CZC-15-003 VERIZON WIRELESS CO-LOCATION\f Lq, I*'il DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT OWNER: CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE REPORT February 9,2015 Doug Kofford Bill Parsons, Planning Supervisor Verizon Wireless Co-Location - CZC-I5-003 DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant requests certificate of zoning compliance (CZC) to collocate a new 12 panel antenna array on an existing 55' monopole and construct a block wall equipment area (9' X 13'6") on the properly located at 3100 N. Florence Street. The subject properry is zoned, I-L. DECISION The applicant's request for CZC is approved with the conditions listed in this report. Note: This is not a building permit. You must complete this process before you commence the use or any construction. Please contact Building Services at (208) 887-2211 to verify the b ui I din g p e rmit an d/o r insp e c t io n r e q u ir e me nts. Process Conditions of Approval l. No signs are approved with this application. Prior to installing any signs on the properly, the applicant shall submit a sign permit application consistent with the standards in UDC Chapter 3 Article D and receive approval for such signs. 2. The siteflandscape plan prepared by TAEC, dated 0l/23/15 is approved as shown in Exhibit B with the following modifications: o The existing landscaping around the construction zone must remain protected during construction on the site. r The applicant shall mitigate the removal of the existing l2-inch tree from the site in accord with UDC 11-38-10. 3. The elevations prepared by TAEC, dated01l23l15 are approved as shown in Exhibit C. 4. The applicant shall pay any applicable impact fees prior to the issuance of a building permit. 5. The applicant shall complete all required improvements prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. It is unlawfulto use or occupy any building or structure untilthe Building Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy. 6. The applicant should be aware that the proposed wireless facility equipment area will be constructed over a private 35-foot wide water and sewer service easement for Lot 2 of Ammon Properties Subdivision. The City has no jurisdiction over the easement area and if any damage occurs to the existing services during construction the applicant/owner is responsible. E IAN Conditions Document Verizon Wireless Co-Location CZC IDAHO Ongoing Conditions of Approval 1. The applicant and/or assigns shall have the continuing obligation to provide irrigation that meets the standards as set forlh in UDC 1 1-38-6 and to install and maintain all landscaping as set forth in UDC 11-38-5, UDC 11-38-13 and UDC 11-38-14. 2. The project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances. 3. The issuance of this CZC does not release the applicant from any previous requirements of the other permits issued for the site (CZC-07- 108). 4. The applicant and/or properly owner shall have an ongoing obligation to prune all trees to a minimum height of six feet above the ground or sidewalk surface to afford greater visibility of the area. 5. The applicant has a continuing obligation to comply with the outdoor lighting provisions as set forth in UDC 1 I -3A-l 1. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW The applicant or a parly of record may request City Council review of a decision of the Director. All requests for review shall be filed in writing with the Planning Department on or before February 24,2015, within fifteen (15) days after the written decision is issued, and contain the information listed in UDC I I - 5A-68. If City Council review of the decision is not requested, the action of the Director represents a final decision on a land use application. You have the right to request a regulatory taking analysis under Idaho Code 67-8003. EXPIRATION Certificates of Zoning Compliance issued in conjunction with a proposed use shall expire if said use has not commenced within one year of the date of issuance of the Certificate of Zoning Compliance. Certificates of Zoning Compliance issued in conjunction with construction or alteration of a structure shall expire if said construction or alteration has not commenced within one year of the date of issuance of the Certificate of Zoning Compliance. In accord with the above provisions, the subject Certificate of Zoning Compliance is valid until February 9,2016. EXHIBITS A. Vicinity Map B. Equipment Plan and Antenna Plan (dated: 0ll23ll5) C. E,levations (dated: 01123115) Conditions Document 2 Verizon Wireless Co-Location CZC A. Vicinity Map Vicinity Map Legend lrl I r rArea of lmpact - Parcels - Meridian ffi 0.0425 0.085 Miles o ,N\ \^\n^. 1405 I ril - lJrrl.,'rllrr !it l x t* ;r Print Date:2/6/20'15 0 Th€ intormolio sfom oa lhas map is @mpiled lrom varDus $qces ond is subi@t lo c$slanl.evision The C& ot l\lend6n m6kes no waranty or gu.antee as lo the @ntent. occu.acy limeliBs oa @mpldeness ot any of the dal6 provd€d. and assures no legal respffsrbilaty ltr tl€ olomalao cmlaioed on th6 m@. I Conditions Document J Verizon Wireless Co-Location CZC rl M-q, !r' t EI ! ! -: fi"11 +lt 3., 19 I ir,' ., i I | "' .'trl t ;GQ#crflr..t=: 31 $,'l :' tfn :- ', ,rt!' ." :. J $: l,;f,.:;t:rnn"rr, --I rt B: I t ! lpa '{- aiic {3l; .?-l .tt; ' ll' P h B. Site Plan (dated: 01123115) ior ilr4'bME* rr.uaN,(,Emtrrilt{6 ffiil(lset:r*r&6s E@ s'B6!'rcfrI)r-rrr r { venvcxt wrreless E@OXffiELESS aor - cnotsRilDs ya[ rE l/. ttC !, I3i, R1t Ir& E. tLftnct sT. ETl.reED SMP6 c'101 ECHIOIMY MhES Conditions Document 4 Verizon Wireless Co-Location CZC \i... I ,.1 l ,I !- i s C. E,levations (dated: 0ll23l15) ffi 66WsDlcC{B {-rsE1re4d ,l!q*c 1?)d-.€ 0 r4icq i6 r@r {Hrffift1rr:-r,! r ffiffi !i il t, lr verivilt wreloss lwsmEus r- TNC ffi6llsnB c200 Conditions Document 5 Verizon Wireless Co-Location CZC lBr - crossMs ru lxr r/. sc r. T$. Prt I 316 a- rlffincr sr. I rftN. rD r$.2 [-- mco-@m -- SIIE EIEVATIONS E* o Fi L. i * a t ' t110 I OAHO