2020-01-09To develop, advance and nurture all facets of the arts to enhance the quality of life for M eridian residents and its visitors T hursday, J anuary 9, 2020 at 3:30 P M City Council C hambers, City Hall 33 E . Broadway, M eridian, Idaho 1.Roll-C all Attendance ___ Lynn S mith ___ Maria T zo mpa ___ Jes s ic a P eters ___ Jay Wilson ___ B onnie Z ahn G riffith, Vice C hair ___ G retc hen C as ero tti ___ Leslie M auldin, C hair ___ Logan C lo ninger ___ Ginni H ale ___ G enesis Milam, ex-offic io 2.Adoption of the Agenda A.Read M ission 3.Approval of M inutes [Action Item] A.November 14, 2019 M eeting M inutes 4.New Business [Action Item] A.Chair and Vice Chair E lections B .Review and Approval of Via Partnerships Agreement [Action Item] C .Discussion: Artwork P rices on Labels in Initial P oint G allery D .Discussion: M ayor's Awards in the Arts 5.Old B usiness [Action Item] A.M eridian S ymphony Orchestra B .Accession/Deaccession P olicy Presentation to C ouncil 6.Reports A.Approval of M onthly Expenses [Action Item] B .2019 Year in Review: Initial P oint Gallery C .Admin Report 7.Next M eeting: T hursday, F ebruary 13th, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. in Conference Room B 8.Adjournment All materials presented at public meetings shall become property of the City of Meridian. Any one desiring ac commodation for disabilities related to documents and/or hearing, please c ontact the C ity Clerk's Office at 888-4433 at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting.