2019-10-03 M ER I D I A N P L ANN I N G AND ZON I N G COMMI SSI ON M EETI N G A GENDA C ity Council Chamber s 33 E ast B roadway Avenue M er idian, I daho T hursday, O ctober 3, 2019 at 6:00 P M 1. Roll-C all Attendance _X ___Lis a Holland _X ___And rew S eal _X ___R honda M cC arvel _X ___R eid O ls en _____Ryan F itzgerald __X__Bill C assinelli 2. Adoption of Agenda _X ___ J essic a P errault - C hairp ers o n 3. Consent Agenda [Action Item] A. Approve M inutes of S eptemb er 19, 2019 Planning and Zoning Commission M eeting B. F indings of F act, C onclusions of L aw for T M Creek E ast Apar tments (H-2019-0089) by S C S T M Creek and S C S B righton, generally located ¼ mile east of S . Ten M ile Rd., south of W. F ranklin Rd. 4. O ther Items A. F ir e D epar tment: P r esentation on Response T imes, S tation Reliability, and O ther Repor ts 5. Action I tems L and U se P ublic H ea rin g P rocess: After th e P ublic H ea rin g is op en ed th e sta ff rep ort will b e p resen ted b y th e a ssigned city plann er. F ollowin g S taff's report th e app licant has u p to 1 5 minutes to p resen t th eir applica tion . E a ch m emb er of th e public m ay p rovid e testimon y u p to 3 minutes or if they are rep resentin g a la rg er g roup, such a s a H om eown ers Association, they ma y b e allow ed 1 0 minutes. T h e applicant is then a llow ed 1 0 add itional minutes to resp on d to the public's comments. N o additional pub lic testimon y is ta ken once th e public h ea rin g is closed . A. P ublic Hearing for Goddar d Creek Townhomes (H-2019-0068) by S I Construction, L ocated at the NW C or ner of W. M cM illan Rd. and N. G oddard C reek Way 1. R eques t: R ezone of 5.03 acres of land f rom the R -4 to the R -15 zoning district, and 2. P reliminary P lat f or the Re-subdivision of L ot 2, Block 1, Goddard C reek S ubdivision C onsisting of 4.62 Acres of L and into 44 B uilding L ots and 8 C ommon L ots B. P ublic Hearing for Inglewood P lace (H-2019-0090) by J ames P etersen, T he P ointe at M eridian, LLC, located at 3250 E . Victor y Rd. 1. R eques t: A nnexation and Z oning of 10.29 acres of land with C -C (3.76 acres) and R -15 (6.53 ac res) zoning districts; 2. R eque s t: P reliminary P lat consisting of (8) building lots and (1) common lot on 8.84 acres of land; and 3. R equest: Conditional Use P ermit for a multi-f amily development consisting of (14) dwelling units on 1.91 acres of land in the R -15 zoning district.