2019-04-04Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting April 4, 2019. Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of April 4, 2019, was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Jessica Perreault. Members Present: Chairman Jessica Perreault, Commissioner Lisa Holland, Commissioner Andrew Seal and Commissioner Reid Olsen. Members Absent: Commissioner Rhonda McCarvel, Commissioner Ryan Fitzgerald, Commissioner Bill Cassinelli, Others Present: Chris Johnson, Ted Baird, Bill Parsons, Stephanie Leonard and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-call Attendance ___X___ Lisa Holland ___X___ Reid Olsen ___X___ Andrew Seal _______ Ryan Fitzgerald _______ Rhonda McCarvel _______ Bill Cassinelli ___X___ Jessica Perreault - Chairman Perreault: Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. If everyone would take their seats, please. At the time I would like to call to order the regularly scheduled meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission on -- where are we at? April 4th, 2019. Let's take roll call. Item 2: Adoption of Agenda Perreault: Okay. Next on the agenda is the adoption of the agenda. Because we have had a withdrawal of Item 4-B, if I could get a motion to amend the agenda. Holland: So moved. Seal: Second. Perreault: It has been moved and seconded to amend the agenda to remove Item 4-B. All those in favor say aye. None opposed. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. THREE ABSENT. Item 3: Consent Agenda [Action Item] A. Approve Minutes of March 21, 2019 Planning and Zoning Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 18, 2019 – Page 4 of 118 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission April 4, 2019 Page 2 of 11 Commission Meeting Perreault: Third item on the agenda is the Consent Agenda to approve the minutes of March 21st, 2019, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Can I get a motion? Olsen: So moved. Seal: Second. Perreault: It has been moved and seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. All those in favor say aye. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. THREE ABSENT. Perreault: Okay. I'm going to explain the public hearing process this evening and, then, to let you all know after I do that we are going to open Three Corners Ranch, H-2019- 0006 and Gander Creek, H-2019-0013 for the purpose of continuing those meetings. We will not be taking public testimony on either of those applications this evening per the request of the applicants. So, just to let you know all that up front. So, at this time I will briefly -- briefly explain the public hearing process. We will open each item individually and, then, start with the staff report. The staff will report their findings regarding how the item adheres to our Comprehensive Plan and Uniform Development Code with the staff's recommendations. After the staff has made their presentation the applicant will come forward to present their case for the approval of their application and respond to any staff comments. The applicant will have 15 minutes to do so. After the applicant has finished we will open the public testimony. There is an iPad in the back as you entered. If anyone wishes to testify, please, sign at that location. Any person testifying will come forward and be allowed three minutes. If anyone here is speaking for a larger group, such as a homeowner's association, we will take a show of hands for individuals that would like that person to represent the group and they will be given up to ten minutes. After all testimony has been heard, the applicant will be given another ten minutes to come back and respond if they so choose. Then we will close the public hearing. The Commissioners will have a chance to discuss and, hopefully, be able to make a recommendation to City Council. Item 4: Action Items C. Public Hearing Continued from March 7, 2019 for Three Corners Ranch H-2019-0006) by Sweet Land Development, Inc., Located at 1890 E . Dunwoody Ct. 1. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 31.06 acres of land with the R-4 zoning District, and; 2. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 45 building lots and 9 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 18, 2019 – Page 5 of 118 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission April 4, 2019 Page 3 of 11 commons lots. Perreault: At this time I would like to open the public hearing for Three Corners Ranch, H-2019-0006 that was continued from March 7th. Is the applicant present this evening? Would you, please, come forward. You're welcome to share with us why you would like to continue the meeting. If you don't choose to do that, please, do tell us what date you would like to move the meeting to. Lopez: Yes. Marcel Lopez. 4824 -- Perreault: I'm sorry. Please state your name and address for the record and speak into the microphone. Lopez: Marcel Lopez. 4824 West Fairview Avenue, Boise. Yes, we respectfully request to continue the hearing for Three Corners. We are in the process of revising the preliminary plat in order to provide enough sufficient time for staff to complete their review we are requesting that it be continued. I believe we discussed a May date, but staff can elaborate on that. Leonard: Madam Chair, Members of the Commission, I think we were discussing May 16th, if that works for you. Perreault: May 16th. Lopez: Yes. Perreault: Okay. All right. Thank you very much. Lopez: Thank you. Perreault: Can I get a motion to move to Three Corners Ranch, H-2019-0006, to May 16th? Olsen: Move that we move Hearing No. H-2019-0026 to May 16th. Holland: I will second the motion with just an amendment that it's 0006. Perreault: Oh. My apologies. Olsen: Oh. Thank you. Perreault: It has been moved and seconded to continue Three Quarters Ranch, H-2019- 0006, to the date of May 16th, 2019. Okay. Johnson: Madam Chair, are you going to call a vote on that? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 18, 2019 – Page 6 of 118 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission April 4, 2019 Page 4 of 11 Perreault: I apologize. Johnson: Are you calling a vote on the motion? Perreault: Yes. I apologize. I'm sorry. We are moving along fast tonight. Can I -- all those in favor say aye. None opposed. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. THREE ABSENT. D. Public Hearing for Gander Creek (H-2019-0013) by Trilogy Development, Inc., Located at the SW corner of N. McDermott Rd. and W. McMillan Rd. 1. Request: Annexation and zoning of 125.68 acres of land with an R- 8 zoning district; and, 2. Request: a Preliminary Plat consisting of 401 building lots, 55 common lots, and 5 other lots on 117.10 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district Perreault: Okay. Next we will open the public hearing for Gander Creek, H-2019-0013 for the purpose of continuing. Is the applicant here this evening? No? Would staff like to share more information about what the applicant intends to do? Parsons: Madam Chair, Members of the Commission, happy to do so. So, this is one where the applicant doesn't want to move forward until we have ACHD's staff report for you to take it under advisement as you -- because it is a 400 lot subdivision. So, they thought it was in their best interest to defer it for two weeks, so that we can get that information as you deliberate on the application two weeks from now. Perreault: April 18th -- Parsons: April 18th. Perreault: -- 2019? Parsons: That is correct. Perreault: Thank you. Can I get a motion to continue -- excuse me -- Gander Creek, H- 2019-0013? Seal: Madam Chair? De Weerd: Commissioner Seal. Seal: I move to continue -- continue File No. H-2019-0013 to April 18th. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 18, 2019 – Page 7 of 118 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission April 4, 2019 Page 5 of 11 Holland: Second. Perreault: It has been moved and seconded to continue Gander Creek, H-2019-0013 to April 18th, 2019. All those in favor say aye. None opposed. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. THREE AYES. A. Public Hearing Continued from February 21, 2019 for Real Life Church (H-2019-0004) by Real Life Church, Located 1098 N. Hickory Ave. 1. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a church and ancillary daycare center on 0.68 acres of land in the I -L zoning district Perreault: Okay. Next we will open the public hearing that was continued from February 21st, 2019, for Real Life Church, H-2019-0004. Does staff have any additional items to report? Leonard: Madam Chair, Members of the Commission, yes. As you remember from the last time we met we had kind of asked the applicant to work on looking at a more permanent parking solution and outdoor play space for the daycare component of their request. Since then the applicant has actually worked with -- and I think is working to acquire the land to the south that we have mentioned before. They have designed an additional -- it's about 49 spaces to the south, so that should accommodate the number of parishioners they are anticipating and the number of daycare students. The outdoor space they don't have anything planned in the immediate future. The way their classes are structured it's about a three hour period, so I think they are going to try to focus on indoor class time and, then, maybe at a later time they will focus on outdoor space, but for right now the parking is the main thing that I think that they have improved upon since the last meeting. Perreault: Thank you. Is the applicant present this evening? Please state your names and address for the record. McAnulty: Matt McAnulty with neUdesign Architecture, 725 East 2nd Street. Jordan: And I'm Justin Jordan, lead pastor of Real Life Ministries and we are at 35 East Fairview Avenue, Meridian, Idaho. Perreault: Thank you. McAnulty: You bet. Perreault: Who will be speaking first? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 18, 2019 – Page 8 of 118 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission April 4, 2019 Page 6 of 11 McAnulty: I will go ahead. Madam Chair and Commissioners, as Stephanie mentioned, the church has proceeded to acquire and looking to acquiring the parcel to the south. Currently, like she mentioned, there is about 49 parking stalls, so a total of about 79 complete with the existing and some updates and changes that are required. Based on calculations we feel that this is more than adequate for the future growth. They are planning to do two separate Sunday services and this would accommodate for both of those, as well as there is still in -- the two neighboring parcel agreements for those -- those Sunday services as well, as was discussed in the previous meeting. we are looking at the -- the layout. This is very preliminary. We -- we feel that we can get some more spaces squeezed out of the new parcel, which would get us probably closer to 80 or above. So, that's kind of what our next step is on that, as well as in regards to the outdoor play area, it really doesn't fit in with the current schedule for the church and daycare services and program as well as -- you know, it's a three hour block, so there is not -- there is not a lot of time to go out and play. There is more indoor learning versus -- versus that. And, then, I just want to kind of briefly remind the Commissioners that -- that Meridian code does not require outdoor play areas for preschools or daycare services. And, then, the other thing Justin -- Jordan: Yeah. I was just going to say, you know, Sam and Jim, who were here last time, in opposition of the current plan, they are aware of the new plan and have talked to our realtor and have given a green light to it and I don't believe they are here tonight. So, I just wanted to let you guys know about that as well. And, yeah, that's pretty much it. Perreault: Are there any questions for the applicant? Seal: Yes, Madam Chair? Perreault: Commissioner Seal. Seal: The question I have is how -- how close are you to securing the -- the property that's to the south of you? Is that sometimes -- I mean I know it's ongoing, but is there something in writing at this point or is it -- Jordan: Yeah. It's under contract, so it's just contingent of the CUP being approved and closing will be in May, so -- if -- if the CUP goes through. Seal: Okay. For the -- when would you start to inhabit the building and function as a church and a daycare? Jordan: The -- the church most likely August, September. Depends on, obviously, building permits and construction of the building. The preschool probably most likely wouldn't be until fall of 2020, so -- Seal: Okay. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 18, 2019 – Page 9 of 118 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission April 4, 2019 Page 7 of 11 Perreault: I remember in the last hearing that you had signed leases with some parking -- some business owners to the north. Does this eliminate the need -- the need for all those leases and allow you enough space with this and in addition the street parking? Jordan: I would say that we probably would still hold onto those agreements just to make sure that we have adequate traffic flow. Some of our more committed members that are going to be there for two to three hours we will probably say, hey, if you're going to park down the street, so that we have our first time guests can come and can find a parking spot quickly versus having to look for one and so we will probably still utilize those, but the -- I guess to answer your question, the -- the urgency to need them is going to be a lot lower now because of the additional parking that we have and the ACHD parking on the street as well, so -- Perreault: I'm sorry, could you share, again, the estimated full number of parking spaces from what is on the existing property and, then, what you're adding? I didn't hear that number. McAnulty: The total is 79, so we are adding 49 -- Perreault: Seventy-nine? McAnulty: -- spaces. Uh-huh. Perreault: Okay. And, then, what are the red line -- red dotted lines that are showing on this rendering? McAnulty: Those are more for internal architecture use, but they are the fire truck turnarounds, just so we can lay out appropriately the drive aisles. Perreault: Okay. McAnulty: Nothing special. Perreault: Okay. Holland: Madam Chair? Perreault: Additional questions? Commissioner Holland. Holland: One more additional question. On the -- the area that you're looking to acquire -- and this might be more of a staff question. Are you going to be required to pave that lot as well or -- Jordan: Which lot are you referring to? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 18, 2019 – Page 10 of 118 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission April 4, 2019 Page 8 of 11 Holland: The -- the south lot where it's just the -- the dirt lot that you're looking to acquire, would you be paving that as well and striping those stalls? Jordan: Uh-huh. Holland: Okay. Thank you. Perreault: Okay. Thank you, gentlemen. Is there anyone signed up to testify this evening? Johnson: No, Madam Chair. Perreault: Is there anyone here who would like to testify? None? Okay. And so no need to have the applicant come forward. I would like to remind the Commissioners this evening that this is a conditional use permit application, which means it is our final decision and we won't need to make a recommendation to City Council. Can I get a motion to close the public hearing? Holland: So moved. Seal: Second. Perreault: It has been moved and seconded to close the public hearing for April 4th, 2019. All those in favor? None opposed. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. THREE ABSENT. Perreault: Who would like to start with their thoughts? Olsen: Madam Chair? Perreault: Commissioner Olsen. Olsen: It seems that all of the requests that we have made have been handled. I think we can go forward with this. Perreault: Okay. Holland: Madam Chair? Perreault: Commissioner Holland? Holland: This one was a tough one for me originally, because of where they were looking to locate. I wish I could find them a beautiful spot to be in, you know, in a nice office park or in a nice area. It's always tough when you have got a church facility kind of fitting into an industrial zone, especially when there is not a lot of industrial available in the valley. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 18, 2019 – Page 11 of 118 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission April 4, 2019 Page 9 of 11 So, that was one of my challenges. But, you know, we asked them to go back and come back to us with a better parking plan, which they have done. I feel comfortable with the amount of parking that they have been able to secure. I think it sounds like they have got good contingency plans for when they have got overflow. So, while I don't necessarily love having a -- this specific use in an industrial area, there might be a better use for an industrial area, I don't really have a big reason to object to it either. Perreault: Okay. Seal: Madam Chair? Perreault: Commissioner Seal. Seal: I would -- I would agree with what's been presented here as far as what the applicant has done. They have come back and they have -- they have done everything that we have asked them to do. The only exception to that is the -- the play equipment, which, hopefully, that's something that they can put in in the future. Although they do have adequate access to some green areas that are to the north of the building and over in the -- the Blue Cross campus as well. So, hopefully, that's something that they can take advantage of in the future. But for the most part they have -- or in total they have come back and answered everything that we have asked them to. Perreault: Thank you. Oh, I definitely agree with -- with my fellow Commissioners and with Commissioner Holland regarding this. Probably not the highest and best use for this location, but I also don't see anything that -- that has me greatly concerned about the use itself. I don't think it's going to create a hardship in that area of any kind, just for the applicant's sake we would love to see a more beautiful area, but we understand that it is difficult for churches to find good locations. So, is anybody ready to make a motion? Seal: Madam Chair, I have a quick question. As far as the reside -- or, excuse me, the revised site plan, is that already -- essentially if we do make a -- if we do make a motion to approve this is that already included? If we just move to approve it as is is that included in the recommendation I should say? Staff recommendation. Leonard: Madam Chair, Commissioner Seal, the applicant will be required to do a certificate of zoning compliance and design review, so they will have a chance to possibly add more spaces as they discussed and kind of make sure that they adhere to our dimensional standards and landscaping requirements, so this is -- this is more of a rough idea of how many spaces they are planning to provide, but not finalized. Parsons: Yeah. Madam Chair, Members of the Commission, certainly you can ask us to attach this as an exhibit in the staff report. That's typically what we do with conditional use permits. If you recall in the staff report we required the applicant to provide additional parking on this light -- this lot as part of our approval of a conditional use permit. So, what the applicant has done is comply with the conditions that we already have under our conditional use permit -- or conditions in the staff report. So, they are, essentially, Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 18, 2019 – Page 12 of 118 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission April 4, 2019 Page 10 of 11 compliant with what we have asked them to do. So, what we can do is remove the site plan that you see on the left-hand side, insert this one, and realize that through the CZC and design review process they will probably gain a few more parking stalls on the site, so it's not a bad thing to have more than 79. I think just looking at their layout I can envision at least four or five more stalls on the site easily without too many modifications to the site plan. So, to answer your -- to answer your question, yes, we have it covered, but we will attach this as an exhibit in the staff report, just to make it clear for the record. Seal: Thank you. Parsons: And, please, include that in your motion. Thank you. Perreault: Any additional discussion? Seal: Figure out how to word this. Olsen: Madam Chair? Perreault: Commissioner Olsen. Olsen: I would like to make a motion that after considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move the approval of file number H-2019-0004 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of April 4th, 2019, with one attachment as we discussed to make sure that it gets included. Perreault: Okay. Would you mind clarifying what we are attaching? Olsen: I'm going to have to ask for instruction. Leonard: Madam Chair, Commissioner Olsen, you just want to say the revised site plan. Olsen: The site plan? Leonard: The revised site plan. Olsen: Okay. Including the revised site plan. Perreault: Thank you. Olsen: Thank you. Seal: Second. Perreault: It has been moved and seconded to approve file number H-2019-0004 with the modification of attaching the revised site plan to -- excuse me -- to the staff report. All those in favor say aye. None opposed. Motion carries. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 18, 2019 – Page 13 of 118 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission April 4, 2019 Page 11 of 11 MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. THREE ABSENT. Perreault: Can I get one more motion this evening? Holland: Want this one? Seal: Go ahead. Holland: Madam Chair? Perreault: Commissioner Holland. Holland: I move we adjourn the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting for April 4th, 2019. Olsen: Second. Perreault: It has been moved and seconded to adjourn the Planning and Zoning hearing for April 4th, 2019. All those in favor say aye. Motion carries. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:22 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) 4X W J SICA R EAULT - CHAIRMAN 044O�P,Sep AUGUsr, l�3 V � �i fI1 G�� (� ! W Lrf 14 18 1 19 DATE APPROVED