MAC Strategic Plan 2014-2019 MERIDIAN ARTS COMMISSION STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 2 INTRODUCTION The mission of the Meridian Arts Commission (MAC) is to develop, advance and nurture all facets of the arts to enhance the quality of life for Meridian residents and its visitors. We envision a vibrant arts community that integrates the arts experience into our everyday life and enhances the spirit of our great city. To that end, MAC drafted this strategic plan, in order to articulate a vision of the arts in Meridian, and MAC’s role in that vision, between 2014 and 2019. This document focuses on eight core goals that reflect MAC’s priorities for this time period, and details MAC’s objectives, strategies, action items, and timeline for accomplishing these goals. The Mayor appoints members of the community to serve on MAC on a volunteer basis. As of September 2014, MAC’s appointed members include Stephanie Barnes, Michelle Glaze, Mary Jensen (chair), Leslie Mauldin (vice chair), Brian Schreiner, and Dwight Williams. A member of the Meridian City Council also sits on the commission as an ex-officio member; Genesis Milam is currently serving in this capacity. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES As MAC embarks on this five-year period, the challenges facing the commission include the inherent nature of membership on MAC – each member is appointed to a four-year term. When a commissioner resigns, retires, or completes his or her term, it can be challenging to orient the new member to operations within the municipal structure. Turnover, however seldom, can impact productivity as new members gain a comfort level equivalent to veteran members. Another challenge facing MAC is a need for increased hours for dedicated, paid administrative staff. A quarter of a full-time Human Resources Department employee’s time is currently dedicated to providing administrative support to MAC; often, this is not enough time to provide clerical support for MAC’s many assignments and initiatives, in addition to preparation for MAC’s monthly meetings. Educating the public on the importance of art is a third challenge facing MAC today. Opportunities to experience and participate in visual and performing arts can strengthen cities, increase, livability, and contribute to a sense of place and community, yet it can sometimes be difficult to find funding for the arts, particularly for public arts agencies. MAC is fortunate to face more opportunities than challenges. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Meridian are supportive of the arts and of MAC. Our commun ity benefits from the high value that our elected leaders have placed on the arts. This support is invaluable to MAC as we approach our objectives in the next five years. According to a May 22, 2014 Associated Press article, Meridian is one of the fastest-growing cities in the United States. Its population more than doubled between 2004 and 2014, and the increased number of residents and businesses will provide opportunities for growth in the arts, in the form of partnerships, patron support, and offering a larger audience for artists. Meridian’s location is also a plus – located right on Interstate 84, it is easily accessible, central to the urban corridor within the Treasure Valley, and offers a new focal point for urban arts opportunities. MAC’s greatest opportunity is in the community-minded spirit of our volunteers. MAC has a legacy of bringing together dedicated, hearty individuals who work tirelessly to see that those who comes to Meridian to live, work, and play can take part in the arts! 3 I. PUBLIC ARTS Goal: Meridian’s residents and visitors will have an opportunity to experience art in public arts. Objective Strategy Action items Timeline A. Public arts will be integrated as a component of community development 1. Partner with MDC and private developers to create public arts in the redevelopment area a. Meet with MDC to assess opportunities in redevelopment area By FY18 b. Assist with coordination of public arts project By FY18 2. Work with Meridian Parks & Recreation Department to incorporate public arts as part of the park system a. Meet with Meridian Parks & Recreation Department to assess opportunities By FY18 b. Facilitate selection of professional artists and/or youth organizations for creation of artwork By FY18 B. Pursue Percent-for- Arts ordinance with the City 1. Collaborate with City Legal Department to draft Percent-for-Arts ordinance a. Research Percent-for-Arts programs in other communities FY14 b. Determine feasibility of Percent-for-Arts program FY14 c. Work with Meridian Development Corporation to establish program guidelines FY14 d. Meet with City attorneys to report findings FY14 2. Advocate and educate elected leaders and public about benefits of Percent-for- Arts program a. Identify specific benefits of Percent-for-Arts programs FY15 b. Create presentation for civic, city organizations FY15 c. Identify/recruit volunteer advocates FY15 d. Identify opposing opinion and groups FY15 3. Present Percent-for- Arts ordinance for approval a. Complete and have in place for approval and present FY15 C. Invest funds available through the Meridian Art in Public Spaces (MAPS) ordinance Install visual art in public places in Meridian a. Install twenty-five (25) traffic box vinyl wraps (five (5) per year) By FY19 b. Install two (2) pieces of artwork in public parks c. Install one (1) major public art piece in downtown Meridian 4 II. ARTS EDUCATION FOR YOUTH Goal: The youth in Meridian will learn to perform, create, and experience the arts. Objective Strategy Action items Timeline A. Develop and offer extracurricular arts opportunities to youth 1. Participate in Meridian Symphony Orchestra young artist award program a. Provide funding and judges Annually 2. Participate in West Ada School District art show a. Provide funding and judges Annually 3. Identify art programs a. Involve and inform artists and public As opportunities arise 4.Collaborate with arts activities providers to promote artistic activities a. Promote via newspaper/magazine advertising, social media, cross-promotion with other activities Annually, and as opportunities arise 5. Hire youth theater provider a. Cultivate relationship with local youth theater provider(s) Annually 5 III. PERFORMING ARTS Goal: The residents and visitors of Meridian will have the opportunity to experience performing arts Objective Strategy Action items Timeline A. Provide musical arts opportunities in Meridian 1. Produce free “Concerts on Broadway” series at City Hall amphitheater a. Reserve City Hall plaza, obtain permits, book performers, rent chairs and sound system, advertise event, provide stage management at event. Four times per summer B. MAC will sponsor performing arts in partnership with community organizations 1. Promote and endorse area performing arts opportunities a. Promote via City News, City website As opportunities arise 2. Connect local performing artists with community presenting organizations a. Create database of performing artists, presenting organizations and make available upon request FY18 6 IV. ARTS AWARENESS Goal: Meridian residents will gain understanding of the arts. Objective Strategy Action items Timeline A. MAC will partner with other community organizations to support and encourage adult arts education programs 1. Develop arts education program within Parks & Recreation Department a. Identify arts educators and collaborate on curriculum development for arts education program As needed 2. MAC facilitates connection between teachers and activity program providers a. Create database of local arts educators and make available upon request FY18 B. Raise awareness and promote existing arts offerings and artwork within the community 1. Inventory existing community artworks and arts organizations a. Establish an inventory committee FY15 b. Complete inventory FY16 c. Provide information on MAC webpage FY17 d. Develop print version of inventory FY17 e. Create print brochure FY16 C. Cultivate base of arts support and patrons in the community 1. Make presentations to civic organizations a. Prepare list of community civic groups with dates and times Annually b. Chair appoints representative(s) to attend meetings Annually c. Prepare talking points and items of interest/importance about the arts and MAC Annually d. Attend meetings and present Six times annually 2. Issue press release about MAC activities a. Work with City to complete press releases As needed 3. Maintain good relationship with local media by welcoming them to meetings a. Work with Communications Manager to compile list of local media Ongoing b. Work with Communications Manager to send agenda information to local media Ongoing 7 4. Represent MAC by attending area events a. Discuss and appoint commission representative to attend events and report to MAC As needed 5. Encourage public attendance at MAC meetings a. Post meetings on community calendars As needed 6. Publicize MAC goals/visions a. Share at community events and civic group meetings Quarterly b. Prepare printed version of Strategic Plan to use for advertising and fund raising As needed c. Establish marketing budget of $500 Annually 7. Work with City’s communications director to maintain web presence by updating quarterly a. Assign commissioner to be responsible for by quarterly contact with City’s communication director Quarterly b. Review web site information to insure updates are timely and correct Annually D. Pursue public input into MAC’s program and goals 1. Form public committees for selection of public artworks a. Identify committee members appropriate to project As needed 2. Conduct written and web surveys a. Prepare survey Annually b. Distribute survey at area civic meeting and at public events in the community Annually c. Use City website and Chamber website for web surveys Annually d. Tally results for Strategic planning use Annually 8 V. VISUAL ARTS EXHIBITIONS Goal: Meridian residents and visitors will have the opportunity to experience the visual arts. Objective Strategy Action items Timeline A. Present visual arts exhibits for the community to enjoy 1. Coordinate rotating exhibits in the Initial Point Gallery at City Hall a. Issue call to artists, vet applying artists, work with selected artists before, during and at the end of each exhibit. Annually b. Establish volunteer group to handle installation and removal responsibilities Annually B. Support visual arts opportunities presented by other community groups 1. Promote other exhibits by posting on MAC web page, City calendar, Chamber newsletter and calendar a. Prepare list of groups to be included As needed b. Notify groups of our interest in them As needed 9 VI. SUPPORTING LOCAL ARTISTS Goal: Local artists will have opportunities to showcase their work. Objective Strategy Action items Timeline A. Visual artists will be provided exhibition opportunities 1. Coordinate rotating exhibits in the Initial Point Gallery at City Hall every month a. Form committee to review/select featured artists Annually b. Assist artist with move-in, installation & take-down Monthly c. Provide display space for artist’s information Monthly d. Promote artist (Opening night event, website, etc) Monthly B. MAC will partner with other community organizations to support and encourage performing/visual arts opportunities 1. Identify local performing and visual artists and opportunities a. Create database of performing and visual artists and opportunities and make available upon request FY18 10 VII. PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Goal: Meridian residents, visitors and artists will have a place to experience and participate in the arts. Objective Strategy Action items Timeline A. Convene partners to develop a design concept, implementation strategy 1. Work with partners to conduct feasibility study to assess size, location, elements and sustainability of a performing arts center a. Establish Performing Arts Center MAC subcommittee FY14 b. Research how other cities similar to Meridian implemented their performing arts centers FY15 c. Identify and convene community stakeholders FY15 11 VIII. SUSTAINABILITY Goal: MAC will build the human and financial resources needed to fulfill its vision. Objective Strategy Action items Timeline A. Establish paid City staff arts administrator 1. Work with the City to develop a permanent paid arts administrator position to provide professional support and expertise when needed a. Create job description for public arts administrator and contract work, grant writing, event planning, etc. FY15 b. Gain approval from City to add full-time employee FY15 c. Include professional services in City budget FY15 d. Educate elected officials on the importance of paid staff FY15 B. Develop Commission to its fullest capacity 1. Develop formal process for board orientation a. Research other boards and commissions FY15 2. Identify needed skills a. Write job descriptions for commissioners, committee members FY15 3. Provide professional development training at annual retreat a. Plan annual commission retreat FY15 C. Create and develop a core volunteer group 1. Identify MAC’s volunteer needs a. Create volunteer job descriptions FY15 b. Develop recruitment strategy FY15 c. Volunteer recognition program FY15 D. Seek and obtain public/private financial resources needed to fulfill MAC’s goals/objectives 1. Research grant opportunities a. Contact professional arts organizations As needed b. Research opportunities through internet sources As needed 2. Apply for grants as they fit program needs a. Appoint grant writing chair or recruit grant-writing volunteer As needed b. Seek professional services as project requires As needed 3. Continue to identify individual/business contributors a. Find, accept opportunities to promote arts Ongoing 12 4. Formalize donor recognition a. Send thank you letters Ongoing b. Establish levels of giving FY14 c. Public acknowledgement at MAC/City events Ongoing d. Invite donors to events Ongoing 5. Continue to foster positive relationships with elected officials a. Invite officials to MAC meetings Monthly b. Meet with city officials to discuss MAC vision Quarterly meetings with Mayor Take Part in the Arts!