Palmer for Meridian, CommitteeAPPOINTMENTAND CERTIFICATION OF POLITICAL TREASURER c" FOR CANDIDATES AND COMMITTEES Rev.1�15 M (Please Print or Type) Pursuant to Section 67-6603(cl), Idaho Code. No contribution shall be receive made by or on behalf of a candidate or political committee until he or she appoints a political treasurer and ce a he treasurer, to the Secretary of State. Certification is for (check appropriate box below): 201 Name of CANDIDATE: Candidate: _ Home Work Cell Phone: Phone: Phone: Office Sought: Candidate r Mailing address: i Candidate lemail address: Name of j COMMITTEE: Committee: e, -4u if 44e- iName of Committee Chairman: 6keA— Axc*GH/1,\,,-- Miscellaneous: 0 'Home Work Phone: 20 8 " t6o —wt'i Phone: Measure: ❑ Candidate/Measure: 1Z Cell Phone: Committee Mailing address: 6 Z 1/ /7 hlzl " i s /" %y1 �1; ,d Chairman �y email address: on 0- Vl �� fhk, �C (3 &I ''ERTIFICATION AND APPOINTMENT I,�e / Ul GK`�c�— do hereby certify and appoint the following individual who is a registered elector of Name of Candidate or Eommittee Chairman the State of Idaho as the political treasurer for the above named candidate or committee: Name of Political Treasurer: Home c�Work Cell Phonekj6j) —tS-6q Phone(Z6t) 3( DZ Phone(Z`��1 J Treasurer Mailing address: Treasurer Residence address:c�('�, Treasurer Chris Johnson email address: `�r�. (Y\Qk\ Interim City Clerk _ 33 E. Broadway Ave. Suite 104 Meridian ID 83642 Signatu'pYof Candidate or Committee Chairman 208-888-4422 cityclerkQmeridiancity.org I JG , do hereby accept the appointment as political treasurer for Name of Political Treasurer the above named candidate or committee. Signature of Political Treasurer