2018-06-21 M ER I D I A N P LA N N I N G A ND ZONI NG COM MISSI ON M EET I N G AGEN DA City C ouncil C hamber s 33 E ast Br oadway Av enue M eridian, Idaho T hur sday, J une 21, 2018 at 6:00 P M Item 1: Roll-Call Attendance __X__ Lisa Holland __X__ Steven Yearsley __O__ Gregory Wilson __X__ Ryan Fitzgerald __O__ Jessica Perrault __X__ Bill Cassinelli __X__ Rhonda McCarvel - Chairperson Item 2: Adoption of Agenda Adopted Item 3. Consent Ag enda [Action Item] A. F indings of F act, C onclusion of L aw for P aramount S elf-S torage (H-2018-0 03 3) by Brighton C orpor ation, Inc. L oc ated at the North Side of E. Ar ch erfield S t. West of N. M eridian Rd. B. Approve M inutes of J une 6, 20 18 Planning and Zoning Commission M eeting Approved Item 4: Action Items L a n d U se P u b lic H ea rin g P rocess: After th e P u b lic H ea rin g is open ed the sta ff rep ort will b e p resen ted b y th e a ssig n ed city pla n n er. F ollowin g S ta ff's rep ort th e a p p lica n t h a s u p to 1 5 min u tes to p resen t th eir app lication . E a ch memb er of th e p u b lic ma y p rovid e testim ony u p to 3 min u tes or if th ey a re rep resen tin g a la rg er g rou p, su ch a s a H omeow ners Association, th ey a re allowed 1 0 minutes. T h e a p p lica n t is th en a llowed 1 0 addition a l min u tes to resp on d to th e pub lic's commen ts. N o add ition a l pub lic testimon y is ta ken on ce th e public h ea rin g is closed. A. Public Hearing Continued from May 17, 2018 for Cherry Blossom Recommend Approval to Council S ubdivision (H-2018-0018) by J ayo L and D evelopment C ompany, L o c ated at 615 W. C herr y L ane 1. Request: A R ezone of 10.74 Acres of L and f rom the R -4 to the R-8 Z oning District; and 2. Request: A P reliminary Plat C onsisting of 47 S ingle-Family Residential B uilding L ots and 11 C ommon L ots on 10.25 A cres of L and in the Proposed R -8 Zoning D istrict Recommend Approval to Council B. P ublic Hearing for S odalicious (H-2 01 8-0046) by 10th & F air view, L o c ated at 1035 E. F airview Ave. 1. Request: A n A nnexation and Zoning of 0.36 of an Acre of Land f rom the R UT to the C -G Zoning D istrict Recommend Approval to Council C. P ublic Hearing for Gr aycliff E states (H-2018-005 4) by S tar D evelopment, Inc. L ocated West of S . M er idian Rd/S.H. 6 9, on the S outh Side of W. Harris S t. 1. Request: A D evelopment A greement Modification to Reflect an I ncrease of Building L ots and C hange in O pen Space C onsistent with the Proposed P reliminary Plat; and 2. Request: P reliminary P lat Consisting of 136 B uilding L ots and 9 Common L ots on 52.46 Acres of L and in the R-8 and R -40 Zoning D istricts Recommend Approval to Council D. P ublic Hearing C ontinued fr om J une 6, 2018 for K eep S ubdivision (H-2 018-0 043) b y J ack L . Hammond L ocated at the S W C or ner of E. L ake Hazel Rd. and S . E agle Rd. 1. Request: A nnexation and Z oning of 60.55 Acres of L and (7.07 to R-8 and 53.47 to R -2) to the R-2 and R -8 Z oning Districts; and, 2. Request: A P reliminary P lat C onsisting of 59 S ingle Family Residential L ots, and 10 C ommon L ots on A pproximately 53.47 A cres in the P roposed R-2 and R -8 Z oning D is tricts Recommend Approval to Council E. P ublic Hearing for C ompass Char ter S chool (H-2018-0048) by B ouma US A, L ocated at the northea st cor ner of W. F r anklin Rd. and S. Black C at Rd. 1. Request: A n Amendment to the C omprehensive P lan Future L and Use Map to C hange the L and Use Designation on 25.05 Acres of L ane from Medium-High D ensity Residential and Park to Mixed E mployment; and 2. Request: A nnexation and Zoning of 21.93 Acres of L and f rom RUT to the ME (Mixed E mployment) Zoning D istrict M eeting Adjourned 8:28 P M