REVISED Dr Hansen_Landscape Plan (2)PIONEER FAMILY MEDICINE LINDER PROFESSIONAL PLAZA EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN EXISTING SIDEWALK TO REMAIN EXISTING SIDEWALK TO REMAIN DR. HANSEN FUTURE BUILDING FUTURE BUILDING FUTURE BUILDING RETAINING WALLRETAINING WALL LIGHT POLE NEW SIDEWALK DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE SIGHT TRIANGLE Tree Protection During Construction A. All trees required to be protected must be clearly labeled as such. B. Placing Construction Materials Near Tree: No person may conduct any construction activity likely to be injurious to a tree designated to remain, including, but not limited to, placing solvents, building material, construction equipment, or depositing soil, or placing irrigated landscaping, within the drip line, unless a plan for such construction activity has been approved by the Planning Director or Development Review Board based upon the recommendations of an Arborist. C. Attachments to Trees During Construction: No person shall attach any device or wire to any protected tree unless needed for tree protection. D. Protective Barrier: Before development, land clearing, filling or any land alteration for which a Tree Removal Permit is required, the developer shall erect and maintain suitable barriers to protect remaining trees. Protective barriers shall remain in place until nearby construction is complete. Barriersshall be sufficiently substantial to withstand nearby construction activities. E. Barrier should be installed at the drip line of tree branches MO N T G O M E R Y I N C . L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N 20 8 - 8 6 3 - 7 9 5 9 L O R I N G @ L O R I N G M O N T G O M E R Y E V A N S . C O M BICYCLE RACK DETAIL BICYCLE RACK NEW SIDEWALKNEW SIDEWALK BICYCLE RACK DR . H A N S E N 47 0 2 N . P E N G R O V E W A Y ME R I D I A N , I D A H O LA N D S C A P E P L A N NEW SIDEWALK N. P E N N G R O V E W A Y BICYCLE RACK TRASH ENCLOSURE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT AC UNITS 48" HIGH LANDSCAPE WALL