 to 3 unitslacre R-2, R-4 MDR Medium Density 3 to 8 units/acre R-4,R-8,TN-R MHDR Medium High Density 8 to 15 unitslacre R-8, R-15,TN-R HDR High Density 15 or greater unitslacre R-15, R-40 O-T Old Town Flexible O-T MU-N Mixed Use Neighborhood 6 to 12 unitslacre R-8, R-15,TN-R,TN-C, C-N, L-O MU-C Mixed Use Community 6 to 15 unitslacre R-15, R-40,TN-R,TN-C,C-C,L-O MU-R Mixed Use Regional 6 to 40 units/acre R-15, R-40,TN-C, C-G,M-E MU-1 Mixed use Interchange See Comprehensive Plan See Comprehensive Plan Note: Some designations allow for density bonuses dependent upon meeting other conditions described within the {amprehensiye Plan. Slide 1 h2 Agenda Item Numbers/Order: hoodc, 12/19/2006 Lie gen d lei i � � '� 2Items #4A: Quality Inn & Suites — RUT G2 UUALI I Y INN&SUI I ES 1575 S MERIDIAN RD MERIDIAN,ID 7 EXISTING SIGNS, 0 bXISI IN&UANNLR R-8 R4 8 ' ©NO EXISTING SIGNAGE r- - p1-51/4'X 4'-90'114'TENANT PANEL 18'-11'X 30'-T PYLON SIGN I - <' PROPOSED SIGNS: Y. `R- R-A RLIT RU' 022'TX6'0'WALLGIGN S IN e-i Q 14"LOBBY'CHANNEL LETTERS 1-5114-X 4'-101W TENANT PANEL FACE REPLACEMENT f � Q 8'-1'X 30'-1'PYLON PARTIAL FACE REPLACEMENT AI Existing Proposed - INN O WITES 1 g.: EXISTING: 18'AT TALL x 30'-1"WIDE 30*-ll INN&SUITES-9T TALL S8'-4'OAH INN 00 UALITY Items #46: Graycliff Estates Development Agreement Modification & Preliminary Plat Legend Ul 0 Fr gend Legend Prajeot Loouton R-.8 F ea- Lxa=or Pro"ea- Lacfl=or R�fi Residentlbi R- i Nigh D ns Resid R-15 medium i�en7 tial - + RUT Residential ' C 1 RUT ' R-4 R- 2015 Preliminar 2018 Preliminary Pl RUT R , .,,m R-d I.wmmy i _____ _ vaorce®auwc csxhs:leornnox �f• ___ _ �� _ I i _- x.�eao...s r�xs vn� __ n a - p I E� ,�� _� ...-ice. y � _ - -•--•-----" �--�--�" �"—.i, �, v�� ', � � _. - -'-'-------- y.•' RUT E 5 ' RUT -----`i¢ '�'� �7� `�C+ � a .�� worm .� 1 �� � ««. -_ ♦+ �� (+i ... R•40 I 1�' 4.•. Ar \ I i "i- i � �1 a Iuue ulRn■.w1Y ;', IS ..a. n `�r ,08 'I' - .� Il�...!.�w .■ ,H a � ' RLJTI. .c.. �i H-. s. --i y .. �i I I - 8,,.' �� �� :fir f• ,�,� � ��r M 71 r � I y � � �i�l .�.. �I I a �. .:° �'�� � ,�.�,, � ��° ��_--+ .nwmn I �' .� �, ..'.' � , �■ s sa •� � utww I I� ° p ,... 1 �. ..�.. ", s.�.� �.�_.'_� es..,.. �� .� s � �. ��`' ,I II •� .. .: ,. .,u � �I�� 'if � ,° o �Yy r. I Y _ 4"" ' � 3'N s r'P x, §,`.Ibe } —_� a ,. .! r n . �o a j■ n 3: =Y - ■ -► _ �,"_ �- RUT i a _ �- . uR RUT � .. I 2y g_ __ �. ...9.. _ice. 11 �� { �� ` ' +a » s I, . r} +, x ° ■ ,a ,a 6 �='�=:'�Y--�_ -� � __ ..., �RLJT, eaonrw nve '� 4 ---I - �--�-_ -_ f IY °nr��-.� ________..■..:_ �1MENEMNONE . � - Imo► ��i - Kill ia' Ito _ ! ■■ �■■ JII11�11t1 r o, ..:,amalt' 11 1 logo ilia t . , Conceptual Building Elevationsfi � IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Illy .,,. ��, E IDIAN IIDAHO PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING AGENDA February 6th , 2020 Agenda Item Number : 4 A Item Title : Public Hearing for Quality Inn and Suites ( H - 2019 - 0140 ) By Quality Inn and Suites - Meridian . Located at 1575 S . Meridian Rd . 1 . Request : Conditional Use Permit to reinstate the nonconforming status of the sign with changes to the sign that aren 't consistent with the standards listed in UDC 11 - 3D - 8A . 14 . Meeting Notes : City of Meridian-Public Hearing Sign In Form Tools I ERIDIAN*7- Council Sign In Forms Tools Hearing Date: 2/6/2020 Hearing Type: PZ Item Number: 4-A Project Name: Quality Inn & Suites CUP Project No.: H-2019-0140 Active: ❑ There are no signatures posted for this meeting type yet. Go Back To List Export To Excel ©2020 - City of Meridian, Idaho http://intemalapps/SIGNINFORMTOOLS/SignInFomiDetails?id=394[2/7/2020 9:37:09 AM] C-/WE I� ITEM SHEET Council Agenda Item -4.A. Presenter: Estimated Time for Presentation: 0 Title of Item - Public Hearing for Quality Inn & Suites (H-2019-0140) by Quality Inn & Suites - Meridian, Located at 1575 S. Meridian Rd. Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at Hearing ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Upload Date Staff Report Staff Report 2/3/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 63 of 94 STAFF REPORT C�I w IDIAN -- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT .►A H O HEARING 2/6/2020 Legend DATE: ��Project Lflcfl�ian TO: Planning&Zoning Commission 1 FROM: Sonya Allen,Associate Planner RUT 208-884-5533 - - Bruce Freckleton,Development Services Manager s 208-887-2211 i l I Rl SUBJECT: H-2019-0140 ' Quality Inn& Suites R-8 R-S LOCATION: 1575 S. Meridian Rd. (SE '/4 of Section 13,T.3N.,R.1 W.; Parcel#R7702510013; #R7702520040; #R770251033) R-gR;.a RUT RU I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Conditional use permit(CUP)to reinstate the nonconforming status of the sign for Quality Inn and Suites with changes to the sign that aren't consistent with the standards listed in UDC 11-3D-8A.14. II. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Applicant: Quality Inn& Suites Meridian— 1575 S. Meridian Rd.,Meridian, ID 83642 B. Owner: Meridian Hospitality Group— 1575 S. Meridian Rd.,Meridian,ID 83642 C. Representative: Robert Reeder,Lytle Signs—PO Box 305,Twin Falls,ID 83303 11I. NOTICING Planning& Zoning City Council Posting Date Posting Date Notification published in newspaper 1/17/2020 Notification mailed to property owners within 300 feet 1/14/2020 Page 1 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 64 of 94 Applicant posted public hearing notice on site 1/23/2020 Nextdoor posting 1/14/2020 IV. STAFF ANALYSIS A. Future Land Use Map Designation(ht(gs://www.meridiancity.org/compplan) Commercial B. Existing Structures/Site Improvements: The existing sign is 58'4"with a 569 square foot(s.f.)cabinet and has no landscaping at the base of the sign. C. Proposed Use Analysis: The Applicant proposes to install a new sign cabinet on the existing sign structure that is 244 s.f. with a height of 50' with no changes(i.e. landscaping)to the area at the base of the sign due to the extensive work it would require to the existing area and parking lot. The reason for the change is for re-branding purposes of the business. The proposed sign exceeds the maximum 40' tall height and 150 square foot background area and is not set within a landscaped area having at least the same square footage as the background area of the sign as currently required by the UDC(I 1-3D-8A.14).No landscaping exists at the base of the sign. Because the existing sign does not now conform to the dimensional standards listed in UDC 11- 3D-8A.14 for business identification signs,it is considered a nonconforming sign per UDC 1I- lA-1. A CUP is required for a nonconforming sign to reinstate the nonconforming status of the sign if changes are made to the sign that aren't consistent with current standards as set forth in UDC 11-1B-6C.3.No changes have been made to the sign;the Applicant is requesting approval of the proposed changes. If this request is not approved,the Applicant would still be allowed to change the copy area and/or re-paint the existing sign provided that the sign or sign structure is not altered in any way, as set forth in UDC 11-3D-2D. Although the proposed sign is not consistent with current UDC standards,it does lessen the existing nonconformity of the sign by reducing the background area of the existing sign by more than half and the height of the sign by 8'4". For this reason, Staff is amenable to the Applicant's request; however,recommends as a condition of approval that the design of the sign include decorative elements that are more aesthetically pleasing than just a rectangular cabinet. Staff recommends the Applicant work with Staff on a more appealing design for the sign. V. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the proposed CUP with the condition in Section VII per the Findings in Section VIII. Page 2 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 65 of 94 VI. EXHIBITS A. Site Plan(date: 9/23/2019) ~ Existing Sign UUALI 1 Y INN&SUI f I 1575 5 MERIDIAN RD MERIDIAN,ID t EXISTING SIGNS: Q EXISIING 8ANNER S NO EXISTING SIGNAGE 4 ®"I'5'114'X 4'-10'V4'TENANT PANEL i+ 4)18'-11-X 30'1"PYLON SIGN PROPO5IFD SIGNS: A O 2'1-X 6'❑°WALL 611 7 r r� 0 14''LOBBY"CHANNEL LETTERS ®1-5 U4 X 4-11D 7/4 TENANT PANEI FACE REPLACEMENT rc k ®8'-1`X 30'-T PYLON PARTIAL FACEREPLACEMENT CUSTOMER APPROVAL I Elevation drawings are forcustomer approval only.drawings are not to be used as any installation guide,all dimensions must be verified before installation- Customer: Date: Prepared By. HdA: DISTRIOUnD BY SISN UP COMPANY QUALITY INN B SUITES 09/23/19 IDV/KH m u:nn. csra euenpe p uoemnnermiAmtlamcmm er�9nle�r persona 70025IStfeetSoutl est Lacat— Fla Name: Fnq Person PD-210 , MERIDIAN,ID 174394-R2-MERIDIAN,ID r SIGNS I LIGHTING I IMAGE w��eWn ��0-Oa O 1 800.643-9888 mrw.pasanasigns.com Note: Other proposed signs (#I-3) depicted on site plan comply with current UDC standards. Page 3 — - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 66 of 94 Man INN SUITES ' I EXISTING'. IT-11"TALL x 30'-1"WIDE INN&SLIITFS-'3 TALL ST-4"DAH QUALITY 00 INN & SUITES GRAPHIC OETAIL APrInOVAL BOX-PLEASE INITIAL SCALE:118'=1-0' CUSTOMER APPROVAL NOTE: Elevation drawings are for customer approval only,drawings are not to be used as any installation guide,all dimensions must be verified before installation. Cuwomef: Dale. Prep..d By Nah;�7hMNA4 rt��C wrguPmry dae'9&igpgynyreat=n t:cz'vn DISTRIBUTED BY SIGN UP COMPANY QUALITY INN&SUITES 09/23/19 IDWSC/KH —111nwM,A�m.npauureuamxP�ml�WmWbin�Irmawlmou 70021slSueetSonth�st Location �•Nama• Fnp persona PG Bru 210 MERIDIAN,ID 174394-R2-MERIDIAN,ID _ SIGNS I LIGHTING I IMAGE wa[PRnwa sv.rdovop 1 BG0.6439R98•wrrw pasonasgnscom VII. CONDITIONS A. Planning Division 1. The design of the sign depicted in Section VLA is not approved. The sign cabinet and/or structure shall include decorative elements that are more aesthetically pleasing than just a rectangular cabinet. The Applicant shall work with Staff on a more appealing design for the sign. VIII. FINDINGS Conditional Use(UDC 11-5B-6) Findings: The commission shall base its determination on the conditional use permit request upon the following: 1. That the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet all the dimensional and development regulations in the district in which the use is located. Page 4 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 67 of 94 Staff finds the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed changes to the free-standing business sign although as a nonconforming sign, it doesn't meet the dimensional standards in UDC 11-3D-8A.14. 2. That the proposed use will be harmonious with the Meridian comprehensive plan and in accord with the requirements of this title. Stafffinds the proposed sign will be harmonious with the Comprehensive Plan and in accord with the nonconforming sign standards if the proposed conditional use permit is approved. 3. That the design,construction, operation and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area. Staff ,finds the proposed design and construction of the sign will be generally compatible with others in the general area and that such sign will not adversely change the character of the area. 4. That the proposed use,if it complies with all conditions of the approval imposed,will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. Staff ,finds the proposed sign will not adversely affect other properties in the vicinity. 5. That the proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, schools,parks,police and fire protection, drainage structures,refuse disposal, water, and sewer. Stafffinds this finding is not applicable as the proposed sign/use is not served by public facilities and services. 6. That the proposed use will not create excessive additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. Stafffinds the proposed sign will not create additional costs for public facilities or services and will not be detrimental to the community. 7. That the proposed use will not involve activities or processes,materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons,property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic,noise, smoke, fumes,glare or odors. Staff ,finds the proposed sign will not have a detrimental effect on any persons,property or the general welfare by any of the means listed. 8. That the proposed use will not result in the destruction,loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature considered to be of major importance. (Ord. 05-1170, 8-30-2005, eff. 9-15-2005) Staff ,finds the proposed changes to the existing sign will not affect any historic features. 9. Additional findings for the alteration or extension of a nonconforming use: a. That the proposed nonconforming use does not encourage or set a precedent for additional nonconforming uses within the area; and, Stafffinds the proposed changes to the existing nonconforming sign will actually reduce the nonconformity of the sign and will not set a precedent as noted. b. That the proposed nonconforming use is developed to a similar or greater level of conformity with the development standards as set forth in this title as compared to the level of development of the surrounding properties. Page 5 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 68 of 94 Staff finds the proposed nonconforming sign will be similar to others in the area and will be at a greater level of conformity that currently exists. Page 6 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 69 of 94 E IDIAN IDAHO PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING AGENDA February 6 , 2020 Agenda Item Number : 4 B Item Title : Public Hearing for Graycliff Estates Subdivision ( H - 2019 - 0129 ) By Star Development , Inc . Generally located South of W . Harris St . and West of S . Meridian Rd . 1 . Request . A Preliminary Plat consisting of 202 building lots, 15 common lots and 4 other lots on 52 . 46 acres of land in the R - S and R - 40 zoning districts . Meeting Notes : ;IN j� p f v � „ C-/WE I� ITEM SHEET Council Agenda Item -4.13. Presenter: Estimated Time for Presentation: 0 Title of Item - Public Hearing for Graycliff Estates Subdivision (H-2019-0129) by Star Development, Inc., Generally Located South of W. Harris St. and West of S. Meridian Rd. Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at Hearing ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Upload Date Staff Report Staff Report 2/4/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 70 of 94 City of Meridian-Public Hearing Sign In Forth Tools C�,WEN�!bl�l Council Sign In Forms Tools Hearing Date:2/6/2020 Hearing Type:PZ Item Number:4-B Project Name:Graycliff Estates Subdivision PP Project No.:H-2019-0129 Active:O Date/TimeSignature HOA HOA I Wish Sign In Name Address Name Represent For Neutral Against To Testify 2/6/2020 Monica 389 Kentucky 7:17:45 Bronson Bloomington Ridge PM ©2020-City of Meridian,Idaho http://i.[—lapps/SIGNINFORMTOOLS/Sig.I.FmmDe.ils?id=377[2/7/202O 9:37:47 AM] STAFF REPORT C�I w IDIAN -- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT .►A H O HEARING 2/6/2020 Legend DATE: Iff Project Lacfl-fion TO: Planning&Zoning Commission FROM: Sonya Allen,Associate PlannerAl - 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton,Development Services Manager -- 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: H-2019-0129 - Graycliff Estates ; LOCATION: Southwest of W. Harris St. and S. ' Meridian Rd. (Parcel#S 1225418957; SE %4 of Section 25,T.3N.,R.1W.) ; - ----- ----- I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Modification to the Development Agreement to update the development plan for the site consistent with the proposed preliminary plat and conceptual building elevations; and, Preliminary plat consisting of 202 building lots, 15 common lots and 4 other lots on 52.46 acres of land in the R-8 and R-40 zoning districts II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 52.46 Existing/Proposed Zoning R-8 and R-40(existing) Future Land Use Designation Medium Density Residential(MDR)&High Density Residential(HDR) Existing Land Use(s) Agricultural Proposed Land Use(s) Single-family(SFR)&multi-family residential(MFR) Lots(#and type;bldg./common) 202 SFR buildable lots,2 MFR buildable lots, 15 common lots and 4 other(3 common driveway and 1 well)lots Phasing Plan(#of phases) Yes—3 phases(SFR portion) Number of Residential Units(type 200 detached SFR homes;224 MFR apartments of units) Density(gross&net) 4.9(SFR)and 14.18(MFR) Open Space(acres,total 8.97 acres(or 17.1%) [%]/buffer/qualified) Amenities Multi-use pathway,swimming pool,children's play structure Page 1 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 71 of 94 Description Details I Page Public Amenities:possible neighborhood park and well lot Physical Features(waterways, The Sundall Lateral bisects site and the Tumbler/Carlson hazards,flood plain,hillside) Lateral runs along east boundary Neighborhood meeting date;#of 10/23/19; 8 attendees attendees: History(previous approvals) CPA-08-009(Res. 08-622);AZ-15-012(Ord. 15-1666;DA #2015-112095);PP-15-012(120 building lots);H-2018- 0054[PP(136 building lots),MDA#2018-086664] B. Community Metrics Description Details Page Ada County Highway District • Staff report(yes/no) Not yet • Requires ACHD Commission No Action(yes/no) Access(Arterial/Collectors/State W.Harris St.,collector street Hwy/Local)(Existing and Proposed) Traffic Level of Service Stub Street/Interconnectivity/Cross Stub streets are proposed to the east and south Access Existing Road Network Existing Arterial Sidewalks/ Buffers Proposed Road Improvements Fire Service • Distance to Fire Station 2.1 miles • Fire Response Time 6:00 minutes(under ideal conditions from nearest station- Fire Station#6—CAN'T MEET RESPONSE TIME GOALS • Resource Reliability Current reliability is unknown at this time.The current closest fire station is Station#4 which is 10 minutes away &the reliability is 78%-CAN'T MEET TARGET GOAL of 80%or greater • Risk Identification 1 —current resources would be adequate to supply service • Accessibility Project doesn't meet all required access,road widths and turnarounds;there is only one way in and one way out— therefore,they're limited to 30 building lots until an approved secondary access is constructed. • Special/resource needs Project will not require an aerial device;can meet this need in the required timeframe if a truck company is required. • Water Supply Requires 1,000 gallons per minute for one hour,may be less if buildings are sprinklered. • Other Resources Police Service No comments submitted Wastewater • Distance to Sewer Services Directly adjacent • Sewer Shed South Black Cat Trunk Shed • Estimated Project Sewer 202 SFR building; 15 common;and 4 other lots ERU's • WRRF Declining Balance 13.81 Page 2 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 72 of 94 Description Details Page • Project Consistent with WW Applicant is requesting to increase the number of SF units Master Plan/Facility Plan from 136 to 202.This has been modeled,is acceptable,and has been allocated. Water • Distance to Water Services Directly adjacent • Pressure Zone 5 • Estimated Project Water 202 SFR building; 15 common;and 4 other lots ERU's • Water Quality None • Project Consistent with Water Yes Master Plan • Impacts/Concerns There are concerns that the development only has one connection to the city water system.This concern will eventually be eliminated by the development to the east and south connecting to Meridian and Amity,creating a dual connection.The water mainlines in Harris Street, South Graycliff Way, South Colditz Way and West Wilton Woods Street must be 12" in order to eliminate the proposed main line in South Oakbriar Way.Also,applicant to provide a water mainline easement to the parcel to the northeast across Williams Pipeline to the future multi- family lots. C. Project Area Maps Future Land Use Map Aerial Map Legend (fLegend 0Pr6peat Lcca-hor - IeiProjeot Lao o-cr Residenfial High D Re sid sigh , sihy fiJke iu m iD en 7s fia t Resident'I L rc Zoning Map Planned Development Map Page 3 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 73 of 94 WRO Legend 0 Legend 0 Nr sc- Loca 'ar R.8 I Peale°tLflca-ion 7- City Lirrft R-4 J — Planned Parcels - RUT ' RUT 1 ' R-4 I-L i R-4- `, III. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Applicant: Star Development,Inc. —PO Box 518, Meridian, ID 83680 B. Owner: Same as Applicant C. Representative: Becky McKay,Engineering Solutions,LLP— 1029 N.Rosario St., Ste. 100,Meridian, ID 83642 IV. NOTICING Planning&Zoning City Council Posting Date Posting Date Notification published in newspaper 1/17/2020 Notification mailed to property owners within 300 feet 1/14/2020 Applicant posted public hearing notice on site 1/27/2020 Nextdoor posting 1/14/2020 V. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANALYSIS(Comprehensive Plan) (Note: This project was submitted prior to the new Comprehensive Plan being adopted; therefore, this project will be reviewed under the previous Plan) The Future Land Use Map(FLUM)contained in the Comprehensive Plan designates approximately 30 acres of this site as Medium Density Residential(MDR) and approximately 22.5 acres as High Density Residential(HDR). Page 4 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020- Page 74 of 94 The purpose of the MDR designation is to allow small lots for residential purposes within City limits. Uses may include single-family homes at gross densities of 3 to 8 dwelling units per acre. The purpose of the HDR designation is to allow for the development of multi-family homes in areas where urban services are provided. Residential gross densities should exceed 15 dwelling units per acre. Development might include duplexes, apartment buildings,townhouses and other multi-unit structures. A desirable project would consider the placement of parking areas, fences,berms, and other landscaping features to serve as buffers between neighboring uses. Development need to incorporate high quality architectural design and materials and thoughtful site design that incorporate connectivity with adjacent uses and area pathways, attractive landscaping and individual project identity. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are applicable to this development: • "Support a variety of residential categories (low-, medium-, medium-high and high-density single-family, multi-family, townhouses, duplexes, apartments, condominiums, etc.) for the purpose of providing the City with a range of affordable housing opportunities." (3.07.01 E) A mix of medium density single-family detached dwellings and high density multi family apartment dwellings are proposed which will contribute to the variety of housing types and lot sizes available in the southern part of the City; staff is unaware how "affordable" the units will be. • "Permit new development only where urban services can be reasonably provided at the time of final approval and development is contiguous to the City."(3.01.01F) City services are available and will be extended by the developer to the proposed lots upon development of the site in accord with UDC 11-3A-21. • "Protect existing residential properties from incompatible land use development on adjacent parcels." (3.06.01F) There are no existing residential properties in close proximity to this site. • "Require common area in all subdivisions."(3.07.02F) The proposed plat depicts a total of 8.97 acres (or 17.1%) of qualified open space in accord with the requirements listed in UDCII-3G-3. • "Develop pathways to connect Meridian with Boise,Nampa,Kuna,and Eagle."(6.01.02C) A segment of the City s multi-use pathway system is designated on the Master Pathways Plan on this site along the Williams Northwest pipeline which will connect to the future pathway in Biltmore Estates Subdivision to the north and eventually be extended to the southeast and connect to pathways in other jurisdictions. • "Review new development for appropriate opportunities to connect local roads and collectors to adjacent properties (stub streets). (3.03.020) The proposed plat depicts an extension of W. Harris Street, a collector street,from the northeast to the west boundary of the site and a north/south collector street along the northern portion of the west boundary of the site. Stub streets are proposed to the south, west and east for future extension and interconnectivity. The proposed development plan is consistent with the vision of the Comprehensive Plan in regard to land use, density,transportation and pedestrian connectivity for this area. Page 5 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 75 of 94 VI. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE ANALYSIS(UDC History:A preliminary plat was approved for this property in 2015 consisting of 120 buildable lots. A subsequent preliminary plat was approved in 2018 which decreased buildable lot sizes and increased the number of buildable lots by 16 to 136; this entitlement is still valid. A. Development Agreement(DA)Modification: The applicant requests a modification to the existing development agreement(Inst. #2015- 112095, amended Inst. #2018-086664)to increase the number of single-family residential buildable lots from 136 to 200 and the qualified open space from 8.85 to 8.97 acres; the number of multi-family buildable lots and apartments are proposed to stay the same at 2 and 224 units respectively. The previous gross density of the single-family residential portion was 3.23 units per acre compared to 4.9 units per acre currently proposed;the density of the multi-family portion is the same at 14.18 units per acre. The proposed increase in density is still consistent with that desired in the MDR FLUM designation. The previous development plan included a 1,720 linear foot segment of the City's 10-foot wide multi-use pathway in a linear open space area bisecting the site where the William's Pipeline is located, a children's play structure and yard shuffleboard as amenities. The proposed plan still includes a multi-use pathway and children's play structure but the yard shuffleboard has been removed and a community swimming pool is proposed as an upgraded amenity. The access and interconnectivity proposed to adjacent parcels with the proposed plan is substantially the same as the previous plan. The current provisions of the DA are included in Section VIII.A.1 along with the Applicant's proposed changes in strike-out/underline format. Proposed changes consist of updating the lot counts and open space area and updating Lot and Block numbers consistent with the proposed plat. Staff also recommends a couple of other minor modifications as noted. The existing plat in Section VIII.A.1 should be updated with the proposed plat in Section VIII.A.2 if the MDA is approved by City Council. When approved,the amended DA is required to be signed by the property owner(s)/developer and returned to the City within 6 months of the Council granting the modification. B. Preliminary Plat: The proposed plat consists of 200 single-family residential buildable lots, 2 multi-family buildable lots, 14 common lots, 3 common driveway lots, 1 park lot that may be a portion of a future City neighborhood park and 1 City well lot on 52.46 acres of land in the R-8 (medium density residential) and R-40 (high density residential)zoning districts. Proposed single-family residential lots range in size from 4,200 to 9,600 square feet(s.£)with an average lot size of 4,692 s.f. and a gross density of 4.89 units/acre. The single-family portion of the plat is proposed to develop in 3 phases as shown on the phasing plan on Sheet PP-1 of the plat; the multi-family portion and linear open space where the pipeline easement is located should be depicted as the fourth phase. Staff recommends the boundary of Phase 1 is modified to include the street buffer and sidewalk along W.Harris St. on Lot 29,Block 3. Existing Structures/Site Improvements: There are no existing structures or site improvements on this property. Page 6 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 76 of 94 Proposed Use Analysis: Single-family detached dwellings are listed as a principal permitted use in the R-8 zoning district; and multi-family developments are listed as a conditional use in the R-40 zoning district per UDC Table 11-2A-2: Allowed Uses, subject to the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-27. Specific Use Standards (UDC 11-4-3): Single-family residential:None Multi-family residential: The proposed multi-family development is required to comply with the specific use standards listed in UDC (11-4-3-27). The project will be reviewed for consistency with these standards upon submittal of a detailed development plan with a future conditional use permit application. Dimensional Standards (UDC 11-2): R-8 district: (UDC Table 11-2A-6);R-40 district: (UDC Table 11-2A-8) The property sizes and street frontages of the proposed single-family lots and width of street buffers comply with the aforementioned minimum dimensional standards; future development should comply with the minimum building setbacks and maximum building height standards of the applicable district. Subdivision Design and Improvement Standards(UDC 11-6C-3) Development of the subdivision is required to comply with the subdivision design and improvement standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3, including but not limited to streets, common driveways, driveways, and block face. There are three common driveways proposed; such driveways should be constructed in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3D. An exhibit should be submitted with the final plat application that depicts the setbacks,fencing,building envelope,and orientation of the lots and structures accessed via the common driveway; if a property abuts a common driveway but has the required minimum street frontage and is taking access via the public street,the driveway should be depicted on the opposite side of the shared property line from the common driveway. Access(UDC 11-3A-3,11-3H-4)• Access is proposed via the extension of W. Harris Street, a collector street, at the northeast corner of the site,which is proposed to stub to the project's west boundary. A collector street is also planned along the northern half of the project's west boundary consistent with the Master Street Map;this street is proposed as an ACHD right-of-way easement with this plat since it is part of the approved preliminary plat for Brundage Estates. The northern portion of the collector street is required to be constructed prior to platting the 101'lot as ACHD Policy Manual only allows 100 homes on one point of public street access. Public stub streets are proposed at the south and east boundaries of the site for future extension and neighborhood interconnectivity. Two(2) driveway connections are proposed between the single-family and multi-family portions of the development for interconnectivity. A driveway should be provided at the east boundary of the multi-family development in alignment with that proposed in the adjacent development to the east(i.e. Stapleton Subdivision) for emergency access; a cross-access easement should be granted to that property and a recorded copy submitted to the City prior to signature on the final plat that contains Lot 28, Block 3. Page 7 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 77 of 94 Parking(UDC 11-3C): Off-street parking is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11- 3C-6 for single-family detached dwellings based on the number of bedrooms per unit.Future development should comply with these standards. Pathways(UDC 11-3A-8): A 10' wide multi-use pathway is proposed within the Williams Northwest Pipeline easement on Lot 27C,Block 3 consistent with the Pathways Master Plan between the single-family and multi- family developments. Construction of the pathway should comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-8. Staff recommends a pedestrian connection is provided to the multi-use pathway within the pipeline easement through the middle of Blocks 2 and 3 in general alignment with S.Redwater Ave. A 14-foot wide recreational pathway easement is required to be provided for the multi-use pathway within Lot 27C,Block 3 and Lot 2C,Block 9. The applicant shall coordinate with Kim Warren,Park's Department(208-888-3579), on the location of the easement.The easement shall be submitted to the Planning Division for approval by the City Council and subsequent recordation,prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Sidewalks(UDC 11-3A-171: Detached sidewalks are proposed throughout the development in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17. Parkways (UDC 11-3A-1 Eight-foot wide parkways are proposed adjacent to all local and collector streets in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17. Landscaping(UDC 11-3B): A 20-foot wide street buffer is required adjacent to all collector streets, landscaped per the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C; the street buffer in the R-40 district on the multi-family portion of the development is required to be placed in a common lot as set forth in UDC 11- 3B-7C.2a and landscaped in accord with the aforementioned standards. Parkways are required to be constructed in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17E and landscaped in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. The total lineal feet of parkways and required vs.proposed trees should be included in the Landscape Calculations table on the landscape plan. Landscaping is required along all pathways in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B- 12C. Because trees are prohibited within the Williams Northwest Pipeline easement on Lot 27C, Block 3 and Lot 2C,Block 9,the Applicant applied for and received approval of Alternative Compliance to these standards with H-2018-0054. This approval does not expire. Common open space is required to be landscaped in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11- 3G-3E. Because trees are prohibited within the Williams Northwest Pipeline easement on Lot 27C,Block 3 and Lot 2C,Block 9,the Applicant applied for and received approval of Alternative Compliance to these standards with H-2018-0054. This approval does not expire. Qualified Open Space(UDC 11-3 : A minimum of 10%qualified open space meeting the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3B is required. The Applicant proposes 17.10% (or 8.97 acres) of qualified open space consisting of the following: a 75' x 1,720' linear open space where the William's Pipeline is located, collector street buffers,parkways along internal local streets,internal common areas over 50' x 100' in area and a 1.69 acre common area on the north side of W. Harris St.planned for a possible future Page 8 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 78 of 94 City neighborhood park(see open space exhibit in Section VIII.D). The proposed qualified open space meets and exceeds the minimum UDC standards. The common area(Lot 2,Block 10)that may be a future City park is intended to be included with common area in adjacent developments(i.e. Biltmore Estates and Brundage Estates) and consolidated for a City neighborhood park; this area is proposed to be graded and improved with sprinklers,trees and grass by the Developer. Qualified Site Amenities (UDC 11-3G1 Based on the area of the proposed plat(52.46 acres), a minimum of 2 qualified site amenities are required to be provided per the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3C. The Applicant proposes a 1,720 ft. long segment of the City's multi-use pathway system, a children's play structure and swimming pool facility as amenities,which exceed the minimum UDC standards. A detail of the children's play structure should be submitted with the final plat application. Waterways(UDC 11-3A-6): The Sundell Lateral bisects this site. The Applicant's narrative states the Developer proposes to relocate and pipe the facility with 36 inch water class DR51/Class 80 pipe; construction plans have been approved by the Boise Project Board of Control and the Bureau of Reclamation. The Tumbler/Carlson Lateral runs along the east boundary of the site and is proposed to be piped in its historical alignment. Fencing(UDC ll-3A-6,11-3A-�• Fencing abutting pathways and common open lots not entirely visible from a public street is restricted as set forth in UDC 11-3A-7A.7;where open vision fencing is proposed,it must not restrict or impede vision or sight through the fence by more than 20% per UDC 11-1A-1. Six-foot tall vinyl lattice fence is proposed along the rear of building lots adjacent to the pipeline easement on Lot 27C,Block 3 and adjacent to common lots with micro-paths. Six-foot tall vinyl fence is proposed at the back edge of street buffers and adjacent to common areas visible from a public street. Utilities(UDC 11-3A-21): Central sewer is provided to the site by extension of an 8 inch main line from Biltmore Estates subdivision. Water service is available to the site with by extension of a 12 inch water main installed by the City in Harris Street and the connection to Well No. 32 as a secondary source. The project will be served by the pressure irrigation pump station constructed adjacent to the Tumbler Lateral,which also provides pressure irrigation water to Biltmore Estates. Well Lot: The applicant has provided the City with a lease on a parcel of land within Lot 1, Block 9 of the development for a future city well. The well lot shall be created and deeded to the city at the time of final platting. Williams Northwest Pipeline: A 75-foot easement for the Williams Northwest Pipeline Corporation bisects this site. All development within the easement must adhere to the most current standards in the Williams Gas Pipeline Developers' Handbook. Building Elevations(UDC 11-3A-19 I Architectural Standards Manual): Conceptual building elevations were submitted, included in Section VIII.E,that depict 2-story homes in a variety of styles and materials with stone/brick veneer accents. Design review is not required for single-family detached homes. Because the rear and/or sides of homes abutting the collector streets (W.Harris St. and S. Oakbriar Way)on Lots 2-15,Block 1 and Lots 2-13,Block 5 will be highly visible,Staff recommends these elevations incorporate articulation through changes in two or more of Page 9 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 79 of 94 the following: modulation(e.g.projections,recesses, step-backs,pop-outs),bays,banding, porches,balconies,material types,or other integrated architectural elements to break up monotonous wall planes and roof lines that are visible from the subject public street.Single- story structures are exempt from this requirement. VII. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the requested modification to the Development Agreement with the revisions noted in Section VIII.A; and approval of the preliminary plat with the conditions noted in Section IX.A per the Findings in Section X. VIII. EXHIBITS A. Existing Development Agreement Provisions& Preliminary Plat(dated: 5/8/18) (Applicant's proposed changes shown in strike-out/underline format;staffs recommended changes shown in bold strike-out/underline format) Section 5: CONDITIONS GOVERNING DEVELOPMENT OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: 5.1.Owner/Developer shall develop the Property in accordance with the following special conditions: a. Direct lot access to W. Harris Street and the north/south street along the west boundary, both collector streets,is prohibited in accord with UDC 11-3A-3,except for Lot 229,Block 23 (the multi-family lot)which shall be allowed one access via W. Harris Street. b. Future development of this site shall be generally consistent with the preliminary plat, phasing plan and building elevations for the single-family homes depicted in the revisions noted in the staff report attached to the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law herein attached as Exhibit"A". c. A conditional use permit is required to be obtained for the multi-family development in the R-40 zoning district,per UDC Table 11-2A-2. d. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application is required to be submitted for approval of the site design and structures proposed within the multi-family portion of the development; these applications can be submitted concurrently a ter conditional use permit approval is obtained. e. Design and building materials of the future multi-family structures shall be compatible with and include design elements consistent with that of the single-family dwellings and comply with the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and in the Architectural Standards Manual (or any updated version(s) thereof) in effect at the time of application for Certificate of Zoning Compliance. f. The multi-family development should incorporate high quality architectural design and materials and thoughtful site design to ensure quality of place and incorporation of connectivity with adjacent uses and area pathways, attractive landscaping and individual project identity as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. g. The rear and/or sides of home elevations that face W. Harris Street and the future north/south collector street along the west boundary of the site shall incorporate articulation through changes in two or more of the following: modulation (e.g. projections, recesses, step-backs,pop-outs),bays,banding,porches,balconies,material types,or other integrated Page 10 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 80 of 94 architectural elements to break up monotonous wall planes and roof lines that are visible from the public street. Single-story structures are exempt from this requirement. h. A 10-foot wide multi-use pathway shall be constructed within the 75-foot wide Williams Pipeline easement (Lot 327C, Block 2-3 and Lot 2C, Block 9) that runs through this site as depicted on the landscape plan in accord with the Pathways Master Plan. i. The developer shall provide a minimum of 8-."8.97 acres (or 17.1%) of qualified open space within the development as shown on the preliminary plat in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3B. j. All development within the 75-foot wide Williams pipeline easement shall adhere to the most current standards contained in the Williams Gas Pipeline Developers' Handbook. k. The 1.7-769 acres included in Lot 4-2C,Block 4-9 shall be dedicated to the City in the future for a City Park.This lot is proposed to be combined with additional land in Biltmore Estates Subdivision to the northwest and the future development to the west on the Centers' property to total a minimum of 7 acres. If City Council determines a public park is not preferred in this development,the 1.7769 acres shall be private open space. 1. Signage is required to be installed on the multi-family portion of the site and information shall be included in the marketing material for the single-family development announcing the future development of apartments on the site. ---- .-._...-- 1-7 1— [a N-1 _ e° r "u'wYdrf°''wPeCi e°1"'mio as�u`°M' s d3 mfm mr,xm�i`m..xewr uzN.ep wNxO tl°P°` f5 ' w — — I� ��l��v°iw+'�.�ngs�sw.w���.,:o •��.��3 • �• °' I i � sxc�s�ro a���� 2 ar� �B °m 2. RU I ,rairx MR ae�mmu s S� RUT�1—�� DPW NOTE: Existing plan above to be replaced with the new preliminary plat in Exhibit A.2 Page 11 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 81 of 94 B. Preliminary Plat&Phasing Plan(date: 1/31/20) GBAYCLIFF ESTATES SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARYPV& ERIL]IIAN,IE)AHO-2020 w '- MINTY WIP _ _ a 4+ ; FRELI I PV.T N TES PRELI-ARY PLAT]ATP ggg 1... � r A ,P� • \l\ `� b LLu[ II .0 E.rr, y3 a �i uv~ �? LT JL ,as..cu a++K i fEg�j� t�a L I El IT LL I ,_.. ;� r -' �!-vim• � 1 l E n ,A. � Z ��ff 't4]�_ _ � \ J 1, :0 ,. .. L[u„m,I _'u • F Y .5:.!:. 1;lS�..'_5r 4...-..a. ; 1� 3€ two P_ Y � a . �. x •e''^ s A I � 177 Y `y.,, •••••••••••-••-•� •••••••••-•-••�•_ �'} TTPICPL COLLECTOR STREET SECTIN C `^'T""'Ji .,dom._ ,.n_•m ;q,� ,�I-Li L�aL�EE15EL11Cr, Page 12 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 82 of 94 C. Landscape Plan (date: 9/6/2019) LANDSCAPE r—A1-r=-AT10XS PLANT_PALETTE .X,mx A it 'N fZ- N===- -4= T� f ELI �. � NOTES lk IPr=\/EL.0FMr=NT DATA G R A Y C L I F F ESTATES SUBDIVISION SEPTEMBER 6 2G19 JENSB MERIDIAN, IDAHO PRELIMINARY PLAT LANDSCAPE PLAN Page 13 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 83 of 94 LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS PLANT F AI I ITE _ g � I. _ m � i 2 � = x Y m. �.. h # w � pEvELOPMENT DATA 7�77- -� J....... _. _ ,. .............wo GRAYCLIFF ESTATES SUBDIVISION SEPTEM6ER 6.S419 E'EBELTS MERIDIAN, IDAHO PRELIMINARY PLAT LANDSCAPE PLAN 81LTh10RE EfiiAiE6 NO 2 c H 69T2956E 91]50` H•F li=i i F�1PMfNfIGH9HPH00H PA9K /� N5ti A 0IDW6. E ! ry a - F L) NOTES llJ ¢o w LL aLL Q LU 9 .ue+w y W 1 nm2 1 3 �- �'- t LANHSCAPE � 13 PLAN BLOCKfi tY 14 124 5 af' .....me.. m --- -- MAICMLNE L2 ® KEY MAP Ll Page 14 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 84 of 94 PLAIIT pA�ETTE / / 40 / `•� l rye ' 9r 17 MATCHLINE L1 / =r:,' BL SCI(2 4b „i. fEJ$EELT! UZ7 �TCHLNE W_'1lTCNY199956T_ 3�R ST W YflLT♦ph {`f :: • 2s 9 ' C- 25 19 c 39u r r a �i rir a T4 \. 29 I1 ]1 9L N5 35 r L9CK LU a 27 x� W q 12 Ij ]9 9fi V s Y3 ¢ Z 13 1,Y! a H' LL 2 Mr. ., LL az s " :3 LU lfi _ t } 2 l 9 25 '40 NICK] f Q r•� t 9LOCK6 `� J 9 y W 19 L,,o 17 - xcrwr. 41 I d 9 12 C 15 16 1] g _ 13... - _vu_ �uiu • 9NKK541 r T ry ''� ' r I ` `,L3'' I LANDSCAPE L2 KEY MAP tI Y, V 6 Fll[C9E MIILThFAMIU N aW 9 P G@ZdNN6 W / F U /8 P 19 r W a g J �4 m f '• I5 to ��n � la a,., ,�,� � �� r 1 ii t I wee srvow MAT'1.`NLINL L9 _ v LANDSCAPE_ r MATCHLINE LA — •.. —y-- — \1J ,. - _ 1I �:^ PLAN KEY MAP Page 15 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 85 of 94 PLANT PALETTE r r r Ems. 1 _t_ }}}---MATCNLINE Lb _' " ELT3 15 \ � 1Fr8E �^ncH w3 4 5 6 ] 9 la r 1 6WCK] x cod ¢I� 9 ffi 2fi N x3 22 21 QO 19 18 11 i8 [ UJ U I � �0CK8 r.rr. Q Q L r)UJ J 2 NOTES W J g ""A BL0CK9 5 fi J Y O <8 49 50 5i 5p 1 TMxX F 3 a g g j U 4 � w C7 IL _ 0 L3 - LANDSCAPE PLAN L4 KEY MAP PLANT FAL�TTE r �.J + e E g 9,�. an H w 1 NBE 7a xx i ii ii r r iu vv xw«im�n,� ® VINYL RI2IVACY FtNCk� w..e..w m — " �I IlII 11-HIIN6/STAKIIW LLJ a Q G LL U NR.a RI ANTINs�SF 9f ANYI I„.r 1Tr RRlI—Y6tmr paw I -�hD5G.4PE 'ALGULATIONS a DEVELOPMENT DATA ...................a� PLAN o� L5 Page 16 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 86 of 94 D. Qualified Open Space Exhibit(date: 10/4/2019) -NT I 160 75 0 T60 m SCALE 13W w_HARRIS ST. fr , 11 1 I 1 - TOTAL CIUALIFI90 OPEN SPACE 8.97 ACRES QUALIHEA OrKH SPACE AREA 7.20 ACRES QUALIFIED PARKWAY AREA 1.77 ACRES DRIVEWAY AREA(E)aUDEO FROM OLKtIFIED OPEN SPACE AREA) (11 89 ACRESI PERCENT PROPOSED QUALIFIED OPEN SPACE: 17.10% 169E REQUIREMENT: 5.25 ACRES [�,� 1R94tla19 WiOIFlCT N0. tuom' GI AYCLIFF ESTATES SUBDIVISION ENGINEERING TOG EIE Tgm-ppIAh LOCATED IN THE SE 114OF SECTION 25,T,3N„RJE-.B.M.MEFUDIAN,ADA OOUNTY,IIJAhIO SOLUTIONS., �'"E 1 mmv 1RA5Y1Y NY VIHI Imit mbskm SIRM SUITE IDS 3HEE.T N0. ii3F PROPOSED QUALIFIED OPEN SPACE jMMIM Page 17 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020- Page 87 of 94 E. Conceptual Building Elevations Q®® Page 18 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 88 of 94 IX. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. PLANNING DIVISION 1. The existing Development Agreement(Inst. (Inst. #2015-112095, amended Inst. #2018-086664) shall be revised consistent with the modifications noted in Section VIII.A and the updated preliminary plat and phasing plan, landscape plan and conceptual building elevations in Section VIII. 2. The preliminary plat included in Section VIII.A.2, dated 1/31/20, shall be revised as follows: a. Include the Block number(i.e. 9) for Lots 1 and 2C on the north side of W. Harris St. b. The multi-family residential portion of the site(Lots 28-29,Block 3) shall be depicted on the phasing plan as the fourth phase of development. c. A minimum 20-foot wide common lot is required for the street buffer along W. Harris St. on Lot 29,Block 3. d. The boundary of Phase 1 shall include the 20-foot wide street buffer along W. Harris St. on Lot 29,Block 3. e. A 15-foot wide common lot for a pedestrian pathway shall be provided through the middle of Blocks 2 and 3 in general alignment with S.Redwater Ave. A revised plan showing these changes shall be submitted prior to the City Council hearing. 3. The landscape plan included in Section VIII.A.3, dated 9/6/19, shall be revised as follows: a. Revise the lot and block numbers consistent with that shown on the preliminary plat as follows: Block 9 should be 8; Block 8 should be 3;Lot 20,Block 8 should be Lot 27C, Block 3; and Block 10 should be 9. b. A driveway shall be provided at the east boundary of the multi-family portion of the development in alignment with that proposed in the adjacent development to the east(i.e. Stapleton Subdivision)for emergency access only. c. The street buffer on the R-40 zoned multi-family portion of the development is required to be placed in a common lot as set forth in UDC 11-313-7C.2a and landscaped in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. d. The total lineal feet of parkways shall be included in the Landscape Calculations table for the residential subdivision trees demonstrating compliance with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17E and UDC 11-313-7C. e. Fencing abutting pathways and common open lots not entirely visible from a public street is restricted as set forth in UDC 11-3A-7A.7. Where open vision lattice top fencing is proposed and open vision fencing is required,it must not restrict or impede vision or sight through the fence by more than 20%per UDC 11-1A-1 "fence,open vision"; fencing detail(s) shall reflect compliance with this standard. f. The color landscape plan rendering incorrectly calls out 6-foot tall solid vinyl fencing at the rear of building lots adjacent to the pipeline easement on Lot 27C,Block 3 although the fencing symbol in the Plant Palette correctly depicts 6' open vision lattice top vinyl fence.Note: Open vision fencing where required should not restrict or impede vision or sight through thefence by more than 20%per UDC I1-IA-1. Page 19 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 89 of 94 g. A 15-foot wide common lot containing a minimum 5-foot wide pedestrian pathway with 5-foot wide landscape strips on each side shall be provided through the middle of Blocks 2 and 3 in general alignment with S. Redwater Ave.; landscaping shall be depicted in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-12C. 4. Future development shall be consistent with the minimum dimensional standards listed in UDC Table 11-2A-6 for the R-8 zoning district and UDC Table 11-2A-8 for the R-40 zoning district as applicable. 5. Off-street parking is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6 for single-family detached dwellings based on the number of bedrooms per unit. Parking for the multi family development will be reviewed with the subsequent conditional use permit. 6. An exhibit shall be submitted with the final plat application that depicts the setbacks,fencing, building envelope, and orientation of the lots and structures accessed via the common driveway; if a property abuts a common driveway but has the required minimum street frontage and is taking access via the public street,the driveway shall be depicted on the opposite side of the shared property line from the common driveway as set forth in UDC 11- 6C-3D. 7. A detail of the children's play structure shall be submitted with the final plat application. 8. The rear and/or side elevations of homes abutting the collector streets(W. Harris St. and S. Oakbriar Way) on Lots 2-15,Block 1 and Lots 2-13,Block 5 shall incorporate articulation through changes in two or more of the following: modulation(e.g.projections,recesses, step- backs,pop-outs),bays,banding,porches,balconies,material types, or other integrated architectural elements to break up monotonous wall planes and roof lines that are visible from the subject public street. Single-story structures are exempt from this requirement. 9. All development within the Williams Northwest Pipeline easement must adhere to the most current standards in the Williams Gas Pipeline Developers' Handbook. 10. The well lot(Lot 1,Block 9) shall be created and deeded to the city at the time of final platting. 11. A cross-access easement shall be granted to the property east of the proposed multi-family development(i.e. Stapleton Subdivision)for emergency access; a recorded copy of the easement shall be submitted to the City prior to signature on the final plat that contains Lot 28,Block 3. 12. A 14-foot wide recreational pathway easement is required to be provided for the multi-use pathway within Lot 27C,Block 3 and Lot 2C,Block 9. The applicant shall coordinate with Kim Warren,Park's Department(208-888-3579), on the location of the easement. The easement shall be submitted to the Planning Division for approval by the City Council and subsequent recordation,prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. 13. Alternative compliance was previously approved with H-2018-0054 to the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-12C for the landscaping(trees)required adjacent to the multi-use pathway; and to the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3E.2 for the common open space landscaping(1 deciduous tree per 8,000 square feet of common area)required within the Williams Pipeline easement on Lot 2C,Block 9 and Lot 27C,Block 3. A total of 35 additional trees shall be provided within the development(or within another City park as determined appropriate by the Planning Division and Park's Department)based on the calculations provided. Page 20 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 90 of 94 14. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application is required to be submitted and approved by the Planning Division for the swimming pool facility prior to submittal of a building permit application for such. B. PUBLIC WORKS 1. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1.1 There are concerns that the development only has one connection to the city water system. This concern will eventually be eliminated by the development to the east and south connecting to Meridian and Amity, creating a dual connection. The water mainlines in West Harris Street, South Graycliff Way, South Colditz Way and West Wilton Woods Street must be 12" in order to eliminate the proposed main line in South Oakbriar Way. Applicant shall also provide a water mainline easement to the parcel to the northeast across Williams Pipeline to the future multi-family lots. 1.2 Distance between manholes cannot exceed 400'. Distance between manholes on S. Graycliff Way exceeds this requirement. 1.3 Temporary sewer dead ends require either a cleanout or a manhole.Add one of these to the south end of South Bear Claw Ave and east end of W.Lyra St. 2. General Conditions of Approval 2.1 Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2.2 Per Meridian City Code(MCC),the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. 2.3 The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way(include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat,but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian's standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement(on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor,which must include the area of the easement(marked EXHIBIT A)and an 81/2"x 11"map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted,reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 2.4 The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year- round source of water(MCC 12-13-8.3). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available,a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized,the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. Page 21 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 91 of 94 2.5 All existing structures that are required to be removed shall be prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 2.6 All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals,or drains, exclusive of natural waterways,intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be addressed per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work,the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. 2.7 Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Engineering Department at(208)898-5500 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources Contact Robert B.Whitney at(208)334-2190. 2.8 Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections(208)375-5211. 2.9 Street signs are to be in place, sanitary sewer and water system shall be approved and activated,road base approved by the Ada County Highway District and the Final Plat for this subdivision shall be recorded,prior to applying for building permits. 2.10 A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110%will be required for all uncompleted fencing,landscaping, amenities, etc.,prior to signature on the final plat. 2.11 All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. 2.12 Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process,prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 2.13 It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 2.14 Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2.15 Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 2.16 All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-12-3H. 2.17 Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill,where footing would sit atop fill material. 2.18 The design engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 2.19 The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. Page 22 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 92 of 94 I. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY(DEQ) https://weblink.meridianciV.ory/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=180403&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC J. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT(ACHD) Comments have not yet been received. X. FINDINGS A. Preliminary Plat Findings: In consideration of a preliminary plat,combined preliminary and final plat, or short plat, the decision-making body shall make the following findings: 1. The plat is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; Staff finds that the proposed plat with Staff s recommendations is in substantial compliance with the adopted Comprehensive Plan in regard to land use, density, transportation, and pedestrian connectivity. Please see Comprehensive Plan Policies in, Section V of this report for more information. 2. Public services are available or can be made available and are adequate to accommodate the proposed development; Staff finds that public services will be provided to the subject property upon development.(See Exhibit B of the Staff Report for more details from public service providers.) 3. The plat is in conformance with scheduled public improvements in accord with the City's capital improvement program; Because City water and sewer and any other utilities will be provided by the development at their own cost, Staff finds that the subdivision will not require the expenditure of capital improvement funds. 4. There is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development; Staff finds there is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development based upon comments from the public service providers(i.e.,Police,Fire,ACHD, etc.). (See Section Mfor more information) 5. The development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare; and, Staff is not aware of any health, safety,or environmental problems associated with the platting of this property. ACHD considers road safety issues in their analysis. 6. The development preserves significant natural, scenic or historic features. Staff is unaware of any significant natural, scenic or historic features that exist on this site that require preserving. Page 24 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 94 of 94 2.20 At the completion of the project,the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 2.21 A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting.A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272. 2.22 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a performance surety in the amount of 125%of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer,water and reuse infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 2.23 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20%of the total construction cost for all completed sewer,water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. C. FIRE DEPARTMENT https:llweblink.meridiancity.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=179993&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC hty D. POLICE DEPARTMENT No comments were received. E. PARK'S DEPARTMENT No comments were received. F. COMMUNITY PLANNING ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWEST IDAHO(COMPASS) https:llweblink.meridiancioy.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=180781&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC hty G. BOISE PROJECT BOARD OF CONTROL https:llweblink.meridiancioy.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=180700&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC i &cr--1 H. CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT https:llweblink.meridiancioy.ory WWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=180512&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC Lty Page 23 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 6,2020— Page 93 of 94 Grayc [ iff Estates Homes By: L 2 CONSTRUCTION L2 CONSTRUCTION Who Are We ? - 2nd Generation Treasure Valley Developer/Builder team. • Treasure Valley Natives and Residents. - Committed to building beautiful, solid homes to meet the needs of our growing community. Market Snapshot " Total Yearly Income$ 63,000 You can afford a house up to $322,439 Monthly Debt Payments$ 300 Loan details Percent of Income 4b 32 _= Monthly Payment $1,241.33 Down Payment$ 54,400 Total Interest Paid $178,840-37 Interest Rate% 3-75 Total Paid $446,880.00 Loan Term in Years 30 Annual Property Taxes 5 2,720 Annual Home Insurance$ 544 Market Snapshot " Total Yearly Income$ 63,000 You can afford a hoes up to $322,439 Monthly Debt Payments$ 300 Loan details Percent of Income 4b 32 _= Monthly Payment $1,241.33 Down Payment$ 54,400 Total Interest Paid $178,840-37 Interest Rate% 3-75 Total Paid $446,880.00 Loan Term in Years 30 Annual Property Taxes 5 2,720 Annual Home Insurance$ 544 ADA COUNTY - NEW CONSTRUCTION Boise Regional REALTORS' Market Snapshot: December 2019 Market Snapshot T SOLD • 1 . N. ■ ::::::: 1 ■ ■ Provided by Boise Regional REALTORS® •BOIREALTORS.COM I REALTORS' Data from the Intermountain MLS as of January 17,2020 ADA COUNTY - NEW CONSTRUCTION Boise Regional REALTORS' Market Snapshot: December 2019 Market Snapshot . . T SOLD • ■ ::::::: 1 ■ ■ Provided by Boise Regional REALTORS® •BOIREALTORS.COM I REALTORS' Data from the Intermountain MLS as of January 17,2020 ADA COUNTY - NEW CONSTRUCTION Boise Regional REALTORS' Market Snapshot: December 2019 Market Snapshot T SOLD i • 1 ■ ■ Provided by Boise Regional REALTORS® •BOIREALTORS.COM I REALTORS' Data from the Intermountain MLS as of January 17,2020 Market Snapshot Owner-Occupied and Rental Housing Units Needed to Meet Demand, for Ada and Canyon Counties Combined, 2011-2.017 and through 2021 The ta[at number of housing units in t. .•.,n Counties eombl nod,for wthef purchase or rent,luv.- �[up with population growth.Same ecerso:. ,m_" 4eed as one nrw unit of housing far every 1.5 additional person.the to the:..=r;.i.=;t--rake household sides in our area.we're conservatively estn r.•:i=iy,the local need to be one new unit for every .o•rddi 6vi krr=sons,eetween 2012.2017.we needad approximately 10.000 more new units that were never built—and the deficit has only gat ten wore.Accordi ng to a 2018 report by the V-S-dewrtment of Housing and Urban Development.the liaise C 0 Metropolitan Statistical Area(including Ada,Canyon,Gem-Boise,and Owyhee counties)will need an additional 15.050 frames and 4.000 more rental units through 2021 t4neet forecasted population growth. 19A50 zNew Units Needed x New Units Built ■Deficit(Curnutative} 10.222 10227 7.979 6 7t1D HUD 6,439 6.484 Forecast; �•.711 jW1 15.050&&Me r- 4,267 4.3M 4A46 o[cupiedunirs 3.652 3.4dt3 and 4•� ft rental Links are 1,957 1,695 1,624 nee�t nd el through 2021 20 2 2013 2014 2016 2017 2021 Market Snapshot Owner-Occupied and Rental Housing Units Needed to Meet Demand, for Ada and Canyon Counties Combined, 2011-2017 and through 2021 total nuenb" -- - ,un Cam. . - - .. .- -.-!,growth-Su: rr�nAcl housing for every 1.5 addilioriil per5sl+�.I)Ue to 07e idrger averalte huui Ii uld slze5 qn uur drra.we 7e c0�-5ervdLuely est4[rdtv1%thr i I rued la he one new,unit lur every 2.6 Aditiurrdl perburr4.ac-twcen 2012.2017-we needed approx imatety 10.000 more new units that were never built—and[he deTicit has only gotten-rare.A[Cordi ng to a 2018 report by the U-5-Department of HousinR and Urban 0"e]apment.the liaise C ity Metropolitan 5tati5t"I Area{including Ada,Canyon,Gem,Eloise,and Owyhee counties}will need an additional 15.050 homes and 4.000 more rental units through 2021 14neet toreca5ted population growth• 14A50 a New Units Needed x New Units Built ■Deficit(Cumulative} L _ 1 15,050 New Homes 1 D•222 10,227 7��7v 000 I HUD 6,489 4!1.484 Forecast: 5.711 15.050 owne r- 4,267 4.339 L2AJ71 4A46 occupiedunils 3,652 ;a8 and 4,000 ft rental unit%are• 1,457 1645U.624 Lind la meet demand through 2021 2012 21D13 2Q14 2016 2017 :.C2" This Survey focused on growth in the Treasure Valley, along with the issues of transportation , housing, and taxes. Housing TakeaKRI3 LA way * • 67.5 Percent of Respondents are very concerned about the increased cost of living associated with growth in the treasure valley. • The majority of people (66%) do not believe that they would be able to find comparable housing that they could afford if they had to • • • - - - • • leave their current housing. • Open House m • Interact with prospective buyers • Qualify Clients • • Assist in Purchase and build . • Buyer Profiles Meridian Buyer Needs : m • More Affordable housing. • More Inventory • Quality, safe and thoughtfully designed communities that offer more options for a larder percentage of residents. mMeridian Buyer Wants : • LOCAL Et AFFORDABLE • Thoughtfully Designed Communities • Unique Modern designs. No more cookie cutter developments. • SW Meridian As our hometown grows, we are dedicated to maintaining the spirit of what makes Meridian special—the community. Its this sense of • , , community that keeps us dedicated to providing a unique home-building experience for the families we serve. On this endeavor, we . will always remember that new homes are our profession, but forging relationships along the way is our passion. We will strive to build communities that meet the needs of, and reflect the values and diversity of this great city. L 2 CONSTRUCTION Working with the L2 team was the best The L2 Teamgreat experience we have had in home building. I Jacob are on site every . , alone have worked with several other builders in is a great - , - Both guys and the local area over the past 13 years and L2 everyone - contract with are very by far surpassed any other experience I have conscientious and responsive to . needs had. From the first day that I walked through and take , personal their model home they treated me like We're proud . in the first L2 live family and made sure I was treated very fair neighborhood and we think it wouldbe great as well as producing a absolutely stunning to welcome other beautiful - . , . . . finalized product. The quality and like it to the - craftsmanship that is put into each home is some of the best I have seen in the valley. In -Rudi Lewis- . - . - the future we look forward to working with L2 again. -Phil Dugan- L2 Homeowner L 2 CONSTRUCTION My L2 Home is exactly what we wanted. We My L2 home is a beautifullywell _ spent over a year looking a homes and quality home, I still get excited builders before deciding to Build with everyday! amazingwas L2. For us, this home is the perfect mixture throughout the process! Everyone from Cody, of design, and functionality for our the designer, Jacob and everyone family. The modern floor plans, park, andbetween! professionals quality make L2 a great choice for homes. The L2 Team was good to work with Cindy Homeowner over the course of about 18 months. They explained the process and then were able to complete our home ahead of schedule. Once we moved in, they were also great responding all of our warranty claims. -Andrew Grodi- L2 Homeowner Our home is The highest level of quality. We love it. (The L2 team) was - . _ • • • - • • always there to help us through the process of building our new hone and willing to do whatever we asked of them to make our home exactly what we • • • • . • wanted. -Theresa Paige- L2 Homeowner My L2 Home is one of a kind Et the L2 Homes Team did everything in their power to tailor make our beautiful state of the art home! Our L2 home is a dream come true! -Cheryl Situm- L2 Homeowner L 2 CONSTRUCTION Questions RAYCLIFF ESTATES SUIBIDIVfSION DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT MODIFICATION AND PRELIMINARY PLAT � Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting February 6, 2020 egen Graycliff Estates Aerial Map , �I •� �� - He�nlana&Associates Inc , \N, � p' I " dN I •• 7 J> 1� �r < � .��, !+� `4 r \ C\\\\\ �} II(I}+1 IiIIIII � � ��u' REW GRAYCLIFF MAP IIli1�► ����\�i�'�'a r-soon �' ■ 111���i ii.�:: i •i i�9� .Arai I■ ■ ■ ♦♦•O.❖ - ■1 1�'�j�����j ������,,.�����1� ���� � � ■1■����♦jai♦i�� ■11..•�,•.,�.,,�i,�i�� � .moo �i■■■■■.A►.;•,0;.�.;ir r111 �: IIrlllrll - � II■i 11;1;;1 N ' 1■11 ��ii i�A -� I � 11 111if JEW= riii nn■■rl■■■ a 'n- Is till �11 . GRAYCLIFF ESTATES SUBDMSION LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 25,T3N.,R.1 E.,B.M.MERIDIAN,ADA COUNTY, ' I l 0 0 LAND5GAPE GALGULATION5 PLANT PALETTE �r,�ncx acgn-im,v Le�1v v[rau� fnwli>® 5##nt �uT+orr W�]� eo1wNlLu turTc 51zE 41. 12 A.,��,�a ��sl�aw', ��I��s• �,� �.1� �M PI PIS�lis v��� �e M eaa ��SdF J1 n�rtlnEG ma,.,mo,�l: �� •iL \� �� �M,v-.sf i6w ��I�,wP� zcaL sae 11 ��� � 4uxnM2rtPt-]R�141LVG5� rers y '' nw r�o�NPcen cF• R&LE BLtrw Ls�rE*GEv m'� u � pro 4i - I yA.y�WnE Nromnu�A f�swme�oA.LFaA��� swl �• �� P » ar �' 9 `mn, , „ NOTE5 a- m` i TT „ 1N w T = E Z rs nE nag.N1 x*luN aocr-s ro eF raRt-rar aam[o mcvi IDLE• Lfh51 HAL'I+PY� a x ` �° n� � ma' v G_nee Pxv m Ensnxra 1�on s1E xa mnaAncx 6 RaaxRm_ 17 DEVELOPMENT DATA �E OPER IN sl low • III ccrMYI ORIYEIiAY LG,5 —_._—_._._.__.� PLAINHC/LONTAGT EN51N�iE ENGIN CBECI[Y MCIUYEFIMG NLVYG I DNN9¢'�5cGSLLMN5 iGil•L ELI6IBLF OFE]5PACE.,..,.,,_.._.._...,.9k5 KFES(183al1 ,®R W�Na s..Sn Im ,oS]x rtmNao s..srt,w LiGall 0 A50•± E%ISnNS ECNINs R-B ANo R.+o vla.�vm�eva3n veo�C.. -0veo G R A Y C L I F F ESTATES SUBDIVISION SEPTEMBER 6.2019 _ JENSENBELTS MERIDIAN, IDAHO PRELIMINARY PLAT LANDSCAPE PLAN ., .�. .M i _ H 1 T X I NA 2 j g1S�j STIEAJiEA 52A9 ACRES SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL(97.30%) 2/81 ACRES '\ WELL LOT(126%) 0.66 ACRES MILTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL M.96%) 10.M1 ACRES ° RK3R-0FNAY(17AD%) 9.19ACRE5 I 1e TOTAL OPEN SPACEICOMMON LOT8111 09%1 BA6 ACRE$ ; e PORMNOFNEIGHBORHOODPAK I.TI ACAES 1` WL S PIPELINEIMULTILSE PATHWAY 3.29 ACRES MCCOLLECiOR BUFFER RAS ACRES ROPATH OTHERCPEFI SPACFICOMMON LDTS 0.10 ACRES FIESIDENI"LL PARKWAYS 125ACRE5 •� •, TOTAL EUGBLE OPEN SPACE 7.96 ACRES ' } �v ° - PERCENT PROPOSED EiIOI&E OPFIY SPACE: 1521% _ 10%REQUIREMENT: 52.SACRES EXISifING ZONING RUT �C =, PROMM ZUNIN0 "&R-Q p � TOTAL LOTS 1e0 r OPENSPACEMOAMOWAOK LOTS 9 '..A. - WELL LOT 1 i - REM OENIWL LOTS 1ZD LTIFAMILY- BINCIE FAMILY- 119 TOTALOAELLNGUNITS SINGLEFAMILYUNIT& 119 MULTFFAMILYUNRR 724 N MATPFAMLY PAKJNG SPACES: rY GROSS OE!lSTIY: 6.5{OLNACAE - _ — NETSINGtBFAMLYOENSTY: 475OWACSE NET MLLTPFAMILY DENSITY: 1918 OWACPE RAArocc. 0.866ACRES R30A]iF.B: 6MACRES DEVELOPER ENG1RffR1N& PA PDX 6 9 GRf��YCLIFFSl1BDlYlSl011� °E"�°°�T' soLurroNs Sip MEFSDIAy IoaF[O&96B0 12 r :: 17 \ \�\ ^ ■■1■ i ■ TH AULT :iA' CONCEPWALP ASTER PLAN' - GM1Rk NF �r— �_.:::: 3 .. j, : .� FOR REFERENO 'ONLY 21 15 18 - •n;k�7 78 - J•A�'v�: IL zt 4 r/ `14 25 •,111.F=P IIIIILH£O IL HL] GRAYCLIFF ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT WWA M,3�lmlillllllllll � 113 , ■ III Awl '° oil �\ \ =i■ WE INFENO all® 11 . -� ��I ����IIIIr���®��®O�INII�` ���■ � .�� �� � ore��®������ - �■ P POOL FACILITY - -I'. Iit lu icl4i i vllrll �: yr ' r ASA rrrr+w 3799 Home Elevation An 1� i $GE {Ylku- - A Home Elevation t ai7.. r, L2 CONSTRUCTION -; M1 i INC. Lot:© Blk: valfable • wmo 208.353.gi69 Home Elevation Honle Elevation Home Elevation mom A Horne Elevation i; MW 0 0 LAND5GAPE GALGULATION5 PLANT PALETTE �r,�ncx acgn-im,v Le�1v v[rau� fnwli>® 5##nt �uT+orr W�]� eo1wNlLu turTc 51zE 41. 12 A.,��,�a ��sl�aw', ��I��s• �,� �.1� �M PI PIS�lis v��� �e M eaa ��SdF J1 n�rtlnEG ma,.,mo,�l: �� •iL \� �� �M,v-.sf i6w ��I�,wP� zcaL sae 11 ��� � 4uxnM2rtPt-]R�141LVG5� rers y '' nw r�o�NPcen cF• R&LE BLtrw Ls�rE*GEv m'� u � pro 4i - I yA.y�WnE Nromnu�A f�swme�oA.LFaA��� swl �• �� P » ar �' 9 `mn, , „ NOTE5 a- m` i TT „ 1N w T = E Z rs nE nag.N1 x*luN aocr-s ro eF raRt-rar aam[o mcvi IDLE• Lfh51 HAL'I+PY� a x ` �° n� � ma' v G_nee Pxv m Ensnxra 1�on s1E xa mnaAncx 6 RaaxRm_ 17 DEVELOPMENT DATA �E OPER IN sl low • III ccrMYI ORIYEIiAY LG,5 —_._—_._._.__.� PLAINHC/LONTAGT EN51N�iE ENGIN CBECI[Y MCIUYEFIMG NLVYG I DNN9¢'�5cGSLLMN5 iGil•L ELI6IBLF OFE]5PACE.,..,.,,_.._.._...,.9k5 KFES(183al1 ,®R W�Na s..Sn Im ,oS]x rtmNao s..srt,w LiGall 0 A50•± E%ISnNS ECNINs R-B ANo R.+o vla.�vm�eva3n veo�C.. -0veo G R A Y C L I F F ESTATES SUBDIVISION SEPTEMBER 6.2019 _ JENSENBELTS MERIDIAN, IDAHO PRELIMINARY PLAT LANDSCAPE PLAN ., .�. .M