2019-07-29 Laura and Damrong Trairantnobhas1 Charlene Way From:Laura Trairatnobhas <lauratrairatnobhas@hotmail.com> Sent:Friday, July 26, 2019 9:20 PM To:Meridian City Clerk Subject:Delano application testimony Good morning, We are writing in regard to DevCo’s Delano development, which is on the agenda for the August 20 Meridian City Council meeting. We will be abroad then and cannot speak at the meeting, so we would like to add our voices to those who are encouraging the Council and Mayor to follow the recommendation of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission and deny this poorly-thought-out application. The reasons are obvious and have been clearly articulated by the P&Z Commission, as well as by the Alpine Pointe neighborhood group, of which we are members. Because they are obvious, I won’t try your patience by repeating them here. Developmen t of the land in question is inevitable, but it should be planned and executed with the needs of the entire community in mind ~ not just the needs of the developer. Thank you ~ Best Regards, Laura and Damrong Trairatnobhas Sent from my iPad