2020-01-06T RANS PORTAT ION COMMIS S ION RE G UL AR M E E T ING AG E ND A M onday, J anuary 6, 2020 at 3:30 P M C hambers 1.Roll-C all: _____ David B allard _____ J oseph L eckie _____ David Mc K inney _____ L uke Cavener (ex-of f icio) _____ Ryan L ancaster _____ Shawn Martin (ex-of f icio) _____ Ryan Hall _____ Toni Tisdale (ex-of f icio) _____ Tracy Hopkins _____ I an Updike (ex-officio) _____ S tephen L ewis _____ A lissa Taysom (ex-of f icio) _____ Vacant _____ J ustin P rice (ex-officio) _____ Tom L eClaire 2.Adoption of the Agenda 3.Approval of M inutes a.December 2nd, 2019 M inutes Caleb Hood 2 minutes 4.Old B usiness Items a.Transportation P rojects Update Caleb Hood 5 Minutes 5.New Business Items a.S outh M eridian C oncerns - Y M C A and Hillsdale E lementary b.2018 T raffic C rash D ata J ohn Tomlinson, I T D 20 minutes c.Initial Alignment and S ervice Concept for F ixed Route S ervice A lissa Taysom S tephen Hunt 15 minutes d.S taff Communications Caleb Hood 2 minutes e.E lection of Officers Meridian Transportation Commission Meeting Agenda January 6, 2020 – Page 1 of 27 Chairman B allard 5 minutes 6.F uture M eeting Topics a.2020 Priority P rojects b.Harvest T ransit Update c.Default Speed L imit F ollow-up d.S igns in City O rdinances e.M ain/King C rosswalk f.M aster M obility M ap 7.Next M eeting D ate F ebruary 3rd, 2020 8.Adjourn All materials presented at public meetings shall become property of the City of Meridian. Anyone desiring accommodation for disabilities related to doc uments and/or hearing, please c ontac t the City Clerk's Office at 888- 4433 at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting. Meridian Transportation Commission Meeting Agenda January 6, 2020 – Page 2 of 27