2019-12-17 Regular Meeting Updated C I T Y C OUNCI L R EGU L A R M EET I NG AGENDA C ity Council Chamber s 33 E ast B roadway Avenue M er idian, I daho Tuesday, D ecember 17, 2019 at 6:00 P M 1. Roll-C all Attendance X A nne L ittle R oberts X J oe Borton X Ty P almer X Treg B ernt X Genesis Milam 6:25/6:48 L uke C avener (left at 8:00pm) (Joined by phone/arrived) X Mayor Tammy de Weerd 2. P ledge of Allegiance 3. Community Invocation by L arry Woodar d of Ten M ile C hr istian C hurch 4. Adoption of Agenda - Adopted 5. Announcements 6. F uture M eeting Topics - Public F orum (Up to 30 M inutes M aximum) Si gni ng up pri or to the start of the meeti ng is required. This time i s reserved for the public to address their el ected officials regarding matters of general interest or concern of public matters and is not specific to an active land use/devel opment application. By law, no decisi ons can be made on topics presented under this public comment section, other than the City Council may request that the topic be added to a future meeting agenda for a more detailed discussi on or action. The Mayor may also direct staff to further assist you in resolvi ng the matter following the meeti ng. 7. Action I tems Public Heari ngs for Land Use Applications follow this process: Once the Public Heari ng is opened, City staff will present thei r report. F ollowing the report, the applicant is allowed up to 15 minutes to present their applicati on. Members of the public are allowed up to 3 mi nutes each to address council regarding the applicati on. If a person is representi ng a large group such as a Homeowner's Associati on, indicated by a show of hands, they may be allowed up to 10 minutes. Following all public testimony, the applicant is then allowed 10 additional minutes to respond to comments. Once the public hearing is closed, no additional testimony will be received. The Ci ty Council may move to continue the item for additional informati on or vote to approve or deny the item with or without changes as presented. The Mayor i s not a member of the City Council and pursuant to Idaho Code does not vote on public heari ng items, unl ess to break a tie vote. A. F inal P lat for Rapid C reek S ubdivision No. 2 (H-2019-0116) by T rilogy Idaho, L ocated at 4435 N. Black C at Rd. – Continued to January 7, 2020 B. P ublic Hearing C ontinued fr om November 26, 2019 for New Comprehensive P lan (H-2019-0101 C PAT & C PAM ) by M er idian P lanning D epartment - Approved 1. R equest: To replace the existing Comprehensive P lan (the Plan) for the C ity with a new long-range planning document. T he application includes but is not limited to the following: 1) approval of new text, both background and policies; 2) adoption of a new F uture L and Use Map of the C ity, including A rea of C ity I mpact boundary changes; and 3) accepting new goals, objectives and action items of the P lan, by Meridian P lanning Department. C. Resolution No. 19-2179: A Resolution O f T he M ayor And C ity Council O f T he C ity O f M eridian Adopting T he M er idian Comprehensive P lan F or T he C ity O f M eridian; And Providing An E ffective D ate – Approved 8. O rdinances A. O rdinance No. 19-1867: An O rdinance Amending M eridian C ity Code S ection 1-11-5(A), Regar ding Application of the Comprehensive P lan to the M er idian Area of City Impact; And P roviding An E ffective D ate - Approved 9. F uture M eeting Topics Meeting Adjourned at 9:06 pm