CZC DES A-2015-0083 PAWN ONEo J ! -t 3t I t i qEE H ol :::i iE: i ?l i:lf B ""r KDI z ,fr\[ll t:;=i ;*ilil:; 5-i, ii;i;EEIi E'i; li:gi9t;iEi;.:!:EE i z .i' j Ei;iiieEiea, o o o !: o !; e zE - o :! E < o ==s-€ E s c o o !a o E q I '/' U .l EA dtl e 9a ET aa tEqc :EGg ral 9a6 (g L ql EI Gl (, E o G t\ \t rNlwnf,oo NotlcnursNol ':!,iiii!E, EffiO -g-e- \\ 3 E a I ,i EE iE 26 d 3 E 4 t E a 5 I Et ta rt ri Tg ET ;E l{ IS lt I9 BE ! EE E 9e *e IE {i :i E;E: E EEEE 3 EE 5 :t El E Et EgE EE EE EE !i 'ri :E ,E$, F ^ iE lHE EE !EEEe- ;tE EEI iEE: i=8:B i :;6He E+l EEEEiEE atE aE:t :Ei T?EE 2 5:H E r::! ol :E: i El <! t=b dii lt B ""': KitI I !h\Itl iE,:i8EEi !i*g:E;;: tdo!.bEE;: ilffEi;!E r6;:!piEa_ !EEcg*Eiei !IEg:rdE5,d () + -C .9 q I WEST ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION z E U = z oo NORTH EI.EVATION XEYED slichter arcr,rlrcnt PAWN'I I 0 Mfle Relofl Store EI.EVATIONS rffi NW 'w t5031 A3.0',| I I I o I I I I I I I I I I I I I z E o = oo z (.) = z o u /o, N B a.=\ P /r--p -8 € E tr I i'[ .-€ SITE PtAN A\lt, XEYED IIOTES: , GENETAT NOTES: slichterl AICHITESIE I aBtl$b DIl.s PAWN 1 l0 Mlle leldll Store SITE PLAN ,@ t5{31 AI.OI o Ilt )ll ,- l/ IAN Planning Division IDAHO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION STAFF USE Project File number(r Assigned Planner: files: Type of Review Requested (check all that apply) fl Accessory Use !t Administrative Design Review fl Alternative Cornpliance E Annexation and Zoning l( Certificate of Zoning Compliance D City Council Review fl Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment E Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment n Conditional Use Permit E Conditional Use Modification Director/Commission (circle one) E Development Agreement Modifi cation tr Final Plat E Final Plat Modification Applicant Information tr Planned Unit Development ! Preliminary Plat E Private Street E Property Boundary Adjustment E Rezone E Short Plat E Time Extension: Director/ Commission/Council (circle one) tr UDC Text Amendment fl Vacation: Director/ Council (circle one) E Variance n Other Applicant nu-.. Slichter Architects - Chod Slichter Applicant address 415 S. l3th Street City: Boise Applicant's interest in property: E Own E Rent tr Optioned X owner name: Pown I - Mork Lox owner address: 2715 E.3l st Avenue City: Spokone Agent/Contact name (e.g., archi:ect, engineer, developer, representative): Firm name: Slichter Architects Agent address: 4l 5 S. I 3th Street City: Boise Primary contact is: IApplicant I Owner fl AgenUContact Emait. chods@slichterorchitects.com State: lD zip: 83702 other Architect/Agent phone: 208.658.1679 phone: 509.951 .5920 Email: mlox@pown'l.com StAtC: WA ZiP: 99223 Chod Slichter phone: 208.658.1679 Email: chods@slichterorchitects.com State: lD Zip 83702 Subject Property Information Project/subd ivision name: Pown I Ceneral description of proposed project/request construct new retoil store 8,911 st., 5,926 I st floor ond 2,985 second floor. buildi will be 2 ond will be for Pown l. includes site im Proposed zoning district(s) C-G Acres ofeach zone proposed 0.7 Tlpe ofuse proposed (check all that apply): E Resrdential D office ff Cornurercial E Employnrent D Ind,strial n other who rvill orvn & rnaintain the presstrized irrigation systern in this developrnent? Which irigation district does this property lie rvithin? Nomoo/Meridion lrriqotion Distric Primary irrigation source: pressurized irrigotion Secondary: Sqr'rare footage of landscaped areas to be irrigated (ifprimary or secondary poinr of connection is City waler): Residential Project Summary (if appticable) 1s Nnrnber of cornuron lots Nurnber of residential units Number of building lots Number of other lots: Proposed number of drvelling units (for multi-family developments only): I bedroorn: 2-3 bedrooms 4 or more bedrooms: Minirnurr scluare footage of stnrcftrre (excl. garage) Maxirnum building height Minimuur property size (s.f) Average properry size (s.f.): Gross density (Per UDC I 1-1A-l ): Net density (Per UDC I l-lA-l ) Acreage ofqualifred op€n space: Percentage of qualified open space Arnenities provided rvith this developrnent (if applicable): Type of drvelling(s) proposed: E Single-family Detached E Single-family Attached fl Townhouse n Duplex tr Multi-farnily ! Vertically Integrated E Other Non-resldential Project Summary (if applicable) Number of building lots: 'l Common lots: 0 Other lots: 0 Gross floor area proposed: B.9t1 Existing (if applicable): _ Authorization Print applicant AppIicant signature: no,r*' Cho Slich Community Development r Planning Division r 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Ste. 102 Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phorte: 208-884-5533 Fax: 208-888-6854 www.meridi ancity.orq/plann ine -'r - (Rev.06/12/2014) Type and calculations of qualified open space provided in acres (per UDC l l-3G-38): Hoursofoperation(daysundho*')uildingheight:28,-11l2" Total number ofparking spaces provid ed: 27 Number ofcompact spaces provided: 6 Da&: 7. Z/,/5 0 CURVE TABLE PLAT SHOWNG I-tGeDUEerUS StyBDU\f EG5U @UuJ A poRTtoN oF THE S lz OF THE SE /+ OF SECION 34 T.4N., R.lW., 8.M., MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO 2008 I FCEND - SECIFfl R€ ftO{T S-I{AY UNE - _ _ mEUIE CW c1 e 6 c4 s c6 a1 E @ cr0 cI c12 w6 m_92 lm,s m.m m.@ ?21.w I 7t.@ 37J m I7J.Q JTJS J7J-M 427.N {27.m mTA s05'v' 69S J6" JZ0J10' 5757'?5' 3Z0J'10' lr{5's' J9 $2a' N17'4a' 07s'21' tcoJ'J9' 6$',57' 2?55',rd 126.99 $.& 250.2J 0.s il.$ s.9 €.96 r70-E1 65.20 t9.21 \ -a \ \ .L I ,',$'n I regular (smooth) concrete I painted split-faced concrete block, il L hrr--:1ry Chonges mode: '1. chonge oll exposed concrete block from split-foced to o mix split-foced ond regulor. 2. chonge metol coping cop color lo molch melolroofing 3. see olher ollochment for londscope mods D5.66 25.N J2.& 22.m s.t0 l25.Jt 94.67 25{98 0,& 51.$ 65.41 {19 t6957 & TNW 1s2.A2 1e2? 12?.5' h.i Ir.& 57.15 ctrD l5r 07 I I5.06 I0.{J c@ Em Nfms'I I s17'@'f s 7t 16'@' f s 7{ 16',m'v s 7ao71o'r r $r51J't I g5r'r5'r s r{16'r'f s 610'$'r s 5517?6- f s s52'5J' I LINE TABTf Uf,ffiNrc tr u D il sslJ'm'E rlg278't 1tt7'm't 28.s.16.28' s' 9/ lm 0 tm 200 300 - Scolq l' = 100' o a o 18 tluND ERAss 0R Mtxu! c^p (rs NoIID) Sn 5/6'130' REBrR r/pl,{Snc clp s 1/2'x21' RfBrR '/Pu$rc ClP r0uN0 5/8' RteR A NoTED ICIJUTED Pq[T - NOT SET LOT NUIBER tu &X. J IEII/I w ROT MCAtrD TO AqD ffi MD NSN. NO, I6WJ]4 i-rri'm-T itrc.76' NTS UNPTATTED ,?, ! 8g4J'0e'_l_ $.4' n;r'e'% , rE Q€ .*,, "*" {". E ;a = \\ / 4" &@ BLOCl( z lr rE F UNPUTTED REAL POII{T OF BEGINNINC 6 ,o ,". t- L STf 8U J D€TAL 1, 8( \\. T +e'j I ., l.t:, ^ ,;E I,,, H lrs EtEg I ,ci ,t t9 lz = 'F +. HS $8mnN tU m ffi WA I ftftm tmm mI a0 u LoE ftul wq D @frE Btr!Stffi mmumoN ff W MW. wlD MqMN IAB &Hkrm $tr Bt MMD slffiM IO ilH LOI re& m A I o @* stl 8U 5. ffi ffi N UItSm$ffi r il6Wrutr I rumilt Milffo[MmtrHmtrmu. 6, qr]WtTffi MU GM ffi fr Mffi Lq6ru EsPMtr ffi Lfl ffi Uffi W ffi E NTO fr A |i&M/Dnrffi M, 7. Lq6, ffi i: Lq 1, W I LoI l, M' N U l, U( a & U{l'M LN T0 r m m w{D r rffi ffi ffis ffi ^wm, fr m N6, N EMilffiffiFfiPHMS. P 6 48' ruu. rNm@ffit6MEs@w wroml:lm mm st N EN t ffiuu |frffi M oit 0)tr, mnE @m ffi u A ruwt lT ru uE H mu [H. m MI E tlnM r fl6 gm| rumrmYiffirM&Emm mm[ffimutr NSm[mmmmmfl]wrc[. 9. m $m0 EWo rc ru m 6 lmmstm EWN lwm. lmJaJ,Emtracw,N. 10 m ru trrs rom wmt wruY xl'M. 08fr LoTm r0 B u m Nffiru6fmIMEffiffif AffiffiTY6mrc NE W q IMN. ll OT6, W r: toT l, WtmmS@B J. {r 5, f,G I 6ffi ffidffi cffi & stm mm ffi ffi rm mfi mu. 12. re tr tM mN AMY ffi m m 1mrtr (S ffi 2 S, srurMflffimtrm ffiffi ffiNffiMm. lt. m ffiAu tr S]m t@m ru r sr ftru ff r? ffis& frr ffi NMDWffiTEWAM, r{. ssffi 2 ff J m M uffi q m Pffi rc P[mo rc sffifl rerc(wmuma TEN MILE CENIER LLC DEVELOPER BOISE, IDAHO T0 [ ru Be G 4cffi A ruWl PRilltr fr l- 06'00'13Y 10' 6EWilr-{E Ntt tl 50' I il( 4 DNAL I 6 IDAHO SURVEY GROUP JOB NO. 50414 ui ? 24' d5 of r2 RD. 3 wttill- BLoc( 1 24 96', N 896',0' fr I ------t 'fwfi.*il\ Mtw I UEEIHH SHFil 1 rlE 1 Nl5. t.\ H'*9*,.-,*"*41- "bnq* - ,situ a,e . s4 lR.moved pef 113096336 _ ruLL w. usTlcK ROAD 150.00' ilstktilt-str ME il - - asanofi unE f _ _ _ - ] rmess-rcnssTcRossrccfsstrailT s 2JS'JJ' f s N?2'21' f N 617'5't {tr17'J5'I6.0.s @ @ 1&lrm'0' r&m'm' @'m'l4.rE.r&s ra & 0.0.0s @ @ 9.1?r2.m @ 0 s s sllm' E N rdm'f UNPI.AITED _ ___lE tvltlE CREEK_ 61.67 {.$ 6r.C l i I lz e a I -tl t I NOTES l Location/street address 345,l N. Ten Mile Rood Township, range, secrion: 4N I W34 Assessor's parcel number(s) R562943001 6 Totalacreage, O.7 Zoningdistrict: C-G Community Development r Planning Division r 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Ste. 102 Meridian, ldaho 83642 Phone: 208-884-5533 Fax: 208-888-6854 www-meridiancity-ore/plannine -l- (Rev.06/12/2014) o o d !! e o !; _ 7r. i < E:oE! E o si E o f o o = 6 t t oo ci o f*g:W' .r"."* # rNrv{ncoo Noll.f, nutsNotr i, f;g EE 1=, l: ;l ;!; iE rEE IIE \-\,\I-1 bl.r r-" -" - :\\ = E!. ti -iir3 @Eli & ..r 0v0u l'llt/'t Nl1 () c_) . .t I ",1I I :.;i.=:+_- *-_,-= e _.* I I I t_ I o (-) r) (. 1.,- -\ J, l\ lr-.\ I \,-/ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I + ri lr l.r 1l lt l I I I.l =o = I d .E A. o .E 6' /\v, ^ t ) I t' ,l + i I r --------_L-_ \- :q ::_:-iu.1-=-:. eEi:. ! -_ &.r.*,4 9 [: t. ,9.. c -l' o-6 E a o o G I \ I _t 1 \ '\' . .6 t "-l + lt, llilf l,r t: ilili ;lrlr ;l'l' rt t: !lilr -----(T :., z- -- t\\ -- - -- :a -_._ _ N rl l"'i -t.-."", * I 1-- I i- I I I I I \ f I 5E I bp a B l I i o N\i \N \ -l N:(\ NSi R. -,,9* !. :ii i3i ii! i:i Ba' ii :t t \ \ \ \ tl tt tt EI tt lt il 6 !I3Il :!l l lt tt :lli * IpE irt l EE; i !liE ot !l:_ I .l \ \ xlE it{ BEF $iIII i i iE el$$E Eliii ldge l:ln lr t: 3I I |HEEEEcoE lE:lEr! 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