2019-01-03MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA City Council Chambers 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Thursday, January 3, 2019 at 6:00 PM Item 1: Roll-Call Attendance __O__ Lisa Holland __X__ Steven Yearsley __O__ Vacant __X__ Ryan Fitzgerald __X__ Jessica Perrault __X__ Bill Cassinelli __X__ Rhonda McCarvel - Chairperson Item 2: Adoption of Agenda Adopted as Noted Item 3: Consent Agenda [Action Item] Approved A. Approve Minutes of December 20, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Item 4: Action Items Land Use Public Hearing Process: After the Public Hearing is opened the staff report will be presented by the assigned city planner. Following Staff's report the applicant has up to 15 minutes to present their application. Each member of the public may provide testimony up to 3 minutes or if they are representing a larger group, such as a Homeowners Association, they are allowed 10 minutes. The applicant is then allowed 10 additional minutes to respond to the public's comments. No additional public testimony is taken once the public hearing is closed. A. Public Hearing for Premier Infant Care (H-2018-0128) by Barbara Ingrao and Ashli Kessinger, Located 3515 W. Torana Dr. Removed from Agenda B. Public Hearing Continued from December 6, 2018 for Pleasant View Elementary (H-2018-0103) by West Ada School District, Located on the north side of W. Gondola Dr., east of N. Black Cat Rd. Approved 1. Request: Conditional Use Permit for an approximately 65,000 square-foot education institution (elementary school) in an R-4 and R-8 zoning district C. Public Hearing Continued from December 20, 2018 for Bainbridge Franklin (H-2018-0057) by Steve Bainbridge, Located at 2075 and 2155 W. Franklin Rd. Recommend Approval to City Council – Scheduled February 5, 2019 1. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 3.68 acres of land with a C-G zoning district D. Election of Commission Officers Jessica Perrault, Chairperson Ryan Fitzgerald, Vice Chairperson Meeting Adjourned at 6:38 PM Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting January 3, 2018. Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of January 3, 2019, was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Rhonda McCarvel. Members Present: Chairman Rhonda McCarvel, Commissioner Steven Yearsley, Commissioner Jessica Perreault, Commissioner Bill Cassinelli, and Commissioner Ryan Fitzgerald. Members Absent: Commissioner Lisa Holland. Others Present: Chris Johnson, Andrea Pogue, Bill Parsons, Stephanie Leonard and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-call Attendance ______ Lisa Holland ___X___ Steven Yearsley ______ Gregory Wilson ___X___ Ryan Fitzgerald __X___ Jessica Perreault __ X___ Bill Cassinelli ___X___ Rhonda McCarvel - Chairman McCarvel: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. At this time I would like to call to order the regularly scheduled meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission on January 3rd and we will begin with roll call. Item 2: Adoption of Agenda McCarvel: Thank you. First item on the agenda is the adoption of the age nda and we do have one change. Item 4-A, Premier Infant Care, H-2018-0128, the applicant has requested to withdraw that application. So, there will be no testimony on this this evening and it is off the agenda. Other than that can I get a motion to adopt the agenda as amended? Perreault: So moved. Cassinelli: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to adopt the agenda. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE ABSENT. Item 3: Consent Agenda [Action Item] Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 4 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 2 of 17 A. Approve Minutes of December 20, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting McCarvel: Next item on the agenda is the Consent Agenda and we just have one item on the Consent Agenda and that's to approve the minutes of December 20th, 2018, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Could I get a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Cassinelli: So moved. Fitzgerald: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE ABSENT. McCarvel: At this time I would like to briefly explain the public hearing process for this evening. I will open each item individually and start with the staff report. The staff will report their findings regarding how the item adheres to our Comprehensive Plan and Uniform Development Code with the staff's recommendations. After the staff has made their presentation, the applicant will come forward to present their ca se for approval and -- of their application and respond to any staff comments. The applicant will have 15 minutes to do so. After the applicant has finished we will open to public testimony. There is a sign-up tablet in the back as you entered for anyon e wishing to testify. Any person testifying will come forward and be allowed three minutes. If they are speaking for a larger group, like an HOA, and there is a show of hands to represent that group, they will be given up to ten minutes. After all testimony has been heard, the applicant will be given another ten minutes to have the option to come back and respond if they desire . Then we will close the public hearing and the Commissioners will have the opportunity to discuss and hopefully be able to make a recommendation to City Council. Item 4: Action Items A. Public Hearing for Premier Infant Care (H-2018-0128) by Barbara Ingrao and Ashli Kessinger, Located 3515 W. Torana Dr. B. Public Hearing Continued from December 6, 2018 for Pleasant View Elementary (H-2018-0103) by West Ada School District, Located on the north side of W. Gondola Dr., east of N. Black Cat Rd. 1. Request: Conditional Use Permit for an approximately 65,000 square-foot education institution (elementary school) in an R- 4 and R-8 zoning district Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 5 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 3 of 17 McCarvel: So, at this time we would like to continue the public hearing for H-2018-0103, Pleasant View Elementary School, and we will begin with the staff report. Leonard: Good evening, Madam Commissioner, Members of the Commission. Just to refresh your mind -- or your memory, this was continued from December 6th to get ACHD's comments and to incorporate them into the staff report. Those comments and the staff report have been received and they have been incorporated into my staff report. Just to refresh your memory, this is a conditional use permit for an elementary school. It's located on the north side of West Gondola Drive, east of North Black Cat Road and it's midway between McMillan and Chinden Boulevard. And so with that staff is still recommending approval of the project with the conditions contained in the staff report. The question of whether the applicant will be responsible for the signalized light at Black Cat and Chinden or whether that will be achieved through other development is still needing to be addressed by the Commission. So, with that staff will stand for any questions. Fitzgerald: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: Stephanie, my understanding is through the STARS program isn't Costco putting that light in? Leonard: I think that they are required or that it was discussed during that project that they would be installing it prior to their opening, but -- Fitzgerald: So, Bill, is that a coordination discussion or is that something where the school district needs to work with them or how does that -- Parsons: Madam Chair, Members of the Commission, that -- the STARS agreement between Costco and ITD has been finalized, so all of that is spelled out in that agreement. So, it's whenever they are ready to get going and start that work they will -- they will get on it and start it. I think at the last hearing I communicated to you that staff had several meetings with ITD, Costco, all the property owners on all four corners there to try to have a cooperative agreement, everyone would cost share to put in the light and try to get the ultimate build out for that intersection done. That did not come to fruition. So, therefore, right now it's all falling on Costco's shoulders or if this Commission sees fit to include -- make it a requirement of this conditional use permit you can certainly do that , but I think our stance was we will let Costco kind of try that -- the install of that light at this point and try not to hold up the applicant. I think the Commission would agree that we all need more schools in the valley to go along with this growth that's occurring. Fitzgerald: Madam Chair. I mean I guess with an agreement already being set forth on whose responsibility it is and I think the requirement is before their doors open and I remember that that was 2020 is what they expected. So , I think it would be in line with when the school district wants to open this building; correct? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 6 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 4 of 17 Parsons: That's -- that's our understanding as well, that Costco would like to open fall of 2020. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you. McCarvel: Any other questions for staff? Yearsley: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Yearsley. Yearsley: There was some concern about ACHD making -- wanting improvements to the intersection. I'm not sure what road that is -- where it comes out onto Black Cat. Was there any mention of any improvements there? Leonard: On Gondola and Black Cat? Yearsley: Yes. Leonard: They did mention a -- I think it's a beacon light that they wanted. I will pull up the staff report real quick. I believe it's right here at the north-south crosswalk and, then, our RFP beacon at Gondola and, then, they also mention -- I will just go to her conditions. I'm having a hard time remembering exactly where it is. They just mentioned monitoring the need for a crosswalk at that intersection. Yearsley: And those got included into the staff report; correct? Okay. Leonard: What I included in the staff report was just their conditions, basically, as part of their conditions. I could reflect it in these conditions. Yearsley: As long as that just got included, I just wanted to make sure. Leonard: Yeah. McCarvel: Any other questions for staff? Would the applicant like to come forward. Van Ocker: Good evening, Madam Chairman, Members of the Commission. Amber Van Ocker, LKV Architects, representing the school district in this matter. I think the only thing that we want to make sure that we are clear on the ACHD conditions, which we were waiting from your last hearing for those to be finalized. Those have been finalized, we are in agreement with those. The work that would occur out at Gondola and Black Cat is just to be monitored right now. So, that's not something -- there is no improvements occurring at that intersection right now. It's something that they would like us to monitor with our traffic engineers, you know, after the opening of the school to see if there is a crosswalk there. We will be improving along Gondola, which is the street in front of the school, with pedestrian crosswalk flashers and your standard school zone flashers that Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 7 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 5 of 17 you would typically see, those are part of the ACHD recommended conditions of approval and we are in agreement with those. And the work that it would be occurring by Costco, it is our understanding that they are on track to have that work completed by the fall of 2020, which is what we are targeting for our opening. So, we would request that that condition still remain the responsibility of Costco as their previous application that came before you some time prior to the school district's application. McCarvel: Any questions for the applicant? Perreault: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Perreault. Perreault: Could we pull up the site plan? I just had a question about the flow of traffic with the -- in the parent section. It looks like there is two lanes, one of which goes one direction and one of which goes both directions. So , is that going to be -- is there going to be a way that that's -- that that is being monitored or our parents just going to pull in whatever -- whatever section is the least occupied or -- Van Ocker: No. Typically -- and I don't know if my mouse is -- okay. So, that -- that northern parking area is actually designed -- keep going up a little bit more, Stephanie. Up to -- there you go. So, that whole northern parking area is the parent drop off. So, if you're a parent and you're sweeping in and it's actually a 30 foot wide -- so, you have got ten feet of curbside to queue up as -- with vehicles. There is still another 20 feet that if you wanted to pass, then, you would be able to do that. The other lane is just your typical parking lot double lane traffic circulation. We have done this a number of times and it -- it really does provide a very safe drop off area. You know, it takes the first couple of months that the school is open to get the parents kind of trained on -- on where they need to go, but this is a really safe approach, because you're not having any vehicles backing out into that drop off area, it's purely just a vehicle drop off road. Fitzgerald: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: Amber -- and I know -- I wasn't here for the original hearing, but was there a question about separation of those two driveways ? Is that still an issue or is -- what's your thoughts on that? Van Ocker: No. We -- the fire department -- we -- our original design actually only had a single driveway for both parking areas and they were concerned about that. So, we added the third -- Fitzgerald: Yeah. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 8 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 6 of 17 Van Ocker: -- which does reduce what ACHD considers that -- that appropriate separation, but given the fact that it came as a request out of the Fire Department that they -- they were willing to do that, so I -- I think that the layout that we have got right now is going to be successful for the district. You know, again, it takes a little bit of training in both of these drop off zones to get everybody on the same page, but it usually works pretty well. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you. McCarvel: Any other questions for the applicant? All right. Thank you. Van Ocker: Thank you. McCarvel: Do we have anyone signed up for testimony, Chris? Johnson: I checked a few moments ago, there was nobody signed up. McCarvel: That being said, is there anyone in the room that wishes to testify on this application? Fitzgerald: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: I move we close the public hearing on H-2018-0103, Pleasant View Elementary. Perreault: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to close the public hearing on H-2018- 0103. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE ABSENT. Fitzgerald: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Yeah. Go ahead. Fitzgerald: I think it looks great. I appreciate the applicant's efforts to work with ACHD and the Fire Department to come up with a solution on the separation of the driveways and I also concur, I think that we already have a plan for the signalized light at Black Cat, so I don't know the reason we need to add anything additional for the conditions for them. So, I would -- if we need to remove something, that's understanding -- or I would be supportive of removing that requirement, as I think that's already handled in the STARS agreement with Costco in the -- and ITD. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 9 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 7 of 17 McCarvel: The agreement that it -- who pays for it or that it needs to be installed period? Fitzgerald: I think it needs to be installed, but -- McCarvel: Yeah. Fitzgerald: But I think that it's a requirement of Costco to have it installed -- McCarvel: Right. Fitzgerald: -- at their cost and I think the timing lines up properly. Yeah. I think they did everything -- I mean we were just kind of waiting on the ACHD report, because we didn't want to tie them to anything that might be a surprise in it, so that's where it kind of landed. Yearsley: Yeah. Madam Chair, I agree. I think everything's good and this type of configuration for the driveways is like similar to what we have over at Sienna and it works really well. So, it is -- works good. McCarvel: Okay. Cassinelli: I would concur with my fellow commissioners. Perreault: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Perreault. Perreault: Yeah. I went in and reviewed what the prior site plan looked like and -- and, then, against the new one and -- and read through the ACHD report. I think their report -- I'm glad we waited for it, because I think it was really in line with what we were discussing, being the concerns that it would -- that the original site plan would create, so I was happy to see that ACHD called out the things that we -- not because of us, obviously, but -- but they -- they called out the things that we had already discussed as being potential issues and so I'm glad the applicant is an agreement with those and -- and it's -- it's a much better design. McCarvel: Okay. With that would somebody like to make a motion? Perreault: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Perreault. Perreault: After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to approve file number H-2018-0103 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of January 3rd, 2019, with no modifications. Cassinelli: Second. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 10 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 8 of 17 McCarvel: How is -- just to clarify, is the staff report written with or without the condition of financing the light? Leonard: There is no -- there is no condition. McCarvel: Okay. It has been moved and seconded to approve H -2018-0103. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE ABSENT. C. Public Hearing Continued from December 20, 2018 for Bainbridge Franklin (H-2018-0057) by Steve Bainbridge, Located at 2075 and 2155 W. Franklin Rd. 1. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 3.68 acres of land with a C-G zoning district McCarvel: Next item on the agenda is H-2018-0057 and we will continue that public hearing at this time and we will begin with staff report. Parsons: Thank you, Madam Chair, Members of the Commission. The next item on the agenda is the Bainbridge Franklin Subdivision -- or, excuse me, annexation. The property consists of 3.6 acres of land, currently zoned R-1 in Ada county, located at 2075 and 2155 West Franklin Road. Adjacent land uses. To the north we have industrial property zoned I-L. Twelve Oaks Villas, zoned C-C and TN-R. To the south we have vacant commercial property, zoned C-C. And to the west we have vacant commercial property, zoned C-C. The FLUM designation for this particular property is mixed use commercial and this area is part of our Ten Mile interchange specific area plan. This project was before you back in July. At that time staff had some concerns with the proposed development. The applicant went before City Council, met with staff after the P and Z hearing, felt like they could address some of the concerns that they heard at that Commission hearing, so prior to it going -- or they asked that Council remanded it back to you to take further action in hopes that you guys would forward on a positive recommendation to City Council a month from now. The main concerns that were brought up at the hearing -- and something that you guys took under consideration as part of your denial request included keeping the existing single family homes on the property for a duration, along with that current small equipment repair business. The site plan did not -- was not revised per the recommendations in the staff report. The Commission felt and staff felt at the time that the application came forward, that the plan was not consistent and, then, again, because of all of those issues the Commission felt it was premature for annexation. The owner really didn't have an end user for the site and they are requesting C-G zoning. So, again, we have met with the applicant. In my presentation tonight I will go through the revised concept plan and, then, if you notice, as you read through the staff report, went through and did the strike through, underlined format through that staff report, again, staff is -- is recommending approval of this application, but I did want to highlight some of the changes. So, the previous plan did include seven proposed sites -- pad sites. This one Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 11 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 9 of 17 has been condensed. It shows a total of five. Some of the things that have been incorporated into this site plan -- so, there is still that one access point off of Franklin Road and, then, as part of the adjacent accesses with the adjacent properties to the east and the west, the applicant has provided a cross-access -- depicted that on the plan for you. The applicant also incorporated an outdoor plaza area as envisioned by a mixed use commercial designation and all of the pad sites -- or a lot of the structures on the site are either office, retail, or an indoor storage facility, if you will. More like un-control type facility here. That was some of the concerns that staff had brought forward to you is it's all single story building. Some of the uses we were concerned that we weren't getting a mix of uses on the site consistent with the mixed use commercial. I would point out to you in the staff report, mixed use commercial designation does anticipate a residential component. Given the acreage of this particular site staff believes that there will be additional residential in the area, probably to the south of this particular property, that can serve this particular property and this area as part of the commercial designation. We have some planned or approved multi-family development. So, staff did understand that this doesn't have all the components of that mixed use designation, but for the Comprehensive Plan, you as a body and the Council has the ability to -- on a case-by-case basis determine whether or not three land uses are appropriate for a site. In this case staff believes what the applicant is showing -- is proposing is generally consistent or more aligned with the Comprehensive Plan than the previous version that you saw back in July. And here is also a -- kind of a color rendering showing you that there will be a mix of two and three story single -- one story, two story, three story structures on the site with a cohesive design theme. That's something that's required of the Ten Mile specific area plan as well. A lot of those details won't provide it. And, then, also as I noted in the staff report, the applicant does have somebody that's -- a couple end users that want to locate here when this property is annexed, so it looks like an office user and the storage facility there and the three story storage facility. I would mention to the Commission that they will have to come back through a conditional use permit to establish the indoor storage facility. One thing that I did highlight in the staff report was the parking. Currently if you were to just add up all of the square footage on this particular site plan , one would say that the parking -- the site -- the parking regulations of the UDC, but as I noted in the staff report, with that self storage use you don't look at the entire square footage of that particular use , you primarily look at the office component only. So, that if you take that ratio out -- that component of it out, staff believes that the 96 stalls that are shown on the concept plan would be adequate for this particular facility and there may be some opportunities in the future with the -- this owner of this -- the future owner to work with the adjacent property owners on some kind of shared parking agreement, along with the cross-access agreement. So, we think as proposed and how -- how this plan is laid out, we believe this -- this is a good area and, again, we do support C-G zoning. One thing that -- that I did want to point out to the Commission that didn't come out -- come up at the previous hearing was the fact that we have commercial going up against a residential use along the east boundaries. So, as you know in our code when we have commercial uses up against residential uses we require a 25 foot landscape buffer. The applicant is proposing a ten foot landscape buffer along a portion of the east boundary here. Again, I imagine the applicant will be seeking -- the Council has the ability to reduce that buffer width through the public hearing process and staff has included that as a DA provision that a Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 12 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 10 of 17 25 foot buffer is required, unless waived by Council when it gets there. But the applicant is amenable to a ten foot landscape buffer if Council supports the applicant's request. So, in closing, I -- again, I think we have highlighted everything. The applicant's in agreement with the staff's recommended DA provisions. I will go ahead and conclude my presentation and stand for any questions you have. McCarvel: Any questions for staff? Perreault: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Perreault. Perreault: Bill, is that a canal that's running to the south of the property? Is that going to be a -- create a separation if there is any residential that goes there from that three story -- potential three story building? Parsons: Madam Chair, Members of the Commission, I guess -- are you saying on the south side or the east -- Perreault: Uh-huh. Parsons: -- boundary? There is a canal there, but they are not required -- at this time they are not required to put the buffer on the south boundary, it would be along their east -- the east boundary of that building. But, yes, there is -- and the canal is not on their property, but that would be an adequate buffer with that easement in the future if there wasn't any residential -- Perreault: Okay. Parsons: -- along the south boundary. McCarvel: Any other questions for staff? Do we want to give you a moment? Would the applicant like to come forward, please. Nickel: Good evening, Madam Chair and Commissioners. Shawn Nickel. 247 North Eagle Road, Eagle, Idaho, here representing the applicant. First of all, thank you for allowing me to come back in front of you. As you recall, back in July you did think that it was a little premature asking for the -- for the annexation and rezone without having some end users and they having some of those unanswered questions. Since then we have worked with staff. We have kind of put the brakes on a little bit, did some marketing and were able to come up with a couple of end users that are interested in the property. As staff has indicated, we will have to go back -- come back through the conditional use permit process for the indoor storage, which we understand, and there is some other details that staff has mentioned, including parking and final landscaping and things like that that we will include in more detail with that conditional use permit. That would be the first user that would -- that would come forward. We are in agreement to remove both Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 13 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 11 of 17 structures upon annexation, rather than having those linger out there. And as far as the waiver for the landscaping on the eastern boundary, we do understand that we can ask for that through the Council's discretion. If they determine that it's not appropriate we can adjust the site to meet that 25. We think because of -- because of the multi-family to the east that reducing that buffer is appropriate, but we will leave that up to the Council to -- to decide that. Other than that we are in agreement with staff 's recommendation and, again, do appreciate them taking the time. We met many times with them afterwards and -- and wanted to come back to you with a more detailed development and, hopefully, we can get your recommendation for approval this time. I will stand for questions. Cassinelli: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: Shawn, is the -- the storage -- is that -- that will be in the south -- southeast corner? Nickel: Correct. Cassinelli: So, that will not be -- that will be backed away from Franklin, it won't be right up on the road. Nickel: Correct. Cassinelli: Okay. And another question. If you have to increase that landscape buffer to 25 feet, how would that affect parking? Nickel: Madam Chair and Commissioners, again, this is just a concept plan at this time, so it's not specific to the -- to the -- to the size of the finished building. So, I'm not sure if the building will shrink up that 15 feet or if we will to encroach on that parking, but as staff has indicated, we are not going to have that same parking requirement for those storage units that we would have for our normal retail or office use. So, we are confident that we are going to have enough parking to -- to handle this site. Cassinelli: Thank you. McCarvel: Okay. Any other questions for the applicant? Thank you. Nickel: Thanks. I appreciate your time. McCarvel: Nobody signed up for public testimony. That being said, is there anyone in the room who wishes to testify on this application? Okay. I would say if we are already to move on, could I get a motion to close the public hearing on H-2018-0057. Cassinelli: So moved. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 14 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 12 of 17 Perreault: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to close the public hearing on H-2018-0057. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE ABSENT. Cassinelli: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: As long as there is ample parking in there I'm -- I'm definitely good with not having a residential component. When you look at that piece of land it's directly across the street from a transfer station. I -- personally I wouldn't want to live there. So, I think that -- I think the uses are -- fit, particularly with what's -- you know, what's to the east, what's coming to the west, you got -- and, then, residential most likely be coming in -- will be coming in behind them to the -- to the east. So, a small piece of -- a small piece of dirt there I think it fits. Fitzgerald: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: I totally agree. With the transfer across the street I had the same exact thoughts as Commissioner Cassinelli and I think we have approved a significant amount of multi-family to the -- to the west, as well as potential additional residential to the south. So, I don't think we need another component and I know that the -- as Commissioner Perreault has alluded to is there is a buffer there, the Ten Mile Creek running to the south of it and so I think this is where it fits and -- and in-fill, this is kind of what needs to go there, so I'm in agreement. McCarvel: Yeah. I would be as well. I think it's -- now that we cleaned up some of the issues of getting stuff off as bringing -- it's the right time to bring it into the city with the proper plan and ability to take off the houses there. Yearsley: Madam Chair? I agree. Perreault: Madam Chair? Yeah, it's -- as we have seen it in some other recent applications, it's really hard to get those initial commercial and employment on this size of property, so trying to fit a mixed use in there is difficult. So, I think the design improvement is -- it's better to pull those other two buildings out, have some additional agreement -- I really like the amount of landscaping that is in here. You don't see that as frequently and I just think it makes it look -- it looks really appealing, so -- McCarvel: Okay. That being said would somebody like to make a motion. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 15 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 13 of 17 Cassinelli: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of file number H-2018-0057 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of January 3rd, 2019. Fitzgerald: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to recommend approval on H-2018-0057. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE ABSENT. D. Election of Commission Officers McCarvel: One last item on the agenda. We need a new chairman. Cassinelli: Why do we need a new chairman? McCarvel: It's time for somebody else. It's fun. Fitzgerald: You want to do it for another month? McCarvel: I would, but I really think it's something that everybody should have the opportunity to do and I think there is plenty of capable people here, so -- Yearsley: Madam Chair, I agree with that statement. I think it's a great opportunity to -- to run the meetings and it's a good learning experience, so -- Perreault: I had the opportunity to do it this year and it is -- it's really good to have -- I mean it does give you a different perspective and it was very helpful for me to -- in the decision making process and it really did -- it helped me significantly. I don't know why -- it's not that -- I mean I don't know, it's just something about that and -- you know. McCarvel: It's a different angle on the whole process and -- yeah. Cassinelli: And does that mean you would like to be nominated? Perreault: What's that? Cassinelli: I said does that mean you would like to be nominated? Perreault: I didn't say that. I'm not going to nominate myself. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 16 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 14 of 17 McCarvel: Don't all jump at one. Cassinelli: I guess let me rephrase that. Would you be willing to serve as chair? Perreault: I would be willing. I would be willing to do that, yes. Cassinelli: You did a great job -- Perreault: Thank you. Cassinelli: -- the several times you -- Perreault: Yeah. There was a few interesting hearings; right? I think we had the high school and -- thrown in the deep end. What about Commissioner Fitzgerald? Fitzgerald: I am -- I have been vice chair before, I'm -- I was happy to hand the chairmanship over to -- instead -- or be passed over. So, I'm happy to do whatever. I'm good serving in whatever capacity the Commission sees fit, so -- McCarvel: How about your schedule? Does that -- is it -- Fitzgerald: It's always fun and exciting. So, yeah -- no. I -- I'm -- you want to do it? Cassinelli: I would prefer either one of you two -- Perreault: Well, the last time we were here we only had four of us and Steve had already served and Rhonda and -- that was her first meeting. McCarvel: And Mr. Fitzgerald had chickened out and didn't show up. Fitzgerald: Usually you are put in those positions when you're not there. McCarvel: I just think -- shall we just -- shall we nominate Lisa and just -- Fitzgerald: Exactly. Perreault: She would be absolutely fantastic. She would do an amazing job. McCarvel: That's what I said, we have got plenty of qualified people, so somebody could make a nomination and I think we will all be in good hands no matter who has it, so -- Fitzgerald: Commissioner Perreault, if you would like to do it, go for it. Perreault: You know, it's funny that you say that, because that was the exact thing I was thinking about you. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 17 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 15 of 17 Fitzgerald: I would -- I'm happy to do it and I don't have -- my schedule is -- is what it is, so I -- so, I can manage it. But if you -- if it is something you would like to do, I'm -- I say go for it. Perreault: You know, it's not -- if it's -- if the Commission would -- would like me in that position I would be happy to -- to accept. Cassinelli: Would you be happy with vice? Fitzgerald: I'm happy to -- Perreault: I am, too. I agree. Yearsley: I was thinking of Commissioner Cassinelli as vice. Fitzgerald: That works, too. Cassinelli: You haven't had to be chair yet. McCarvel: Everybody should enjoy that. Especially with like an hour's notice when all of a sudden the chair can't be there. Fitzgerald: I have got longer to serve on this fun and exciting group -- with this fun and exciting group, so -- Perreault: I agree. It's a privilege for sure. McCarvel: Commissioner Cassinelli, would you like to make a nomination. Perreault: Oh, no pressure. McCarvel: A motion. Perreault: Really, truly, I agree with Commissioner Fitzgerald, what -- I mean I am -- I am willing to serve in whatever capacity that my peers are comfortable with. Cassinelli: Exactly what she said. McCarvel: I think the problem is we are comfortable with everybody, because everybody is perfectly capable and wonderful and -- Yearsley: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Yearsley. Yearsley: I would make a motion to elect Commissioner Perreault as the new chair. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 18 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 16 of 17 Cassinelli: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to elect Commissioner Perreault as our new chairman for 2019. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE ABSENT. Cassinelli: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: I'm going to make a motion. I nominate Mr. Fitzgerald as -- McCarvel: I would second that as well. Perreault: Absolutely. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to have Commissioner Fitzgerald be our vice chair for 2019. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE ABSENT. Perreault: Okay, Ryan, one of these nights we are going to plan to both be gone and Bill will have to run the meeting. Fitzgerald: Exactly. Perreault: It's really, honestly, truly -- I was so nervous the first time, but, then, when I did I thought this is so -- just -- it just gives you a different perspective and it's good. McCarvel: Yeah. Cassinelli: Next time we have another Costco just throw it at me. Perreault: Those are absolutely the best -- McCarvel: And, you know what, these come from Commissioner Marshal l from a long time ago. These are used -- Perreault: They are a lifesaver. McCarvel: These are years old. So, Commissioner Perreault, would you like to make one last motion before you don't make any motions for a year. Perreault: I move that we close the public hearing for January 3 rd, 2019. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 17, 2019 – Page 19 of 153 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission January 3, 2019 Page 17 of 17 Fitzgerald: Does that mean we are adjourning? Yearsley: Yes. McCarvel: Second? Fitzgerald: Second. McCarvel: Is there anything else you want to say before we adjourn? Cassinelli: No. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to close the public hearing on January 3rd, 2019. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:38 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED CHAIRMAN ATTEST: C. AY C66ft - CITY CLERK I I M II� DATE APPROVED PQoa#,T t U AVG a sr G � 2 � 0h of o w E IDIAN*,.- IDAHO \� SEAL 4,I Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 Agenda Item Number: 3 A Project File Number: Item Title: Approve Minutes of December 20, 2018, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Request: Meeting Notes: 9 I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 3.A . Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: Title of I tem - Approve M inutes of December 20, 2018 P lanning and Zoning C ommission M eeting AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate Minutes Minutes 12/26/2018 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 3 of 128 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission December 20, 2018 Page 64 of 64 APPROVED RHO NDA McCARVEL - CHAIR AN A T Ap AY C - CI L E R K J-1 (3 1 DATE APPROVED Cif n( 6 C' E IDIAN�. Z IDAHO SEAL 2 T��ofinc> rRFn`j" 1 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting January 3, 2019 Zoning Map Future Land Use Map Conceptual Building Elevations Changes to Agenda: • Item #4A: Premier Infant Care CUP — Applicant requests withdrawal of application Item #4B: Pleasant View Elementary CUP (H-2018.0103) NOTE: This project was continued from the original hearing on December 6, 2018 to incorporate ACHD's comments into the staff report. ACHD's staff report has been received and incorporated. Application(s): ➢ Conditional Use Permit Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 9 acres of land, zoned R-4 and R-8, and is located on the north side of W. Gondola Dr., east of N. Black Cat Road, midway between W. McMillan Rd. and W. Chinden Blvd. Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: MDR Summary of Request: A CUP is requested to construct an approximately 65,000 SF elementary school in an R-4 and R-8 zoning district. The proposed elementary school will accommodate approximately 650 students, ranging from Kindergarten to 5th grade and is proposed to open in fall of 2020 if granted CUP approval. Written Testimony: None Staff Recommendation: Approval Notes: Staff is still recommending approval of the project with the conditions contained in the staff report. The question of whether the applicant will be responsible for a signalized light at Black Cat and Chinden or whether that will be achieved through other development still needs to be addressed by the Commission. Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to approve File Number H-2018-0103, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of January 3, 2019, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to deny File Number H-2018-0103, as presented during the hearing on January 3, 2019, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2018-0103 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance) Item #413: Bainbridge Franklin (H-2018-0057) Application(s): Annexation Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 3.68 acres of land, zoned RUT, located at 2075 and 2155 W. Franklin Road. Adjacent Land Use & Zoning: North: Industrial property, zoned I -L East: Twelve Oaks Villas, zoned C -C and TN -R South: Vacant commercial property, zoned C -C West: Vacant commercial property, Zoned C -C Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: Mixed Use Commercial Summary of Request: On November 7, 2018, the City Council remanded this application back to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The applicant requested the remand with hope of gaining a favorable recommendation from the Commission. During the July 12, 2017 hearing, the Commission recommended denial of the application for the following reasons: 1. Continued use of the small equipment repair business; 2. Existing structures remaining on the property for 5 years without connecting to city utilities; 3. Site plan was not revised per staffs recommendation in the staff report; 4. Staffs concerns that the conceptual site plan and elevations were not consistent with the MU -Com designation 5. With the number of items above, it appeared the annexation of the property with the C -G district was premature. MU -COM designated areas are intended for the development of a mix of office, retail, recreational, employment and other miscellaneous uses, with supporting multi -family or single-family attached residential uses. The horizontal and vertical integration of residential uses is also essential in this area. This designation requires developments to integrate the three major use categories: residential, commercial, and employment. In MU -COM areas, three (3) or more significant uses also tend to be larger scale projects. Traditional neighborhood design concepts with a strong pedestrian -oriented focus are essential. Development should exhibit quality building and site design and an attractive pedestrian environment with a strong street character. An overall target density of 8-12 dwelling units (d.u.) per (n acre is desired, with higher densities allowed in individual projects. No more than 30% of the ground level development within the MU -C designation should be used for residences. The applicant proposes to annex the site with a C -G zoning district which is an appropriate zoning district for an MU -COM designated area. The site is proposed to develop with 5 commercial pad sites. While not necessarily the burden of this application, it should be understood that cumulative changes to this area of the TMISAP have occured, east of Ten Mile Road.The cumulative changes have resulted in an increase in more commercial property and less residential densities than originally evisoned for the area. The most recent being, the Calnon project that was approved in 2015, which changed the Comprehensive Plan designation on the south and west boundaries of this property from Medium -High Density Residential to Mixed Use Commercial. Because the adjacent property is a much larger parcel, staff anticipates a mix of employment, retail and other residential uses developing on this property. Further, the TM Creek proerty farther to west is developing with a mix of commercial and residential uses that also provides services, employment and residential uses in the area. For these reasons, full compliance with the TMISAP is not required for the development of this property (no residential component) however; specific design elements are required to be complied with to ensure a consistent design theme and quality development complementary to the surrounding developments. Conceptual site plan: A conceptual site plan was submitted, 5 commercial pad sites, including a mix of single, two and three story buildings with a similar design theme, open plaza area, and a cross access to the Twleve Oaks multi -family project to the east and the Calnon property to west in accord with UDC 11-3A-3. The new plan also incorporates the required 25 -foot wide street buffer width along Franklin Road in accord with UDC Table 11-213-3. Landscaping: A 25 -foot wide landscape buffer is required to be installed with the development of the subject property in accord with UDC 11-2B-3 and UDC 11-3B-7. Further, the applicant is requesting to develop the site with commercial uses adjacent to Twelve Oaks multi -family project along the east boundary of this site. Per UDC 11-313-9, a 25 -foot landscape buffer is required adjacent to the residential use unless the Council grants a reduction of the buffer. The submitted concept plan depicts a 10 -foot wide landscape buffer. Staff recommends the applicant install the 25 -foot wide landscape buffer unless the council grants a waiver to reduce the buffer. If the applicant requests the Council waiver, staff recommends that the buffer not be reduced less than 10 feet in width. Existing building/uses: All of the existing buildings on the site shall be removed and any existing business located on the property shall cease immediately upon annexation. Parking: Based on the conceptual site plan, there will be approximately 52,850 square feet. Per UDC 11-3C-6 one parking space is required per 500 s,f. of building area. In this case, that amounts to 106 required parking spaces. The conceptual site plan as proposed contains 96 parking spaces, which may be in compliance with UDC requirements. NOTE: The self -storage use requires less parking than most commercial uses. The UDC only requires the parking to be based on the size of the office space proposed for the storage use. At this time, staff does not have the specifics of the office square footage to determine if the parking ratio is adequate for the site. However, the required parking will be reduced because a majority of the square footage of the storage (29,250 sq.ft.) building will not be counted towards the required parking calculations. Access: One (1) direct access to W. Franklin Road is proposed for the development. Additional, Franklin Road accesses should be prohibited in accord with UDC 11-3A-3. The multi -family project to the east provided cross -access to this site, so this project will be required to reciprocate that cross -access easement. Further, the applicant is proposing to provide cross access with the Calnon property along the west boundary. The cross access will provide interconnectivity with the adjacent properties in accord with UDC 11-3A-3. Building Elevations: Structures within the proposed development that are visible from the street or abutting properties are required to comply with the design review standards set forth in UDC 11-3A-19 and the guidelines contained in the Architectural Standards Manual. Further, the property is located within the TMISAP, which has higher design standards. The applicant has provided a color rendering that demonstrates the design theme for the proposed development. Although specific building materials are not identified, all structures constructed in the development should comply with the design elements of the TMISAP. Written Testimony: Shawn Nickel, applicant's representative Staff Recommendation: Approval with DA provisions in Exhibit B of the staff report. Notes: Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of File Number H- 2018-0057, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of January 3, 2019, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial to the City Council of File Number H-2018- 0057, as presented during the hearing on January 3, 2019, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2018-0057 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance) Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 Agenda Item Number: 4 A Project File Number: H-2018-0128 Item Title: Public Hearing for Premier Infant Care By Barbara Ingrao and Ashli Kessinger, Located 3515 W. Torana Dr. Request: Application to be Withdrawn Meeting Notes: i'1,� ��C--, I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 4.A . Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: Title of I tem - Public Hearing for P remier Infant Care (H-2018-0128) by Barbara Ingrao and Ashli K essinger, Located 3515 W. Torana D r. The Applicant Requests to Withdraw Application C lic k Here for Applic ation Materials AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate A pplication W ithdrawal Cover Memo 1/3/2019 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 68 of 128 1 Chris Johnson From:Stephanie Leonard Sent:Thursday, January 03, 2019 7:44 AM To:Chris Johnson; C.Jay Coles Subject:FW: Premier Infant Care CUP Hi Chris and C.Jay, Please see below. Thanks, Stephanie Leonard | Associate City Planner City of Meridian | Community Development Dept. 33 E. Broadway Ave., Ste. 102, Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: 208-489-0574 | sleonard@meridiancity.org From: Ashli Kessinger <MrsKessinger@hotmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 2, 2019 9:01 PM To: Stephanie Leonard <sleonard@meridiancity.org> Subject: Re: Premier Infant Care CUP Hi Stephanie, We are withdrawing our CUP application for Premier Infant Daycare. Thank you, Ashli Kessinger and Barbara Ingrao Sent from my iPad Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 69 of 128 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 Agenda Item Number: 4 B Project File Number: H-2018-0103 Item Title: Public Hearing Continued from December 6, 2018 for Pleasant View Elementary By West Ada School District, Located on the North Side of W. Gondola Dr., East of N. Black Cat Rd. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for an Approximately 65,000 square - foot education institution (elementary school) in an R-4 and R08 zoning district. Meeting Notes: 9 I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 4.B . Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: Title of I tem - Public Hearing Continued from December 6, 2018 for P leasant View Elementary (H-2018-0103) by West Ada School District, L ocated on the north side of W. Gondola Dr., east of N. Black C at Rd. C lic k Here for Applic ation Materials C lic k Here to S ign Up to Tes tify at Hearing AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate S taff Report R E V I S E D S taff Report 1/2/2019 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 70 of 128 Details and Signatures For Public Hearing Hearing Date: 1/3/2019 Hearing Type: PZ Item Number: 4B Project Name: Pleasant View Elementary Project No.: H-2018-0123 Active: ✓ There are no signatures posted for this meeting type yet. Go Back To List Export To Excel © 2019 - City of Meridian, Idaho Page 1 STAFF REPORT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: 1/3/2019 Continued from 12/6/2018 TO: Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Stephanie Leonard, Associate Planner 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton, Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: H-2018-0123 Pleasant View Elementary PROPERTY LOCATION: The north side of W. Gondola Dr., east of N. Black Cat Road, midway between W. McMillan Rd. and W. Chinden Blvd., in the SW ¼ of Section 27, Township 4N, Range 1W. (Parcel numbers: S0427234000 and S0427314880). I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant, West Ada School District, has submitted an application for conditional use permit to construct an approximately 65,000 square-foot education institution (elementary school) in an R-4 and R- 8 zoning district. II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 22.86 (Final plat for Gondola Subdivision was recently approved to create 9.05 acre buildable lot for school) Future Land Use Designation Medium Density Residential Existing Land Use Undeveloped Proposed Land Use(s) Elementary School Current Zoning R-4 and R-8 Proposed Zoning R-4 and R-8 Physical Features (waterways, hazards, flood plain, hillside) N/A Neighborhood meeting date; # of attendees: October 11, 2018; 8 attendees Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 71 of 128 Page 2 Description Details Page History (previous approvals) AZ-05-040, DA Inst. No. 111010393 (Volterra North) and DA Inst. No. 109061598 (Bainbridge); PP-13-011 and PP-10- 004; H-2018-0116; CZC-14-070; FP-15-018 B. Community Metrics Description Details Page Ada County Highway District  Staff report (yes/no) No Yes 26  Requires ACHD Commission Action (yes/no) No Access (Arterial/Collectors/State Hwy/Local)(Existing and Proposed) W. Gondola Dr. (collector) Traffic Level of Service Stub Street/Interconnectivity/Cross Access Need to record cross-access agreement spanning lot 1, block 10 of Vicenza Subdivision No. 2 to allow for ingress/egress via 3 proposed access points. Existing Road Network Existing Arterial Sidewalks / Buffers Black Cat Road – partial sidewalks (in front of developed parcels) McMillan Road – partial sidewalks (in front of developed parcels) Proposed Road Improvements Fire Service  Accessibility Requesting additional emergency access point  Special/resource needs No additional resource needs Police Service  Distance to Police Station 8 miles  Police Response Time 5 minutes  Calls for Service 76 calls between 11/1/2017-10/31/2018  % of calls for service split by priority % of P3 CFS – 2.6% % of P2 CFS – 63.2% % of P0 CFS – 34.2%  Accessibility No issue  Specialty/resource needs No additional resource needs  Crimes 88  Crashes 10  Other Reports N/A Distance to nearest City Park (+ size) Approximately 1/3 mile (7.5 acres) West Ada School District  Distance (elem, ms, hs) Hunter Elementary – 1.5 miles Sawtooth Middle School – 2 miles Owyhee High School – 1.9 miles (Recently approved H-2018- 0075)  Capacity of Schools  # of Students Enrolled Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 72 of 128 Page 3 C. Project Area Maps Future Land Use Map Aerial Map Zoning Map Planned Development Map III. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Applicant/Owner West Ada School District – 1303 East Central Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 B. Representatives: WH Pacific Engineers – 2141 W. Airport Way, Boise, Idaho 83705 LKV Architects – 2400 E. Riverwalk Drive, Boise, Idaho 83706 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 73 of 128 Page 4 IV. NOTICING A. Newspaper notification published on: 11/13/2018 B. Radius notice mailed to properties within 300 feet on: 11/13/2018 C. Applicant posted notice on site on: 11/26/2018 D. Nextdoor posting: 11/13/2018 E. Neighborhood meeting date and number of attendees: October 11, 2018; 8 attendees + Applicant V. STAFF ANALYSIS The applicant requests a conditional use permit to construct an approximately 65,000 square- foot education institution (public elementary school) on 9.05 acres of land in the R-4 and R-8 zoning districts as required by UDC Table 11-2A-2. The proposed elementary school will accommodate approximately 650 students, ranging from Kindergarten to 5th grade, and is proposed to open in the fall of 2020 if granted CUP approval. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designates this site as Medium- density Residential (MDR). MDR designated areas allow smaller lots for residential purposes within City limits. Uses may include single-family homes at gross densities of 3 to 8 dwelling units per acre (d.u./acre). While single-family residential uses are typical in the R-4 and R-8 zoning districts, education institution uses are permitted with approval of a CUP. The applicant recently received final plat approval (H-2018-0116) for two lots, one of which is a building lot on 9.05 acres. The other lot is a common lot for the street buffer along W. Gondola Dr., which was included and constructed with the development for Vicenza Subdivision No. 2 final plat. The proposed school will be located on the 9.05 acre buildable lot. Staff finds the following Comprehensive Plan policies to be applicable to this property and apply to the proposed use: A. Comprehensive Plan Policies “Support the location of school sites within every square mile.” (3.02.01B) “Work with West Ada School District so elementary schools are sited in locations that are safe for the children, easily accessible by automobile, transit, walking and bicycle. Elementary schools should not be "hidden" within subdivisions or otherwise made inaccessible to the public.” (3.02.01F) “Ensure compatibility of schools with neighborhoods and adjacent land uses.” (3.02.01J) “Ensure development provides safe routes and access to schools, parks and other community gathering places.” (3.07.02N) B. Dimensional Standards Development is required to comply with the dimensional standards of the applicable zoning district as set forth in UDC Tables 11-2A-5 and 11-2A-6 for the R-4 and R-8 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 74 of 128 Page 5 zoning districts respectively. The current proposal is in compliance with the standards below. C. Specific Use Standards The proposed use is subject to the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-14, Education Institution. The applicant is planning on placement of portables for expansion of classroom space depending on future student enrollment. When this need arises, the applicant shall install portables in accord with UDC 11-4-3-14F: F. Portable Classrooms (Temporary And Permanent): The site plan for all education institutions shall include the location of any future portable classrooms (temporary and/or permanent). 1. Temporary Portables: A temporary portable classroom shall be an accessory use valid for a maximum period of four (4) years from the date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy. a. Temporary portable classrooms that meet the standards as set forth in subsection F4 of this section shall require a certificate of zoning compliance approval but shall not be subject to design review. b. Temporary portable classrooms that do not meet the standards as set forth in subsection F4 of this section shall require a conditional use permit but shall not be subject to design review. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 75 of 128 Page 6 2. Permanent Portables: Prior to the termination of the four (4) year permit, the applicant may request to convert a temporary portable classroom to a permanent portable classroom. a. Permanent portable classrooms that meet the standards as set forth in subsection F4 of this section shall require a certificate of zoning compliance and design review approval. b. Permanent portable classrooms that do not meet the standards as set forth in subsection F4 of this section shall require a conditional use permit and design review approval. 3. Permit Termination: Upon termination of the four (4) year permit, the temporary portable classroom approval shall be null and void and the applicant shall remove the structure immediately. 4. Standards: a. The portable classroom shall not be located in the front yard of the principal school structure. b. The portable classroom shall not be located in any required yard. c. The placement of the portable classroom shall not reduce the number of required off street parking spaces. d. The portable structures shall comply with the building code in accord with title 10 of this code. e. Exterior colors of the portable classrooms shall be compatible with the color of the primary school building. f. The roofing material on the portable classrooms shall be of a finish that emits a minimal amount of glare. g. Where the portable classroom is located within two hundred feet (200') of a street and is visible from such a street, the portable classroom shall be screened from view of the street with a minimum of one evergreen tree per fifteen feet (15') of linear structure. The tree shall be a minimum of six feet (6') in height. (Ord. 10-1461, 10-12-2010, eff. 10-18-2010) Staff recommends that the site and landscape plans submitted with CZC and DES applications reflect these standards. D. Access Although UDC 11-3A-3 restricts access to collector roadways, Staff is amenable to granting access via W. Gondola Drive (a collector) since the site would not allow for another point of access. The first proposed site plan depicted two points of access to the site via two full-access driveways into the west and east parking lots on W. Gondola Drive. The Fire Department required an additional access point be added as the original site plan’s access points did not have adequate separation between two access points for the height of the building. The applicant revised their site plan to include a third access point via W. Gondola Dr. fulfilling those requirements. The western driveway is proposed to be aligned with the new residential street, Cedar Grove Drive. The proposed Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 76 of 128 Page 7 access points intersect a common lot located within lot 1, block 10 in Vicenza Subdivision No. 2. The applicant needs to obtain permission from Vicenza Subdivision No. 2 to cross lot 1, block 10 for the three proposed access points. The applicant shall submit documentation granting access with the CZC and DES applications. E. Parking Off-street parking is required to be provided on the site in accord with UDC Table 11- 3C-6B. The number of spaces is typically determined by the district. However, in this case because the proposed use is more commercial than residential in nature, staff recommends the commercial standards apply to ensure adequate parking is provided for the use. Based on the proposed square footage of the structure (i.e. 65,000 square feet), a minimum of 130 parking spaces are required; a total of 145 spaces are proposed in excess of UDC standards. Per UDC 11-3A-19B-3a, no more than 50-percent of the total off-street parking area for the site shall be located between building facades and abutting streets for properties greater than two acres. The applicant shall be required to request alternative compliance (ALT) per UDC 11-5B-5 for the currently proposed site plan. The ALT request shall meet or exceed the intent of UDC 11-3A-19 and shall be submitted concurrently with the CZC and DES applications. Additionally, the proposed parking area will prevent the applicant from complying with UDC 11-3A-19B-2b which requires that a minimum of 40-percent of the buildable frontage of the property be occupied by building facades and/or public space. The applicant shall submit a request for ALT per UDC 11-5B-5 to deviate from UDC requirements. The ALT request shall be submitted concurrently with the CZC and DES applications. F. Sidewalks and Pathways Sidewalks exist along W. Gondola Drive and San Vito Way to provide pedestrian connection to existing neighborhoods and services. There are gaps in sidewalk connections along W. McMillan Road, N. Black Cat Road, and W. Chinden Boulevard within the typical 1.5 mile walk zone. Access to buses by students within the typical 1.5 mile walk zone will be required until the sidewalk and pathway system is completed in the area. A ten-foot multi-use pathway was provided with the construction of the subdivision in accord with Comprehensive Plan action items #3.03.03B, “Require pedestrian access connectors in all new development to link subdivisions together to promote neighborhood connectivity as part of a community pathway system” and #5.03.01A, “Implement the City’s Pathways Master Plan.” The multi-use pathway will support a needed service in close proximity to residences, businesses and services, in accord with Comprehensive Plan action item #2.01.01A, “Provide a walkable community through good design”. Additionally, an asphalt pathway is proposed around the perimeter of the site and will make connection to existing subdivision pathways to the north, west and east sides of the site. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 77 of 128 Page 8 G. Landscaping A 20-foot wide street buffer is required along W. Gondola Dr. in accord with UDC Tables 11-2A-5 and 11-2A-6 and landscaped in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. Although not required to install a landscape buffer to adjoining residential uses, the applicant is proposing to install a minimum of approximately 15 feet of landscape buffer including trees and vegetative groundcover along the Bainbridge and Bainbridge Hess Subdivisions to the north, west and east of the site. Landscaping along W. Gondola Dr. and abutting residential uses is proposed in excess of UDC standards. Parking lot landscaping is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-8C and in accord with Comprehensive Plan action item #2.01.04B, “Require all new and reconstructed parking lots to provide landscaping in internal islands and along streets, and to positively influence the physical and visual environment through screening, paving materials, and other landscape techniques.” The plan as submitted depicts one row of parking spanning 13 stalls in the western parking lot that should include an interior planter island in accord with UDC 11-3B-8C-2. The current site plan depicts removal of four existing trees along W. Gondola Dr. The applicant shall contact Elroy Huff, City Arborist, at 888-3579 to schedule an appointment to confirm mitigation requirements prior to removal of any trees on site. H. Traffic A Traffic Impact Study (TIS) was submitted to ACHD for review with this application. The TIS estimates the new elementary school will generate approximately 1,200 daily trips; 435 during the AM peak hour and 221 during the PM peak hour. The location and design of school zones and flashing beacon lights will be addressed during the design review process with collaboration from ACHD staff. Ultimate development and approval of school zones will be through ACHD in cooperation with the West Ada School District. A summary of the intersection and roadway standards evaluation is below, analysis and the full TIS study can be found in the project folder here: http://weblink.meridiancity.org/weblink8/0/fol/157714/Row1.aspx Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 78 of 128 Page 9 ITD has reviewed the TIS and has determined that the intersection of Black Cat Road and Chinden Blvd. should be signalized prior to the school's opening. Staff is unsure if there is adequate right-of-way to ensure the installation of the signal because the roadway may not be improved before the school’s opening. Staff recommends that the Commission determine if the signal at Black Cat Road and Chinden Blvd. intersection as requested by ITD should be required with the construction of the school. ACHD has completed a staff report for this project, which has been added to Section VIII.9 of this staff report per a request from the Planning and Zoning Commission at the original hearing on December 6, 2018. West Ada School District is in agreement with the conditions stated in that staff report. I. Site Circulation Bus circulation, student parking, staff parking, parent drop-off circulation, on-site pedestrian routes and a crossing guard plan were evaluated and submitted as part of the TIS. The primary parent drop-off area is proposed to be located in the eastern parking lot and has been designed to allow parents to drop students off curbside. A secondary drop-off is located on an island south of the primary drop-off with a designated crosswalk proposed to ensure children cross safely. Faculty and bus drop-off areas are proposed to be located in the western parking lot. Crossing guard locations have been recommended for consideration and should be finalized with collaboration between ACHD and the West Ada School District. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 79 of 128 Page 10 J. Building Elevations The applicant has submitted conceptual elevations of the proposed building included in Exhibit VII.C. Building materials consist of masonry veneer, structural masonry block, and accent metal panels. The proposed building is single-story with a combination of pitched metal roofing and low slope roofing with parapets to screen rooftop mounted mechanical systems. The three classroom wings will be approximately 23.5 feet in height, the gymnasium portion of the building will be 32 feet in height. The final design of the structure is required to comply with the design standards listed in the Architectural Standards Manual. K. Trash Enclosure A trash enclosure is depicted on the site plan in the western parking lot. A detail of the enclosure should be submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application. The applicant should coordinate with Republic Services on the design and location of the enclosure. L. Fencing Fencing proposed along the perimeter of the site shall comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-6 and 11-3A-7. In accord with Comprehensive Plan action item #3.02.01J, “Ensure compatibility of schools with neighborhoods and adjacent land uses”, The submitted site plan depicts a 4-foot fence, however no detail has been provided. Staff recommends that the applicant submit fence details prior to the hearing. Additionally, double-fencing is prohibited adjacent to common areas per UDC 11-3A- 7A-7b, the applicant shall coordinate fencing with Bainbridge Subdivision to comply with this requirement. M. Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC) and Design Review (DES) If approved, the applicant will be required to obtain approval of a CZC application for establishment of the new use and to ensure all site improvements comply with the provisions of the UDC and the conditions in this report prior to construction, in accord with UDC 11-5B-1. The applicant will also be required to submit an application for DES concurrent with the CZC application in accord with UDC 11-5B-8. The site and building design is required to be generally consistent with the elevations and site plan submitted with this application and the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and the City of Meridian Architectural Standards Manual. N. Utilities: a. Location of sewer: A sanitary sewer main intended to provide service to the subject property currently exists in W. Gondola Drive. b. Location of water: Water mains intended to provide service to the subject property currently exists along the west boundary, and along the south boundary in W. Gondola Drive. c. Issues or concerns: None Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 80 of 128 Page 11 VI. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the proposed conditional use permit application in accord with the Findings in Section IX per the provisions in Section VIII. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 81 of 128 Page 12 VII. EXHIBITS A. Site Plan (Dated: November 29, 2018) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 82 of 128 Page 13 B. Landscape Plan (Dated: October 15, 2018) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 83 of 128 Page 14 C. Building Elevations (Dated: October 18, 2018) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 84 of 128 Page 15 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 85 of 128 Page 16 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 86 of 128 Page 17 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 87 of 128 Page 18 VIII. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS 1. PLANNING DIVISION 1. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of previous approvals (AZ-05-040, DA Inst. No. 111010393 and DA Inst. No. 109061598; PP-13-011 and PP-10-004; H-2018- 0116; FP-15-018) associated with this property. 2. The applicant shall comply with the Specific Use Standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-14, Education Institution. 3. The site plan, included in Exhibit VII.A, dated November 29, 2018 shall be revised as follows: a. Record a cross-access agreement for access across lot 1, block 10 of Vicenza Subdivision No. 2 to allow for ingress/egress via the 3 proposed access points from W. Gondola Dr. b. Future portable classrooms should be depicted with site/landscape plan for CZC and DES approval. Placement shall be in accord with UDC 11-4-3-14F. 4. The landscape plan included in Exhibit VII.B, dated October 15, 2018, shall be revised as follows: a. Interior parking lot landscaping shall comply with UDC 11-3B-8C-2a. b. The applicant shall contact Elroy Huff, City Arborist, at 888-3579 to schedule an appointment to confirm mitigation requirements prior to removal of any trees on the site. c. A revised landscape plan including the three proposed access points shall be submitted with CZC and DES application. d. Prior to Planning and Zoning Commission, details of the perimeter fencing shall be submitted. e. The applicant shall coordinate fencing with Bainbridge Subdivision to comply with UDC 11-3A-7A-7b. 5. Development of this site shall substantially comply with the site plan, landscape plan and building elevations included in Exhibit VII and the conditions of approval in this report. 6. The applicant is required to submit a Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC) and Administrative Design Review (DES) application to the Planning Division for approval of the proposed use and final site layout and building designs prior to submittal of a building permit application. 7. The applicant shall submit a request for alternative compliance to deviate from the UDC Structure and Site Design Standards (UDC 11-3A-19B-2b and UDC 11-3A-19B-3a) in accord with UDC 11-5B-5. 8. The proposed site layout and structures are required to comply with the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and the guidelines contained in the Architectural Standards Manual (ASM). 9. Staff’s failure to cite specific ordinance provisions or terms of the approved conditional use does not relieve the applicant of responsibility for compliance. 10. The applicant shall have a maximum of two (2) years to commence the educational institution use as permitted in accord with the conditions of approval listed above. If the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 88 of 128 Page 19 use has not begun within two (2) years of approval, a new conditional use permit must be obtained prior to operation or a time extension must be requested in accord with UDC 11- 5B-6F. 11. The applicant shall complete all required improvements prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. It is unlawful to use or occupy any building or structure until the Building Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy. 12. The applicant shall comply with the outdoor lighting standards shown in UDC 11-3A-11. 13. All signage for the property is subject to the standards set forth in UDC 11-3D. 14. Prior to applying for a building permit, the applicant shall record the Gondola final plat (H-2018-0116). 2. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2.1 Site Specific Conditions of Approval 2.1.1 Sanitary sewer and water mains/services are currently available on the subject site. The applicant shall be responsible for the abandonment, per Meridian City standards, of any existing mainlines or services that are not utilized. 2.1.2 At least 2000 gpm of domestic water supply is available at 20 psi at the water main around school. Applicant to coordinate with Public Works Engineering if a higher flow is required. 2.2 General Conditions of Approval 2.2.1 Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2.2.2 The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way (include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat, but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian’s standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement (on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor, which must include the area of the easement (marked EXHIBIT A) and an 81/2” x 11” map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 2.2.3 All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. 2.2.4 Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process, prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 89 of 128 Page 20 2.2.5 It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 2.2.6 Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2.2.7 All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-12-3H. 2.2.8 Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material. 2.2.9 The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 2.2.10 At the completion of the project, the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings for any new public water and/or sanitary sewer mainlines, per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 2.2.11 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed public sewer, water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-221. 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT 1. The two currently proposed access points are too close together for a 65,000 sq. ft. building. The additional access point will be required for approval of the project. 4. POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF REPORT: 1. Police Response Time- The proposed development Pleasant View Elementary School is approximately 8.0 miles from the Meridian Police Department. The expected response time to this area in an emergency is about 5 minutes. Between 11/1/2017 – 10/31/2018 the Meridian Police Department responded to 76 calls for service within a mile of the proposed development. Most of these calls were related to thefts. During this same time period the Meridian Police Department responded to 10 crashes within a mile of the proposed development. Most of these crashes 60% were injury related. See attached document for additional details on calls. 2. Accessibility – Access for the Meridian Police Department is not an issue for the proposed development in this area. The roadways surrounding this area are more than adequate and the area already has sidewalks on both sides of the roadway. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 90 of 128 Page 21 3. Resource needs - There are no additional staffing, equipment needs or other resources needed to serve the proposed development. 4. Other comments- The Meridian Police Department already serves this growing area. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 91 of 128 Page 22 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 92 of 128 Page 23 5. CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT (CDHD) 6. NAMPA MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT (NMID) No comment on the subject application. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 93 of 128 Page 24 7. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (DEQ) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 94 of 128 Page 25 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 95 of 128 Page 26 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 96 of 128 Page 27 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 97 of 128 Page 28 8. IDAHO TRANSPORATION DEPARTMENT (ITD) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 98 of 128 Page 29 9. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT (ACHD) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 99 of 128 Page 30 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 100 of 128 Page 31 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 101 of 128 Page 32 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 102 of 128 Page 33 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 103 of 128 Page 34 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 104 of 128 Page 35 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 105 of 128 Page 36 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 106 of 128 Page 37 IX. FINDINGS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: The Commission shall base its determination on the conditional use permit request on the following: a. That the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet all the dimensional and development regulations in the district in which the use is located. Staff finds that the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet the dimensional and development regulations of the R-4 and R-8 zoning districts and the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-14, Education Institution. b. That the proposed use will be harmonious with the Meridian Comprehensive Plan and in accord with the requirements of this Title. Staff finds that the proposed education institution in the R-4 and R-8 zoning districts is a desired use. c. That the design, construction, operation and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area. Staff finds that the general design, construction, operation and maintenance of the education institution should be compatible with agricultural and existing and planned residential uses in the vicinity. Further, staff finds that the proposed project will be compatible with the existing and intended character of the area and will not adversely change the character thereof. d. That the proposed use, if it complies with all conditions of the approval imposed, will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. Staff finds that the proposed development should not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. If approved, conditions of approval will be included in Exhibit VIII of this staff report to ensure the proposed use will not adversely affect other properties in the vicinity. e. That the proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, schools, parks, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water, and sewer. Staff finds that sanitary sewer, domestic water, refuse disposal, and irrigation were provided to this property with development of the subdivision; services will be extended to the proposed building by the developer. Staff finds that the proposed use will be served adequately by all of the public facilities and services listed above. f. That the proposed use will not create excessive additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. If approved, the applicant will be financing any improvements required for development. Staff finds there will not be excessive additional requirements at public cost and that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the community’s economic welfare. g. That the proposed use will not involve activities or processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 107 of 128 Page 38 Staff finds that the proposed development should not involve activities that will create nuisances that would be detrimental to the general welfare of the surrounding area. h. That the proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature considered to be of major importance. Staff finds that the proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of any natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance in this area. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 108 of 128 Development Services Department AO CHD Project/File: Pleasant View Elementary School / MER18-0112 / H-2018-0123 CUP Conditional use permit to construct Pleasant View Elementary School Lead Agency: City of Meridian Site address: Gondola Drive e/o Black Cat Road Staff Approval: December 31, 2018 Applicant: West Ada School District Representative: Matt Munger WH Pacific Engineers 2141 W Airport Way Boise, ID 83706 Staff Contact: Christy Little Phone: 387-6144 E-mail: clittle achdidaho.org A. Findings of Fact 1. Description of Application: The applicant is requesting conditional use approval to construct a new public elementary school to accommodate 650 students. 2. Transit: Transit services are not available to serve this site. 3. New Center Lane Miles: The proposed development includes no centerline miles of new public road. 4. Capital Improvements Plan (CIP)/ Integrated Five Year Work Plan (IFYWP): There are no roadways, bridges or intersections in the general vicinity of the project that are in the Integrated Five Year Work Plan (IFYWP). • Black Cat Road is listed in the CIP to be widened to 3 -lanes from McMillan Road to SH - 20/26/ Chinden Boulevard between 2026 and 2030. • Black Cat Road is listed in the CIP to be widened to 5 -lanes from Ustick Road to McMillan Road between 2021 and 2025. • McMillan Road is listed in the CIP to be widened to 3 -lanes from McDermott Road to Black Cat Road between 2031 and 2035. • McMillan Road is listed in the CIP to be widened to 3 -lanes from Black Cat Road to Ten Mile Road between 2031 and 2035. 1 • The intersection of SH -20/26/ Chinden Boulevard and Black Cat Road is listed in the CIP to be widened to 5 -lanes on the north leg, 5 -lanes on the south, 6 -lanes east, and 6 -lanes on the west leg, and signalized between 2026 and 2030. • The intersection of McMillan Road and Black Cat Road is listed in the CIP to be widened to 4 -lanes on the north leg, 4 -lanes on the south, 2 -lanes east, and 2 -lanes on the west leg, and constructed as a multi -lane roundabout between 2026 and 2030. B. Traffic Findings for Consideration 1. School Checklist: Per Idaho Code 67-6519(3), the applicant provided a School Checklist, prepared by John Ringert, Kittelson & Associates. In addition to the School Checklist, the applicant also provided a full TIS. The Checklist is attached. Recommendations from TIS/Checklist: • Black Cat Road/SH-20/26 — ensure the signalization of the intersection is completed as conditioned on other development. • Install a railing or other buffer element on the north side of the secondary parent drop-off area to channelize the pedestrians to the designated crossing location. • Design and maintain shrubbery and landscaping at all access points to ensure adequate site distance. • Install a north -south crosswalk and an RRFB beacon at the Gondola Way/middle driveway intersection (on the east approach) to assist with future pedestrian crossings to the school. • Consider use of crossing guards at the Gondola Way/middle driveway intersection when future residential development occurs. Additional crossing guards at off-site intersections may also be appropriate in the long term. • Install a school zone with flashers on Gondola Way. • Provide access to buses to students within any area of the walk zone not served by continuous sidewalk or pathways to the school. • Monitor the need for a future crosswalk and PHB at the following off-site intersections once the walk zone is extended across the arterial roadways: o San Vito Way/McMillan Road intersection o Black Cat Road/Gondola Way intersection • Implement a plan to communicate to parents regarding drop-off and pick-up procedures and enforcement as necessary to ensure parents are not dropping off children in non- designated areas or blocking traffic on Gondola Way. Trip Generation: The school is estimated to generate 1,200 daily vehicle trips; with 435 vehicle trips per hour in the AM peak hour, and 221 vehicle trips per hour in the PM peak hour, based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, 10th edition. (The PM peak hour of trip generation for an elementary school does not coincide with the PM peak hour of the adjacent streets.) 2 Pleasant View Elementary School 2. Condition of Area Roadways Traffic Count is based on Vehicles per hour (VPH) * Acceptable level of service for a two-lane minor arterial is "E" (575 VPH). * Acceptable level of service for a three -lane minor arterial is "E" (720 VPH) * Acceptable level of service for a two-lane collector is "D" (425 VPH). 2. Average Daily Traffic Count (VDT) Average daily traffic counts are based on ACHD's most current traffic counts. • The average daily traffic count for Chinden Boulevard west of Black Cat Road was 19,156 on 02/07/2018. • The average daily traffic count for Black Cat Road south of Chinden Boulevard was 3,839 on 02/07/2018. • The average daily traffic count for McMillan Road west of Ten Mile Road was 4,905 on 01/13/2018. C. Findings for Consideration 1. ITD Comments The Idaho Transportation Department reviewed the TIS and noted that the school will have impacts to SH -20/26. Some vehicular movements of the intersection of Black Cat Road/SH-20/26 are failing under existing conditions; and is projected to worsen with the opening of the school in 2020. It is anticipated that the signal will be constructed in 2020 (as a condition placed on other parties). ITD requests that the intersection of Black Cat Road/SH-20/26 be signalized prior to the school's opening. 2. Gondola Way a. Existing Conditions: Gondola Way is improved with 2 -travel lanes, vertical curb, gutter, and a 10 -foot wide detached pathway on the north side of the road and 5 -foot wide detached sidewalk on the south side of the road. b. Policy: Collector Street Policy: District policy 7206.2.1 states that the developer is responsible for improving all collector frontages adjacent to the site or internal to the development as required below, regardless of whether access is taken to all of the adjacent streets. Residential Collector Policy: District policy 7206.5.2 states that the standard street section for a collector in a residential area shall be 36 -feet (back -of -curb to back -of -curb). The District will consider a 33 -foot or 29 -foot street section with written fire department approval and 3 Pleasant View Elementary School Functional PM Peak PM Peak Roadway Frontage Classification Hour Hour Level Traffic Count of Service **SH -20/26 0 -feet Principal 1,073 N/A Arterial Black Cat Road 0 -feet Minor Arterial 205 Better than "E„ Gondola Drive 800 -feet Collector N/A N/A * Acceptable level of service for a two-lane minor arterial is "E" (575 VPH). * Acceptable level of service for a three -lane minor arterial is "E" (720 VPH) * Acceptable level of service for a two-lane collector is "D" (425 VPH). 2. Average Daily Traffic Count (VDT) Average daily traffic counts are based on ACHD's most current traffic counts. • The average daily traffic count for Chinden Boulevard west of Black Cat Road was 19,156 on 02/07/2018. • The average daily traffic count for Black Cat Road south of Chinden Boulevard was 3,839 on 02/07/2018. • The average daily traffic count for McMillan Road west of Ten Mile Road was 4,905 on 01/13/2018. C. Findings for Consideration 1. ITD Comments The Idaho Transportation Department reviewed the TIS and noted that the school will have impacts to SH -20/26. Some vehicular movements of the intersection of Black Cat Road/SH-20/26 are failing under existing conditions; and is projected to worsen with the opening of the school in 2020. It is anticipated that the signal will be constructed in 2020 (as a condition placed on other parties). ITD requests that the intersection of Black Cat Road/SH-20/26 be signalized prior to the school's opening. 2. Gondola Way a. Existing Conditions: Gondola Way is improved with 2 -travel lanes, vertical curb, gutter, and a 10 -foot wide detached pathway on the north side of the road and 5 -foot wide detached sidewalk on the south side of the road. b. Policy: Collector Street Policy: District policy 7206.2.1 states that the developer is responsible for improving all collector frontages adjacent to the site or internal to the development as required below, regardless of whether access is taken to all of the adjacent streets. Residential Collector Policy: District policy 7206.5.2 states that the standard street section for a collector in a residential area shall be 36 -feet (back -of -curb to back -of -curb). The District will consider a 33 -foot or 29 -foot street section with written fire department approval and 3 Pleasant View Elementary School taking into consideration the needs of the adjacent land use, the projected volumes, the need for bicycle lanes, and on -street parking. Sidewalk Policy: District policy 7206.5.6 requires a concrete sidewalks at least 5 -feet wide to be constructed on both sides of all collector streets. A parkway strip at least 6 -feet wide between the back -of -curb and street edge of the sidewalk is required to provide increased safety and protection of pedestrians. Consult the District's planter width policy if trees are to be placed within the parkway strip. Sidewalks constructed next to the back -of -curb shall be a minimum of 7 -feet wide. Detached sidewalks are encouraged and should be parallel to the adjacent roadway. Meandering sidewalks are discouraged. A permanent right-of-way easement shall be provided if public sidewalks are placed outside of the dedicated right-of-way. The easement shall encompass the entire area between the right- of-way line and 2 -feet behind the back edge of the sidewalk. Sidewalks shall either be located wholly within the public right-of-way or wholly within an easement. Minor Improvements Policy: District Policy 7203.3 states that minor improvements to existing streets adjacent to a proposed development may be required. These improvements are to correct deficiencies or replace deteriorated facilities. Included are sidewalk construction or replacement; curb and gutter construction or replacement; replacement of unused driveways with curb, gutter and sidewalk; installation or reconstruction of pedestrian ramps; pavement repairs; signs; traffic control devices; and other similar items. Master Street Map and Typologies Policy: District policy 7206.5 states that if the collector street is designated with a typology on the Master Street Map, that typology shall be considered for the required street improvements. If there is no typology listed in the Master Street Map, then standard street sections shall serve as the default. ACHD Master Street Map: ACHD Policy Section 3111.1 requires the Master Street Map (MSM) guide the right-of-way acquisition, collector street requirements, and specific roadway features required through development. This segment of Gondola Way is designated in the MSM as a Residential Collector with 2 -lanes and on -street bike lanes, a 36 -foot street section. c. Staff Comments/Recommendations: Gondola Way is fully constructed. The following improvements/safety measures are required as recommended in the TIS: • Install a north -south crosswalk and an RRFB beacon at the Gondola Way/middle driveway intersection (on the east approach). • Consider use of crossing guards at the Gondola Way/middle driveway intersection when future residential development occurs. Additional crossing guards at off-site intersections may also be appropriate in the long term. • Install a school zone with flashers on Gondola Way. • Provide access to buses to students within any area of the walk zone not served by continuous sidewalk or pathways to the school. • Monitor the need for a future crosswalk and PHB at the following off-site intersections once the walk zone is extended across the arterial roadways: o San Vito Way/McMillan Road intersection o Black Cat Road/Gondola Way intersection 4 Pleasant View Elementary School 3. Driveways Gondola Way a. Policy: Access Policy: District Policy 7205.4.1 states that all access points associated with development applications shall be determined in accordance with the policies in this section and Section 7202. Access points shall be reviewed only for a development application that is being considered by the lead land use agency. Approved access points may be relocated and/or restricted in the future if the land use intensifies, changes, or the property redevelops. District Policy 7206.1 states that the primary function of a collector is to intercept traffic from the local street system and carry that traffic to the nearest arterial. A secondary function is to service adjacent property. Access will be limited or controlled. Collectors may also be designated at bicycle and bus routes. Successive Driveways: District policy 7206.4.5 Table 1, requires driveways located on collector roadways with a speed limit of 25 MPH and daily traffic volumes greater than 100 VTD to align or offset a minimum of 245 -feet from any existing or proposed driveway. Driveway Width Policy: District policy 7206.4.6 restricts high-volume driveways (100 VTD or more) to a maximum width of 36 -feet and low-volume driveways (less than 100 VTD) to a maximum width of 30 -feet. Curb return type driveways with 30 -foot radii will be required for high-volume driveways with 100 VTD or more. Curb return type driveways with 15 -foot radii will be required for low-volume driveways with less than 100 VTD. Driveway Paving Policy: Graveled driveways abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. In accordance with District policy, 7206.4.6, the applicant should be required to pave the driveway its full width and at least 30 - feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of the roadway and install pavement tapers in accordance with Table 2 under District Policy 7206.4.6. Minor Improvements Policy: District Policy 7203.3 states that minor improvements to existing streets adjacent to a proposed development may be required. These improvements are to correct deficiencies or replace deteriorated facilities. Included are sidewalk construction or replacement; curb and gutter construction or replacement; replacement of unused driveways with curb, gutter and sidewalk; installation or reconstruction of pedestrian ramps; pavement repairs; signs; traffic control devices; and other similar items. b. Applicant's Proposal: The applicant has revised their site plan and is now proposing 3 driveways on Gondola Way to address emergency service concerns, and improve the overall circulation. Red arrows on the site plan indicate pedestrian routes. 5 Pleasant View Elementary School Staff Comments/Recommendations: The TIS indicates that the driveways all meet spacing requirements, per ACHD policy. The driveway that was added with the recent changes to the site plan does not meet policy, as it is located 180 -feet west of the middle driveway. Policy requires a minimum offset of 245 -feet from other driveways or streets. However, the driveway is necessary and required for emergency service providers; and the 27% modification to the dimensional standard can be approved at the staff level by the Development Services Manager. All driveways should have appropriate directional and user signage. Turn lane warrants were evaluated for the driveways, and no turn lanes are warranted for the school. To meet sight distance requirements 4. Note to City of Meridian: The City should verify that all driveways (entering and exiting) have appropriate directional and user signage. The City should also verify that adequate site distance is maintained at all driveways and that landscaping and signage be located outside of the site triangles. 5. Tree Planters Tree Planter Policy: Tree Planter Policy: The District's Tree Planter Policy prohibits all trees in planters less than 8 -feet in width without the installation of root barriers. Class II trees may be allowed in planters with a minimum width of 8 -feet, and Class I and Class III trees may be allowed in planters with a minimum width of 10 -feet. 6. Landscaping Landscaping Policy: A license agreement is required for all landscaping proposed within ACHD right-of-way or easement areas. Trees shall be located no closer than 10 -feet from all public storm drain facilities. Landscaping should be designed to eliminate site obstructions in the vision triangle at intersections. District Policy 5104.3.1 requires a 40 -foot vision triangle and a 3 -foot height restriction on all landscaping located at an uncontrolled intersection and a 50 -foot offset 6 Pleasant View Elementary School from stop signs. Landscape plans are required with the submittal of civil plans and must meet all District requirements prior to signature of the final plat and/or approval of the civil plans. D. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1. Construct 3 curb return driveways on Gondola Drive, located as proposed on the attached revised site plan. The driveways should be constructed as curb returns. 2. Install a school zone with flashers on Gondola Way. 3. Install a north -south crosswalk and an RRFB beacon at the Gondola Way/middle driveway intersection (on the east approach). 4. Consider use of crossing guards at the Gondola Way/middle driveway intersection when future residential development occurs. Additional crossing guards at off-site intersections may also be appropriate in the long term. 5. Provide access to buses to students within any area of the walk zone not served by continuous sidewalk or pathways to the school. 6. Monitor the need for a future crosswalk and PHB at the following off-site intersections once the walk zone is extended across the arterial roadways: a. San Vito Way/McMillan Road intersection b. Black Cat Road/Gondola Way intersection 7. The West Ada School District shall be responsible for all costs associated with the design, hardware, and construction of any pedestrian facilities needed to accommodate future pedestrian needs of the school. This includes flashing beacons, crosswalk striping and signage, and HAWK signals or RRFBs. 8. Submit civil plans to ACHD Development Services for review and approval. The impact fee assessment will not be released until the civil plans are approved by ACHD. 9. Payment of impact fees is due prior to issuance of a building permit. (ACHD and the West Ada School District have a Waiver of Fee Agreement in place.) 10. Comply with all Standard Conditions of Approval. E. Standard Conditions of Approval 1. All proposed irrigation facilities shall be located outside of the ACHD right-of-way (including all easements). Any existing irrigation facilities shall be relocated outside of the ACHD right-of-way (including all easements). 2. Private Utilities including sewer or water systems are prohibited from being located within the ACHD right-of-way. 3. In accordance with District policy, 7203.3, the applicant may be required to update any existing non-compliant pedestrian improvements abutting the site to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The applicant's engineer should provide documentation of ADA compliance to District Development Review staff for review. 4. Replace any existing damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk and any that may be damaged during the construction of the proposed development. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file number) for details. 5. A license agreement and compliance with the District's Tree Planter policy is required for all landscaping proposed within ACHD right-of-way or easement areas. 7 Pleasant View Elementary School 6. All utility relocation costs associated with improving street frontages abutting the site shall be borne by the developer. 7. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of-way. The applicant at no cost to ACHD shall repair existing utilities damaged by the applicant. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-811-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACHD right-of-way. The applicant shall contact ACHD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACHD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. 8. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact the District's Utility Coordinator at 387-6258 (with file numbers) for details. 9. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the ACHD Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Standards unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. 10. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of ACHD prior to District approval for occupancy. 11. No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized representative of ACHD. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from ACHD. 12. If the site plan or use should change in the future, ACHD Planning Review will review the site plan and may require additional improvements to the transportation system at that time. Any change in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with ACHD Policy and Standard Conditions of Approval in place at that time unless a waiver/variance of the requirements or other legal relief is granted by the ACHD Commission. F. Conclusions of Law 1. The proposed site plan is approved, if all of the Site Specific and Standard Conditions of Approval are satisfied. 2. ACHD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. G. Attachments 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plan 3. Utility Coordinating Council 4. Development Process Checklist 5. Appeal Guidelines 8 Pleasant View Elementary School VICINITY MAP '3AV OZZ3'1'7 Pleasant View Elementary School REVISED SITE PLAN 10 Pleasant View Elementary School Ada County Utility Coordinating Council Developer/Local Improvement District Right of Way Improvements Guideline Request Purpose: To develop the necessary avenue for proper notification to utilities of local highway and road improvements, to help the utilities in budgeting and to clarify the already existing process. 1) Notification: Within five (5) working days upon notification of required right of way improvements by Highway entities, developers shall provide written notification to the affected utility owners and the Ada County Utility Coordinating Council (UCC). Notification shall include but not be limited to, project limits, scope of roadway improvements/project, anticipated construction dates, and any portions critical to the right of way improvements and coordination of utilities. 2) Plan Review: The developer shall provide the highway entities and all utility owners with preliminary project plans and schedule a plan review conference. Depending on the scale of utility improvements, a plan review conference may not be necessary, as determined by the utility owners. Conference notification shall also be sent to the UCC. During the review meeting the developer shall notify utilities of the status of right of way/easement acquisition necessary for their project. At the plan review conference each company shall have the right to appeal, adjust and/or negotiate with the developer on its own behalf. Each utility shall provide the developer with a letter of review indicating the costs and time required for relocation of its facilities. Said letter of review is to be provided within thirty calendar days after the date of the plan review conference. 3) Revisions: The developer is responsible to provide utilities with any revisions to preliminary plans. Utilities may request an updated plan review meeting if revisions are made in the preliminary plans which affect the utility relocation requirements. Utilities shall have thirty days after receiving the revisions to review and comment thereon. 4) Final Notification: The developer will provide highway entities, utility owners and the UCC with final notification of its intent to proceed with right of way improvements and include the anticipated date work will commence. This notification shall indicate that the work to be performed shall be pursuant to final approved plans by the highway entity. The developer shall schedule a preconstruction meeting prior to right of way improvements. Utility relocation activity shall be completed within the times established during the preconstruction meeting, unless otherwise agreed upon. Notification to the Ada County UCC can be sent to: 50 S. Cole Rd. Boise 83707, or Visit iducc.com for e-mail notification information. 11 Pleasant View Elementary School Development Process Checklist Items Completed to Date: ®Submit a development application to a City or to Ada County ®The City or the County will transmit the development application to ACHD ®The ACHD Planning Review Section will receive the development application to review ®The Planning Review Section will do one of the following: ❑Send a "No Review" letter to the applicant stating that there are no site specific conditions of approval at this time. ®Write a Staff Level report analyzing the impacts of the development on the transportation system and evaluating the proposal for its conformance to District Policy. ❑Write a Commission Level report analyzing the impacts of the development on the transportation system and evaluating the proposal for its conformance to District Policy. Items to be completed by Applicant: ❑For ALL development applications, including those receiving a "No Review" letter: • The applicant should submit one set of engineered plans directly to ACHD for review by the Development Review Section for plan review and assessment of impact fees. (Note: if there are no site improvements required by ACHD, then architectural plans may be submitted for purposes of impact fee assessment.) • The applicant is required to get a permit from Construction Services (ACHD) for ANY work in the right-of- way, including, but not limited to, driveway approaches, street improvements and utility cuts. ❑Pay Impact Fees prior to issuance of building permit. Impact fees cannot be paid prior to plan review approval. DID YOU REMEMBER: Construction (Non -Subdivisions) ❑ Driveway or Property Approach(s) • Submit a "Driveway Approach Request" form to ACHD Construction (for approval by Development Services & Traffic Services). There is a one week turnaround for this approval. ❑ Working in the ACHD Right -of -Way • Four business days prior to starting work have a bonded contractor submit a "Temporary Highway Use Permit Application" to ACHD Construction — Permits along with: a) Traffic Control Plan b) An Erosion & Sediment Control Narrative & Plat, done by a Certified Plan Designer, if trench is >50' or you are placing >600 sf of concrete or asphalt. Construction (Subdivisions) ❑ Sediment & Erosion Submittal • At least one week prior to setting up a Pre -Construction Meeting an Erosion & Sediment Control Narrative & Plan, done by a Certified Plan Designer, must be turned into ACHD Construction to be reviewed and approved by the ACHD Stormwater Section. ❑ Idaho Power Company • Vic Steelman at Idaho Power must have his IPCO approved set of subdivision utility plans prior to Pre -Con being scheduled. ❑ Final Approval from Development Services is required prior to scheduling a Pre -Con. 12 Pleasant View Elementary School Request for Appeal of Staff Decision Appeal of Staff Decision: The Commission shall hear and decide appeals by an applicant of the final decision made by the Development Services Manager when it is alleged that the Development Services Manager did not properly apply this section 7101.6, did not consider all of the relevant facts presented, made an error of fact or law, abused discretion or acted arbitrarily and capriciously in the interpretation or enforcement of the ACHD Policy Manual. a. Filing Fee: The Commission may, from time to time, set reasonable fees to be charged the applicant for the processing of appeals, to cover administrative costs. b. Initiation: An appeal is initiated by the filing of a written notice of appeal with the Secretary and Clerk of the District, which must be filed within ten (10) working days from the date of the decision that is the subject of the appeal. The notice of appeal shall refer to the decision being appealed, identify the appellant by name, address and telephone number and state the grounds for the appeal. The grounds shall include a written summary of the provisions of the policy relevant to the appeal and/or the facts and law relied upon and shall include a written argument in support of the appeal. The Commission shall not consider a notice of appeal that does not comply with the provisions of this subsection. c. Time to Reply: The Development Services Manager shall have ten (10) working days from the date of the filing of the notice of appeal to reply to the notice of the appeal, and may during such time meet with the appellant to discuss the matter, and may also consider and/or modify the decision that is being appealed. A copy of the reply and any modifications to the decision being appealed will be provided to the appellant prior to the Commission hearing on the appeal. d. Notice of Hearing: Unless otherwise agreed to by the appellant, the hearing of the appeal will be noticed and scheduled on the Commission agenda at a regular meeting to be held within thirty (30) days following the delivery to the appellant of the Development Services Manager's reply to the notice of appeal. A copy of the decision being appealed, the notice of appeal and the reply shall be delivered to the Commission at least one (1) week prior to the hearing. e. Action by Commission: Following the hearing, the Commission shall either affirm or reverse, in whole or part, or otherwise modify, amend or supplement the decision being appealed, as such action is adequately supported by the law and evidence presented at the hearing. 13 Pleasant View Elementary School Pleasant View Elementary School Special Considerations for School District Facilities September 2018 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR SCHOOL DISTRICT FACILITIES Idaho Code 67-6519(3) requires specific elements to be studied for school facilities, some of which are beyond ACHD TIS requirements. The topics listed below are required to be addressed as part of the transportation impact study for a new school. Topics that have been addressed in previous sections of this report are identified but are not repeated in this section. Idaho Code requirements for school study evaluation are: 1. Land use master plan 2. School bus plan 3. Access safety 4. Pedestrian plan 5. Crossing guard plan 6. Barriers between the highways and the school 7. Location of the school zone 8. Need for a flashing beacon 9. Need for traffic control 10. Anticipated future improvements 11. Speed on adjacent highways 12. Traffic volumes on adjacent highways 13. Effect upon a highway's level of service 14. Need for acceleration or deceleration lanes 15. Internal traffic circulation 16. Anticipated development on surrounding undeveloped parcels 17. Zoning in the vicinity 18. Access control on adjacent highways 19. Required striping and signing modifications 20. Funding for highway improvements to accommodate the development 21. Proposed highway projects in the project vicinity 1. Land Use Master Plan The proposed site is located in the City of Meridian in Ada County. This site is currently vacant within a developing subdivision of single family houses. The site is currently zoned as medium density residential with a planned school according to the City of Meridian Zoning Map (Reference 7). The site is surrounded by medium density residential development with existing residential development to the east and new residential development under construction to the south and southeast. 2. School bus plan The bus circulation, parent drop-off circulation, and key on-site pedestrian routes are shown in Figure 7. School buses at the elementary school will utilize a separate loading loop that will share access to 'J/Pir 45 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Pleasant View Elementary School September 2018 Special Considerations for School District Facilities Gondola Drive with the parking area for staff. The school bus loop design is separate from the parent loading loop and does not conflict with the primary on-site pedestrian corridors. The bus staging and loading area has been designed to accommodate 7 bus vehicles at one time which exceeds the estimate of six buses that will serve the school. Further information regarding the need for providing bus service in the attendance area is provided in the pedestrian plan. 3. Access Safety The main site access points that will provide access to the elementary school do not exist today; therefore, the safety of the site's driveways was reviewed by evaluating the estimated potential intersection sight distance based on concept design plans and current conditions. The design and projected operations of the proposed access points was also reviewed against ACHD standards to ensure they met all applicable requirements. Intersection sight distance was reviewed at the proposed site access points on Gondola Drive. According to A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets by AASHTO (Reference 2) the required intersection sight distance for a street with a speed of 25mph is 280 feet. Looking west and east along Gondola Drive, sight distance at both accesses is approximately 350 feet in both directions. It should be noted that the measurements were taken from a location approximately 15 feet from the edge of the travel way per AASHTO policy and not where a future stop bar may be located. Due to the high vinyl fences along the roadway, exiting vehicles will have to pull up into the sidewalk/pathway crossing area in order utilize the available intersection sight distance. Exhibit 1 provide the view to the west and east of Gondola Drive from the approximate location of the two site accesses. Looking west along Gondola Drive Looking east along Gondola Drive Exhibit 1. Sight Distance at the Proposed Site Access A/Gondola Drive Intersection I� 46 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Pleasant View Elementary School September 2018 Special Considerations for School District Facilities Looking west along Gondola Drive Looking east along Gondola Drive I Exhibit 2. Sight Distance at the Proposed Site Access B/Gondola Drive Intersection The following recommendations have been identified to ensure adequate safety and operation at the site access points, internal intersections, and roadways: Remove miscellaneous vegetation and shrubbery, and potential obstructions along Gondola Drive as necessary to maintain adequate intersection sight distance. 4. Pedestrian Plan The pedestrian plan is comprised of the on-site pedestrian circulation and the off-site pedestrian accessibility. On -Site Pedestrian Circulation The bus circulation, student parking, staff parking, parent drop-off circulation, and key on-site pedestrian routes are shown in Figure 7. The bus loop is separated from the parent drop-off loop and key pedestrian routes. The key pedestrian routes from the parking lots to the school do not require crossing either drop- off/loading area. Parent drop-off circulation is a challenge for all schools because of the high amount activity that occurs in a short peak of 15 to 20 minutes. The parent drop-off circulation has been designed so that students are dropped off curbside at the building from the passenger side of their vehicles and avoid the need for them to walk across the drop-off area. While the secondary drop-off is located on an island south of the primary drop-off, a designated crosswalk is proposed to ensure student don't cut -through between loading vehicles. The following on-site pedestrian elements should be considered: Site design elements or a railing on the north side of the secondary parent drop-off area to channelize the pedestrians to the designated crossing location. I� 47 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Pleasant View Elementary School Special Considerations for School District Facilities September 2018 Communication to parents regarding drop-off and pick-up procedures and enforcement as necessary to ensure parents are not dropping off children in non -designated areas or blocking traffic on Gondola Way. Off -Site Pedestrian Accessibility While sidewalks are present along Gondola Way and San Vito Way, there are significant gaps in sidewalks on McMillan Road, Black Cat Road and Chinden Boulevard within the typical 1.5 mile walk zone. Additionally, within the square mile where the school is located, the local street system is still lacking connectivity. Therefore, access to buses by students within the typical walk zone will be required until the sidewalk and pathway system is completed in the area. Homes along Gondola Way and San Vito Way have sidewalk connections and therefore do not require bus access. As the area builds out and sidewalks are provided, pedestrian activity is anticipated to increase. Based on the development patterns within the future walk zone area, the following are recommended: Site Access A: Provision of a north -south crosswalk and consideration for a rectangular rapid flash beacon (RRFB) for the crossing of Gondola Drive. This could also be used by crossing guards. San Vito Way/McMillan Road: Consideration for a future Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) to serve future north -south pedestrian crossing from the neighborhood that is just starting to be developed on the south side of McMillan Road. The pedestrian crossing volumes are not expected to meet MUTCD guidelines for a PHB at opening of the school but are expected to increase as development occurs south of McMillan Road. A PHB would not be needed if a traffic signa is installed in the future. Gondola Drive/Black Cat Road: Planning for a future Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) to serve future east -west pedestrian crossing form the future neighborhood to be developed on the west side of Black Cat Road. The traffic volumes on Black Cat Road and pedestrian crossing volumes are not projected to meet MUTCD guidelines for a PHB at opening of the school. The need for this beacon would be driven by future development and could be conditioned on future residential development. 5. Crossing Guard Plan The Meridian School District provides crossing guards at key crossing locations for elementary schools. Based on the evaluation of pedestrian routes, the following locations are recommended for consideration for crossing guards: The intersection of Gondola Drive/Site Access A to assist the crossing of the uncontrolled east - west traffic movements at Gondola Way for students using the sidewalk on the south side of Gondola Way. 'J/Pir 48 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Pleasant View Elementary School September 2018 Special Considerations for School District Facilities Crossing guards may also be considered reviewed at the following arterial crossing locations depending on future development and number of students crossing, bus availability, and whether PHB's or signals are installed: The San Vito Way/McMillan Road intersection when the subdivision south of McMillan Road is developed and the number of students that cross increases. The Black Cat Road/Gondola Way intersection depending on future development. 6. Barriers between the Highway and the Schools No highways are in the surrounding area of the school. As such, physical barriers between the school and the nearby streets are not needed. 7-8. Location of the School Zone and Flashing Beacon The location and design of school zones will be addressed during the design review process for the school based on direction from ACRD staff. The ultimate development and approval of school zones will be through ACHD in cooperation with the West Ada School District. Therefore, this section serves to provide guidance with respect to the key elements that should be included in the evaluation of the need for a designated school zone. Common factors that are considered when evaluating the need for a school zone include: Volume of students walking along the roadway during school hours. Proximity of the school to a roadway with a speed higher than 20 mph. Proximity of unfenced play fields adjacent to the roadway. A marked crosswalk that is not protected by a traffic signal or stop sign that will be used by students. Age of school level students walking along the roadway or in proximity to the roadway. Given these factors, a school zone should be considered on Gondola Drive. The school zone should meet the applicable criteria in the manual of uniform traffic control devices (MUTCD) and start a minimum of approximately 200 feet either side of the school property. Sign and beacon locations may need to be adjusted due to location of side streets and other geometric elements. The school zone should be accompanied by a flashing beacon, which his standard for most school zones in Ada County. Additionally, school zones should be considered at potential PHB crossings at the San Vito Way/McMillan Road intersection and future Black Cat Road/Gondola Way intersection which should be reviewed at the time marked crosswalks and/or PHB's are installed crossing McMillan Road and Black Cat Road. 'J/Pir 49 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Pleasant View Elementary School Special Considerations for School District Facilities 9. Need for a Traffic Control Signal September 2018 As identified in the previous sections of this report, all of the elementary school site access points are forecast to operate acceptably as stop controlled driveways. 10-14. Improvements, Speed, Traffic Volumes, Levels of Service, and Need for Acceleration or Deceleration Lanes See previous sections of this study that document these steps. 15. Internal Traffic Circulation See previous sections of this study that documents internal traffic circulation. 16. Anticipated Development See previous sections of this study that document the proposed development. 17. Zoning in the Vicinity According to the City of Meriden zoning map zoning in the vicinity of the site is as follows: The site is zoned medium density residential. The areas surrounding the site are similar with medium and medium -low density residential. 18. Access Control on Adjacent Highways There is no access control on the adjacent streets although ACHD Policy Manual identifies minimum access spacing for Collector Roadways. See the Site Access Spacing section of this report for a detailed evaluation of the site access driveway locations. 19. Required Striping and Signing Modifications Off-site intersection modifications are outlined in the previous section of this report. The following on- site striping and signing modifications are recommended: Signing and striping of crosswalk locations. On-site signing and pavement markings for the parent drop-off/pick-up identifying circulation direction, the bypass lane, and curb loading area. On-site signing and pavement markings for the bus drop-off/pick-up identifying circulation direction, the bypass lane, and loading area. 'J/Pir 50 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Pleasant View Elementary School Special Considerations for School District Facilities September 2018 Signing and striping associated with the recommendations regarding RRFB's, PHB's and school zone. 20. Funding of Highway Improvements to Accommodate Development Funding for the improvements will be provided by the development. 21. Proposed Highway Projects in the Vicinity See Planned Roadway Improvements section of this study. I� 51 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 Agenda Item Number: 4 C Project File Number: H-2018-0057 Item Title: Public Hearing Continued from December 20, 2018 for Bainbridge Franklin. By Steve Bainbridge, Located at 2075 and 2155 W. Franklin Rd. Request: 1. Annexation and Zoning of 3.68 acres of land with a C -G zoning district. Meeting Notes: (�Mw-„d -[-,o Cl'- I I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 4.C. Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: Title of I tem - Public Hearing Continued from December 20, 2018 for Bainbridge F ranklin (H- 2018-0057) by S teve Bainbr idge, L ocated at 2075 and 2155 W. Franklin Rd. C lic k Here for Applic ation Materials C lic k Here to S ign Up to Tes tify at Hearing AT TAC HM E NT S: Description Type Upload D ate S taff Report S taff Report 12/24/2018 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 109 of 128 Details and Signatures For Public Hearing Hearing Date: 1/3/2019 Hearing Type: PZ Item Number: 4C Project Name: Bainbridge Franklin Project No.: H-2018-0057 Active: "' Signature I Wish To Address City -State -Zip For Against Neutral Sign In Date/Time Name Testify 247 N Eagle Eagle, Id 1/3/2019 5:45:26 Shawn Nickel X X Rd 83616 PM Go Back To List Export To Excel © 2019 - City of Meridian, Idaho Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 1 STAFF REPORT Hearing Date: July 12, 2018 January 3, 2019 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Josh Beach, Associate City Planner Bill Parsons, Planning Supervisor (208) 884-5533 Bruce Freckleton, Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: H-2018-0057 – Bainbridge Franklin – AZ NOTE: On November 7, 2018, the City Council remanded this application back to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The applicant requested the remand with hope of gaining a favorable recommendation from the Commission. During the July 12, 2017 hearing, the Commission recommended denial of the application for the following reasons: 1. Continued use of the small equipment repair business; 2. Existing structures remaining on the property for 5 years without connecting to city utilities; 3. Site plan was not revised per staff’s recommendation in the staff report; 4. Staff’s concerns that the conceptual site plan and elevations were not consistent with the MU- Com designation 5. With the number of items above, it appeared the annexation of the property with the C-G district was premature. Since the Commission hearing, the applicant has meet with staff to discuss several revisions to the conceptual plans which have been included in Exhibit A. Further, the applicant has received interest from potential users who may develop the property if/when it is annexed into the City. Throughout the staff report, staff has updated the pertinent sections of the report in a strike- through/underline format that reflects the changes in the staff report. 1. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT’S REQUEST The applicant, Steve Bainbridge, has submitted an application for annexation and zoning (AZ) of 3.68 acres of land with a C-G zoning district. 2. SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed AZ application with the conditions listed in Exhibit B, based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in Exhibit D. 3. PROPOSED MOTION Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval of File Number H-2018-0057 to City Council as presented in staff report for the hearing date of January 3, 2019 with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications.) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial of File Number H-2018-0057 to City Council as presented in staff report for the hearing date of January 3, 2019 for the following reasons: (You should state specific reason(s) for denial.) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 110 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 2 Continuance I move to continue File Numbers H-2018-0057 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance.) 4. APPLICATION AND PROPERTY FACTS a. Site Address/Location: 2075 and 2155 W. Franklin Road. The site is located in the NE ¼ of Section 14, Township 3N., Range 1W. b. Owner/Applicant: Steve Bainbridge 2576 W. Piazza Drive Meridian, ID 83646 c. Representative: Shawn L. Nickel, SLN Planning P. O. Box 1595 Eagle, ID 83616 d. Applicant's Request: Please see applicant’s narrative for this information. 5. PROCESS FACTS a. The subject application is for annexation and zoning. A public hearing is required before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council on this matter, consistent with Meridian City Code Title 11, Chapter 5. b. Newspaper notifications published on: June 22 November 30, 2018 c. Radius notices mailed to properties within 300 feet on: June 15 November 27, 2018 d. Applicant posted notice on site by: June 29 December 7, 2018 e. Next Door Posted: November 27, 2018 6. LAND USE a. Existing Land Use(s): The subject property consists of rural residential land; zoned R1 in Ada County. b. Description of Character of Surrounding Area and Adjacent Land Uses and Zoning: North: Industrial property, zoned I-L East: Twelve Oaks Villas, zoned C-C and TN-R South: Vacant commercial property, zoned C-C West: Vacant commercial property, Zoned C-C c. History of Previous Actions: None d. Utilities: 1. Public Works: Location of sewer: A sanitary sewer main intended to provide service to the proposed development currently exists adjacent to the parcel in W. Franklin Road. Location of water: A water main intended to provide service to the proposed development currently exists adjacent to the parcel in W. Franklin Road. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 111 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 3 Reclaimed Water: A reclaimed water intended to provide service to the proposed development currently exists adjacent to the parcel in W. Franklin Road. Issues or concerns: None. e. Physical Features: 1. Canals/Ditches Irrigation: The Vaugh Lateral runs adjacent to the south side of the property. 2. Hazards: Staff is unaware of any hazards that may exist on the site. 3. Flood Plain: This property is not within the floodplain overlay district. 7. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES AND GOALS The subject property is designated Mixed Use – Commercial (MU-COM) on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM). MU-COM designated areas are intended for the development of a mix of office, retail, recreational, employment and other miscellaneous uses, with supporting multi-family or single- family attached residential uses. The horizontal and vertical integration of residential uses is also essential in this area. This designation requires developments to integrate the three major use categories: residential, commercial, and employment. In MU-COM areas, three (3) or more significant uses also tend to be larger scale projects. Traditional neighborhood design concepts with a strong pedestrian-oriented focus are essential. Development should exhibit quality building and site design and an attractive pedestrian environment with a strong street character. An overall target density of 8-12 dwelling units (d.u.) per (/) acre is desired, with higher densities allowed in individual projects. No more than 30% of the ground level development within the MU-C designation should be used for residences. (See pg. 3-9 for more information.) The applicant proposes to annex the site with a C-G zoning district which is an appropriate zoning district for an MU-COM designated area. The site is proposed to develop with seven five (75) commercial pad sites. While not necessarily the burden of this application, it should be understood that cumulative changes to this area of the TMISAP have occured, east of Ten Mile Road.The cumulative changes have resulted in an increase in more commercial property and less residential densities than originally evisoned for the area. The most recent being, the Calnon project that was approved in 2015, which changed the Comprehensive Plan designation on the south and west boundaries of this property from Medium-High Density Residential to Mixed Use Commercial. Because the adjacent property is a much larger parcel, staff anticipates a mix of employment, retail and other residential uses developing on this property. Further, the TM Creek proerty farther to west is developing with a mix of commercial and residential uses that also provides services, employment and residential uses in the area. For these reasons, full compliance with the TMISAP is not required for the development of this property (no residential component) however; specific design elements are required to be complied with to ensure a consistent design theme and quality development complementary to the surrounding developments.The recorded development agreement also requires a more detailed concept plan that demonstrates compliance with the MU-C land use designation. For these reasons, full compliance with the TMISAP is not desied,however; to ensure consistency with adjacent developments, staff recommends that the applicant apply for a development agreement modification with a revised concept plan once an end-user is identified and prior to approval of their first certificate of zoning compliance for the property. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 112 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 4 This property is part of a larger MU-COM designated area, so staff does envision a mix of uses developing in the area. The properties to the east are the same mixed use commercial designation and with the increased residential uses in the area, additional commercial uses may be required to serve those uses. There is a mix of commercial and residential uses near the intersection of Franklin and Linder Ten Mile and a multi-family development is approved for the parcel immediately to the east of the subject property. Staff finds the following Comprehensive Plan policies to be applicable to this property and apply to the proposed development (staff analysis in italics):  “Plan for a variety of commercial and retail opportunities within the Impact Area.” (3.05.01J) With the increase of residential units in the area, the proposed commercial project will contribute to the variety of uses in this part of the city.  “Permit new development only where urban services can be reasonably provided at the time of final approval and development is contiguous to the City.” (3.01.01F) The proposed development is contiguous to annexed parcels and city services are available. Staff is of the opinion that the proposed use is generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the surrounding uses based on the analysis above if the developed in accord with the conditions of approval in this report. 8. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE A. Purpose Statement of Zone: The purpose of the C-G district is to provide for the retail and service needs of the community in accordance with the Meridian Comprehensive Plan. B. Schedule of Use: Unified Development Code (UDC) Table 11-2B-2 lists the principal permitted, accessory, conditional, and prohibited uses in the C-G zoning district. The proposed commercial development is a principally permitted use in the C-G zoning district. The revised concept plan depicts an indoor storage facility which is listed as a conditional use permit subject to the specific use standards set forth in UDC 11-4-3-34. C. Dimensional Standards: Development of the site shall comply with the dimensional standards listed in UDC Table 11-2B-3 for the proposed C-G zoning district. D. Landscaping: Per UDC 11-3B-9, a 25-foot landscape buffer is required adjacent to the multi- family development along the east boundary, unless granted a waiver from Council for a reduced buffer width. Per UDC 11-2B-3 and 11-3B-7, a 25 foot landscape buffer is required along W. Franklin Road. E. Off-Street Parking: As proposed, there is no off-street parking required or proposed for this project. The future development of the site must comply with the parking standards set forth on UDC 11-3C-6B. F. Structure and Site Design Standards: Development of this site must comply with the design standards in accord with UDC 11-3A-19 and the guidelines listed in the Architectural Standards Manual (ASM). Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 113 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 5 9. ANALYSIS Analysis of Facts Leading to Staff Recommendation: 1. AZ: The applicant requests annexation and zoning of 3.68 acres of land with a C-G zoning district, consistent with the MU-COM land use designation. The legal description submitted with the application, included in Exhibit C, shows the boundaries of the property proposed to be annexed. The property is contiguous to land that has been annexed into the City and is within the Area of City Impact boundary. The City may require a development agreement (DA) in conjunction with an annexation pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6511A. In order to ensure the site develops as proposed and recommended by staff with this application, staff recommends a DA is required as a provision of annexation with the provisions included in Exhibit B. as follows:  Prior to any development occurring on the subject property, the applicant shall modify the development agreement to include a more detailed conceptual development plan for the site that is consistent with the MU-COM land use designation. A mix of uses from each major use category (i.e. commercial, residential, employment) shall be provided as set forth in the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan (TMISAP). No more than 30% of the ground level development within the MU-C designation shall be used for residences.  The existing structures shall be removed from the site immediately upon annexation.  Future development of this site shall be consistent with the land use, transportation and design elements contained in the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan (TMISAP) and the design standards in effect at the time of Certificate of Zoning Compliance application.  A cross-access/ingress-egress easement(s) shall be granted to the property to the west (parcel #S1214120710) and to the property to the east (parcel #R8580480020) via a note on the plat and/or a separate recorded agreement prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Cross-access shall also be granted between future lots within this development as applicable.  Sidewalks shall be provided internally along one side of all major drive aisles for pedestrian connectivity within the development. Further, a 5-foot wide walkway shall be provided on the Conceptual site plan: A conceptual site plan was submitted, included in Exhibit A.2 that depicts seven five (75) commercial pad sites, including a mix of single, two and three story buildings with a similar design theme, open plaza area, and a cross access to the Twleve Oaks multi-family project to the east and the Calnon property to west in accord with UDC 11-3A-3. The new plan also incorporates the required 25-foot wide street buffer width along Franklin Road in accord with UDC Table 11-2B-3. The design of the site should comply with the design review standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and the guidelines contained in the Architectural Standards Manual. Staff finds with the addition of the open space element and the mixture in the scale and bulk of the commercial structures, the proposed development is generally consistent with the MU-COM designation. The applicant is also proposing to provide a cross access to the Twleve Oaks multi- family project to the east. Staff is also recommending that the applicant provide a cross-access easement to the west as well. Staff has the following comments on the proposed conceptual plan: 1. The conceptual site plan does not show reflect the required 25 foot buffer along the east boundary of the project. This requirement will impact the layout of the site. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 114 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 6 2. The parking located immediately as you enter the parcel from Franklin should be eliminated as to not cause traffic problems with vehicles entering the development. Landscaping: As noted above, a 25-foot wide landscape buffer is required to be installed with the development of the subject property in accord with UDC 11-2B-3 and UDC 113B-7. A landscape plan was not submitted with this application. There Further, the applicant is requesting to develop the site with commercial uses adjacent to Twelve Oaks multi-family project along the east boundary of this site. Per UDC 11-3B-9, a 25-foot landscape buffer is required adjacent to the residential use unless the Council grants a reduction of the buffer. The submitted concept plan depicts a 10-foot wide landscape buffer. Staff recommends the applicant install the 25-foot wide landscape buffer unless the council grants a waiver to reduce the buffer. If the applicant requests the Council waiver, staff recommends that the buffer not be reduced less than 10 feet in width. to the multi-family project (Twelve Oaks) that is adjacent to the east side of this property; and a 25 foot landscape buffer is required along the Franklin Road frontage. Existing building/uses: All of the existing buildings on the site shall be removed and any existing business located on the property shall cease immediately upon annexation. Parking: Based on the conceptual site plan, there will be approximately 40,60052,850 square feet. Per UDC 11-3C-6 one parking space is required per 500 s.f. of building area. In this case, that amounts to 82106 required parking spaces. The conceptual site plan as proposed contains 11596 parking spaces, which is in may be compliance with UDC requirements. NOTE: The self- storage use requires less parking than most commercial uses. The UDC only requires the parking to be based on the size of the office space proposed for the storage use. At this time, staff does not have the specifics of the office square footage to determine if the parking ratio is adequate for the site. However, the required parking will be reduced because a majority of the square footage of the storage (29,250 sq.ft.) building will not be counted towards the required parking calculations. Access: One (1) direct access to W. Franklin Road is proposed for the development. Further Franklin Road accesses should be prohibited in accord with UDC 11-3A-3. As mentioned above, the multi-family project to the east provided cross-access to this site, so this project will be required to reciprocate that cross-access easement. Further, the applicant is proposing to provide cross access with the Calnon property along the west boundary. With the first certificate of zoning compliance application, the applicant should provide a recorded cross access easement that grants access the Twelve Oaks and Calnon properties as depicted on the submitted concept plan. The cross access will provide interconnectivity with the adjacent properties in accord with UDC 11-3A-3increased access in the area. Permitted Uses: In the revised narrative, the applicant has indicated that an indoor self-storage facility and office uses are interested in developing on the property upon annexation. The indoor storage use is a conditional use permit subject to the specific use standards set forth in UDC 11-4- 3-34. The office that the applicant has identified several potential uses for the development, staff no longer believes that certain uses should be restricted from developing on the site and has removed the recommended DA provision from Exhibit B below. Staff feels that limiting the allowable uses on the property is prudent due to the potential for uses that would adversely impact the surrounding residential uses. Staff recommends that only those uses designated as permitted in UDC11-2B-2 be allowed with additional restriction from Arts, entertainment or recreation facility, outdoor, Dispatch center for mobile service, Recreational vehicle park, Vehicle repair minor, Vehicle sales or rental and service, Vehicle washing facility, Wireless communication facility, Wireless communication facility, amateur radio antenna and that drinking establishments be allowed through a conditional use permit. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 115 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 7 Utilities: Utilities are required to be extended to this site in accord with UDC 11-3A-21. Sanitary sewer service to the proposed development will only be needed for the manager’s office adjacent to N. Ten Mile Road, and therefore no new mainlines will be needed. Though sewer is not required for this portion of the Stor-It facility, water is required. The property to the north was recently approved as a self-storage facility, and with that, staff required that applicant to stub water to the south property line. The applicant will need to coordinate with that property owner and public works to construct water mains to and through the project from the existing mainline in N. Ten Mile Road. Building Elevations: Structures within the proposed development that are visible from the street or abutting properties are required to comply with the design review standards set forth in UDC 11-3A-19 and the guidelines contained in the Architectural Standards Manual. Further, the property is located within the TMISAP, which has higher design standards. The applicant has provided a color rendering that demonstrates the design theme for the proposed development. Although specific building materials are not identified, all structures constructed in the development should comply with the design elements of the TMISAP. Building materials for the proposed structures appear to be a mixture of stucco and stone with a mixture of roofing styles. Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC) and Design Review (DES): A CZC application is required to be submitted prior to issuance of building permits. The applicant is required to obtain approval of a design review application for the proposed structures and site design for the self- service storage facility. This application may be submitted concurrently with the CZC application. The applicant must comply with the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19, and the guidelines contained in the Architectural Standards Manual and TMISAP. In summary staff finds the proposed project complies with the future land use map and applicable policies of the Comprehensive Plan and the UDC with the conditions of approval listed in Exhibit B. Based on the aforementioned analysis, staff recommends approval of the subject application. 10. EXHIBITS A. Drawings 1. Vicinity Map 2. Conceptual Site Plan (dated: 5/16/201810/29/2018) 3. Proposed Elevations B. Conditions of Approval C. Legal Description and Exhibit Map D. Required Findings from Unified Development Code Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 116 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 20 A. Drawings 1. Vicinity/Zoning Map Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 117 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 21 2. Conceptual Site Plan (NOT APPROVEDREVISED) (dated: 5/16/201810/29/2018) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 118 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 22 3. Proposed Elevations Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 119 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 23 B. Conditions of Approval 1. PLANNING DIVISION 1.1.1 A Development Agreement (DA) is required as a provision of annexation and zoning of this property. Prior to annexation ordinance approval, a DA shall be entered into between the City of Meridian, the property owner(s) at the time of ordinance adoption, and the developer. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance application will not be accepted until the ordinance and development agreement are recorded. Currently, a fee of $303.00 shall be paid by the applicant to the Planning Division prior to commencement of the DA. The DA shall be signed by the property owner and returned to the Planning Division within six (6) months of the City Council granting annexation, approved by City Council and recorded. The DA shall, at minimum, incorporate the following provisions: a. Future development of the site shall be consistent with the design standards listed in UDC 11- 3A-19; and the guidelines in the City of Meridian Architectural Standards Manual (or any updated versions thereof) and the TMISAP AND the conceptual site plan in Exhibit A. The proposed development shall consist of a mix of single, two and three story buildings as proposed. b. Any future development of the site must comply with the City of Meridian ordinances in effect at the time of development. c. Design elements compatible with the matrix on page 3-49 of the TMISAP for the MU-C designated area shall be provided with development as follows: Architecture & Heritage (3- 32); Street-Oriented Design – Commercial & Mixed Use buildings (3-33); Buildings to Scale (3-34); Neighborhood Design (3-36); Building Form and Character – Building Facades, Building Heights (general limit of 4 stories, first floor ceiling heights for retail), Base, Body and Top, Frontage (commercial retail frontage, live/work unit frontage, urban residential frontage in commercial districts), Roofs (flat, pitched) (3-37 thru 3-41); Building Details – Screening of Mechanical Units and Service Areas, Awnings and Canopies (MU-C only) (3- 41 thru 3-45); Signs (3-46); and Public Art (3-47). d. Prior to any development occurring on the subject property, the applicant shall modify the development agreement to include a more detailed conceptual development plan for the site that is consistent with the MU-COM land use designation. ec. All of the existing buildings on the site shall be removed and any existing business located on the property shall cease immediately upon annexation. fd. A cross-access/ingress-egress easement(s) shall be granted to the property to the west (parcel #S1214120710) and to the property to the east (parcel #R8580480020) in accord with UDC 11-3A-3. With the first certificate of zoning compliance application, the applicant shall provide a recorded cross access easement that grants access to the Twelve Oaks and Calnon properties as depicted on the submitted concept plan. ge. A pedestrian access shall be provided to both the parcel to the west and to the east in order to facilitate pedestrian traffic through the area as proposed. h. The only uses allowable within the development are restaurants, retail, office (which include personal and professional services), vertically integrated residential project. if. Future development of this site shall be consistent with the land use, transportation and design elements contained in the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan (TMISAP) and the design standards in effect at the time of Certificate of Zoning Compliance application. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 120 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 24 g. The applicant shall construct a 25-foot wide landscape buffer along east boundary of the three story indoor storage building OR obtain a council waiver to construct the 10-foot wide landscape buffer as shown on the conceptual site plan in accord with UDC 11-3B-9. h. Any future indoor self-service storage use on the site must obtain approval of a conditional use permit and comply with the specific use standards set forth in UDC 11-4-3-34. i. Other than the one (1) proposed access to W. Franklin Road, all other access is prohibited in accord with UDC 11-3A-3. 1.1.2 Prior to the City Council hearing, the applicant shall provide an updated landscape plan showing the required 25 foot landscape buffer along Franklin Road. The parking that is currently proposed within the 25 foot are shall be eliminated. 1.1.3 The parking located immediately as you enter the parcel from Franklin shall be eliminated as to not cause traffic problems with vehicles entering the development. 2. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2.1 SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 2.1.1 A street light plan will need to be included in the final plat and/or building permit application. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272. 2.1.2 Existing domestic wells within the project area must be properly abandoned per General Condition of Approval 2.2.7. 2.1.3 Any existing sanitary sewer and/or water mainline stubs into the subject parcels that are not proposed to be used must be properly abandoned per the City of Meridian Standards. 2.1.4 The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water (MCC 12-13-8.3). By entering into a development agreement with the City of Meridian, the applicant agrees to use the City of Meridians recycled water supply as the primary source of irrigation water. Further, the applicant agrees to provide for secondary backup water to provide service when recycled water is not available. Once development plans have been submitted to the city for review, the city will model the recycled water system and make a final determination regarding our ability to supply reclaimed water to the development. If the city can serve the development with recycled water then recycled water must be utilized as the primary source of irrigation water and a secondary or backup source must also be provided. If the city can’t serve the development then the primary source of irrigation water should come from surface water irrigation sources if available. 2.1.5 The applicant shall be responsible to construct the recycled irrigation system in accordance with Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) recycled water rules and regulations, and Division 1200 of the City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications and Drawings to the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction. These requirements do not wave the applicants responsibilities or obligations to irrigation districts that may be able to provide surface water to the development. 2.2 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 2.2.1 Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 121 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 25 2.2.2 Per Meridian City Code (MCC), the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. 2.2.3 The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way (include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat, but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian’s standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement (on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor, which must include the area of the easement (marked EXHIBIT A) and an 81/2” x 11” map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 2.2.4 The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water (MCC 12-13-8.3). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single -point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized, the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. 2.2.5 All existing structures that are required to be removed shall be prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 2.2.6 All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be tiled per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work, the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. 2.2.7 Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Engineering Department at (208)898-5500 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources Contact Robert B. Whitney at (208)334-2190. 2.2.8 Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections (208)375-5211. 2.2.9 Street signs are to be in place, sanitary sewer and water system shall be approved and activated, road base approved by the Ada County Highway District and the Final Plat for this subdivision shall be recorded, prior to applying for building permits. 2.2.10 A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110% will be required for all uncompleted fencing, landscaping, amenities, etc., prior to signature on the final plat. 2.2.11 All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 122 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 26 2.2.12 Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process, prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 2.2.13 It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 2.2.14 Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2.2.15 Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 2.2.16 All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-12-3H. 2.2.17 Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material. 2.2.18 The design engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 2.2.19 The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 2.2.20 At the completion of the project, the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 2.2.21 A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272. 2.2.22 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a performance surety in the amount of 125% of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer, water and reuse infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 2.2.23 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer, water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-221. 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT 3.1 All entrances, internal roads, drive aisles, and alleys shall have a turning radius of 28’ inside and 48’ outside, per International Fire Code Section 503.2.4. 3.2 Buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet (9144mm) or three stories in height shall have at least two means of fire apparatus access for each structure. The access roads shall be placed a dista nce Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 123 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 27 apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line as set forth in International Fire Code Appendix D104.1. 3.3 Commercial and office occupancies will require a fire-flow consistent with International Fire Code Appendix B to service the proposed project. Fire hydrants shall be placed per Appendix C. 4. POLICE DEPARTMENT 4.1 The Police Department has no concerns related to this application. 5. PARKS DEPARTMENT 5.1 The Parks Department has no concerns related to this application. 6. REPUBLIC SERVICES 6.1 Republic Services has no comment on this application, 7. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1. Access to Franklin Road is approved as a temporary full access, and may be restricted to right- in/right-out at any time , as determined by ACHD . 2. Close both existing driveways from the site onto Franklin Road with vertical curb, gutter and 7-foot wide sidewalk . 3. Consistent with ACHD 's Minor Improvements policy, the applicant should correct deficiencies or replace deteriorated or damaged faciliites on Franklin Road abutting the site. 4. A Traffic Impact Fee will be assessed by ACHD and will be due prior to issuance of a building permit. Please contact the ACHD Planner (see below) for information regarding impact fees . 5. Plans shall be submitted to the ACHD Development Services Department for plans acceptance, and impact fee assessment (if an assessment is applicable). 6. Comply with the Standard Conditions of Approval as stated in the staff report. 8. ITD The Idaho Transportation Department reviewed the referenced annexation and zoning application and has the following comments: 1. This project does not abut the State highway system. 2. Idaho Code 40-1910 does not allow advertising within the right-of-way of any State highway. 3. IDAPA 39.03.60 rules govern advertising along the State highway system. The applicant may contact Justin Pond, Program Manager for lTD's Headquarters Right-of-Way Section at (208) 334- 8832 for more information. 4. lTD does not object to the annexation and zoning of C-G for Bainbridge Franklin Subdivision as presented in the application. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 124 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 28 C. Legal Description and Exhibit Map Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 125 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 29 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 126 of 128 Bainbridge Franklin – AZ (H-2018-0057) PAGE 30 D. Required Findings from Unified Development Code 1. Annexation & Zoning Findings: Upon recommendation from the Commission, the Council shall make a full investigation and shall, at the public hearing, review the application. In order to grant an annexation and/or rezone, the Council shall make the following findings: a. The map amendment complies with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; Staff finds the proposed annexation to C-G is consistent with the proposed MU-COM future land use designation. b. The map amendment complies with the regulations outlined for the proposed district, specifically the purpose statement; Staff finds that the proposed map amendment to the C-G zoning district is consistent with the purpose statement of the commercial districts and the proposed uses will provide a needed service to area residents. c. The map amendment shall not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; Staff finds that the proposed zoning amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare if the applicant complies with conditions outlined in this report. However, Staff recommends that the Commission and Council consider any oral or written testimony that may be provided when determining this finding. d. The map amendment shall not result in an adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the City including, but not limited to, school districts; and, Staff finds that the proposed zoning amendment will not result in any adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing services to this site. e. The annexation is in the best of interest of the City (UDC 11-5B-3.E). Per the above findings, Staff finds the proposed annexation is in the best interest of the City if the applicant enters into a DA with the City and develops the property as outlined in Exhibit B above. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 127 of 128 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 Agenda Item Number: 4 D Project File Number: Item Title: Election of Commission Officers Request: Meeting Notes: I TEM SHEET C ouncil Agenda I tem - 4.D. Presenter: Estimated Time f or P resentation: Title of I tem - Election of Commission O fficers Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2019 – Page 128 of 128