2017 12-07E IDIAN =--- MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA City Council Chambers 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Meridian, Idaho Thursday, December 7, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. 1. Roll -call Attendance O Treg Bernt _X_ Steven Yearsley _X_ Gregory Wilson _X_ Ryan Fitzgerald O Jessica Perreault _X_ Bill Cassinelli X Rhonda McCarvel — Chairperson 2. Adoption of the Agenda Adopted 3. Consent Agenda Approved A. Approve Minutes November 16, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 4. Action Items A. Public Hearing Continued from November 16, 2017 Meeting for Timberline Subdivision (H-2017-0140) by Bailey Investments, LLC Located at 655 and 735 W Victory Road B. Continued to December 21, 2017 1. Request: Preliminary Plat Consisting of 59 Single Family Residential Lots and 8 Common Lots on 17.3 Acres of Land in the R-8 Zoning District C. Public Hearing for Summertown Sudivision (H-2017-0142) by 745 W Ustick LLC Located at 745 W Ustick Road D. Continued to December 21, 2017 1. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 15.13 Acres of Land with a TN -R Zoning District. Adjourned 6:04 p.m. Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda — Thursday, December 7, 2017 Page 1 of 1 All materials presented at public meetings shall become property of the City of Meridian. Anyone desiring accommodation for disabilities related to documents and/or hearing, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 888-4433 at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting. Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting December 7, 2017. Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of December 7, 2017, was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson Rhonda McCarvel. Members Present: Chairperson Rhonda McCarvel; Commissioner Bill Cassinelli; Commissioner Gregory Wilson; Commissioner Ryan Fitzgerald; Commissioner Steven Yearsley Members Absent: Commissioner Treg Bernt and Commissioner Jessica Perreault. Others Present: Charlene Way, Andrea Pogue, Bill Parsons and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-call Attendance ______ Treg Bernt ___X___ Steven Yearsley __X___ Gregory Wilson ___X___ Ryan Fitzgerald ______ Jessica Perreault ___X___ Bill Cassinelli ___X___ Rhonda McCarvel - Chairman McCarvel: Okay. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. At this time, I would like to call to order the regularly scheduled meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission on December 7th, 2017. Let's begin with roll call. Item 2: Adoption of the Agenda McCarvel: Okay. Thank you. First item on the Agenda is the adoption of the Agenda. We have two changes to the Agenda. Both items on the Agenda this evening will be opened only for the purpose of continuing these items to the regularly scheduled date of December 21st . So, if there is anybody here tonight to testify to those applications , we will not be taking testimony today. Could I get a motion to adopt the Agenda? Wilson: So moved. Cassinelli: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to adopt the Agenda. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Item 3: Consent Agenda A. Approve Minutes November 16, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting McCarvel: Second item on the Agenda is the Consent Agenda. Could I -- we have the approval of minutes for the November 16th Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Could I get a motion to adopt the Consent Agenda as presented? Wilson: So moved. Cassinelli: Second. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission December 7, 2017 Page 2 of 4 McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to adopt the Consent Agenda. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Item 4: Action Items A. Public Hearing Continued from November 16, 2017 Meeting for Timberline Subdivision (H-2017-0140) by Bailey Investments, LLC Located at 655 and 735 W Victory Road 1. Request: Preliminary Plat Consisting of 59 Single Family Residential Lots and 8 Common Lots on 17.3 Acres of Land in the R-8 Zoning District McCarvel: At this time we would like to -- let's see. Continue -- Yearsley: Open. McCarvel: Open -- thank you -- Item H-2017-0140 and continue it to December 21st due to the staff working with the applicant on several revisions to the submitted plat . Could I get a motion -- Wilson: So moved. Fitzgerald: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to continue the public hearing on H-2017- 0140 to December 21st. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT. B. Public Hearing for Summertown Subdivision (H-2017-0142) by 745 W Ustick, LLC Located at 745 W Ustick Road 1. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 15.13 Acres of Land with an TN-R Zoning District. McCarvel: We will move on to open H-2017-0142, Summertown Subdivision. They have a request for a continuance to December 21st. The application has failed to post the site in accord with the UDC standards. Could I get a motion to continue H-2017- 0142? Wilson: So moved. Cassinelli: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and second to continue H-2017-0142 to December 21st. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT. McCarvel: Who would like the honors? Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission December 7, 2017 Page 3 of 4 Wilson: Madam Chair? Parsons: Madam Chair -- McCarvel: Oh. Parsons: -- before we conclude tonight's meeting, I would like just to point out to the Commission very quickly that Planning staff has put together a binder for all of you up there for the Commission. It really is meant to be a quick guide for you as you deliberate on land use applications. In there is - - is various documents that speak to our future land use designations, some of the terms they use in applications that are processed, so we thought this would be a useful tool, a resource for you as you deliberate on land use applications. I would ask that the Commission not take these -- the binders home, unless just to read them and bring them back. It's something that I would like to keep up there in the cabinet and so that we could have that available to you for every hearing that you come to. It may be a good reference -- a resource for our City Council Members as well. So, I just wanted to point that change out to you and I also want to mention that we are going to have IT put a shortcut on your desktop as well, so you can have those -- that -- those documents electronically as well as you deliberate on applications in the future. Fitzgerald: You're awesome. Thank you. McCarvel: Thank you very much. Parsons: You're welcome. Wilson: Madam Chair? McCarvel: Commissioner Wilson. Wilson: I move to adjourn this meeting. Cassinelli: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:04 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED RHONDA McCARVEL - CHAIRMAN DATE APPROVED ATTEST: era&flo Cera rl�ine - Ass6iarr - C� Ger-- Meridian Planning Zoning Commission Meeting DATE: December 7, 2017 ITEM NUMBER: 3A PROJECT NUMBER: ITEM TITLE: Approve Minutes November 16, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting MEETING NOTES CLERKS OFFICE FINAL ACTION DATE: E-MAILED TO STAFF SENT TO AGENCY SENT TO APPLICANT NOTES INITIALS Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission November 16, 2017 Page 3 of 3 1. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 5 (Five) Acres of Land with C -C (1.59 Acres) and R-15 (3.41 Acres) Zoning Districts 2. Request: Rezone of 3.36 Acres of Land from the L -O to the R-15 (1.43 Acres) and C -C (1.93 Acres) Zoning District. McCarvel: Next item on the agenda is H-2017-0095, Linder Mixed Use. This is continued from October 19th and is now being asked to continue to December 21st. So, at this time could I get a motion to continue Item H-2017-0095? Perreault: So moved. Cassanelli: So moved. Second. Perreault: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to continue Item H-2017-0095 to December 21st. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. THREE ABSENT. Bernt: Madam Mayor? McCarvel: Please do the honors. Bernt: I move that we close tonight's meeting. Cassanelli: Second. McCarvel: It has been moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting of November 16th, 2017. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. THREE ABSENT. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:04 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED RHONDA McCARVEL - CHAIRMAN DATE APPROVED ATTEST: �2�q2O ES - enea�j(N�35fb+ffltt G Clerk- Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting December 7, 2017 Changes to Agenda: • Item #4A: Timberline Subdivision — PP (H-2017-0140) — Request for continuance to December 21, 2017 due to staff working with the applicant on several revisions to the submitted plat. • Item #413: Summertown Subdivision — AZ (H-2017-0142) Request for continuance to December 21, 2017 applicant failed to post the site in accord with UDC standards. Meridian Planning Zoning Commission Meeting DATE: December 7, 2017 ITEM NUMBER: 4B PROJECT NUMBER: H-2017-0142 ITEM TITLE: Summertown Sudivision Public Hearing for Summertown Sudivision (H-2017-0142) by 745 W Ustick LLC Located at 745 W Ustick Road 1. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 15.13 Acres of Land with a TN -R Zoning District MEETING NOTES CLERKS OFFICE FINAL ACTION DATE: E-MAILED TO STAFF SENT TO AGENCY SENT TO APPLICANT NOTES INITIALS CITY OF MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Date: December -8'2017 Item # Project Number: H-2017-0142 Project Name: 99 Summertown Subdivison Please print your name For Against Neutral Do you wish to testify (Y/N) Meridian Planning Zoning Commission Meeting DATE: December 7, 2017 ITEM NUMBER: 4A PROJECT NUMBER: H-2017-0140 ITEM TITLE:Timberline Subdivision Public Hearing Continued from November 16, 2017 Meeting for Timberline Subdivision (H-2017-0140) by Bailey Investments, LLC Located at 655 and 735 W Victory Road 1. Request: Preliminary Plat Consisting of 59 Single Family Residential Lots and 8 Common Lots on 17.3 Acres of Land in the R-8 Zoning District MEETING NOTES Nn-4nufd 4v [9--&/ CLERKS OFFICE FINAL ACTION DATE: E-MAILED TO STAFF SENT TO AGENCY SENT TO APPLICANT NOTES INITIALS CITY OF MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Date: Decembers 2017 Item # Project Number: H-2017-0140 Project Name: Timberline Subdivision Please print your name For Against Neutral D to testify (Y/N)