Vicinity MapService Layer Credits: Ada County and City of Meridian 415 415 415 502 140 208 521 55 704 714 130 132 109 703 713 700 300 611 415 304 32 505 218 33 611 641 706 116 126 30 226 632 614 Legend Area of Impact Meridian City Limits Urban Renewal Districts Parcels - Meridian Vicinity Map 0 0.05 0.1 mi [ The makesMeridian information no warranty shown or guarantee on this map as is to compiled the content, from accuracy, various sources timeliness, and or is completeness subject to constant of any revision. of the data The provided, City of and assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained on this map. Print Author: Date: Stacy 6/27/Hersh 2019