2020-01-21 Work Session C I T Y C OUNC I L W OR K SESSI ON A GENDA C ity Council Chamber s 33 E ast B roadway Avenue M er idian, I daho Tuesday, J anuary 21, 2020 at 4:30 P M 1. Roll-C all Attendance X L iz S trader X J oe B orton X B rad Hoaglun X Treg Bernt J essica P erreault X L uke C avener X Mayor R obert E. S imis on 2. Adoption of Agenda - Adopted 3. Consent Agenda [Action Item] - Approved A. Approve M inutes of J anuary 7, 2020 C ity C ouncil Work S ession B. Approve M inutes of J anuary 7, 2020 C ity C ouncil Regular M eeting C. Approve M inutes of J anuary 14, 2020 C ity C ouncil Wor k S ession D. Approve M inutes of J anuary 14, 2020 C ity C ouncil Regular M eeting E. Apex O ffsite S anitar y S ewer E asement No. 1 F. Apex O ffsite S anitar y S ewer E asement No. 2 G. Apex O ffsite S anitar y S ewer E asement No. 3 H. Apex O ffsite S anitar y S ewer E asement No. 4 I. Blackstone B uilding Water M ain E asement No. 1 & 2 J. F inal Order for C astlecr eek S ubdivision (H-2019-0130) by Nor thwest Ventur es, LLC , L ocated at 2432 E. Amity Rd. K. F inal Order for Rapid C r eek S ubdivision No. 2 (H-2019-0116) by T rilogy Idaho, L ocated at 4435 N. Black C at Rd. L. F indings of F act, C onclusions of L aw for Ten M ile and M cM illan (fka Ver ona C ommer cial)(H-2019-0126) by Nor thwest D evelopment Compan y, L ocated off the Nor theast C or ner of N. Ten M ile Rd. and W. M c M illan Rd. M. P rofessional S er vices Agr eement With Via P ar tner ship, LLP F or P ublic Art S ur vey And Wor k S ession for an Amount Not to E xceed $9,450.00 N. Approval of Purchase O rder #20-0190 to G eo Tek, Inc. for F Y 20 Commer cial & Residential B uilding Inspections for the Not-to- E xceed amount of $200,000.00. O. F iscal Year 2020 Grant C arryforwar d B udget Amendment Not to E xceed $851,926.00 P. AP I nvoices for P ayment - 01/14/20 - $159,335.29 Q. AP I nvoices for P ayment - 01/22/20 - $362,882.98 4. Items M oved F rom the C onsent Agenda 5. D epar tment / Commission Repor ts A. S olid Waste Advisory C ommission Annual Report B. P arks and Recr eation C ommission Annual Report C. P arks & Recr eation D epartment Repor t: M eridian Arts Commission Recommendation - Artwork Acquisition and D eacquisition P olicy 6. Action I tems A. Resolution No. 20-2186: Adopting P olicies and Procedures for Acquisition and D eacquisition of Ar twor k - Approved Meeting Adjourned at 5:22 pm Meridian City Council Work Session January 21, 2020. A Meeting of the Meridian City Council was called to order at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 21, 2020, by Mayor Robert Simison. Members Present: Robert Simison, Joe Borton, Luke Cavener, Treg Bernt, Brad Hoaglun and Liz Strader. Members Absent: Jessica Perreault. Also present: Chris Johnson, Bill Nary, Kyle Radek, Garrett White, Jamie Leslie, Joe Bongiorno and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-call Attendance: Liz Strader _X_ Joe Borton _X_ Brad Hoaglun _X_Treg Bernt Jessica Perreault _X Luke Cavener _X_ Mayor Robert E. Simison Simison: Call this meeting to order. Recognize Clerk for roll call attendance. Item 2: Adoption of Agenda Simison: Item 2 is adoption of the agenda. Bernt: Mr. Mayor? Simison: Councilman Bernt. Bernt: I move we adopt the agenda as presented. Hoaglun: Second. Simison: I have a motion and second to adopt the agenda as published. All those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed nay. The ayes have it. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE ABSENT. Item 3: Consent Agenda [Action Item] A. Approve Minutes of January 7, 2020 City Council Work Session B. Approve Minutes of January 7, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 4,2020— Page 4 of 298 Meridian City Council Work Session January 21,2020 Page 2 of 16 C. Approve Minutes of January 14, 2020 City Council Work Session D. Approve Minutes of January 14, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting E. Apex Offsite Sanitary Sewer Easement No. 1 F. Apex Offsite Sanitary Sewer Easement No. 2 G. Apex Offsite Sanitary Sewer Easement No. 3 H. Apex Offsite Sanitary Sewer Easement No. 4 I. Blackstone Building Water Main Easement No. 1 & 2 J. Final Order for Castlecreek Subdivision (H-2019-0130) by Northwest Ventures, LLC , Located at 2432 E. Amity Rd. K. Final Order for Rapid Creek Subdivision No. 2 (H-2019- 0116) By Trilogy Idaho, Located at 4435 N. Black Cat Rd. L. Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law for Ten Mile and McMillan fka Verona Commercial)(H-2019-0126) by Northwest Development Company, Located off the Northeast Corner of N. Ten Mile Rd. and W. McMillan Rd. M. Professional Services Agreement With Via Partnership, LLP For Public Art Survey And Work Session for an Amount Not to Exceed 9,450.00 N. Approval of Purchase Order#20-0190 to GeoTek, Inc. for FY20 Commercial & Residential Building Inspections for the Not to Exceed amount of $200,000.00. O. Fiscal Year 2020 Grant Carryforward Budget Amendment Not to Exceed $ 851, 926. 00 P. AP Invoices for Payment - 01/14/20 - $159,335.29 Q. AP Invoices for Payment - 01/22/20 - $362,882.98 Simison: Item 3, Consent Agenda. Bernt: Mr. Mayor? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 4,2020— Page 5 of 298 Meridian City Council Work Session January 21,2020 Page 3 of 16 Simison: Councilman Bernt. Bernt: I approve the -- I move that we approve the Consent Agenda. For the Mayor to sign and the Clerk to attest. Hoaglun: Second. Simison: Have a motion and a second to approve the Consent Agenda, with the Mayor to approve and the Clerk to attest. All those in favor signify by saying aye. All those opposed nay. Need a roll call vote on that one? The ayes have it. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE ABSENT. Item 4: Items Moved From the Consent Agenda Simison: There were are no items moved to the Consent Agenda for fourth. Item 5: Department / Commission Reports A. Solid Waste Advisory Commission Annual Report Simison: So, we will move right into Item No. 5. Department/Commission Reports and our first one for 5-A will be our Solid Waste Advisory Commission Annual Report. It will be presented by Steve Cory. Cory: Mayor, Members of the Council, thank you for this opportunity to speak together. 1, Steve Cory, am chairman of the Solid Waste Advisory Commission. I stand before you representing the Commission to report on our activities from calendar year 2019. The Commission again enjoyed nearly full and continuous membership this year. Thank you for your understanding and support as Meridian implemented a paid solid waste professional, Tom Otte, and, furthermore, the addition of two citizen commissioners will greatly assist the commission in performing the activities before them. One of our prime responsibilities is stewardship of the community recycling fund program. At the beginning of 2019 the balance was $60,370.93. Through the year we received revenue of $1,605.84. Five hundred of that was from Public Works as a result of the Public Works Expo. Thank you, Dale. And the balance, $1,105.84, came from the Hand In Hand We Recycle program. That's Meridian's innovative program that's in its third year and Hand In Hand We Recycle continues to generate modest revenue for this CRFP. Both Republic Services and the city continue to market the program and use it as an educational platform in a variety of forums. Moving on we had actual distributions, mostly reimbursing people for FY-18 projects of $24,789.75 and we have an approved project, which hasn't been carried out. It will be carried over to FY-20 of 2,750 dollars and I will itemize all those projects in the next slides. The CRFP's non- encumbered balance at this point is nearly -- well is $34,431.02. That compares to at the end of last year it was $32,912.68. So, it's barely a little higher, but that reflects the poor recycling markets. There is not a lot of income coming in from recycled materials. Those projects that we are in the -- that were Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 4,2020— Page 6 of 298 Meridian City Council Work Session January 21,2020 Page 4 of 16 fund expenditures included the Recycle A Bicycle project -- for FY-19 SWAC was approved the use of 500 dollars from the account, but only used at $87.50, the sum of our expenditures for calendar year and '19. We used that to co-host with Republic Services the third annual Recycle A Bicycle program held in conjunction with the city's Unplug And Be Outside event held at Kleiner Park. Thirty-two bicycles destined for the landfill were retrieved from the Meridian Transfer Station, cleaned up, repaired, and repurposed for the benefit of Meridian citizens. SWAC Commissioner Mark Nelson chaired the committee that worked so hard to make the event the hit it was. We plan to participate again at the event this year. Meridian Parks and Rec Department purchased and installed 35 trash receptacles in FY-18 for $9,702.25. Those were made from recycled plastic and are placed in Meridian's Discovery Park. Those are the receptacles that are on the right side of the slide. SWAC has funding approval to purchase one Catalpa leaf shaped bench made from recycled materials for 2,756 dollars as part of the effort with Discovery Park. That is held over until FY-20, since they haven't been installed yet. And, then, the final project was the Meridian Library District's installation and opening of the NFY-18 of the mini mobile library with 15,000 dollars from SWAC and as you all may know that innovative and creative project has won several awards. As to SWAC's projects, the Trash Or Treasure program, the City of Meridian staff and SWAC successfully expanded year three of this innovative program. This year's event was citywide. The event occurred the weekend before the commencement of the 2019 spring collection week. Residents set out at the curb unwanted items, allowing others to come by, pick up the -- pick them up and give them a new home, thus diverting items from the landfill. Post-event feedback was positive and this year's event is going to be held the first weekend in May. Well, first week of May. So, like May 2nd through 8th. Talking about this slide, in the upper left-hand you see a picture of someone's stuff in the morning and you can see a few things were removed in the lower slide on that left side and that's probably more than normal, as opposed to -- it seems to be generating its own life. The slides on the right is what people set out in the morning and you can see more material was out in the afternoon, but I think they probably spent the day in a cleanup activity and that's always encouraging and I wanted to go ahead and document what may be the largest item that gets transferred on Trash Or Treasure. It was someone in my area, so I do know it went from one house to another house and I imagine it's getting good use. SWAC hosted its booth for the third year at the annual Public Works Expo event at City Hall. That was --that effort was chaired by Commissioner Meg Larsen. This year's booth focused on the cost of contamination of the recycle stream and tested people's ability to identify three types of contamination in a bin commingled -- of commingled recycled materials and much thanks to Republic Services for helping us and the staff and supplying the swag to go ahead and hand out for the successful quiz contestants. SWAC continues to provide advice to the county through the county solid waste advisory committee. There has been significant discussion this last year on the county's disposal fee structure. I continue to represent the City of Meridian's interests on the Ada County Solid Waste Advisory Committee. In regards to the annual rate adjustment, SWAC reviewed and recommended to City Council approval of Republic Services proposed FY-20 annual rate adjustment report. The rate adjustment for both commercial and residential services was comprised of the contracted Consumer Price Index adjustment and the continuance of the recycling processing fee reimbursement, which is shared by our citizens and Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 4,2020— Page 7 of 298 Meridian City Council Work Session January 21,2020 Page 5 of 16 ratepayers for another year as set forth in a separate contract amendment. The county's household hazardous waste program continues to provide a cherished service to the citizens. Commissioner Nelson attends the quarterly meetings that guide this activity. This year SWAC has worked to maintain and improve Meridian's residential and trash -- trash recycling services included SWAC with staff and Republic Services input and assistance continuing to maintain the curbside services chart as a handy reference to the public on what services they can get for their use. Second, SWAC requested and assisted Republic Services and the city staff to improve the marketing of the spring cleanup program. And, third, SWAC vetted two inquiries related to container location on collection days and, of course, over the year we ended up having to work through an ordinance on bin placement and we hope we have supported you as that decision had to be made. Presentations that SWAC received this last year included the regular Republic Services quarterly and annual reports. Reports on the Hefty energy bag program. Reports on the Ada County Landfill tipping fees. Reports on the FY-20 proposed solid waste rates and fees. Reports from staff on solid waste program metrics and data. And also reports on the community solid waste and environmental survey. And so we updated our knowledge of what the citizens want from what used to be --from 1999 to now current understanding, which was very helpful to us. This upcoming year SWAC is looking forward to working with Republic Services and city staff on the following projects: Acting on results from the city survey or survey regarding trash and recycling services and developing strategies and programs using those results. Further improving recycling efforts including reviewing -- reviewing third-party needs and opportunities to reduce contamination and evaluating improved material separation technologies. Third. Promoting Meridian's Trash Or Treasure, Hand In Hand We Recycle and Recycle A Bicycle programs. Fourth. Expanding educational outreach to decrease contamination in the commingled residential recycling stream. Fifth. Monitoring yard composting market trends. Sixth. Continuing leadership role in the Ada County Solid Waste Advisory Committee and reporting back to SWAC and the Mayor and City Council as appropriate. Attending the quarterly Ada County Hazardous -- Household Hazardous Waste program meetings and reporting back to SWAC, the Mayor and City Council as appropriate. The commission will continue to focus on reducing contamination of recycling streams and we hope to work with Ada county to resolve their desire to simplify the landfill rates. In conclusion, it has been a productive year for SWAC. Our commitment is steadfast to work in partnership with staff from Republic Services to identify and recommend to you improved fiscally sound trash and recycling services and programs for the benefit of Meridian residential and commercial customers and with that report I can stand for questions. Thank you. Simison: Are there any questions? Strader: Sure. I have a couple, Mayor Robert. Simison: Council Woman Strader. Strader: Yes. Great. Hello. Thank you so much for coming and presenting and it was really nice speaking earlier with Steve and I wanted to just ask a question, Mr. Mayor, if I can, which is -- I was curious if the results from the public survey explored the topic of Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 4,2020— Page 8 of 298 Meridian City Council Work Session January 21,2020 Page 6 of 16 composting -- an expanded composting program, if there was any support for that in our public survey or what kind of -- if you can give us a flavor for the types of improvements in recycling that we are considering. Cory: Council -- Council Woman Strader and Mr. Mayor, I'm going to get some assistance from our staff member, because, yes, it did and my memory is going to be a little hazy on the specifics. Tom can be better at it than I can. Otte: Mr. Mayor, Council Woman Strader, we did ask specifically questions about how much support people would have --we had a whole section of diversion programs. I can't give you the specific numbers right now. I can get those for you from the survey. In fact, I can give you the whole survey if you would like. But we specifically asked people what ways in which they would like to reduce that, if we are -- if they were concerned about air shed effects, amount of volume in the landfill, an actual composting program itself or a few others. As to what types of programs we are considering, that is currently in a SWAC subcommittee. They are looking over what they want to work on and what they want to focus on in order to -- to determine those improvements. Strader: Thank you. Mr. Mayor? Simison: Council Woman Strader. Strader: If I can ask another question. I -- well, maybe it's not quite a question, but a comment. But I was thinking for the benefit of Council and the Mayor it might be helpful just to give everyone a quick overview without getting too much into the weeds on the issue with the county landfill fees that they are charging and how that could impact our residents negatively if that structure were to change. Cory: Mr. Mayor, Council Woman Strader, thank you. Obviously, this is a -- has been a very ongoing activity. I hate to admit it, but it is costing Tom and I sleep, which is unfortunate, but we hope as a result of that we are kind of keeping it from hitting you as hard as it could. A little background. The city -- the city has been working with the county for well on five years in relationship to their fee structure. The last major activity a couple of years ago was one where they went ahead and approved setting a rate of 33 dollars per ton for all waste coming to the landfill. In background, back in 1999 -- sometime in the '90s a program was set up to go ahead and charge Meridian based on its cubic yardage of material delivered up to the landfill and, then, SSC and as followed up by Republic Services, went ahead and collected waste from our residents at the same rate per cubic yard, compacted it and delivered it up. Obviously, it would have less volume and that difference between what they were charging the customers and what they were being charged by the landfill was enough to build and allow operation of the transfer station in Meridian. That number of 33 dollars per ton that was put in place would have been very onerous to us, because -- and we pointed out some deficiencies in the process at that point and the -- the county commission went ahead and agreed to a rate of 21 dollars per ton for Meridian's delivered waste and that's been in place for a couple of years. Now, the county, particularly the county staff, has been continuing to discuss the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 4,2020— Page 9 of 298 Meridian City Council Work Session January 21,2020 Page 7 of 16 fact that they have a problem with waste being delivered and being charged at a volumetric rate and I must admit that didn't sink into me. It turns out that there is still a great deal of waste coming out of Boise that is charged on a cubic yard basis. But 96 percent of Meridian's waste, both commercial and residential, goes to the transfer station and the transfer station vehicles -- transfer trucks are going up to the landfill and all of those are being charged on that per ton rate of 21 dollars per ton. So, the issues that are associated with getting rid of the volumetric rate don't apply to Meridian. In response to that 33 dollars per ton offer, the county went ahead and agreed to perform what is referred to in the business as a cost of services study. Meridian has made it very clear that they wanted that to get down into individual streams and determine what the cost of waste being received from transfer stations versus waste that's coming directly up in a residential collection truck versus waste that's coming up by the citizens in a pickup truck or in the back of the trailer and all the other various streams. County staff chose to issue a RFP that directed its contractor to go ahead and come up with a single number that would be a rate that would be applied to all types of waste regardless of anything else and as a result of that it came up with the number 29 dollars per ton. So, believe it or not, we celebrate a small win having gone down from 33 dollars to 29 dollars. But Meridian has testified that that 29 dollars has some problems. Most glaringly within the material the engineer provided to the county it identifies that in regards to expanding the landfill gas to electricity project, there were three options. Two of them involve the county acquiring more generators directly and incurring the capital costs and the engineer made it very very clear that those capital costs are substantial and inappropriate in that the county should contract out that effort. Having done that they would avoid three million dollars in capital costs and the estimate would be that the landfill would increase its revenues by 750,000 dollars per year in salable electricity. That plus a couple of other loose items got us to the point where their own spreadsheets justify a 27 dollar per ton rate, which would really be nice if we could get the county down to that level, us coming from 21 -- 21 dollars to 27 dollars. It has an impact on our customers that I can speak to you shortly. But one of the things that did come out of the study was identifying that already the amount of waste coming up from the transfer stations, that being Meridian's and also the one in Boise that's out by the airport, is about two-thirds of the waste going up there. So, the relative -- well, assigning costs probably isn't as valuable as it maybe once was, since there is -- Republic Services is moving to the use of the transfer stations. It's more economical for them to use those specialized vehicles for going across the valley, instead of taking a route truck off of the routes, which are geared differently and have other reasons why they aren't meant for long distance hauls. But the impact -- roll down impact to the rate tier in the city -- in the City of Meridian is roughly about three dollars per household per month. So, an increase from 21 dollars to 27 dollars would be about a dollar per household per month. That's -- that's -- most households are paying about 19 dollars per month for their trash services. So, it's a five percent increase and that's the unfortunate thing on our part is that based on our survey the citizens of Meridian said they would be willing to take a five percent increase on costs if they were getting more services and, unfortunately, this isn't an increase in service, this is just an increase in cost. We are continuing to have the discussion. I guess we are rather concerned, because many discussions that we have heard in county meetings with county staff have indicated almost an absolute commitment to the 29 dollar amount and we are not really Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 4,2020— Page 10 of 298 Meridian City Council Work Session January 21,2020 Page 8 of 16 feeling like our identified errors in the report and, then, the identified errors in the spreadsheet process are being addressed. For example, of course, all of this is predicated on cost per time and in the report the amount of waste that the county claims they got from transfer stations is actually lower than what Meridian said on its own. We have made it clear that, you know, when you have errors of that magnitude there needs to be an effort to go back and look at the documents and as a result of that the county SWAC did not endorse the study and as far as the model they said, well, they would endorse the model, but only if corrections were made to the model coming up with a rate. Whether the county is going to follow through on that I don't know. I must admit I'm very disappointed, I'm very frustrated. We will continue to have our discussion, but the first public hearing associated with these rates is tomorrow evening. I will be down there tomorrow night. But there are no particulars. You know, there is an opportunity for public testimony, but there is nothing given to us as to what rate is there or anything else and -- and I'm not real sure -- I feel like I need to go ahead and put our foot in the door, so to speak, that we need to testify, so that we are continuing to be part of the conversation, but I really don't have much I can talk about, which is the situation on it. So, with that I'm going to step back. I will answer questions about everything I said and -- and I really appreciate the opportunity to update you on that issue. Simison: Are there further questions? Cavener: Mr. Mayor? Simison: Councilman Cavener. Cavener: Great question. My items get checked off either by your presentation or by a fellow Council Member's questions. Steve, has -- that change in leadership at the county commissioner level pretty dramatic over the past year -- will tomorrow night's public hearing be the first time that the new commissioners -- or the newer commission have had the opportunity to weigh in publicly about this or have they commented throughout this process and, if so, has it been supportive of the staff recommendations or looking for alternative options? What's -- what's been their commentary? Cory: Councilman, yes, it will be the first opportunity for it to be on record. The Solid Waste Advisory Committee of the county does have a liaison and the liaison has discussed various activities and their expression has been that they are trying to learn what's going on. It's one of the new commissioners. And so they have had about a year on this and such. But, you know, we are kind of listening to the meetings and it sounds like there is a lot of -- a lot of commitment to support the staff. Cavener: Mr. Mayor? Simison: Councilman Cavener. Cavener: One more question. Steve, what's changed in the -- in the years since you have been before us -- and I appreciate you updating us all the things that the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 4,2020— Page 11 of 298 Meridian City Council Work Session January 21,2020 Page 9 of 16 Commission has been working on, but, you know, at this point last year there was a lot of unknowns about the future of recycling in Meridian and there was a lot of--you mentioned briefly kind of some of the volatility in the markets, but there is a point that we were even considering that maybe we wouldn't be able to recycle paper and I'm just curious has there been any further information that the SWAC has received or heard about that? Is that something we still need to be concerned about or no more concerned about it today than we were a year ago? Cory: To -- thank you, Councilman. To go ahead and update the Council on that subject, the markets are still tough. With China not taking materials -- of course we are curious how they intend to do that, because it was their raw material stream for a lot of their production and I guess we know that China's economic situation is not as good as it was when they started this and so that is what it is, but there has been minimal change in the situation as far as the rates that we are reimbursed for materials that we collect. The effect this last summer was that we had to adjust from 83 cents per household for recycled materials up to 90 -- 93 cents or something like that. So, it did hit us with another ten or 15 percent increase in what we had to pay to collect materials and distribute it. Without that additional amount, yes, paper would not have been collected. We would have had to have told the citizens that that was no longer part of the process. There is better reception for plastics, particularly soda bottle and juice bottle, the stuff that we do collect for that. Even better for cardboard and certainly a strong market for aluminum and tin cans. So, it depends on the particular commodity, but things did get a little worse. We did have to go ahead and increase the cost to our citizens, but the amount was fairly minimal, so we were able to continue to provide the service that we have been providing with a minimal adjustment in rates. Simison: Are there any additional questions? Strader: Mr. Mayor? Simison: Council Woman Strader. Strader: Thank you. I did have more of a comment, which was just to express our thanks for the hard work that the SWAC Commission is doing, especially with volatile markets and clearly a lot of moving parts on the fees that the landfill is charging. I know it takes a lot of dedication and time and I just wanted to say thank you on behalf of all of us for that and I also just thought maybe it would make sense at some point for everyone to discuss, you know, if there is a way to reach out to the county commissioner that's the liaison or if there is a way for us to maybe continue those discussions, but also to express -- just speaking for myself alone -- that I do think it's a great idea if someone from Meridian is testifying at that public hearing. Simison: Are there any other questions? Councilman Cavener? Councilman Hoaglun. Hoaglun: Yeah. Not a question, but just a comment and a request to Tom, if possible, if you are going to have that survey available on composting I would like to see that and go Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 4,2020— Page 12 of 298 Meridian City Council Work Session January 21,2020 Page 10 of 16 through it and see what citizens are saying about that and I just thank Steve for your excellent work on -- on this and you have been doing this for a while and that experience really helps and you represent the city very well. So, appreciate that. Simison: If I could ask a quick question. I'm going to ask you to put on your silver -- or your hat to try to figure this out, but since MYAC brought up the question about plastic bags, that's their legislative proposal this year to -- to the legislation -- legislature to remove the exemptions cities have are not regulating plastic bags and with China's recent announcement that they will go plastic bag free at least in their cities, at least that's the position they are taking, do you think that that's going to be a conversation in the -- what I was going to call the SWAC world? Will China's decision have enough to impact the United States or other markets in terms of plastic bag use and consumption? Are they -- can they lead the -- lead the conversation to maybe -- we may never get the state to take away our inability to make that choice, but will that force the market in a different way or is that -- from what you know about the plastic bag industry -- because it is our biggest problem in our recyclable waste stream. Cory: That's certainly one of the subjects that we do have on our plate and we do keep tabs on the pulse of that. I would never endeavor to go ahead and read the tea leaves and figure out what the legislature would do, but I would point out Albertson's Marketplace already gives you the option -- well, they put everything in paper bags and if you ask you can get plastic I think. But I'm not sure. Obviously, it's hidden and they are not -- but maybe less so than China, maybe more so from the Interstate 5 communities, Seattle through San Diego. That effect has hit Fred Meyer and Fred Meyers has already started advertising that within a year or so they will quit offering plastic bags and we will -- I don't know whether they are -- well, of course, they are encouraging people to use reusable bags and such. But I'm not real sure this is really necessary to be a government solution, because I believe the marketplace is already adjusting to it. Certainly it's kind of surprising, but for those that have those bags and do deliver them back to Fred Meyer, Winco, Albertson's, all those stores to the bin that's by the door, those have well into the high 90s percent of being incorporated into Trex Decking. It's one of the most used raw material streams to go ahead and produce something and so, you know, if people do have that significant amount of plastic bags and do get them back to the store, they do get used. I have no idea what that may do to that industry in the future, but that all being said -- and especially more so things like shrink wrap and garbage bags and those -- I don't know where we go on that. Obviously, it's one of those very smart decisions to put waste and recyclables directly into the bins, rather than putting them in a bag and, then, putting them into the bin. I will never do that with my waste. I prefer to keep my kitchen clean. So, I like to take it out bagged and such, but the recycling those out uncontained in a single stream and I'm sure we will continue to go ahead and drive that message that, you know, there are things to do with plastic, but the less plastic we have the better. Simison: Thank you for indulging me on that. Any further questions? All right. Thank you very much. Cory: Thank you. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 4,2020— Page 13 of 298 Meridian City Council Work Session January 21,2020 Page 11 of 16 B. Parks and Recreation Commission Annual Report Simison: Up next Item 5-B, Parks and Recreation Commission Annual Report, where we will hear from the new commission president Dom Gelsomino. Gelsomino: Thank you, Mr. Mayor and Council for inviting me today to give you our fiscal year 2019 report for the Meridian Parks and Recreation Commission. We have a -- we voted on an 11 item, you know, goal list for fiscal year 2019 for the Meridian Parks and Recreation Commission. Our number one top priority, as is the priority of your -- one of your top priorities, Mr. Mayor, is pathways and so the support -- our first goal was supporting development of a connected pathway system across City of Meridian with Five Mile Creek pathway and the Rail With Trail pathways as top priorities. So, a few things that we covered over the last year with regards to pathways -- East James Court sidewalk widening, you know, we have got the plans completed, bids are due today, so we are excited to move forward on that. Five -- the Fairview Avenue connection, we have been working on segments of the Five Mile Creek pathway and we have been identifying the - - which pathways are the priorities that we are going to be focusing on. We are in coordination for final designs with ACHD. The Ten Mile trailhead is a cost share program -- project. Design concepts and right of way procurement have been completed. Construction of the parking lot will kick off this year concurrent with the widening of Ten Mile Road. Finally, the Pine Avenue pedestrian rest stop, our goal is to be under construction in the spring of this year. Regarding our local Rail With Trail pathway, we are currently pursuing easement and landowners along the full alignment to secure access for expanding -- expanded Rail With Trail project. The route -- regional Rail With Trail pathway, MPR -- Meridian Parks and Recreation staff members have actively participated in the Rail With Trail work group led by COMPASS and supported by area agencies. I will go back and apologize. I did have a presentation today for the Council. It was not cooperating and so it will be transmitted to you at a later time. So, further along the regional Rail With Trail pathways and our pathway system projects and updates, the MPR gave their presentations to the commission regarding the Five Mile Creek pathway. The pathways in general we had our own pathway workshop and updates on the 2018 pathways workshop, as well as the Pine Avenue pedestrian rest stop update. In April of last year we had our spring pathways tour, which was a van to the Linder Road and to -- I believe it is Sawtooth Middle School and we started at Sawtooth Middle School and we went on our bikes all the way through The Oaks Subdivision, Black Cat corridor and -- and so forth. Our second item on our goals was coordination with city of Eagle to connect the Boise River greenbelt and with neighboring communities for additional pathways connections. Item number three, support and construction of-- and the grand opening of Discovery Park. As we all know, Discovery Park phase one opened -- had its grand opening Friday, July 26th with our official ribbon cutting and the official grand opening to the public was Saturday, July 27th. We had a successful --- very successful turnout. We had tons of people coming in and expressing how excited and -- and proud they were -- and especially our citizens in Meridian in the southern rim saying that they finally have somewhere to go that they don't have to come to the north side of Meridian or central side, they can stay in their area and in their location and have a -- an amenity that serves their -- their needs to unplug and be outside. Finally, we are beginning the design and Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 4,2020— Page 14 of 298 Meridian City Council Work Session January 21,2020 Page 12 of 16 concept developments of phase two of Discovery Park and we began that in November of last year. Item four is construction of the shade structure at the Kleiner Park bandshell. Check. Done. Item five, engaging other task forces, commissions, entities and agencies through workshops and other outreach partnerships. We have been in constant communication with city of Eagle and our neighboring cities with regards to working together as commissions, as parks and rec departments and through our pathway system. One of our goals this year is to bring Nampa and Boise -- we haven't heard from Nampa in quite some time and so we are hoping to bring them back and discuss how we can connect with the Canyon county and 2C area. Item six. Pursue improved tools and opportunities to engage citizens and stakeholders. We are just really looking forward to what we are going to see in the Comprehensive Plan. We were thankful to have Cameron Arial come and give us his presentation on the open space survey, as well as the master mobility plan, and we are looking forward to seeing the developments coming along as we see the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. Item seven. Support the planned improvements of Bay Five HomeCourt. We have recently -- recently finished everything and we are planning a public open house for February 14th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and we will hear a little bit more from Garrett White on his report with regards to HomeCourt and our recreation areas. Item eight. Discuss the progress on goals and objectives in the master -- Parks and Rec master plan. We are really just overlooking -- we are looking over the new goal and items for the new fiscal 2020 year and we are going to be carrying those out as we go along. Item nine. Continue to foster greater commission involvement, presence in communities. You know, as commissioners we like to be involved in -- in as many items as we can and events as we can throughout the year. Yours truly was last year's Grinch at the Christmas Winter Lights Parade and -- Bernt: Good job. Gelsomino: I thank you so much. And -- but we are looking for other opportunities. You know, the -- the ribbon cuttings at the -- at the new dock at Kleiner Park or at Discovery, these are events that we want to be proactive and engaged and active with. The community block party is a great opportunity not only for the department, but for us as commissioners to be present and to be involved and engaged with our community. This last year we had a very successful Santa's workshop and parade. I was also, you know, as an advisor for the Mayor's Youth Advisory Council, able to work together with MYAC in getting as many volunteers as we could for events that they are applicable in participating in. Item 10. Holding workshops during commission meetings to address current issues. We will be continuing to have a few workshops throughout the year, especially on pathways, you know, being our number one priority and goal. We are looking at a few more other projects throughout the year and we will continue to have workshops, especially as we get, you know, more in detail into concept and design of phase two of Discovery Park. Item 11. Participate in the partnership with the Meridian Arts Commission to add theme -- theming and identity reinforcing art at Champion and Renaissance Park. We have seen the concepts and designs of the artwork that will be going at both locations. They are beautiful, beautiful designs, very educational and interactive designs -- not so much -- you know, you are not going to climb on and engage and interact with it that way, but there are -- they inspire the identity of the Renaissance Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 4,2020— Page 15 of 298 Meridian City Council Work Session January 21,2020 Page 13 of 16 Park. We have a very beautiful rendition of the Leonardo da Vinci's work going into the Renaissance Park and at Champion Park we have an incredible torch going in made of the -- made of iron cast and so we will be really solidifying the identity of these two separate parks with the artwork going in. Item 12. Support the current efforts of ADA compliance repairs to ensure that accessibility of Meridian's Park systems. We are always making sure that we are ADA compliant, especially with the new dock at Kleiner Park and always making sure that there is no oversight when it comes to ensuring that all amenities at all our parks and recreation areas are ADA compliant for our citizens with disabilities. And with that I would stand for any questions or any comments from the Council. Simison: Thank you, Dom. Any questions from Council? Strader: Mayor Robert? Simison: Council Woman Strader. Strader: Just a quick question. I was curious as part of number six and socializing it with stakeholders and getting folks to use the park system and pathways, if we are, you know, making sure that all of the new pathways are accessible somewhere for citizens and they can, you know, see them, maybe Google and apps that they are using, so we are making sure they are getting like really great use. Simison: Absolutely. Gelsomino: So, with that, Mr. Mayor, Council Woman Strader, you know, we are using the tools and resources necessary to advertise them. I personally-- kind of stepping back from that an official commission position, I do my monthly updates on social media and engage the people -- even going out to the park and going out into the community and engaging people, informing them and educating them on the new updates that are coming through. So, it's -- it's definitely a combined effort throughout our department and throughout the commission and, you know, throughout the -- the departments as far as getting the education out there on -- on that. Strader: Mr. Mayor, if I can -- Simison: Council Woman Strader. Strader: Thank you. I just wanted to clarify if-- if we are able to update like Google Maps, for example, maybe with the IT Department's help or if we can make sure that--that those types of tools are registering our pathways, so if people do want to walk or take their bike that they know they can get -- get there. Gelsomino: Absolutely. Mr. Mayor, Council Woman Strader, if I could I would like to defer to our director Steve Siddoway on that particular item. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 4,2020— Page 16 of 298 Meridian City Council Work Session January 21,2020 Page 14 of 16 Siddoway: Mr. Mayor, Council Woman Strader, the -- it's a great idea and I think we are always looking for ways to improve our -- our website. We actually have an ongoing effort, separate from the specific mapping thing that you are talking about, to make our website more public user friendly. We are looking at a concept called story mapping, which is much more graphic and fewer words, because right now we have a lot of words and people like pictures, videos. We are trying to move that direction. But to your specific point about the mapping, yes, we can follow up with IT and see what we can do there. Thank you. Gelsomino: Thank you so much. Simison: Thank you. Any other questions? All right. Thank you, Dom. Gelsomino: Thank you so much, Mr. Mayor and Council. Thank you. C. Parks & Recreation Department Report: Meridian Arts Commission Recommendation -Artwork Acquisition and Deacquisition Policy Simison: Item 5-C is a report from our Parks and Recreation Department. We will see Garrett and maybe Audrey, but we will start with Garrett. White: Mr. Mayor, Members of Council, thanks for having us tonight. Thank you for mentioning Audrey. Just for some of you guys that don't know, the arts and cultural coordinator position used to be in the clerk's office and it now has moved into the Parks and Recreation Department. So, we are learning a lot about arts and culture in our department at this point. Audrey Belknap is our new arts and cultural coordinator. She started January 6th and she is, as you guys all know, drinking from a firehose and learning as much as you can and being a sponge and -- and so far she's doing awesome. So, really appreciate her coming on. So, the policy and procedure set in front of you, the Meridian Arts Commission, as well as our Legal Departments have been working on this for quite a while now. In short, this policy and procedure is basically giving our staff a roadmap and basically the procedures to add Art, to move Art, those types of things with this. As stated in this policy and stuff, everything has to be, obviously, added to or removed, has to be approved through you guys' Council. So, really it's just basically formalizing the processes that we already have in place and Legal has been working with this and presented this in front of you. With that being said, it also helps us check some of those boxes in the Meridian Arts Commission strategic plan that they just passed in September, so -- and getting this formatted and formalized. So, with that I can stand for questions if you have any. Simison: Council, any questions? Borton: Mr. Mayor? Simison: Councilman Borton. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 4,2020— Page 17 of 298 Meridian City Council Work Session January 21,2020 Page 15 of 16 Borton: Not a question, but a comment. I really appreciate this coming forward. Creating structure and rules to process before you need to make a decision is brilliant. It's the right way to do it. So, kudos to making this happen at this time, to make it much easier to administer these decisions going forward, so well done. White: Mr. Mayor and Councilman Borton, that -- we -- I can't take credit for it. It's the Arts Commission that we just kind of got, as well as Emily in our Legal Department has been working on this. This has helped us -- being new to this has really helped us in doing exactly what you just said, so -- Simison: All right. Thank you, Garrett. White: Thank you. Item 6: Action Items A. Resolution No. 20-2186: Adopting Policies and Procedures for Acquisition and Deacquisition of Artwork Simison: If there is no further questions, we will move on to Item 6-A, which is a Resolution No. 2186 adopting policies and procedures for acquisition and de- acquisition of artwork. Do I have any motions? Borton: Mr. Mayor? Simison: Councilman Borton. Borton: With -- with my previous comments of appreciation to the whole team who has made all this happen, I move we approve Number No. 20-2186. Hoaglun: Second. Simison: Have a motion and a second. Is there any discussion on the motion? If not, ask the Clerk to call the roll. Roll call: Bernt, yea; Borton, yea; Cavener, yea; Hoaglun, yea; Strader, yea; Perreault, absent. Simison: The ayes have it. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE ABSENT. Simison: With that we have reached the end of our work session agenda. Do I have a motion? Bernt: Mr. Mayor? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda February 4,2020— Page 18 of 298 Meridian City Council Work Session January 21 , 2020 Page 16 of 16 Simison : Councilman Bernt . Bernt : I move that we adjourn today' s meeting . Hoaglun : Second . Simison : I have a motion and a second . Hearing no discussion , all in favor signify by saying aye . All opposed nay. We are adjourned . MOTION CARRIED : FIVE AYES . ONE ABSENT. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5 : 22 P. M . 10 RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS ) 2 / Li M OR RO qRE . SIMISON DATE APPROVED ri,ATTEST: f AN -- CHRI J ON - Cl Y CLE IDAHO s� SEAL C JP Of the TREP�'J�� CjQ/rE IDAH DIZ IAN±�- CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 A Item Title: Approve Minutes of January 7, 2020 — City Council Work Session Meeting Notes: F1 I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.A . Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 Title of I tem - Approve M inutes of J anuary 7, 2020 City Council Work S ession AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate Minutes Minutes 1/13/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 3 of 246 Meridian City Council Work Session January 7, 2020 Page 24 of 24 Borton: Second. De Weerd: I have a motion and a second to adjourn our work session. All those in favor say aye. All ayes. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE ABSENT. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5:32 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS) 01/21/2020 Mayor, Obert E _ imi on DATE APPROVED 7V), o nuG�s ��Q �s � t��w of w� C RIS H N- C T IDAHO SEAL XPi C� /rE IDI)&,N*,---.,IZ � J CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 B Item Title: Approve Minutes of January 7, 2020 — City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Notes: I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.B . Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 Title of I tem - Approve M inutes of J anuary 7, 2020 City Council Regular M eeting AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate Minutes Minutes 1/13/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 28 of 246 Meridian City Council January 7, 2020 Page 38 of 39 Cavener: Oh, we got all -- let's wait. Simison: If not -- Bernt: One second. Mr. Mayor, one last thing about MDC. I forgot to mention MDC as well. So, I sit on MDC and the Mayor also sits on -- on MDC and so I know in the past we have had some lively discussion in regard to having Council Member representation on MDC. I have a meeting tomorrow with the Mayor and I will just chat with her about that as well. Cavener: Mayor? Bernt: The old -- Simison: Mayor Tammy. Bernt: Mayor Tammy. Simison: Mayor Tammy is still planning on serving in that role. A, there is nothing we can do to remove her from that role even if you want to and she would have to resign at that point time. Well, we -- so, she's planning on us continuing to serve. Her and I are meeting monthly probably right before or after those meetings to keep me up to speed on whatever the conversations are at MDC, but, you know, again, as Treg -- or Councilman Bernt mentioned, we can talk to Mayor Tammy tomorrow and get her understanding from that standpoint. With that do I have a final motion for the evening? Cavener: Mr. Mayor? Simison: Councilman Cavener. Cavener: Move we adjourn tonight's meeting. Hoaglun: Second. Simison: Motion and second to adjourn. All those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed? We are adjourned. MOTION CARRIED: ALLAYES. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:10 P.M. (AIJNO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS) :'ROVED EIDIANC -- I DAHJ CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 C Item Title: Approve Minutes of January 14, 2020 — City Council Work Session Meeting Notes: I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.C. Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 Title of I tem - Approve M inutes of J anuary 14, 2020 C ity C ouncil Work S ession AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate Meeting Minutes Minutes 1/16/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 67 of 246 Meridian City Council Work Session January 14, 2020 Pages 23 of 23 Roll call: Borton, yea; Cavener, yea; Bernt, yea; Perreault, yea; Hoaglun, yea; Strader, absent. Simison: All ayes. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE ABSENT. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS: (5:41 p.m. to 6:01 p.m.) Bernt: Mr. Mayor? Simison: Councilman Bernt. Bernt: I move that we come out of Executive Session. Borton: Second. Simison: I have a motion and a second. All those in favor signify by saying aye. All opposed nay. The ayes have it. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE ABSENT. Simison: Do I have another motion? Borton: Mr. Mayor? Simison: Councilman Borton. Borton: Move we adjourn the regular meeting -- or the work session. Excuse me. Bernt: Second. Simison: I have a motion and a second. All those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed nay. The ayes have it. We are adjourned. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:01 P.M. rZIOJRECARDNG ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS) *YbR RO tT IMISON DATE APPROVED ATTE CHRIIS 1014INSCIN - CITLCLE EIDI)&,N*,---- I DAHJ CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 D Item Title: Approve Minutes of January 14, 2020 — City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Notes: irk I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.D. Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 Title of I tem - Approve M inutes of J anuary 14, 2020 C ity C ouncil Regular M eeting AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate Meeting Minutes Minutes 1/16/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 91 of 246 Meridian City Council January 14, 2020 Pages 11 of 11 Simison: I have a motion and a second to adjourn the meeting. All those in favor signify by saying aye. All opposed nay. The ayes have it. We are adjourned. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE ABSENT. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:56 P.M. ( O RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS) M IROB T S MISON DATE APPROVED ATTESQo�P SG, o CHR ON - CLER E `O ' LL �c�NTER of the SR&O EIDIANI DAHO; CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 E Item Title: Apex Offsite Sanitary Sewer Easement No. 1 Meeting Notes: I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.E . Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 Title of I tem - Apex Offsite S anitary S ewer E asement No. 1 AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate E asement E xhibit 1/16/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 103 of 246 GRANTEE: CITY OF MERIDIAN STATE OF IDAHO, ) . ss. County of Ada ) This record was acknowledged before me on 1-2-1-2-b (date) by Robert E. Simison and Chris Johnson on behalf of the City of Meridian, in their capacities as Mayor and City Clerk, respectively. L�IwoukL' C HAR L E E AY Notary Signature COMMISSION #67390 My Commission Expires:`` NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 3/28/22 Sanitary Sewer Easement REV. 01/01/2020 3-po-'e- 1 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 0 8 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 0 9 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 1 0 o f 2 4 6 EIDIANk- CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 F Item Title: Apex Offsite Sanitary Sewer Easement No. 2 Meeting Notes: Mf I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.F. Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 Title of I tem - Apex Offsite S anitary S ewer E asement No. 2 AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate E asement E xhibit 1/16/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 111 of 246 ADA COUNTY RECORDER Phil McGrane 2020-008698 BOISE IDAHO Pgs=7 BONNIE OBERBILLIG 01/23/2020 08:12 AM CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO NO FEE Proled Name (Subdivislog): Apex Offsite Sewer Sanitary Sewer Easement Number: 2 Identify this Easement by sequential number if ' t contains more than one sanitary sewer easement, (See Instructions for additional information), &AMTARY SEWER EASEMENT THIS Easement Agreement, made this 21st day of Januaa, 202,0 between Murgoitio LP C'Grantor'), and the City of Meridian, an Idaho Municipal Corporation ("Grantee"); WHEREAS, the Grantor desires to provide a sanitary sewer right-of-way across the premises and property hereinafter particularly bounded and described; and WHEREAS, the sanitary sewer is to be provided for through underground pipelines to be constructed by others; and WHEREAS, it will be necessary to maintain and service said pipelines from time to time by the Grantee; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits to be received by the Grantor, and other good and valuable consideration, the Grantor does hereby give, grant and convey unto the Grantee the right-of-way for an casement for the operation and maintenance of sanitary sewer over and across the following described property: I nalliam.1 The easement hereby granted is for the purpose of construction and operation of sanitary sewer their allied facilities, together with their maintenance, repair and replacement at the convenience of the Grantee, with the free right of access to such facilities at any and all times. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said easement and right-of-way unto the said Grantee, it's successors and assigns forever. IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED, by and between the parties hereto, that after making repairs or performing other maintenance, Grantee shall restore the area of the easement and adjacent property to that existent prior to undertaking such repairs and maintenance. However, Grantee shall not be responsible for repairing, replacing or restoring anything placed within the area described in this easement that was placed there in violation of this easement. THE GRANTOR covenants and agrees that Grantor will not place or allow to be placed any permanent structures, trees, brush, or perennial shrubs or flowers within the area described for this easement, which would interfere with the use of said easement, for the purposes stated herein. Sanitary Sewer Easement REV. 01/0112020 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 1 3 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 1 4 o f 2 4 6 GRANTEE: CITY OF MERIDIAN E. city STATE OF IDAHO, ) . ss. County of Ada ) ;ED AUGUST w city of g `IDu AH* A O -` ` ID SEAL This record was acknowledged before me on � -21 2-G (date) by Robert E. Simison and Chris Johnson on behalf of the City of Meridian, in their capacities as Mayor and City Clerk, respectively. CHARLEAMAY COMMISSION 067390 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 3/28/22 ----------------- Sanitary Sewer Easement Notary Signature i My Commission Expires: I om .0 J.. !�- REV. 01/01/2020 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 1 6 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 1 7 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 1 8 o f 2 4 6 EIDIANDAHO ,!-- CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 G Item Title: Apex Offsite Sanitary Sewer Easement No. 3 Meeting Notes: c✓ I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.G. Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 Title of I tem - Apex Offsite S anitary S ewer E asement No. 3 AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate E asement E xhibit 1/16/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 119 of 246 ADA COUNTY RECORDER Phil McGrane 2020-008699 BOISE IDAHO Pgs=6 BONNIE OBERBILLIG 01/23/2020 08:13 AM CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO NO FEE Protect Name (Subdivision): Apex Offsite Sewer Sanitary Sewer Easement Number 3 t Identity this Easement by sequential number ifProject contains more than one sanitary sewer easement. (See Instructions for additional information), SAMIARY SEWE R EASEMENT THIS Easement Agreement, made this 21st day of January, 20_2_Qbetween SCS INVESTMENTS,LLL ("Grantor'), and the City of Meridian, an Idaho Municipal Corporation ("Grantee'); WHEREAS, the Grantor desires to provide a sanitary sewer right-of-way across the premises and property hereinafter particularly bounded and described; and WHEREAS, the sanitary sewer is to be provided for through underground pipelines to be constructed by others; and WHEREAS, it will be necessary to maintain and service said pipelines from time to time by the Grantee; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits to be received by the Grantor, and other good and valuable consideration, the Grantor does hereby give, grant and convey unto the Grantee the right-of-way for an easement for the operation and maintenance of sanitary sewer over and across the following described property: The easement hereby granted is for the purpose of construction and operation of sanitary sewer their allied facilities, together with their maintenance, repair and replacement at the convenience of the Grantee, with the free right of access to such facilities at any and all times. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said easement and right-of-way unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IT IS EXPRESSLY' UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED, by and between the parties hereto, that after making repairs or performing other maintenance, Grantee shall restore the area of the easement and adjacent property to that existent prior to undertaking such repairs and maintenance. However, Grantee shall not be responsible for repairing, replacing or restoring anything placed within the area described in this easement that was placed there in violation of this easement. THE GRANTOR covenants and agrees that Grantor will not place or allow to be placed any permanent structures, trees, brush, or perennial shrubs or flowers within the area described for this easement, which would interfere with the use of said easement, for the purposes stated herein. Sanitary Sewer Easement REV. 01101/2020 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 2 1 o f 2 4 6 GRANTEE: CITY OF MERIDIAN — �PSED AUGUST, � Mayor t\ iw` c•�ly �,r WDIAN*— IIS IDAHO ns?n-City Clem SEAL STATE OF IDAHO, ) ss. County of Ada ) This record was acknowledged before me on 1-2J -2b (date) by Robert E. Simison and Chris Johnson on behalf of the City of Meridian, in their capacities as Mayor and City Clerk, respectively. CHARLEN Y - ( I ) COMMISSION *67390 Notary Signature My Commission Expires:c�— NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 3/28/22 Sanitary Sewer Easement REV. 01/01/2020 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 2 3 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 2 4 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 2 5 o f 2 4 6 E IDI)kN*,----.-IZ �J CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 H Item Title: Apex Offsite Sanitary Sewer Easement No. 4 Meeting Notes: o, I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.H. Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 Title of I tem - Apex Offsite S anitary S ewer E asement No. 4 AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate E asement E xhibit 1/16/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 126 of 246 ADA COUNTY RECORDER Phil McGrane 2020-008700 BOISE IDAHO Pgs=6 BONNIE OBERBILLIG 01/23/2020 08:13 AM CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO NO FEE kro Ject NameLSubdIvislon Apex Offsite Sewer 4�anitanr Sower Easement Number., 4 Identify this Easement by sequential number if roject contains more than one sanitary Sewer easement, ( See Instructions for additional information). THIS Easement Agreement, made this 21st day oflanEarL,2Q_20 between DWT INVESTMENTS LW ("Grantor"), and the City of Meridian, an Idaho Municipal Corporation C'Grantee"),-, WHEREAS, the Grantor desires to provide a sanitary sewer right-of-way across the premises and property hereinafter particularly bounded and described; and WHEREAS, the sanitary sewer is to be provided for through underground pipelines to be constructed by others; and WHEREAS, it will be necessary to maintain and service said pipelines from time to time by the Grantee; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits to be received by the Grantor, and other good and valuable consideration, the Grantor does hereby give, grant and convey unto the Grantee the right-of-way for an easement for the operation and maintenance of sanitary sewer over and across the following described property: The easement hereby granted is for the purpose of construction and operation of sanitary sewer their allied facilities, together with their maintenance, repair and replacement at the convenience of the Grantee, with the free right of access to such facilities at any and all times. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said easement and right-of-way unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED, by and between the parties hereto, that after making repairs or performing other maintenance, Grantee shall restore the area of the easement and adjacent property to that existent prior to undertaking such repairs and maintenance. However, Grantee shall not be responsible for repairing, replacing or restoring anything placed within the area described in this easement that was placed there in violation of this easement. THE GRANTOR covenants and agrees that Grantor will not place or allow to be placed any permanent structures, trees, brush, or perennial shrubs or flowers within the area described for this easement, which would interfere with the use of said easement, for the purposes stated herein. Sanitary Sewer Easement REV. 01/01/2020 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 2 8 o f 2 4 6 CITY OF MERIDIAN 1E.D AUGUST E, ison Mayor eQ 200 ,IQ 1 city of w CE IDIAN*- IOAHO )y s Johnson, City ClVk�- SEAL STATE OF IDAHO, ) ss. County of Ada ) This record was acknowledged before me on -°Zi � - _j (date) by Robert E. Simison and Chris Johnson on behalf of the City of Meridian, in their capacities as Mayor and City Clerk, respectively. CHARLEg WAY COMMISSION #67390 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 3/28/22 Sanitary Sewer Easement U.pv-v- 4 Cf-ct&m ` , - Notary Signature � A2 My Commission Expires: REV. 01/01/2020 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 3 0 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 3 1 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 3 2 o f 2 4 6 �/rE IDIAN*,-----IZDAHO CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 I Item Title: Blackstone Building Water Main Easement No. 1 and 2 Meeting Notes: 9 I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.I . Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 Title of I tem - B lackstone Building Water M ain E asement No. 1 & 2 AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate E asement E xhibit 1/16/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 133 of 246 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 3 4 o f 2 4 6 ADA COUNTY RECORDER Phil McGrane 2020-008701 BOISE IDAHO Pgs=6 BONNIE OBERBILLIG 01/23/2020 08:13 AM CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO NO FEE Project Name [Subdivision)- -Silverstone Subdivision, Blackstone Building _Water Main Easement Number: 1 & 2 Identify this Easement by sequential number if Project contains more than one Water Main easement. (See Instructions for additional information). WATER MAIN EASEMENT THIS Easement Agreement, made this 21st day of January, 20 20 between Sundance Investments L.L.L.P ("Grantor"), and the City of Meridian, an Idaho Municipal Corporation ("Grantee"); WHEREAS, the Grantor desires to provide a water main right-of-way across the premises and property hereinafter particularly bounded and described; and WHEREAS, the water main is to be provided for through underground pipelines to be constructed by others; and WHEREAS, it will be necessary to maintain and service said pipelines from time to time by the Grantee; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits to be received by the Grantor, and other good and valuable consideration, the Grantor does hereby give, grant and convey unto the Grantee the right-of-way for an easement for the operation and maintenance of water mains over and across the following described property: The easement hereby granted is for the purpose of construction and operation of water mains and their allied facilities, together with their maintenance, repair and replacement at the convenience of the Grantee, with the free right of access to such facilities at any and all times, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said easement and right-of-way unto the said Grantee, it's successors and assigns forever. IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED, by and between the parties hereto, that after making repairs or performing other maintenance, Grantee shall restore the area of the easement and adjacent property to that existent prior to undertaking such repairs and maintenance. However, Grantee shall not be responsible for repairing, replacing or restoring anything placed within the area described in this easement that was placed there in violation of this easement. THE GRANTOR covenants and agrees that Grantor will not place or allow to be placed any permanent structures, trees, brush, or perennial shrubs or flowers within the area described for this easement, which would interfere with the use of said easement, for the purposes stated herein. Water Main Easement Version 12 23 19 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 3 6 o f 2 4 6 GRANTEE: CITY OF MERIDIAN STATE OF IDAHO, ) . ss. County of Ada ) This record was acknowledged before me on 111-20 (date) by Robert E. Simison and Chris Johnson on behalf of the City of Meridian, in their capacities as Mayor and City Clerk, respectively. , a" CHARLES WAY � "' COMMISSION 067390 Notary Signature 1 r �� _ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: ` �U� �- STATE OF IDAHO MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 3/28/22 Water Main Easement Version 12 23 19 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 3 8 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 3 9 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 4 0 o f 2 4 6 E IDIZ IAN?-DAHO CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 J Item Title: Final Order for Castlecreek Subdivision (H-2019-0130) By Northwest Ventures, LLC. Located at 2432 E. Amity Rd. Meeting Notes: I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.J . Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 Title of I tem - F inal Order for Castlecreek S ubdivision (H-2019-0130) by Northwest Ventures, L L C , L ocated at 2432 E . Amity Rd. AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate O rder Findings/Orders 1/17/2020 E xhibit A E xhibit 1/17/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 141 of 246 ORDER OF CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF TIME EXTENSION FOR CASTLECREEK SUBDIVISION – MI (H-2019-0130) Page 1 of 2 BEFORE THE MERIDIAN CITY COUNCIL C/C JANUARY 7, 2020 (ORDER ON JANUARY 21, 2020) IN THE MATTER OF THE REQUEST FOR A SIX (6) MONTH TIME EXTENSION ON THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR CASTLECREEK SUBDIVISION IN ORDER TO OBTAIN THE CITY ENGINEER’S SIGNATURE ON THE FINAL PLAT, LOCATED IN THE SE ¼ OF SECTION 29, T.3N., R.1E., MERIDIAN, IDAHO BY: NORTHWEST VENTURES, LLC APPLICANT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. H-2019-0130 ORDER OF CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF TIME EXTENSION This matter coming on regularly before the City Council on January 7, 2020, upon the Applicant’s submittal of a preliminary plat time extension application for a six (6) month extension within which to obtain the City Engineer’s signature on a final plat for Castlecreek Subdivision, which preliminary plat was originally approved on August 12, 2014 (to expire on August 12, 2016) as provided in Unified Development Code §11-6B-7C, and good cause shown. An administrative time extension (A-2016-0211) for two (2) years was previously approved for this subdivision by the Planning Director on June 21, 2016 and expired on August 12, 2018. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: The above named Applicant is granted an additional six (6) month extended period of Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 142 of 246 time, until July 21, 2020, within which to obtain the City Engineer's signature on the final plat, subject to the conditions of approval as shown in the attached Staff Report for the hearing date of January 7, 2020 incorporated by reference. Attached: Staff Report for the hearing date of January 7, 2020 By the action of the City Council at its regular meeting on the 21st day of January , 2020. DATED this 21st day of January , 2020 or Ro ert S•mison Attest: �r- o�Q ow 2 city E 1D1AN'T- IDAHO SEAL W is J , son, City Clerk oF� "of, Copy served upon the Applicant, Planning Division, Public Works Department, and City Attorney. BY: C kyyLm Dated: January 21, 2020 ORDER OF CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF TIME EXTENSION FOR CASTLECREEK SUBDIVISION — MI (H-2019-0130) Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT A Page 1 HEARING DATE: 1/7/2020 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Sonya Allen, Associate Planner 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton, Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: Castlecreek Subdivision H-2019-0130 LOCATION: 2432 E. Amity Rd. (SE ¼ of Section 29, T.3N., R.1E) I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Applicant requests City Council review for the purpose of extending the preliminary plat to allow a 6 month extension of time in order to obtain the City Engineer’s signature on the final plat. The plat consists of 19 building lots and 5 common lots on 6.58 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district. II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 6.58 Future Land Use Designation MDR (3-8 units/acre) Existing Land Use(s) Single-family residential home/agricultural land Proposed Land Use(s) Single-family residential Lots (# and type; bldg./common) 19 building/5 common Phasing Plan (# of phases) 1 Number of Residential Units (type of units) 19 (detached) Density (gross & net) 2.89 gross/3.2 net Open Space (acres, total [%]/buffer/qualified) 1.36 acres/59,394.5 square feet (21%) Amenities 5% additional open space above the minimum required Physical Features (waterways, hazards, flood plain, hillside) The Ten Mile Creek runs along the northeast boundary of the site Neighborhood meeting date; # of attendees: Not required STAFF REPORT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 144 of 246 Page 2 Description Details Page History (previous approvals) AZ-14-009 (DA #2014-091176); PP-14-009; H-2017-0150 (FP) B. Project Area Maps III. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Applicant: Northwest Ventures, LLC – 1980 S. Meridian Rd., Ste. 140, Meridian, ID 83642 Future Land Use Map Aerial Map Zoning Map Planned Development Map Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 145 of 246 Page 3 B. Owner: Same as Applicant C. Representative: Kent Brown, Kent Brown Planning – 3161 E. Springwood Dr., Meridian, ID 83642 IV. NOTICING Planning & Zoning Posting Date City Council Posting Date Newspaper notification published 12/20/2019 Radius notification mailed to property owners within 300 feet 12/17/2019 Applicant posted public hearing notice sign on site 12/23/2019 Nextdoor posting 12/17/2019 V. STAFF ANALYSIS The preliminary plat (PP-14-009) for this subdivision was approved on August 12, 2014 and was set to expire on August 12, 2016. An administrative time extension (A-2016-0211) was approved on June 21, 2016 that extended the time the final plat needed to be signed by the City Engineer by two years, to expire on August 12, 2018. The final plat (H-2017-0150) was approved on February 6, 2018. The Applicant requests a 6 month time extension on the preliminary plat in order to obtain the City Engineer’s signature on the final plat, effective 6 months from the date of approval of the Order. If this request is not approved, the preliminary plat application would need to be re-submitted in its entirety and it would need to go through the whole public hearing process at the Commission and City Council again. The final plat is currently in the signature process. Staff is of the opinion the proposed extension would be most expedient for all parties involved. VI. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the proposed 6 month extension of time in order to obtain the City Engineer’s signature on the final plat. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 146 of 246 Page 4 VII. EXHIBITS A. Approved Preliminary Plat (dated: 4/30/14) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 147 of 246 Page 5 B. Approved Final Plat (date: 11/14/2017) VIII. CONDITIONS 1. The Applicant shall obtain the City Engineer’s signature on the final plat within 6 months (by July 21, 2020). Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 148 of 246 `��E IDIZ IANC-- �J CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 K Item Title: Final Order for Rapid Creek Subdivision No. 2 (H-2019-0116) By Trilogy Idaho. Located at 4435 N. Black Cat Rd. Meeting Notes: Ff I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.K . Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 Title of I tem - F inal Order for Rapid C reek S ubdivision No. 2 (H-2019-0116) by T rilogy Idaho, L ocated at 4435 N. B lack Cat Rd. AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate O rder Findings/Orders 1/17/2020 E xhibit A E xhibit 1/17/2020 E xhibit B E xhibit 1/17/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 149 of 246 ORDER OF CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR RAPID CREEK SUBDIVISION NO. 2 – FP H-2019-0116 Page 1 of 3 BEFORE THE MERIDIAN CITY COUNCIL HEARING DATE: JANUARY 7, 2020 (FINDINGS DATE: JANUARY 21, 2020) IN THE MATTER OF THE REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAT CONSISTING OF 59 BUILDING LOTS AND 8 COMMON LOTS ON 11.51 ACRES OF LAND IN THE R-8 ZONING DISTRICT FOR RAPID CREEK SUBDIVISION NO. 2 BY: TRILOGY IDAHO APPLICANT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. H-2019-0116 ORDER OF CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT This matter coming before the City Council on January 7, 2020 for final plat approval pursuant to Unified Development Code (UDC) 11-6B-3 and the Council finding that the Administrative Review is complete by the Planning and Development Services Divisions of the Community Development Department, to the Mayor and Council, and the Council having considered the requirements of the preliminary plat, the Council takes the following action: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. The Final Plat of “PLAT SHOWING RAPID CREEK SUBDIVISION NO. 2, LOCATED IN THE NE ¼ OF SECTION 33, T.4N., R.1W., B.M. CITY OF MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, 2019, HANDWRITTEN DATE: 9/30/19, by Gregory G. Carter, PLS, SHEET 1 OF 4,” is conditionally approved subject to Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 150 of 246 ORDER OF CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR RAPID CREEK SUBDIVISION NO. 2 – FP H-2019-0116 Page 2 of 3 those conditions of Staff as set forth in the staff report to the Mayor and City Council from the Planning and Development Services divisions of the Community Development Department dated January 7, 2020, a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto marked “Exhibit A” and by this reference incorporated herein, and the response letter from Kent Brown, a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto marked “Exhibit B” and by this reference incorporated herein. 2. The final plat upon which there is contained the certification and signature of the City Clerk and the City Engineer verifying that the plat meets the City’s requirements shall be signed only at such time as: 2.1 The plat dimensions are approved by the City Engineer; and 2.2 The City Engineer has verified that all off-site improvements are completed and/or the appropriate letter of credit or cash surety has been issued guaranteeing the completion of off-site and required on-site improvements. NOTICE OF FINAL ACTION AND RIGHT TO REGULATORY TAKINGS ANALYSIS The Applicant is hereby notified that pursuant to Idaho Code § 67-8003, the Owner may request a regulatory taking analysis. Such request must be in writing, and must be filed with the City Clerk not more than twenty-eight (28) days after the final decision concerning the matter at issue. A request for a regulatory takings analysis will toll the time period within which a Petition for Judicial Review may be filed. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 151 of 246 Please take notice that this is a final action of the governing body of the City of Meridian, pursuant to Idaho Code § 67-6521. An affected person being a person who has an interest in real property which may be adversely affected by this decision may, within twenty- eight (28) days after the date of this decision and order, seek a judicial review pursuant to Idaho Code§ 67-52. By action of the City Council at its regular meeting held on the January , 2020. By: Q�J- K ert Simis n Mayor, City f ridian 21st Copy served upon the Applicant, Planning and Development Services Divisions of the Community Development Department and City Attorney. V By: Dated: January 21, 2020 ORDER OF CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR RAPID CREEK SUBDIVISION NO. 2 — FP H-2019-0116 Page 3 of 3 day of EXHIBIT A Page 1 HEARING DATE: January 7, 2020 (tabled from: 12/17/2019) TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Sonya Allen, Associate Planner 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton, Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: H-2019-0116 Rapid Creek Sub. No. 2 LOCATION: East side of N. Black Cat Rd., ¼ mile south of W. McMillan Rd. at 4435 N. Black Cat Rd. (S0433110560) I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Applicant proposes a Final Plat consisting of 59 building lots and 8 common lots on 11.51 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district. II. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Applicant: Trilogy Idaho – 9839 W. Cable Car, Ste. 100, Boise, ID 83709 B. Owner: Endurance Holdings – 1977 Overland Rd., Meridian, ID 83642 C. Representative: Kent Brown, Kent Brown Planning Services – 3161 E. Springwood Dr., Meridian, ID 83642 III. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff has reviewed the proposed final plat for substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat in accord with the requirements listed in UDC 11-6B-3C.2. The proposed plat contains the same STAFF REPORT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 153 of 246 Page 2 number of building lots and common area as shown on the preliminary plat. Therefore, Staff finds the proposed plat is in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat as required. A segment of the City’s multi-use pathway system is proposed as an amenity along the Five Mile Creek. IV. DECISION Staff: Staff recommends approval of the proposed final plat within the conditions noted in Section VIII of this report. V. EXHIBITS A. Preliminary Plat (date: 8/3/2017) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 154 of 246 Page 3 B. Final Plat (date: 9/30/2019) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 155 of 246 Page 4 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 156 of 246 Page 5 C. Landscape Plan (dated: 9/28/19) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 157 of 246 Page 6 D. Common Driveway Exhibit VI. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. Planning Division Site Specific Conditions: 1. Applicant shall comply with all previous conditions of approval associated with this development (H-2017-0117, Development Agreement #2018-052341). 2. The applicant shall obtain the City Engineer’s signature on the subject final plat within two years of the City Engineer’s signature on the previous phase final plat; or apply for a time extension, in accord with UDC 11-6B-7. 3. Prior to submittal for the City Engineer’s signature, have the Certificate of Owners and the accompanying acknowledgement signed and notarized. 4. The final plat prepared by Bailey Engineering, Inc., stamped on 9/30/2019 by Gregory G. Carter, included in Section VII.B shall be revised as follows: Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 158 of 246 Page 7 a. Modify Note #7 as follows: “. . . and Lots 1 and 22, Block 3, are common lots . . .” b. Modify Note #8 as follows: “. . . recorded as Inst. 2018-052341, records of . . .” c. Note #9: Include recorded instrument number for the ACHD license agreement. d. Note #10: Include recorded instrument number for the NMID license agreement. e. Note #12: Include recorded instrument number for the ACHD permanent easement. f. Note #13: Include the recorded instrument number for the sewer and water easement. g. Note #14: Include the recorded instrument number for the ACHD temporary easement. h. Correct spelling of “W. Grand Rapids Dr.” per the street name approval letter. i. Include a note stating which lots will be accessed via the common driveway; if an abutting property has the required minimum street frontage, that property is not required to take access from the common driveway. In this situation, the abutting property’s driveway shall be on the opposite side of the shared property line away from the common driveway in accord with UDC 11-6C-3D.5. 5. The landscape plan prepared by Jensen Belts Assoc., dated 9/28/19 is approved as submitted. 6. A 14-foot wide public use easement is required to be submitted to the Planni ng Division for the multi-use pathway along the Five Mile Creek prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. 7. Future homes constructed in this development shall substantially comply with the conceptual elevations approved with H-2017-0117 included in the Development Agreement. 8. The common driveway shall be constructed in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-6C- 3D; development of lots accessed by common driveways shall be consistent with the exhibit in Section V.D. 9. Address signage shall be provided at the public street for the homes accessed via the common driveway for emergency wayfinding. 10. The existing structures on the site shall be removed prior to the City Engineer’s signature on the final plat. 11. Staff’s failure to cite specific ordinance provisions or conditions from the preliminary plat and/or development agreement does not relieve the Applicant of responsibility for compliance. B. Public Works Site Specific Conditions: 1. A Floodplain Development Permit is required for this development. Please contact Jason Korn in the Public Works Department with any questions. 2. It is anticipated that ground water is at approximately two -feet below the surface as measured in the on-site monitoring wells. It may be necessary to substantially fill the subject property to increase the clearance above high static ground water. Applicant has indicated that they will be constructing slab on grade foundations in lieu of the traditional crawl space foundations to address this concern. It has been reported that additional test well monitoring data has been collected since the July 2017 report date. This new data will need to be submitted to the Community Development Department with the submittal of development construction plans. 3. All excavations caused by demolition, removal of animal carcasses, grubbing of ditches or the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 159 of 246 Page 8 existing ponds are to be backfilled with structural fill. 4. All areas receiving structural fill will need to be inspected and tested per the recommendations of Site Consulting, LLC. Inspection/test results will need to be submitted to the Meridian Building Section prior to the development being released for building permits. General Conditions: 5. Sanitary sewer service to this development is available via extension of existing mains adjacent to the development. The applicant shall install mains to and through this subdivision; applicant shall coordinate main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub -grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 6. Water service to this site is available via extension of existing mains adjacent to the development. The applicant shall be responsible to install water mains to and through this development, coordinate main size and routing with Public Works. 7. All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. 8. Upon installation of the landscaping and prior to inspection by Planning Department staff, the applicant shall provide a written certificate of completion as set forth in UDC 11-3B-14A. 9. A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110% will be required for all incomplete fencing, landscaping, amenities, pressurized irrigation, prior to signature on the final plat. 10. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post with the City a performance surety in the amount of 125% of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer, water infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The applicant shall be required to enter into a Development Suret y Agreement with the City of Meridian. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 11. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer, and water infrastructure for a duration of two years. This surety amount will be verified by a line item final cost invoicing provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an applicat ion for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 12. In the event that an applicant and/or owner cannot complete non-life, non-safety and non-health improvements, prior to City Engineer signature on the final plat and/or prior to occupancy, a surety agreement may be approved as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3C. 13. Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process, prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 14. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 160 of 246 Page 9 with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 15. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 16. Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 17. All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-1-4B. 18. Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material. 19. The engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 20. The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 21. At the completion of the project, the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 22. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-7 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting (http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272). All street lights shall be installed at developer’s expense. Final design shall be submitted as part of the development plan set for approval, which must include the location of any existing street lights. The contractor’s work and materials shall conform to the ISPWC and the City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications to the ISPWC. Contact the City of Meridian Transportation and Utility Coordinator at 898-5500 for information on the locations of existing street lighting. 23. The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way (include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat, but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian’s standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement (on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor, which must include the area of the easement (marked EXHIBIT A) and an 81/2” x 11” map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to signature of the final plat by the City Engineer. 24. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with and NPDES permitting that may be required by the Environmental Protection Agency. 25. Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Water Department at (208)888-5242 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non- domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources. 26. Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 161 of 246 Page 10 Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact the Central District Health Department for abandonment procedures and inspections. 27. The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water (MCC 9-1-28.C.1). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single -point connection is utilized, the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to development plan approval. 28. All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be addressed per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work, the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 162 of 246 From:kent brown To:Sonya Allen Cc:Adrienne Weatherly; Charlene Way; Chris Johnson; Bill Parsons; Bruce Freckleton Subject:Re: Rapid Creek Sub. 2 - FP H-2019-0116 Staff Report for Jan. 7th Council Mtg Date:Monday, December 30, 2019 12:29:06 PM Attachments:image006.png External Sender - Please use caution with links or attachments. Good Day The Developer has reviewed the report and is in agreement and will comply Kent Brown On Mon, Dec 23, 2019 at 6:26 PM Sonya Allen <sallen@meridiancity.org> wrote: Attached is the staff report for the proposed final plat for Rapid Creek Sub. 2. This item is scheduled to be on the Council agenda on Jan. 7th. The public hearing will be held at City Hall, 33 E. Broadway Avenue, beginning at 6:00 pm. Please call or e-mail with any questions. Kent - Please submit any written response you may have to the staff report to the City Clerk’s office (cityclerk@meridiancity.org) and me as soon as possible. Thanks, Sonya Allen | Associate Planner City of Meridian | Community Development Dept. 33 E. Broadway Ave., Ste. 102, Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: 208-884-5533 | Fax: 208-489-0578 Built for Business, Designed for Living All e-mail messages sent to or received by City of Meridian e-mail accounts are subject to the Idaho law, in regards to both release and retention, and may be released upon request, unless exempt from disclosure by law. -- Kent Brown Kent Brown Planning Services 3161 E. Springwood Drive EXHIBIT B Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 163 of 246 Meridian, ID 83642 P: 208-871-6842 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 164 of 246 CjQE IDIAN*,-----IZDAHO CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 L Item Title: Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law for Ten Mile and McMillan (fka Verona Commercial) (H-2019-0126) By Northwest Development Company. Located off the Northeast Corner of N. Ten Mile Rd. and W. McMillan Rd. Meeting Notes: mt I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.L . Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 Title of I tem - F indings of F act, C onclusions of L aw for Ten M ile and M cM illan (fka Verona C ommercial)(H-2019-0126) by Northwest D evelopment C ompany, L ocated off the Northeast C orner of N. Ten M ile Rd. and W. M cM illan Rd. AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate F indings Findings/Orders 1/17/2020 E xhibit A E xhibit 1/17/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 165 of 246 CITY OF MERIDIAN FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION & ORDER FILE NO(S). H-2019-0126 - 1 - CITY OF MERIDIAN FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION & ORDER In the Matter of the Request for a New Development Agreement to Replace the Existing Development Agreement (Inst. #108059800, Verona Commercial) to Include a New Conceptual Development Plan for a Mix of Uses Including a Senior Living/Multi-Family Development and Commercial Uses, by Northwest Development Company. Case No(s). H-2019-0126 For the City Council Hearing Date of: January 7, 2020 (Findings on January 21, 2020) A. Findings of Fact 1. Hearing Facts (see attached Staff Report for the hearing date of January 7, 2020, incorporated by reference) 2. Process Facts (see attached Staff Report for the hearing date of January 7, 2020, incorporated by reference) 3. Application and Property Facts (see attached Staff Report for the hearing date of January 7, 2020, incorporated by reference) 4. Required Findings per the Unified Development Code (see attached Staff Report for the hearing date of January 7, 2020, incorporated by reference) B. Conclusions of Law 1. The City of Meridian shall exercise the powers conferred upon it by the “Local Land Use Planning Act of 1975,” codified at Chapter 65, Title 67, Idaho Code (I.C. §67-6503). 2. The Meridian City Council takes judicial notice of its Unified Development Code codified at Title 11 Meridian City Code, and all current zoning maps thereof. The City of Meridian has, by ordinance, established the Impact Area and the Amended Comprehensive Plan of the City of Meridian, which was adopted April 19, 2011, Resolution No. 11-784 and Maps. 3. The conditions shall be reviewable by the City Council pursuant to Meridian City Code § 11-5A. 4. Due consideration has been given to the comment(s) received from the governmental subdivisions providing services in the City of Meridian planning jurisdiction. 5. It is found public facilities and services required by the proposed development will not impose expense upon the public if the attached conditions of approval are imposed. 6. That the City has granted an order of approval in accordance with this Decision, which shall be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and then a copy served by the Clerk upon the applicant, the Community Development Department, the Public Works Department and any affected party requesting notice. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 166 of 246 CITY OF MERIDIAN FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION & ORDER FILE NO(S). H-2019-0126 - 2 - 7. That this approval is subject to the Conditions of Approval all in the attached Staff Report for the hearing date of January 7, 2020, incorporated by reference. The conditions are concluded to be reasonable and the applicant shall meet such requirements as a condition of approval of the application. C. Decision and Order Pursuant to the City Council’s authority as provided in Meridian City Code § 11-5A and based upon the above and foregoing Findings of Fact which are herein adopted, it is hereby ordered that: 1. The applicant’s request for a new Development Agreement to replace the existing Development Agreement (Inst. #108059800, Verona Commercial) is hereby approved per the provisions in the Staff Report for the hearing date of January 7, 2020, attached as Exhibit A. D. Notice of Applicable Time Limits Notice of Development Agreement Duration The city and/or an applicant may request a development agreement or a modification to a development agreement consistent with Idaho Code section 67-6511A. The development agreement may be initiated by the city or applicant as part of a request for annexation and/or rezone at any time prior to the adoption of findings for such request. A development agreement may be modified by the city or an affected party of the development agreement. Decision on the development agreement modification is made by the city council in accord with this chapter. When approved, said development agreement shall be signed by the property owner(s) and returned to the city within six (6) months of the city council granting the modification. A modification to the development agreement may be initiated prior to signature of the agreement by all parties and/or may be requested to extend the time allowed for the agreement to be signed and returned to the city if filed prior to the end of the six (6) month approval period. E. Notice of Final Action and Right to Regulatory Takings Analysis 1. The Applicant is hereby notified that pursuant to Idaho Code 67-8003, denial of a development application entitles the Owner to request a regulatory taking analysis. Such request must be in writing, and must be filed with the City Clerk not more than twenty-eight (28) days after the final decision concerning the matter at issue. A request for a regulatory takings analysis will toll the time period within which a Petition for Judicial Review may be filed. 2. Please take notice that this is a final action of the governing body of the City of Meridian. When applicable and pursuant to Idaho Code § 67-6521, any affected person being a person who has an interest in real property which may be adversely affected by the final action of the governing board may within twenty-eight (28) days after the date of this decision and order seek a judicial review as provided by Chapter 52, Title 67, Idaho Code. F. Attached: Staff Report for the hearing date of January 7, 2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 167 of 246 By action of the City Council at its regular meeting hold on the 21st day of January , 2020. COUNCIL PRESIDENT TREG BERNT VOTED A,-, 0 COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT BRAD HOAGLUN VOTED COUNCIL MEMBER JESSICA PERREAULT VOTED COUNCIL MEMBER LUKE CAVENER VOTED �� n COUNCIL MEMBER JOE BORTON VOTED �� P COUNCIL MEMBER LIZ STRADER VOTED MAYOR ROBERT SIMISON VOTED ` (TIE BREAKER) M or Obert S' iso 91 �Ep AUGU&,, Attest: ,zO P X90 O U J2(1tV z'.. E IIA o W C is Jpdlns SEAL �Q/ City Jerk Copy served upon Applicant, Community Development Department, Public Works Department and City Attorney. BY: �Jr Dated: January 21, 2020 City Clerk's Office CITY OF MERIDIAN FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION & ORDER FILE NO(S).H2019-0126 -3 - 76) Mk I" an c1 Hcxyl116U 1 EXHIBIT A Page 1 HEARING DATE: 1/7/2020 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Sonya Allen, Associate Planner 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton, Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: H-2019-0126 Ten Mile and McMillan - MDA LOCATION: Off the northeast corner of N. Ten Mile Rd. and W. McMillan Rd. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Request for a new Development Agreement to replace the existing Development Agreement (Inst. #108059800, Verona Commercial) to include a new conceptual development plan for a mix of uses including a senior living/multi-family development and commercial uses. II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary III. APPLICANT INFORATION A. Applicant: Northwest Development Company – 1980 S. Meridian Rd., Meridian, ID 83642 B. Owner: Prime Desert Properties – 16850 Bear Valley Rd., Victorville, CA 92395 STAFF REPORT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Description Details Acreage 14.36 Current Zoning C-G Neighborhood meeting date; # of attendees: 10/09/2019; 6 attendees History (previous approvals) AZ-03-005 (DA #103097612); MI-07-013 (amended DA #108059794, Verona Commercial); RZ-07-017 (new DA #108059800, Verona Commercial); PP-07-022; FP-08-010; A-2019-0290 (PBA, ROS #12081) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 169 of 246 EXHIBIT A Page 2 C. Representative: Tamara Thompson, The Land Group – 462 E. Shore Dr., Ste. 100, Eagle, ID 83616 IV. NOTICING City Council Posting Date Newspaper notification published 12/20/2019 Radius notification mailed to property owners within 300 feet 12/17/2019 Public hearing notice sign posted on site 12/18/2019 Nextdoor posting 12/17/2019 V. STAFF ANALYSIS The Applicant proposes to remove the property described in Section VII.A from the existing Development Agreement (DA) (Inst. #108059800) for inclusion in a new DA with a new conceptual development plan and building elevations (see Section VII.B, C). The existing DA includes additional land area that is not the subject of this application that will remain in the existing agreement and/or has already been removed from the agreement. The existing (previously approved) plan for this site is included in Section VII.B and depicts 9 pad sites for future commercial structures. The provisions in the DA are primarily related to design requirements for the development because at that time, the City did not have design standards. The proposed plan is included in Section VII.C and consists of a senior living multi-family residential development on a 6+/- acre parcel at the northeast corner of the site with commercial pads along the frontage of Ten Mile and McMillan Roads on the remainder of the property. The commercial uses are anticipated to provide services and uses needed for nearby residents. The project is proposed to develop in multiple phases. Staff recommends as a provision of the new DA that future development substantially complies with the concept plan submitted. Conceptual building elevations were submitted for the multi-family development as shown in Section VII.D. The structure proposed across the northeast corner of the site is 2-stories in height, while the adjoining structures to the west and south are 4-stories in height. Staff is concerned about the massing of the 4-story structures in relation to the three (3) single-story structures to the east; however, there is a collector street, street buffer, and approximately 200+’ separation between the structures that should help to alleviate the issue. Additionally, only the ends of the 4-story structures will face the east toward the residences; therefore, unless public testimony from adjacent residents is presented otherwise, Staff doesn’t feel it’s an issue that should restrict the height of the structures below that allowed in the district (i.e. 65’). The final site and building design is required to comply with the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and the Architectural Standards Manual. Access to the multi-family development is proposed via W. Milano Dr. and N. Corona Way, collector streets, in alignment with existing driveways on the opposite side of the street(s); access to the commercial lots is proposed via the existing curb cuts constructed by ACHD via Ten Mile Rd. and W. McMillan Rd., arterial streets, consistent with the previous concept development plan. Local street access is not available to this site. A cross-access/cross-parking easement agreement was previously required to be granted for all lots in the subdivision; however, Staff is unable to locate a copy of the agreement or verify that one exists. Therefore, Staff recommends a Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 170 of 246 EXHIBIT A Page 3 provision in the DA that one is submitted to the Planning Division prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Zoning Compliance for the development. A subsequent conditional use permit application will be submitted for the multi-family development in the C-G zoning district in accord with UDC Table 11-2B-2. VI. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the proposed MDA per the provisions in Section VIII. B. The Meridian City Council heard these items on January 7, 2020. At the public hearing, the Council moved to approve the subject MDA request. 1. Summary of the City Council public hearing: a. In favor: Tamara Thompson, Applicant’s Representative; Matt Naumann; Tyler Brennan b. In opposition: Sheryl Tolman; Dan Voltroubek c. Commenting: Kent Brown d. Written testimony: Tamara Thompson, Applicant’s Representative (in agreement with staff report) e. Staff presenting application: Caleb Hood f. Other Staff commenting on application: None 2. Key issue(s) of public testimony: a. Residential neighbors against the proposed multi-family use and 4-story height of portions of the structure – favors commercial use instead as previously approved in the existing DA; b. Residential neighbor concerns pertaining to the increase in traffic the proposed use will generate in this area; c. Realtor belief there will be less traffic and noise generation (i.e. from delivery trucks coming and going, especially during early morning hours) by the proposed use than would be for commercial uses. 3. Key issue(s) of discussion by City Council: a. Desire for age restriction of multi-family development to seniors 55 and older; b. Concern pertaining to the height of portions of the structure (i.e. 4 stories) in relation to adjacent single level homes/structures; c. The opportunity for a more detailed review of the proposed development/use with the future conditional use permit application that is required; d. Concern pertaining to the large amount of senior living being constructed in this general area and if it will be needed in the future. 4. City Council change(s) to Commi recommendation: a. The Council voted to restrict the age of residents of the multi-family development to seniors 55 and older. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 171 of 246 EXHIBIT A Page 4 VII. EXHIBITS A. Legal Description and Exhibit Map for Property Subject to New Development Agreement: Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 172 of 246 EXHIBIT A Page 5 B. Existing Development Agreement Provisions & Conceptual Development Plan Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 173 of 246 EXHIBIT A Page 6 C. Proposed Conceptual Development Plan Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 174 of 246 EXHIBIT A Page 7 D. Conceptual Building Elevations for Multi-Family Development Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 175 of 246 EXHIBIT A Page 8 VIII. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. Planning Division 1. A new Development Agreement shall be required for this property that incorporates the Sprovisions listed below. Said agreement shall be signed by the property owner(s) and returned to the City within six (6) months of the City Council granting the subject modification in accord with UDC 11-5B-3F.2. a. Future development of the subject property shall be generally consistent with the conceptual development plan and building elevations contained herein. b. Development of the subject property (i.e. site design and building design) is required to comply with the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and in the Architectural Standards Manual. c. An easement agreement shall be recorded granting cross-access/cross-parking to all lots in the development, including the parcel at the southwest corner of this site that is not subject to this agreement. A recorded copy of said easement agreement shall be submitted to the Planning Division prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Zoning Compliance application for the site. d. The age of the residents living in the multi-family development shall be restricted to seniors, age 55 and older. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 176 of 246 CjQ/rE IDIZ IAN+^- DAHJ CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 M Item Title: Professional Services Agreement with Via Partnerships, LLP For Public Art Survey and Work Session for an amount not -to -exceed $9,450.00 Meeting Notes: I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.M. Presenter: Garrett White/Audrey Belnap Estimated Time f or P resentation: 1 minute Title of I tem - Professional S ervices Agreement With Via P artnership, L L P F or Public Art Survey And Work S ession for an Amount Not to E xceed $9,450.00 AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate S igned P S A with V I A A greements / C ontracts 1/16/2020 B udget Enhancement Cover Memo 1/16/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 177 of 246 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH VIA PARTNERSHIP, LLP This PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH VIA PARTNERSHIP, LLP FOR PUBLIC ART SURVEY AND WORK SESSION ("Agreement') is made this 21stday of January, 2020 ("Effective Date"), between Via Partnership, LLP, a limited liability partnership registered under the laws of the state of Missouri, having offices at 6677 Delmar Boulevard, Suite 200, St. Louis, MO 63130, hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT," and the CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the state of Idaho, having offices at 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Meridian, Idaho, hereinafter called the "CLIENT." (Collectively, CONSULTANT and CLIENT shall be hereinafter called the "Parties.") WHEREAS, CLIENT has determined the need for services to provide facilitation and information related to strategic planning for public art by and for the Meridian Arts Commission, and Consultant is specially trained, experienced, and competent to provide, and has agreed to provide, such services; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, terms and conditions hereinafter contained the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: 1. SCOPE. The CONSULTANT agrees to perform all work specified in Exhibit A, Scope of Work, attached to this agreement and made a part of it. The CONSULTANT will perform the Scope of Work in a manner that meets mutually agreed-upon schedules, deadlines and/or threshold meeting dates. The CONSULTANT will produce the deliverables referenced in Exhibit A hereto, which exhibit is incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein, in a timely and professional manner consistent with industry standards and practices for the profession or professions that are used in performance of this Agreement. 2. TERM OF AGREEMENT. CONSULTANT shall perform services under this Agreement by September 30, 2020. CLIENT shall make every reasonable effort to support CONSULTANT in meeting the mutually agreed-upon schedules, deadlines and/or threshold meeting dates set forth in Exhibit A, Scope of Work. The Parties acknowledge and agree that time is strictly of the essence with respect to this Agreement, and that the failure of either party to timely perform any of the obligations hereunder shall constitute a breach of, and a default under, this Agreement by the party so failing to perform. 3. PAYMENT. For services rendered under this Agreement, the CLIENT will pay the CONSULTANT in accordance with the fee schedule specified in Exhibit B, not to exceed nine thousand, four hundred and fifty dollars ($9,450.00). This amount shall constitute full compensation for any and all services performed, materials furnished, and costs incurred by CONSULTANT, including travel and lodging expenses. To receive payment for services rendered, CONSULTANT shall provide to CLIENT a completed W-9 form, and invoices itemizing services rendered and stating the amount of payment due for such services. CLIENT shall remit payments to CONSULTANT for services rendered under this Agreement within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice. Payment of all taxes and other assessments on monies received under this Agreement shall be the sole responsibility of CONSULTANT. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, CONSULTANT shall not be entitled to receive from PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH VIA PARTNERSHIP, LLC PAGE I OF 7 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH VIA PARTNERSHIP , LLC PAGE 2 OF 7 CLIENT any additional consideration, compensation, salary, wages, or other type of remuneration for services rendered under this Agreement. 4. STAFFING. CONSULTANT staff shall perform all work specified in this agreement, except that which the CLIENT and CONSULTANT mutually agree may be performed by a SUBCONTRACTOR. CONSULTANT may not subcontract or otherwise delegate its obligations under this agreement without CLIENT’S prior written consent. CLIENT shall provide adequate staffing to support the development of the work and to support the Coordination and Approval conditions described below. 5. COORDINATION. CLIENT shall make its staff, information and premises available to CONSULTANT on an as-needed basis, on/at mutually agreed-upon dates/times necessary to complete the Scope of Work, as set forth in Exhibit A. Client Contact shall provide support, as needed, in terms of organizing meetings and public communications. 6. SUBMISSIONS. CONSULTANT’s deliverables shall be submitted to CLIENT for review and feedback at the appropriate time. The Parties acknowledge and agree that time is strictly of the essence with respect to this Agreement, and that the failure of either Party to timely perform any of the obligations hereunder shall constitute a default of this Agreement. 7. BRIEFINGS. Except as otherwise specified in Exhibit A, the CONSULTANT shall be available via teleconference for presentations to CLIENT and the Arts Commission as necessary to secure acceptance and approval of deliverables enumerated in Exhibit A. 8. APPROVAL. CLIENT shall establish a protocol for its internal acceptance and approval of the deliverables enumerated in Exhibit A. 9. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. All rights, title and interest in and to all work performed produced or developed by CONSULTANT under this Agreement, shall become the property of CLIENT for its use and/or distribution as may be deemed appropriate by CLIENT. 10. PUBLIC RECORDS. It is acknowledged by the Parties that CLIENT is a public agency. As such, CLIENT is subject to the Idaho Public Records Act, which states, inter alia, that all documents in CLIENT’s possession are public records. The records prepared by CONSULTANT in the performance of this Agreement are public records and, shall be available for inspection and copying by any person, unless exempt from disclosure, in CLIENT’s sole discretion. 11. PROMOTIONAL USES. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CONSULTANT may (i) use materials produced under this agreement as work samples when responding to applications or requests for proposals for other projects and (ii) may publish excerpts of work produced under this agreement for CONSULTANT’s own promotional use, provided credit is given to the CLIENT. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 179 of 246 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH VIA PARTNERSHIP , LLC PAGE 3 OF 7 12. CREDIT. Should the CLIENT distribute any of the work produced by CONSULTANT in whole or in part, for promotional, educational or any other purposes, the CLIENT shall provide full credit to the CONSULTANT as author, where feasible. 13. EMPLOYMENT. As an Independent Contractor, CONSULTANT and any agents or employees thereof are not bona fide Employee(s) or agents of CLIENT in any manner or for any purpose. The parties agree that no deductions for withholding taxes, worker’s compensation, insurance, or other fringe benefits will be made by CLIENT and will be the sole responsibility of the CONSULTANT and its agents and employees. Specifically, without limitation, Instructor understands, acknowledges, and agrees: a. CONSULTANT is free from actual and potential control by CLIENT in the provision of services under this Agreement. b. CONSULTANT is engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business. c. CONSULTANT has the authority to hire subordinates. d. CONSULTANT owns and/or will provide all major items of equipment necessary to perform services under this Agreement. e. Neither CONSULTANT nor CLIENT shall be liable to the other for a peremptory termination of the business relationship described under this Agreement. 14. TERMINATION. The CLIENT shall have the right to terminate this agreement, for any reason or no reasons, immediately upon written notice to the CONSULTANT at the above address. Upon any such termination, CONSULTANT shall be entitled to retain sums paid for any phase of the work that has been completed pursuant to the terms of Exhibit A. 15. AMENDMENTS. Neither this Agreement (including the exhibits and appendices hereto), nor any term hereof may be orally changed, discharged, terminated or waived, except only by an instrument in writing, signed by the party against which enforcement of the change, discharge, termination or waiver is sought. 16. DISPUTES . The terms of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Idaho. 17. NO ASSIGNMENT OR SUBCONTRACTING. This Agreement may not be assigned or subcontracted by CONSULTANT, whether in whole or in part, without CLIENT’S written consent, and any attempted assignment without CLIENT’s written consent shall be void and of no effect. 18. INDEMNIFICATION. CONSULTANT shall, and hereby does, indemnify and hold harmless CLIENT, and its volunteers, officers, directors, employees and agents from any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, expenses and costs (including attorneys’ fees and court costs) which result from the CONSULTANT’s performance of work under this agreement and not caused by or arising out of the tortious conduct of CLIENT, regardless of the manner by which such claim may be brought. CONSULTANT acknowledges that rendering services under this Agreement presents risks, some of which are unknown, and agrees to assume all risks associated with the fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 180 of 246 19. CONSTRUCTION AND SEVERABILITY. If any part of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such holding will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other part of this Agreement so long as the remainder of the Agreement is reasonably capable of completion. 20. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. In performing the scope of services required hereunder, CONSULTANT shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and codes of Federal, State, and local governments. 21. NOTICES. Communication between the Consultant Contact and Client Contact shall occur via e-mail or telephone. All other notices required under this agreement shall be sent in writing, via U.S. mail, addressed to the contracting parties at the address enumerated in this agreement. 22. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties, and this Agreement supersedes any and all statements, promises, or inducements made by either party, or agents of either party, whether oral or written, whether previous to the execution hereof or contemporaneous herewith. This Agreement may not be enlarged, modified or altered except upon written agreement signed by both parties hereto. 23. ADVICE OF ATTORNEY. Each party warrants and represents that in executing this Agreement, it has received independent legal advice from its attorney or waived the opportunity to seek such advice. 24. APPROVAL REQUIRED. This Agreement shall not become effective or binding until approved by the Meridian City Council and signed by the Mayor of the City of Meridian. The parties have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized representatives as of the Effective Date written above. CONSULTANT: Via Partnership, LLP Meridith McKinley, Partner CLIENT: City of Meridian, Idaho Ao eft . Si 'son, Ma Qo�P���pUGUs7> >C" �� ATTEST: ?__ Sv,NZ- of PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT wrrH VIA PARTNERSHIP, LLC PAGE 4 OF 7 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH VIA PARTNERSHIP , LLC PAGE 5 OF 7 EXHIBIT A CONSULTANT’s Scope of Work Meridian, Idaho Public Art Survey and Work Session I. Task 1: Community Survey A. Summary: CONSULTANT shall conduct an online survey to identify the community’s aspirations and goals for public art. For the online survey CONSULTANT will use a commercially available survey program (SurveyGizmo) to analyze quantitative data. CONSULTANT will use its own approaches to conduct keyword analysis of analyze open-ended questions. B. Deliverables: CONSULTANT shall: 1. By February 1, 2020, work with City staff and Meridian Arts Commissioners to establish: a. Goals for participation in the survey, b. a timeline for the survey, to include dates for the release and closure of the survey, and c. A strategy for distributing and publicizing the survey. 2. By March 1, 2020, work with City staff and Meridian Arts Commissioners to develop the survey questions, including: a. Review of relevant planning documents that may help reveal important questions to include in the survey. b. At least three (3) conversations with City staff and Arts Commissioners regarding questions and possible answers. c. Drafting the survey and finalizing the survey questions with Client Contact. d. “Beta testing” the survey with Arts Commissioners and City staff. 3. By April 1, 2020, release the survey, and prior to closure of the survey, regularly monitor the survey responses and provide weekly reports of the response rate to Client Contact. 4. By May 1, 2020, develop and deliver a Survey Report that includes an analysis of the survey responses and a synthesis of what the responses could indicate in terms of recommendations for Meridian’s public art program. II. Task 2: Visioning Work Session A. Summary: CONSULTANT shall appear in person at Meridian City Hall to conduct a half- day work session with the commissioners to develop a vision and goals for the Meridian’s public art program, to identify potential project opportunities and strategies to meet that vision and goals, and to identify challenges or friction points regarding implementation that may require further work by Arts Commissioners and City staff. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 182 of 246 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH VIA PARTNERSHIP , LLC PAGE 6 OF 7 B. Deliverables: CONSULTANT shall: 1. By May 1, 2020, work with Client Contact and Arts Commissioners to establish objectives and desired outcomes for the work session. 2. By May 8, 2020, develop agenda and format for the work session and provide agenda to Client Contact. 3. By June 1, 2020, work with Client Contact to schedule a date, time, and location within Meridian City Hall for the work session. 4. Prior to or within the five (5) days following the scheduled work session: a. Review relevant planning documents, policies and guidelines for Meridian’s public art program. b. Tour Meridian (with staff and/or a representative from the Arts Commission) to see existing public art and areas of interest. c. Conduct five (5) additional one-on-one interviews with key stakeholders (elected officials, City staff, potential community partners). 5. By August 1, 2020, facilitate, in person, a half-day work session with Arts Commissioners. 6. By September 1, 2020, write and deliver a Report documenting outcomes of the work session and interviews, to include recommendations of: a. Vision and goals for the Meridian’s public art program, b. Potential project opportunities and strategies to meet such vision and goals, and c. Enumeration of challenges or friction points regarding implementation that may require further work by Arts Commissioners and City staff. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 183 of 246 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH VIA PARTNERSHIP , LLC PAGE 7 OF 7 EXHIBIT B Fee Schedule The City of Meridian, Idaho shall pay CONSULTANT up to nine thousand, four hundred and fifty dollars and no cents ($9,450.00). Payments to CONSULTANT shall be made within thirty (30) days after receipt of CONSULTANT’s invoices. Payments to CONSULTANT will be made as follows: 1. Two thousand dollars and no cents ($2,000.00) following execution of this Agreement. 2. Three thousand dollars and no cents ($3,000.00) upon completion of Survey Report as described in Exhibit A, section I.B.4. 3. Four thousand, four hundred and fifty dollars and no cents ($4,450.00) upon completion of Visioning Work Session and Report as described in Exhibit A, section II.B.6. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 184 of 246 Me r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 8 5 o f 2 4 6 Me r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 8 6 o f 2 4 6 /�E IDIZ IAN*,------ DAJ CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 N Item Title: Approval of Purchase Order #20-0190 to GeoTek, Inc. For FY20 Commercial and Residential Building Inspections for the not - to -exceed amount of $200,000.00 Meeting Notes: 9 I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.N. Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 Title of I tem - Approval of P urchase O rder #20-0190 to GeoTek, Inc. for F Y 20 C ommercial & Residential B uilding Inspections for the Not-to-E xceed amount of $200,000.00. AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate Council Memo Cover Memo 1/15/2020 P urchase Requisition Cover Memo 1/15/2020 B udget Cover Memo 1/15/2020 UNS I G NE D Purchase Order Cover Memo 1/15/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 187 of 246 Page 1 Memo To: Chris Johnson, City Clerk From: Sandra Ramirez, Buyer CC: Brent Bjornson; Keith Watts Date: 1/15/2020 Re: January 21 st City Council Meeting Agenda Item The Purchasing Department, on behalf of the Community Development – Building Services Department, respectfully requests that the following item be placed on the January 21 st City Council Consent Agenda for Council’s consideration. Approval of Purchase Order #20-0190 to GeoTek, Inc. for FY20 Commercial & Residential Building Inspections for the Not-to-Exceed amount of $200,000.00. This is the second Purchase Order for FY20 services. Recommended Council Action: Approval of Purchase Order #20-0190 to GeoTek, Inc. for FY20 Commercial & Residential Building Inspections for the Not-to-Exceed amount of $200,000.00 and also authorize the Procurement Manager to sign Purchase Order #20-0190 for the Not-To-Exceed amount of $200,000.00. Thank you for your consideration. City of Meridian Purchasing Dept. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 188 of 246 CI T Y O F M E R I D I A N SH I P T O SU G G E S T E D VE N D O R PR O J E C T M A N A G E R F. O . B . RE Q U E S T O R DE S T I N A T I O N QT Y U N I T UN I T P R I C E FU N D DE P T CO D E PROJECT / COMMITMENT #TOTAL AMOUNT 1 20 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 9 4 0 1 0 9 2 7 . b 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ NO T E S : AU T H O R I Z E D D E P A R T M E N T S I G N A T U R E AC C O U N T I N G C O D E S De s c r i p t i o n o f P u r c h a s e Q u a n t i t y a n d P r i c i n g 55 2 0 1 $200,000.00Kari Hibbard EX P E N S E O R GL A C C O U N T # PA R T N U M B E R / D E S C R I P T I O N / C O M M I T M E N T N A M E / TA S K O R D E R / C O N T R A C T / P R O J E C T D E S C R I P T I O N Co m m e r c i a l / R e s i d e n t i a l B u i l d i n g i n s p e c t i o n s 1 0 9 2 7 . b NE T 3 0 P R E P A I D PA Y M E N T T E R M S F R E I G H T T E R M S 32 0 E C o r p o r a t e D r , S u i t e 3 0 0 Me r i d i a n , I D 8 3 6 4 2 Pu r c h a s e R e q u i s i t i o n PU R C H A S E O R D E R N U M B E R M U S T A P P E A R O N A L L I N V O I C E S , P A C K I N G SL I P S , C A R T O N S A N D C O R R E S P O N D E N C E R E L A T E D T O T H I S O R D E R 1/7/2020 DA T E O F RE Q U E S T AV A I L A B L E B U D G E T A M O U N T CI T Y O F M E R I D I A N Pu r c h a s i n g D e p a r t m e n t 33 E B R O A D W A Y A V E , S T E 1 0 6 FA X : ( 2 0 8 ) 8 8 7 - 4 8 1 3 ME R I D I A N , I D 8 3 6 4 2 TE L : ( 2 0 8 ) 4 8 9 - 0 4 1 7 Co u n c i l A p p r o v a l D a t e : Co m D e v - B u i l d i n g S e r v i c e s Co m m e r c i a l & R e s i d e n t i a l B u i l d i n g I n s p e c t i o n Br e n t B j o r n s o n PR O J E C T N A M E : IS B U D G E T A M E N D M E N T R E Q U I R E D ? CI T Y S U P P O R T T I C K E T N O . Ge o T e k , I N C Me r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 8 9 o f 2 4 6 Ho w t o f i l l o u t t h e P u r c h a s e R e q u i s i t i o n . Fi l l i n t h e S H I P T O D E P A R T M E N T N A M E . Th i s i s t h e n a m e o f t h e r e q u e s t i n g d e p a r t m e n t a n d w h e r e t h e p r o d u c t w i l l b e s h i p p e d If t h e S h i p T o l o c a t i o n i s s o m e w h e r e o t h e r t h a n t h e d e p a r t m e n t l o c a t i o n , p l e a s e e n t e r t h a t a d d r e s s i n t h e l i n e s b e l o w t h e d e p a r t m e n t n a m e a n d h i g h l i g h t i t . Fi l l i n t h e DA T E O F R E Q U E S T l o c a t e d i n t h e b o x o n t h e r i g h t h a n d s i d e o f t h e f o r m . Fi l l i n t h e a m o u n t o f b u d g e t a v a i l a b l e f o r t h i s c o m m i t m e n t . Is a b u d g e t a m e n d m e n t r e q u i r e d t o f u n d t h i s r e q u e s t ? A n s w e r YE S o r NO . En t e r t h e n a m e o f t h e SU G G E S T E D V E N D O R . Pl e a s e c h e c k w i t h F I N A N C E t o v e r i f y t h a t t h e C i t y o f M e r i d i a n h a s t h e v e n d o r s e t u p a s a n a c c o u n t . If t h e v e n d o r i s n o t s e t u p , r e q u e s t t h a t a W - 9 f o r m b e s u b m i t t e d t o F I N A N C E b e f o r e p l a c i n g t h e o r d e r . If P U R C H A S I N G r e c e i v e s t h i s P u r c h a s e R e q u i s i t i o n a n d t h e v e n d o r i s n o t s e t u p , a n o r d e r p r o c e s s i n g d e l a y o c c u r s If v e n d o r w i l l b e d e t e r m i n e d b y p r o c u r e m e n t p r o c e s s , e n t e r " T B D " CI T Y S U P P O R T ( J I T B I T ) T I C K E T N O i s e n t e r e d b y p u r c h a s i n g s t a f f . En t e r t h e PR O J E C T N A M E , TA S K O R D E R N A M E A N D N U M B E R a n d / o r PR O J E C T / C O M M I T M E N T N U M B E R En t e r t h e n a m e o f t h e PR O J E C T M A N A G E R a n d RE Q U E S T O R . Un d e r " P A R T N U M B E R / D E S C R I P T I O N / C O M M I T M E N T N A M E / T A S K O R D E R / C O N T R A C T / P R O J E C T D E S C R I P T I O N En t e r t h e C O M M I T M E N T N A M E , TA S K O R D E R o r P R O J E C T D E S C R I P T I O N , P a r t N u m b e r o r D e s c r i p t i o n o f I t e m b e i n g p u r c h a s e d If y o u h a v e m o r e t h a n o n e i t e m , e n t e r e a c h o n a s e p a r a t e l i n e . En t e r t h e QU A N T I T Y f o r e a c h l i n e i t e m . En t e r t h e UN I T a n d U N I T P R I C E f o r e a c h l i n e i t e m . ( T a s k o r d e r s a n d c o n t r a c t s s h o u l d b e l i s t e d a s Q T Y 1 a n d U N I T E A . U n i t p r i c e a n d t o t a l w i l l b e e q u a l . ) AC C O U N T I N G C O D E S En t e r t h e F U N D t h a t y o u w a n t t h e e x p e n s e t o i m p a c t 1) T h e FU N D n u m b e r w i l l b e e i t h e r : ( a ) 0 1 , 0 7 , 0 8 , 2 0 , 5 5 , o r 6 0 d e p e n d i n g o n w h a t F U N D t h e b u d g e t i s i n En t e r t h e DE P A R T M E N T C O D E y o u w a n t t h e e x p e n s e t o i m p a c t 1) T h e D E P A R T M E N T C O D E i s a 4 d i g i t n u m b e r t h a t c o r r e s p o n d s t o y o u r d e p a r t m e n t En t e r t h e G L A C C O U N T N U M B E R (E x p e n s e A c c o u n t ) f o r e a c h i t e m . 1) T h e G L A C C O U N T N U M B E R ( E x p e n s e A c c o u n t ) i s t h e 5 d i g i t n u m b e r w h e r e t h e b u d g e t s a r e l o c a t e d En t e r t h e PR O J E C T C O D E / C O M M I T M E N T # y o u w a n t t h e e x p e n s e t o i m p a c t 1) T h e P R O J E C T C O D E / C O M M I T M E N T i s a n a l p h a n u m e r i c c o d e t h a t i d e n t i f i e s a s p e c i f i c p r o j e c t o r c o m m i t m e n t t o c h a r g e a l l e x p e n s e s t o IN F O R M A T I O N O N L Y Th e F U N D , D E P A R T M E N T C O D E , G L A C C O U N T N U M B E R , A N D P R O J E C T C O D E m a k e u p t h e a c c o u n t i n g c o d e f o r y o u r r e q u e s t . T h e a c c o u n t i n g c o d e w i l l h o l d t h e b u d g e t d o l l a r s a n d a c t u a l e x p e n s e s f o r y o u r P O r e q u e s t . Ac c u r a c y i s i m p o r t a n t a s t h e r e s u l t i n g P O e n c u m b e r s t h i s a c c o u n t i n g c o d e ( b u d g e t l i n e i t e m ) . No t a l l r e q u e s t s w i l l h a v e a p r o j e c t n u m b e r . C a l l P u r c h a s i n g i f y o u a r e u n s u r e . Th i s f o r m w i l l a u t o m a t i c a l l y t o t a l y o u r r e q u e s t . In t h e N O T E S f i e l d a d d a n y i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t y o u f e e l i s s i g n i f i c a n t . AU T H O R I Z E D D E P A R T M E N T S I G N A T U R E Ea c h d e p a r t m e n t h a s a l i s t o f e m p l o y e e s a n d a m o u n t s t h a t t h e y a r e a u t h o r i z e d t o s i g n f o r . Pl e a s e m a k e s u r e t h a t t h e a u t h o r i z e d d e p a r t m e n t p e r s o n n e l s i g n s t h e f o r m . Th e c o m p l e t e d a n d s i g n e d f o r m m u s t b e s u b m i t t e d t o P u r c h a s i n g , a l o n g w i t h t h e r e q u i r e d s u p p o r t d o c u m e n t s v i a a C I T Y S U P P O R T ( J I T B I T ) t i c k e t . PR I N T A N D S U B M I T O N L Y P A G E 1 ( N O T T H E S E I N S T R U C T I O N S ) Me r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 9 0 o f 2 4 6 How to fill out the Purchase Requisition. Fill in the SHIP TO DEPARTMENT NAME. This is the name of the requesting department and where the product will be shipped If the Ship To location is somewhere other than the department location, please enter that address in the lines below the department name and highlight it. Fill in the DATE OF REQUEST located in the box on the right hand side of the form. Fill in the amount of budget available for this commitment. Is a budget amendment required to fund this request? Answer YES or NO. Enter the name of the SUGGESTED VENDOR. Please check with FINANCE to verify that the City of Meridian has the vendor set up as an account. If the vendor is not set up, request that a W-9 form be submitted to FINANCE before placing the order. If PURCHASING receives this Purchase Requisition and the vendor is not set up, an order processing delay occurs If vendor will be determined by procurement process, enter "TBD" CITY SUPPORT (JITBIT) TICKET NO is entered by purchasing staff. Enter the PROJECT NAME, TASK ORDER NAME AND NUMBER and/or PROJECT/COMMITMENT NUMBER Enter the name of the PROJECT MANAGER and REQUESTOR. Under "PART NUMBER / DESCRIPTION / COMMITMENT NAME / TASK ORDER / CONTRACT / PROJECT DESCRIPTION Enter the COMMITMENT NAME, TASK ORDER or PROJECT DESCRIPTION, Part Number or Description of Item being purchased If you have more than one item, enter each on a separate line. Enter the QUANTITY for each line item. Enter the UNIT and UNIT PRICE for each line item. (Task orders and contracts should be listed as QTY 1 and UNIT EA. Unit price and total will be equal.) ACCOUNTING CODES Enter the FUND that you want the expense to impact 1) The FUND number will be either: (a) 01, 07, 08, 20, 55, or 60 depending on what FUND the budget is in Enter the DEPARTMENT CODE you want the expense to impact 1) The DEPARTMENT CODE is a 4 digit number that corresponds to your department Enter the GL ACCOUNT NUMBER (Expense Account) for each item. 1) The GL ACCOUNT NUMBER (Expense Account) is the 5 digit number where the budgets are located Enter the PROJECT CODE / COMMITMENT # you want the expense to impact 1) The PROJECT CODE / COMMITMENT is an alpha numeric code that identifies a specific project or commitment to charge all expenses to INFORMATION ONLY The FUND, DEPARTMENT CODE, GL ACCOUNT NUMBER, AND PROJECT CODE make up the accounting code for your request. The accounting code will hold the budget dollars and actual expenses for your PO request. Accuracy is important as the resulting PO encumbers this accounting code (budget line item). Not all requests will have a project number. Call Purchasing if you are unsure. This form will automatically total your request. In the NOTES field add any information that you feel is significant. AUTHORIZED DEPARTMENT SIGNATURE You may remove the highlight in the signature boxes. It makes it easier to write in the area. Each department has a list of employees and amounts that they are authorized to sign for. Please make sure that the authorized department personnel signs the form. The completed and signed form must be submitted to Purchasing, along with the required support documents via a PRINT AND SUBMIT ONLY PAGE 1 (NOT THESE INSTRUCTIONS) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 191 of 246 If the Ship To location is somewhere other than the department location, please enter that address in the lines below the department name and highlight it. If the vendor is not set up, request that a W-9 form be submitted to FINANCE before placing the order. If PURCHASING receives this Purchase Requisition and the vendor is not set up, an order processing delay occurs Under "PART NUMBER / DESCRIPTION / COMMITMENT NAME / TASK ORDER / CONTRACT / PROJECT DESCRIPTION , Part Number or Description of Item being purchased E for each line item. (Task orders and contracts should be listed as QTY 1 and UNIT EA. Unit price and total will be equal.) 1) The GL ACCOUNT NUMBER (Expense Account) is the 5 digit number where the budgets are located 1) The PROJECT CODE / COMMITMENT is an alpha numeric code that identifies a specific project or commitment to charge all expenses to The FUND, DEPARTMENT CODE, GL ACCOUNT NUMBER, AND PROJECT CODE make up the accounting code for your request. You may remove the highlight in the signature boxes. It makes it easier to write in the area. The completed and signed form must be submitted to Purchasing, along with the required support documents via a CITY SUPPORT (JITBIT) ticket. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 192 of 246 City Of Meridian Detailed Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Rev and Exp Report - Sandra 01 - General Fund 1940 - Building Department From 10/1/2019 Through 9/30/2020 Amendments Budget with Actual Current Year Remaining Budget Remaining Budget Percent of OPERATING COSTS 55201 Building Inspections 553,145.04 0.00 553,145.04 100.00% 1092...Plan Review Services FY20 0.00 91,781.42 (91,781.42)0.00% 10927.b Building Inspection Geotek - FY20 0.00 57,145.00 (57,145.00)0.00% Total OPERATING COSTS 553,145.04 148,926.42 404,218.62 73.08% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 553,145.04 148,926.42 404,218.62 73.08% Date: 1/10/20 09:29:11 AM Page: 1Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 193 of 246 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 9 4 o f 2 4 6 �/rEDAHO IDIZIAN,'=- CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 O Item Title: Grant Carryforward Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2020. Not -to - Exceed amount of $851,926.00 Meeting Notes: M71"', ;,. I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.O. Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 mins Title of I tem - F iscal Year 2020 G rant Carryforward Budget Amendment Not to E xceed $851,926.00 AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate F Y2020 Grant C arryforward B udget A mendment B udget A mendment 1/10/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 195 of 246 -4— f6 f6 O. Q 0 0 0 E may. bo o U z z N +° D; C Cojv y to N C 3 A N � N _ D E E O C C 3 Q 00 >} lU H 0 0) �� Ul +' `p v0 Y O b0 !n _ Q o O_ 0-101 E zl U a: w I O_ w V f0 z LL V U 7 7 7 7 7 7 d 2 2 o 2:2 T 2 2 Ln O 29v V .--I N f 111 O O N w O O V V s N V r4 A V N 7 7 7 75 7 7 7 W C N N LL O N O E E D (0 Z Z 0 O Z L O a oc c N N N 0 N N N N D_ LL = C LL}L -4— f6 f6 O. Q 0 E bo o U 0 � N fl D; C Cojv y to N � C 3 N � � _ o /.D oW 0 N may° O N L W C v 5W 7 G 6 W, c Q E a ~� LL N U O L N H v c 0 t4 N N V O1 C 0 O N N a � c O 0 Q `u a) 0 xx O d N (V U C fl D; C N 3 7 _ E E O C C O Q 00 N lU 0 0) �� Ul +' `p v0 Y O b0 !n _ Q o O_ 0-101 E zl U a: w I O_ w 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2 2 2i 2:2 2 2 O LD O V .--I N M 111 O O N m O O O O V a V r4 A V N 7 7 7 75 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 O O O O N 0 N N N N N N N N H v c 0 t4 N N V O1 C 0 O N N a � c O 0 Q `u a) 0 xx O d N m ri co 71 rl � 111 z 0 o H N L 7 D c G) Q x L to G m o aj C- CL O `v N Y Q (D O a I" O LL C N E -0 N E Q 0 rn m N N } W m 'O T 0 N D; 00 IDN Ol Ln 00 N .y `o LL L Q N 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 .9---0 . O O O O N N N N N m ri co 71 rl � 111 z 0 o H N L 7 D c G) Q x L to G m o aj C- CL O `v N Y Q (D O a I" O LL C N E -0 N E Q 0 rn m N N } W m 'O T 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 9 7 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 1 9 8 o f 2 4 6 E IDIAN*,----- DAHO CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 P Item Title: AP Invoices for Payment — 01/14/2020 - $159,335.29 Meetinci Notes: I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.P. Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 Title of I tem - AP Invoices for P ayment - 01/14/20 - $159,335.29 AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate A P I nvoices for Payment Cover Memo 1/14/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 199 of 246 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Eunice Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 01 General Fund BANK OF AMERICA VISA #5201 December 2019 Statement 2,721.62 01 General Fund IDAHO DEPARTMENT of LABOR #0007001746 4th Qtr 2019 Unemployment 6,410.23 01 General Fund MASTERCARD 220/MC#1 Fire 12-31-19 Statement,6.00 01 General Fund MASTERCARD 220/MC#2 Fire 12-31-19 Statement,3,402.56 01 General Fund MASTERCARD 220/MC#3 Fire 12-31-19 Statement,868.09 01 General Fund MASTERCARD 220/MC#6 Fire 12-31-19 Statement,747.79 01 General Fund MASTERCARD City MC #3 #4976 Dec 2019 Statement 8.00 01 General Fund MASTERCARD Clerks MC #0512 December 2019 Statement 870.03 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC City#2 #0561 Dec2019 statement 123.25 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC City#4 #3492 Dec2019 statement 60.00 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC City#8 #0595 Dec 2019 Statement 670.11 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC COM-DEV #0876 12/2019 1,255.07 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC COMDEV (BS) #2 12/2019 2,947.78 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC HR Dec 2019 #0520 4,497.43 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC IT #0179 12/19 1,205.89 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC Legal Dec2019 statement 73.80 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC Mayors Office #2 #0769 12/31/19 Statement 730.20 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC Mayors Office #3 #0777 12/31/19 Statement 584.50 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC Parks # 2 12/31/19 Statement -2,445.00 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC Parks #1 12/31/19 Statement -617.40 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC Parks #3 12/31/19 Statement -35.02 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC Parks #4 12/31/19 Statement -2,629.93 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC PD # 3 12/31/2019- Statement -1,456.60 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC PD # 4 12/31/19 - Statement -966.30 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC PW#1 12/31/2019 Statement 6.52 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC PW#2 12/31/2019 Statement 55.36 01 General Fund MASTERCARD PD MC #5 12/31/19 - Statement -1,664.15 01 General Fund MASTERCARD PD MC#10 #0710 December 2019 390.00 01 General Fund MASTERCARD PD MC#11 #0702 December 2019 853.24 01 General Fund MASTERCARD PD MC#2 #6129 December 2019 15,195.93 01 General Fund MASTERCARD PD MC#8 #0686 December 2019 942.14 01 General Fund MASTERCARD PD MC#9 #0728 December 2019 70.00 Total 01 General Fund 54,509.94 20 Grant Fund governmental MASTERCARD MC PD # 4 12/31/19 - Statement -59.91 Total 20 Grant Fund governmental 59.91 Date: 1/14/20 08:13:35 AM Page: 1Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 200 of 246 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Eunice Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 60 Enterprise Fund BLACK EAGLE CONSTRUCTION 20-0191; Emer Repair -Progress+Corporated Sts 10/18-23/19 91,185.10 60 Enterprise Fund MASTERCARD MC City#2 #0561 Dec2019 statement 508.87 60 Enterprise Fund MASTERCARD MC City#8 #0595 Dec 2019 Statement 429.72 60 Enterprise Fund MASTERCARD MC COM-DEV #0876 12/2019 336.08 60 Enterprise Fund MASTERCARD MC IT #0179 12/19 69.99 60 Enterprise Fund MASTERCARD MC PW#1 12/31/2019 Statement 3,393.80 60 Enterprise Fund MASTERCARD MC PW#2 12/31/2019 Statement 3,188.79 60 Enterprise Fund MASTERCARD MC WW#6011 December 2019 Statement 3,384.03 60 Enterprise Fund MASTERCARD Water MC #0538 December 2019 Statement 2,269.06 Total 60 Enterprise Fund 104,765.44 Report Total 159,335.29 Date: 1/14/20 08:13:35 AM Page: 2Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 201 of 246 ( -., � E IDIZIA,-----NDAHO CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 3 Q Item Title: AP Invoices for Payment — 01/22/2020 - $362,882.98 Meeting Notes: I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.Q. Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: 0 Title of I tem - AP Invoices for P ayment - 01/22/20 - $362,882.98 AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate A P I nvoices for Payment Cover Memo 1/16/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 202 of 246 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Eunice Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 01 General Fund A-1 STAMP & MABEL'S LABELS J Dodson & M Amador name plates + 1 name badge(JDodson) 28.00 01 General Fund A-1 STAMP & MABEL'S LABELS Name plate & name badge for Josha Iverson 20.00 01 General Fund A-1 STAMP & MABEL'S LABELS New City Council Nameplates Qty.3 27.00 01 General Fund ACROSS THE STREET PRODUCTIONS 220/training fees, Blue Card 6,200.00 01 General Fund ADA COUNTY PROSECUTOR DR17-5367 15% of Civil Asset Forfeiture $814.00 122.00 01 General Fund ADA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Inmate Housing Dec 2019 35.00 01 General Fund ALL AMERICAN INSURANCE Employee Benefits for Trust Bond project 12/13/19-12/13/20 1,037.00 01 General Fund AMERIBEN HRC Review jobs, and ERI report 4th Qtr - 3 hours 270.00 01 General Fund AMERICAN DOOR SERVICE/MERIDIAN DOOR & HARDWARE Repair on 1st Floor City Hall Door 60.00 01 General Fund ANNE LITTLE ROBERTS Reimburse: A Little Roberts Parking AIC Conf, Boise 6/20-6/2 27.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #1405b 196.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #28779c 94.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #29010c 94.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #29069b 144.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #29857b 186.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #29918c 94.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #40181c 372.85 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #40182c 280.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #40247c 94.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #40307c 159.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #40576c 94.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #40711c 136.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #40714c 94.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #40718c 94.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #40722c 196.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #40782c 105.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #40828c 196.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #40849c 94.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #40850c 196.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #40854c 54.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #40908c 94.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #4992b 144.00 01 General Fund BERRY ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC.20-0012 Streetlight Repair Pole #52728c 181.50 01 General Fund BOISE REFRIGERATION SVC CO 220/repair stove, St. 3 DOS: 12/24/19 & 01/08/20 435.98 01 General Fund BRADY INDUSTRIES, LLC.220/Janitorial, ST. 3, liners, tissue, towels 158.19 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC 220/MF038, Oil change 76.80 Date: 1/16/20 01:50:35 PM Page: 1Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 203 of 246 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Eunice Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC 220/Oil change, MF042 55.00 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Credit for Double Payment on MER0011097 (501.04) 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Headlight Bulb for Unit # 143 22.50 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Oil change and Trans Svc for Unit # 152 162.96 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Oil Change for Unit # 153 55.00 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Oil Change for Unit # 82 55.00 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Oil Change, Rear Brake, Alignment, Front Control Arms #167 1,333.00 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Oil Change, Trans Svc, Belts, Front & Rear Brakes Unit156 1,216.64 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC PCM Replacement & Battery for Unit # 133 737.97 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Secure Cargo Box, Oil Change for Unit # 143 304.54 01 General Fund CDW GOVERNMENT 20-0174 CradlePoint 1-Yr Renewal of Netcloud 15,000.00 01 General Fund CDW GOVERNMENT Crucial 16GB DDR4-2666 UDIMM 57.27 01 General Fund CHRIS JOHNSON Reimb:C.Johnson,01/14/20Albertsons,Food for Council Meeting 57.92 01 General Fund CITY OF BOISE IT COMMUNICATIONS 220/Program radio for BC31 callout 65.00 01 General Fund CITY OF BOISE IT COMMUNICATIONS Printing Neighborhood Watch Brochures 180.13 01 General Fund COLUMBIA ELECTRIC SUPPLY line conditioners & surge protectors for various parks x 7 799.69 01 General Fund COMMERCIAL TIRE 220/change out tires, MF045 195.80 01 General Fund COMMERCIAL TIRE 220/flat repair, MF041 310.95 01 General Fund COMMUNITY PLANNING ASSOC FY20 Annual Membership Dues - 2nd Quarter 4,213.58 01 General Fund COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT Holiday Party for MPD - Xmax 2019 1,200.00 01 General Fund D & B SUPPLY 220/Part - repair chainsaw for E-36 5.99 01 General Fund DELIBERATE DYNAMICS INC Sniper Cold Weather Gear 2,310.00 01 General Fund ERS, EMERGENCY RESPONDER SERVICES, INC. MDT Power Supply Swap, Emergency Light Replaced #525 421.00 01 General Fund ERS, EMERGENCY RESPONDER SERVICES, INC. Siren Controller Repair for Unit # 525 353.00 01 General Fund FASTENAL COMPANY anchors for Settlers Park playground toy install - qty 50 49.25 01 General Fund FEDEX Background and out of state check, out of state employee 73.30 01 General Fund FRED PRYOR SEMINARS Stephanie Archibald-annual training subscriptions-Fred Pryor 199.00 01 General Fund GEM STATE PAPER & SUPPLY CO 20-0018 Janitorial Supplies Citywide Buildings 4,964.88 01 General Fund GEM STATE PAPER & SUPPLY CO 20-0018 Trashbags, foam soap, urinal screens, paper towels 655.86 01 General Fund HENRY SCHEIN MATRIX MEDICAL 220/Medical, blood pressure units, qty 6 39.84 01 General Fund HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 220/Microwave, Station 1 95.92 Date: 1/16/20 01:50:35 PM Page: 2Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 204 of 246 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Eunice Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 01 General Fund HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES canvas drop cloths for Kleiner Park restroom painting x 2 63.64 01 General Fund HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES Spray Paint for Narc Boxes & Gear Crates 166.94 01 General Fund HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES squeegees & handles for restroom floor cleaning - qty 4 22.94 01 General Fund HORIZON DISTRIBUTORS INC parts for Billy Goat vaccuums - qty 13 919.36 01 General Fund IDAHO CHAPTER PRIMA RISK MGMT. TRAINING-C.RITCHIE, C.BARNEY Fall 2019 Session 4 100.00 01 General Fund IDAHO CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES Business Cards for Josha Iverson 46.25 01 General Fund IDAHO CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES Business Cards for R. Simison & D. Miles 92.50 01 General Fund IDAHO POWER 2200136188, Parks Power December 2019 14,026.88 01 General Fund IDAHO PRESS-TRIBUNE Comp Plan Amendment 39.22 01 General Fund IDAHO PRESS-TRIBUNE Legal Notice Blingey Condominiums 48.10 01 General Fund IDAHO PRESS-TRIBUNE Legal Notice for Ascent Subdivision 55.50 01 General Fund IDAHO STATE POLICE 154/Fingerprint processing 02/04 (296.00) 01 General Fund IDAHO STATE POLICE Background and employment testing 10/31/19-11/21/19 133.00 01 General Fund IDAHO STATE POLICE Background and Employment Testing December 2019 66.50 01 General Fund IDAHO STATESMAN Job postings: Development Analyst, Water Quality Specialist 888.50 01 General Fund INTERMOUNTAIN DESIGN, INC move existing work station for Recreation Division 300.00 01 General Fund INTERMOUNTAIN DESIGN, INC work station for Arts & Culture Coordinator 4,080.31 01 General Fund INTERMOUNTAIN GAS 0981623008 December 2019 7,956.17 01 General Fund INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER battery for lift 107.55 01 General Fund JANET PEACOCK Develop Meridian Fire Logo - Vectorize Prof Services 200.00 01 General Fund KELLER ASSOCIATES, INC.20-0096 FY20 Electrical Plans Examining Services 12/19 16,046.40 01 General Fund KENDALL FORD OF MERIDIAN 220/Install remote start, MF042 DOS 12/13/19 299.87 01 General Fund KENDALL FORD OF MERIDIAN 220/Real axle leak, install remote start, multiinspect MF043 395.00 01 General Fund KENDALL FORD OF MERIDIAN Touch Up Paint for Rock Chips Unit#60 17.64 01 General Fund LOTUS BOISE CORP 100.3 radio ads for Homecourt registration 12/10-12/20/19 960.00 01 General Fund LOTUS BOISE CORP 107.1 radio ads for Homecourt registration 12/10-12/22/19 576.00 01 General Fund LOTUS BOISE CORP 94.9 radio ads for Homecourt registration 12/10-12/20/19 576.00 01 General Fund LOTUS BOISE CORP J-105 radio ads for Homecourt registration 12/10-12/21/19 220.00 01 General Fund MERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS 18-0200 Mercer Health & Benefits Dec 2019 5,000.00 01 General Fund MERIDIAN TROPHY Engraving for Colin Yates Retirement 13.00 Date: 1/16/20 01:50:35 PM Page: 3Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 205 of 246 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Eunice Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 01 General Fund MERIDIAN TROPHY Name Plate for Years of Service Employee Mayor 13.00 01 General Fund MERIDIAN VETERINARY CLINIC Vet Care - Vaccines for K9 Wyatt DOS 01/03/2020 61.76 01 General Fund MERIDIAN VETERINARY CLINIC Vet Care for K9 Randy 611.00 01 General Fund MOBILE DATA SERVICES 2 E-cite Power Supplies for Spares, 6 New Power Supplies 249.46 01 General Fund MODERN PRINTERS Business Cards for Officers, Garza & Hall 106.00 01 General Fund MODERN PRINTERS January 2020 MUBS newsletters cut & fold (first batch)176.00 01 General Fund NAPA AUTO PARTS Oil Absorbent for Spills & Leak Clean up for CSO's 20.98 01 General Fund NESMITH BROTHERS TOWING Tow Unit #133 to Bruneel 75.00 01 General Fund NORCO 220/ 4-gas meter, E-33 771.12 01 General Fund NORCO 220/ 4-gas meter, E-35 769.09 01 General Fund NORCO Two pair of safety glasses for B. Young 41.96 01 General Fund NORTHWEST SAFETY CLEAN 220/repair turnouts DOS 11/18/19 257.95 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.220/ Binder clips (3packs) Original inv #419532374001 (36.06) 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.220/ returned damaged binders/ inv#416393853001 (21.12) 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.220/ St 6 pencil cup, printer paper, post it markers 46.95 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.220/2 desk racks, 4 wall clocks, paper clip holders 134.32 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.220/markers, laminating pouches, pencil holder, pres. cover 79.19 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.220/O. supplies, envelopes, toners, tape, folders, pr paper 244.78 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.cart - qty 1 149.99 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.drawer organizer - qty 1 7.04 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.newletter paper & organizers 55.63 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Newsletter paper & office suppplies for Mayors Office 57.47 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Office Supplies 24.97 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Office Supplies: Pop Note Pads 17.89 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Office Supplies: Toner for Laserjet Printer 97.63 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Personnel folder for Dave Miles 30.78 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.planner, post-its, tape - qty 4 72.80 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Plastic chair mat for Robert Simison 58.29 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.staple remover, tape dispenser, marker, stapler - qty 4 31.87 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Station 6 binder clips, post-it's, noteboos, stapler, wasteb 497.23 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Toner Qty 1 121.52 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Toner, Sheet Protectors, Deskpad, Tabs, Batteries, Candy 107.25 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.wall clock for Bay 5 - qty 1 15.99 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.White board replacement for PR Conference room 199.99 01 General Fund OFFICE VALUE - MERIDIAN USB's, Calendars, Sticky Notes for PD 272.87 Date: 1/16/20 01:50:35 PM Page: 4Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 206 of 246 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Eunice Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 01 General Fund OPENGOV INC 20-0065 Financial Integration-Between $80-100 Million 1-Y St 12,425.00 01 General Fund PAIGE MECHANICAL GROUP, INC.Lbr & camera use to find source/solution for CH smell 436.50 01 General Fund PAUL'S MERIDIAN STINKER unleaded fuel for Park Ambassador vehicle - license C21109 34.78 01 General Fund PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 220/ST. 1, Cord restraint, & Cord cap 73.32 01 General Fund PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY Glass for light fixtures in the City Hall lobby 96.00 01 General Fund POLICE EXECUTIVE RESEARCH FORU Annual Membershipfor PERF 200.00 01 General Fund RANDY S LATTIMER instructor fee - Line Dancing 9/8-12/29/19 - qty 32 760.00 01 General Fund REVVED UP MOTORSPORTS Front Brakes for Unit # 522 109.98 01 General Fund RICOH USA, INC C86173707 addt'l pgs 11/29-12/28/19 182.22 01 General Fund RICOH USA, INC C86243698; Color/Black & White Copies December 2019 151.35 01 General Fund RICOH USA, INC Copier Addt'l Images for C86216993 & C86216992 Dec 2019 110.78 01 General Fund RICOH USA, INC IMC4500 Copier-0December Copies: B/W-$85.81, Colored:$199.50 285.31 01 General Fund RICOH USA, INC Toner Cartridges for Ricoh Copiers 59.00 01 General Fund RYAN & RYAN MARKETING instructor fee - How to Make Bath Bombs 1/8/20 - qty 2 24.00 01 General Fund SHRED-IT USA, LLC.December 2019 Shredding 58.12 01 General Fund SPECIALTY CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY street closure for Winter Lights Parade 12/6/19 5,169.55 01 General Fund SYNCB/AMAZON 443893965836; VideoSecu MW340B2 TV Wall Mnt BrKt for 27-65IN 135.96 01 General Fund SYNCB/AMAZON 465693676559; Coupler for hot water circulation pump 42.93 01 General Fund SYNCB/AMAZON 483548656395; W5 Pro Mini PC Intl Atm Z8350 Win 10 Comp Stk 159.99 01 General Fund SYNCB/AMAZON 887347774499; badge reel holders 25.47 01 General Fund SYNCB/AMAZON 933669349838; tab div, markers and footrest-Amanda McNutt 18.57 01 General Fund SYNCB/AMAZON 935795479837; New clock for Council Chambers 39.40 01 General Fund SYNCB/AMAZON Toner replacement for Printer/Inspector Bay Qty.2 219.78 01 General Fund SYNCB/AMAZON Toner replacement for Printer/Inspector Bay Qty.4 389.56 01 General Fund T-ZERS SHIRT SHOP NIBRS Specialist Uniform - S.Oxsen 83.50 01 General Fund THE COBLE COMPANY Shoulder Patches for Uniforms 1,771.25 01 General Fund TRANSOURCE SERVICES CORP 20-0128 1Yr Production System Support Renewal for Nutanix NX 35,880.00 01 General Fund TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE Cream & Sugar for PSTC 51.72 01 General Fund TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE Cream, Sugar, Coffee, Hot Choc, Stir Sticks & Tea 293.52 01 General Fund TROPHY HOUSE PROS 2019 Winter Lights Parade trophies - qty 6 314.70 Date: 1/16/20 01:50:35 PM Page: 5Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 207 of 246 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Eunice Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 01 General Fund TURF EQUIPMENT & IRRIGATION steel mat drags for ball field groomers - qty 3 900.00 01 General Fund ULTRA TOUCH CAR WASH Complete Detail for Unit # 150 188.95 01 General Fund ULTRA TOUCH CAR WASH Full Service Wash for Unit # 524 13.56 01 General Fund UNIFORMS 2 GEAR 20-0068 220/ Boots, Wallace 296.37 01 General Fund UNIFORMS 2 GEAR 20-0068 220/ Class B uniform shirts, ladies cut, Lion (14) 1,593.60 01 General Fund UNIFORMS 2 GEAR 20-0068 220/ Embroidery performed on 12/18/2019 (2) 10.50 01 General Fund UNIFORMS 2 GEAR 20-0068 220/ Nameplates (2), Hendrick 29.14 01 General Fund UNIFORMS 2 GEAR 20-0068 220/ Workrite uniform pants (4)477.92 01 General Fund UNIFORMS 2 GEAR CSO Duty Pants - Coleman 65.98 01 General Fund UNIFORMS 2 GEAR Motor Shirts for Goodspeed 159.34 01 General Fund UNIFORMS 2 GEAR Traffic Safety Vest Sample for CSO Harris 8.91 01 General Fund UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO 20-0026 South Parking Lease February 2020 1,920.08 01 General Fund UNITED SITE SERVICES INC portable restrooms for Winter Lights Parade 12/6-12/7/2019 635.41 01 General Fund WEIDNER & ASSOCIATES 220/SCBA repair 1,953.40 01 General Fund WEST ADA SCHOOL DIST Patrol Graduation Ceremony 65.00 01 General Fund WW GRAINGER, INC 220/batteries, ST. 4 25.32 01 General Fund XEROX CORPORATION - PASADENA Xerox 7845 base 12/2019; click 11/25-12/23/19; MX4-506016 647.65 Total 01 General Fund 173,714.52 07 Impact Fund MATERIALS TESTING & INSPECTION 19-0254 220/St. 6, 12-22 to 1-4, 2020 542.40 07 Impact Fund MATERIALS TESTING & INSPECTION 19-0254 220/St. 6, 12-8 to 12-21, 2019 594.10 Total 07 Impact Fund 1,136.50 20 Grant Fund governmental CRYSTAL CAMPBELL Expense Report:C.Campbell,CDBG NCDA Conf,Jacksonville,FL 132.33 20 Grant Fund governmental CRYSTAL CAMPBELL Per Diem:C.Campbell,CDBG Train,WashingtonDC,1/28/20-1/31/20 266.00 20 Grant Fund governmental SIGNS, ETC MADC Drug Free School Zone Signs (ISLD Grant)623.40 20 Grant Fund governmental ZOOMGRANTS Account Subscription-One Year of Access to Features/tools: M 416.66 Total 20 Grant Fund governmental 1,438.39 Date: 1/16/20 01:50:35 PM Page: 6Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 208 of 246 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Eunice Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 60 Enterprise Fund AARON & ANDREA BAILEY REFUND WT/S/T: 5710 W MATTAWA DR CUSTOMER PAID AFTER CLOSING 36.59 60 Enterprise Fund ABC PUMPING No PO Bittercreek Settlement Agreement Svc to 12/16/19 4,320.00 60 Enterprise Fund AIR FILTER SUPERSTORE WHOLESALE LLC HVAC high capacity filters (18 qty)175.86 60 Enterprise Fund ANDRITZ SEPARATION, INC Seal & retaining ring for centrifudge 2 rebuild (2 qty)65.29 60 Enterprise Fund APPLE VALLEY ELECTRIC INC.NO PO Well 20b Assessment & Recon Grounding Rod 01/10/20 225.00 60 Enterprise Fund BACKFLOW SUPPLY Backflow 1in RP Assembly, Qty 2 558.35 60 Enterprise Fund BATTERIES PLUS BULBS 12V 34/78 AGM 60 Battery, C18131, Qty 1, WO#276772 267.90 60 Enterprise Fund BILLING DOCUMENT SPECIALISTS 20-0004 FY20 IVR Phone Services December 2019 2,313.50 60 Enterprise Fund BILLING DOCUMENT SPECIALISTS 20-0004 FY20 Lockbox Payment Processing December 2019 1,520.39 60 Enterprise Fund BILLING DOCUMENT SPECIALISTS 20-0004 FY20 Stmts 12/20/19 & Del Notice 12/23/19 Proc Svcs 12,353.59 60 Enterprise Fund BOISE RIGGING SUPPLY Crane inspections on crane 1 & 2 at S. Black Cat l.s.625.00 60 Enterprise Fund BOISE RIGGING SUPPLY Hoist & crane inspections for WRRF 750.00 60 Enterprise Fund BOISE RIGGING SUPPLY Inspections on hoist 1 & 2 at N. Black Cat lift station 375.00 60 Enterprise Fund BRANOM OPERATING COMPANY, LLC.Labor & parts for spare pump & pressure switch repair 1,114.58 60 Enterprise Fund CAREER UNIFORMS Jacket for D. Kerr 47.95 60 Enterprise Fund CITY OF BOISE 20-0183 IPDES Testing (103 Tests)3,932.50 60 Enterprise Fund CITY OF BOISE 20-0183 IPDES testing (177 tests)5,038.50 60 Enterprise Fund COLE INDUSTRIAL, INC.Handhole pump gasket (9 qty)70.89 60 Enterprise Fund COLUMBIA ELECTRIC SUPPLY Analog input modules for replacement in Flex I/O (3 qty) 3,105.90 60 Enterprise Fund COLUMBIA ELECTRIC SUPPLY Fuses, Fuse Blocks for Well 20, Qty 14, WO#276144 1,016.26 Date: 1/16/20 01:50:35 PM Page: 7Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 209 of 246 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Eunice Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 60 Enterprise Fund COLUMBIA ELECTRIC SUPPLY Relays & wire for electrician's stock (19 qty & 4,500 ft)798.56 60 Enterprise Fund COLUMBIA ELECTRIC SUPPLY Returned input analog modules (1,552.96) 60 Enterprise Fund COLUMBIA ELECTRIC SUPPLY Wire for electrician's stock (2,000 ft)371.50 60 Enterprise Fund COMMUNITY PLANNING ASSOC FY20 Annual Membership Dues - 2nd Quarter 8,427.17 60 Enterprise Fund D & B SUPPLY Boot Guard, L. Davis. Qty 1 11.99 60 Enterprise Fund D & B SUPPLY Safety boots for TBernard (1 pair)150.00 60 Enterprise Fund DAVID R MAAHS REFUND WT/S/T: 2052 E MOUNTAIN MAN DR OVERPAYMENT BY OWNER 92.31 60 Enterprise Fund FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC.PO#20-0052, 2inC2,T2,1.5in,1in,3/4in,Single&Dual Port MXU 84,193.25 60 Enterprise Fund GINA HARRIS Reimb:G.Harris,Cookies for B-days @ staff meeting 1/8/20 26.97 60 Enterprise Fund HACH COMPANY aa Omnion 4.0 Software Kit, CD-FIA/IC 7,742.93 60 Enterprise Fund HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES Husky Soft Cap Knee Pad, Qty 1 9.97 60 Enterprise Fund HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES Return for Husky SOft Cap Knee Pad, INV#6024062, Qty 1 (9.97) 60 Enterprise Fund HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES Supplies for reclaimed water meter install project (8 qty) 41.82 60 Enterprise Fund IAN BIDDLE Reimb:I.Biddle,Workboots 1 pair 136.50 60 Enterprise Fund INTERMOUNTAIN GAS 09450220935 Taconic Dr December 2019 152.91 60 Enterprise Fund INTERMOUNTAIN GAS 0981623008 December 2019 11,387.43 60 Enterprise Fund KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES V-belts (4 qty)40.16 60 Enterprise Fund KRISTINA FERGUSON REFUND WT/S/T: 956 N HAVEN COVE PL CUSTOMER PAID AFTER CLOSI 79.34 60 Enterprise Fund LARRY & YON HUI FOOR REFUND WT/S/T: 2155 N HICKORY WAY AUTO PAY PROCESSED AFTER C 84.00 60 Enterprise Fund McCALL INDUSTRIAL Threaded elbow & ball valve (6 qty)123.39 Date: 1/16/20 01:50:35 PM Page: 8Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 210 of 246 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Eunice Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 60 Enterprise Fund METROQUIP, INC.Connections for fire hoses (12 qty)51.66 60 Enterprise Fund METROQUIP, INC.Grease chopper (3 qty)358.00 60 Enterprise Fund METROQUIP, INC.Heavy duty hose guide assembly (2 qty)418.00 60 Enterprise Fund METROQUIP, INC.Labor & parts to repair hose reel on camel hydrocleaner 3,087.80 60 Enterprise Fund METROQUIP, INC.Nozzles for wash down hoses (2 qty)18.74 60 Enterprise Fund METROQUIP, INC.Returned grease chopper (3 qty) sent wrong items (358.00) 60 Enterprise Fund METROQUIP, INC.Returned poles-wrong size (8 qty)(1,016.00) 60 Enterprise Fund MOTION & FLOW CONTROL PRODUCTS Bell for temp non-pot connection for start up (1 qty)33.35 60 Enterprise Fund MOTION & FLOW CONTROL PRODUCTS Cam-lok frmail type D coupler (1 qty)64.83 60 Enterprise Fund MOUNTAIN WATERWORKS, INC Structural integrity evaluation for primary clarifier 4 2,500.00 60 Enterprise Fund MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO.Drill kit for new mechanic (1 qty)242.24 60 Enterprise Fund NORCO Cylinder rental for Dec 2019 61.44 60 Enterprise Fund NORCO Instant hand sanitizer (2 qty)41.57 60 Enterprise Fund NORCO New sensor for gas meter (1 qty)249.42 60 Enterprise Fund NORCO Stainless steel welding wire (10 lbs)86.30 60 Enterprise Fund NORTHWEST POWER SYSTEMS, INC Labor & parts for inspection on portable air compressor 362.61 60 Enterprise Fund O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Oil for transfer pumps for shop (2 qty)33.98 60 Enterprise Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Address labels and scissors for office admin 18.32 60 Enterprise Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Mouse for W. Stewart 33.31 60 Enterprise Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Replacement Ink Pad Qty. 1 11.79 Date: 1/16/20 01:50:35 PM Page: 9Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 211 of 246 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Eunice Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 60 Enterprise Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Toner, Sheet Protectors, Deskpad, Tabs, Batteries, Candy 116.31 60 Enterprise Fund OLDCASTLE PRECAST, INC Check for Credit Memo/Inv#240C03706 12/05/2018 - Drycast MG 166.00 60 Enterprise Fund OLDCASTLE PRECAST, INC Returned one drycast-didn't use (166.00) 60 Enterprise Fund OXARC, INC.PO#20-0022, Sodium Hypo, Well 19,27,29, Qty 1000gl, WO#18267 1,735.00 60 Enterprise Fund PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY LED emergency light for S. Black Cat lift station (1 qty)45.05 60 Enterprise Fund PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY LED internal driver to repair security lighting (8 qty)352.25 60 Enterprise Fund PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY Parts to repair security lighting at S. Black Cat l.s. (33 q 135.19 60 Enterprise Fund PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY Stem mounting photocell & photocell for stock (2 qty)23.88 60 Enterprise Fund PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY UY2 Connectors, Qty 40 160.80 60 Enterprise Fund POLLARDWATER.COM Brass Hex Reducer Bushings, Qty 10 400.99 60 Enterprise Fund POSTNET Backflow Feb 1st Reminder Letters, Batch 1048, Qty 1000 261.48 60 Enterprise Fund REPUBLIC SERVICES - TRANSFER STATION Biosolid disposal for Dec 2019 17,822.82 60 Enterprise Fund RICHARD C PARKS REFUND WT/S/T: 2292 E SIDEWINDER DR TITLE COMPANY OVERPAID 69.62 60 Enterprise Fund RICOH USA, INC C86234082 b/w (802 qty) & color (1,083 qty) images 73.73 60 Enterprise Fund RICOH USA, INC C86236263 b/w (258 qty) & color (484 qty) images 32.13 60 Enterprise Fund RICOH USA, INC C86242095 b/w (866 qty) & color (1,054 qty) images 59.80 60 Enterprise Fund ROCKY MOUNTAIN VALVES & AUTOMATIONS, INC. Rubber link seals w/hardware for reclaimed water meter (20 q 306.00 60 Enterprise Fund RUEL GADBURY REFUND WT/S/T: 1036 W CRESTWOOD DR CUSTOMER PAID AFTER CLOSI 36.74 60 Enterprise Fund SPECIALTY PLASTICS & FAB, INC Elbows, ball check valves, unions, couplings, sockets (29 qt 443.39 60 Enterprise Fund SPECIALTY PLASTICS & FAB, INC Fittings for new chem feed pumps in centrifuge bldg (8 qty) 168.96 Date: 1/16/20 01:50:35 PM Page: 10Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 212 of 246 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Eunice Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 60 Enterprise Fund SPECIALTY PLASTICS & FAB, INC Parts for pump station in centrifuge bldg (9 qty)99.93 60 Enterprise Fund SPECIALTY PLASTICS & FAB, INC PVC parts for pump station in centrifuge bldg (4 qty)3.92 60 Enterprise Fund SUNROC CORPORATION Road Base Haul Out/Material Delivery, Qty 53tons 805.05 60 Enterprise Fund SUNROC CORPORATION Roas Base Haul Out/Material Delivery, Qty 52tons 601.00 60 Enterprise Fund SWIOS 2020 SWIOS Membership Dues x Qty.3 45.00 60 Enterprise Fund SWIOS 2020 SWIOS Membership Dues x Qty.42 630.00 60 Enterprise Fund SYNCB/AMAZON 453647856548; File Cabinet, Qty 1 269.99 60 Enterprise Fund SYNCB/AMAZON 459949837647; Heavy retract bdg hldrs (10 qty)95.60 60 Enterprise Fund SYNCB/AMAZON 468489993743; Telescopic Magnetic Pick Up Tool, Qty 2 27.00 60 Enterprise Fund SYNCB/AMAZON 796438957333; Tea for Breakroom, Qty 1 8.96 60 Enterprise Fund SYNCB/AMAZON 886787733679; Mag Marker Holder for Glass Whiteboard, Qty 2 25.98 60 Enterprise Fund SYNCB/AMAZON 933669349838; tab div, markers and footrest-Amanda McNutt 22.95 60 Enterprise Fund TATES RENTS (GENERAL OFFICE)Propane for forklift (16.0 qty)53.91 60 Enterprise Fund TOTAL SYSTEM SERVICES Water Admin Unit F2 Service Call, WO#276426 164.00 60 Enterprise Fund ULINE, INC.Wall Mount Panel Rack, Bin Divider, Qty 62 253.86 60 Enterprise Fund UNITED OIL Oil for pump 1 at S. Black Cat lift station (10 qty)177.90 60 Enterprise Fund USA BLUEBOOK 2in Meter Flange Gasket, Qty 50 150.97 60 Enterprise Fund USA BLUEBOOK Brs Dbl M Npl,Bshng,Hydrt Oil, Mrkng Pnt Red, Free CL2 Rgnt 418.43 60 Enterprise Fund USA BLUEBOOK PVC element static mixer & sludge judge (6 qty)451.64 60 Enterprise Fund WESTERN STATES AUTOMATION, LLC Positioner board conversion kits & nameplates (4 qty)3,526.49 Date: 1/16/20 01:50:35 PM Page: 11Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 213 of 246 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Eunice Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 60 Enterprise Fund XEROX CORPORATION - PASADENA LX7658362 Credit to reverse meter charge beyond cancel date (2.83) Total 60 Enterprise Fund 186,593.57 Report Total 362,882.98 Date: 1/16/20 01:50:35 PM Page: 12Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 214 of 246 C'./rEDAHO IDIAN*,---, COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 4 Item Title: Items Moved From Consent Agenda Meeting Notes: EIDIAN,+-- DAJ CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 5 A Item Title: Solid Waste Advisory Commission Annual Report Meeting Notes: I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 5.A . Presenter: S teve Cory Estimated Time f or P resentation: 15 Title of I tem - Solid Waste Advisory Commission Annual Report AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate A nnual R eport Cover Memo 12/13/2019 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 215 of 246 J. Scott Walters – Seat 1 Mark Nelson – Seat 2 Dave Neal – Seat 3 Steven Cory – Seat 4 Megan Larsen – Seat 5 Shawn Keating – Seat 6 Robert Wyllie – Seat 7 To: The Mayor and City Council From: Steve Cory, Chair Re: 2019 SWAC Annual Report SWAC is pleased to submit its 2019 Annual Report: A. Membership: The Commission enjoyed a complete year of nearly full membership. Commissioner Steve Cory served as Chair and Commissioner Scott Walters served as Vice Chair. Youth Commissioner Victoria Madrigal was unable to complete her term due to scholastic obligations. In October, SWAC Chair Cory and Commissioner Larson were both reappointed, and the Mayor and Council also appointed new members Shawn Keating and Robert Wyllie for terms starting FY20. Currently, the Commission can accept an additional two members, including a youth member. B. Community Recycling Fund Program (CRFP): The CRFP’s FY19 revenues were $ 1605.84 Several on-going projects have not yet submitted their final receipts, therefore, the projected FY19 ending fund balance is $34,431.02 as accounted for below: 1. Fund Revenue: During 2019, despite the global market crash the CRFP received money from a variety of sources: $60,370.93 Beginning balance for FY19; $ 500 Donation from the funds raised during the PW Expo Week; $_______0 Revenue returned from the Residential Recycling Program; $ 1105.84 Revenue returned from Hand in Hand We Recycle! $1,605.84 Revenue for FY19 $61,976.77 Sum Beginning Balance and Revenue (as of Sep. 30, 2019) 2. Fund Expenses: During FY19, the following fund’s expenses were incurred: a. $ 87.50 Recycle a Bicycle – parts, banners b. $ 9,702.25 Discovery Park litter receptacles c. $15,000.00 Meridian Library tiny library d. $24,789.75 TOTAL ACTUAL EXPENSES Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 216 of 246 J. Scott Walters – Seat 1 Mark Nelson – Seat 2 Dave Neal – Seat 3 Steven Cory – Seat 4 Megan Larsen – Seat 5 Shawn Keating – Seat 6 Robert Wyllie – Seat 7 3. FY19 Approved Projects – Final accounting yet to be completed: a. $_2,756.00 Discovery Park – purchase of Catalpa Leaf bench $ 2,756.00 TOTAL OUTSTANDING EXPENSES (carried into FY20) $34,431.02 Current FY19 Ending Fund Balance 4. CRFP FY19 Approved Projects: One (1) project was approved by City Council with SWAC’s recommendation for a combined total of $500 a. Recycle a Bicycle! SWAC was authorized to use up to $500 of CRF funds to host its second annual Recycle a Bicycle Program held in conjunction with the City’s Unplug and Be Outside event held in Kleiner Park this year. Thirty-two bicycles destined for the Landfill were retrieved from the Meridian Transfer station, repaired, and repurposed for the benefit of Meridian citizens. Participants pre-registered for the event with several additional bicycles re-homed during the event. Final repairs and fitting of the bicycles to their new owners take place on site. Participants were both male and female of all ages. By all accounts it was a huge success again. The event could not have happened without the pre-registration help from Meridian Parks & Recreation Department and the many volunteers who helped pre-sort, clean, repair, and run the event. Special kudos to Rachele Klein, Republic Services, for her hard work behind the scenes to make this event happen, and SWAC Commissioner Nelson for chairing the committee that worked so hard to make the event the hit it was. Of the $500 authorized, only $87.50 was expensed for event materials. SWAC plans to bring back this program in 2020. C. Trash or Treasure: SWAC successfully expanded year three of this innovative program to include the entire City. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 217 of 246 J. Scott Walters – Seat 1 Mark Nelson – Seat 2 Dave Neal – Seat 3 Steven Cory – Seat 4 Megan Larsen – Seat 5 Shawn Keating – Seat 6 Robert Wyllie – Seat 7 The event occurred the weekend prior to the 2019 Spring Collection week. Residents set out unwanted items, allowing others to come by, pick them up, and give them a new home thus diverting items from the landfill. Marketing included several advance notices via property managed emails, neighborhood social media outlets, the City’s webpage, and a Facebook live event. Staff also completed an event video informing residents how the event works. Banners were re-used and posted at neighborhood entrances prior to the event. Republic Services picked up remaining items as part of its Spring Cleanup collection services. Post-event feedback was positive . Both Republic Services and the City continue to market the program and use it as an educational platform in a variety of forums (website, newsletters, etc.). D. SWAC Annual Activity: SWAC hosted its booth for the second year at the annual PW Expo event at City Hall. The purpose of the booth is to share public information regarding the City’s trash and recycling services and programs. Commissioners answer questions and help educate the public on the importance of clean recycling. Chaired by Commissioner Larsen, this year’s booth focused on the cost of contamination and tested people’s ability to identify 3 types of contamination in a bin of commingled recyclable materials. Republic Services donated prize items to those who successfully completed the activity. The booth is also used as an opportunity to sign up non- recyclers and educate the public regarding SWAC’s mission generally. E. Global Recycling Markets: China’s Green Sword Initiative from Dec. 2017 continued to affect foreign recycling markets, suppressing market prices for mixed paper as well as other recyclable materials. Some domestic markets have begun to appear, allowing the recycling revenue losses to flatten somewhat, however losses continued for Meridian’s commingled recyclable stream. SWAC again worked with Republic Services and City staff to review a request from Republic Services for sharing of further recycling processing losses. This year’s request acknowledged sharing the costs of the recycling processing shortfall of $1.06 per household through continuation of the FY18 amount of $0.83, and splitting the remaining difference, allotting another $0.10 per household. The current recycling processing charged to households is now $0.93. F. Ada County Solid Waste Advisory Committee: SWAC Chair, Steve Cory, represents the City of Meridian’s interests on the Ada County Solid Waste Advisory Committee. Recently, he stepped back to vice chair of this committee to allow better representation of Meridian’s position in the meetings. Steve Sedlacek is now the chairman of Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 218 of 246 J. Scott Walters – Seat 1 Mark Nelson – Seat 2 Dave Neal – Seat 3 Steven Cory – Seat 4 Megan Larsen – Seat 5 Shawn Keating – Seat 6 Robert Wyllie – Seat 7 Ada County SWAC. This committee allows stakeholders to work in concert with one another to research and develop proposals for improving solid waste collection systems and services, including maintaining reasonable financial costs for the operations of the Ada County Landfill. Steve Cory reports back to Meridian SWAC periodically throughout the year providing valuable insight and information about valley-wide solid waste matters. G. FY20 Annual Solid Waste Rate Adjustment: SWAC reviewed and recommended to City Council approval of Republic Service’s proposed FY20 Annual SW Rate Adjustment Report to City Council. The rate adjustment for both commercial and residential services was comprised of the contractual CPI adjustment and the continuance of recycling processing costs shared by customers for another year as set forth in a separate contract amendment. SWAC is pleased that through its efforts, the collection and processing costs to recycle have been set forth separately from trash collection rates. SWAC believes that this transparency will assist the City and public in better understanding the recycling industry’s strengths and weaknesses when contemplating future programs or changes to existing ones. H. Ada County Household Hazardous Waste Quarterly Meetings: Commissioner Nelson attends the quarterly meetings to stay current on the county HHW program and related topics. He reports back to SWAC after each meeting to review what was discussed. I. Residential Services: Throughout the year SWAC’s business included the following work related to Meridian’s residential trash and recycling services: 1. Curbside Services Chart: SWAC, with staff and Republic Services’ input and assistance, continues to maintain the Curbside Services Chart as a handy resource for the public. 2. Spring Clean Up: SWAC requested and assisted Republic Services and City staff to improve the marketing of this vital program. 3. Citizen Inquiries: SWAC vetted two inquiries related to container location on collection days. J. Presentations: Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 219 of 246 J. Scott Walters – Seat 1 Mark Nelson – Seat 2 Dave Neal – Seat 3 Steven Cory – Seat 4 Megan Larsen – Seat 5 Shawn Keating – Seat 6 Robert Wyllie – Seat 7 Throughout the year SWAC received presentations regarding the following topics: 1. Quarterly and annual reports covering Republic Services’ collection services, donated services, the Household Hazardous Waste Program, and secondary market conditions for recycled materials (Republic Services); 2. HeftyEnergy Bag Program (Republic Services, City staff); 3. Ada County Landfill-tipping fees (Republic Services, City staff); 4. FY20 proposed SW rates and new fees (Republic Services, City staff); 5. Solid Waste Program metrics and data (City Staff); and 6. Community Solid Waste and Environmental Survey (City Staff); K. Upcoming Commission Business: In 2020, SWAC is looking forward to working with Republic Services and City staff on the following projects: 1. Acting on results from City Survey regarding trash and recycling services and developing strategies and programs using those results; 2. Furthering improvements in recycling efforts including reviewing third party needs and opportunities to reduce contamination, and evaluating improving material separation technologies. 3. Promoting Meridian’s Trash or Treasure, Hand in Hand, and Recycle a Bicycle programs; 4. Expanding educational outreach to decrease contamination in the commingled residential recycling stream; 5. Monitoring yard composting market trends; 6. Continuing leadership role on the Ada County Solid Advisory Committee and reporting back to SWAC and the Mayor and City Council as appropriate; and Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 220 of 246 J. Scott Walters – Seat 1 Mark Nelson – Seat 2 Dave Neal – Seat 3 Steven Cory – Seat 4 Megan Larsen – Seat 5 Shawn Keating – Seat 6 Robert Wyllie – Seat 7 7. Attending the quarterly Ada County Household Hazardous Waste Program meetings and reporting back to SWAC and the Mayor and City Council as appropriate; 8. Commission to focus on reducing contamination of recycle streams; 9. Working with Ada County to resolve their desire to simplify landfill rates; In conclusion, it has been a productive year for SWAC. We continue to gain experience and appreciation of the many challenges facing the solid waste and recycling industries. Our commitment is steadfast to work in partnership with staff and Republic Services to identify and recommend to the Mayor and City Council improved fiscally sound trash and recycling services and programs for the benefit of Meridian residential and commercial customers. SWAC looks forward to another productive the year to come. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 221 of 246 2019 Annual Report of the Solid Waste Advisory Commission Community Recycling Fund Program Balance Beginning Balance $ 60,370.93 Additions $1,605.84 Distributions $24,789.75 Approved but not distributed $2756.00 Current Available Balance $34,431.02 Recycle a Bicycle! Bench & Collection Bins at Discovery Park Tiny Library Trash or Treasure Annual Activity Ada County SWAC Continued advising County on Landfill operations Addressed challenges in the recycling market Discussed appropriateness of tiered rates at landfill Annual Rate Adjustment Franchise agreement contractual CPI adjustment Adjusted cost for recycling program(s) Ada County Hazardous Waste Meetings Residential Service Activities Curbside Services Chart. Spring Clean Up. SWAC vetted two inquiries related to container location on collection days. Presentations Republic Services’ quarterly and annual reports; Hefty Energy Bag Program; Ada County Landfill-tipping fees; Proposed rates and fees for FY20; Solid Waste Program metrics and data;and Community Solid Waste and Environmental Survey Upcoming Business Acting on results from City Survey; Improvements in recycling; Promoting Meridian’s Trash or Treasure, Hand in Hand, and Recycle a Bicycle programs; Expanding educational outreach to decrease contamination; Monitoring yard composting market trends; Continuing role on the Ada County Solid Advisory Committee; Continuing role on the Ada County Household Hazardous Waste Program meetings; Focusing on reducing contamination of recycle streams; and Working with Ada County to resolve their desire to simplify landfill rates. EIDIAN*,-----IZ � J CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 5 B Item Title: Parks and Recreation Commission Annual Report Meeting Notes: I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 5.B . Presenter: Dom Gelsomino Estimated Time f or P resentation: 15 Title of I tem - Parks and Recr eation Commission Annual Report AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate A nnual R eport Cover Memo 12/13/2019 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 222 of 246 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 2 2 3 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 2 2 4 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 2 2 5 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 2 2 6 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 2 2 7 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 2 2 8 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 2 2 9 o f 2 4 6 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 – P a g e 2 3 0 o f 2 4 6 C` /rE IDIANIZC-- DAHJ CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 5 C Item Title: Parks and Recreation Department Report: Meridian Arts Commission Recommendations for Artwork Acquisition and De -acquisition Policy Meetinci Notes: I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 5.C. Presenter: Garrett White/Audrey Belnap Estimated Time f or P resentation: 10 minutes Title of I tem - Parks & Recreation D epartment Report: M eridian Arts C ommission Recommendation - Artwork Acquisition and Deacquisition Policy AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate Recommended Art A cquisition/D eaquisition Policy Cover Memo 1/16/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 231 of 246 ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK PAGE 1 SUBJECT : POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK PURPOSE : To establish policies and procedures related to acquisition (inclusion of new artwork on City asset inventory) and deacquisition (retirement of artwork from City asset inventory) of visual artwork by the City of Meridian. POLICY AND PROCEDURES : I. Definitions As used in this document, these terms shall be defined as follows: A. Acquisition: Acceptance of a piece of artwork for inclusion in the City’s asset inventory by any means, including by purchase, commission, gift, or delivery pursuant to written instrument. B. Deacquisition: To remove a piece of artwork from the City’s asset inventory and transfer ownership of such artwork to another individual or entity. C. Decommission: To remove a piece of artwork from the City’s asset inventory and destroy, dismantle, or discard such artwork. D. Artwork: A two- or three-dimensional, original or derivative artifact that an individual (or individuals) originates and creates (or causes or allows to be created) with the intent to: convey a message; inspire thought, emotion, or dialogue; highlight an aspect of nature, society, or humanity; and/or memorialize or honor a particular person, act, or event. Generally, the following items do not constitute artwork for purposes of this policy, though such items may be deemed artworks where otherwise appropriate: mass- produced items, seasonal decorations, furniture, flags, infrastructure, or design elements. II. Statement of Policy and Purpose These Policies and Procedures for Artwork Acquisition and Deacquisition shall apply to a decision by the City of Meridian to acquire, deacquisition, or decommission visual artwork. In addition to these Policies and Procedures for Artwork Acquisition and Deacquisition, all provisions of the City of Meridian Purchasing Policy shall apply. In the event that the terms of the Purchasing Policy conflict with the terms of these Policies and Procedures for Artwork Acquisition and Deacquisition, the terms of the Policies and Procedures for Artwork Acquisition and Deacquisition shall govern. In the event that the terms of the Purchasing Policy or the terms of the Policies and Procedures for Artwork Acquisition and Deacquisition Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 232 of 246 ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK PAGE 2 conflict with a written agreement between the City of Meridian and another party, the terms of the written agreement shall govern. III. Policies and Procedures for Acquisition of Artwork A. Collections Management The Finance Department’s asset inventory includes a continuously maintained inventory of all artworks owned by the City of Meridian, with estimated valuations of same, principally for insurance purposes. The Meridian Arts Commission (“MAC”) is charged with identifying and recommending to the Finance Department which City assets are artworks. As requested by the Finance Department, MAC shall assist with proper documentation and cataloguing of artwork. The City’s Facilities Manager shall oversee the assessment, treatment, maintenance and relocation of artwork. Prior to treating, maintaining, relocating, cleaning, or repairing artwork, the Facilities Manager shall first consult the Meridian Arts Commission and, as may be necessary, any other art conservators or independent contractors who can assist in compliance with currently accepted standards of care and conservation. Efforts to notify artists are to be guided by the professional services agreement with the artist, or reasonable efforts may be made to contact the artist regarding repairs to their works. B. Purchase of existing artwork The purchase of existing artwork is governed by the City’s Purchasing Policy. Best practices for the purchase of existing artwork, particularly existing original artwork, includes execution of a purchase agreement that establishes terms and conditions of the purchase including: purchase price; method of payment; whether framing, installation hardware, and/or installation is included in the purchase price; delivery date and what signifies delivery; allocation of risk of loss prior to and after delivery; owner of copyright; any reservation of right to reproduce the work; any obligation to identify artist as the creator of the work, either in the vicinity of the work or in subsequent reproduction or portrayal of the work; waiver and relinquishment of rights under the Copyright Act of 1976, the Visual Artists’ Rights Act of 1990, and/or the rights of attribution and integrity per 17 USC § 106A; moral right and City’s obligation to avoid misuse, discredit, violation of the spirit of the work, or other damage to the work or the artist’s reputation; obligation to display and right to remove; and rights and obligations regarding alteration, restoration, and retransfer of the work. C. Purchase of new artwork One of the following selection methods, or any combination or iteration thereof, may be used to select artists or artist teams for eligible public art projects. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 233 of 246 ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK PAGE 3 1. Request for Qualifications This method generally applies when a certain type of artwork or certain qualifications and experience are required. A request for qualifications (“RFQ”) is issued, and the invitation to respond is open to all eligible artists. The RFQ should describe the purpose of the solicitation, selection criteria, selection process, timeline, whether the selection is limited to a single artist or team of artists, how many artists/teams may be selected, and other parameters and expectations. Required proposal materials may include written materials, portfolio samples, prior experiences, and references. A selection panel is convened to review the submitted proposals and materials, and selects the specified number of artists/teams. 2. Call to Artists/Request for Proposals A call to artists or request for proposals (“RFP”) is issued. Issuance of the call to artists or RFP may, but does not have to, be preceded by an RFQ. The invitation to respond is open either to all eligible artists, or, if preceded by an RFQ, the invitation to respond shall be open only to the artists selected as the result of that process. Generally, eligibility is specifically outlined in the call to artists, and may include defined limitations based on geographical criteria, prior experience, professional licensure, medium, etc. The call to artists should describe the purpose of the project, location, selection criteria, selection process, timeline, whether the selection is limited to a single artist or team of artists, and other processes, parameters, and expectations. Required proposal materials may include maquettes or other displays, digital renderings, drawings, written materials, budgetary information, contractor information, detailed plans, timelines, etc. Public art, by definition, includes the solicitation of input from the public regarding its selection. To that end, public input on proposals received may be solicited from the public at large, one or more City-appointed citizen commissions, or a focus group convened by the selection panel, MAC, or the City. Any and all public input collected should be considered by the recommending and deciding bodies, but it is not necessary that the public input dictate the final decision. A selection panel is convened to review the submitted proposals, materials, and public input. (The selection panel may select finalists prior to soliciting public input, as outlined in the call to artists; this may, but need not, occur via RFQ.) The selection panel may receive in-person presentations by the submitting artists. Following its review, the panel prepares a recommendation to be presented to MAC. MAC is charged with considering the selection panel’s recommendation and forwarding a recommendation to City Council. City Council reviews the recommendation and determines whether to approve MAC’s recommendation, giving due consideration to the recommended proposal, public input received, and the recommendations of the selection panel, MAC, and, where applicable, individuals representing any other involved City department or commission. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 234 of 246 ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK PAGE 4 The City Attorney’s Office shall prepare a professional services agreement establishing the terms and conditions of fabrication and installation of the artwork. Following installation of the artwork, the City Attorney’s Office shall prepare for City Council’s approval and the Mayor’s signature a resolution signifying final acceptance of the artwork. The Arts & Culture Coordinator shall notify the Finance Department of the acquisition and request that the artwork be added to the City inventory, and shall notify the Office of Risk Management and request that the artwork be added to the City’s insurance policy. 3. Commissioning artwork Design, fabrication, and installation of artwork is a professional service. As such, it is lawful to approach a particular artist directly to request that he or she provide these services for the City. MAC should provide input on any decision by the City to commission artwork. Following installation of the artwork, the City Attorney’s Office shall prepare for City Council’s approval and the Mayor’s signature a resolution signifying final acceptance of the artwork. The Arts & Culture Coordinator shall notify the Finance Department of the acquisition and request that the artwork be added to the City inventory, and shall notify the Office of Risk Management and request that the artwork be added to the City’s insurance policy. D. Gifts of artwork A potential donor who wishes to donate artwork to the City of Meridian shall contact the Arts & Culture Coordinator to provide the following information: photographs and description of the proposed gift, including the artist’s name, name of the artwork, provenance, size, medium/media, and proposed location of display, if any. The Arts & Culture Coordinator shall make a preliminary determination regarding whether the proposed gift is of appropriate theme, character, design, and condition for public display; whether it is comprised of the highest quality design, materials and construction; whether the City has adequate resources to install, sign, and maintain the artwork; and whether the artwork is designed to retain its intended appearance and function over a substantial period of time. If, as a preliminary matter, the artwork does generally appear to meet this criteria, the City of Meridian Arts & Culture Coordinator shall work with the MAC president to schedule the matter for consideration by MAC. MAC shall review the information provided by the Arts & Culture Coordinator and prepare a recommendation regarding whether to approve the acquisition. MAC shall forward its recommendation to the Mayor, and may include a recommendation regarding a suitable location for the artwork. Following a decision to accept the artwork, the City Attorney’s Office shall prepare for City Council’s approval and the Mayor’s signature an acceptance agreement establishing Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 235 of 246 ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK PAGE 5 terms and conditions of the gift. Upon receipt of the gift, the Arts & Culture Coordinator shall notify the Finance Department of the acquisition and request that the artwork be added to the City inventory, and shall notify the Office of Risk Management and request that the artwork be added to the City’s insurance policy. IV. Deacquisitioning Artwork The City may deacquisition artwork when conditions require or when such action would improve or refine the City’s artwork or asset inventory. The City shall donate or sell any deacquisitioned artwork to another public or non-profit entity. Reasons for deacquisitioning may include, but are not limited to, situations where: the use of the site has changed; the artwork is no longer appropriate; the artwork cannot be reasonably protected or maintained; cost to maintain, preserve, or restore the artwork is excessive; the artwork was commissioned or accepted with the provision or understanding that it was to have a limited lifecycle or installation period; or MAC or the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Meridian to deacquisition the artwork. MAC shall hear and consider all proposals to deacquisition artwork. MAC shall forward its recommendation and reasoning regarding deacquisition, and a recommendation regarding the entity to which the artwork should be donated or sold, to City Council. City Council shall consider the recommendation and make the final decision regarding deacquisition. Following City Council’s decision to deacquisition artwork, the City Attorney’s Office shall prepare for City Council’s approval and the Mayor’s signature a resolution signifying same. Following execution of the resolution, the Arts & Culture Coordinator shall effectuate the donation or sale of the artwork; notify the Finance Department of the deacquisition and request that the artwork be deleted from the City asset inventory; and notify the Office of Risk Management to request that the artwork be removed from the City’s insurance policy. V. Decommissioning Artwork The City may decommission artwork where appropriate, including where the artwork has been damaged beyond reasonable repair; the artwork has fulfilled its purpose or reached the end of its anticipated lifespan; or, in response to an application to decommission artwork, City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Meridian to decommission the artwork. Where time and conditions permit, MAC shall hear and consider all proposals to decommission artwork. MAC shall forward its recommendation and reasoning regarding decommission to City Council. City Council shall consider the recommendation and make the final decision regarding decommission. Following City Council’s decision to decommission artwork, the City Attorney’s Office shall prepare for City Council’s approval and the Mayor’s signature a resolution signifying same. Following execution of the resolution, the Arts & Culture Coordinator shall effectuate the disposal of the artwork; notify the Finance Department of the decommission and request that the artwork be deleted from the City asset inventory; and notify the Office of Risk Management to request that the artwork be removed from the City’s insurance policy. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 236 of 246 ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK PAGE 6 Any person may request to decommission a piece of artwork by submitting a written request to the Meridian City Clerk within one hundred eighty (180) days of City’s acceptance of the artwork. Such request must describe the reason(s) for the request. Anonymous requests will not be considered. Requests received more than one hundred eighty (180) days after City’s acceptance of the artwork shall not be considered. Upon receipt of a timely written request, the City Clerk shall forward the request to the chair of MAC for consideration at the next regularly scheduled MAC meeting. MAC shall accept written and verbal public testimony, and may consult the artist or other experts regarding the request. Following deliberations, MAC shall recommend that the request be granted or denied. MAC’s decision may be appealed to City Council by any person. Such appeal shall be in writing and must be submitted to the Meridian City Clerk within fourteen (14) days of MAC’s decision. Upon receipt of a timely written appeal, the City Clerk shall schedule the appeal for consideration at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. City Council shall accept written and verbal public testimony, and shall consider MAC’s recommendation and reasoning. City Council’s decision on the request shall be a final decision. VI. Moving Artwork to a Different Location The City may move artwork to different location or City facility at the discretion of the Mayor, with MAC’s input and City Council’s consent, pursuant to the Mayor’s authority under Idaho Code section 50-603. It may be appropriate to relocate site-specific artwork where: the condition or security of the artwork can no longer be reasonably assured at its current site; the artwork has become a danger to public safety in its current site; or the site has changed so that the artwork is no longer compatible as placed. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 237 of 246 E IDIAN I DAHO CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA January 21, 2020 Agenda Item Number: 6 A Item Title: Resolution No. 20-2186 Adopting Policies and Procedures for Acquisition and De -Acquisition of Artwork Meeting Notes: I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 6.A . Presenter: Garrett White, Audrey Belnap Estimated Time f or P resentation: 10 minutes Title of I tem - Resolution No. 20-2186: Adopting P olicies and Procedures for Acquisition and D eacquisition of Artwork AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate Reso: A rt Acquisition and Deacquisition P olicy Cover Memo 1/16/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 238 of 246 CITY OF MERIDIAN RESOLUTION NO. 20- 2186 BY THE CITY COUNCIL: BERNT, BORTON, CAVENER, HOAGLUN, PERRAULT, STRADER A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, ADOPTING POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MERIDIAN ARTS COMMISSION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Meridian City Code section 2-2-2(A)(10) charges the Arts Commission with providing information advancement of publicly accessible arts in the City of Meridian; and WHEREAS, on September 12, 2019, the Arts Commission unanimously voted to recommend that the Mayor and City Council adopt, for the benefit of arts programming in the City of Meridian, the Policies and Procedures for Acquisition and Deacquisition of Artwork, attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council find that it is in the best interest of the City of Meridian to adopt such recommended policies and procedures; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN CITY, IDAHO: Section 1. That the Policies and Procedures for Acquisition and Deacquisition of Artwork attached hereto as Exhibit A are hereby accepted and adopted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Meridian. Section 2. That the Arts & Culture Coordinator is authorized to implement and carry out the policies and procedures set forth therein. Section 3. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and approval. 2020. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Meridian, Idaho, this 21st day of January, APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Meridian, Idaho, this 21st day of January, 2020. APPROVED: PQo�`TE° AocusATTEST: ���C11Vof w; �-�Vl E IDIA Mayor Ro �rt E Simison ;� AN ohn o ity Clerk ��- SEAL Fyr� `c RESOLUTION ADOPTING POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR ACQUISTTION AND DEACQUISTrION OF ARTWORK Zo -2A�, PAGE 1 RESOLUTION ADOPTING POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK PAGE 2 EXHIBIT A POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 240 of 246 ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK PAGE 1 SUBJECT : POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK PURPOSE : To establish policies and procedures related to acquisition (inclusion of new artwork on City asset inventory) and deacquisition (retirement of artwork from City asset inventory) of visual artwork by the City of Meridian. POLICY AND PROCEDURES : I. Definitions As used in this document, these terms shall be defined as follows: A. Acquisition: Acceptance of a piece of artwork for inclusion in the City’s asset inventory by any means, including by purchase, commission, gift, or delivery pursuant to written instrument. B. Deacquisition: To remove a piece of artwork from the City’s asset inventory and transfer ownership of such artwork to another individual or entity. C. Decommission: To remove a piece of artwork from the City’s asset inventory and destroy, dismantle, or discard such artwork. D. Artwork: A two- or three-dimensional, original or derivative artifact that an individual (or individuals) originates and creates (or causes or allows to be created) with the intent to: convey a message; inspire thought, emotion, or dialogue; highlight an aspect of nature, society, or humanity; and/or memorialize or honor a particular person, act, or event. Generally, the following items do not constitute artwork for purposes of this policy, though such items may be deemed artworks where otherwise appropriate: mass- produced items, seasonal decorations, furniture, flags, infrastructure, or design elements. II. Statement of Policy and Purpose These Policies and Procedures for Artwork Acquisition and Deacquisition shall apply to a decision by the City of Meridian to acquire, deacquisition, or decommission visual artwork. In addition to these Policies and Procedures for Artwork Acquisition and Deacquisition, all provisions of the City of Meridian Purchasing Policy shall apply. In the event that the terms of the Purchasing Policy conflict with the terms of these Policies and Procedures for Artwork Acquisition and Deacquisition, the terms of the Policies and Procedures for Artwork Acquisition and Deacquisition shall govern. In the event that the terms of the Purchasing Policy or the terms of the Policies and Procedures for Artwork Acquisition and Deacquisition Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 241 of 246 ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK PAGE 2 conflict with a written agreement between the City of Meridian and another party, the terms of the written agreement shall govern. III. Policies and Procedures for Acquisition of Artwork A. Collections Management The Finance Department’s asset inventory includes a continuously maintained inventory of all artworks owned by the City of Meridian, with estimated valuations of same, principally for insurance purposes. The Meridian Arts Commission (“MAC”) is charged with identifying and recommending to the Finance Department which City assets are artworks. As requested by the Finance Department, MAC shall assist with proper documentation and cataloguing of artwork. The City’s Facilities Manager shall oversee the assessment, treatment, maintenance and relocation of artwork. Prior to treating, maintaining, relocating, cleaning, or repairing artwork, the Facilities Manager shall first consult the Meridian Arts Commission and, as may be necessary, any other art conservators or independent contractors who can assist in compliance with currently accepted standards of care and conservation. Efforts to notify artists are to be guided by the professional services agreement with the artist, or reasonable efforts may be made to contact the artist regarding repairs to their works. B. Purchase of existing artwork The purchase of existing artwork is governed by the City’s Purchasing Policy. Best practices for the purchase of existing artwork, particularly existing original artwork, includes execution of a purchase agreement that establishes terms and conditions of the purchase including: purchase price; method of payment; whether framing, installation hardware, and/or installation is included in the purchase price; delivery date and what signifies delivery; allocation of risk of loss prior to and after delivery; owner of copyright; any reservation of right to reproduce the work; any obligation to identify artist as the creator of the work, either in the vicinity of the work or in subsequent reproduction or portrayal of the work; waiver and relinquishment of rights under the Copyright Act of 1976, the Visual Artists’ Rights Act of 1990, and/or the rights of attribution and integrity per 17 USC § 106A; moral right and City’s obligation to avoid misuse, discredit, violation of the spirit of the work, or other damage to the work or the artist’s reputation; obligation to display and right to remove; and rights and obligations regarding alteration, restoration, and retransfer of the work. C. Purchase of new artwork One of the following selection methods, or any combination or iteration thereof, may be used to select artists or artist teams for eligible public art projects. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 242 of 246 ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK PAGE 3 1. Request for Qualifications This method generally applies when a certain type of artwork or certain qualifications and experience are required. A request for qualifications (“RFQ”) is issued, and the invitation to respond is open to all eligible artists. The RFQ should describe the purpose of the solicitation, selection criteria, selection process, timeline, whether the selection is limited to a single artist or team of artists, how many artists/teams may be selected, and other parameters and expectations. Required proposal materials may include written materials, portfolio samples, prior experiences, and references. A selection panel is convened to review the submitted proposals and materials, and selects the specified number of artists/teams. 2. Call to Artists/Request for Proposals A call to artists or request for proposals (“RFP”) is issued. Issuance of the call to artists or RFP may, but does not have to, be preceded by an RFQ. The invitation to respond is open either to all eligible artists, or, if preceded by an RFQ, the invitation to respond shall be open only to the artists selected as the result of that process. Generally, eligibility is specifically outlined in the call to artists, and may include defined limitations based on geographical criteria, prior experience, professional licensure, medium, etc. The call to artists should describe the purpose of the project, location, selection criteria, selection process, timeline, whether the selection is limited to a single artist or team of artists, and other processes, parameters, and expectations. Required proposal materials may include maquettes or other displays, digital renderings, drawings, written materials, budgetary information, contractor information, detailed plans, timelines, etc. Public art, by definition, includes the solicitation of input from the public regarding its selection. To that end, public input on proposals received may be solicited from the public at large, one or more City-appointed citizen commissions, or a focus group convened by the selection panel, MAC, or the City. Any and all public input collected should be considered by the recommending and deciding bodies, but it is not necessary that the public input dictate the final decision. A selection panel is convened to review the submitted proposals, materials, and public input. (The selection panel may select finalists prior to soliciting public input, as outlined in the call to artists; this may, but need not, occur via RFQ.) The selection panel may receive in-person presentations by the submitting artists. Following its review, the panel prepares a recommendation to be presented to MAC. MAC is charged with considering the selection panel’s recommendation and forwarding a recommendation to City Council. City Council reviews the recommendation and determines whether to approve MAC’s recommendation, giving due consideration to the recommended proposal, public input received, and the recommendations of the selection panel, MAC, and, where applicable, individuals representing any other involved City department or commission. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 243 of 246 ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK PAGE 4 The City Attorney’s Office shall prepare a professional services agreement establishing the terms and conditions of fabrication and installation of the artwork. Following installation of the artwork, the City Attorney’s Office shall prepare for City Council’s approval and the Mayor’s signature a resolution signifying final acceptance of the artwork. The Arts & Culture Coordinator shall notify the Finance Department of the acquisition and request that the artwork be added to the City inventory, and shall notify the Office of Risk Management and request that the artwork be added to the City’s insurance policy. 3. Commissioning artwork Design, fabrication, and installation of artwork is a professional service. As such, it is lawful to approach a particular artist directly to request that he or she provide these services for the City. MAC should provide input on any decision by the City to commission artwork. Following installation of the artwork, the City Attorney’s Office shall prepare for City Council’s approval and the Mayor’s signature a resolution signifying final acceptance of the artwork. The Arts & Culture Coordinator shall notify the Finance Department of the acquisition and request that the artwork be added to the City inventory, and shall notify the Office of Risk Management and request that the artwork be added to the City’s insurance policy. D. Gifts of artwork A potential donor who wishes to donate artwork to the City of Meridian shall contact the Arts & Culture Coordinator to provide the following information: photographs and description of the proposed gift, including the artist’s name, name of the artwork, provenance, size, medium/media, and proposed location of display, if any. The Arts & Culture Coordinator shall make a preliminary determination regarding whether the proposed gift is of appropriate theme, character, design, and condition for public display; whether it is comprised of the highest quality design, materials and construction; whether the City has adequate resources to install, sign, and maintain the artwork; and whether the artwork is designed to retain its intended appearance and function over a substantial period of time. If, as a preliminary matter, the artwork does generally appear to meet this criteria, the City of Meridian Arts & Culture Coordinator shall work with the MAC president to schedule the matter for consideration by MAC. MAC shall review the information provided by the Arts & Culture Coordinator and prepare a recommendation regarding whether to approve the acquisition. MAC shall forward its recommendation to the Mayor, and may include a recommendation regarding a suitable location for the artwork. Following a decision to accept the artwork, the City Attorney’s Office shall prepare for City Council’s approval and the Mayor’s signature an acceptance agreement establishing Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 244 of 246 ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK PAGE 5 terms and conditions of the gift. Upon receipt of the gift, the Arts & Culture Coordinator shall notify the Finance Department of the acquisition and request that the artwork be added to the City inventory, and shall notify the Office of Risk Management and request that the artwork be added to the City’s insurance policy. IV. Deacquisitioning Artwork The City may deacquisition artwork when conditions require or when such action would improve or refine the City’s artwork or asset inventory. The City shall donate or sell any deacquisitioned artwork to another public or non-profit entity. Reasons for deacquisitioning may include, but are not limited to, situations where: the use of the site has changed; the artwork is no longer appropriate; the artwork cannot be reasonably protected or maintained; cost to maintain, preserve, or restore the artwork is excessive; the artwork was commissioned or accepted with the provision or understanding that it was to have a limited lifecycle or installation period; or MAC or the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Meridian to deacquisition the artwork. MAC shall hear and consider all proposals to deacquisition artwork. MAC shall forward its recommendation and reasoning regarding deacquisition, and a recommendation regarding the entity to which the artwork should be donated or sold, to City Council. City Council shall consider the recommendation and make the final decision regarding deacquisition. Following City Council’s decision to deacquisition artwork, the City Attorney’s Office shall prepare for City Council’s approval and the Mayor’s signature a resolution signifying same. Following execution of the resolution, the Arts & Culture Coordinator shall effectuate the donation or sale of the artwork; notify the Finance Department of the deacquisition and request that the artwork be deleted from the City asset inventory; and notify the Office of Risk Management to request that the artwork be removed from the City’s insurance policy. V. Decommissioning Artwork The City may decommission artwork where appropriate, including where the artwork has been damaged beyond reasonable repair; the artwork has fulfilled its purpose or reached the end of its anticipated lifespan; or, in response to an application to decommission artwork, City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Meridian to decommission the artwork. Where time and conditions permit, MAC shall hear and consider all proposals to decommission artwork. MAC shall forward its recommendation and reasoning regarding decommission to City Council. City Council shall consider the recommendation and make the final decision regarding decommission. Following City Council’s decision to decommission artwork, the City Attorney’s Office shall prepare for City Council’s approval and the Mayor’s signature a resolution signifying same. Following execution of the resolution, the Arts & Culture Coordinator shall effectuate the disposal of the artwork; notify the Finance Department of the decommission and request that the artwork be deleted from the City asset inventory; and notify the Office of Risk Management to request that the artwork be removed from the City’s insurance policy. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 245 of 246 ACQUISITION AND DEACQUISITION OF ARTWORK PAGE 6 Any person may request to decommission a piece of artwork by submitting a written request to the Meridian City Clerk within one hundred eighty (180) days of City’s acceptance of the artwork. Such request must describe the reason(s) for the request. Anonymous requests will not be considered. Requests received more than one hundred eighty (180) days after City’s acceptance of the artwork shall not be considered. Upon receipt of a timely written request, the City Clerk shall forward the request to the chair of MAC for consideration at the next regularly scheduled MAC meeting. MAC shall accept written and verbal public testimony, and may consult the artist or other experts regarding the request. Following deliberations, MAC shall recommend that the request be granted or denied. MAC’s decision may be appealed to City Council by any person. Such appeal shall be in writing and must be submitted to the Meridian City Clerk within fourteen (14) days of MAC’s decision. Upon receipt of a timely written appeal, the City Clerk shall schedule the appeal for consideration at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. City Council shall accept written and verbal public testimony, and shall consider MAC’s recommendation and reasoning. City Council’s decision on the request shall be a final decision. VI. Moving Artwork to a Different Location The City may move artwork to different location or City facility at the discretion of the Mayor, with MAC’s input and City Council’s consent, pursuant to the Mayor’s authority under Idaho Code section 50-603. It may be appropriate to relocate site-specific artwork where: the condition or security of the artwork can no longer be reasonably assured at its current site; the artwork has become a danger to public safety in its current site; or the site has changed so that the artwork is no longer compatible as placed. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 21, 2020 – Page 246 of 246