CZC-12-090 DES-12-059 ALT-13-001 THE FIELDS AT GRAMERCY APARTMENTSN* REVISED DATE: CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE REPORT ?),{, IAN TO: FROM: SUBJECT OWNER: Februa .nr8 October 4. 2013 Perry Homes, LLC Bill Parsons, Associate City Planner The Fields at Gramercy Apafiments czc-lz-090; DES-r 2-059, ALT-I3-001 Perry Homes, LLC DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant, Perry Homes, LLC requests Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC), administrative design review (DES) and alternative compliance approval to construct a 276-unit multi-family development in an R-40 zoning district. The subject site will develop with ten (10) apartment buildings. a clubhouse/office building, seventeen ( 17) garage structures and thi*y-eight twenty-one (3821) carport structures. The proposed project will include a mix of one and two bedroom units. Amenities proposed for the development are as follows: an outdoor pavilion, a swimming pool, a hot tub, a clubhouse with a fitness facility, internal walking palhs, central common open space and an entry feature located in the northwest corner of the development. The site is located at2685 E. Blue Horizon Drive. DECISION The applicant's request for CZC, DES and ALT are approved with the conditions listed in this report. Note: This is not a building permit. Please contact Buitding Services at (208) BB7-2211 to veriJy submittal requirements. You must complete this process before 1,ou commence the use or construction. As part oJ'the application submittol, you will need to provide one set of thefinal, sttmped ,,approved,, Planning Department plans, stamped and signed by the architect and/or civil engineer as apjlicoble. You must provide these plans in PDF format and hardcop), ss speciJied in the Building Seriices ,,plan Intake Checklist" und include them with your building submittul set. Please contoct Buitding Services for additionql details qbout building permits and inspections. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1. The applicant shall construct all proposed fencing and/or any fencing required by the UDC, consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC ll-31^-7 and l l-3,{-68. 2. All ground level mechanical equipment shall be screened to the height of the unit as viewed from the property line in accord with UDC l1-3A-19A.1e. 3. Future lighting plan shall include a cohesive lighting scheme that should be integrated as elements of the building and site design in accord with the Meridian Design Manual (C- 4. Prior to the issuance ofa certificate ofoccupancy, the applicant shall provide recorded legally binding documents that state the maintenance and ownership responsibilities for the management of the development, including but not limited to, structures, parking, common areas, and other development features. The responsible parQ shall be a single entity overseeing the entire multi-family development. Conditions Documcnt I The Fields at Grarncrcy Apartments CZC DES & ALT IDAHO REVISED 5. The applicant shall record a final plat prior to obtaining the final certificate of occupancy for any structure within the proposed development. 6. Prior to the final certificate of occupancy for any structure within the proposed development, the applicant shall vacate any unused utility easements ,i urry portion thereof platted on Lots 1-3, Block 7 of Gramercy Subdivision No. l. The easement vacation requires a public hearing and the submittal of a vacation application. Please contact the planning Department to initiate this process. Please note the vacation application may be submitted concurrently with a final plat application. 7. Per the recorded development agreement, the owner of the S-acre parcel to the south of the proposed development must construct a dirt berm along the south edge of the required fire lane. The berm shall be high enough to screen the vehicle lights from th. p.opo..d multi- family development. The proposed emergency access must obtain Fire Department approval and be installed with the development of this site prior to the issuance of certificate of occupancy for any structure (see Exhibit E). Process Conditions of Approval I ' No signs are approved with this application. Prior to installing any signs on the property, the applicant shall submit a sign permit application consistent with the standards in UDC Chapter 3 Article D and receive approval for such signs. 2. Per UDC 1 I -5B-5B2, the Director (at the applicant's request) approved alternative compliance to UDC I I -38-8C in regard to the parking lot landscape requirements (see Anulysis section belov, .fo r nto re i n /brntuti o n ). 3. The applicant shall complete all irnprovements related to public life, safety, and health as set forth in UDC I l-5C-3B. A surety agreement may be accepted for other improvlments in accord with trDC I l-5C_3C. 4. Upon installation of the landscaping and prior to inspection by Planning Department staff, tlie applicant shall provide a written certificate of completion as set forth in UD-C l l-3B-14A. 5. The site plan prepared by The Architects office dated ol28ttr3 05ll5ll3, labeled Sheet Al .o plz, is approved (stamped "approved" onE/Q8/1310104113 by the City of Meridian planning Department) with the following changes: o Provide bike racks for each apartment building per the approved CUp Findings. r Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide an exhibit that details the mailbox locations for the development. o Coordinate with ACHD on the proposed site/landscape improvements within their easement. 6. The landscape plan prepared by Jensen Belts Associates dated 0ll28l13,labeled Sheet Ll.0 is approved (stamped "approved" on02108113 by the City of Meridian Planning Department) with the following comment: o All existing (street buffers) landscaping adjacent to the construction zone must remain protected during construction on the site. o Protect any existing trees on or adjacent to the subject property that are greater than four- inch caliper and/or mitigate for the loss of such trees as set forth in UDC 1l-3B-10. Conditions Documcnt 2 The Fields at Gramercy Apartments CZC DES & ALT REVISED 7. The elevations prepared by The Architects Office dated I ll01ll2, 0ll0lll3 and 0llZgll3, labeled A5.0, A5'1, AG4.0, AG5.0, AC5.1 and AC5.1, are approved (stamped "approved" onO2lOBll3by the city of Meridian Planning Department) with the following comment: r At a minimum the apartment buildings and garages shall have two color schemes and include two field colors and one trim color. The carports shall be painted or powder coated to match the color scheme of the development. 8. The approved site plan, landscape plan and/or elevations may not be altered without prior written approval of the City of Meridian planning Department. 9. The applicant shall pay any applicable impact fees prior to the issuance of a building permit. l0' If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate ACHD requirements, the applicant shall submit a new site plan to the City of Meridian Planning Departmeni for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. I 1. The applicant shall complete all required improvements prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. It is unlawful to use or occupy any building or structure until the Building Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy. 12. Ifthe subject property is part ofa final plat that has not yet recorded, the applicant shall be responsible for all plat improvements prior to release of Certificate of Occupancy for the first structure within such plat. Ongoing Conditions of Approval l. The applicant and/or assigns shall have the continuing obligation to provide irrigation that meets the standards as set forth in UDC 1l-38-6 and to install and maintain alllandscaping as set forth in UDC 11-3B-5, UDC l1-3B-13 and UDC 11-3B-14. 2. The applicant shall comply with the outdoor storage as an accessory use standards as set forth in UDC 11-34-14. 3. The project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances and previous conditions of approval associated with this site (PP-11-014, MCU-12-002, MCU-13-004, MDA-12-004, MDA- 13-012 and Development Agreement Instrument No(s). ll21O777l and 113111796). 4. The issuance of this CZC does not release the applicant from any previous requirements of the other permits issued for the site. 5. The applicant and/or property owner shall have an ongoing obligation to prune all trees to a minimum height of six feet above the ground or sidewalk surface to afford greater visibility of the area. 6. The applicant has a continuing obligation to comply with the outdoor lighting provisions as set forth in UDC I 1-3A-1 l. The outdoor lighting shall have downward shielding on the building and perimeter lighting and shall not impact the surrounding single-family residences. 7. The applicant andlor property owner shall have an ongoing obligation to maintain all landscaping and constructed features within the clear vision triangle consistent with the standards in UDC I l- 3A-3. 8. The applicant and/or assigns shall have the continuing obligation to meet the specific use standards for the proposed use as set forth in UDC ll-4-3-27. 9. The conditional use approval shall be null and void if the applicant fails to 1) commence the use within two years as set forth in UDC 1 1-58-6F I or 2) gain approval of a time extension as set forth in UDC 11-5B-6F4. Conditions Document 3 The Fietds at Gramercy Apartments CZC DES & ALT REVISED \rtl ALTERNATIVE COMPLIANCE REQUEST The applicant has submitted a request for alternative compliance pertaining to the parking lot landscaping, as follows: 1. The applicant requests approval of alternative compliance to UDC 1 l-3B-8C which requires along the east and south boundary; atree within the require planter islands for every twelfth stall. The applicant's preference is not to plant trees within the planter islands along these boundaries because the perimeter of the development will have garages which could be damaged by the growth of the trees. Additionally, the applicant made commitments to the adjacent neighbors that the open stalls along the south boundary would be bermed and screened to minimize light glare from the vehicles. In order to accommodate this design, the applicant is proposing to plant the required trees near the planter islands to screen the parking area. The south boundary will have the number of trees required by the UDC. Along the east boundary, the applicant is deficient a total of five (5) trees. These trees will be placed adjacent to the internal common open space. 2. Eight (8) trees are required to be planted in the landscape buffer adjacent to the southwest boundary. The required trees cannot be accommodated along this boundary due to an existing ACHD seepage bed. To mitigate for the loss of the trees the applicant is providing a 15-foot wide landscape buffer which includes a mix of shrubs, lawn and ornamental grasses. The eight (8) required trees will be placed adjacent to the internal common open space. Staff has reviewed the applicant's request meets the intent of the landscape ordinance, thus staff approves the request. ALTERNATIVE COMPLIANCE FINDINGS: In order to grant approval for alternative compliance, the director shall determine the following findings: 1. Strict adherence or application of the requirements is not feasibre; oR ACHD has jurisdiction over the easement and will not allow the planting of the eight trees. Further, any required trees planted within the landscape islands adjacent to the garages may damage the structures. For these reasons strict adherence is not feasible. 2. The alternative compliance provides an equal or superior means for meeting the requirements; and The Director finds the applicant meets the intent of the landscape ordinance since the thirteen (13) required trees will be planted internal to the site and the applicant has added shrubs and ornamental grasses and a 2-foot berm which provides visual interest within ACHD easement area. Further, the south boundary has the required trees prescribe by the UDC and the proposed design ofthe buffer adequately addresses the adjacent residents concerns with screening the parking area. The east boundary will have an adequate number of trees to provide some screening the parking area and provide attractive landscaping adjacent to the pathway constructed in the El Dorado development. 3. The alternative means will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or impair the intended uses and character ofthe surrounding properties. Conditions Document 4 The Fields at Gramercy Apartments CZC DES & ALT REVISED Staff finds that the proposed alternative will not be detrimental to the public welfare or impair the use/character of the surrounding properties since the applicant is honoring its commitments to the adjacent neighbors and providing the required trees by City ordinance. Further, the proposed alternative provides a cohesive landscape design for the entire development thus preserving the character ofthe surrounding area. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW The applicant or a party of record may request City Council review of a decision of the Director. All requests for review shall be filed in writing with the Planning Department on or before Febn*aer43 October 19.2013, within fifteen (15) days after the written decision is issued, and contain the information listed in IIDC 11-5A-68. If City Council review of the decision is not requested, the action of the Director represents a final decision on a land use application. You have the right to request a regulatory taking analysis under Idaho Code 67-8003. EXPIRATION Certificates of Zoning Compliance issued in conjunction with a proposed use shall expire if said use has not commenced within one year of the date of issuance of the Certificate of Zoning Compliance. Certificates of Zoning Compliance issued in conjunction with construction or alteration of a structure shall expire if said construction or alteration has not commenced within one year of the date of issuance of the Certificate of Zoning Compliance. In accord with the above provisions, the subject Certificate of Zoning Compliance is valid until February 8 October 4.2014. EXHIBITS A. Vicinity Map B. Site Plan (dared: O+/?f,A305A5A3) C. Landscape Plan (dated: 01128113) D. Building Elevations (dated: ttt}tlt2, OU\Ut3 and0lt28l13) E. Emergency Access Exhibit Conditions Document 5 The Fields at Gramercy Apartrnents CZC DES & ALT REVISED \- A. Vicinity Map 6 -\ r.1) =. Conditions Document The Fields at Gramercy Apartments CZC DES & ALT Dr c € c o t E RtbE o J E Green Canyon Dr Creek Dr E Easy Jet ct E Blue E lndian Gala E Copper point St E Overland Rd Orc ! o = TN-R E Griffon C.G o o !so I I E Three E Gala St C.C 6 =E .2 c L-O ," .\\ \-' U, E Parry Jet St Tick St E Griffon st f, q Dobermano( ? RR E Blue d B. Site Plan (dated: O++28/+J 05 I I 5 I l3') Ettft - REVISED ,fiIJf,gl TnlI' A A trtrl.nEErt- rEItrt ITTIITR - II|E ffi'E lrG' iE! dffik=lcf+:ffi ffi- IEE.. aaffi-iEs sE- * *"- ffi tffiHl--,*__ & snmrm -f qrr E-r ; - GEI I' }Al' E - - - [1.0P&Z -= u::- {ts* 7 lrEnI E m t-- Conditions Document The Fields at Gramercy Apartmenrs CZC DES & ALT ,tnE _ lrr ( C. Landscape Plan (dated: 01128113) REVISED PALETTE \OTE C. A { fl ct) fB gi=g *i=EF .z+F-- = d c;@ t * [.trI aq Itr* d.os 2rysrla.rnr is aunrrrm 'tifi' t-H -I rfl ry 11.0 Conditions Docurnent 8 The Fields at Gramercy Aparrmenrs CZC DES & ALT i REVISED D. Building Elevations (dated: lll}ll12, Oll01l13 and Oll28l13) *L- ir*- m1 IATrIEII W *tt ITTI'ETETBMI 2!++trtr.Errr 2i-arxrlrlE -ulr /H+E!E!!!! E!!!E!{etri IirStstaEB!.!:'retr-..f iilEritlEE strl;r4,gF. IITEE.B gGt rre IB' \6- *- *e- trG'- f A e# 45.0 rrceEt ffEr !aE /E 45.1 *J.. *d- m EH 9 ].t fI ii: I ==ff Conditions Document The Fields at Gramercy Apartrnents CZC DES & ALT TT II ll llll !l ll ik- *H*- *i* _ .llir fii - i 'Il ll ll il il. ll II lt Il ll !t E ll TI REVISED 4:ryrqrary.nn :1. !S54!IE14 -.,:= r: {lv+ nxilE'm .lrffilrta€ulEmm l-- E,JIE' ' A lsmm --.., 3.1!a+nlr!amna Earcr;+ Il'm TCmm ItEXll IIIEffilE nreI xtEI emw -@rul@we r- *1 -"-= ry H*-@ ar,- .llImsrEalma tt- 139=!g!.Ery=..1r:.y a.t- em AG5.O 149=?!E44! F!.!i.'.':r ETE. A lEtElt l;:-- I I mE Rtrrrs 4G ,I'IE t _* ?,i#rir:1t,. rr..;r: -..,p..., J' tt,L{iil_,:1 .r*r, ,u.rllr' . 4C5.0 Conditions Document l0 The Fields at Gramercy Aparrments CZC DES & ALT *++ REVISED g))- - l![iltxE. * {I- gllEm l- t:- I nr Rrrm lrrrc lmsrr 4G5.1 +:--+- "';n;, + Conditions Document ll The Fields at Gramercy Apartments CZC DES & ALT 2:PIEE!!L --, E. Emergency Access Exhibit REVISED l ,w ffi o o ! o n o _a I i,. i .t l- 't,l ,ii i t I ;------, -.) i I it I rIi t, rl il I, Conditions Document t2 The Fields at Gramercy Apartments CZC DES & ALT ffiffiffi ir:8ffi#---ur--:-UffEf.ffi-:E:" _; /- g il r l -:,1 -!rsffi *IETM ** *-' - t-"---^----- -- !reEle. rcr-ffi or- oe R-4