2019-12-17 Work Session Updated C I T Y C OUNC I L W OR K SESSI ON A GENDA City Council Chambers 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Tuesday, D ecember 17, 2019 at 4:30 P M 1. Roll-C all Attendance X A nne L ittle Roberts X J oe B orton Ty P almer X Treg Bernt X G enesis Milam X__L uke Cavener X Mayor Tammy de Weerd 2. Adoption of Agenda – Adopted as Amended 3. C onsent Agenda [Action I tem] – Approved as Amended A. Approve M inutes of December 3, 2019 C ity C ouncil Work Session B. Approve M inutes of December 3, 2019 C ity C ouncil Regular M eeting C. Apex O ffsite S ewer E asement D. F inal P lat for B ainbr idge Subdivision No. 11 (H-2019-0125) by B righton Investments, LLC, L ocated at the S E corner of W. C hinden B lvd./Hwy 20/26 and N. T ree F arm Way E. F inal P lat for Rackham S ubdivision (H-2019-0128) by B VA D evelopment, LLC , Located at 1020 S . E agle Rd. F. F inal P lat M odification for Turf Farm No. 2 (H-2019-0124) by B righton Investments, LLC, L ocated on the North Side of E. L ake Hazel Rd., E ast of S . E agle Rd. G. Acceptance of the Adopted and Approved F iscal Year 2019 Audit of the M eridian D evelopment C orporation H. Addendum to the D evelopment Agreement for Bainbridge North (H- 2019- 0074) with B righton Investments, LLC located at SEC of W. C hinden B lvd./S H 20-26 and N. T ree Farm Way I. Approval of AIA Agreement A133 – 2009 to K reizenbeck Constructors for the P re-C onstruction S ervices of Discovery P ark P hase I I for the Not-to- E xceed Amount of $50,000.00 J. Approval of AIA Agreement B133 – 2014 to J ensen B elts Associates for the D esign of Discovery P ark Phase II for the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $350,900.00 K. Approval and Award of Construction Contract to M cL eran Well Drilling, LLC for Well 15 Reconstruction – Phase 2 Well L ining project for a Not- To-E xceed Amount of $124,900.00 L. Approval of Award of Bid and Agreement to Cougar E xcavation for Water & S ewer M ain Replacement – W P ine, M eridian to NW 3rd St. project for a Not-To-E xceed amount of $359,860.00. M. D eclaration of E mergency P urchase for the Water M ain Repair at C orporate and P rogress N. Resolution 19-2181: A Resolution Of T he M ayor And C ity C ouncil Of T he C ity Of M eridian Declaring an Emergency in the Public Interest and Necessity Following a Water M ain Rupture; Authorizing the Immediate E xpenditure of P ublic M oney to Safeguard Life, Health and P roperty; And Providing an E ffective D ate O. C ity of M eridian E mployee B enefits T rust - Administr ative S er vices Agreement P. AP Invoices for Payment - 12/13/19 - $57,676.72 Q. AP Invoices for Payment - 12/18/19 - $3,072,681.55 R. AP Invoices for Payment - 12/13/19 (2) - $5,601.90 S. [Amended on to Agenda] Human Resources: Health Savings Account Administrative Services Agreement 4. Items M oved F rom the C onsent Agenda 5. Action I tems A. Resolution 19-2180: A Resolution of the M ayor and City C ouncil of the City of M er idian Progr am Approving and Adopting the Year 2018 C ommunity D evelopment B lock G rant C onsolidated Annual P erfor mance and E valuation Report (C APER) - Approved B. P ublic Hearing C ontinued fr om November 19, 2019 for New Comprehensive P lan (H-2019-0101 C PAT & C PAM ) by M eridian P lanning D epartment – Continued to Regular Meet 1. R equest: To replace the existing C omprehensive Plan (the Plan) f or the City with a new long-range planning document. T he application includes but is not limited to the f ollowing: 1) approval of new text, both background and policies; 2) adoption of a new F uture L and Use Map of the City, including A rea of C ity I mpact boundary changes; and 3) accepting new goals, objectives and action items of the P lan, by Meridian P lanning Department. 6. D epar tment / Commission Repor ts A. Human Resour ces: K ey P er formance Indicator s – Moved to January 7, 2020 B. P ublic Works: K ey P erfor mance I ndicator s C. Community D evelopment: K ey P erformance Indicators – Moved to Regular Meeting 7. Recognition of Outgoing Council M embers Anne L ittle Rober ts, Ty P almer, and G enesis M ilam Meeting Adjourned at 5:40 pm