2018-04-05 M ER I D I A N P L A N N I N G A N D Z ON I N G C OM M I SSI ON M EET I N G A GEN D A C ity C ouncil Chambers 33 E ast B roadway Avenue M eridian, Idaho T hursday, April 5, 2018 at 6:00 P M Item 1:Roll-Call Attendance __X __Lisa Holland __O__Steven Yearsley __X __Gregory Wilson __O__Ryan F itzgerald __O__J essica Perreault __X __Bill Cassinelli __X __Rhonda M cCarvel - Chairperson Item 2:Adoption of Agenda Adopted Item 3:Consent Agenda Approved A.Approve M inutes of the M arch 1, 2018 P lanning and Zoning Commission M eeting Approved B.Approve M inutes of the M arch 15, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission M eeting Item 4:Action Items L and U se P ublic H earing P rocess: After the P ublic H earing is opened the staff report will be presented by the assigned city planner. F ollowing S taff's report the applicant has up to 15 minutes to present their application. E ach member of the public may provide testimony up to 3 minutes or if they are representing a larger group, such as a H omeowners Association, they are allowed 10 minutes. T he applicant is then allowed 10 additional minutes to respond to the public's comments. N o additional public testimony is taken once the public hearing is closed. A.Public Hearing for T he Cottages (H-2018-0013) by J eff Likes L ocated at 2134,2146,2158,2182,2170 and 2194 W. Everest Lane 1. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for an A ssisted L iving F acility on 1.68 Acres of L and in and L -O Z oning District Approved with M odifications B.Public Hearing for Fire S tation No. 6 (H-2018-0016) by City of M eridian Located at 1435 W. Overland Rd 1. Request: An Annexation and Zoning of 1.99 A cres of L and with an R-8 Zoning District Recommend Approval to City Council - S cheduled for 5/15/2018 C.Public Hearing for Wells S ubdivision (H-2018-0017) by Schultz Development L L C L ocated at 2550 E. Amity Rd 1. Request: Annexation of 14.80 Acres of L and to the R-4 Zoning District; and 2. Request: Application for a Preliminary P lat of 38 Single-F amily Building L ots and 11 Common L ots on 14.8 A cres of L and in the proposed R-4 Z oning District Recommend Approval with M odifications to City Council - S cheduled for 5/15/2018 Adjourned 7:03 P M