2019-12-03 Work Session Updated C I T Y C OUNC I L W OR K SESSI ON A GENDA C ity Council Chamber s 33 E ast B roadway Avenue M er idian, I daho Tuesday, D ecember 3, 2019 at 4:30 P M 1. Roll-C all Attendance X A nne L ittle R oberts X Arrive 5:49 pm J oe B orton X Ty P almer X Treg B ernt X Genesis Milam X L uke Cavener X Mayor Tammy de Weerd 2. Adoption of Agenda – Adopted as Noted 3. Consent Agenda [Action Item] – Approved A. Approve M inutes of Novemb er 19, 2019 C ity C ouncil Wor k S ession B. Approve M inutes of Novemb er 19, 2019 C ity C ouncil Regular M eeting C. Bicentennial F ar m S ubdivision #2 S anitary S ewer E asement D. Idaho S tate University West P ar king L ot D evelopment D P W No. 19- 244 Water M ain E asement E. S outhridge P hase 3 P edestr ian P athway E asement F. D evelopment Agreement for E agle C ommons (H-2019-0082) with B ar clay Holdings L XXXV, LLC (D eveloper ) and K nudsen P oor F ar ms, Inc. (O wner ), L ocated at 3085 E. Ustick Rd. G. D evelopment Agreement for M illbr ae S ubdivision (H-2019-0066) with C or ey B arton (O wner) and Challenger D evelopment, Inc. (D eveloper), L ocated at 4888 and 4920 W. C herry L n. H. M odified D evelopment Agreement G off (H-2019-0061) with Vir tual K eystrokes, LLC (O wner) and G arland G off (D eveloper), L ocated at 1725 W. Pine S t. I. M odified D evelopment Agreement for Ten M ile P laza (H-2019-0102) with E r ic Wall (O wner/D eveloper), L ocated at 3110 W. Q uintale D r. J. G eneral C ontract of Indemnity with T raveler s Insurance Regarding the C ity's S elf-F unded T rust K. Approval of Purchase O rder #20-0141 for S hooting Range M onthly M ember ship to Idaho S hooting Independence Range for the Not- to-E xceed Amount of $60,000.00 L. AP I nvoices for P ayment - 11/22/19 - $7,038.43 M . AP I nvoices for P ayment - 11/25/19 - $23,009.24 N. AP I nvoices for P ayment - 11/27/19 - $291,044.19 O. AP I nvoices for P ayment - 12/04/19 - $457,500.93 4. Items M oved F rom the C onsent Agenda 5. D epar tment / Commission Repor ts A. P olice C ode E nfor cement: Nuisan ce T r ee and C ity Ar borist O rdinance Update – Vacated from Agenda B. F inance D epartment and C lerk's O ffice: K ey P erfor mance Indicators C. F inance D epartment: P riority B ased B udgeting P hase I Results D. F inance D epartment: Q uar ter ly Update E. F inance D epartment: Update of C ity P olicies [Action Item] – Resolution scheduled for 12/10/2019 F. Community D evelopment (C ontinued fr om Novemb er 26, 2019): S hared Vehicles - Review D raft Request for P roposals, Agr eement Terms, and T imeline [Action I tem] – Request for Proposal to be drafted G. L egal D epartment and C lerk's O ffice: D iscu ssion Regarding T imeline for Alcohol S ales L icense Ren ewals – Continued to Regular Meeting Meeting Adjourned at 6:08 pm