CZC-13-080 DES-13-076 WATER DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING GENERATOR AND TRASH ENCLOSUREr CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE REPORT E IDIAN IDAHO DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT OWNER: July l, 2013 Lane Huddleston, DC Engineering, PC Kristy Vigil, Assistant City Planner Water Division Administrative Building Generator and Trash Enclosure CZC-13-080 and DES- I 3-07 6 City of Meridian DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant, Lane Huddleston, requests Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC) and Design Review (DES) approval of a 127.92 square-foot trash enclosure and a 60.38 square-foot addition to the existing trash enclosure for a power generator on 4 acres of land in the L-O zoning district. The site is located at2235 NW 8th Street. DECISION The applicant's request for Certificate of ZoningCompliance and Design Review is approved with the conditions listed in this report. Note: Thk is not a building permit, Please contact Bailding Services at (208) 887-2211 to verify rf you need a building permit and/or inspection. If you do need a buitding permit, you must complete that process before you commence the use or construction. As part of the application submittal, you will need to provide one set of the jinol, stamped ,,approved,, Planning Department plans, stomped and signed by the urchitect ond/or civil engineer as applicoble. You must provide these plans in PDFformat and hardcopy as speciJied in the Building Services "Plan Intake Checklist" and include them with your building submittol set. Please contact Building Services for odditional details about buitding permits and inspections. Site Conditions of Approval 1. Business hours of operation within the L-O and C-N districts shall be limited from 6 am to l0 pm as set forth in UDC I l-28-3A4. Process Conditions of Approval l. No signs are approved with this application. Prior to installin g any signs on the property, the applicant shall submit a sign permit application consistent with the standards in UDC Chapter 3 Article D and receive approval for such signs. 2- The applicant shall complete all improvements related to public life, safety, and health as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. A surety agreement may be accepted for other improvements in accord with UDC I l-5C-3C. 3- Upon installation of the landscaping and prior to inspection by Planning Department staff, the applicant shall provide a written certificate of completion as set forth in UDC I t-3B-14,A. Conditions Document lWater Division Trash Enclosure and Power Generator - Czc-13-oigand DES-I3-0 4. The site plan and elevations prepared by DC Engineering on July I , 2013 , labeled S I .0, are approved (stamped "approved" on July 1,2013 by the City of Meridian Planning Division) with no changes. 5. The approved site plan or elevations may not be altered without prior written approval of the City of Meridian Planning Department. 6. The applicant shall pay any applicable impact fees prior to the issuance of a building permit. 7. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate ACHD requirements, the applicant shall submit a new site plan to the City of Meridian Planning Department for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. 8. The applicant shall complete all required improvements prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. It is unlawful to use or occupy any building or structure until the Building Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy. Ongoing Conditions of Approval 1. The applicant and/or assigns shall have the continuing obligation to provide irigation that meets the standards as set forth in UDC l1-3B-6 and to install and maintain all landscaping as set forth in UDC 11-3B-5, UDC 1l-3B-13 and UDC 11-38-14. 2. The project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances and previous conditions of approval associated with this site (CZC-08-023 andCZC-06-028). 3. The issuance of this CZC does not release the applicant from any previous requirements of the other permits issued for the site. 4. The applicant and/or property owner shall have an ongoing obligation to prune all trees to a minimum height of six feet above the ground or sidewalk surface to afford greater visibility of the area. 5. The applicant has a continuing obligation to comply with the outdoor lighting provisions as set forth in UDC 1l-3A-11. 6. The applicant and/or property owner shall have an ongoing obligation to maintain all landscaping and constructed features within the clear vision triangle consistent with the standards in UDC I l-3A-3. CITY COUNCIL RE,VIEW The applicant or a party of record may request City Council review of a decision of the Director. All requests for review shall be filed in writing with the Planning Department on or before July 16,2013, within fifteen (15) days after the written decision is issued, and contain the information listed in UDC l1-5,{-68. If City Council review of the decision is not requested, the action of the Director represents a final decision on a land use application. You have the right to request a regulatory taking analysis under Idaho Code 67-8003. EXPIRATION Conditions Document 2Water Division Trash Enclosure and Power Generator- CZC-13-078 and DES-13-0 Certificates of Zoning Compliance issued in conjunction with a proposed use shall expire if the use has not commenced within one year of the date of issuance of the Certificate of Zoning Compliance. Certificates of Zoning Compliance issued in conjunction with construction or alteration of a structure shall expire if the construction or alteration has not commenced within one year of the date of issuance of the Certificate of Zoning Compliance. In accord with the above provisions, the subject Certificate of Zoning Compliance is valid until July 1,2014. EXHIBITS A. Vicinity Map B. Site Plan and Elevations (dated: July l, 2013) t. Conditions Document 3water Division Trash Enclosure and Power Generator - czc-13-o7g and DES-13-0 A. Vicinity Map Vici OE, o t* ttt' o ]z 2.{E5 zSrt rr 13! t97 W W.tcrbuy 0r E69 &ll r o 7572 3.f € zi a 1554 Legend o Parcels - MeriCan ZONING C.N c-c .,.t, I c€ il r--o l-L M.E I x-e TN.C TN.R GT R-2 R-4 R.8 R,15 R-rtl C 0.05 0.r Miles fE trrqrdoo sts. s ,ss mp s @rplbd km yas goJ6 ad 6 &t*d to 6nstst rryisF. l'fE Cfrl. of lrcilrD mk6 no ffit tr gBaDlce E r.o thc slstl *ArX, lra!*lcs, 0 md€i8lB ot a,ry o, ttE 6ali p.wil4 ald M e logd rgsgoisitilty br ,E 2rro a rh.fiaao. mfi*ncd 6 rrE @p. gEH o60 6 60 3G ri5 2 Ww.terbsry -r* Dr R 3 5 ' ,-_l .; , ; E T; ,.!6-:- IF € ' 99ge9t J A O w Chitaau Ayr rt5 N o o 9O 'zeti -1:ror 227 125r a B. Site Plan and Elevations (dated: July I ,2013) lffi I li. .rEu Effi I I ;=:- ;*.-J.- r -+ I Conditions Document 3water Division Trash Enclosure and Power Generator - czc-13-078 and DES-13-0 _il -:,1 *J-*-!=--l -. - -i- -5 E o z3 ?F oo -i -oo c o 90 =Z o o q o s3 t', (a =z W Krlr3sw@d €t a o os + o $' IAN Print Dats &?t2013 Conditions Document 2water Division Trash Enclosure and Power Generator - czc-13-o7g and DES-13-0 *t ?rr, dg ?ro 0 ,063 -J r@! ' r3l 211l 2lr 2 t?, 27r2 j*.1. Z?11 2?.t2 1ll2 . 7771 : lool 2r2o 2]5r ' d| oo dcr 9!3 l2.a Btt . dz 6aa i I t" 1), fs a G xE z o ttr Be .-i a o$E !NO W Willowbrook Dr :i n6 a_ oa ,_! - o a 6 -. ! o- t5 c rt3: o IOAHO