RZ-10-005 PP-10-004 PP-10-005 VOLTERRA SUB NORTH AND SOUTHDecember 31,2012 Caleb Hood, Interim Planning Division Manager Bill Parsons, Associate City Planner DATE: TO E IAN IDAHO SUBJECT: Volterra North and Volterra South - TED-12-002 I. APPLICATION SI,]MMARY The applicant, Bridgetower lnvestments, LLC, has requested approval of a two (2) year time extension to obtain City Engineer's signature on a final plat. The preliminary plats (PP-10-004 and PP-10-005) were approved by the City Council on December 21,2010. The Volterra North preliminary plat consists of 301 residential lots, I school lot and 38 common lots on 120.6 acres of land. The Volterra South preliminary plat consists of 194 residential lots, l0 commercial lots and 22 common lots on 80.4 acres of land. The Applicant has been unable to meet the time requirements specified in Unified Development Code (UDC) 1l-68-7C to obtain City Engineer's signature on a final plat. The applicant is requesting the extension in an effort to complete the design of two (2) phases for approval and construction. The applicant anticipates submitting the plans for approval in the spring. The subject properties are located: Volterra North: North side of McMillan Road between N. Black Cat Road and N. Ten Mile Road in the south % of Section 27, Township 4 North, Range I West. Volterra South: Southwest corner of W. McMillan Road and N. Ten Mile Road in the northeast % of Section 34, Township 4 North, Range I West. II. STAFFRECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a two (2) year time extension to obtain the City Engineer's signature on the first phase of the Volterra Subdivision to expire on December 21,2014, with the conditions listed in Exhibit B. III. STAFF ANALYSIS The City of Meridian's Unified Development Code (UDC I l-6B-7C) allows the Director to authorize one administrative time extension to obtain City Engineer's signature on a final plat, not to exceed two (2) years. The applicant has met the necessary deadline by filing a written request before the preliminary plats expired. Additional time extensions up to two (2) years may be granted if approved by City Council. The City may require compliance with the current provisions of the UDC as a condition for granting a time extension (UDC I l-68-7C). Since this project was approved, the Unified Development Code has been amended to require the property owner to post a performance surety with the City in the amount of l25o/o of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer, water and reuse infrastructure prior to final plat signature. Additionally, the property owner is required to post a warranty surety with the City in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer, water and reuse infrastructure for the duration of two years. Volterra North and South PP TED-12-002.doc Page 1 FROM: Staff recommends the plat comply with the newly adopted surety regulations (see the new conditions in Exhibit B). The applicant shall also comply with all previous conditions of approval for this site. IV. EXHIBITS A. Drawings 1. ZoninglYicinity Map 2. Approved Preliminary Plat 3. Approved Landscape Plan B. Conditions of Approval Volterra North and South PP TED-12-002.doc Page2 Planning Department d,APPLICATIONftry ADMINIS TRATIVE REVIE W E Accessory Use E Alternative Compliance E Certificate of ZoningCompliance E Certifi cate of Zoning Compliance Verifi cation E Conditional Use Permit Minor Modification E Design Review E Private Street E Property Boundary Adjusunent E Time Extension (Director) E Vacation E Other Applicant Information Related files: 0 -oo'( PP- 0- {of, A 't b4 Ur (comolDate t ?us" -(fi -( 1, ete: Assigned Planner: 6.5 STAEF'USE ONLY: File number(s): Project name: DatBfiled: l7 v/h Applicant ,rurr". BridgeTower lnvestments, LLC phone: 2A8-871-0642 zip:94960 E_mail: mikehmac3T@gmail.com E Optioned E Other Phone: 415-747-6992 Fu* zip 94960 E_mail: mikehmac3T@gmail.com Applicant address 55 Tappan San Anselmo, CA Applicant's interest in property: E Own E Rent Owner nu-" BridgeTower lnvestments, LLC owner address: 55 Tappan San Anselmo, CA Agent name (e.g., architect, engineer, developer, representative): Justin Blackstock Firm name: Highmark Consultant Company Phone: 208-871-0642 Fax: Address: 2228W.Piazza St. Meridian, lD zip: 83646 E-mail: hishmark.devebpment@smail.@m Primary contact is: [1 Applicant E Owner E Agent E Other Contact nu-". Justin Blackstock Phone: 208-871-0642 Fu*, Contact address: 2228 W. Piazza St. Meridian zip: 83646 E-mail : highma*.development@gmeil.@m Subj ect Property Information Location/street address: West of 10 Mile RD at intersection of McMillan Project Description Project/subdivision nu-". Votena North and Voltena South General description of proposed project/request: Time Extension proposed zoning district(s): R4(existing)R-B(existing)C-G(existing)L-O(existing) Acres of each zone proposed: R-8-58. 3 acres, R-4-1 20. 6 acres, C-G- 1 6.8 acres, L-O-5.3 acres Type of use proposed (check all that apply): E Residential E Commercial E Office E Industrial E Other Amenities provided with this development (if applicable): 2 parks, swimming pool w/ restrooms, fountain, tod lot Who will own & maintain the pressurized irrigation system in this development? HOA Which irrigation district does this property lie within? Settle/s lrrigation District Primary irrigation source: Pump STA: Secondary: lnigation Well Square footage of landscaped areas to be irrigated (ifprimary or secondary point oicormection is City water): nla Number of residential unitr, 495 Number of building lots. 495 Number of common and/or other lot"' 62 Proposed number of dwelling units (for multi-family developments only): 1 Bedroom: trh 2 or more Bedrooms: fl/d Minimum square footage of structur{s) (excl. garage) as allowed Proposed building height: as allowed Minimum property srze (s.f): R4 - 8,000sf R-8 - 5,000sf Average property size (s.f.): R-8 7725sf Gross density (DU/acre-total land): 2.8 duiacre Net density (DU/acre-excluding roads & alleys): 3'4 du/acrg Percentage of open space provided: 16.9Yo Acreage of open space: 34.2 Percentage ofuseable open space: 32% (See Chapter 3, Article G, for qualified open space) Type of open space provided in acres (i.e., landscaping, public, common, etc): Landscaping, pools, parks, tod lot Type of dwelling(s) proposed: E Single-family E Townhomes E Duplexes tr Multi-family Non-residential Project Summary (if appticabte) Number of building lots, 10 Other lots: none Gross floor area proposed ' nla Existing (if applicable): n/a Hours of operation (days and hours as allowed Building height: as allowed Percentage of site/project devoted to the following Landscaping: nla Building: nla Paving: nla Total number of employees: nla Maximum number of employees at any one time: [/o Number and ages of students/children (if applicable): nla Seating capacity nla Total number of parking spaces provided: nla Number of compact spaces provided: nla Authorization Print applicant name: Broadway Avenue, Suite 210 r Meridian. Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 . Facsimile: (208) 88S-6854 . Website: wurr.meridianciry..org 2 Applicant Residential Project Summaqr (if applicable) out", 12y'7 -/2 Planning Department ANNEXATION/REZONE r Application Checklist IDIAN tn&H# Project name: VrUlEpgA t''BUrr,lriroN Flre* n4|-oof, Applicant/agent: GV,AD€^NT @pSf rItdU3,ln? Application is required to contain one copy of the following: Note: Only one copy of the above items need be submitted when submitting multiple applications Additional Requirements for Annexation/Rezone Applications: APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL APPLICABLE ITEMS ON THE CHECKLIST ARE SUBMITTED. 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 210 o Meridian, ldaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 o Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 o Website: www.meridiancity.org (Rev. I l/4/08) Applicant ({) Description Staff ({) Completed & signed Commission & Council Review Application Narrative fully describing the proposed proiect Legal description ofthe property to be annexed and/orrezoned . Include a metes & bounds description to the section line of all adjacent roadways, stamped & signed by a registered professional land surueyor, with a calculated closure sheet. o Scaled exhibit map showing the boundaries of the legal description in compliance w/ the requirements of the Idaho State Tax Commission Property Tax Administrative Rules IDAPA . If requesting more than one zoning designation, include a legal description for each zone along with an overall annexation/rezone boundary description. Also include the boundaries of each different zone on the map. *Note: When also submitting a Preliminary Plat application, a separate legal description is requiredfor the boundaies ofthe plat, excluding property to the section line as required.for annexations,/rezones. w N?* N l;t Recorded warranty deed for the subiect property Affidavit of Lrgal Interest signed & notarized by the property owner (If owner is a corporation, submit a copy of the Articles of Incorporation or other evidence to show that the penon signing is an authorized agent.) Scaled vicinity map showing the location of the subiect property Provide concept plan @oads, access points, parking, general layout of buildings and building elevations.) t/ Pre-application meeting notes (All applications that require a public hearing are required to conduct a pre- application meeting with the Planning Department.) Neighborhood meeting sign-in sheet (Applicants are required to hold a neighborhood meeting to provide an opportunity for public review of the proposed project prior to the submittal of an application.) Commitment of Property Posting form signed by the applicant/agent Fee ( Please call Planning Department to calculate correct fee. Applications with incorrect.fees will not be accepted.) Applicant ({) Description Staff ({) If this application is not accompanied by a plat, conditional use permit, or planned unit development application, submit a conceptual development plan and elevations for the property (also submit an electronic version of the plan(s) in pdf format on a disk with the file named with proiect name & plan type [i.e. conceptual development plan, elevationsl). v Planning Department ?APPLICATIONi,,(rry ADMINISTRATIVE REVTEW Type of Review Requested (check all that apply) E Accessory Use E Alternative Compliance E Certificate of Zoning Compliance E Certificate of Zoning Compliance Verification E Conditional Use Permit Minor Modification E Design Review E Private Street E Property Boundary Adjustnent E Time Extension (Director) EI Vacation fl Other Applicant Information -Oo f, a -oo{ 0- c A b-o 6, -(fi -(+ :{ Assigned Planner: STAFF USE ONLY: File number(s) Related Pp- files: Project name: Datefiled: l7 Applicant n"-", BrilgeTower lnvestments, LLC phone: 208-871-0642 Applicant address: 55 Tappan San Anselmo, CA zip: 94960 E_mail : mikehmac3T@gmail.com Applicant'sintereStinproperty:EownERentEoptionedEother Owner name: BridgeTower lnvestments, LLC Phone: 41*747-6992 Fu*, Owner address: 55 Tappan San Anselmo, CA zip 94960 E_mail: mikehmac3T@gmail.mm Agent name (e.g., architect, engineer, developer, representative) Justin Blackstock Firm name: Highmark Consultant Company Phone: 208-871-0642 Fax Address: 2228W.Piazza St. Meridian, lD zip'. 83646 E-mail: hishmarkdevelopment@small.@m Primary contact is: E Applicant E Owner E Agent E Other Contact nu.". Justin Blackstock phone: 208-871-0642 Fu*.. Contact address: 2228 W. Piazza St. Meridian zip. 83646 E-mail: hishmark.development@smsil.@m Subject Properfy Information Location/street address: West of 10 Mile RD at intersection of McMillan Assessor's parcel number(s): s0427 31 44800,50427 41 0000,50427 4387 20,50434120800,504341 10020 Township, range, section: Section 34 and 27,4N,1W Total acreage: 201 Current land use Farm Current zoning district: R-4,R-B,C-G,L-O 1 IAN Planning Department , B,4lt o TIME EXTENSION r Application Checklist All applications are required to contain one copy of the following: APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL AEMS ON THE CHECK],IST ARE SUBM]TTED. *FIRSTTIME EXTENSION REQUESTS ONLY REQUIRE ADMINISTRATNE REVIEW *SECOND A, SUBSEQUENT TIME EXTENSION REQUESTS REQUIRE A PUBUC HEARING BEFORE THE BODYTHAT APPROVED THE ORIGINAL REQUEST 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 210 o Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 r Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 o Website: www.meridiancity.org (Rev. 1l/4t08) ect name fo- or l^f Ot) L Requirements for Administrative and Commission & Council Review Applications Narrative fully describing the proposed request, including but not limited to the following: Scaled vicinity map showing the location of the subject property .';,,,f 11' Additional Requiiements for Administrative Review Applications Completed and signed Administrative Review Application Additional Requirements for Commission, & Council Review Applications Completed and signed Cornmission & Council Review Application Pre-application meetilg notes (A-U applications that require a public hearing are required to conduct a pre- application meeting with the Planning Department.) Neighborhood meeting sign-in sheet (Applicants are required to hold a neighborhood meeting to provide aD opportunity for public review of the proposed project prior to the submittal of an application.) Commitment of Property Posting form signed by the applicant/agent Fee ol{.ry Planning Department PRELIMINARY PLAT I Application Checklist Project name: \tour€RpA s,tootvitil t ,lorlA { S"*4\ F*#: (P- /o- oo { Applicqnt/agent: Vf- to - oo:- Qvapp,aq,.t1 C-OpSUtnd6,}l9c, All applications are required to contain one copy of the following: Note: Only one copy of the above items need be submitted when submitting multiple applications Additional Requirements for Preliminary Plat Applications: 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 210 o Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 o Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 r Website: www.meridiancity.org (Rev. I l/4/08) 4 Applicant (!) Description Sraff ({) Completed & signed Commission & Council Review Application Narrative fully describing the proposed project Legal description of the subject property (Lot, Block, and Subdivision name if located in a recorded subdivision OR a metes and bounds legal description of the property if not in a subdivision.) Recorded warranty deed for the subject property Affidavit of Legal Interest signed & notarized by the property owner (If omer is a corporation, submit a copy of tlt tlricles of krcorporation or o(her evidence to show that the person signing is an authorized agent.) Scaled vicinity map showing the location of the subject property Pre-application meeting notes (All applications that require a public hearing are required to conduct a pre- epplicatjon meeting wilh the Planning Depanment.) Neighborhood meeting sign-in sheet (Applicants are required to hold a neighborhood meeting to provide an opportunity for public review of the proposed project prior to the submittal of an application.) Commitment of Property Posting form signed by the applicant/agent Fee ( Please call Planning Department to calculate correct fee. Applications with incorrect fees will not be accepted.) Applicant ({) Description Staff ({) Include the following additional information in the project narrative: u the ordinance describing the particular provision, the variance requested, and the reason thereof development. (e.g., larger rear setback to buffer adioining properties, etc.) V Approval of the proposed subdivision name from the Ada County Surveyor's office Preliminary Plat-* I copy (folded to 8 Vz" x I 1" size) The following items must be included on the preliminary plat o Proposed subdivision name (Do not use numbers in preliminary plat names.) a Drafting date o Section location and county (situate statement) a North arrow o Scale (not less than l"=100') Name, address and phone number ofowner(s), applicant, and engineer, surveyor or planner who prepared the preliminary plat a Proposed site(s) for parks, playgrounds, schools, churches or other public uses o aeasements Proposed corrrmon area lots and/or landscape a Streets, street names, rights-of-way and roadway widths, including adjoining streets or roadways on plan) a Proposed and existing lot lines and blocks showing scaled dimensions and numbers of each a Legend of symbols a Minimum residential house size (for R-2 and R-4 zones only) Contour lines shown at 5' intervals where land slope is greater than 107o and at 2' intervals where land slope is l}Vo or less, referenced to an established benchmark, including location and elevation Any proposed or existing utilities including, but not limited to, storm and sanitary sewers, irrigation laterals, ditches, drainage, bridges, culverts, water mains, fire hydrants, qtreetlights, pressurized irrigation and their respective profiles. a Any dedications to the public and easements together with a statement of location, dimensions and purposes of such o Master strget drainage plan, including method of disposal a Floodplain boundary as determined by FEMA or measures to amend this boundary . Stub streets to provide access to adjacent undeveloped land or existing roadways a Block faces not more than seven hundred fifty feet (750') in length without an s, street or districts only) a Block lengths not greater than thirteen hundred feet (1,300') without a pedestrian connection (residential districts only) l.{ a Cul-de-sac lengths not in excess of450' Reduction of the preliminary plat (8 Yz" x ll") Landscape plan - *l copy (folded to 8 Yz" x I 1" size) Plan must have a scale no smaller than l" = 50' (1" = 20' is preferred) and be on a standard drawing sheet, not to exceed 36" x 48" (24" x 36" is preferred). A plan which cannot be drawn in its entirety on a single sheet must be drawn with appropriate match lines on t\eo or more sheets. The following items must be included on the landscape plan: a Date, scale, north arrow, and projegt name a Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the developer and the person and./or firm preparing the plan a Existing natural features such as canals, creeks, drains, ponds, wetlands, high groundwater areas, and rock outcroppings. a Location, size, and species of all existing trees on site with trunks 4 inches or greater in diameter, measured 6 inches above the ground. Indicate whether the tree will be retained or removed. vla A statement ofhow existing healthy trees proposed to be retained will be protected from damage during construction a Existing buildings, structures, planting areas, light poles, power poles, walls, fences, berms, parking and loading areas, vehicular drives, trash areas, sidewalks, pathways, stormwater detention areas, signs, street furniture, and other man-made elements. vlA a Existing and proposed contours for all areas steeper than20Vo slope. Berms shall be shown with one-foot contours. o Sight Trianglesas defined in I l-3A-5 ofthis ordinance. a Proposed landscaping |/lA structures / Calculations of project components to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this ordinance, including: > Width of street buffers, lineal feet of street frontage, and number of street trees F Residential subdivision trees ) Acreage dedicated for common open space ) Numbqr of trees provided on common lot(s) o a v Supplementary information at the discretion of the Director or City Engineer may be required to sfficiently detail the proposed development within any special development area, including but not limited to hillside, planned unit development, floodplain, cemetery, manufactured home parks, and/or hazardous or unique areas of development. *Once an application is accepted, staff will contact you to let you know how many additional copies of plans are required. All plans are required to be fuLled to 8 1/2" x I I " size. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL APPLICABLE ITEMS ON THE CHECKLIST ARE SUBMITTED. THIS APPUCATION SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE (NOR WILLA PUBLIC HEARING BE SET) UNTIL STAFF HAS RECEIVED ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION. t A ) Mitigation for removal of existing trees Reduction ofthe landscape plan (8 %" x 11") / Site report of the highest seasonal groundwater elevation prepared by a registered soils scientist Nrt i Traffic impact study (if required by ACHD) ILY d<_- 6V. A/(A ,1 Submit two (2) sets ofconceptual engineering plans, including respective profiles go Pqblic l Works for approval (208-898-5500). U<.rrA d I $t t, Conceptual elevations of proposed structures, including building materials A ,/-( PA) Et'|$ /lA Disk with electronic version of the conceptual engineering plans in a format that complies with the Specifications for Project Drawings found at: http://www.meridiancity.org/public works/autocad standards/index.asp CrLck I $c Electronic version of the preliminary plat & landscape plan in pdf format submitted on a disk with the files named with project name & plan type (i.e. preliminary plat, landscape plan, etc.). We encourage you to also submit at least one color version for presentation purposes. I lEacoworv#N 01€ Nrlwr rr.9r slsrddu3lNS!ilod t^voltva N d IF 9dp iu v'lnfssotoc N fAV F f t e 6 d I L o oc U o d o E uo ;o 4 V,q ,.$ d o o F z ,09 & ffi k>w l U F l t AVM BSnOONO9 N ovou .Lvc y3v]8 N rnu I :i\J r1 _--.t --l slst84ilNt uilod ({02 t7-fi \'/I\ oe zz U t fF t '.\\'- e o s oo z o ;o ou zz = lnv ozznu& N od U Fo z B '3AV ONVIVA'N \ oo- n o o 3 @ I \ i I 1 I I I I t, :l l' I 'l I I I I i i I I I 5 I : sI d. o z6 RUT Match Line to LS-03 LS-03 ui oz i W, ANATOLE OR, J o 2 ui o l d z W. RAVENNA OR, 4 ) ) \ ) ) l ) I ) I / a{.D: 31# . I ,- 1 jk :flk *k ffi f) I I I ffi #\ #\ IRRIGATION POND "itl> tPrtr "1* I ffi I rmee ofro'veN sSsrudtaN3liloa i F IzU o i '3nv -v) fAV OZnUAV N ot o5 o ;0o f^v otoswtS N F F o o I i i zo 5 t ,:]AV ONYdVN 'N J-NU o c J E o o o oN Jo ) '3nv nodvN N I i I \ I I _.1_. I I I l_ I I 3 t! I !_ I , : l a E IL I I n o3 i 2 6! <o 16 tl 9z I 6 I LS-05 ui o N 6c W. GONDOLA OR, o o 6 i W. WAPOOT ST W, MILANO ST ui zo # a :F) x DR ( ) :..-- e o t z i <!^ x: \N LS-04 to LS-05 Line W. OAPHNE ST j ;1, l ! i j , ! I ,l TI rli r ,'1, i ii i_ tt , I I i 2 ! I 5 5 I D fF t W. OAPHNE ST, ui z 2 '&&.&, Match Line LS-05 to W. RIVA CAPRI AVE. 2O'SCRIVNER LATEML ffi W W 20'BEACH LATERAL EASEMENT W. MoM|LLAN ROAD ui o E z E. TIBER OR, E. LS.O6 f-.. I I & ffi m W I @ *-,-,I --",1 --,uv | {-. lGil' _l 4rse ol-.sNr.Wf .0r0r slsrudaNl83&od l I /' \ I I NVS N E o e ui @ @ ']AV OAVNVd N E U J z u oo '3AV OTZnUAV N E o E o = oo ui F E L ui ot z U o ui 3nv oNydv^ N u F z = o lnu c @ E = o 6 o @ u) J I -rl I l I r! I t z I .i il, I ,I " rl -l il 'li I Ect 21d eEf, ,a, I ! 35'LANOSCAPE BUFFER \ @ o t uJ ! z F UJ 2 ffi @ W E Match Line to LS-08 W. MCMILLAN RoAD LS-08 C.G 12'ACCESS ROAD & MULTI.USE PATHWAY 85' WHITE DRAIN EASEMENT 1O' MULTT-USE PATHWAY Is,ACCESS ROAo I I / I I l l 5'SIDEWALK REROUTED SETTLERS CANAL s,stDEwALK 15'ACCESS ROAD I' I I 1 I I --l-- 6S i o6 != oL. taa o & @ z rP 'r" o ? >q ml m< <r zm ao v 2 n6 t- t'-' POIVER ENTERPRI SES l''--' tn o N. COLONNE WAY N. TIRSO WAY rn s o ,o o o a N- COMISO CT F zIm o v N. UP RIVER rn = o a N. TEN MILE ROAD igi j I I I F i @ I i'l rll l &)<) @'rq ff-k* 'l a9 # I Exhibit B - Conditions of Approval 1. Applicant is to meet all terms of the approved rezone (RZ-10-004), preliminary plats (PP-10-004 and PP-10-005) and development agreement modification (MDA-10-009) (DA instrument #1 1 1010393) approved for this development. 2. The applicant shall have two (2) years, until December 21,2014, to obtain the City Engineer's signature on the first phase of the Volterra Subdivisions (North and South) and satisff any applicable requirements set forth in the conditions of approval in the project file referenced above. 3. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a performance surety in the amount of 1257o of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer, water and reuse infrastructure prior to final plat signature . This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Please contact Land Development for more information ar 887 -221I . 4. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of ZOVa of the total construction cost for all completed sewer, water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two (2) years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Please contact Land Development for more information at 881-221l. Volterra North and South PP TED-12-002.doc Page 6 AFFIDAVIT OI.' I,E(;AL INTE,REST S'I'A'I'E OF IDAHO } ) COTINTY OF ADA ) T, J,r4, k+ ?ztr I Z,* (rrame) larldri:ss) (city) (state) being first drrly stvom upcrn, oath. dcposc irnd s^{iy: l. That I anr thr record owner of the pnrperlv rlescrihcd on the attached. anr! I gritnt rnl' 1/+ -tAZ Z/r., fZr-u ;4Zer*Z,zl^tr t?/// 1 _1. permission to: Tq r/ n //*, /,lr/ ,.,\ ^;P J Darcdtlris /J drry <lt' /'n ll,"L (n;ultc ) (addrr:ss) to subrnit the uccon4rarying upplication(s) pertdrrinr to that propertv. I agrec to irrtlclrrnil'y. dcf'end and hold the City ol'\,leridian and its cmplo.\'ces harrnless liorn anl,chim or liabi[t1'resulLing tiom anl,disputc: as to thc statcn]cnts cr:rrtairrcrcl herr-rin or a.s to thc r-'rvncrsltip tiltltc prol'c'riy rvhiclr is thc suhiect ul'thc application. I hcretry granl pcrnrission lo City of Mcridian staii to cnter thc subjcct Frropcrty lirr the pu{)osr'. ol sits irtspJctions related to prtrcessing said applicaticrn{ s). :o /) - (Signuturc ) SUIIS(IRItlt.-D r\ND SWORN to bclbre nrc lhc day and -vear ftr-it above written. ER ?J: (Notary Public ldalto.l 6tu-'e /D C q at: _ TE flll st My Conrmi ssion [:xpires ro/zt/rt {,*, Highmark Consultant Company Request for Time Extension Narrative To Whom It May Concern: BridgeTower lnvestments, LLC here by requests a two year time extension for the approved Volterra North and Volterra South Subdivisions. The original zoning approval is R-4, R-8, C-G and L-O with a Development Agreement. The Meridian City Council approved the preliminary Plat for Volterra North and Volterra South Subdivision at the public meeting on December 21, 2010. The Pre Plat expiration date is December 21, 2012. The applicant is requesting the extension in an effort complete the design of two phases for approval and construction. We articipate construction drawing submittal to all agencies in the next couple of months. We appreciate your consideration in this matter. Justin Blackstock Managing Member Highmark Consultant Company Project Name: Planner: E,ll fo, Fire Notes: City of Meridian Development Review Agency Comments Meeting Date: Date of List: 5;l,o l* A B C D ,4 o' (D' 3:n 4 5 6 7) (8,) (g) t0 n) 62) 13 t4 15 06)&) a9 in) 20 :21) (Di 'b1 24 25 26 27 28 3}', Ae) 31 ) -/. JJ 34 35 36 )an l 3&' 39 40 4t 42 43 44 46 47 a a Police Notes 0 0) A B C D E 7l 72 73 74 75 77 78 Services 0ou ilcsro Notes: A B C @ 2 J 97 98 Parks Notes 6;bh" 30 )L 5s 59 60 93 Public Works Notes VE 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 t4 15 t6 t7 18 19 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Rev.3/3/10 76 20 30 Item #7 G, H, l& J: Volterra Subdivisions (North and South) (RZ-i0-005; PP.10.004; PP.'|0-005; MDA.'|0.009) Application(s): > Rezone, two (2) Preliminary Plats and Development Agreement Modification Size of property, existing zoning, and location: Volterra North: This site consists of 120.6 acres, is cunently zoned R-4 and is located on the northside of W. McMillan Road between N. Black Cat Road and N. Ten Mile Road. Volterra South: This srte consrsts of 80.4 acres, is cunently zoned R-4, C-G and L-O, and is located on the southwest comer of W, McMillan Road and N. Ten lVile Road, History: ln 2005, the subject property received annexation, preliminarily plat, and conditional use permit approvals for a mixed use planned development for commercial, office and single family residential. These approvals have now expired except for the recorded development agreement which is requested to be modified to reflect the new plat boundanes. ln 2008, a portion of the original Volterra North plat (111 acres) was rezoned and removed from lhe original boundary through a DA modification. This podion has an approved concept plan that depicts a large business park development. Summary of Request: ?'on ( Volterra 120.6 acres North: of land. Preliminary The previous plat approval plat consisted of 301 residential of 540 buildable lots, 1 school lots and lot slcommon and 38 common lots. The lots decrease for a total in of 239 340 lots lots has occuned because the property to the east was removed from the previous plat and was approved for a large mixed-use development in 2008. Street Connectivity: A collector network is proposed that connects to Black Cat Road at the western boundary and McMillan Road at the southern boundary. Seven (7) stub streets are proposed to adjacent properties for future connectivity (2 nofth, 3 east, 1 south and 1 west1. Micropaths: Additional micropaths where incorporated for the plat design to comply with the longer block lengths, Open Space: 21.50 acres of open space; (6) amenities - club house, 570 additional open space, swimming pool, public pathway, tot lot and water feature/art. ?( Volterra South: Rezone of 58.33 acres from the R-4 (Low-density Residential District) zone to the R-8 (Medium-density Residential District) zone and preliminary plat approval of 194 residential lots, 38 common lots, 7 commercial lots and 3 office lots for a total of 242 lots on 80.4 acres of land. The rezone is predicated on the expiration of the PD which allowed a reduction in street frontages and lot sizes. The previous plat consisted of 188 residential lots, 2lcommon lots, 13 commercial lots and 4 office lots. This is an increase of 6 residential lots and a decrease of 6 commercial lots and 1 office lot from the previous plat approved in 2005. Street Connectivity: A smaller scaled collector network provides one connection to McMillan Road for the residential portion of the plat that aligns with San Vito Way in the Voltena North plat. A second collector street provrdes connection to McMillan Road and Ten Mile Road. Two (2) stub streets and one pedestrian connection are provided to adjacent properties for future conne cliuily (1 south and 1 west). Pedestrian connection is provided to the Drawbridge Subdivision, Two (2) access points to the adjacent arterial streets. One provides access to McMillan Road and other to Ten Mile Road. Both access points align with access points across the arterials. Seeking Council waiverforthe two proposed access points. Micropaths: Additional micropaths where incorporated for the plat design to comply with the longer block lengths. The pedestrian connections for between Blocks 30 and 31 has been enlarged and consolidated to 1) provide an open space corridor to the 2.9 acre park and 2) meet the requirements as requested by the Fire Department regarding the street separation between propsed blocks. Open Space: 8.83 acres of open space; (3) amenities - 5% additional open space, public pathway and tot lot. DA Modification: The proposed DA modification is necessary to ensure that future development is consistent with the new plats and that lhe timing for development improvements and elevations are represented in the recorded development agreement (DA).The DA modification addresses the following items: x 1) the timing and amenities planned for the two parks, 2) the requirements for the future designs of the residential and commercial buildings, 3) the removal of unnecessary language and 4) removal of old exhibits and the attachment of new exhibits to represent the correct property boundaries proposed with the new plats. Commission Recommendation: Approval at their November 4th Public Hearing Summary i. of Commission ln favor: None Public Hearing: ii. ln opposition: None iii. Commenting: Chuck Chnstensen, Paul Poorman, Michael Wasnea iv. Wriften testimony: None Key lssue(i. s) of C-G Discussion zoned property by Commission:adjacent to the residential planned in the Voltena South Subdivision ii. lncreased traffic on Ten Mile Road. Key Commission Change(s) to Staff Recommendation: i. None Written Testimony since Commission Hearing: None Outstanding lssue(s) for Cig Council: i. Applicant is requesting two (2) Councilwaivers: - / .,/' 1) exemption from tiling the White Drain and the Lemp Canal and J'- 2i ttre rignfin/rignfout access points to McMillan Road and Ten Mile Road. ci( z/ Notes: * Cl^-lL C[urSL, Attn by Page 1 of 1 Barbara Shiffer From: lVachelle Hill Sent: Monday, October 11,2010 2:55 Plttl Subject: FW: City of Meridian Development Applications - Volterra Subdivisions (North & South) The City of ttlleridian is requesting comments and recommendations on the application referenced above To review detailed information about the request, please click on the file number above to take you directly to the application. We request that you submit your comments or recommendations by date specified above. When responding, please reference the file number of the project. lf responding by email, please send comments to clerk@meridiancity.orq. For additional information associated with this application please contact City Clerk's Office at number below. Thank you, Machelle Hill Meridian City Clerk's Office 33 E. Broadway Avenue Meridian, lD 83642 (208) 888-4433 m h ill@rne!-rd iar sjly. o rs lsAl{fr City of lMeridian City Clerk's Office 33 E. Broadway Avenue Meridian, lD 83642 To: Cit1,'Departments Comments due by: October 28,2010 Transmittal Date October 11,2010 File No.: RZ 10-005, PP 10-004 and PP l0- 0s5 Hearin,q Date November 4,2010 Request: Public Hearing - Volterra Subdivisions (North and South) - Rezone of 58.33 acres from R-4 (low density residential) zoning district to the R-8 (medium density residential) zoning district for Volterra South; Preliminary Plat approval of 301 residential lots, I school lot & 38 common lots on approximately 120.6 acres in an R-4 zone for Volterra North; and Preliminary Plat approval of 194 residential lots, 10 commercial lots & 22 common lots on approximately 80.4 acres in proposed C-G, L-O & proposed R-8 zones for Volterra South By Primeland Investment Group, LLC Location of Property or Project North side of W. McMillan Road between N. Black Cat Road and N. Ten Mile Road 1011112010 I l I 1 / l trl r-tt --- ---r I I I I I I L a o Proposed 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 210 . Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 . Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 . Website: www.meridianciry".org | (Rev. ll/29/11) Date Assessor's parcel number(s): sa 427 31 4 4800,50427 41 0000, 5042 7 4387 20,50 434 1 20 800, S04 34 1 1 0020 Section 34 and 27,4N,1W Total acreage: Township, range, section: 201 Cunent land use: Fdrffi Current zoning district: R4,R-8,C-G,L-O 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 210 o Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 o Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 o Website: uurr.meridianciry-.org | @ev. 11/29/) 1) Type of Review Requested (check all that apply) l