2018-05-17 MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA City Council Chambers 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 6:00 PM Item 1: Roll-Call Attendance X__Lisa Holland _X__Steven Yearsley _X__Gregory Wilson _X__Ryan Fitzgerald _X__Jessica Perreault _X_Bill Cassinelli __X_Rhonda McCarvel - Chairperson Item 2: Adoption of Agenda Adopted 3. Consent Agenda [Action Item] A. Approve Minutes of May 3, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting B. Findings of Fact, Conclusion of Law for Calvary Chapel (H-2018-0031) by Calvary Chapel Meridian, Located at 3600 W. Nelis Ave. Item 4: Action Items Land Use Public Hearing Process: After the Public H earing is opened the staff report will be presented by the assigned city plann er. Following Staff's report the applicant has up to 15 minutes to present their app lication. Each member of the public may provide testimony up to 3 minutes or if they are representing a larger group, such as a Homeowners Association, they are a llowed 10 minutes. The applicant is then allowed 10 additional minutes to respond to the public's comments. No additional public testimony is taken once the pu blic hearing is closed. A. Public Hearing Continued from April 19, 2018 for Ch erry Blossom Subdivision (H-2018-0018) by Jayo Land Development Company Located at 615 W. Cherry Lane 1. Request: A Rezone of 10.74 Acres of Land from the R-4 to the R-8 Zoning District; and 2. Request: A Preliminary Plat Consisting of 60 Building Lots and 10 Common Lots on 10.25 Acres of Land in the Proposed R-8 Zoning District Continued to 6/21/18 B. Public Hearing Continued from May 3, 2018 for Paramount Self Storage (H-2018-0033) by Brighton Corporation, Inc. Located on the North Side of E. Archerfield St. and West of N. Meridian Rd. 1. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a Self-Storage Facility on 3.56 Acres of Land in a C-G Zoning District Approved C. Public Hearing for Village at Meridian Apartments (H-2018-0036) by Brighton Village, LLC, Located at the Southwest Corner of N. Records Way and E. River Valley St. 1. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a Multi-Family Development Consisting of 166 Age Resticted (55+) Dwelling Units on 2.44 Acres of Land in the C-G Zoning District Approved D. Public Hearing for Entrata Farms (H-2018-0032) by J ames Doolin, FIG Village at Parkside, LLC, Located at 3880 and 3882 W. Franklin Rd. 1. Request: An Annexation and Zoning of 19.07 Acres of Land with an R-40 Zoning District; and 2. Request: A Preliminary Plat Consisting of 60 Building Lots and 3 Common Lots on 18.18 Acres of Land in the R-40 Zoning District; and 3. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a Multi-Family Development Consisting of 278 Dwelling Units in an R-40 Zoning District Recommend Approval to Council. Scheduled for 06/19/18 Adjourned at 7:51 pm Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting May 17 , 2018. Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of May 17, 2018, was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Rhonda McCarvel. Members Present: Chairman Rhonda McCarvel, Commissioner Steven Yearsley, Commissioner Jessica Perreault, Commissioner Lisa Holland, Commissioner Bill Cassinelli, Commissioner Gregory Wilson and Commissioner Ryan Fitzgerald. Others Present: Chris Johnson, Ted Baird, Bill Parsons, Sonya Allen and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-call Attendance __X____ Lisa Holland ___X___ Steven Yearsley __X___ Gregory Wilson ___X___ Ryan Fitzgerald __X___ Jessica Perreault ___X___ Bill Cassinelli ___X___ Rhonda McCarvel - Chairman McCarvel: All right. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. At this time I would like to call to order the regularly scheduled meeting for the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission on May 17, 2018. Let's begin with roll. Item 2: Adoption of Agenda McCarvel: All right. First item on the agenda is the adoption of the agenda. We do have one change to the agenda. Item H-2018-0018, Cherry Blossom Subdivision, will be opened for the purpose of continuing this item. It will be opened solely for that purpose, so if there is anybody here to testify tonight for that particular application, we will be -- not be taking testimony today. So, can I get a motion to adopt the agenda as amended. Fitzgerald: So moved. Cassinelli: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to adopt the agenda. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 3: Consent Agenda [Action Item] A. Approve Minutes of May 3, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 4 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 2 of 40 B. Findings of Fact, Conclusion of Law for Calvary Chapel (H-2018- 0031) by Calvary Chapel Meridian, Located at 3600 W. Nelis Ave. McCarvel: The next item on the agenda is the Consent Agenda and we have two items on the Consent Agenda. We have approval of minutes for the May 3rd, 2018, Planning and Zoning meeting and Findings in Fact -- Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law for H-2018-0031, Calvary -- Calvary Chapel. So, can I get a motion to accept the Consent Agenda? Holland: So moved. Wilson: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to adopt the Consent Agenda. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. McCarvel: So, at this time I would like to briefly explain the public hearing process for this evening. We will open each item individually and, then, start with the staff report. The staff will report their findings regarding on how the item adheres to our Comprehensive Plan and Uniform Development Code with the staff's recommendation. After the staff has made their presentation, the applicant will come forward to present their case for the approval of their application and respond to any staff comments. The applicant will have 15 minutes to do so. After the applicant has finished we will open to public testimony. There is a sign-up sheet in the back as you enter for anyone wishing to testify. Any person testifying will come forward and be allowed three minutes. If you're speaking for a larger group, like an HOA, and there is a show of hands to represent that group, they will be given up to ten minutes. After all testimony has been heard, the applicant we be given another ten minutes to have the opportunity to come back and respond if they desire. After that we will close the public hearing and the commissioners will have the opportunity to discuss and, hopefully, be able to make a recommendation to City Council. Item 4: Action Items A. Public Hearing Continued from April 19, 2018 for Cherry Blossom Subdivision (H-2018-0018) by Jayo Land Development Company Located at 615 W. Cherry Lane 1. Request: A Rezone of 10.74 Acres of Land from the R-4 to the R-8 Zoning District; and Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 5 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 3 of 40 2. Request: A Preliminary Plat Consisting of 60 Building Lots and 10 Common Lots on 10.25 Acres of Land in the Proposed R-8 Zoning District McCarvel: So, at this time we are going to continue the public hearing for Item H-2018- 0018, Cherry Blossom Subdivision, and they have a request for a continuance to June 6th in order to allow additional time to work on revisions to the development plan based on the discussions with staff and neighbors at the second neighborhood meeting. Would the applicant like to come forward, please, since this is the second continuance. Breckon: John Breckon. Breckon Land Design. 6661 Glenwood Street, Garden City. McCarvel: And did you -- so, you have asked for a continuance to June 6th. Are -- are you sure you can be ready for that date or shall we look at a date further out? We have got, obviously, a lot of people who are interested in this and we don't want to continue -- Breckon: Yes. McCarvel: -- again. We usually just allow two continuances, so we want to be ready. Breckon: Well -- McCarvel: I think the next one would be June 21st. Breckon: Okay. McCarvel: Or no. June 21st? Okay. That's not the -- okay. Parsons: Madam Chair, Members of the Commission, just to let you know, to put the timing in perspective for you, typically when we are waiting for revised plans staff likes to have those plans to the clerks and to our office ten days prior to that public hearing, so that we can modify our staff report and change any conditions, so that we can bring forth a -- an accurate recommendation or at least give you some -- something to take action on. If you look at the calendar, we are getting close. We are probably right there at that ten day window. So, I'm hoping the applicant will have something to us either by tomorrow or first thing Monday, so that staff can get on that staff report, if there are any specific changes, so that we can keep it moving forward on that -- that June 6th date. McCarvel: So, if you're not ready to give staff your proposal tomorrow, we should probably look at the June 21st date. Breckon: Yes. I would request that we go to the June 21st, please. McCarvel: Okay. And is that the one you want or would you like July? I mean this is your time. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 6 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 4 of 40 Breckon: No. McCarvel: Bill, what's on the schedule for the next two meetings, just so we are -- like the 21st and July meeting. Parsons: Well, the 21st is shaping up to have quite a few items on it. I don't know exactly what they are off the top of my head, but I know -- I know there is at least five apps -- applications that are in various stages with us that could end up on that hearing or could be bumped to the July 5th hearing, just don't know at this point, and there are quite a few and some are larger projects as well. Fitzgerald: Madam Chair, I just have a feeling we are going to have just a significant discussion or public input on this application, so as we take that into account. McCarvel: Yeah. Absolutely. But I don't think we want to entertain continuing it another time. So, if you're not ready to give staff your proposal tomorrow, let's look at -- okay? Breckon: Yes. Madam Chair, I would request that we go to the 21st. McCarvel: 21st? Okay. Breckon: Yes. McCarvel: So, could I get a motion to continue item H-2018-0018, Cherry Blossom Subdivision, to the meeting -- to the scheduled meeting of June 21st? Holland: So moved. Wilson: Second. McCarvel: Okay. It has been moved and seconded to continue the public hearing H- 2018-0018, Cherry Blossom Subdivision, to June 21st. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. Thank you. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. B. Public Hearing Continued from May 3, 2018 for Paramount Self Storage (H-2018-0033) by Brighton Corporation, Inc. Located on the North Side of E. Archerfield St. and West of N. Meridian Rd. 1. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a Self -Storage Facility on 3.56 Acres of Land in a C-G Zoning District Breckon: Thank you. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 7 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 5 of 40 McCarvel: So, at this time we would like to continue Item H-2018-0033, Paramount Self Storage. This item was continued from May 3rd and we will begin with the staff report. Parsons: Thank you, Madam Chair, Members of the Commission. As you mentioned, this is the Paramount Self Storage Project. It was originally scheduled for the May 3rd hearing and was continued because the property -- the subject property was not basically posted in accordance with UDC standards. So, tonight we are here to discuss a conditional use permit for a self storage facility on approximately 3.56 acres of land. You can see in the aerial -- or the vicinity map here that it does consist of six commercial parcels. So, at some point the applicant will want to process a property boundary adjustment with the city -- the city to consolidate those -- that property into one large parcel, so that they don't have any issues with our -- our building department as they move through that process. So, adjacent land uses, we are looking at the Paramount Subdivision. On the north zoned R-8. Across the street we have Ventana Commons and Heritage Middle School, zoned R-4 -- or, excuse me, R-8 and -- excuse me -- R-8 and R-4. To the east -- or, excuse me, to the west we have the Paramount Square Apartments, which are zoned R-40 and, then, to the south we have undeveloped vacant commercial property zoned C-G, which is also part of the Paramount Square Subdivision. So, in 2003 this property was originally annexed in as part of the Paramount Subdivision and part of that PUD. In 2015 the applicant came forward with the Paramount Southeast Subdivision, where they went through a conditional use, rezone, and a plat subdivision process to allow for the apartments and the commercial lots that you see today. So, tonight we are discussing, again, a self storage facility consisting of approximately 11 buildings and 63,825 square feet of enclosed storage. The applicant is not proposing any outdoor storage on this site. Access to this development is provided from a local street, which is North Dyver Avenue, which is along the west boundary and, then, per the UDC standards for self storage facilities, the applicant has to provide a secondary access and that is being located here on Archfield Street along the south boundary in accord with the UDC standards. Landscaping for the site. The applicant already has constructed a 25 foot wide landscape buffer along North Meridian Road. A 20 foot wide landscape buffer is required along East Ensenada Drive and the two local streets along the west and south boundary require ten foot landscape buffers and those will be installed with lot development. In our staff report we did call out that some of those buffers are deficient, the required number of trees per the UDC, and so we have conditioned the project and the applicant to provide the right -- the required number of trees in accordance with the UDC standards. I would also mention to you as we did our review and went through this, we did note some -- we were looking at -- the self storage use itself is subject to specific use standards in our code. There were two requirements that -- that we brought to your attention in the staff report. The first was in regards to the 25 foot separation between all structures on the site. Staff has worked with the applicant and they are just going to go ahead and where there are some openings between the buildings along the perimeters, they are just going to connect the buildings and enclose them with additional storage units in accordance with the UDC standards. So, there aren't any conditions to modify, because they are going to comply with code and not Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 8 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 6 of 40 have to worry about that 25 foot separation. All of -- all of the internal buildings do meet that requirement. So, that is a good change from what the applicant is going to do. The other issue that we brought up to you was the requirement for solid gates along the emergency access and the entry into the facility. On occasion -- this isn't the first storage facility that's come before you, but we have consistently enforced that condition in our staff report for you to take action on. What we hear from the applicant consistently -- typically the applicant is amenable to doing a solid gate when it's the secondary axis gate, because no one is using it. But what we hear constantly from applicants is if we require a heavy duty gate for the main entrance into the facility, one, it limits visibility into the site, but, two, the weight of the gate, it's hard to find mechanisms in order to control the gates as you enter and exit facilities. So, the applicant is asking for a modification to that condition this evening. So, again, they are okay with the emergency access gate being solid. They want to have some relief on the main gate off of that local street on the west boundary. If you look at the site plan -- if I back up here you can see here that it's actually quite a distance away from the street. So, visibility would be -- actually be fairly limited into the site. If you weren't actually driving down that street -- and it shouldn't generate that much traffic, because it is a local street. And, then, also there is a portion of the gate here where the applicant has the ability to possibly make that portion a solid material, so you would -- the location of the gate is in this vicinity, which is pretty well open to -- or not very well open, visible on some of the internal buildings. So, again, staff is amenable to the applicant's request just to have the main entry gate being more of an open style wrought iron, like you see in most of these storage facilities. We would like at least some clarification from the applicant as to whether or not this remaining portion would be a solid material and blend in with the rest of the development. The application did provide some building elevations for you this evening. Again, they were trying to be consistent with the Paramount theme within that development. So, the buildings will consist of stucco -- we are looking at corrugated metal, stone wainscot, and, then, again, some of those tower - - or decorative roofing elements that you see throughout that -- the design of that subdivision. Further, because this is a commercial development, they are required to comply with the design standards and staff will ensure one hundred percent compliance with those as they go through that CDC and design review process. But we are -- we are fairly confident that these are pretty consistent to what we have on the books today. So, as I mentioned to you, staff is -- we are recommending approval of the project. We did receive written testimony from Mike Wardle, the applicant. Again, the only issue they take concern with is the requirement for the metal gate on the main gates. At least the solid materials for the main gate. Did not receive any other public testimony on this application. I will conclude my presentation and stand for any questions you may have. McCarvel: Any questions for staff? Would the applicant to come forward? Wardle: Madam Chair, Commission Members, Mike Wardle. Brighton Corporation. 12601 West Explorer Drive. I -- I think staff has really laid it out and the only -- the reason that we want the operable portion of the entrance gate is, so that you don't have somebody sitting on the inside waiting to come out, somebody on the outside waiting to go in and they can't see the cuing aspect of it. So, that's really the only issue. And so I Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 9 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 7 of 40 believe the modification that we have proposed is simply to strike the language that says main access gate and is -- so, it's just basically the condition would read: The emergency access gate should be constructed of solid material to impede usability into the site. Unless you have more issues that you would like to discuss, but I just -- well let me -- just for the sake -- I'm only going to show you a couple of slides. First you have already seen, but this project picks up the theme elements from the Paramount project. It has some, you know, residential characters, but all of the theming that we have in our major entrances is -- is carried through in this project and, secondly, as noted by Bill, we are connecting each of the three corners where there was a less than 25 foot separation. Just adds a little bit, but it solves the problem. And, then, of course, the solid emergency access gate. So, I would answer any questions you have, but we believe that the project -- a commercial project in a commercial -- commercially zoned parcel of property is appropriate and ask for your approval. McCarvel: Okay. Fitzgerald: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: Mike, can you just touch on what Bill asked about, the wall next to the main gate. Is that going to be solid or -- and the gate would be see through? Wardle: Madam Chair, Commissioner Fitzgerald, I probably didn't state it carefully enough, but the operable portion of the gate would be open, but the other portion could be solid. That's not an issue. Fitzgerald: Okay. Wardle: It's just the operable -- I don't want to be sitting out there and confront somebody that we have to start maneuvering or backing up, so -- Fitzgerald: Makes sense. Wardle: Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thank you, sir. McCarvel: Any other questions? Cassinelli: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Cassinelli. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 10 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 8 of 40 Cassinelli: Mike, the -- the emergency gate here, that -- is that -- what you have on this slide appears to be see through. Is that -- we are going with the one that's solid, is that correct? Wardle: Commissioner Cassinelli, yes, that's -- this was as submitted. Staff has noted that the specific standards call for solid, so we are saying that that will be -- Cassinelli: That will be changed to solid? Wardle: In the CZC submittal it will be a solid -- Cassinelli: And, then, as a follow on, that's what the entry gate will, essentially look like, the wrought iron there. Wardle: Yes, Commissioner, that -- that's correct. Cassinelli: Okay. Thank you. Perreault: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Perreault. Perreault: Mr. Wardle, in your research do you happen to know how many storage facilities there are within a couple miles on either side? I'm -- if I thought about it I probably could remember, but I'm just curious how close you are to other facilities that are similar. Wardle: Madam Chair and Commissioner Perreault, the -- there is actually a facility on the west side of Paramount on Linder Road at the -- the western entrance south of the high school. Perreault: Okay. Wardle: There is also one about a -- let's see. It's midway between Meridian Road and Locust Grove on Chinden. Those are the only two that I'm acquainted with within a reasonable distance and to my knowledge they are full, so -- and we have 280 apartments under construction adjacent to this currently. We suspect there will be some need. Perreault: Thank you. McCarvel: Any other questions for the applicant? Okay. We have nobody signed up for public testimony on this application, but is there anybody in the room who would like to testify on this application? Okay. Fitzgerald: Madam chair? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 11 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 9 of 40 McCarvel: Mr. Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: I move that we close the public hearing on H-2018-0033. Cassinelli: Second. Wilson: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to close the public hearing on H-2018- 0033. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. McCarvel: I actually -- I mean if -- I like this idea of the storage units being right here next to all the apartments that are going in. I think that will keep -- you know, cut down on all the traffic. And I do -- the only thing I would like to additionally state -- and I think staff covered it and I'm sure, you know, adhering to the Paramount type structures it will be a decent looking structure, but this isn't one that's going to be not seen from all angles. I mean this -- this is seen from all four sides, so I think -- especially with it having no outdoor storage units in there, which usually is the worst looking of it, having all indoor storage, as long as it has an appeal from all four sides and I'm in favor of this. Fitzgerald: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: I -- I agree. I -- there is -- as long as it meets the CZC requirements and I like that the access is not off of Meridian Road, it's off of -- of the internal local roads from inside of Paramount. I think it's a good use and it cuts down on the density that would like to go there, if not, so I'm in favor as well. Holland: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Holland. Holland: It's -- it's probably not the first thing I would choose for that lot, but at the same time I don't see any -- any big reasons to oppose it. I know a lot of people have a need for storage and certainly there is a lot of residential around that area, so I'm sure that it will be utilized, as long as they are cautious about how the design looks and, again, I agree with you, since there is not any outdoor storage of vehicles -- that tends to be the worst looking part of storage facilities. So, I'm okay with it. McCarvel: Okay. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 12 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 10 of 40 Cassinelli: Are we going down this way still? I have a question for -- for Bill. What is the -- what's the height of the exterior wall and what -- in relation to the height of the units? Will the units be seen about the walls, such as from ground level? Fitzgerald: I think the units are the walls in certain circumstances, but -- Parsons: Madam Chair, Members of the Commission, that's correct. Yeah. Everything is going to be -- the building is basically the -- what's screening the facility, so I don’t think -- I don't think it's the intent of the applicant to have the internal buildings stick up higher than the perimeter buildings. Cassinelli: Okay. Thank you. And separate question. Can we -- as far as when we get time to make a motion, can we condition that -- that the -- the design elements match what they are showing us here tonight, so we don't get something different? Parsons: Madam Chair, Members of the Commission, yes, the -- the elevations as presented to you tonight are what -- are basically attached to the staff report, but certainly you can state that on the record that you expect them to be constructed to the - - the design that they are showing you this evening and include those architectural details incident to Paramount development. Cassinelli: And I -- I believe that that's what will happen. I would just like to see that in there. But, otherwise, I -- I believe that that's what will happen. I would just like to see that in there, but, otherwise, I -- I think it's going to look -- will be a good looking project there. Wilson: You better make that motion then. Well, I -- we still have the rest of my fellow commissioners down there. Yearsley: Madam Chair? I -- I think it looks just fine. I think it's a -- a good area, a good fit. It makes a lot of sense to -- for that location given what's around there and it helps with traffic congestion, not adding to it, so -- McCarvel: Okay. Would anybody like to make a motion? Cassinelli: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: All considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to approve file number H-2018-0033 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 17, 2018, with the following modifications: That we condition that the design elements -- just a minute. Yeah. That we condition that the design elements match up to what was presented to us this evening and that the modification on the gates -- the emergency gate access will be constructed with solid material, but we will allow for the main gate to be the see through, the wrought iron material. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 13 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 11 of 40 Fitzgerald: Second. Cassinelli: And -- I think that's it. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to approve H-2018-0033, Paramount Self, Storage with modifications. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. C. Public Hearing for Village at Meridian Apartments (H-2018- 0036) by Brighton Village, LLC, Located at the Southwest Corner of N. Records Way and E. River Valley St. 1. Request: A Conditional Use Permit fora Multi-Family Development Consisting of 166 Age Restricted (55+) Dwelling Units on 2.44 Acres of Land in the C-G Zoning District McCarvel: At this time we would like to open the public hearing for H-2018-0036, Village at Meridian Apartments. We will begin with the staff report. Allen: Madam Chair, give me just a moment here. All right. The next application before you is a request for a conditional use permit. This site consists of 2.44 acres of land. It's zoned C-G. Located at the southwest corner of East River Valley Street and North Records Way. Adjacent land use and zoning. To the north is East River Valley Street and multi-family residential apartments, zoned R-40. To the south is a parking lot, zoned C-G. To the east is Records Street and Kleiner Park, zoned C-G. And to the west are commercial, retail, grocery store, service uses, zoned C-G. This property was annexed and included in the development agreement for the Meridian Town Center, which is now known as The Village development in 2007. It was later included in the Center Cal Subdivision plat. The Comprehensive Plan future land use map designation is mixed use region. A conditional use permit is requested for a multi-family development consisting of 166 age restricted 55 and older dwelling units on 2.44 acres of land in a C-G zoning district. One five story structure is proposed, with the first floor consisting of covered parking, and a second and -- second through fifth floors consisting of dwelling units. A 9,900 square foot clubhouse and open space area with amenities as shown here is proposed on the second floor. The concept master plan included in the development agreement for The Village depicts future residential on this site. The proposed development plan is consistent with the approved master plan and the development agreement. Access is proposed via North Records Way, a collector street, to the first floor parking area. Local street access is not available to this site. The development is required to comply with the private usable open space standards in the Unified Development Code or apply for alternative compliance to those standards with the certificate of zoning compliance. A total of .95 of an acre of common open space is required in accord with UDC standards. A total of 1.14 acres is proposed consisting of .49 of an acre on the second floor, on either side of the clubhouse with .65 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 14 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 12 of 40 of an acre consisting of landscaping around the first floor of the building adjacent to abutting collector streets and the sides and rear of the building. Typically the area around the building and adjacent to collector streets, River Valley and Records, would not qualify towards the minimum requirements, unless it's at least 400 square feet in area, with a minimum length and width dimension of 20 feet and separated from the street by a berm or construct a barrier at least four feet in height. It does meet the minimum area requirements, but does not have a berm or a barrier as required. However, the UDC does allow for alternatives to be approved through the conditional use permit process. Because a 60 acre city park, Kleiner Memorial Park, exist directly across the street to the east from the proposed development, staff is amenable to the applicant's request and recommends the Commission approve the proposed open space. The applicant is proposing site amenities as required by the Unified Development Code that fall within the quality of life, open space, recreation categories as follows: A clubhouse containing a media room, business center, kitchen, game lounge, yoga studio, fitness studio, changing facilities, conference room and a private dining area. And an outdoor swimming pool, hot tub, dedicated pet area, kitchen, lounge area with a fireplace, numerous seating areas and plazas for social interaction, enclosed bicycle storage and a Bocce ball court are also proposed. Offstreet parking is proposed in accord with UDC standards for age-restricted elderly housing and that is a half of a space per one bedroom unit and two spaces per dwelling unit for two and over bedrooms. Based on this requirement, a minimum of 188 spaces are required with at least 70 of those being in an enclosed garage. A total of 209 spaces are proposed in the parking garage on the first floor, with an additional nine parallel spaces along Records Way for guests and/or deliveries. A parallel loading area along the rear of the building off the alley is also proposed, which allows for another approximately nine spaces, which can be utilized for deliveries, maintenance or service employees. Staff is amenable to the proposed parking due to the following reasons: First, it is anticipated that the age-restricted units will only house one person or a couple, regardless of the number of bedrooms and with various shopping, restaurant, and service uses, including a grocery store in close proximity to this site, and likely a transit stop nearby, it is possible that some residents may not have a vehicle at all or only have one, which would reduce the parking count actually needed for each dwelling unit. Comments were received from Valley Regional Transit in regard to the location of a transit stop on this property. Staff did note that in the staff report. They don't feel one is necessary at this time, but feels one could be accommodated in the future if needed. Therefore, staff is recommending condition number 1.1.3 is removed, which requires a bus stop to be provided on the site if determined needed by VRT. Conceptual building elevations were submitted as shown for the proposed structure. Building materials consist of stucco and brick veneer. The architectural character of the structure is required to comply with the standards listed in the City of Meridian architectural standards manual. Written testimony was received from Jon Wardle, Brighton Corporation, in response to the staff report. He did request condition number 1.1.3 pertaining to the requirement for a bus stop be removed as mentioned by staff. Staff is recommending approval with conditions. Staff will stand for any questions. McCarvel: Any questions for staff? Okay. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 15 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 13 of 40 Cassinelli: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Oh. Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: Can you describe the -- there is the -- some of the open space there, .49 of an acre on the second floor -- on either side of the clubhouse. Can you -- is that patios coming off the second floor? Is that what that is? Allen: Yes. Let me -- hang on just a second. Wardle: I can address that. Allen: Yeah. I just ran through that, but Jon -- Jon can -- he will probably cover it in his presentation as well. Cassinelli: Okay. All right. Perfect. Allen: You have it in your outline there, too, Mr. Cassinelli. McCarvel: Any other questions for staff? Would the applicant like to come forward. Wardle: Good evening, Commissioners. For the record my name is Jon Wardle. My address is 12601 West Explorer Drive. I work for Brighton in representing this project this evening. Sonya, if you can turn that slide over to -- thank you. So, I will go high level and if we need to dig into some of the details we sure can tonight, but as Sonya indicated, this project is located at the southwest corner of River Valley and Records. This would be for point of reference to The Village it would be right behind the co-op and right across the street from Kleiner Park. We are proposing 166 residential units, which would be age qualified 55 plus required to live here. It is a five story building. The first floor is completely parking, all covered, all enclosed for the 209 parking spaces, which were discussed earlier. There will also be a first floor reception area where guests and residents coming in off of records would come into that reception area or leasing office and, then, they would go up in an elevator to the residence. They would be buzzed in at that point. So, the second through the fifth floors would be residential units and, then, on the second floor -- and I will get into those details, Commissioner Cassinelli, would be the community spaces, both active and passive or social spaces. We are proposing a nine -- almost a 10,000 square foot clubhouse in this project for the use of the residents and as I mentioned the 2,000 square foot leasing office, reception area, mail-parcel area on the first floor, plus the enclosed parking spaces and enclosed bike storage. Oops. This next one gives you the location of the project at River Valley and Records. Right here is the co-op and, then, the rest of The Village is down here with Kleiner Park across the street and, then, in context the building is, essentially, an E. The back of the building is against the commercial drive and, then, the E opens up to Kleiner Park and each of these -- many of the units will open up to the second floor recreation areas here and that's it in context as well. Again, Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 16 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 14 of 40 the first floor is completely parking area. The access into the building is through a single point. That's coming in off of Records Street and it will come into the parking garage. The residents will have assigned parking stalls and there will also be some guest parking there on -- underneath the structure. Along Records we are proposing nine parallel parking spaces, which predominantly would be for that guest who comes quickly, wants to drop something off, a delivery, those types of things. In the -- in the back of the project in the commercial alley we also have additional parallel parking spaces for moving trucks and deliveries, big deliveries, service vehicles, that type of thing. If somebody is going to be there a little bit longer and we need a place for them, they would be able to do that in the back of the building. Trash as well is in the rear of this -- rear of this building -- will be outside, but in that commercial alley. On the second level, going up one level, is this outdoor amenity area on each side or which would be -- it is between the E -- the legs coming out. This is rotated. I just did it so you could kind of see some of these elements. So, north is to your left here. This is showing the main level, the reception area, this is the landscaping around. Going up one level to the second story here showing the outdoor spaces and I will get you a little details a little one more here and, then, one more slide. Here is everything in context. All of the landscaping that will come around this building, allowing for a mix of a high quality urban type of living opportunity in The Village, which is going to be unique. There is not a more dynamic location where you could have housing with the retail uses, the recreational uses and even the employment uses here in this area. I wanted to focus just a few minutes on the amenities in this project. On the second floor in the clubhouse there will be fitness and yoga studios, changing areas, locker rooms as well. There will be a kitchen, a private dining area, and also a catering lounge. There will be a media room for movies, that type of thing. Conference room. A business center. And, then, there will also be a large game lounge where you would expect tables, also some social aspects there. The outdoor spaces -- there is two areas. One is on the north leg and one is on the south leg. On the north leg is a social area where there will be gardens, raised planters, fireplaces, seating areas, covered as well, an outdoor kitchen and, then, a social plaza in the middle where there is an opportunity for a lot of chairs on the things that people can be out there, they don't have to go down to the street level, but they can come down to the second level and that can be their kind of quiet outdoor space, as well as their own private outdoor spaces in each of their units. On the south side is what we call the active area. In the community center these areas right here, this is a fitness facility and the other lounge and the changing rooms. So, we wanted to have that relate to the outdoors spaces which are going to be a little more active. A pool. A hot tub. There is also an area here out -- out over the parking garage looking to Kleiner Park, which could be an outdoor fitness area, areas for games and grass. It could be Bocce, it could be some other thing like that, as well as a pet area, giving the residents an opportunity within the structure to take their pets down to do whatever pets are going to do, without having to go down to the street. They could if they wanted to, but it allows them to do that here in the building. There was a comment -- staff has addressed it. We are asking that the condition be removed for the parking -- or not for the parking, but for the bus stop. We met with VRT yesterday. We discussed it with ACHD on what this location could be. ACHD is saying that this will be a stop sign intersection, meaning VRT would want a stall or a bus stop on the north side of the intersection. We are -- we Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 17 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 15 of 40 are grateful that that condition could be removed or will be removed. We are concerned about the -- the potential impact that a large transit station would have at this location. We believe that there are other locations within The Village that could accommodate that, as they have done in other places, but we are asking that that condition be -- be removed from this. In conclusion, we just ask for your approval for this project. We are very excited about this opportunity. It is -- it's needed. This is the right place for a mixed use project like this. We are also very excited about the 55 plus aspect. There are -- there are a lot of great things that this demographic will benefit from being located at The Village, the services that are there, the retail that's there, also the recreation opportunity that's just right across the street and this is a major investment for -- for us. This will be, you know, a 40 million dollar project and we are excited about this investment into Meridian. So, we request your approval this evening and also requests that Condition 1.1.3 be removed and I would stand for questions. McCarvel: Any questions for the applicant? Yearsley: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Yearsley. Yearsley: Can you go back to the second floor layout? Sorry. So, on the outskirt of all that will be -- I guess is it condos or rental units? Wardle: These are all rental units. Yearsley: So, you will have the rental units on the -- on the outside of the second floor as well? Wardle: Yes. Yearsley: Okay. And, then, the rest of the -- two through five will have rental units kind of in the E; is that correct? Wardle: Commissioner Yearsley, to answer your question a little bit more specifically, on the second floor, this area in the middle will not have any residential units on it. The third floor there will be some in that area that will also be part of the clubhouse. Yearsley: Okay. Wardle: But on the rest of the second floor, all these units will open up. They will each have their own private space, but they will open up to this interior area, as will the units above them. So, yes, there will be units looking into and taking advantage of that open common area. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 18 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 16 of 40 Yearsley: Okay. I think this looks pretty cool, because when I first looked at it I thought it was all one piece and I was thinking rooftop access for open space, but I like the open space there on the second floor. I think it makes a lot of sense. Thank you. McCarvel: Any other questions for the applicant? Cassinelli: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: The parking garage itself, is that -- is that gated, because you're having visitor or guest parking in that garage. Are they able to just drive in and drive out, there is no gated access there? Wardle: Madam Chair, Commissioner Cassinelli, we have -- we have discussed that back and forth. If there are gates inside, it will be held back. There will be designated guest parking areas inside the garage itself. But I don't believe we have settled on that gated aspect. There won't be a gate that makes it difficult to come in, but there could be a gate in that structure underneath the setback that would allow guests to get into the reception area, as well into the elevators that go up, so that would be held inside of the garage if we do a gate so guests could drive in drive out and wouldn't have to enter the garage if we do a gate. Cassinelli: So, guests could drive in and drive out and wouldn't have to enter the gate every time. Okay. McCarvel: Any other questions for the applicant? Okay. All right. Thank you. Wardle: Thank you. McCarvel: I have Steve Smylie. We will go to public testimony now. I have Steve Smylie, who has indicated he would like to testify. Please state your name and address for the record. Smylie: Thank you, Madam Chair. For the record my name is Steve Smylie. I reside at 3662 East Granger Drive, which is about a block away from this project. Several questions and concerns that I have. Number one, my experience with the Brighton Corporation has been excellent. I think they -- this is a -- this is something that I would have no -- no objection to the concept of a 55 plus unit there. My concern is with the density and may I remind the Commission that this strip from The Village down Eagle Road to Ustick has over 1,700 apartment units. Will have a population of over 3,000 people and we have a little two lane road, Records, that's supposed to handle that traffic. Hello? Please do the math on this. Nine parking places on the street for 166 units? That makes no sense whatsoever. I really, really would recommend that we take a very, very serious look at the combination -- I mean we are already very, very begrudgingly getting used to the fact that we are going to have four story windows Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 19 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 17 of 40 looking into our backyard and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it from the Regency Apartments that are under construction right now. There is another 14 units that are going to be built -- 60 four-plex units just down the street. There are already condos all the way down Records Street. People are already using our street, Granger Street. Construction workers are parking in front of our house, because there is no place for them to park. We already have a real problem there with what is going on with the Regency. People are using our road as a shortcut to get over to Cloverdale and with the construction on Cloverdale it makes it even worse. We are getting a lot of traffic through there. Records simply cannot handle this traffic the way it is constructed now and the street parking will be especially problematic, because that is a designated bike lane and when you start having a lot of street traffic on a bike lane area, that's very problematic. It's -- you know, I like -- I like the idea of the 55 plus development. I love the concepts here. I think this is a great idea. But I really do think it needs some -- some work as far as parking. The other thing is when it's a 55 plus community, nobody has said anything about staff parking. Will that staff permanently take them out of the units that are already there? Because there needs to be 20 or 30 staff parking. If they have events there they will have people that will be coming in to do catering, so forth. There will be not only large trucks to make deliveries, but there will be people in smaller vehicles that are coming that are serving, that are working, coming and going during the day, people coming to visit their parents, grandkids and so forth, which is absolutely necessary, absolutely important, but when you put it on a narrow stop sign regulated street like Records, which is already getting to be quite busy, quite crowded, we have no problem with that, but when that gets crowded -- as we all know Eagle Road is backed up for a solid mile in every direction from 7:30 to about 8:30 and, then, from 3:30 all the way through about 6:00. We all know that. And so what is happening is people are discovering Records and they are using it as a shortcut and we have people speeding by there 2:00 o'clock in the morning, so forth. It's -- it's getting to be a problem and we -- we welcome the community. We understand it's zoned for that. But I really think that the Commission needs to take a very, very serious look at the densities, they need to take a very, very serious look at the dangers of the street parking, especially on the designated bike lane road. That is a real problem. I got nailed by somebody opening their door -- McCarvel: That was your bell. If you could wrap up your thoughts. Smylie: Okay. I'm just saying, please, take a look at these things. We are all in favor of the project, but I think there is some fine tuning needs to be done. Thank you, Madam Chair. McCarvel: Thank you. That's all I have signed up to testify, but is there anybody else in the room who would like to testify at this time? Okay. Would the applicant like to come forward and address those concerns. Turnbull: Madam Chair, for the record my name is David Turnbull. 12601 West Explorer Drive in Boise. I appreciate Mr. Smylie's comments. I would note that we are really honored to be doing this project. When Center Cal put this property on the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 20 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 18 of 40 market they did pretty much a nationwide offering on this and it came down to three finalists. We were one of the three finalists and we were honored to be selected to do this project and I think they did it because of our reputation within the community for the projects that we do. I would note that I believe that in the DA for the whole Center Cal Village project there is a requirement for residential uses in this area, approximating over 160 units. I think that's right in the development agreement. And I think we have taken a lot -- a lot of time to design this site to provide for all of the concerns that Mr. Smylie addressed. For staff parking. We anticipate -- maybe I should just step back and talk a little bit about what the nature of this project is. This is a highly amenitized social environment for people that are 55 plus. The clubhouse facility in this project is probably in the neighborhood of two to three times larger than you would get for a comparably sized project of a non-age qualified community. So, it's a highly socialized environment with programming and social directors. That said, there are full-time -- five full-time employees that will be on this site and we provided, as we mentioned, parking for those employees, both on the interior of the facility -- we also have on the back side the commercial alley side where -- where the retail uses are to the west. We have loading zones. We have service zones. We have some additional parking back in that area. As far as the staging for the construction of the project, no doubt that there will be some disruption. I mean we can't avoid that. We are -- we are building something that would be akin to an urban setting and that's what The Village really has created that here. We have worked with Center Cal to designate staging areas and parking areas for -- for our construction workers and we will work hard to minimize the impacts on the surrounding neighborhoods. So, you know, I think what we presented here is just absolutely groundbreaking for -- you know, for Meridian. It's structured parking. It's highly amenities. The second story deck where we have the outdoor common area overlooking the park is just going to be something else. We are spending over a million dollars just on that roof top terrace amenity package. So, as mentioned, the only comment we made on the staff report, which related to the transit stop, I believe that Sonya agreed with our request to remove that since it's already -- has a place to be accommodated on the opposite side of the intersection, so -- and really having a transit stop in front of this project would be very, very problematic and -- and something akin to a deal killer. So, we ask that that condition be removed. With that I will stand for any further questions that you might have. McCarvel: Okay. Holland: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Holland. Holland: Mr. Turnbull, can you help address the -- the designated bike lane concern that Mr. Smylie had? Turnbull: Yes. The bike lane will remain. We are relocating -- the bike lane will, essentially, remain in its current condition. We will be taking the parallel parking out of our site. So, the bike lane will remain. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 21 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 19 of 40 Yearsley: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Yearsley. Yearsley: A couple quick questions. Parking. So, this is part of the Center Cal development overall. Is there a cross-access easement for parking? Because there shows a parking lot to the south of this project. Can overflow parking park in that area if need be, if you have a large event or a -- you know, that type of stuff for -- what's the -- Turnbull: Boy, I'm not sure what we are referring to any large events. We are not anticipating large events. This is not a facility where we are inviting -- you know, we are staging parties. This is not an event center. Yearsley: Well -- and I don't mean that, but if you have like a family that are coming to visit the family for a day or something like, one family for a large party that, you know, you have a lot of kids come at one time, that you might need additional parking. You know, is there a cross-access easement for parking to the south? Turnbull: And, excuse me, Madam Chair and Commissioner Yearsley, the answer to that question is that the Center Cal wants to preserve its parking for its office uses. Yearsley: Okay. Turnbull: So, they are not amenable to a cross-parking agreement. You know, they -- they just feel like they need to preserve that for their current and future office expansion needs. Yearsley: Okay. Turnbull: So, I can offer that to you. Yearsley: Okay. It was just more of a question than -- than anything else. Turnbull: Right. Yearsley: I think there was something else. Oh. Did this require a traffic study through ACHD? Turnbull: Madam Chair, Commissioner Yearsley, I believe that the traffic study that Center Cal did covered the intended uses and as I mentioned before residential was anticipated as part of that use. So, I believe it was covered under ACHD's requirements of Center Cal and they have imposed no additional comments or conditions on this application. Yearsley: Okay. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 22 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 20 of 40 McCarvel: Mr. Turnbull, I just want to confirm something in the staff report. Under normal circumstances your structure would be required to have a minimum of 188 parking spaces, with 70 of those being an enclosed garage and what you're proposing in your enclosed garage is 209 -- Turnbull: Correct. McCarvel: -- which is already over your minimum. So, that the -- the nine spots you consider out front are truly coming and going, as well as inside the garage as guests -- Turnbull: Correct. McCarvel: -- spots. Okay. And all the apartments have assigned spots, so they know moving in that's how many spots they are allowed? Turnbull: Yeah. We hadn't addressed that, you know, as far as having assigned spots or not, but -- McCarvel: Oh, I thought -- I'm sorry, I thought that he said in his original presentation that they would be assigned. Wardle: Madam Chair, I did say that they -- there would be assigned spots, that the resident would know how much they would be allocated, whether those are numbered or allocated specifically for them underneath, I'm sorry, I did not mean to say that they would have a specific one. That could be the case, but I can't commit that that would -- to ever doing that. McCarvel: Okay. But they are allocated to the residents -- Wardle: Yes. McCarvel: -- and they know moving in how many cars -- Wardle: That's correct. McCarvel: -- they can bring in there. Okay. Fitzgerald: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Mr. Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: Mr. Turnbull, just so we are on record, so you have a total of 227 spots with the nine in the back and the nine in the front and the 209 underneath; is that correct? Turnbull: I think that number -- Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 23 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 21 of 40 Fitzgerald: Does that math work? Turnbull: I think so. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you. Turnbull: I know it's 209 enclosed. I know there is some -- nine out front and there is -- in the back -- we got it correct. Yes. Fitzgerald: Okay. Turnbull: Thank you. McCarvel: Okay. Any other questions for the applicant? Perreault: Yes, Madam Chair. McCarvel: Commissioner Perreault. Perreault: What's the height of the building and also in relationship to the apartments that are on the north side -- I guess it's northeast of these and then -- I mean can you give us a frame of reference for how tall this is going to be in comparison to the height of The Village buildings and, then, the apartments on the north side? Turnbull: The height of the building will be under 65 feet. Perreault: I'm sorry? Turnbull: Sixty-five. I couldn't tell you what the height of the apartments are to the north. Those are the four story apartments with pitched roofs. So, you know, they are going to be probably somewhat less than that, but comparable. Ours is a flat roof, theirs is a pitched roof. Perreault: State that again. Turnbull: Ours will be a flat roof. Theirs is a pitched roof. McCarvel: Okay. Any other questions for the applicant? Thank you. Turnbull: Thank you. McCarvel: At this time could I get a motion to close the public hearing for item H-2018- 0036, Village at Meridian Apartments. Perreault: So moved. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 24 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 22 of 40 Cassinelli: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to close the public hearing for H-2018- 0036. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Yearsley: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Yearsley. Yearsley: I really like this project. I think the look is really cool. When I first looked at the floor plan I thought it was one big solid building and having it look like an E with amenities in the center I think is -- is really cool. I think that really makes this stand out. It gives every apartment at least a balcony and ways to look in and so I think it actually will work out well. With regard to density, you know, as he states it was actually planned to have this already here and unfortunately -- well, I don't know if it's unfortunately or not, but this is becoming a center point in the community and everyone wants to be here. You have got great -- great shopping in this area, you got a great park, you have got a lot of different activities going in in this area. You know, traffic is an issue and will always continue to be an issue and -- but I don't know how to address this without taking up more real estate on the ground and taking up more parking elsewhere within that Center Cal footprint. So, I think this works out really well, given that is a 55 and older, you won't have a significant amount of children or -- I think your traffic will be reduced because of that. Regarding the bike lane in -- along the side of the road and the cars parked between the bike lane and the traffic, interesting enough I just spent two days at a pedestrian and bicycle safety class for -- for my job and -- and one of the things that they always talked about is that's where they want to put the -- put the bikes is right where they are shown and its actually the safest location for them. There is always the potential for people to open their door when they are driving -- riding their bikes by, but that's -- that's why they are meant to try to have enough space that they can avoid those. So, I think that's -- that's designed accordingly. So, I think it looks good. I don't know if I have an issue with the height. It's far enough away from any residential that I don't think it will be too overwhelming and I'm in favor of this project. McCarvel: Yeah. I would agree. I mean you have got the open park on the other side and you have comparable buildings on -- to the north and you have the commercial -- more commercial side of it. The solid wall aspect of it facing the back. I -- I was the same way. When I first looked at these plans I was thinking it was just one big solid thing, but this actually looks very airy and inviting and not the massive structure I had envisioned on just the outline and I think the second floor amenities are -- are really an intriguing way to do things. If my husband had less cars I would consider moving there. But I think it works out well and the parking is actually more than what we get on some Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 25 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 23 of 40 of the more open structures, you know, that take up more space. So, I would be in favor of this. Wilson: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Wilson. Wilson: I will be brief, because everyone else kind of mentioned it, but I think this is -- I think this is really a cool facility. I think it's modern. I have seen apartments like this. I had a friend who lived in one and he was younger, but I just think that it's just a -- it really kind of ups sort of this multi -- you know, these multi-residential areas and I think this is kind of the cream of the crop, kind of the highest echelon kind of apartment complex you can have and it's really neat where it's located and I think it fits that area really well and I'm in favor of it. Holland: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Holland. Holland: I tend to agree. I think -- I wish more apartment complexes were developed this way and the only thing that makes me sad is that it's 55 and older, so that I can't move into it, too. I think there is some really nice amenities here and I also really appreciate that Brighton put the parking on the first floor, rather than having a surface lot, because I think when you're in an area like The Village where there is a lot of great amenities to enjoy, the more parking lots there are the less you get to enjoy the green space. So, I really appreciate that they have done that and I -- I agree that because it's a 55 and older neighborhood it will cause less of the traffic issues than you would have if you had younger families in there that have to transport kids to different events. So, I'm in favor of the project. Fitzgerald: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Mr. Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: Yeah. I -- my hat's off to Brighton, because I have been kind of envisioning this from having lived in the east coast for a long time, so kudos to you guys. I think its -- the design is great. It's a lifestyle center and within a lifestyle, if that makes any sense, I think you're trying to get people out of their cars and walking in the park and walking to the movies and the shops nearby and not have to have traffic and so I -- I mean I think it's exactly what you have said, the structure is not a big box, it's a -- it lets the air and the design kind of work for the people that are living there and so I -- yeah, I am in favor. Cassinelli: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Mr. Cassinelli. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 26 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 24 of 40 Cassinelli: I'm going to -- I'm going to throw a little objection into this. I do think it's a cool project. I have lived in areas where there is similar projects and it is neat looking. I like all the amenities of it. My problem is is I -- even though it's -- it's 55 and older, to me it's an active 55 and older. Yes, if you live there you're going to walk to the movies, you can walk to the co-op and, you know, get dinner and that sort of thing. But I think there is -- I think there is going to be almost two cars for every unit. I think there is going to be probably two people working in every unit, which means daily trips. So, I think that I -- I have a gut feeling that we are underestimating the parking. I don't think it -- I don't think that this is going to fit a traditional elderly -- you know, the parking that was for age restricted and elderly housing. I think it is going to fit more traditional in terms of the number of vehicles that are going to be there. Sure, on a Friday night I'm going to walk to the -- over to the park, I'm going to walk to the movie, I'm going to go have dinner in The Village and I don't have to get in my car, but I think Monday through Friday in the morning and in the evening there is going to be two cars going in and out for every unit. That's -- that's how I see it. So, I -- I'm looking at this and I'm thinking there is going to be -- they are going to be using that parking lot to the south. They are going to -- you know, people are going to be parking over at the -- at Kleiner Park. That's my gut feeling on it. Otherwise, I think it's a cool project. McCarvel: Any other comments? Perreault: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Perreault. Perreault: Overall I -- it's a beautiful structure and I think the common area designs are fantastic. I do have some small concerns about parking as well. My concerns I think are mostly just -- just that element of having -- you know, if they live in this really awesome facility they are going to have a lot of friends, a lot of family that are going to want to come use it with them and so I would like to see some additional parking for visitors and guests, because I would imagine that unless there is a limitation on how many people can -- can use the amenities for each unit, you might have a lot of that happening. So, that's my only thought on that. Otherwise, I think it's a great location. It's really nicely done. Cassinelli: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: Just a follow-up question then. Bill, do you have off the top of your head the parking requirements for -- for standard comparably sized apartment units, not age restricted? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 27 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 25 of 40 Parsons: Madam Chair, Members of the Commission, we brought forward a lot of multi- family developments. I think that's your question, what are the parking ratios for multi- family standards. Cassinelli: Correct. Parsons: So, in the UDC it's one and a half stalls for one bedroom units and it's two stalls for two and three bedroom units and half of those have to be covered. Yearsley: Did you apply these same standards to this development at the same time or is this a little bit reduced, based on those standards? Parsons: Madam Chair, Members of the Commission, that Sonya presented to you this evening we applied the age restricted standards. It was .5 for the one bedroom units and, then, one stall -- or was it two stalls for the two bedroom units. Yearsley: Okay. McCarvel: And this being a conditional use permit this is the last stop; right? Cassinelli: I just want to add to my comments there. I feel like, again, love the project. I think parking is -- I think we are short-sighted on the parking. Based on that if -- if we were assuming all 166 of those are one bedroom -- I'm sure there is going to be a mix -- but if it's just one bedroom that's 249 stalls. We are short of that. I think this should be held to non-aged restricted standards and not age-restricted standards. Fitzgerald: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Mr. Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: I -- I'm going to have this conversation probably every -- until we can figure out actual hard data in this town, we have to use the UDC and I drive around this town constantly, all I see is empty black space and it's ridiculous. We are getting -- I don't like big black heat sinks and that's where -- around the apartment buildings I see that all the time and I -- you have got to -- we have got to start utilizing good design and good design is building on top of parking garages instead of using big black top and I think this is -- this is a great project and I don't want to see it kind of go away because of we are concerned the -- something we don't -- it's some amorphous number that's out there that nobody seems to be able to place. Wilson: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Wilson. Wilson: I just want to add, too, they are managing the parking situation, you know, if you're a resident. I mean I don't know -- this isn't -- this isn't, again, an abstraction, Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 28 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 26 of 40 there is going to be a mechanism in order to manage that. They are in line with UDC and there is a mechanism by which renters are going to register their vehicle. I think we are covered. Holland: Madam Chair, I tend to agree with both the comments here. McCarvel: I -- I would -- you know, I think some of our heartburn over other parking facilities has been there is no option, you know, it has been when there is total enclosed and there is no other option for parking and, yes, it may take a few steps, but there is nothing to say that they couldn't park out in front of the co-op, they couldn’t park -- I mean -- Fitzgerald: For guests. McCarvel: Yeah. For guests. Fitzgerald: Yeah. McCarvel: You know, we have got some other projects that have gone in that are totally landlocked where there is no other parking options. I think around The Village there is a lot of parking. Yearsley: Madam Chair? I have a tendency to agree with you and I -- I also think that this is a 55 and older and not everybody will be 55 and have jobs. I think you will have a -- a good variety of those that are retired versus those that are -- are working and don't really want a house. So, I -- with this facility I'm not sure I'm as concerned about parking as -- as I would be with a normal residential unit. McCarvel: Okay. Any other comments? Discussion? Yearsley: Madam Chair? McCarvel: I think -- oh. One last thought. I think -- and we didn't really discuss it much, but I think on the condition of 1.1.3 being removed and having that stop out front for transit is a good idea. There is no sense on having that be on that side of the street at that corner. It should be on the other side of the street, so -- Yearsley: Agreed. Holland: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Holland. Holland: The only other comment I would make, too, when it comes to the parking situation is that when you look at The Village I think the kind of residents who would want to move into a place to get rid of their cars, this would probably be the kind of Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 29 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 27 of 40 place you would want to move to, because you have got access to all the other amenities. So, that's the only other point I make. And with that I would be willing to make a motion. McCarvel: Commissioner Holland. Holland: After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony I move to approve file number H-2018-0036 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 17th, 2018, with the following modification: That we strike the Condition 1.1.3 pertaining to the requirement for a bus stop to be provided if determined necessary by VRT, so that we would delete that condition. Perreault: Second that motion. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to approve H-2018-0036, Village at Meridian Apartments with modifications. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Cassinelli: Nay. McCarvel Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE NAY. McCarvel: Chris, do you have the tally on the votes since we were not unanimous? Johnson: Yes. I can do a roll call vote if you would like. McCarvel: No. That's fine. Johnson: And I do have it. D. Public Hearing for Entrata Farms (H-2018-0032) by James Doolin, FIG Village at Parkside, LLC, Located at 3880 and 3882 W. Franklin Rd. 1. Request: An Annexation and Zoning of 19.07 Acres of Land with an R-40 Zoning District; and 2. Request: A Preliminary Plat Consisting of 60 Building Lots and 3 Common Lots on 18.18 Acres of Land in the R-40 Zoning District; and 3. Request: A Conditional Use Permit fora Multi-Family Development Consisting of 278 Dwelling Units in an R-40 Zoning District McCarvel: If you have it for the record we are good. Okay. Onto our next item. At this time we would like to open the public hearing for Item H-2018-0032, Entrata Farms and we will begin with the staff report. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 30 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 28 of 40 Allen: Thank you, Madam Chair, Members of the Commission. The next applications before you are a request for annexation and zoning, preliminary plat, and a conditional use permit. This site consists of 18.18 acres of land, zoned RUT in Ada county, located at 3880 and 3882 West Franklin Road on the north side of Franklin west of Ten Mile Road. Adjacent land use and zoning. To the north and east are multi-family residential apartments zoned R-15 and directly to the east there is some vacant, undeveloped land zoned L-O. To the south is West Franklin Road and land in the development process or residential zoned R-8 and R-15. And to the west is single family rural residential agricultural land zoned RUT in Ada county. The Comprehensive Plan future land use map designation is high density residential, which is a range of 15 to 40 units per acre, with a target density of 16 to 25 units per acre. This is within the Ten Mile interchange specific area plan. The applicant is requesting annexation and zoning of 19.07 acres of land, with an R-40 zoning district. The applicant is proposing a multi-family development consisting of a mix of townhome and apartment style units, all considered multi-family as far as the UDC is concerned, consistent with the high density residential future land use map designation. A preliminary plat is proposed consisting of 60 building lots and three common lots on 18.18 acres of land in an R-40 zoning district. A gross density of 15.3 units per acre is proposed consistent with the high density residential designation. The subdivision is proposed to develop in one phase. Access is proposed from Franklin Road, the stub street at the east boundary of the site, Perugia Street, is proposed to be extended with a bridge over the Kennedy Lateral and stubbed at the west boundary for future extension. Driveways or private streets are proposed for internal access north of Perugia Street. The Kennedy Lateral runs along the east side of the site and is proposed to be piped for public safety reasons. The Purdham Drain runs across the southwest corner of the site and the applicant is requesting a waiver from Council to not pipe that facility. A minimum of 1.82 acres of qualified open space is required to be provided with the subdivision, along with one site amenity. A conditional use permit is requested for a multi-family development consisting of 278 dwelling units in R-40 zoning district. The units are proposed to consist of 198 townhome style units and 80 typical apartment style units. Again, all classified as multi- family. These are just a style of the dwellings. In a mix of two and three story structures. A site plan was submitted as shown that depicts how the site is proposed to develop. The two story front-loaded townhome style structures are proposed along the west boundary of the site, transitioning to the two and three story rear-loaded townhome style structures. The apartment style structures are proposed adjacent to Franklin Road along the entry way into the development. All units will provide the minimum private usable open space area. A minimum of 2.06 acres of qualified open space and site amenities are required in accord with UDC standards in addition to that required with the subdivision that I previously mentioned. A total of 5.3 acres of qualified open space is proposed in excess of UDC standards, along with the following site amenities. An outdoor pool complex with restroom facilities. A dual slope pavilion. Playground equipment. A single zip line. Five station fitness facility. A full size basketball court. A dog park. Open grassy playfields with minimum dimensions of 100 feet by 50 feet and pathways. These amenities fall within the quality of life open space and recreation categories as required and staff feels they are commensurate with the proposed Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 31 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 29 of 40 development. Parking is proposed in accord with UDC standards. Actually, in excess of the standards. A minimum of 526 spaces are required, 278 of which are required to be covered. A total of 735 spaces are proposed, with 336 of those being covered. That is an extra 209 spaces above and beyond UDC standards. A 25 foot wide landscape street buffer is required along Franklin Road. They have approximately -- I believe it was a 50 foot buffer. A Commuteride pad is proposed along Franklin Road for a future transit stop. Conceptual building elevations were submitted for the proposed multi- family structures as shown. The front loaded two story units, the rear-loaded two and three story units, and the three story apartment style units. The site plan that I showed previously here -- where is it at? The colored one on the right depicts the location of each type of structures on the site. The orange being the rear loaded two and three story -- excuse me -- three story units, pink being the rear-loaded two story units, green being the front-loaded two story units and the blue being the apartment style units there along the frontage. The architectural character of the structures is required to comply with the design standards listed in the City of Meridian architectural standards manual and the Ten Mile interchange specific area plan. The applicant John Carpenter, the applicant's representative, has submitted a written letter in response to the staff report. Staff is recommending approval with the conditions in the staff report and a development agreement. Staff is recommending that condition number 1.5.7 be stricken as it does not apply to this application or refer to an amended development agreement requirement. With this application a new development agreement is required. And since there was several items noted in the applicant's response that requires staff's response, I am going to go ahead and just go through that real quick, kind of answer any questions beforehand. So, I'm not sure if you guys have a copy of that in front of you or not, but the first item is -- the applicant is requested to make a note that the building floor plans and associated square footages are approved as submitted. Section 11-2-8 for R-40 references 1,000 square foot minimums for dwelling units. We do have some under that. The requirement is actually a 1,000 square foot property size, meaning -- meaning a lot size. So, not -- that does not refer to the dwelling unit size. So, we are good on that. These make it clear where the setbacks are to be. The applicant has submitted -- it's kind of hard to see on these little drawings, but if you -- you note these where my pointer -- are little site layouts, what they have proposed is in accord with our DC standards for setbacks. So, just acknowledging that on the record. Let's see here. C -- 1-C we have modified the lot sizes to accommodate the things I previously mentioned. The open space is the same. So, we are good on that. Let's see here. They have provided the driveway to the west at the north end of the property AS staff recommended. Landscaping. They were just wanting to note that there are no street buffers required along Perugia and Entrata, as those are local streets, not collectors. Staff is in agreement with that statement. The Purdham Drain, they included a note that the neighbor to the west requested some space between his property and their residential space. He likes the idea of the drain as a buffer. The neighbor has a small dog kennel and prefers that he not get complaints for his dogs barking. You see here, the very corner here where my pointer is, that's where the Purdham Drain is located and that is a requirement for Council to wave if they so choose to. So, that's up to them. Number five, conditional use permit. Clarify that the submitted floor plans and dwelling unit sizes are acceptable. Yes, there are no Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 32 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 30 of 40 minimum dwelling size requirements in the UDC and as I noted the setbacks comply with what they have shown. And there is no landscape buffer required at the west boundary, because that is a residential use and what is proposed is a residential use, so there is no buffer requirement. Trash enclosures, staff just noted that they needed to make sure that their trash enclosures met the requirements of Republic Services. They have coordinated with them and -- anyway, just the plan submitted with the certificate of zoning compliance needs to comply with Republic Services requirements. And they have noted some of the open space will be on private lots. That is fine, because we are looking at it as an overall site for the multi-family development. ACHD required a turn lane at North Entrata Way and Franklin. We accommodated this for them, which took out a minor amount of landscaping. That's fine. Staff is in agreement with that. They are requesting condition number 1.2.3. There is a requirement for the storm swale along Franklin to be vegetated as set forth in the UDC and they want to add the language if allowed by ACHD. Staff is fine with that addition to that language, because they are providing a wider street buffer, so that is fine for that. And they are requesting condition number 1.3.4 requires that the plat records prior to submittal of certificate of zoning compliance application. They are requesting that they be able to submit a CZC application prior to the final plat being recorded. Staff has -- we have had some problems with setbacks being complied with when the plat is not recorded first. That's the reason for the requirement. Staff is not necessarily against them coming forward first with the certification of compliance, just as long as everything is perfectly clear, which they have made clear in their exhibits their lot setbacks, so staff is okay if you choose to change that. And, then, finally, condition number 1.5.7 refers to amending a development agreement that's why I noted earlier just needs to be deleted. It doesn't apply to this application. It was inadvertently left in. So, staff will stand for any questions. I think that covers everything, but the applicant can correct me if I left something out. McCarvel: Any questions for staff? So, everything that they have -- that you guys didn't have worked out you have now got worked out is the gist of all that? Okay. Fitzgerald: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: Sonya, is there a reason that we would allow the CZC to be re-reviewed prior to final plat? I mean is there a timing mechanism for them? I guess I can ask questions, but I was going to get your thoughts. Allen: Commissioner, these are kind of an odd -- you know, usually -- usually they don't subdivide multi-family developments, but we have been seeing more and more of it, especially with this developer. It's just -- it's just something that we have practiced in the past is having -- if there is a plat having it recorded prior to issuance of any permit. So, it's just something you kind of -- is an added safeguard that we -- we don't mess anything up and we make sure that all the buildings comply with the setback requirements. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 33 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 31 of 40 Fitzgerald: So, we kind of have the teeth -- that's where we have teeth. Allen: We have been very, very careful on this one and I'm pretty sure there won't be any mishaps on this one. Fitzgerald: Okay. Allen: But that's the reason for it. Yearsley: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Yearsley. Yearsley: So, does this require an on-site caretaker for this type of a development? Kind of like before we do apartments, you know, you have to have someone on site to manage -- Allen: Madam Chair, Commissioner Yearsley, Commissioners, it just -- it -- never require an onsite caretaker. We do require a property management office. Yearsley: Okay. Allen: So, it does not necessarily require somebody to live there, though. Yearsley: Okay. But this does require a property management office; correct? Allen: Because it is a multi-family development, yes. Yearsley: Okay. McCarvel: Any other questions for staff? Would the applicant like to come forward? Doolin: Madam Chair, Commissioners, my name is James Doolin. My address is 1338 South Foothill Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah. Sonya did an excellent job describing the development. The one thing I just wanted to address -- the reason why we are asking for the ability to submit our CZC prior to the plat being recorded is because we have a current development in with the city right now where we are recorded the plat. We have found an issue, now we have to go back and amend that plat or correct that plat. So, for us we would just like to make sure the plat is fine, the CZC is fine, prior to us recording the plat, so we don't have to go back through the county and record the plat. That was just -- it was just one instance that we had with an existing development and I think that we have addressed most of the issues now. I don't see that coming up. But just to ensure that, we would like that ability. And with that being said I will stand for any questions. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 34 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 32 of 40 McCarvel: I do have a question. With the individual lots, what's the plan with your CC&Rs and to keep this whole thing looking as one? Doolin: So, we will record CC&Rs in conjunction -- according to the plat. The CC&Rs require the HOA maintains all exterior of the development, so exteriors of buildings, landscaping, everything outside of the -- the structure will be maintained by the HOA. McCarvel: Commissioner Yearsley. Yearsley: Is your intent to -- to sell these off to individuals? Are you -- Doolin: They will be rentals. Yearsley: They will be rentals. Okay. Perreault: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Perreault. Perreault: I have some questions about the renderings that were submitted. Is there any way we can pull those up? The -- the townhomes and the apartments -- the renderings just look structurally very different from each other to me. I don't know if there was an observation by any other commissioners of that being the case. Could you comment on that? Doolin: Schematically we tried to tie the -- the theme of the buildings together. We didn't want to have -- for the Ten Mile interchange it required some diversity of building type, so we have incorporated apartment style buildings and, then, two story and two and three story unit buildings. They all have the same theme, same color theme -- or same color palette. Kind of a Craftsman style to it. And so we have different buildings to provide some diversity within the development, but all tied to a common theme in the palette -- in the overall architectural style. McCarvel: Yeah. I like -- and some of that has a real clean look to it, but, then, there is some diversity. I like the little overhangs over the garage doors and stuff. Perreault: And my comment -- and I realize that these are, you know, examples, but the townhomes look residential and Craftsman style, but the three stories to me look a lot more like a business building. That's just my observation. McCarvel: Any other questions for the applicant? Allen: Madam Chair, if I may. I would make one additional statement regarding the plat recording after the certification of zoning compliance is issued. If -- if the Commission chooses to change that condition I would recommend that it be added -- the language be added that the applicant does so at their own risk. It's -- you can't ensure a building Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 35 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 33 of 40 complies with the setbacks of the lot unless a lot actually exists, so what they are asking for, the lot won't actually exist at that time. If something happens and their plans change just a little bit, they will be on the hook for that if -- if, you know, they pull permits and something is not right when the inspector goes out to measure the setback. So, I just want to make that clear. I am okay with that, as long as they are under that understanding also. Doolin: Madam Chair, if I may. We have grown a lot over the last few weeks. I don't think this will be an issue going forward. So, if it's something that you guys don't want to waive, I understand the issue with the lot. So, it's not as imperative for us. McCarvel: So, Sonya, with the pace of everything in that office right now do we want something that's out of the norm and doesn't follow -- Allen: I'm confident with this application -- we have been around and around this thing -- I think everybody's on the same page, but I'm just throwing that out there for the record. McCarvel: Any other questions for the applicant? Okay. Thank you. Doolin: Thank you. McCarvel: I have no one else on the list who wishes to testify, but is there anyone in the room who would like to do so? All right. Thank you. With that can I get a motion to close the public hearing for H-2018-0032? Holland: So moved. Perreault: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to close the public hearing on H-2018- 0032. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. McCarvel: Let's just start this one out -- yea for parking. Let's get that one out of the way. Fitzgerald: Bill can -- McCarvel: Bill, would you like to address the parking situation? Perrault: Madam Chair? Cassinelli: Am I up? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 36 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 34 of 40 Fitzgerald: You can say there is too much parking? No. McCarvel: I got to admit when I read through this and saw those numbers I actually put a little smiley face beside it. Yeah. I think, you know, the way they have done things on that odd shaped lot is fairly interesting and I think it's the curve that makes it look more like, you know, just a different structure. But, yeah, it's -- I mean you still got to go -- you said some of those are public streets; right -- or private streets, right, Sonya? Allen: Yes. This is a Perugia right here. That's a public street. Entrata is a public street. And, then, everything north of here is driveways or private streets. I'm not sure which they have landed on. But either way we are good. McCarvel: Okay. And, Sonya, could you put up the amenity package. I think I saw some pictures as I kept flipping through there. I got to admit when I read zip line I thought -- between the buildings? Perreault: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Had a zip line built for me I guess. Perreault: I would like to share -- well, I was just going to say I think that -- I agree that this looks great. It's an odd-shaped lot. They have done a really good job and other than the comments that I shared with the applicant I -- I'm in agreement with it. But I do have one question for staff. Do I understand correctly that there is going to be a right turn lane put in? Allen: Madam Chair, Commissioner Perreault, yes, ACHD did require a -- Perreault: And out of curiosity, why would they not have required one at the apartment complex to the east or is there ever a -- a possibility that they would try to put one in the Franklin apartments? Allen: Are you referencing this property right here where my pointer is at? Perreault: Yes. There is access -- yeah. On -- so, there is not -- there is not a right turn lane there, so I'm curious about why they -- they are requesting a right turn lane into this. Allen: I am not absolutely sure. This one goes into an office designated area and, then, into the multi-family and, then, this -- this property was platted -- Perreault: Off of Franklin. Allen: -- in 2005. So, it's been quite a while ago. Yearsley: Madam Chair? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 37 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 35 of 40 McCarvel: Commissioner Yearsley. Yearsley: You know, I think we are starting to see a step up in quality a little bit. I like the diversity. I like that they are not just row apartments. I like the townhome look. I like the garages -- kind of the actual garage in the building itself and they have got different styles. The alley loaded. So, they actually have -- the people will walk out to the front and have an open area for each individual. I think they have done a very good job. I actually really like the apartment look, too. It's different. It's unique. Not the same old standard look that we see all over the place. So, I think they have actually done -- in my opinion lookwise I -- it looks really nice and -- and unique. So, I think that looks good. I like the amenity package, even the little park in there looked like -- Fitzgerald: The super dog park? Yearsley: Yeah. That's -- that's pretty sweet. Fitzgerald: I thought it was the kids play structures initially. Yearsley: So -- and so I -- you know, given that and, then, the -- the way overparking I am in support of this project. Fitzgerald: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: I agree. I like it onto the MEW. I think that's -- that's a good design quality. I think -- and I agree -- Commissioner Perreault, I see what you're saying on a different -- I think it's that -- you have the apartment look and, then, you go back into the residential feel, kind of different -- kind of like a neighborhood look, which I -- but I understand where you're coming from. I think it's -- it is, it's a step up. It's more community like oriented and the open space and the package of amenities is very nice and so I -- and it's the right space for this. That area is going to blow up with employment and we are going to need to have somewhere for people to live, so -- McCarvel: And I'm really liking more of these rear-loaded structures and the community area out front. Fitzgerald: And, Madam Chair, I applaud the applicant for working with your neighbor. That project next door was a hairy one for the staff a long time ago when the downturn happened and I know it's gone through about 14 different owners and so you guys working with them is a good thing, so we appreciate it. Holland: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Holland. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 38 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 36 of 40 Holland: I tend to agree as well. I like the look of this project. I really appreciate when -- when we can stack parking underneath the building. I think that makes a big difference for the -- having a garage underneath the -- the townhomes. I really appreciate that. It's got a little bit of a look to -- some of the San Francisco feel you get when you walk down some of those streets, too. So, I like the styling. I like that there is a diversity of product there. I'm in favor with what you have put together. So, thank you. Wilson: Be careful of comments like that, though. San Francisco people might -- McCarvel: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: I like the parking numbers, though. I like the open space numbers. You know, in and of itself it fits with the -- with the zoning. The only comment I have is that's what I don't have a -- you know, it has nothing really to do with this, it's just -- I'm going to make a -- kind of a personal notation. If anybody has driven Ten Mile at 5:00 o'clock at night right now, it's -- it's a joke already. It's becoming another Eagle Road and we haven't even scratched the surface of what we are putting in there. We have -- during the last six months I think we have approved probably 600 units at that intersection -- within a quarter mile of that intersection. It's -- that's going to become a nightmare around there. But I can't take anything away from this project. I like this project. It's just -- I'm just -- that's kind of my observation as a whole what's going on -- Ten Mile is going to be as bad as Eagle Road. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Wilson is going to fix that for us. He's told us. Wilson: We are working on it. We will work on it. Let's revisit it after. Cassinelli: But in an overall for this project I -- I would be in favor -- I'm in favor of the project. McCarvel: Who wants to tackle a motion? Yearsley: So, I guess did we actually cover the item -- McCarvel: Oh. Yes. Yearsley: -- .3, .4 with the CZC -- recording the plat after CZC or leaving that alone. I don't know if I have a preference one way or the other. Fitzgerald: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Fitzgerald. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 39 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 37 of 40 Fitzgerald: I -- per what you -- exactly what you said, we have got so much going on -- this team over here has got so many pieces and balls in the air and I -- the teeth come with certain pieces along the way and I just don't think that's a good move and I -- if they can work together I think we need to keep the process the way it is and work forward in that manner, just to help our staff out and make sure we are not pulling things out that don't make sense. Having a plat in place is probably a good thing before you start figuring out the zoning plans for it, Yearsley: Make sure the surveyor does his job right. Cassinelli: And I would agree. Yearsley: Okay. Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Yearsley. Yearsley: After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval of file number H-2018-0032 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 17, 2018, with the following modifications: Item 1.2.3 to add the comment if allowed by ACHD for the storm swale. And, then, item 1.5.7 if -- I believe that's correct -- and delete that one in its entirety. Fitzgerald: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to approve -- recommend approval of file number H-2018-0032, Entrata Farms, with modifications. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. Congratulations. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Parsons: Madam Chair? McCarvel: We have one more item on our agenda that snuck in. Parsons: Yeah. I have a couple housekeeping items to share with you this evening. The first is Chris and I are -- are trying to determine or not whether we should have a Planning and Zoning Commission hearing on the July 5th -- a couple months -- about a month ago we presented some options to you and wanted to make sure that we got in front of that before we got -- as we got closer to that date. So, I'm just curious as to whether or not it's your intentions to have that meeting on the 5th or is it something that you would like to push out. Is anyone -- everyone going to be here that date after the Fourth of July? Or at least four of you or five of you, whatever we need for a quorum. Perreault: I'm planning on being in town. McCarvel: Yeah. I'm now planning on being here, so -- Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 40 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 38 of 40 Fitzgerald: I as well. Yearsley: I as will be here as well. McCarvel: Yeah. Cassinelli: I'm unknown. Wilson: I think everyone should take a holiday and that's what I think. Holland: I would like the option to be gone. McCarvel: Yeah. Yeah. I think it's going to quickly turn into a long weekend for a lot of people and I'm just worried if we have something on that night that's of interest to a lot of people I think -- Wilson: Everyone's dedication to serve -- well, some of us dedication to service is admirable. McCarvel: Yeah. And I'm just thinking -- I mean it was -- staff and -- I mean how is staff looking on that week? I mean have you got a lot of people that want the week off? I mean or days -- Parsons: No one requested it yet, so that's why I said we are going to get plans in place now, so that we can anticipate -- McCarvel: Do we just not have it or do we move it -- do we have like the 12th and the 19th or the -- that one's already moved, isn't it? The 19th is moved to the 26th? Is that the one that's moved? What's the one that's moved for the -- Parsons: No. The only one we have moved was the 6th. June 6th hearing. McCarvel: It wasn't the picnic or the civic thing -- Parsons: The picnic is on June 14th. McCarvel: Okay. Parsons: So, that's why we are trying to nail down the 5th, so we can just keep things normal and not change anything. Yearsley: I think as a courtesy to the public I think having it not be on the 5th would be -- you know, because if there was something that came up that people wanted to attend, you know, you would have a -- a high potential chance of people not being there, so -- Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 41 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 39 of 40 Parsons: All right. Let's go with this. At this point we will cancel it and, then, we will hope that we won't load ourselves up too much on the second hearing on July. McCarvel: If we need one, though, can we put one on the 12th if it becomes obvious that there is just too much going on. Parson: We can. If you want to have back to back -- as I mentioned to you at the beginning of the evening, we do have at least five projects right now that are -- possibly could be on the 21st of June, but it may not make those dates, so -- McCarvel: I think with as much as is going on I think we would rather do the 12th and the 19th, rather than one massive long -- you know, have two real long ones that just drain everybody and -- can we go ahead and schedule for that or what do you guys feel? I mean -- Parsons: Sure. We can always schedule for a special meeting. Yearsley: I think -- my recommendation would be to -- to cancel it and if we are getting too booked heavily on the 17th, maybe moving it up or something like that if possible or -- Parsons: Yeah. We would need to know by possibly the next week or two. Yearsley: I would think by next -- our next meeting we would have a better feel, wouldn't we? And make that -- Parsons: On the 6th? Certainly. McCarvel: I think go ahead and cancel the one on the 5th and -- but hold out there that we can have a special meeting on the 19th if needed. Parsons: You mean on the 12th? Or 12th. Cassinelli: Would that give applicants the time to post and everything else that they need to do? Parsons: Yes. We need at least 30 days from my understanding. McCarvel: Okay. Yeah. And we will just let you guys kind of judge that of what's coming through the pipe and -- Parsons: Sounds good, because we will possibly -- could possible have some findings that are due sometime at that point. Don't want to push them out too far. McCarvel: Yeah. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 42 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 40 of 40 Parsons: So, it's good -- so, for now we will cancel the 5th, we will keep the 12th in our back pocket and we will say continued. Yearsley: I like it. Parsons: All right. McCarvel: Yeah. Because of what the -- yeah. With the Fourth the day before, staff has -- kind of want to be there. Yeah. Parsons: And, then, the last item I want to bring up with you -- the department has currently hired a consultant to redo our Comprehensive Plan. They are going to be in the office -- or in Meridian the week of June 11th through the 15th and they want to schedule meetings with our stakeholders and our -- our bodies to give input into that Comprehensive Plan and so Caleb and Brian are putting together that effort, so you should see an e-mail from them shortly asking you to attend and take part of those interviews for that week. So, keep that on your books. I don't know exactly what date they are going to ask you to come in, but I just wanted to give you a heads up that we are going to reach out to you in the near future and invite you to participate in those interviews. Cassinelli: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: Before we go to the final stop, I just -- something I noticed. On the motion I made on the Paramount Storage, I did not mention in that -- in the motion that final sentence in there. Is that a -- is that an issue, if you look back at that? Parsons: Madam Chair, Members of the Commission, are you meaning prepare findings for the next hearing? Cassinelli: That is correct. Parsons: That's not necessary. We have got it covered for you. Cassinelli: Okay. Parsons: We just put it in there as a courtesy. Cassinelli: Okay. And Madam Chair -- McCarvel: You have to say it and we had missed it a couple times, I think they finally just covered it some other way, because we couldn't handle it. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda June 6, 2018 – Page 43 of 139 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 17, 2018 Page 41 of 40 Cassinelli: So, then, Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: Can I make another motion? McCarvel: Yes, please. Cassinelli: That we adjourn. Yearsley: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to adjourn the Planning and Zoning meeting for May 17th. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:51 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED M06 -z-&? , RH NDA McCARVEL - CHAIRMAN DATE APPROVED ATTEST: Oit�►TEp G i of � C�—JAY CO'ES - CITY CLERK F W - M �� Ip��0 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Meeting Date: � 17, 2018 Ha� Agenda Item Number: 3A Project/File Number: Item Title: Approve Minutes of May 3, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting APPROVED \\ N,4c�S Meeting Notes Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission May 3, 2018 Page 11 of 11 McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to approve H-2018-0029. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. Congratulations. Welcome to the City of Meridian. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT. McCarvel: Who would like the honors? Yearsley: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Yearsley. Yearsley: I move that we adjourn. Holland: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting for May 3rd. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:32 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED RHONDA McCARVEL-CHAIRMAN DATE AP ROVED ATTEST:`o�4o�nTEDAa��S, J�9 ow Cityof C. TAY C - LERK E IDIAN?� SEAL, ti m e~ 6���)hI TOKtg *A' Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting May 17, 2018 Item #4B: Paramount Self-Storage Vicinity/Zoning Map Proposed Site Plan Proposed Landscape Plan Conceptual Building Elevations Item #4C: Village at Meridian Apartments Zoning Map Site Plan Landscape Plan Common Open Space Conceptual Building Elevations Item #4D: Entrata Farms W. Franklin Rd. Site Plan (Revised) Unit Types Landscape Plan Site Amenities Conceptual Elevations Conceptual Elevations Multi-Family (revised) Purdam Drain Easement Approximately 22.5 feet of the easement lies on the property to the west Changes to Agenda:  Item #4A: Cherry Blossom (H-2018-0018) – Request for continuance to June 6th in order to allow additional time to work on revisions to the development plan based on discussions with staff & neighbors at a 2nd neighborhood meeting. Item #4B: Paramount Self-storage - CUP (H-2018-0033) Application(s): Conditional use Permit Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 3.56 acres of land (6 commercial parcels), zoned C-G, located on the west side of N. Meridian Road and north of W. McMillan Road. Adjacent Land Use & Zoning: North: Single family homes in the Paramount Subdivision, zoned R-8 West: Paramount Square Apartments, zoned R-40 South: Undeveloped commercial land, zoned C-G East: N. Meridian Road and Single-family residential properties in the Ventana Subdivision, zoned R-8 and Heritage Middle School, zoned R-4 History: In 2003, the subject property was originally annexed into the City as part of the Paramount Subdivision. In 2015, the subject property received rezone, preliminary plat and final plat approval. On Tuesday night, Council approved the DA modification to conceptual allow the prosed use. The DA needs to execute prior to the applicant applying for a CZC. Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: MU-NR Summary of Request: A conditional use permit to develop a self-service storage facility consisting of 11 storage buildings which make up approximately 63,825 square feet of storage space. Access: Access to this development is proposed from N. Dyver Avenue, with emergency access being proposed from W. Archerfield Street. Landscaping: A 25-foot wide street buffer is required to be provided along N. Meridian Road (arterial), a 20-foot wide street buffer is required to be provided along W. Ensenada Drive and a 10-foot wide landscape buffer is required along W. Archerfield Street and N. Dyver Ave. Landscaping within the street buffer should be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. The landscaping shown on the landscape plan complies with these standards, except for the required number of trees along N. Dyver Avenue, which requires 17 trees based off of a frontage length of approximately 576 feet, and the frontage of W. Archerfield Street, which requires 8 trees based on a frontage length of approximately 270 feet. Per UDC 11-3B-7, one tree is required for every 35 feet of frontage. The applicant shall submit a revised landscape plan with the certificate of zoning compliance that shows compliance with UDC 11-3B-7. Self-Service Storage Facilities: The specific use standards for the self-service storage facility listed in UDC 11-4-3-34 sets forth the specific use standards for Self-storage facilities. The applicant appears to apply with the majority of those requirements with the exception of the following: C. The distance between structures shall be a minimum of twenty-five feet (25’). All of the proposed storage buildings must meet or exceed the 25-foot distance requirement. The drive aisles appear to comply with this requirement. There are, however, several areas within the proposed storage facility where the required 25 foot between buildings is not being met. The site plan submitted with the CZC application must include 25-feet of separation between all structures per the specific use standards. This is no longer an issue as the applicant will comply with this standard by connecting all of the exterior buildings. D. The storage facility shall be completely fenced, walled, or enclosed and screened from public view. Where abutting a residential district or public road, chain-link shall not be allowed as fencing material. The applicant for the most part has designed the site so the perimeter storage buildings screen the facility from public view. However, the main and emergency access gates appear to be constructed with wrought iron and will not be a solid material. The gates should be constructed of a solid material to impede visibility into the site. Since there is outdoor storage of materials and the main entrance is from a local street, staff is amenable to the applicant s request that only the gate be constructed of a non-solid material. The remaining portion needs to be constructed of a solid material or wall in accord with UDC standards. Building Elevations: The proposed development is required to comply with the design standards set forth in UDC 11-3A-19 and the ASM. The applicant has submitted renderings that demonstrate how the site will be viewed from the public streets. The primary building materials are stucco, stone wainscot and corrugated metal. The proposed elevations appear to meet the requirements of the Architectural Standards Manual, but will be reviewed further with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Administrative Design Review application in order to ensure compliance. Written Testimony: Mike Wardle, Applicant in concurrence except for the requirement of constructed a sold gate at the main entrance (condition 1.1.2b.) Staff Recommendation: Approval w/ conditions Notes: Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to approve File Number H-2018-0033 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 17, 2018, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications.) I further move to direct Staff to prepare an appropriate findings document to be considered at the next Planning and Zoning Commission hearing on June 6, 2018. Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to deny File Number H-2018-0033 as presented during the hearing on May 17, 2018, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial and what the applicant could do to gain your approval with another application.) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2018-0033 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance.) Item #4C: Village at Meridian Apartments - CUP (H-2018-0036) Application(s):  Conditional use permit Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 2.44 acres of land, zoned C-G, located at the SWC of E. River Valley St. & N. Records Way. Adjacent Land Use & Zoning: North: E. River Valley St. & MFR (apartments), zoned R-40 South: Parking lot, zoned C-G East: Kleiner Park, zoned C-G West: Commercial (retail/grocery store) uses, zoned C-G History: This property was annexed & included in the DA for the Meridian Town Center (aka The Village) development in 2007; it was later included in the CenterCal Subdivision plat. Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: MU-R Summary of Request: A CUP is requested for a MFR development consisting of 166 age-restricted (55+) dwelling units on 2.44 acres in the C-G zoning district. One (1) 5-story structure is proposed with the 1st floor consisting of covered parking and the 2nd-5th floors consisting of dwelling units. A 9,900+/- square foot clubhouse & open space area with amenities is proposed on the 2nd floor. The concept master plan included in the development agreement for The Village depicts “future residential” on this site; the proposed development plan is consistent with the approved master plan & the DA. Access is proposed via N. Records Way, a collector street, to the 1st floor parking area; local street access is not available to this site. The development is required to comply with the private usable open space standards in the UDC or apply for alternative compliance to those standards with the CZC. A total of 0.95 of an acre of common open space is required in accord with UDC standards; a total of 1.14 acres is proposed consisting of 0.49 of an acre on the 2nd floor on either side of the clubhouse with 0.65 of an acre consisting of landscaping around the 1st floor of the building adjacent to abutting collector streets and the sides & rear of the building. Typically, the area around the building and adjacent to collector streets (i.e. River Valley & Records) would not qualify toward the minimum requirement unless it’s at least 400 square feet in area with a minimum length and width dimension of 20 feet and separated from the street by a berm or constructed barrier at least 4 feet in height – it meets the minimum area requirements but does not have a berm or barrier. The UDC does allow for alternatives to be approved through the conditional use process. Because a 60-acre City Park (i.e. Kleiner Memorial Park) exists directly across the street from the proposed development, staff is amenable to the applicant’s request and recommends the Commission approve the proposed open space. The applicant proposes site amenities as required by the UDC that fall within the quality of life, open space & recreation categories as follows: a clubhouse containing a media room, business center, kitchen, game lounge, yoga studio, fitness studio, changing facilities, conference room, and a private dining area; an outdoor swimming pool, hot tub, dedicated pet area, kitchen, lounge area with a fireplace, numerous seating areas and plazas for social interaction, enclosed bicycle storage, and a bocce ball court . Off-street parking is proposed in accord with UDC standards for age restricted elderly housing (i.e. ½ space per 1-bedroom unit & 2 spaces per dwelling unit for 2+ bedrooms); based on this requirement, a minimum of 188 spaces are required with at least 70 of those being in an enclosed garage. A total of 209 spaces are proposed in the parking garage on the 1 st floor with an additional 9 parallel spaces along Records Way for guests and/or deliveries; a parallel loading area along the rear of the building off the alley is also proposed which allows for another 9+/- spaces which can be utilized for deliveries, maintenance or service employees. Staff is amenable to the proposed parking due to the following reasons: 1) it’s anticipated that the age restricted units will only ho use one person or a couple regardless of the number of bedrooms; and 2) with various shopping, restaurant and service uses, including a grocery store, in close proximity to this site, and likely a transit stop nearby, it’s possible that some residents may not have a vehicle at all or only have one, which would reduce the parking count actually needed for each dwelling unit. Comments were received from Valley Regional Transit in regard to the location of a transit stop on this property; they don’t feel one is necessary at this time but feel one could be accommodated in the future if needed – therefore, staff recommends condition #1.1.3 is removed which requires a bus stop to be provided on the site if determined needed by VRT. Conceptual building elevations were submitted for the proposed structure. Building materials consist of stucco and brick veneer. The architectural character of the structures is required to comply with the standards listed in the City of Meridian Architectural Standards Manual. Written Testimony: Jon Wardle, Brighton Corporation (response to the staff report) – Requests condition #1.1.3 pertaining to the requirement for a bus stop to be provided if determined necessary by VRT be deleted. Staff Recommendation: Approval w/conditions Notes: Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to approve File Number H-2018-0036, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 17, 2018, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications.) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to deny File Number H-2018-0036, as presented during the hearing on May 17, 2018, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial.) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2018-0036 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance.) Item #4D: Entrata Farms (H-2018-0032) Application(s):  Annexation & Zoning  Preliminary Plat  Conditional Use Permit Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 18.18 acres of land, zoned RUT in Ada County, located at 3880 & 3882 W. Franklin Rd, on the north side of Franklin, west of Ten Mile. Adjacent Land Use & Zoning: North: MFR (apartments), zoned R-15 South: W. Franklin Rd. & land in the development process (residential), zoned R-8 & R-15 East: MFR (apartments), zoned R-15 and vacant/undeveloped land, zoned L-O West: SF rural residential/agricultural, zoned RUT in Ada County History: None Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: HDR (range of 15-40 units/acre with a target of 16-25) in the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan Summary of Request: The applicant requests annexation and zoning of 19.07 acres of land with an R-40 zoning district. The applicant proposes a multi-family development consisting of a mix of townhome & apartment style units consistent with the HDR FLUM designation. A preliminary plat is proposed consisting of 60 building lots and 3 common lots on 18.18 acres of land in the R-40 zoning district. A gross density of 15.3 units/acre is proposed consistent with the HDR designation. The subdivision is proposed to develop in one phase. Access is proposed from W. Franklin Rd.; the stub street at the east side of the site (Perugia St.) is proposed to be extended with a bridge over the Kennedy Lateral and stubbed at the west boundary for future extension. Driveways or private streets are proposed for internal access north of Perugia St. The Kennedy Lateral runs along the east side of this site and is proposed to be piped for public safety reasons. The Purdam Drain runs across the SWC of the site; the applicant requests a waiver from Council to not pipe the facility. A minimum of 1.82 acres of qualified open space is required to be provided with the subdivision along with one site amenity. A CUP is requested for a multi-family development consisting of 278 dwelling units in an R-40 zoning district. The units are proposed to consist of 198 townhome style units & 80 typical apartment style units in a mix of 2 - and 3-story structures. A site plan was submitted that depicts how the site is proposed to develop. The 2-story front-loaded townhome style structures are proposed along the west boundary of the site transitioning to the 2- and 3-story rear-loaded townhome style structures; the apartment style structures are proposed adjacent to Franklin Road along the entryway into the development. All units will provide the minimum private usable open space area. A minimum of 2.06 acres of qualified open space and site amenities are required in accord with UDC standards in addition to that required with the subdivision. A total of 5.3 acres of qualifie d open space is proposed along with the following site amenities: outdoor pool complex with restroom facilities; dual slope pavilion; playground equipment; single zipline; 5-station fitness station; full size basketball court; a dog park; open grassy play fields with minimum dimensions of 100’ x 50’; and pathways. These amenities fall within the quality of life, open space and recreation categories as required and Staff feels they are commensurate with the proposed development. Parking is proposed in accord with UDC standards; a minimum of 526 spaces are required, 278 of which are required to be covered. A total of 735 spaces are proposed with 336 of those being covered (+209 spaces). A 25’ wide landscaped street buffer is required along Franklin Rd. as proposed; a commuter ride pad is proposed along Franklin Rd. for a future transit stop. Conceptual building elevations were submitted for the proposed multi-family structures as; front and rear loaded 2- and 3-story townhome style & 3-story apartment style multi-family structures are proposed. The site plan depicts the location of these structures on the site. Building materials consist of stucco, brick, and varied colors in traditional tones. The architectural character of the structures is required to comply with the design standards listed in the City of Meridian Architectural Standards Manual and the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan. Written Testimony: John Carpenter (response to the staff report) Staff Recommendation: Approval w/conditions and a DA Notes: Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval of File Number H-2018-0032, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 17, 2018, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications.) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial of File Number H-2018-0032, as presented during the hearing on May 17, 2018, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial.) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2018-0032 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance.) Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Meeting Date:1G � 17, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 3B Project/File Number: H-2018-0031 Item Title: Calvary Chapel Findings of Fact, Conclusion of Law for Calvary Chapel (H-2018-0031) by Calvary Chapel Meridian, Located at 3600 W. Nelis Ave. 9 APPROVED Ai Meetina Notes Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 16 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 17 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 18 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 19 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 20 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 21 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 22 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 23 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 24 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 25 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 26 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 27 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 28 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 29 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 30 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 31 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 32 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 33 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 34 of 108 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 35 of 108 By action of the Planning & Zoning Commission at its regular meeting held on the I day of mou 2018. COMMISSIONER RHONDA MCCARVEL, CHAIRMAN VOTED_ COMMISSIONER RYAN FITZGERALD, VICE CHAIRMAN VOTED COMMISSIONER STEVEN YEARSLEY VOTED Ay P COMMISSIONER GREGORY WILSON VOTED COMMISSIONER LISA HOLLAND VOTED �4 P COMMISSIONER WILLIAM CASSINELLI VOTEDv COMMISSIONER JESSICA PERREAULT VOTED 1'lb- /11 Rf�nda McCarvel, Chairman tEv AUV�y Attest: 0 f�r ily of rIDI AN* ay ColesifityClerk sA ' IDAHO � SEAL �Ftir J�� Copy served upon the Applicant, the Planning and De 93 ices divisions of the Community Development Department, the Public Works Department an the City Attorney. By: Dated: Clerk's Office 5-�—1 "\? CITY OF MERIDIAN FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION & ORDER CASE NO(S). H-2018-0031 Page 3 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 1712018 oy Agenda Item Number: 4A Project/File Number: H-2018-0018 Item Title: Public Hearing Continued from April 19, 2018 for Cherry Blossom Subdivision (H-2018-0018) by Jayo Land Development Company Located at 615 W. Cherry Lane 1. Request: A Rezone of 10.74 Acres of Land from the R-4 to the R-8 Zoning District; and 2. Request: A Preliminary Plat Consisting of 60 Building Lots and 10 Common Lots on 10.25 Acres of Land in the Proposed R-8 Zoninq District Meeting Notes ke) I N — _Z1 �I�I4yvd rt' QC \; Q QL b V� o cV M d Lr; m' U 10 a C� S' Q QL b V� o cV M d Lr; PUBLIC HEARING SIGN IN SHEET 3 cy, ba DATE: MAY 17, 2018 ITEM # ON AGENDA: L-{ N PROJECT NAME: CherY'l1 J / (Tb) ec-��.n \k�l,v-"n�- V �� PRINTED FULL NAME For Against Neutral Want to Testify YES OR NO A) O 2 sem 3 J /L6 4 J 5 e 6 C� �0 7 iV—/72� Ja� 8 /gym One y (� L 10 J/ / 11 /0 12 � ►,� C� L) v 13 14 , 4 &Nc 15 , / , r U'L S PUBLIC HEARING SIGN IN SHEET P1 DATE: MAY 17, 2018 ITEM # ON AGENDA: LAIR PROJECT NAME: CYl2'fY'� 810�6(DYY1 E{ 2-b �a'Q0 t PRINTED FULL NAME For Against Neutral Want to Testify YES OR NO 5 L 2 t�t S oGQ e� -S,-\.-,I �Lt 3 4 'l 5 Ate Kj6 7 c ,� ✓ o s �✓ i c� � C� 9 10 ,/. ,J GA6wd / 11 12 .� 13 14 15 PUBLIC HEARING SIGN IN SHEET 3 cy, ba DATE: MAY 17, 2018 ITEM # ON AGENDA: L-{ N PROJECT NAME: CherY'l1 J / (Tb) ec-��.n \k�l,v-"n�- V �� PRINTED FULL NAME For Against Neutral Want to Testify YES OR NO A) O 2 sem 3 J /L6 4 J 5 e 6 C� �0 7 iV—/72� Ja� 8 /gym One y (� L 10 J/ / 11 /0 12 � ►,� C� L) v 13 14 , 4 &Nc 15 , / , r U'L S PUBLIC HEARING SIGN IN SHEET P1 DATE: MAY 17, 2018 ITEM # ON AGENDA: LAIR PROJECT NAME: CYl2'fY'� 810�6(DYY1 E{ 2-b �a'Q0 t PRINTED FULL NAME For Against Neutral Want to Testify YES OR NO 5 L 2 t�t S oGQ e� -S,-\.-,I �Lt 3 4 'l 5 Ate Kj6 7 c ,� ✓ o s �✓ i c� � C� 9 10 ,/. ,J GA6wd / 11 12 .� 13 14 15 Changes to Agenda: • Item #4A: Cherry Blossom (H-2018-0018) — Request for continuance to June 6'" in order to allow additional time to work on revisions to the development plan based on discussions with staff & neighbors at a 2nd neighborhood meeting. Item #4B: Paramount Self -storage - CUP (H-2018.0033) Application(s): Conditional use Permit Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 3.56 acres of land (6 commercial parcels), zoned C -G, located on the west side of N. Meridian Road and north of W. McMillan Road. Adjacent Land Use & Zoning: North: Single family homes in the Paramount Subdivision, zoned R-8 West: Paramount Square Apartments, zoned R-40 South: Undeveloped commercial land, zoned C -G East: N. Meridian Road and Single-family residential properties in the Ventana Subdivision, zoned R-8 and Heritage Middle School, zoned R-4 History: In 2003, the subject property was originally annexed into the City as part of the Paramount Subdivision. In 2015, the subject property received rezone, preliminary plat and final plat approval. On Tuesday night, Council approved the DA modification to conceptual allow the prosect use. The DA needs to execute prior to the applicant applying for a CZC. Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: MU -NR Summary of Request: A conditional use permit to develop a self-service storage facility consisting of 11 storage buildings which make up approximately 63,825 square feet of storage space. Access: Access to this development is proposed from N. Dyver Avenue, with emergency access being proposed from W. Archerfield Street. Landscaping: A 25 -foot wide street buffer is required to be provided along N. Meridian Road (arterial), a 20 -foot wide street buffer is required to be provided along W. Ensenada Drive and a 10 -foot wide landscape buffer is required along W. Archerfield Street and N. Dyver Ave. Landscaping within the street buffer should be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11 -3B -7C. The landscaping shown on the landscape plan complies with these standards, except for the required number of trees along N. Dyver Avenue, which requires 17 trees based off of a frontage length of approximately 576 feet, and the frontage of W. Archerfield Street, which requires 8 trees based on a frontage length of approximately 270 feet. Per UDC 11-313-7, one tree is required for every 35 feet of frontage. The applicant shall submit a revised landscape plan with the certificate of zoning compliance that shows compliance with UDC 11-313-7. Self -Service Storage Facilities: The specific use standards for the self-service storage facility listed in UDC 11-4-3-34 sets forth the specific use standards for Self -storage facilities. The applicant appears to apply with the majority of those requirements with the exception of the following: C. The distance between structures shall be a minimum of twenty-five feet (25'). All of the proposed storage buildings must meet or exceed the 25 -foot distance requirement. The drive aisles appear to comply with this requirement. There are, however, several areas within the proposed storage facility where the required 25 foot between buildings is not being met. The site plan submitted with the CZC application must include 25 -feet of separation between all structures per the specific use standards. This is no longer an issue as the applicant will comply with this standard by connecting all of the exterior buildings. D. The storage facility shall be completely fenced, walled, or enclosed and screened from public view. Where abutting a residential district or public road, chain-link shall not be allowed as fencing material. The applicant for the most part has designed the site so the perimeter storage buildings screen the facility from public view. However, the main and emergency access gates appear to be constructed with wrought iron and will not be a solid material. The gates should be constructed of a solid material to impede visibility into the site. Since there is outdoor storage of materials and the main entrance is from a local street, staff is amenable to the applicant s request that only the gate be constructed of a non -solid material. The remaining portion needs to be constructed of a solid material or wall in accord with UDC standards. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 17, 2018 MQ� Agenda Item Number: 413 Project/File Number: H-2018-0033 Item Title: Paramount Self Storage Public Hearing Continued from May 3, 2018 for Paramount Self Storage (H-2018-0033) by Brighton Corporation, Inc. Located on the North Side of E. Archerfield St. and West of N. Meridian Rd. 1. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a Self-Storage Facility on �I #,I 3.56 Acres of Land in a C-G Zoning District COn i ���u n y�G� Gf AQ %. (bve w oA Meeting Notes r��s �� firanCe t"i (o "�9 2 APPVES RO Pad, PUBLIC HEARING SIGN IN SHEET DATE: MAY 17, 2018 ITEM # ON AGENDA: PROJECT NAME: 1�gramOUn+ cJ21�r �p'fQ� WHIg-0033 PRINTED FULL NAME For Against Neutral Want to Testify YES OR NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PARAMOUNT SELF STORAGE 1 2 Condition 1.1.2.b “Solid” Emergency Access Gate Condition 1.1.2.a Enclose Corner (TYPICAL OF THREE) 3 Questions? 4 5 6 7 8 STAFF REPORT HEARING DATE: May 17, 2018 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Josh Beach, Associate City Planner 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton, Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: Paramount Self-Storage –CUP (H-2018-0033) I. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT’S REQUEST The applicant, Brighton Corporation, has submitted an application for a conditional use permit for a self-service storage facility on 3.56 acres of land in the C-G zoning district. II. SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed CUP application based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in Exhibit C of this report. III. PROPOSED MOTION Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval of File Number H-2018-0033, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 17, 2018, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications.) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial of File Number H-2018-0033, as presented during the hearing on May 15, 2018, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial.) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2018-0033 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance.) IV. APPLICATION AND PROPERTY FACTS A. Site Address/Location: The site is located at 5100 N. Dyver Avenue on the north side of E. Archerfield Street, west side of N. Meridian Road, in the SE ¼ of Section 25, Township 4 North, Range 1 West. B. Applicant/Owner: Brighton Corporation 12601 W. Explorer #200 Boise, ID 8371 D. Representative: Mike Wardle, Brighton Corporation 12601 W. Explorer #200 Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 1 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 39 of 108 Boise, ID 8371 E. Applicant's Statement/Justification: Please see applicant’s narrative for this information. V. PROCESS FACTS A. The subject application is for a conditional use permit. A public hearing is required before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, consistent with Meridian City Code Title 11, Chapter 5. B. Newspaper notifications published on: April 13, 2018 C. Radius notices mailed to properties within 300 feet on: April 6, 2018 D. Applicant posted notice on site(s) on: April 24, 2018 VI. LAND USE A. Existing Land Use(s): The site consists of a six undeveloped vacant commercial lots, zoned C-G. B. Character of Surrounding Area and Adjacent Land Use and Zoning: North: Single family homes in the Paramount Subdivision, zoned R-4 West: Paramount Square Apartments, zoned R-40 South: Undeveloped commercial land, zoned C-G East: N. Meridian Road and Single-family residential properties in the Ventana Subdivision, zoned R-8 and Heritage Middle School, zoned R-4 C. History of Previous Actions: • The subject property was annexed into the City in 2003 as part of the larger Paramount Subdivision (AZ-03-006) (Instrument No. 103137116). • The subject property was rezone (RZ-15-001), granted a preliminary plat (PP-15-002), and granted a Conditional Use Permit (CUP-15-002) in 2015. D. Utilities: 1. Location of sewer: The city currently owns and maintains sewer mains directly adjacent to the proposed development. 2. Location of water: The city currently owns and maintains water mains directly adjacent to the proposed development. 3. Issues or concerns: The applicant shall be responsible for the installation of additional water mains through to the project to provide for fire protection. D. Physical Features: 1. Canals/Ditches Irrigation: There are no irrigation facilities that will impact this development. 2. Hazards: Staff is not aware of any hazards that exist on this site. 3. Flood Plain: This site does not lie within the floodplain overlay district. VII. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The subject property is currently designated “Commercial” and “High-Density Residential” on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map. Per the Comprehensive Plan, commercial designated areas: provide a full range of commercial and retail to serve area residents and visitors. Uses may Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 2 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 40 of 108 include retail, wholesale, service and office uses, multi-family residential, as well as appropriate public uses such as government offices. Within this land use category, specific zones may be created to focus commercial activities unique to their locations. These zones may include neighborhood commercial uses focusing on specialized service for residential areas adjacent to that zone. Additionally, per the Comprehensive Plan, “High Density Residential” properties are to allow for the development of multi-family homes in areas where urban services are provided. Though the majority of the property is designated as “High Density Residential”, the applicant’s narrative argues that rather than expanding multi-family onto the site, that self-storage is an appropriate commercial alternative and will serve the needs of the surrounding area. The Comprehensive Plan is a guiding document however; the zoning ordinance controls the type of uses that can develop on the property. Further, the recorded development agreement for the property did not contemplate this use developing on the property. The applicant has submitted a development agreement modification to allow the proposed use. City Council will be taking action on the application at their May 15, 2018 meeting. The applicant is proposing to develop the site with a self-service storage facility consisting of approximately 63,825 square feet. Staff finds the following Comprehensive Plan policies to be applicable to this property and apply to the proposed use (staff analysis in italics): • “Permit new development only where urban services can be reasonably provided at the time of final approval and development is contiguous to the City.” (3.01.01F) City services are available and will be extended by the developer to the proposed lots upon development of the site in accord with UDC 11-3A-21. • “Require all commercial and industrial businesses to install and maintain landscaping.” (2.01.03B) Parking lot landscaping is required to be provided with development of this property in accord with UDC 11-3B-8C. • Require neighborhood and community commercial areas to create a site design compatible with surrounding uses (3.05.02A). The City has adopted a design manual to address compatibility between land uses. The applicant is proposing a commercial development adjacent to an established residential development and other commercial establishments. Specifically, the applicant is proposing to develop the site with eleven (11) storage buildings, including an attached office. The primary building materials proposed for these structures are stucco, stone wainscot, corrugated metal with metal roofing. Many of the surrounding buildings in the area use stucco, wood, stone wainscot and earth tone colors. The Architectural Standards Manual (ASM) emphasizes a mix of materials and variations in roof and wall planes along public spaces and public streets. Because this facility is on a highly visible corridor and surrounded by high quality development, staff is of the opinion that with the exception of the corrugated metal wall panels and the gate materials (that don’t meet UDC requirements, that the overall design complements the surrounding buildings. The site must comply with the design standards set forth in UDC 11-3A-19 and the guidelines in the ASM. • Maintain integrity of neighborhoods to preserve values and ambiance of areas (3.05.02). Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 3 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 41 of 108 If the applicant complies with the design guidelines outlined in the ASM, UDC design standards and specific use standards, staff is of the opinion the proposed use should maintain the integrity of the neighborhood. • Restrict private curb cuts and access points on collectors and arterial streets (3.06.02D). One access is being proposed from N. Dyver Avenue and an emergency access is shown out to W, Archerfield Drive. No other access is proposed or approved with the subject application. • Require appropriate landscape and buffers along transportation corridors (setback, vegetation, low walls, berms, etc.) (3.06.02F). The subject property abuts N. Meridian Road, N. Dyver Avenue, W. Archerfield Street and W. Ensenada Drive. The UDC requires a minimum 25-foot landscape buffer adjacent to N. Meridian Road (an Arterial road), a 20-foot landscape buffer along W. Ensenada (a Collector road) and a 10-foot landscape buffers along W. Archerfield and N. Dyver Avenue (considered local streets) in accord with UDC 11-3B-7C. • Plan for a variety of commercial and retail opportunities within the Impact Area (3.05.01J). This area of Meridian is lacking a self-service storage facility to serve the multiple single family and multi-family developments in the area. • Protect existing residential properties from incompatible land use development on adjacent parcels (3.06.01F) The plans as submitted do not comply with the buffer width requirement and need to be revised in order to meet the requirements of the UDC. With CZC submittal, the applicant shall provide the required width of the landscape buffers as required by UDC 11-2A-8. • Ensure development provides safe routes and access to schools, parks and other community gathering places (3.07.02N). Five-foot wide detached sidewalks currently exist along all four sides of the development in accord with UDC 11-3A-17. For the above reasons, staff believes the proposed development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. VIII. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE A. Purpose Statement of Zone: The purpose of the commercial districts is to provide for the retail and service needs of the community in accordance with the Meridian comprehensive plan. Six (6) districts are designated which differ in the size and scale of commercial structures accommodated in the district, the scale and mix of allowed commercial uses, and the location of the district in proximity to streets and highways. B. Schedule of Use: Unified Development Code (UDC) Table 11-2B-2 lists the principal permitted, accessory, conditional, and prohibited uses in the C-G zoning district. The proposed self-service storage facility requires conditional use permit (CUP) approval in the C-G zoning district. Compliance with the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-34 for the use is also required. C. Dimensional Standards: Development of the site shall comply with the dimensional standards listed in UDC 11-2B-3 for the C-G zoning district. D. Landscaping 1. UDC 11-3B-8C regulates the parking lot standards of the development code (see section 9 Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 4 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 42 of 108 below for further analysis). 2. Width of street buffer(s): 25 feet along Meridian Road, 20 feet along W. Ensenada Drive and 10 feet along W. Archerfield and N. Dyver Avenue. E. Off-Street Parking: UDC 11-3C-6B requires 1 space for every 500 square feet of gross floor area of the proposed office building. F. Self-Service Uses: UDC 11-3A-16 lists the specific requirements for self-service uses (see section 9 below for further analysis). G. Structure and Site Design Standards: Development of this site must comply with the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and the guidelines listed in the Architectural Standards Manual (ASM). IX. ANALYSIS A. Analysis of Facts Leading to Staff Recommendation: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP): A conditional use permit is requested consisting of 11 storage buildings which make up approximately 63,825 square feet of storage space. Access: Access to this development is proposed from N. Dyver Avenue, with emergency access being proposed from W. Archerfield Street. Landscaping: A 25-foot wide street buffer is required to be provided along N. Meridian Road (arterial), a 20-foot wide street buffer is required to be provided along W. Ensenada Drive (collector) and a 10-foot wide landscape buffer (local) is required along W. Archerfield Street and W. Ensenada Drive, as set forth in UDC Table 11-2B-3. Landscaping within the street buffer should be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. The landscaping shown on the landscape plan complies with these standards, except for the required number of trees along N. Dyver Avenue, which requires 17 trees based off of a frontage length of approximately 576 feet, and the frontage of W. Archerfield Street, which requires 8 trees based on a frontage length of approximately 270 feet. Per UDC 11-3B-7, one tree is required for every 35 feet of frontage. The applicant shall submit a revised landscape plan with the certificate of zoning compliance that shows compliance with UDC 11-3B-7. Fencing: No fencing is depicted on the landscape plan for this site. Any proposed fencing should comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7. Sidewalks: Sidewalks are required to be provided with development in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17. 5-foot wide attached sidewalks exist along all four frontages of the site. Utilities: All development is required to connect to the City water and sewer system unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer in accord with UDC 11-3A-21. Pressurized Irrigation: An underground pressurized irrigation system is required to be provided for the development in accord with UDC 11-3A-15 as proposed. Storm Drainage: An adequate storm drainage system is required in all developments in accord with the City’s adopted standards, specifications, and ordinances, per UDC 11-3A-18. Self-Service Storage Facilities: The specific use standards for the self-service storage facility listed in UDC 11-4-3-34 apply to development of this site as follows: A. Storage units and/or areas shall not be used as dwellings or as a commercial or industrial place of business. The manufacture or sale of any item by a tenant from or at a self- Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 5 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 43 of 108 service storage facility is specifically prohibited. The applicant must comply with this requirement. B. On-site auctions of unclaimed items by the storage facility owners shall be allowed as a temporary use in accord with Section 11-3E temporary use requirements of this Title. The applicant must comply with this requirement. C. The distance between structures shall be a minimum of twenty-five feet (25’). All of the proposed storage buildings must meet or exceed the 25-foot distance requirement. The drive aisles appear to comply with this requirement. There are, however, several areas within the proposed storage facility where the required 25 foot between buildings is not being met. The site plan submitted with the CZC application must include 25-feet of separation between all structures per the specific use standards. D. The storage facility shall be completely fenced, walled, or enclosed and screened from public view. Where abutting a residential district or public road, chain-link shall not be allowed as fencing material. The applicant for the most part has designed the site so the perimeter storage buildings screen the facility from public view. However, the main and emergency access gates appear to be constructed with wrought iron and will not be a solid material. The gates should be constructed of a solid material to impede visibility into the site. E. If abutting a residential district, the facility hours of public operation shall be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. NA. The project does not abut a residential district as defined by the UDC in Chapter 1. F. A minimum twenty five foot (25’) wide landscape buffer shall be provided where the facility abuts a residential use, unless a greater buffer width is required by this title. Landscaping shall be provided as set forth in subsection 11-3B-9C of this title. The facility does not abut a residential use, therefore this standard does not apply. G. If the use is unattended, the standards in accord with Section 11-3A-16 self-service uses of this Title shall also apply. (See standards from UDC 11-3A-16 below). H. The facility shall have a second means of access for emergency purposes. One access point has been provided from N. Dyver Avenue. On the submitted plans, the secondary access is provided in the southeast corner of the site out to Archerfield Street in accord with UDC standards. I. All outdoor storage of material shall be maintained in an orderly manner so as not to create a public nuisance. Materials shall not be stored within the required yards. Stored items shall not block sidewalks or parking areas and may not impede vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Outdoor storage is not proposed or approved for this site. All items must be stored within an enclosed storage unit. J. The site shall not be used as vehicle wrecking or junkyard as herein defined. The applicant shall comply with this requirement. K. For any use requiring the storage of fuel or hazardous material, the use shall be located a minimum of one thousand feet (1,000’) from a hospital. The applicant is not proposing to store any hazardous material on the site. The applicant shall comply with this requirement. Self-Service Uses: The proposed use of the property is for a self-service storage facility. UDC 11-3A-16 requires all unattended self-service uses to comply with the following requirements: A. Entrance or view of the self-service facility shall be open to the public street or to Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 6 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 44 of 108 adjoining businesses and shall have low-impact security lighting. The proposed development is located on a prominent corridor and should be highly visible from abutting streets. B. Financial transaction areas shall be oriented to and visible from an area that receives a high volume of traffic, such as a collector or arterial street. N/A. C. Landscape shrubbery shall be limited to no more than three feet (3’) in height between entrances and financial transaction areas and the public street. N/A Site Plan: Staff has reviewed the site plan (Exhibit A.2) submitted with this application. The following items should to be revised on the site plan submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application: • Per UDC 11-4-3-34, the distance between structures shall be a minimum of 25 feet. Landscaping: Staff has reviewed the landscape plan (Exhibit A.3) submitted with this application. Staff recommends the following items be revised on the landscape plan submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application: • Except for the relocation of tree along Meridian Road and the addition of trees along Dyver and Archerfield, all other existing landscaping shall be protected during construction. Parking: Per UDC 11-3C-6B, in commercial districts, one off-street parking space is required per 500 square feet of gross floor area for the proposed office building. Based on the total square footage of office (800 s.f.), two (2) parking stalls are required; five (5) spaces are proposed on the submitted site plan in accord with UDC standards. Additionally, per UDC 11-3C-6G, one bicycle parking space is required to be provided for every 25 vehicle spaces, in compliance with the standards listed in UDC 11-3C-5C. The submitted site plan shows the required bike rack. Building Elevations: The proposed development is required to comply with the design standards set forth in UDC 11-3A-19 and the ASM. The applicant has submitted renderings (Exhibit A.4) that demonstrate how the site will be viewed from the public streets. The primary building materials are stucco, stone wainscot and corrugated metal. The proposed elevations appear to meet the requirements of the Architectural Standards Manual, but will be reviewed further with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Administrative Design Review application in order to ensure compliance. Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC) and Design Review (DES): A CZC application is required to be submitted prior to issuance of building permits. The applicant is required to obtain approval of a design review application for the proposed structures and site design for the self- service storage facility. This application may be submitted concurrently with the CZC application. The applicant must comply with the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and the guidelines contained in the ASM. Staff recommends approval of the subject applications with the conditions listed in Exhibit B per the Findings in Exhibit C. X. EXHIBITS A. Drawings 1. Vicinity/Zoning Map 2. Site Plan (dated: March 14, 2018) 3. Landscape Plan (dated: February 8, 2018) Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 7 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 45 of 108 4. Proposed Elevations (dated: January 25, 2018) B. Agency Comments/Conditions of Approval C. Required Findings from Unified Development Code Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 8 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 46 of 108 Exhibit A.1: Vicinity/Zoning Map Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 9 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 47 of 108 Exhibit A.2: Site Plan (dated: March 14, 2018) Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 10 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 48 of 108 Exhibit A.3: Landscape Plan (dated: February 8, 2018) Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 11 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 49 of 108 Exhibit A.4: Proposed Elevations (dated: January 25, 2018) Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 12 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 50 of 108 Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 13 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 51 of 108 Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 14 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 52 of 108 Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 15 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 53 of 108 B. Agency Comments/Conditions 1. PLANNING DIVISION 1.1 Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1.1.1 Development of the site shall substantially comply with the site plan, landscape plan and architectural elevations included in Exhibit A, the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and in the Architectural Standards Manual, and the conditions in this report. 1.1.2 The site plan included in Exhibit A.2, dated March 14, 2018, shall be revised as follows: a. The site plan submitted with the CZC application must include 25-feet of separation between all structures per the specific use standards. b. The main access gate and the emergency access gate should be constructed of a solid material to impede visibility into the site. 1.1.3 The landscape plan included in Exhibit A.3, dated February 8, 2018, shall be revised as follows: • Construct a 25-foot wide landscape buffer adjacent to N. Meridian Road in accord with UDC 11-3B-7C. • Construct a 10-foot wide landscape buffer adjacent to W. Acherfield Street and N. Dyver Avenue in accord with UDC 11-3B-7C and UDC 11-2B-3. • Construct a 20-foot wide landscape buffer adjacent to E. Ensenada Drive in accord with UDC 11-3B-7C and UDC 11-2B-3. • Parking lot landscaping is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-8C. • Landscaping within the street buffers shall be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. • The landscape buffer along N. Dyver Avenue, requires 17 trees, and the landscape buffer along W. Archerfield Street, requires 8 trees. The applicant shall submit a revised landscape plan with the certificate of zoning compliance showing the required revisions in compliance with UDC 11-3B-7. 1.1.4 The elevations included in Exhibit A.4, dated January 25, 2018, shall comply comply with the design standards set forth in UDC 11-3A-19 and the Architectural Standards Manual. 1.1.5 Development of the site shall comply with the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-34 “Storage Facility, Self-Service;” and the standards for unattended self-service uses listed in UDC 11-3A-16. 1.2 General Conditions of Approval 1.2.1 Comply with all bulk, use, and development standards of the C-G zoning district listed in UDC Chapter 2 District regulations. 1.2.2 Install lighting consistent with the provisions as set forth in UDC 11-3A-11. 1.2.3 Provide a pressurized irrigation system consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A- 15, UDC 11-3B-6 and MCC 9-1-28. 1.2.4 Comply with the sidewalk standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-17. 1.2.5 Install all utilities consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-21 and 11-3B-5J. Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 16 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 54 of 108 1.2.6 Construct all off-street parking areas consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3B-5I, 11-3B-8C, and Chapter 3 Article C. 1.2.7 Construct the required landscape buffers consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3B- 7C (streets). 1.2.8 Construct storm water integration facilities that meet the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3B- 11C. 1.2.9 Protect any existing trees on the subject property that are greater than four-inch caliper and/or mitigate for the loss of such trees as set forth in UDC 11-3B-10. 1.2.10 Provide bicycle parking spaces as set forth in UDC 11-3C-6G consistent with the design standards as set forth in UDC 11-3C-5C. 1.2.11 Comply with the outdoor service and equipment area standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-12. 1.2.12 Comply with the structure and site design standards, as set forth in UDC 11-3A-19 and the guidelines set forth in the City of Meridian Architectural Standards Manual. 1.2.13 Comply with all provisions of UDC 11-3A-3 with regard to maintaining the clear vision triangle. 1.2.14 Low pressure sodium lighting shall be prohibited as an exterior lighting source on the site. 1.2.15 All fencing constructed on the site shall comply with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-7 and 11-3A-6B as applicable. 1.2.16 100 Watt and 250 Watt, high-pressure sodium street lights shall be required on all public roadways per the City of Meridian Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. All street lights shall be installed at developer’s expense. Final design shall be submitted as part of the development plan set for approval. Applicant shall also include the location of any existing street lights in the development plan set. Street lighting is required at intersections, corners, cul-de-sacs, and at a spacing that does not exceed that outlined in the Standards. The contractor’s work and materials shall conform to the ISPWC and the City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications to the ISPWC. 1.3 Ongoing Conditions of Approval 1.3.1 The applicant and/or property owner shall have an ongoing obligation to prune all trees to a minimum height of six feet above the ground or sidewalk surface to afford greater visibility of the area. 1.3.2 The project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances and previous conditions of approval associated with this site. 1.4 Process Conditions of Approval 1.4.1 No signs are approved with this application. Prior to installing any signs on the property, the applicant shall submit a sign permit application consistent with the standards in UDC Chapter 3 Article D and receive approval for such signs. 1.4.2 The applicant shall submit and obtain approval of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application for all future structures proposed on the site from the Planning Division, prior to submittal of any building permit applications. 1.4.3 The applicant shall complete all improvements related to public life, safety, and health as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. A surety agreement may be accepted for other improvements in accord with UDC 11-5C-3C. Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 17 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 55 of 108 1.4.4 The applicant shall pay any applicable impact fees prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2.1 Site Specific Conditions of Approval 2.1.1 A street light plan will need to be included in the building permit application. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-7 of the City's Design Standards. A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=2722.1.2 2.1.2 The city currently owns and maintains sanitary sewer and water mains directly adjacent to the proposed development. The applicant shall be responsible for the establishment of service connections for the office facility, and for the abandonment of any existing service lines that will not be utilized. The applicant shall also be responsible for the installation of additional water mains through to the project to provide for fire protection. Any dead end water mains shall terminate with a fire hydrant. 2.2 General Conditions of Approval 2.2.1 Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2.2.2 Per Meridian City Code (MCC), the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. 2.2.3 The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way (include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat, but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian’s standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement (on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor, which must include the area of the easement (marked EXHIBIT A) and an 81/2” x 11” map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 2.2.4 The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water (MCC 12-13-8.3). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized, the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. 2.2.5 All existing structures that are required to be removed shall be prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 2.2.6 All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be tiled per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work, the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 18 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 56 of 108 2.2.7 Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Engineering Department at (208)898-5500 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources Contact Robert B. Whitney at (208)334-2190. 2.2.8 Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections (208)375-5211. 2.2.9 Street signs are to be in place, sanitary sewer and water system shall be approved and activated, and a compacted roadway surface shall be in place, prior to applying for building permits. 2.2.10 Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process, prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 2.2.11 It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 2.2.12 Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2.2.13 Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 2.2.14 All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-12-3H. 2.2.15 Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material. 2.2.16 The design engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces are at least 1-foot above. 2.2.17 The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 2.2.18 At the completion of the project, the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 2.2.19 A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272. 2.2.20 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer, water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-221. 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 19 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 57 of 108 3.1 The Fire Department has no comment on this application. 4. POLICE DEPARTMENT 4.1 The Police Department has no comment on this application. 5. REPUBLIC SERVICES 5.1 No comments were received from Republic Services on this application. 6. PARKS DEPARTMENT 6.1 The Park’s Department has no comment on this application. 7. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT The Ada County Highway District has reviewed the submitted application and has determined that the applicant will be required to apply for a driveway approach prior to pulling a permit for Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 20 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 58 of 108 C. Required Findings from Unified Development Code 1. Conditional Use Permit Findings: The Commission and Council shall review the particular facts and circumstances of each proposed conditional use in terms of the following, and may approve a conditional use permit if they shall find evidence presented at the hearing(s) is adequate to establish: a. That the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet all the dimensional and development regulations in the district in which the use is located. Staff finds that if the site is designed according to the conditions of approval in Exhibit B, the site will be large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet the dimensional and development regulations of the C-G zoning district and self-service storage facility specific use standards if the submitted plans are amended as recommended by staff. b. That the proposed use will be harmonious with the Meridian Comprehensive Plan and in accord with the requirements of this Title. Staff finds that the proposed self-service facility in the C-G zone meets the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. c. That the design, construction, operation and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area. Staff finds that the proposed self-service storage facility is compatible with other uses in the general area and will not adversely change the character of the area if the applicant complies with the site and the design modifications recommended by staff. d. That the proposed use, if it complies with all conditions of the approval imposed, will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. Staff finds that the proposed development should not adversely affect other property in the vicinity if the applicant complies with all conditions of approval listed in Exhibit B of this staff report and constructs all improvements and operates the use in accordance with the UDC standards. e. That the proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, schools, parks, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water, and sewer. Staff finds that sanitary sewer, domestic water and irrigation can be made available to the subj ect property. Please refer to comments prepared by the Public Works Department, Fire Department and other agencies. f. That the proposed use will not create excessive additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. Staff finds that the applicant will pay to extend the sanitary sewer and water mains into the site. No additional capital facility costs are expected from the City. The applicant and/or future property owners will be required to pay highway impact fees. Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 21 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 59 of 108 g. That the proposed use will not involve activities or processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. Staff finds that the proposed development will not involve uses that will create nuisances that would be detrimental to the general welfare of the surrounding area. Staff recognizes the fact that traffic and noise will increase with the approval of this development; however, Staff does not believe that the amount generated will be detrimental to the general welfare of the public. h. That the proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature considered to be of major importance. Staff finds that the proposed development will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of any natural feature(s) of major importance. Staff recommends that the Commission and Council reference any public testimony that may be presented to determine whether or not the proposed development may destroy or damage a natural or scenic feature(s) of major importance of which staff is unaware. Paramount Self -Storage – CUP (H-2018-0033) PAGE 21 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 60 of 108 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 17, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 4C Project/File Number: H-2018-0036 Item Title: Village at Meridian Apartments Public Hearing for Village at Meridian Apartments (H-2018-0036) by Brighton Village, LLC, Located at the Southwest Corner of N. Records Way and E. River Valley St. 1. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a Multi -Family Development Consisting of 166 Age Restricted (55+) Dwelling Units on 2.44 Acres of Land in the C -G Zoning District M r_A''of` 61 S(?-Cc(�3 y I1yes Meeting Notes tz:�� Awn_)Oe W/ r I tcull'I 9 APPINED PUBLIC HEARING SIGN IN SHEET DATE: MAY 17, 2018 PROJECT NAME: V! l I() Be ITEM # ON AGENDA: q C a+ Heridian Aos. }-1-2618 -00 3(v PRINTED FULL NAME For Against Neutral Want to Testify YES OR NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Item #4C: Village at Meridian Apartments - CUP (H-2018-0036) Application(s): ➢ Conditional use permit Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 2.44 acres of land, zoned C -G, located at the SWC of E. River Valley St. & N. Records Way. Adjacent Land Use & Zoning: North: E. River Valley St. & MFR (apartments), zoned R-40 South: Parking lot, zoned C -G East: Kleiner Park, zoned C -G West: Commercial (retail/grocery store) uses, zoned C -G History: This property was annexed & included in the DA for the Meridian Town Center (aka The Village) development in 2007; it was later included in the CenterCal Subdivision plat. Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: MU -R Summary of Request: A CUP is requested for a MFR development consisting of 166 age -restricted (55+) dwelling units on 2.44 acres in the C -G zoning district. One (1) 5 -story structure is proposed with the 1St floor consisting of covered parking and the 2nd -5th floors consisting of dwelling units. A 9,900+/- square foot clubhouse & open space area with amenities is proposed on the 2nd floor. The concept master plan included in the development agreement for The Village depicts "future residential" on this site; the proposed development plan is consistent with the approved master plan & the DA. Access is proposed via N, Records Way, a collector street, to the 1St floor parking area; local street access is not available to this site. The development is required to comply with the private usable open space standards in the UDC or apply for alternative compliance to those standards with the CZC. A total of 0.95 of an acre of common open space is required in accord with UDC standards; a total of 1.14 acres is proposed consisting of 0.49 of an acre on the 2nd floor on either side of the clubhouse with 0.65 of an acre consisting of landscaping around the 1St floor of the building adjacent to abutting collector streets and the sides & rear of the building. Typically, the area around the building and adjacent to collector streets (i.e. River Valley & Records) would not qualify toward the minimum requirement unless it's at least 400 square feet in area with a minimum length and width dimension of 20 feet and separated from the street by a berm or constructed barrier at least 4 feet in height — it meets the minimum area requirements but does not have a berm or barrier. The UDC does allow for alternatives to be approved through the conditional use process. Because a 60 -acre City Park (i.e. Kleiner Memorial Park) exists directly across the street from the proposed development, staff is amenable to the applicant's request and recommends the Commission approve the proposed open space. The applicant proposes site amenities as required by the UDC that fall within the quality of life, open space & recreation categories as follows: a clubhouse containing a media room, business center, kitchen, game lounge, yoga studio, fitness studio, changing facilities, conference room, and a private dining area; an outdoor swimming pool, hot tub, dedicated pet area, kitchen, lounge area with a fireplace, numerous seating areas and plazas for social interaction, enclosed bicycle storage, and a bocce ball court. Off-street parking is proposed in accord with UDC standards for age restricted elderly housing (i.e. 1/2 space per 1 -bedroom unit & 2 spaces per dwelling unit for 2+ bedrooms); based on this requirement, a minimum of 188 spaces are required with at least 70 of those being in an enclosed garage. A total of 209 spaces are proposed in the parking garage on the 1St floor with an additional 9 parallel spaces along Records Way for guests and/or deliveries; a parallel loading area along the rear of the building off the alley is also proposed which allows for another 9+/- spaces which can be utilized for deliveries, maintenance or service employees. Staff is amenable to the proposed parking due to the following reasons: 1) it's anticipated that the age restricted units will only house one person or a couple regardless of the number of bedrooms; and 2) with various shopping, restaurant and service uses, including a grocery store, in close proximity to this site, and likely a transit stop nearby, it's possible that some residents may not have a vehicle at all or only have one, which would reduce the parking count actually needed for each dwelling unit. Comments were received from Valley Regional Transit in regard to the location of a transit stop on this property; they don't feel one is necessary at this time but feel one could be accommodated in the future if needed — therefore, staff recommends condition #1.1.3 is removed which requires a bus stop to be provided on the site if determined needed by VRT. Conceptual building elevations were submitted for the proposed structure. Building materials consist of stucco and brick veneer. The architectural character of the structures is required to comply with the standards listed in the City of Meridian Architectural Standards Manual. Village Apartments •166 Residential Units •5-story •1st Level Parking structure •2nd Community Spaces •2nd – 5th Residential Units •9,900 sf clubhouse / fitness (2nd) •2,000 sf leasing / mail (1st) •209 enclosed parking spaces •9 parallel spaces on Records •Enclosed Bike Storage Village Apartments Location Village Apartments Location Village Apartments 1st Level 2nd Level Parking Structure •209 Enclosed •Bike Storage •9 Parallel Reception •Leasing Office •Mail Service Amenity Level •Indoor & Outdoor Village Apartments Landscape – 1st No r t h Δ Village Apartments Landscape – 2nd No r t h Δ Village Apartments Landscape – all No r t h Δ Amenities •Indoor – 2nd Floor 9,900 sf Clubhouse o Fitness / Yoga Studios o Changing Areas o Kitchen, Private Dining & Catering o Media Room o Conference Room o Business Center o Game Lounge •Outdoor – 2nd Floor 21,000 sf o Social – North o Gardens and Raised Planters o Fireplaces o Seating Areas o Outdoor Kitchen o Social Plaza o Active – South o Pool o Hot Tub o Outdoor Fitness Deck o Outdoor Activity o Pet Area Conditions of Approval SSC 1.1.3 Applicant agrees with the staff analysis and recommended conditions of approval, except for Condition 1.1.3: •“The applicant shall provide a bus stop on the site if determined by Valley Regional Transit (VRT) that one is needed in this location.” •Applicant met with VRT, and VRT stated that a future bus stop location depends upon the type of intersection: •If “stop-sign controlled” ... NEAR corner (northside). •If “signal controlled” ... FAR corner (southside). •ACHD was also consulted, and confirmed there is no plan to signalize the River Valley and Records intersection. •Therefore ... A bus stop would be on the NEAR corner and not on our property. Request: Delete Condition 1.1.3 N F CONCLUSION Request approval of the CUP for the Village at Meridian Apartments (H-2018-0036) as proposed in the Staff report, except that Condition 1.1.3 be removed because it is not applicable. Questions? Social – North o Gardens and Planters o Fireplaces o Seating Areas o Outdoor Kitchen o Social Plaza Active – South o Pool o Hot Tub o Outdoor Fitness Deck o Outdoor Activity o Pet Area Bus Stop Location Bus Stop NEAR Corner - N. Records NEAR Corner - N. Records Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting M a\/ Meeting Date: X17,2018 Agenda Item Number: 4D Project/File Number: H-2018-0032 Item Title: Entrata Farms Public Hearing for Entrata Farms (H-2018-0032) by James Doolin, FIG Village at Parkside, LLC, Located at 3880 and 3882 W. Franklin Rd. 1. Request: An Annexation and Zoning of 19.07 Acres of Land with an R-40 Zoning District; and 2. Request: A Preliminary Plat Consisting of 60 Building Lots and 3 Common Lots on 18.18 Acres of Land in the R-40 Zoning District; and 3. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a Multi -Family Development Consisting of 278 Dwelling Units in an R-40 Zoning District Z Meeting Notes —k�D A v ofo -le M\ Nye rte✓ APPROVED ENTRATA FARMS SUBDIVISION E Jasmine Ln C e n t r e p o i n t w a y 3880 West Franklin Road, Meridian ID 18.18 acres located near Ten Mile and Franklin 278 total dwelling units; consisting of 198 multi-family townhomes and 80 multi-family apartment units. The proposed density for the development is 15.3 units/acre. 5.30 acres of open space provided vs. 3.87 acres of open space required 735 total parking spaces provided vs. 524 total parking spaces required ENTRATA FARMS LAND USE THE SITE Zoned RUT with a Future Land Use Map designation of High Density Residential The property is also designated High Density Residential (HDR) within the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan Trim & Band Colo ENTRATA FARMS APPLICATION Requesting approval of the following: 1.Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-40. 2.Conditional Use Permit to allow multi-family within the R-40 district. 3.Preliminary Plat for the 18.18 acres site for 278 total multi-family units 4.Waiver to not tile the Purdam Drain at the south west corner of the Property ENTRATA FARMS DESIGN HIGHLIGHTS In line with the objectives of the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Plan, Entrata Farms includes the following mix of housing: •The Erekson Buildings – A 20-unit apartment-style building (blend of 1, 2 & 3 bedroom units) •The Tucker Buildings – A blend of two & three-Story townhome style buildings (3-bedroom units) •The Delinda Buildings – Two-Story townhome style buildings (3-bedroom units) Trim & Band Color ENTRATA FARMS DESIGN HIGHLIGHTS Pedestrian-centric site design including: Building entrances designed to enter into open space areas & integrated walking paths and sidewalks. Amenities have been thoughtfully placed throughout the development to promote community/activity centers. Paths and sidewalks designed to provide connectivity throughout the development and minimize interaction with vehicular traffic. A Valley Regional Transit bus stop will be provided along Franklin Road. Trim & Band Color ENTRATA FARMS DESIGN HIGHLIGHTS Community-focused site design including: Two centrally located amenity packages (10 qualifying amenities): Amenity Package #1 (north): - Pool with restroom facilities - Pavilion with picnic tables and . barbeque grilling stations - Playground complex - 100’ x 50’ sports field - Zipline Amenity Package #2 (south): - Full-size basketball court - 5 station fitness system - 100’ x 50’ sports field - Other Amenities: - Dog park - Connected pathways Trim & Band Color ENTRATA FARMS OPEN SPACE & PARKING Open Space: 5.30 acres of open space provided vs. 3.87 acres of open space required Parking: See table on the right: Trim & Band Color ENTRATA FARMS PURDAM DRAIN Reasons request for waiver to tile the Purdam Drain: - Approximately 22.5 feet of the Purdam Drain easement is located on the neighboring property to the west (see picture – the red line is the centerline of the drain). - Leaving the Purdam Drain open does not create a public health and safety issue. - We were not required to tile the Kennedy Lateral, but decided to because it runs the entire length of the eastern property line (1,850’) and directly impacts the development. The Purdam drain runs along a small portion of the western property line (185’). It has no impact on the livability or safety of the development. Trim & Band Color ENTRATA FARMS AMENITIES Quality of Life Category •Dual-sloped pavilion with tables and barbeque stations. •Pathways- Micro paths are provided through the development. •Dog Park. Recreation Category •Outdoor pool complex with restroom facilities •Playground structure •Zipline •Full-size basketball court •5 station fitness system Open Space Category •(2) Open Grassy Area of 50’x100’ ENTRATA FARMS FLOORPLANS •The Erekson Buildings – Unit info: •- 1 bedroom units: •- 1st Floor approx. 810 SQ FT •- 2nd Floor approx. 671 - 693 SQ FT •- 3rd Floor approx. 671 - 693 SQ FT •- 2 bedroom units: approx. 921 SQ FT •- 3 bedroom units: approx. 1,352 SQ FT •The Tucker Buildings – Unit info: •- 2-story units: approx. 1,374 SQ FT •- 3-story units: approx. 1,688 SQ FT •The Delinda Buildings – Unit info: •- 2-story units: approx. 1,291 SQ FT Trim & Band Color PUBLIC HEARING SIGN IN SHEET DATE: MAY 17, 2018 ITEM # ON AGENDA: LiD PROJECT NAME: �n�a Farvy)� i� - 2-0 1S _0OSPL PRINTED FULL NAME For Against Neutral Want to Testify YES OR NO 2 1 � 4 � 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Written Testimony: John Carpenter (response to the staff report) Staff Recommendation: Approval w/conditions and a DA Notes: Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval of File Number H-2018-0032, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 17, 2018, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications.) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial of File Number H-2018-0032, as presented during the hearing on May 17, 2018, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial.) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2018-0032 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance.) Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 1 STAFF REPORT HEARING DATE: May 17, 2018 TO: Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Sonya Allen, Associate City Planner 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton, Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: Entrata Farms – AZ, CUP, PP (H-2018-0032) I. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT’S REQUEST The applicant, James Doolin, Fig Village at Parkside, LLC, has submitted an application for the following:  Annexation and zoning (AZ) of 19.07 acres of land with an R-40 zoning district;  Preliminary plat (PP) consisting of 60 building lots and 3 common lots on 18.18 acres of land in the R-40 zoning district; and,  Conditional use permit (CUP) for a multi-family development consisting of 278 dwelling units in an R-40 zoning district. II. SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed AZ, PP and CUP applications based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in Exhibit D of this report. III. PROPOSED MOTION Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval of File Number H-2018-0032, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 17, 2018, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications.) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial of File Number H- 2018-0032, as presented during the hearing on May 17, 2018, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial.) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2018-0032 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance.) IV. APPLICATION AND PROPERTY FACTS A. Site Address/Location: The site is located at 3880 & 3882 W. Franklin Road, in the south ½ of Section 10, Township 3 North, Range 1 West. B. Applicant: James Doolin, Fig Village at Parkside, LLC 4685 S. Highland Dr., Ste. 202 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 63 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 2 Salt Lake City, UT 84117 C. Owners: 2FP, LLC 1002 N. Happy Valley Rd. Nampa, ID 83689 Mathew LeBaron 1214 2nd St. South Nampa, ID 83651 D. Representative: Same as Applicant E. Applicant's Statement/Justification: Please see applicant’s narrative for this information. V. PROCESS FACTS A. The subject application is for annexation & zoning, conditional use permit and preliminary plat. A public hearing is required before the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council on these applications, consistent with Meridian City Code Title 11, Chapter 5. B. Newspaper notifications published on: April 27, 2018 C. Radius notices mailed to properties within 300 feet on: April 20, 2018 D. Applicant posted notice on site(s) on: April 30, 2018 VI. LAND USE A. Existing Land Use(s): The site consists of single-family rural residential/agricultural uses, zoned RUT in Ada County. B. Character of Surrounding Area and Adjacent Land Use and Zoning: North: Multi-family residential (apartments), zoned R-15 South: W. Franklin Rd. and land in the development process (residential), zoned R-8 and R-15 East: Multi-family residential (apartments), zoned R-15 and vacant/undeveloped land, zoned L-O West: Single-family rural residential/agricultural, zoned RUT in Ada County C. History of Previous Actions: None D. Utilities: 1. Location of sewer: A sanitary sewer main intended to provide service to the subject site currently exists along the south boundary in W. Franklin Road. 2. Location of water: A water main intended to provide service to the subject site currently exists along the south boundary in W. Franklin Road, and in W. Perugia Street. 3. Issues or concerns: The applicant shall be responsible for the installation of additional water and sewer mains and services to the project. E. Physical Features: 1. Canals/Ditches Irrigation: The Kennedy Lateral runs along the east boundary of this site; the Purdam Drain runs across the southwest corner of the site; and a smaller irrigation ditch crosses the site east/west. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 64 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 3 2. Hazards: Staff is not aware of any hazards that exist on this site. 3. Flood Plain: This site does not lie within the floodplain overlay district. VII. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The subject property is located in the area governed by the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan (TMISAP). The TMISAP focuses on developing an area that has an identity of its own but which links to nearby developments. The plan emphasizes the community’s support for higher densities and mixed uses to create a vibrant and economically strong city. The plan also stresses the community’s commitment to good site planning and design as a means of establishing a place everyone can be proud of and one that protects the interests of future businesses and residents (pg. ix). LAND USE: This property is designated High Density Residential (HDR) on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map. HDR designated areas in the Ten Mile Area are multiple family housing areas where relatively larger and taller apartment buildings are the recommended building type. A mix of housing types should be included that achieve an overall average density target of at least 16-25 dwelling units per acre with a range of 15 to 40 units per acre. Most developments should fall within or below this range, although smaller areas of higher or lower density may be included. The design and orientation of new high density residential buildings should be pedestrian-oriented, and special streetscape improvements should be considered to create rich and enjoyable public spaces. TRANSPORTATION: A local street is designated on the Future Land Use Map in the TMISAP across this property from the east to W. Franklin Rd. No collector streets are designated on this property although W. Perugia St. will provide an east/west connection between properties north of W. Franklin Rd. and will function much like a collector. Perugia connects to N. Umbria Hills Ave. to the east, which connects to W. Franklin Rd., which will provide access to a future traffic signal. A collector street was formerly designated across this site on the Transportation System Map but was recently removed. DESIGN: Development within the Ten Mile Area should incorporate the following design characteristics: The applicant proposes to develop a total of 278 multi-family residential units on this site consisting of a mix of townhome style (198) and typical apartment (80) units at a gross density of 15.3 and a net density of 67.6 units per acre. The townhome style buildings are a mix of front (2-story) and rear (2- and 3-story) loaded units; and the apartments are 3-story buildings. The proposed density falls within that desired in HDR designated areas. The mix of housing types provides a variety of rental options and styles of structures within the development. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 65 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 4 Staff finds the following Comprehensive Plan policies to be applicable to this property and apply to the proposed use (staff analysis in italics):  “Provide for a wide diversity of housing types (single-family, modular, mobile homes and multi- family arrangements) and choices between ownership and rental dwelling units for all income groups in a variety of locations suitable for residential development.” (3.07.03B) The proposed multi-family residential development will provide a mix of townhome style and typical apartment units for a variety of housing types and rental options.  “Support a variety of residential categories (low-, medium-, medium-high and high-density single- family, multi-family, townhouses, duplexes, apartments, condominiums, etc.) for the purpose of providing the City with a range of affordable housing opportunities.” (3.07.01E) The proposed high density development consisting of apartment and townhome style units will provide a range of housing options in this area; staff is unaware how “affordable” the units will be.  “Require all new and reconstructed parking lots to provide landscaping in internal islands and along streets.” (2.01.04B) Landscaping is required to be provided within planter islands in the parking areas on this site in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-8C; and within street buffers in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C.  “Provide housing options close to employment and shopping centers.” (3.07.02D) This site is located in close proximity to future commercial development within the Ten Mile corridor between I-84 and Franklin Rd. The proposed development will provide much needed density in this area and housing options for employees in close proximity to their work place along with shopping options.  “Require open space areas within all development.” (6.01.01A) The proposed development is required to comply with the minimum common open space design standards listed in 11-4-3-27C for multi-family developments and UDC 11-3G-3 for residential developments of 5 acres or more. The proposed common open space exceeds UDC standards.  “Permit new development only where urban services can be reasonably provided at the time of final approval and development is contiguous to the City.” (3.01.01F) City sewer and water services are available to be extended to the subject property with development of the site.  “Restrict private curb cuts and access points on collectors and arterial streets.” (3.06.02D) The proposed site plan depicts one access via W. Franklin Rd., an arterial street; direct lot access is prohibited via W. Franklin Rd.  “Locate high-density development, where possible, near open space corridors or other permanent major open space and park facilities, Old Town, and near major access thoroughfares.” (3.07.02, pg. 55) The proposed development is located near a major access thoroughfare, Ten Mile Rd. and I-84; an open space corridor is planned to the west on the south side of W. Franklin Rd. for a multi-use pathway.  “Protect existing residential properties from incompatible land use development on adjacent parcels.” (3.06.01F) Because the proposed development is residential in nature, it should be compatible with existing Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 66 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 5 residential properties to the west although at a much higher density; the property to the west is designated for medium high density residential uses upon redevelopment. The property to the east is developed with like uses (i.e. multi-family apartments) at a similar density. Front-loaded 2-story townhome style structures are proposed along the west property boundary as a transition to the 3- story structures.  “Work with ACHD, COMPASS, and VRT on bringing public transportation to and through Meridian.” (3.03.04H) A commuter ride pad is depicted on the site plan at the southwest corner of the site along W. Franklin Rd. as desired by VRT.  “Require pedestrian access connectors in all new development to link subdivisions together to promote neighborhood connectivity as part of a community pathway system.” (3.03.03B) Pedestrian connections should be provided to adjacent properties for future interconnectivity. In accord with the above policies and for the above-stated reasons, staff believes the proposed use is appropriate in this location. VIII. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE A. Purpose Statement of Zone: Per UDC 11-2A-1, the purpose of the residential districts is to provide for a range of housing opportunities consistent with the Meridian Comprehensive Plan. Residential districts are distinguished by the dimensional standards of the corresponding zone and housing types that can be accommodated. B. Schedule of Use: Unified Development Code (UDC) Table 11-2A-2 lists the permitted, accessory, conditional, and prohibited uses in the R-40 zoning district. A multi-family development is listed as a conditional use in the R-40 zoning district. C. Dimensional Standards: The dimensional standards listed in UDC Table 11-2A-8 for the R-40 zoning district apply to development of this site. D. Landscaping: Street buffer, parking lot and buffers to adjoining residential uses are required to be installed in accordance with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-2A-8, UDC 11-3B-7C, 11-3B-8C and 11-3B-9C for the R-40 zoning district. E. Off-Street Parking: Off-street parking is required in accord with UDC Table 11-3C-6 for multi-family dwellings & townhouse dwellings. F. Structure and Site Design Standards: Development of this site must comply with the design standards in accord with UDC 11-3A-19 and the standards listed in the Architectural Standards Manual. IX. ANALYSIS A. Analysis of Facts Leading to Staff Recommendation: 1. ANNEXATION & ZONING (AZ): The applicant requests annexation & zoning of 19.07 acres of land with an R-40 zoning district consistent with the HDR FLUM designation. The applicant proposes to develop a mix of residential dwellings on the site consisting of apartments and townhome style units as desired within the HDR designation. A conceptual site plan and building elevations was submitted that depict how the site is proposed to develop (see Exhibits A.2 and A.6). Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 67 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 6 The legal description submitted with the application, included in Exhibit C, shows the boundaries of the property proposed to be annexed. The property is contiguous to land that has been annexed into the City and is within the Area of City Impact boundary. The City may require a development agreement (DA) in conjunction with an annexation pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6511A. In order to ensure the site develops as proposed with this application, staff recommends a DA as a provision of annexation with the provisions included in Exhibit B. 2. PRELIMINARY PLAT (PP): A preliminary plat is proposed consisting of 60 building lots and 3 common lots on 18.18 acres of land in the R-40 zoning district for Entrata Farms Subdivision (see Exhibit A.3). This project is proposed to develop in one phase. Dimensional Standards: The proposed plat and subsequent development is required to comply with the dimensional standards and building setbacks listed in UDC Table 11-2A-8 for the R-40 zoning district. All of the proposed lots comply with the minimum property size requirement. Zero lot lines should be depicted on the plat where buildings span across lot lines. To ensure setback requirements for the R-40 zoning district listed in UDC 11-2A-8 and the setback requirement listed in the specific use standard in UDC 11-4-3-27B.1 are met, staff recommends the final plat for this development is recorded prior to submittal of any Certificate of Zoning Compliance applications. Subdivision Design & Improvement Standards: Compliance with the subdivision design and improvements standards listed in UDC 11-6C is required. Staff has reviewed the proposed plat and determined it to be in compliance with these standards. Existing Structures: There is a home and several accessory structures on this site. All structures are required to be removed prior to City Engineer signature on the final plat. Access/Traffic: Access to streets should comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-3. Access to collector and arterial streets is limited unless otherwise approved by City Council. One public street (N. Entrata Way) access is proposed via W. Franklin Rd., an arterial street, at the southern boundary of the site in the location recommended by ACHD; a right-turn lane is required to be constructed on W. Franklin Rd. for access to N. Entrata Way. Another access is available to the site via the extension of W. Perugia St., a local street at the east boundary of the site, with construction of a bridge over the Kennedy Lateral stubbing to the west boundary with a hammerhead turnaround. Staff recommends a driveway is provided on the north end of the site to the property to the west for cross-access and emergency access. A Traffic Impact Study (TIS) was submitted to ACHD for this project. Private Streets: If private streets are proposed for access within this development via W. Perugia St., a private street application is required to be submitted. Private streets are required to comply with the design and construction standards listed in UDC 11-3F-4. The applicant should discuss with emergency services (i.e. Fire & Police Department) if private streets are required for addressing purposes. Landscaping: Street buffers are required as set forth in UDC Table 11-2A-8 for the R-40 district and landscaped in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. A 25-foot wide street buffer is required to be provided along W. Franklin Rd., an arterial street as set forth in UDC Table 11-2A-8. Per UDC 11-3B-7C.2, all residential buffers are required to be on a common lot, maintained by a homeowner’s association and shall be planted in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. Due to the location of large power transmission lines along Franklin Rd., a 50- Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 68 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 7 foot wide landscape buffer is proposed along W. Franklin Rd. as depicted on the landscape plan to provide a more adequate separation between the development and the power lines. There are a total of 113-caliper inches of existing trees on this site that are being removed that require mitigation; a total of 57 trees at 2” caliper each are proposed for mitigation in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-10C.5. Common area & site amenities: All multi-family developments in residential districts that are over 5 acres in size are required to provide a minimum of 10% qualified open space and one site amenity per each 20 acres of development area as set forth in UDC 11-3G-3. Based on this requirement, a minimum of 1.82 acres of qualified open space and one site amenity is required. A total of 5.3 acres of qualified open space and 10 site amenities are proposed with this development, which meets and exceeds this requirement. The qualified open space & site amenity requirements listed in UDC 11-4-3-27C & D applies in addition to the aforementioned requirement (see analyses below in CUP section); the proposed open space exceeds UDC requirements. Waterways: The Kennedy Lateral runs along the east boundary of this site; the Purdam Drain runs across the southwest corner of the site; and a smaller irrigation ditch crosses the site east/west. The UDC (11-3A-6) allows irrigation ditches, laterals, canals and drains to be left open when used as a water amenity or linear open space; otherwise, they’re required to be piped unless waived by City Council. The City Council waived the requirement for the Kennedy Lateral to be piped due to its large capacity with the final plat for Umbria Subdivision, the development to the east (FP-06-011); however, the applicant proposes to pipe the facility with this development to alleviate any safety concerns. The applicant requests a waiver from City Council to not pipe the Purdam Drain and leave it open; fencing is proposed for safety purposes. The applicant states the reason for the request is that the drain is not fully contained within this property, some of the easement is on the neighbor’s property, and there is water in it a lot of the year. The UDC allows Council to waive this requirement when it finds that the public purpose requiring such will not be served and public safety can be preserved; or, for large capacity facilities. Sidewalks: Sidewalks are required to be provided with development in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17. A sidewalk was recently constructed along W. Franklin Rd., an arterial street with the road widening project by ACHD. A 5-foot wide attached sidewalk is proposed to be constructed along W. Perugia St. and N. Entrata Way, both local streets. Utilities: All development is required to connect to the City water and sewer system unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer in accord with UDC 11-3A-21. Pressurized Irrigation: An underground pressurized irrigation system is required to be provided for the development in accord with UDC 11-3A-15 as proposed. Storm Drainage: An adequate storm drainage system is required in all developments; design and construction shall follow best management practice as adopted by the City as set forth in UDC 11-3A- 18. 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP): A CUP is proposed for a multi-family development consisting of 278 dwelling units (198 townhome style units and 80 typical apartment style units) in 2- and 3-story structures on 18.18 acres of land in an R-40 zoning district. A site plan was submitted that depicts how the site is proposed to develop (see Exhibit A.2). The 2 -story front-loaded townhome style structures are proposed along the west boundary of the site transitioning to the 3-story rear-loaded townhome style structures; the apartment style structures are proposed adjacent to Franklin Road along the entryway into the development. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 69 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 8 Specific Use Standards: The specific use standards for multi-family developments listed in UDC 11-4- 3-27 apply to development of this site as follows: (Staff’s comments in italics)  A minimum of 80 square feet (s.f.) of private useable open space is requ ired to be provided for each unit. The applicant’s narrative states each unit will have between 80 and 120 square foot of private useable open space in the form of porches, patios or partially fenced yards in accord with this requirement.  Developments with 20 units or more shall provide a property management office, a maintenance storage area, a central mailbox location with provisions for parcel mail that provides safe pedestrian and/or vehicular access and a directory map of the development at an entrance or convenient location for those entering the development. The applicant’s narrative states one of the multi-family apartment style buildings will house a property management office along with a directory and map of the development. Cluster mailboxes are depicted on the landscape plan throughout the development. The site plan submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application should depict the location of the directory map for the development, a maintenance storage area, and the other required items.  A minimum of 250 square feet of common area is required for each unit containing more than 500 and up to 1,200 square feet; and a minimum of 350 square feet of common open space is required for each unit containing more than 1,200 square feet of living area. Seventy-six of the units fall within the 500-1,200 square foot (s.f.) range and 202 units are over 1,200 s.f. Therefore, a minimum of 89,700 square feet (s.f.) or 2.056 acres of qualified (i.e. not less than 400 s.f. in area with a minimum length & width dimension of 20 feet) common open space is required overall. The open space exhibit and calculations in Exhibit A.5 depicts 231,010 s.f. or 5.3 acres of open space for the overall development which exceeds this requirement.  For multi-family developments with 75 units or more, 4 site amenities are required to be provided with at least one from each category listed in UDC 11 -4-3-27D. For developments with more than 100 units, the decision making body shall require additional amenities commensurate to the size of the proposed development. The applicant proposes the following amenities: 1) outdoor pool complex with restroom facilities; 2) dual slope pavilion; 3) playground equipment; 4) single zipline; 5) 5-station fitness station; 6) full size basketball court; 7) dog park; 8) open grassy play field with minimum dimensions of 100’ x 50’ (in common activity area); 9) open grassy play field with minimum dimensions of 100’ x 50’ (in multi-family townhome common space); and, 10) pathways (micro- pathways provided throughout common spaces as well as connection to the existing sidewalk along Franklin Rd.). These amenities fall within the quality of life, open space and recreation categories as required and Staff feels they are commensurate for the proposed development.  Landscaping is required to comply with UDC 11-4-3-27-F. All street facing elevations shall have landscaping along their foundation as follows: the landscaped area shall be at least 3 -feet wide and have an evergreen shrub with a minimum mature height of 24 inches for every 3 linear feet of foundation. The remainder of the area shall be landscaped with ground cover plants. The landscape plan included in Exhibit A.4 complies with this requirement. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 70 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 9  The development is required to record legally binding documents that state the maintenance and ownership responsibilities for the management of the development, including, but not limited to, structures, parking, common areas, and other development features. The applicant should comply with this requirement and submit a recorded copy of the agreement to the Planning Division prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy.  A minimum building setback of 10 feet is required unless a greater setback is otherwise required per UDC 11-4-3-27B.1. All buildings shall comply with this requirement.  All on-site service areas, outdoor storage areas, waste storage, disposal facilities, and transformer and utility vaults shall be located in areas not visible from a public street, or shall be fully screened from view from a public street. The applicant should comply with this requirement. Parking: For multi-family developments, off-street parking is required in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6, which requires 1.5 parking space per unit (at least 1 in a covered carport or garage) for 1-bedroom units; and 2 spaces per unit (at least 1 in a covered carport or garage) for 2- and 3- bedroom units. Based on the table below that depicts (60) 1-bedroom units, (16) 2-bedroom units and (202) 3-bedroom units, a minimum of 526 parking spaces are required, 278 of which are required to be covered. The preliminary plat in Exhibit A.3 depicts a total of 735 parking spaces proposed with 336 of those being covered in accord with UDC standards; this count actually exceeds UDC standards by 209 spaces, which should more than adequately serve this development. A minimum of one bicycle parking space for every 25 proposed vehicle spaces or portion thereof is required to be provided on the site per UDC 11-3C-6G in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11- 3C-5C. Based on 735 vehicle spaces proposed, a minimum of 30 bicycle spaces are required; a total of 32 spaces are proposed. Bicycle racks should be dispersed throughout the development so that parking is available near each of the structures. Transit: The applicant’s narrative states they have coordinated with Valley Regional Transit and that they would like to have a future location for a transit station on this site. Therefore, a commuter ride pad is depicted on the site plan at the southwest corner of the site along W. Franklin Rd. Landscaping: Parking lot landscaping is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-8C and will be reviewed with individual Certificate of Zoning Compliance application(s). Buffers to adjoining residential uses/districts are not required in the R-40 zoning district. Street buffer landscaping along W. Franklin Rd. is required to be provided with the subdivision improvements. Pathways: Pathways are required to be constructed in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-8 and landscaping installed in accord with the standards listed in 11-3B-12C. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 71 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 10 Internal pathways are proposed through common areas and from buildings to sidewalks along streets. Pathway connections should be provided to adjacent properties to the east and west for pedestrian interconnectivity. The Police Dept. recommends pedestrian-scale lighting is provided along all pathways between buildings and within internal common areas for public safety. Fencing: All new fencing is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7. A 6-foot tall privacy fence is proposed along the west boundary of the site; and a 2-rail fence is proposed 12.5 feet off the east boundary where the Kennedy Lateral is proposed to be piped. If Council approves the applicant’s requested waiver to leave the Purdam Drain open, fencing will be required to preserve public safety in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-6C. Trash Enclosure: The design and locations of the trash enclosures are required to be approved by Republic Services. A stamped approved plan is required to be submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application for the proposed trash enclosures. Republic Services expressed an issue with the location of one of the enclosures in Block 3. Building Elevations: Conceptual building elevations were submitted for the proposed multi-family structures as shown in Exhibit A.6; front and rear loaded 2- and 3-story townhome style and 3-story apartment style multi-family structures are proposed. The site plan in Exhibit A.2 depicts the location of these structures on the site. Building materials consist of stucco, brick, and varied colors in traditional tones. The architectural character of the structures is required to comply with the design standards listed in the City of Meridian Architectural Standards Manual and the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan. The elevations submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application should demonstrate compliance with those standards and should be substantially consistent with the concept elevations submitted with this application. Certificate of Zoning Compliance: The applicant is required to obtain approval of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance application for establishment of the new use and to ensure all site improvements and structures comply with the provisions of the UDC and the conditions in this report, in accord with UDC 11-5B-1. Design Review: The applicant is required to submit an application for Design Review concurrent with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application in accord with UDC 11-5B-8. The site and building design is required to be generally consistent with the elevations, site plan and landscape plan submitted with this application, the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and the City of Meridian Architectural Standards Manual and conditions of approval in Exhibit B. Staff recommends approval of the subject applications with the conditions listed in Exhibit B per the Findings in Exhibit D. X. EXHIBITS A. Drawings 1. Vicinity/Zoning Map 2. Proposed Site Plan (dated: March 23, 2018) 3. Proposed Preliminary Plat & Phasing Plan (dated: March 23, 2018) 4. Landscape Plan (date: March 26, 2018) & Site Amenities 5. Open Space Exhibit 6. Proposed Building Elevations & Floor Plans Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 72 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 11 B. Agency Comments/Conditions of Approval 1. Planning Division 2. Public Works Department 3. Fire Department 4. Police Department 5. Park’s Department 6. Central District Health Department 7. Ada County Highway District 8. Idaho Transportation Department 9. Nampa & Meridian Irrigation District 10. Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho C. Legal Description & Exhibit Map D. Required Findings from Unified Development Code Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 73 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 12 Exhibit A.1: Vicinity/Zoning Map Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 74 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 13 Exhibit A.2: Proposed Site Plan (dated: March 23, 2018) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 75 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 14 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 76 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 15 Exhibit A.3: Proposed Preliminary Plat (dated: March 23, 2018) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 77 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 16 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 78 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 17 Exhibit A.4: Landscape Plan (dated: March 26, 2018) & Site Amenities Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 79 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 18 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 80 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 19 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 81 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 20 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 82 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 21 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 83 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 22 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 84 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 23 Exhibit A.5: Open Space Exhibit Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 85 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 24 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 86 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 25 Exhibit A.6: Proposed Building Elevations Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 87 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 26 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 88 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 27 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 89 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 28 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 90 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 29 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 91 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 30 B. Agency Comments/Conditions 1. PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1.1 Annexation & Zoning Comments 1.1.1 A Development Agreement (DA) is required as a provision of annexation of this property. Prior to the annexation ordinance approval, a DA shall be entered into between the City of Meridian, the property owner(s) at the time of annexation ordinance adoption, and the developer. Note: The Development Agreement shall be recorded prior to submittal of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application for the annexation area. Currently, a fee of $303.00 shall be paid by the applicant to the Planning Division prior to commencement of the DA. The DA shall be signed by the property owner and returned to the Planning Division within six (6) months of the City Council granting annexation. The DA shall, at minimum, incorporate the following provisions: a. The Kennedy Lateral, Purdam Drain and all irrigation ditches on the site shall be piped unless otherwise waived by Council or improved as an amenity or linear open space in accord with UDC 11-3A-6. b. Development of the site shall substantially comply with the site plan, preliminary plat, and building elevations included in Exhibit A; and the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19, the Architectural Standards Manual, and the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan; and the conditions in this report. 1.2 Site Specific Conditions of Approval – Preliminary Plat 1.2.1 All existing structures on the site are required to be removed prior to City Engineer signature on the final plat. 1.2.2 The preliminary plat included in Exhibit A.5, dated March 23, 2018, shall be revised as follows: a. Correct the setback to living area from 25 feet to 20 feet in the Site Data table in accord with UDC Table 11-2A-8. b. Correct note #1, “Common lots 54C 45C, Block 1 . . .” c. Depict the easements for the Purdam Drain and the Kennedy Lateral. d. Depict a cross-access easement to the west at the north end of the site for future interconnectivity and emergency access. e. Depict a zero interior lot line where buildings span across lot lines. 1.2.3 The landscape plan included in Exhibit A.5, dated March 26, 2018, shall be revised as follows: a. If not already, the storm swale along W. Franklin Road shall be vegetated as forth in UDC 11-3B- 11C. 1.2.4 If private streets are proposed within this development, a private street application shall be submitted to the Planning Division and approved concurrent with a final plat application. All private streets shall comply with the design and construction standards listed in UDC 11-3F-4. The applicant should discuss with emergency services (i.e. Fire & Police Department) if private streets are required for addressing purposes. 1.3 Site Specific Conditions of Approval – Conditional Use Permit 1.3.1 The site plan included in Exhibit A.4, dated March 23, 2018, shall be revised as follows: Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 92 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 31 a. Depict the property management office, maintenance storage area, central mailbox locations (including provisions for parcel mail) that provide safe pedestrian and/or vehicle access, and a directory and map of the development at an entrance or convenient location for those entering the development in accord with UDC 11-4-3-27B.7. b. All on-site service areas, outdoor storage areas, waste storage, disposal facilities, and transformer and utility vaults shall be depicted on the site plan and shall be located in areas not visible from a public street, or shall be fully screened from view from a public street. c. Disperse bicycle racks throughout the development so that parking is available near each of the structures. d. Depict pathway connection(s) at the east and west boundaries of the site for pedestrian interconnectivity between developments. e. Provide pedestrian-scale lighting along all pathways between buildings and within internal common areas at the request of the Police Department for public safety. f. A minimum building setback of 10 feet is required unless a greater setback is otherwise required per UDC 11-4-3-27B.1. g. Provide a driveway on the north end of the site to the property to the west for cross-access and emergency access. 1.3.2 The landscape plan included in Exhibit A.5, dated March 26, 2017, shall be revised as follows: a. Depict fencing along the Purdam Drain in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-6C to preserve public safety if Council approves a waiver to UDC 11-3A-6B allowing the waterway to remain open and not be piped. b. Depict pathway connection(s) at the east and west boundaries of the site for pedestrian interconnectivity between developments; provide landscaping adjacent to pathways in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-12C. 1.3.3 The following site amenities shall be provided within this development as proposed: 1) outdoor pool complex with restroom facilities; 2) dual slope pavilion; 3) playground equipment; 4) single zipline; 5) 5-station fitness station; 6) full size basketball court; 7) dog park; 8) open grassy play field with minimum dimensions of 100’ x 50’ (in common activity area); 9) open grassy play field with minimum dimensions of 100’ x 50’ (in multi-family townhome common space); and, 10) pathways (micro- pathways provided throughout common spaces as well as connection to the existing sidewalk along Franklin Rd.). These amenities fall within the quality of life, open space and recreation categories as required and Staff feels they are commensurate for the proposed development. Any variation from these amenities should be comparable, as determined by the Director. 1.3.4 The final plat for this development shall be recorded prior to submittal of any Certificate of Zoning Compliance applications to ensure setback requirements for the R-40 zoning district listed in UDC 11-2A-8 and the setback requirement listed in the specific use standard in UDC 11-4-3- 27B.1 are met. 1.3.5 The development is required to record legally binding documents that state the maintenance and ownership responsibilities for the management of the development, including, but not limited to, structures, parking, common areas, and other development features. A copy of this document shall be submitted to the Planning Division prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy for this development. 1.3.6 The design and locations of the trash enclosures are required to be approved by Republic Services (phone: 208-345-1265). A stamped approved plan is required to be submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application for the proposed trash enclosures. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 93 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 32 1.3 General Conditions of Approval 1.3.1 Comply with all bulk, use, and development standards of the R-40 zoning district listed in UDC Chapter 2 District regulations. 1.3.2 Comply with the provisions for irrigation ditches, laterals, canals and/or drainage courses, as set forth in UDC 11-3A-6. 1.3.3 Install lighting consistent with the provisions as set forth in UDC 11-3A-11. 1.3.4 Provide a pressurized irrigation system consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-15, UDC 11-3B-6 and MCC 9-1-28. 1.3.5 Comply with the sidewalk standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-17. 1.3.6 Install all utilities consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-21 and 11-3B-5J. 1.3.7 Construct all off-street parking areas consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3B-5I, 11-3B- 8C, and Chapter 3 Article C. 1.3.8 Construct the required landscape buffers consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3B-7C (streets). 1.3.9 Construct storm water integration facilities that meet the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3B-11C. 1.3.10 Protect any existing trees on the subject property that are greater than four-inch caliper and/or mitigate for the loss of such trees as set forth in UDC 11-3B-10. 1.3.11 Provide bicycle parking spaces as set forth in UDC 11-3C-6G consistent with the design standards as set forth in UDC 11-3C-5C. 1.3.12 Comply with the outdoor service and equipment area standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-12. 1.3.13 Construct all required landscape areas used for storm water integration consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3B-11C. 1.3.14 Comply with the structure and site design standards, as set forth in UDC 11-3A-19 and the guidelines set forth in the City of Meridian Architectural Standards Manual. 1.3.15 Comply with all provisions of UDC 11-3A-3 with regard to maintaining the clear vision triangle. 1.3.16 Low pressure sodium lighting shall be prohibited as an exterior lighting source on the site. 1.3.17 All fencing constructed on the site shall comply with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-7 and 11- 3A-6B as applicable. 1.3.18 100 Watt and 250 Watt, high-pressure sodium street lights shall be required on all public roadways per the City of Meridian Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. All street lights shall be installed at developer’s expense. Final design shall be submitted as part of the development plan set for approval. Applicant shall also include the location of any existing street lights in the development plan set. Street lighting is required at intersections, corners, cul-de-sacs, and at a spacing that does not exceed that outlined in the Standards. The contractor’s work and materials shall conform to the ISPWC and the City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications to the ISPWC. 1.4 Ongoing Conditions of Approval 1.4.1 The applicant and/or property owner shall have an ongoing obligation to prune all trees to a minimum height of six feet above the ground or sidewalk surface to afford greater visibility of the area. 1.4.2 The project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances and previous conditions of approval associated with this site. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 94 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 33 1.5 Process Conditions of Approval 1.5.1 No signs are approved with this application. Prior to installing any signs on the property, the applicant shall submit a sign permit application consistent with the standards in UDC Chapter 3 Article D and receive approval for such signs. 1.5.2 The applicant shall submit and obtain approval of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application for all future structures proposed on the site from the Planning Division, prior to submittal of any building permit applications. 1.5.3 The applicant shall complete all improvements related to public life, safety, and health as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. A surety agreement may be accepted for other improvements in accord with UDC 11- 5C-3C. 1.5.4 The preliminary plat approval shall be null and void if the applicant fails to either 1) obtain the City Engineer signature on a final plat within two years of the approval of this combined preliminary/final plat; or 2) gain approval of a time extension as set forth in UDC 11-6B-7. 1.5.5 The applicant shall obtain the City Engineer's signature on a final plat within two years of the approval of this combined preliminary/final plat as set forth in UDC 11-6B-7A. 1.5.6 The final plat, and any phase thereof, shall substantially comply with the approved preliminary plat as set forth in UDC 11-6B-3C2. 1.5.7 The property owner shall sign the amended development agreement and return such to the City within 6 months of the Council granting this development agreement modification request as set forth in UDC 11- 5B-3D2. 1.5.8 The applicant shall pay any applicable impact fees prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2.1 Site Specific Conditions of Approval 2.1.1 Sanitary sewer and water mainline easements shall be dedicated per General Conditions of Approval #2.2.3 below 2.2 General Conditions of Approval 2.2.1 Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub- grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2.2.2 Per Meridian City Code (MCC), the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. 2.2.3 The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way (include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat, but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian’s standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement (on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor, which must include the area of the easement (marked EXHIBIT A) and an 81/2” x 11” map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 95 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 34 Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 2.2.4 The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water (MCC 12-13-8.3). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized, the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. 2.2.5 All existing structures that are required to be removed shall be prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 2.2.6 All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be tiled per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work, the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. 2.2.7 Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Engineering Department at (208)898- 5500 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources Contact Robert B. Whitney at (208)334-2190. 2.2.8 Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections (208)375-5211. 2.2.9 Street signs are to be in place, sanitary sewer and water system shall be approved and activated, road base approved by the Ada County Highway District and the Final Plat for this subdivision shall be recorded, prior to applying for building permits. 2.2.10 A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110% will be required for all uncompleted fencing, landscaping, amenities, etc., prior to signature on the final plat. 2.2.11 All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. 2.2.12 Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process, prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 2.2.13 It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 2.2.14 Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2.2.15 Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 2.2.16 All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-12-3H. 2.2.17 Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material. 2.2.18 The design engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 96 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 35 2.2.19 The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 2.2.20 At the completion of the project, the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 2.2.21 A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272. 2.2.22 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a performance surety in the amount of 125% of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer, water and reuse infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 2.2.23 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer, water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-221. 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT 3.1 Any newly installed Fire Department connections for sprinkler or standpipes will require locking Fire Department plugs. 3.2 Acceptance of the water supply for fire protection will be by the Meridian Fire Department and water quality by the Meridian Water Department for bacteria testing. 3.3 Final Approval of the fire hydrant locations shall be by the Meridian Fire Department in accordance with International Fire Code Section (IFC) 508.5.4 as follows: a. Fire hydrants shall have a Storz LDH connection in place of the the 4 ½” outlet. The Storz connection may be integrated into the hydrant or an approved adapter may be used on the 4 1/2" outlet. b. Fire hydrants shall have the Storz outlet face the main street or parking lot drive aisle. c. Fire hydrants shall be placed on corners when spacing permits. d. Fire hydrants shall not have any vertical obstructions to outlets within 10’. e. Fire hydrants shall be placed 18” above finished grade to the center of the Storz outlet. f. Fire hydrants shall be provided to meet the requirements of the Meridian Water Dept. Standards. g. Show all proposed or existing hydrants for all new construction or additions to existing buildings within 1,000 feet of the project. 3.4 In accordance with International Fire Code Section 503.2.5 and Appendix D, any roadway greater than 150 feet in length that is not provided with an outlet shall be required to have an approved turn around. Phasing of the project may require a temporary approved turn around on streets greater than 150' in length with no outlet. Cul-D-Sacs shall be 96’ in diameter minimum and shall be signed “No Parking – Fire Lane” per International Fire Code Sections 503.3 & D103.6. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 97 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 36 3.5 All entrances, internal roads, drive aisles, and alleys shall have a turning radius of 28’ inside and 48’ outside, per International Fire Code Section 503.2.4. 3.6 Private Alleys and Fire Lanes shall have a 20’ wide improved surface capable of supporting an imposed load of 80,000 lbs. All roadways shall be marked in accordance with Appendix D Section D103.6 Signs. 3.7 Provide signage (“No Parking Fire Lane”) for all fire lanes in accordance with International Fire Code Sections 503.3 & D103.6. 3.8 Ensure that all yet undeveloped parcels are maintained free of combustible vegetation as set forth in International Fire Code Section 304.1.2. 3.9 Operational fire hydrants, temporary or permanent street signs, and access roads with an all-weather surface are required to be installed before combustible construction material is brought onto the site, as set forth in International Fire Code Section (IFC) 501.4. 3.10 Commercial and office occupancies will require a fire-flow consistent with International Fire Code Appendix B to service the proposed project. Fire hydrants shall be placed per Appendix C. 3.11 Provide a Fire Department Key box entry system for the complex prior to occupancy as set forth in International Fire Code Section 506. 3.12 The first digit of the Apartment/Office Suite shall correspond to the floor level as set forth in International Fire Code Section 505.1 and Meridian Amendment 10-4-1. 3.13 The applicant shall work with Public Works and Planning Department staff to provide an address identification plan and a sign which meets the requirements of the City of Meridian sign ordinance and is placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property, as set forth in International Fire Code Section 505.1 and Meridian Amendment 104-4-1. 3.14 All R-2 occupancies with 3 or more units shall be required to be fire sprinkled as set forth in International Fire Code Section 903.2.8. 3.15 There shall be a fire hydrant within 100’ of all fire department connections as set forth in local amendment to the International Fire Code 10-4-1. 3.16 The Fire Department will require Fire Department locking Connection caps on all FDC inlets. IFC 102.9. 3.17 Emergency response routes and fire lanes shall not be allowed to have traffic calming devices installed without prior approval of the Fire Code Official. National Fire Protection IFC 503.4.1. 3.18 As set forth in International Fire Code Section 504.1, multi-family and commercial projects shall be required to provide an additional sixty inches (60”) wide access point to the building from the fire lane to allow for the movement of manual fire suppression equipment and gurney operations. The unobstructed breaks in the parking stalls shall be provided so that building access is provided in such a manner that the most remote part of a building can be reached with a length of 150' fire hose as measured around the perimeter of the building from the fire lane. Code compliant handicap parking stalls may be included to assist meeting this requirement. Contact the Meridian Fire Department for details. 4. POLICE DEPARTMENT 4.1 Provide pedestrian-scale lighting along all pathways between buildings and within internal common areas for public safety. 4.2 Provide a driveway on the north end of the site to the property to the west for cross-access and emergency access. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 98 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 37 5. PARKS DEPARTMENT 5.1 The Park’s Department has no comment on this application. 6. CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT 7. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT 7.1 Site Specific Conditions of Approval 7.1.1 Construct a right turn lane on Franklin Road entering the site at the proposed public street, Entrata Way. Extend the right turn lane to the existing power pole to maximize the length of the turn lane. Coordinate with ACHD staff on the right-of-way dedication. 7.1.2 Close the existing driveway on Franklin Road located 750-feet west of Umbria Hills Avenue and replace with curb gutter and sidewalk to match the existing improvements. 7.1.3 Replace all damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk on Franklin Road abutting the site. 7.1.4 Obtain pre-approval from the ACHD pavement cut committee for all pavement cuts to Franklin Road, as it is listed on the ACHD no cut moratorium through December 2022. 7.1.5 Construct internal public streets as 33-foot street sections with vertical curb, gutter and a minimum of 5- foot wide concrete sidewalk within 47-feet of right-of-way. 7.1.6 Construct bulb-outs on Perugia Street at the intersections with Street C and Street B/Entrata Way, narrowing the street section to a minimum of 24-feet wide. 7.1.7 Continue Perugia Street into the site, by bridging the Kennedy Lateral. Submit the bridge plans for the crossing of the Kennedy Lateral for review and approval prior to the pre -construction meeting and final plat approval. 7.1.8 Stub Perugia Street to the western property line 473-feet of Franklin Road (measured centerline-to- centerline). 7.1.9 Construct a hammerhead type turnaround for the Perugia Street temporary turnaround. Provide written fire department approval for the alternative turnaround design. Provide a temporary turna round easement on private Street A. Install NO PARKING/FIRE LANE signs along Perugia Street and the segment of the private road encompassed by the temporary turnaround easement. 7.1.10 Construct Entrata Way to intersect Franklin Road approximately 1,010-feet west of Umbria Hills Avenue (1,310-feet east of Baraya Way). 7.1.11 Construct a 30-foot wide curb return type driveway on Entrata Way located approximately 217 -feet north of Franklin Road. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 99 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 38 7.1.12 Construct four 26-foot wide curb return type driveways on Perugia Street to access the proposed private roads. One located in alignment with Entrata Way, one 290-feet west of Entrata Way and two 215-feet east of Entrata Way. Street name and stop signs are required for the private roads. 7.1.13 Franklin Road is classified as a principal arterial roadway. Other than the access specifically approved with this application, direct lot access is prohibited to this roadway and should be noted on the final plat. 7.1.14 Payment of impact fees is due prior to issuance of a building permit. 7.1.15 Comply with all Standard Conditions of Approval. 7.2 Standard Conditions of Approval 7.2.1 All proposed irrigation facilities shall be located outside of the ACHD right-of-way (including all easements). Any existing irrigation facilities shall be relocated outside of the ACHD right -of-way (including all easements). 7.2.2 Private Utilities including sewer or water systems are prohibited from being located within the ACHD right-of-way. 7.2.3 In accordance with District policy, 7203.3, the applicant may be required to update any existing non- compliant pedestrian improvements abutting the site to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The applicant’s engineer should provide documentation of ADA compliance to District Development Review staff for review. 7.2.4 Replace any existing damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk and any that may be damaged during the construction of the proposed development. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file number) for details. 7.2.5 A license agreement and compliance with the District’s Tree Planter policy is required for all landscaping proposed within ACHD right-of-way or easement areas. 7.2.6 All utility relocation costs associated with improving street frontages abutting the site shall be borne by the developer. 7.2.7 It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of-way. The applicant at no cost to ACHD shall repair existing utilities damaged by the applicant. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-811-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACHD right-of-way. The applicant shall contact ACHD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACHD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. 7.2.8 Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact the District’s Utility Coordinator at 387-6258 (with file numbers) for details. 7.2.9 All design and construction shall be in accordance with the ACHD Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Standards unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. 7.2.10 Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of ACHD prior to District approval for occupancy. 7.2.11 No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant’s authorized representative and an authorized representative of ACHD. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from ACHD. 7.2.12 If the site plan or use should change in the future, ACHD Planning Review will revi ew the site plan and may require additional improvements to the transportation system at that time. Any change in the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 100 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 39 planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with ACHD Policy and Standard Conditions of Approval in place at that time unless a waiver/variance of the requirements or other legal relief is granted by the ACHD Commission. 8. IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT (ITD) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 101 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 40 9. NAMPA & MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT (NMID) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 102 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 41 10. COMMUNITY PLANNING ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWEST IDAHO (COMPASS) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 103 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 42 Exhibit C: Legal Description & Exhibit Map Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 104 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 43 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 105 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 44 D. Required Findings from Unified Development Code 1. Annexation Findings: Upon recommendation from the Commission, the Council shall make a full investigation and shall, at the public hearing, review the application. In order to grant an annexation, the Council shall make the following findings: a. The map amendment complies with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; The Applicant is proposing to annex the subject 19.07 acre property with an R-40 zoning district and develop 278 new multi-family units consisting of apartments and townhome style units at a gross density of 15.3 units per acre consistent with the HDR FLUM designation. Staff finds the proposed amendment complies with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan as noted above in Section VII and should be compatible with adjacent residential uses (see section VII above for more information). b. The map amendment complies with the regulations outlined for the proposed district, specifically the purpose statement; Staff finds that the proposed map amendment to the R-40 zoning district is consistent with the purpose statement for the residential districts as detailed in Section VIII above. c. The map amendment shall not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; Staff finds that the proposed zoning map amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare. City utilities will be extended at the expense of the applicant. Staff recommends the Commission and Council consider any oral or written testimony that may be provided when determining this finding. d. The map amendment shall not result in an adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the City including, but not limited to, school districts; and, Staff finds that the proposed zoning amendment will not result in any adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing services to this site. e. The annexation is in the best of interest of the City (UDC 11-5B-3.E). Staff finds annexing this property with an R-40 zoning district is in the best interest of the City if the applicant develops the site in accord with the proposed plat. 2. PRELIMINARY PLAT: In consideration of a preliminary plat, combined preliminary and final plat, or short plat, the decision-making body shall make the following findings: a. The plat is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; Staff finds that the proposed plat is in substantial compliance with the adopted Comprehensive Plan in regard to land use, transportation, and circulation. Please see Comprehensive Plan Policies and Goals, Section VII, of the Staff Report for more information. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 106 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 44 b. Public services are available or can be made available and are adequate to accommodate the proposed development; Staff finds that public services will be provided to the subject property upon development. (See Exhibit B of the Staff Report for more details from public service providers.) c. The plat is in conformance with scheduled public improvements in accord with the City’s capital improvement program; Because City water and sewer and any other utilities will be provided by the developer at their own cost, Staff finds that the subdivision will not require the expenditure of capital improvement funds. d. There is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development; Staff recommends the Commission and Council rely upon comments from the public service providers (i.e., Police, Fire, ACHD, etc.) to determine this finding. (See Exhibit B for more detail.) e. The development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare; and Staff is not aware of any health, safety, or environmental problems associated with the platting of this property that should be brought to the Commission or Council’s attention. ACHD considers road safety issues in their analysis. Staff recommends that the Commission and Council consider any public testimony that may be presented when determining whether or not the proposed subdivision may cause health, safety or environmental problems of which Staff is unaware. f. The development preserves significant natural, scenic or historic features. Staff is unaware of any significant natural, scenic or historic features that exist on this site. 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (UDC 11-5B-6E) The Commission and Council shall base its determination on the Conditional Use Permit request upon the following: a. That the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet all the dimensional and development regulations in the district in which the use is located. Staff finds that the subject property is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and the dimensional & development regulations of the R-40 district (see Analysis Section IX for more information). b. That the proposed use will be harmonious with the Meridian Comprehensive Plan and in accord with the requirements of this Title. Staff finds that the proposed use is consistent and harmonious with the UDC and Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map designation of HDR for this site. c. That the design, construction, operation and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 107 of 108 Entrata Farms – AZ, PP, CUP (H-2018-0032) PAGE 45 Staff finds that if the applicant complies with the conditions outlined in this report, the proposed use should be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing and intended character of the area. d. That the proposed use, if it complies with all conditions of the approval imposed, will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. Staff finds that if the applicant complies with the conditions outlined in this report, the proposed use will not adversely affect other property in the area. e. That the proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, schools, parks, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water, and sewer. Staff finds that sanitary sewer, domestic water, refuse disposal, and irrigation are currently available to the subject property. The Commission finds that the proposed use will be served adequately by all of the public facilities and services listed above. f. That the proposed use will not create excessive additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. If approved, the applicant will be financing any improvements required for development. Staff finds there will not be excessive additional requirements at public cost and that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the community’s economic welfare. g. That the proposed use will not involve activities or processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. Staff finds the proposed use will not be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare of the area. h. That the proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature considered to be of major importance. Staff finds that there should not be any health, safety or environmental problems associated with the proposed use. Further, staff finds that the proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of any natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2018 – Page 108 of 108