ACHD Cost Share Permit/ Pine Avenue to Locust Grove Project ACHD#815025ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT COST SHARE PER]I,IIT.;ffi;r, 0"rt"no*Tddo *oui* #L 3775 A&ms Street Garden City ldaho 83714 Phone (208) 387-6280 Facsimile (208) 387-6289 ACHD Contact Pcrson: Name: Cody Homan 3775 Adams Street Garden City ldaho 83714 Phone: (208) 387-6109 ray'L-/ - Z7 ,Date of Permlt: 20t7 ACHD Projcct No.r 815025 Permit No.:016 Crpltallzed lerms thsa rre trot defined in thls Permlt shlll hrve thr meanlngs glven to them ln the ACHD Cost Share Ordlnence No. 215. tls to: C of Meridian'l'his Contact Person:t,a Jared Hale Engineering, Project Manager 33 E. Broadway Ave. Meridian, Idaho E3642 33 E. Broadway Ave. Mcridiaq Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 489-0370 Email: j hale@mesidjsrc illrery Pine Avenue, Meridian Road to Locust Grove Road, ACHD Project #815025, as depicted in the 95% plans attachcd hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. Name/Location of ACHD Road ProJect: Approvcd Non-Trrnrportrdon Componetrh: Pursuent to this Permit, ACHD authorizes, an4 as a condition of issuing this Pennit, requires, the following Non-Transportation Components: I I. PAR'I]\iIiRIN(; A(JEI\('Y IN I.'ORMA'I'I()\ ACHD authorizes and requires and trees between approximate ststions II. ROA D PRO,IEC'T AN D APPROVID i\O\-'TRANSP0R'I'ATION CO]TIPON }: N'I'S 00+40 and and the maintenance of treatments that are not the design and constnrctioD of the sod, irrigation systern, $avel, or rock within the public right-of-way installed with the ACHD Project over the entire Project length approvcd pursuant to this Permit (the "Permanent Landscrplng").. (2) Dssiqn. Construction. and Peroetual Maintenance of Historic Strect Liehts within the fu8ht- of-Wav. as dgrictpd on Exhibit A. ACHD authorizes and requires the design, construction, Bnd perpetual maintcnance of historic street lights (the "Historlc Lighting") within the right-of-way between stations 00+40 and 24+00. (3) Construction of Additional Sidewalk within the Riqht-of-Wav. as depicted on Exhibit A. ACHD authorizes and requires the construction ofnew sidewalk on the north side of Pine Ave within the right-of-way between approximat€ stations 00+40 and 06+60, 07+60 and 09+00. 14+00 and 20+60, 2E+60 and 4&f30, and 43+50 and 46+40; on the south side of Pine Ave within the right-of-way between approxim8te stations 06+00 8nd 27+00, and 37+40 and 50+00i and additional sidewalk width and associated handrails on thc Dorth side ofPine Ave within the right-of-way bctween approximate stations 06+60 and 07+60, 09+00 and 14+00, and 20+60 and 28+60 (the' Addltlonal sldewalk"). (4) Constnrction of New On-Street Parking within the Right-of-Way. as dcpicted on Exhibit A. ACHD authorizes and requires the constnrction ofadditional pavement for on-street parking (the "New Parklng") within the right-of-way between approximate stations 24+00 and 27+20. (5) Conskuction of Additional Bridge Leneth and Requested Pedestrian Railine within the Riehl-of-Way at the Bridge at Five Mile Creek. as deoicted on Exhibit A. ACHD authorizes and requires the construction of additional bridge length and requested pedestrian railing (the "Bridge Addldons") within the right-of-way berween approximate stations 35+00 and 37+00. In accordance with Ordinance 215, the foregoing Permanent Landscaping, Historic Lighting, Additional Sidewalk, New Parking, and Bridge Additions are rcfcred to hercin as the 'Non- Transportation Components." Condltlons of ecqulsldon/contrlbutlon of real property by Partnerlng Agency rnd/or relmbursement to ACHD by Psrtnerlng Agency for acquisltion of real property: ACHD has alrcady acquired or is in the process of acquiring right-of-way adequate for the Non- Transportation Components. Therefore, thc acquisition of real property is not required of Partnering Agency. Partnering Agency shall reimburse ACHD for the cost of the additional right-of-way nccessary to incorporate the Non-Transportation components into the Road projcct, including, but not limited to, additional sidewalk width. The parcels in the dcsign plans thai the lartnerils Agency shall reimburse some or all of the cost of the additional right-of-way are Parcclo l, 3,4,6,7,ll, 12, 16, 17, 18,21, 23,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,15,39,46,41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 5 l, 53, 56, 58, 60, 6 l, 63, and 64. 2 I I I I I l 1il. ACQUTSTTIO\ ()ts RTGIIT-OF-1I',A1 Party relponslble for obtalnlng plane/deslgn for Non-Trrnsportsdon Components: Partnering Agency shall be responsible for obtaining approval of the planVdesigns of the Non- Transportation Components, which shall consist of designs for the Permancnt Landscaping and Historic Lighting described in Section II. If Partnerlng Agency is responsible for provlding plans/designs, deadline for submltting plans/designs to ACHD for approval: Partnering Agency shall submit the plans/designs of the Non-Transponation Components and receive approval from ACHD as to the plans/designs prior to installation. Addiliondl co,ditions: All designs/plans submltted by Partnering Agency will comply with (i) established englneeing slandards, includlng lhe ldaho Standards lor Public Works Construction (lSPllrC); (ii) the American Association of State Hlghway and Transporlation Affciab ('AASHTO"); (iii) the Cost-Share Ordinancc No. 215; (iu) all adopled ACHD rules, regulations, and policies; and (v) all state and federal laws. No designs shall be considered linol utltl they are approved in writing by ACHD. Any modificatlons to the deadlines sel lorlh above must be approved in writing by ACHD. By approving such destgnslplans, ACHD asumes no responsibility lor any deJiciencies or inadequacies in the design or const ltcrion of lhe Non-Tmnsportalion Componenls. Allocation of design costs for Non-Transportation Components (including, if epplicable, any credlts provlded to Partnerlng Agency and appllcatlon of any federal fundlng) and tlme for relmbursement, lf spplicable: Partnering Agency shall not be responsible for the design costs for the Non-Transportation Componcnts incurred by ACHD. Partnering Agency shall reccivc no credits in connection with the design costs for the Non-Transportation Components, Upon submission of the plans/designs of the Non-Transportation Components by_ Parhering Agency and approval by ACHD, ACHD shall proceed with conssuction; provided, however, tfrit ebHn shail not insiall trces or other plants besides sod. Parmering Agency shall complete installation oftrees in accordance with the approved planVdesigns' le) nletederlPartnrovedtoACHT)cbwork byconstructlonofbycompappDescriptlon toandssedattachtodloreferadditiondesignplanescription,(In(ifAgency applicab at timce ofre,l conot thIfansdmpletedesignplans bcAllCH!)shnd ellwrltintnlrcbyapprovcd will not allow liens to altach toA dd i tional conditions : thk Permlt as f,xhlblts, lf applicable. lssuance of thk Pcrmit, they must incorporated into thls Permit') 3 IV. DESI(;N OT }-()N-I'RANSPOR'I'A'II0N COilIPONf,NT'S I I v" coNS'rRt ('ilo\ ()l'ti()N{ RArisPoR'l'.{I I()N ('0}lP0l\llYl'S improvenenrs, or othor proper,y of ACHD as o result ol any labor pedormed or materlals rupplled tn conneclion with the construction ol the Non-Transporlalion Components. (2) Parlneing Agency shall bc rvsponsible lor oblaining all permits requircd by ACIID in cotneclion wilh any constructton of lhe Non- Tmnsporlarion Conponenls. (3) Pannering Agenc'!'s construclion shall not ncgatlvcly tnpacl A('HD's construction of rhe Trsnsporlalion Componenls or tICHD's Road Proiecl schedule in any wal'. Q.) Any aDr€ndment to lhe designs ond plans must be opproved i,t wrlting b' ACllD. (5) All conslrltclion of he Non-frdnspoflation Componc ls shsll hc tu accordance l*ilh the designs/plats approved by ACHD. (6) All construction bS, Partnerlng Agcncy *ill compls, *'ith (i) urablished engi eering sran.latds, including the ldaho Standords for Public Workt Constructioi (lSPlyC); (it) lhe A erlca AEroclalion a! Slale ltlghhsl and fro sportation Otficials ("AASHTO"): (ill) the Cost-Share Ordinance No. 215: (lil oll adopted ACHD rules, rcgulations, and policles; and (v) all state and lederal laws. If Prrtnerlng Agency ls responsible for all or a part of the conrtructlon of the Non- Tmnrportatlon Components; s. Dste for submitdng Prrtnering Agency's contractors end engineers to ACflD for apprrova!: Not applicable due to the naturc ofthe construction. b. Date for submitting Prrtnerlng Agency's contrrctors' and englneers' estlmstes to ACIID for rpprovrL Not spplicable due to the nature ofthe construction. c. Datc for submitting Partoering Agency's contractorr' 8nd €nganeers' contrrcls to ACHD for spprovrlr Not applicablc due to thc naturc of the construction. Any modlflcations to the dcadlines set forth above must be approved in wrltlng by ACHD. Allocstion of construction costs for Non-Transportation Components, reconstructlon cost! of Transporlation Components necessitated by the incorporf,llon of Non-Transportltlon Component3 lnto the Road ProJect, ACHD construction, malntenance, admlnlstration, and oycrrun eosls (lncludlng, lf appliceble, sny credits provided to Partnering Agency and applleation of any federal fundlng), and tlme for relmbursement, lf appllcablet Partnering Agcncy shall be solely responsible for all construction costs ol the Non- Transportation Components, whether ACHD or Partnering Agency performs such constnrction. Partnering Agency shall reccive no credits in connection with the construction of the Non- Transportation Components. If ACHD performs the construction of the Non-Transportation Components, thcn Parrnering Agency shall reimburse ACHD for the actual cost ofall materials used, the oost of the relocation of any utilities necessitsted by the Non-Transportalion Componcnts, and any othel costs associatod with the oonstrucrion aDd install&tion of the Non- Transportation Components. Payrncnt by Partnering Agcncy shall bc mads to ACHD within 30 days following submission of an invoicc by ACHD to partnering Agcncy identifying such charges. utilities to be completed by Partnering Agency (ifany):Relocation of l ib atron ri rvithconnectron I rtnPa ne I'I c struc rh (rtl 'l'll j ot(i,nO oCgenv It'lp ponents 1l bengAgevlclforchcrelocIli I)0 !l tl thc ntlacem 4 I I incorpontion, or constnrction of the Non-Transportation Components. If ACHD constructs the Non-Transportation Components, Partsrering Agency will be solely responsible for the cost of the relocation ofany such utilities. The buf&r area between sidewalk and vertical curb shall be designed so as to prevent storm water frorn accumulating and ponding in the buffer area. Additional condltions: Upn o determination by ACHD that the irtcorpo,ation lnto the Road Project of Partnerlttg lgency's Nan-Truniportation Componenls will how an adverse elfed on slorm water quantity or quallty, Ponneing Ageacy shall be solely responsible lor either mitigating or funding the mitigotion olany such adverse ellects in a means determined by or acceptable to ACHD. Storm wrter provislons (lf appllcoble): At this time, ACHD's schedule for completion of the Transponation Components of the Road Project completion is unknown, but estimated to be September 2018. The deadline for Partnering Agcncy's complction of the Non-Transportation Components is upon substantial completion ofthe Road Project. Schedule for completion of Road Project: Maintenance requirements of Non-Transportrtion Components by Partnerlng Agency: Partnering Agency shall be, and is hereby, granted a non-exclusive, revocable license to maintain, repair, and replace the Permanent Landscaping and Historic Lighting, subject to the provisioos of t}is Permit and during the term of this Permil. ACHD shall maintain, repair, and replace the Additional Sidewalk, New Parking, and Bridge Additions. Partnedng Agency shall cause the Permanent landscaping and Historic Lighting to be operated and maiotained in good functioning order during the term of this Permit, in accordance with applicable law, the approved designs/plans, Partnering Agency's landscape and irrigation stardards and specifications, and industry standards' This obligation includes, without limitation, grass and lawo care, pruning or replacement of gravel, trees, and shrubs, clcan-up of titter and debris, weed rcmoval, and application for shrubs, trees, and groundcovet, as applicable. Any replacement and/or installation by Partnering Agency ofadditional improvements 6hall be accomplished in accordance with designs, plans, and specificstions approved in advance and in writing by ACHD, in its discretion, and as required to sstisfy applicable laws, its policies, and good argineering and landscaping practices. A ddi t ion a I c on d it ions : l. This Permir does not extend lo Parheing Agency the rtght to use any pan ofthe ACHD Road Proiect are| to the ex,cluslon ol ACHD lor any use wiahtn its iuisdiclion, authorlly, and discretion or o! othen to lar,.the e\le, autlrorized 5 }.I. MAINTF.NANCE O}' NO\.'I'RAI\S POR'I'-\'I'I0N (]OM PO]t.i ENI'S 2. In accessing any parl of the Road Project that has been accepled as on open public htghway (as lhe term "highway" is delined in ldaho Code Section 40-109(5)), Parlnering Agency's aulhorized use is subJect to the rlghts ofthe public lo use lhe Nghway. i, The ights ganted hereunder are subject to atd subordinate to the righls oI holdeB of eascrie ts of records and the statutory rlghls ofutilities to we lhe ight-oI-noy. 4. This Perait does nol preclude or impede lhe ability of ACHD lo enler inlo or grdnt easemenls or Iicense agreemenls allowing lhird parties lo access the Road Project area, or the ability of ACHD lo redesign, reconsiact, relocate, maintain, and i prove ,he Road ProJect and righl-ofway as il detemines necessaryt in its sole dLicrction. 5. ln consideralion of the license granted by this Permil, Parlneing Agenq etprexly covena s and agrees thal lhe license granted herein is temporary and merely a permisslve use of the ACHD righl-of- uray pursuanl lo the tems ol this Pernit. Partnering Agency assumes lhe risk that the license grunted herein may be lermirured before Portneing Agency has realized the economic beaeft o! the cost of inslalling, constructing, repairlng, o naintaining lhe Non-Tra$porlalion Componeats, and by slgnlng and accepting this Pcrmit, Portnering Agency hereby walves and eslops itse(fron asserllng anl claim, including damages or reinbur'tefienl lhq, lhe license is in anl way irretocable because Parlaering Agency has expended funds on lhe Noa-Transporlation ComponeRls and the Permit has not been in eJfecl lor a peiod sn$clent {or Parrnering Agenq- to realize the economic beaefit from such expenditures, 6. ln lhe evenl Parlnerlng Agency lails lo replace, reryir, mahttain, and care for the Pennsnent landscaping and/or Histoic Lighting, ACHD shall have the following remedles in additlon to any other recovery ln law or ln equity, provlded thal ACHD frsl gives Partnering Agency 3A days' notlce and Parlnering Agenqt fails to remedy such lailure: (i) ACHD may revoke this Pernit; (ii) ACHD may replace, maintain, and/or care lor the relewnt Non-Transportation Components, and Partnerhrg Agency shall reimhune ICHD fully tor all associoted costs; (iii) ACHD nay remove, alter, redesign, or reconstruct the relevanl Not-fransportolion Components or any part of tlrc ACHD Road Project (including without limitation the right-of-way), or in the case ol landscaping, replace the Non- Transportation Components with hardscape. and Partnering Agency shall reimburse ACHD fully lor all associated costs; ond (iu) ACHD nay reluse to issue anl lurther Cost Share Permits or any orher pennits lor fature lCHD Road Projects until Parrneting Agency complies wilh lhe conditions olthe Pernit. ln addilion, in lhe evenl of an emergency caused by Porlnering trgenty's lailure to perform required. malnle once, ACHD na.v inmediately perlorn anlt and all emergency repairs or take othet meosures in conneclton with an emergency, and Parlnering lgency shall reinburse ACHD fully for all $saciated coJrs. Perpetual, until terminated or revoked pursuant to the provisions ofthis permit. Term of Permit: nationUpon Partnering directed (i Transportati Permi term or revoca on rhof s Pemri rh ACof HDt.upon request Agen cy asclthcr ACHD remo th Nc onby on Compromptl)v andponents threstore e underl toarea at east the ndco tlon as theof ofdate this 6 vtlTrRu and restoring all portions of ACHD's right-of-way and personal property, if any, that are damaged during such removal activities; or (ii) reimburse ACHD for its cost of redesigning, replacing and/or reconstructing the right-of-way underllng the Non-Transportation Components. Any portion of the Non-Transportation Components that remain in ACHD right- of-way 90 days after the termination or revocation of this Permit shall be deemed abandoned, and ACHD shall have the right lo removc them or redesign, replace, and reconstruct the right-of- way undorlying them and charge all costs to Partnering Agency. This Permit provides thc terms upon which the incorporation of the Non-Transporlation Componcnts into the Road Project are approved. Addltlonal provlslons: l. This Permit is issued conditioncd upon Partncriog Agcncy's compliancc with ACHD'S Cost Share Ordinance No.215 and all certifications made by Parmering Agency pursuant to this Pcrmir. 2. This Permit is subject to tbe provisions of state and fedmal law and ACHD's Cost Shars Ordinance No. 215, in effect as of the datc of issuancc of this Permit (the "Applicabte Lad'). tn thc evcnt ofany conflict bctwecn this Permit and Applicablc Law, Applicablc Law shall govcm. ln the cvent that any part ofthe obtigations of Partncring Agency or ofACHD in conncction with thc Rosd Project are dctcrmincd to bc illcgal or uncnforccabtc by a court of compclcnt jurisdiction, thc rornaining obligations of Partnering Agcncy sct forlh in this Pcrmit shall still bc applicable. Future amendmeDts and r€stalemeats of the Cost Share Ordinance shall not bc sppticablc to this Pcrmit. l If any portion of the ACHD Road Project (inctuding without limiration any portion ofthe righl' of-way) is domaged as a result of Partnering Agcncy's action or inaction with regard to lhe constsuction, operation, and/or maintenance of the Non-TraNportation Componcnts or the failure or neglect to construct, operale, snd/or maiotain lhe Non'Tmnsportation Componenl.s, lhen Partnering Agency shall, at its solc cost and exPcnse, corrcct such deficiency and restorc thc arca to the srme condilion it r+as in prior thereto, and if Partnering Agency or its succcssors or assigns shall fail or neglcct to commence such correction and restoration within 24 hours of notification thcreof, ACHD may procccd to do so, in which cvent Partnering Agency shall reimbursc ACHD for thc costs and cxpenses thcreof, includin& without limitation, reasonablc compcnsation for the uce of staffand equipment ofACHD. Partncring Agcncy sha I I bc I I able lo AC D for i l v and al I damagcs,fines,t.-,obliga ri lo fees,other ti h I ti wha tsoever resulting tiomthirdparties,costs,expen attomev or any a I comply rh rovt f th P erml t and/o Cost SharePartnenngAgencyfaiIurr:to any p S IOn o I S r ting thc forcgoi I hc nt PartncrinnanteNothoutlltilnvtnanncrI I I Ordi fai ls I o I 5 s rvith I ltlll sl on of rh ls Permi t,rh en fol lowi n n an cvc li b le notice I I vIII. ADDITION,,II. PROVISIONS,TPPLI('AI}I.E T'O PR(}JT;(''1 IX. (;l:Nf RAL ('{):,it I',il()\-S (}['PIiRlIlr Asencv I'i CHJV lpPu ul ,{\-J Jrlqnd ro ue sscJsB ol tl IrcuuBdol paturr8 uured aJsqs 1so3 leqlo ruB pu? slql e{o^sJ ol lqt! aql e^Bq s?urq llB lB llerls oH)Y 6 's1uauodulo3 uoqugodsuarl-uo1q cqtJo uolluioloJ unlry fue ol Eurlslar OHCV pus Jteslt Jo osoc ;1u puu ,tri saumssr,,(auaiy tuyarglu4 uopndspu ro .uoqBJgtpour ,uopurolal i(ur go nr11 ur guauoduro3 uollsuDdsus.rJ-soN oq3o ued u:o IIB r^ouar ot l€le oqo Iuur ,(cuoty iu;:crn:u6 .qlo.n qsri ,(un ol roud iunrr,tr ul qHCv /q pc^ordde suorpcglradr puu ,surld .euElsap ot Eulprocrs /hurty Suuaqra6 [q poqrrlduocca aq lluqs qrlq^r ,OHf,V ,(q palrnbal se ,fluauodurof, uottsuodguBrt -uoN eql tfiuErsaprj ro 'tul^orxoJ 'Supcn4suoca.r 'Sullsrolcr rog alqlzuodsar Jq [Bq6 .asucdxe pue lsoc olos rll lB'IJuoEV iuuauped ucqt'pcu8rscpa: Io .paAo(orj .palJ(qsuorg .palBJolaJ aq Fnu trsford pBoU ll 3o ged [us tuql saululrlap Alalsutlln qHJV ]f 'quauoduro3 uoltouodsuu{-uoN rqt;o {ur.;o uoltqdzpo :aq$ :o 'uo1;rcgrpotu 'uollBcolu qcns {uo og pelelcr sB uo0eu,rprooc pue tuluuuld ol lccdscr r!p{ alEodooc ol ldueIE lFqs pu8 sr!?s s$ Sqprstr.r rFptqcs ,quoud B ol ,adE llBqs blqrssod xlqeuosear lualxo cr! ol 'sruEd .$ puB '$uauoduro3 uottEuodsuE{-uoN cql Jo [uB Jo uorpldpps rcr0o Jo 'uorlEcBlpour 'uogEcolcJ E .snE ol FloW aq plnolrr lrql lccford pBoU aql ul1l t suortcs palsdlclluB ,(ur go [cuoty Euuauw6 esrlpe ol suoJJo tsoq sl! asn lll^r OHOV 'lcaioJd prog cql Jo UEd arr lelfl quaua ordur llB pu0 ^uB r.6gscpar ro 'e^ouroJ 5cnrFuorcr 'clBrolor ol lrlrlr eql e^nr{ sault llB lB llsrls OHI)V 'i IJOA\ qC0S uuoyad ot lluutd sJEqS lsoJ IEuopJppB uE .lo papuaurf, uu ,{cucEy Eugoqred cnssl uopanslp st! u! ttuqs OHJY lluJad srrlt Jo lcalqns cql lou s! lur11 lusuacrldu ro 'uollBcoler 'rl[dcrrrrutsuolulout aln1ru olSllsssceu (ru .ro ;y,n sluauoduro3 uon4rodsuorl-uo11 ,ql turla cql ul 'l 'uosaar ,(uu ro3 lftu.nd slrll Jo uollsllaJusr rolpuB 'uolluco^rJ 'uoqorldxa cql c^r^Jns llBrls uoutas srtl ut suotluEllqo s.&uaiy StnJarqla4 11urad 6lql Jo srxJol ,ql ol luEnsmd rauaSv EuuauuDd (q suoprirtqo duu 1o ecurru:o3lcd lo sc?cI,rud (u! Jo astotaxa aq puu sluauodu-ro3 uonsuodsuull-uoN 3ql l !,n uollieuuot ul to ot pelulal srolor,{uor Jo 'sluaEu sll '^luo8v EuueuuEd Jo suolssruro lo slJB {uB Jo $o .to uo{ 8ulsltB'reeJ ,(cu:011u pue 5l6oJ unoc 8u!pnl3u! 'cjru8u ,(uu 3o sceucdxc pu8 'sisoc 'suopJB 'sullEt, 'sctBuBptsllsol 'Blrnr '&g11qr11 11e pw fuu lsureEe pus ruo{ sseluu[tl slur8? puE 'srequeur '3a',(oldt{, 'sJoparlp 'srlel[o su pu8 oHJv ploq puu'fJtutuapur 'puaJep'pelord l]mr,$ua8y tuyaugul '9 'uosuol ,{tc roJ uolluSopp qcns r(w uptuluw :o alalduoc ol 3lq8un sr llJ! l$uad srql l3pun saqrlrqtsuodsar ,(uu.,o paalosqe eq lou lPqs PUE 'suorlBF8eJ rolpua ^\Bl elqucgldde :apun rado:d sr uogeBclcp qons ,(up .lcqlaq^r AululuJctop Jo $lsu l!8ct llu scumssa[11ryfcuoEytuuauyo6'uorlrppBul'(o,n,(ueur1tuuc4s1qt1osuopetllqoroscpnpfur Jo {cu.tv Eugreuurl B losqB laqs uolltflelop ou pus lluucd srqlJo suucl .t0 qt$ ecuolldtuot s.{rd p4r0 eql roJ .lqlsuodser ^taeurllp oq llrqs puB uiluer llurls ,tcuaEy tuueupu4 '[uru p4O, B 01 uollEtalop (ur Bu1pue1sq114oN ',(u8d p{Ifl aql sogluopl puB polBtolop Eupq crr s.prllqlsuodscJ ttrl^r lalop ur sngpeds tBql qH3rV ol atFott uotly \ lo!.td sc^F l! sB Euol os furd pJrql ^us ol rapunrjeq stulllqrsuodsar slt Jo ,(uu cluEalap {utu ,{tua8Y tuFaqJEd 'S lor?cJ {uB roJ ulll'd sl{t Jo uopollscu83 Jolpus 'uollEco rJ'uorlBrJdxa aql a,r1runs 11uqs uollros sFI ItI suodllqo cql '$soa paprrossu ttB ioJ qHCV asmqullel 11uqs,{cua8y Eupatl.red luala q5ns ul puu'sluauoduro3 uo4eyodsuul-uo1r1 3qr EuL{Ftpun ,{u,tr-1o1q8rr t$ ro/pus slualoduo3 uoutlo<Isuul -soN aql laRnsuotcr .to,juu 'rcrldu 't6lscPcr ot 1pu:c3 srql uI ,Dq.tcEc tclpcrEs, ptB stqEu .laqto 11a ol uort pB u! 'lq8p rqr c^eq lluqs qHJV 'ularrq quoJ ras sln, or ,tlunloddo pur I immediately perform any ond all cmcrgoncy ehcrgcncy, in which casc Partnering Agency rcpaiB or take other measuros in connection with an shall reimbursc ACIID fully for all associated costs. 10, This Pcrmit shall lrnmediately bc rcvocable and/or csncelablc by ACHD by proriding writren ngticc lo Partncring Agcncy upon thc occuntncc ofany ofthc following: (i) a dctcrmination by ACHD that any of thc informalion submittcd by Partncring Agency in the Cost Sharc Applicatiot is fslse or inaccuratc in any manncr; (ii) s detern nstion by ACHD lhat Partncring Agenr.:y has failcd to comply with any term or provision of this Permit or any other permit gra$ted by ACHD to PartDering Agency; or (iii) a determination by ACHD thst PsrtDering Agency has failed to rrylace, maintain, and/or care for the Non-Transportation Components as required by the terms of this Pcrmit- Exccpt in an emcrgcocy situation, ACHD shall providc Partncring Agcncy with 30 days' nolice ofthc issue and an opponunity to comply prior to cxercising such riShts. I l. Ttrc issuance of this Pcrmit shall in no way obtigate ACIID to providc Partnering Agency with additionel permir or righte, nor shall ACHD be obligated to utilize provisions or rights set forth in this Permit in conncction with additional pcrmits or rights that it m8y elcct to provide to Plrtnering Agency in the futue. 12. All exhibits and ary sddenda to this Pcrmit are inooryorated hcrcin. 13. This Pcrmit is conditioned upon thc Eignaturo ofACHD and Partncring Agency bolow. I This Cost Share Ppnnlt is issued by the Ada County Highway Disttict on tbo date sot forth abovo: Tho person signing below represents that he or she has tho authority on behalfofACHD to issuo Acceptance/cortification by Partncring Agenoy: The pcrson signing below ropresents tbat he or she has the authority on behalf of Partnering Agency to accept and agree to thc tcrms of this ecrd this Ada County }lighway District: (.iity of Meridian: Its: Director tsy: B and bind ACHD to the terms set forth herein. Permit and bind thc tclms set forth herein. By: Tammy Its: Mayor Exhlblts Exhibil A 95% Project Plans l(l SIGNATTJIIITS I soo ii a , { t i {I I B- t I ! iI I ! LEGEND UTILITIES Ada County Highway Districttr *.b/,8,, !sP--. tr L*b/&!,, r, &u/r E e,&F, E h&'n E L*.b/,! !, .& d. tr tu*b/eFi ,, d, , r.e E tu"/-E "d,",.ktr l6r/!F , *,. 6 6L4ti'd,dqfu edrfth-Mr* -_t*R ;ryr't- PINE AVE", ]\4ERIDIAN RD. TO LOCUST GROVE RD. PRoJECT NO.81sO25 GtS NO.'S RD208-01, RD208-01.01, rV1 214-04 Sec. 20, T4N, R2E, B.lvl. ADA COUNTY:-: INDEX OF SHEETS: 1 2 3-4 5-17 18-23 24-27 28-31 32-37 3a-40 4243 444€ 4748 49-61 Rioht Of Way Raquirements Table Plan & Protlle Sh€€ls Storm Orain & krigalion Prolil€s Miscellsneous Details Pih6 Ave. Over Five Mile Creek Briclge Stomwator Pollution Prevenlion Plans RRFB Signal Plan & Details Signing And Pavement Marking Plans Traffic Control Plans tr KD a ,A (,) \ G1fioo\ aigis END PROJECT BEGIN PROJECT 1-5 MDC Historic Lighting Plans*"-nc ,, I t- ,f ,f ,t "t *c I *i ,i "rc L1.OO-L1.01 City Ot M6ridian Landscape Plans L2.OO-L2.51 Cily Of Meridian lrrigalion Pl6ns & Dstailsrt,.-,.1'll ? h.q E'9q'l.'6fue ffi e*. &q mi!i!ddbdtu}, ffih.*bkk VICINITY MAP zz\@tiq"Certificotion Ol CompLlonce With Stondords 4o.hi,e*dqfr4qoIt + E Ada County Highway Distrjct P.oject Numtre.: 815025 Project Title: Pina Ava., Meridian Rd. To Locust Grove Rd Sheet 1 Of 61 L e E E 8 ^ i q L ttj v , r 6 n I E tt d 2 PINE AVE., MERIDIAN RD. TO LOCUST GROVE RD. R ght Of Way Requirements Right Of Way Requrrements (n rgPacilic Boir. Id.bo RIGHT OF WAY REQUIREMENTSffiF-l''E v .p'. . Project No: 415025 Project TitleiPine Av6., Meridian Rd. To Locust Grove Rd sh6et 2 0f 61 t. .!E fallEqtlod IC]'A.-EAI]!I lYHPacihc Eoise. tdaho REVIEW TYPICAT SECTIONS I I t t II e. fi 6 E E i a,t ounly Highway Project Title: Pine Avo., Meridaan Rd. To Locust Growe Rd Sheet 3 of 61 E ll / ra-u'* t \\.--. ** *l I \ I E J; Fi g i I $ F E i e d, 6 rieEA_lEctxt! :, rrErlrlEct&! rHPacirrc Borse ld.bo T .l _4 TYPICAL SECTIONS II REVIETY FEiM P.oject Titl6: Pine Av€.. Meridian Rd- To Locust crove Rd Sheet 4 Of 6l .*i.tur ,l,!fi..r I I BI al ? , : i d ii-Ii c 3 E! q 1l i:i; o i;; 9 ,i I ! tlr ;tq I I 8 o !A :l*l! O t3 sEEol3 (, o o E U :3 i lEl! EE -@- N MERIOIAN RD 3 e @6@O@@@@OO@@@O@@@@OOOOO I I r ! ! t I i ! t i ir::;riiilii i i ii i i iii i lti ii iiii'i'l'i"u rr i iii!!;,'ii':i';i3!d;9ql 1 li 5 ! ! 3 fi ! !! : t IIl l l 1 1 I l I 1 I L Eleldo o 4 t -, i:T 6 ",-r <Eli ":dtII I e- I I PVh oa Horr qftmMeD\B\lu'6\cMr\3,s, o,r c Pmm p 5 !.t ETtt b 3 ! Lo zI @ o N ! d oi 6' ;; o : o 1.o iil Il -t o ao cI o 0 oII aJ oo 0 o o a o l \E&\Bn6\cM\''s' dr{ er.dtr 9 I I I s ? 3 ! 3 g i: g 3 B d B F EI tg s o Jlf ,ii!i;I ; d I - ; I ,:: F;i €" :r ,g a e ? :i (, o o z o -l m e N MAIN SI @ @@@o@@@@@@oo@oo@@@@@o@oooo E >+ 1i tr r-9il I , i q E a g i. 3 3 !: ,t ht I 3 ilii lt i.":i;! 6 ! I 1$ t: i: i; tlt; !1Ei Ei $t !i ;i ;i il:E: i-t "i "i'1ll i;?ii;i!'!;!; \ eT \ F!z 3 3 i.,9 I oi J i 3 o (, 8 tI I I iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiii ii'ilriiliiiii;i11 iEiii; s'i€ !-:l ir. s i i f.o 3 ! .2 1r E3 F* r i, T p. o z 9 @ o N ! 9. 0o :1 I IJo t, 0 o. 0) B 9 -t o-o 0 o o aI a, oo o 0 o E tct s II B G] @ a I l l I : --l 1 j --t I I:I t i a ; 3 :s 9 1 I f t"I g F $t a I t I 3 o ,1fti.eil I 9 a I d I I ! E h d c I EE Ed a I j I ! l2No sr @ air !lJiotue :: ":l;l!@ -@- g E i>,r6 @@@@ooooo ! II !I a ll J ts I i iiilIl1,' I I Il'il Ii{I{If iIi i i i i; a f li ! I @o@@@@@o@o @@ @@@o rn\ il J 6) (9Jl o 8 : I e i i ? - @6@ ?$t Hi z= :it; sil;a I 5 x. - .Nti ir !; P I 1) 9. o zI 6 oo No T 9. o I q ! a o ., 0:,o of n 9 -t o-o E 0 0 oI 9 af 0 0 i 0 o i o F!1 ilrlto:i I' t ,"i'al 6 oca I l.o ! E l, E3 !r ! p. o zI o No 1) 9. 0 _-t !q !, 0 P ol.o l vI -l o-o c 0 d o ao aJ o o 0 o !i 3 E a E (, Ltl I 9 3 I !i 6 1 f; { 1 I ir{3 :m i3 ll d t I E t- fiT. 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I a i a\a .o!w NffiY osn[\@@\**r\tuK\cM!\3is,.' r-.-Fi@ h o t0 ooc) at oo (0 0 o E ,l EP 3, i I !! o zI o o N 1l! @ I !q !l 0 ,t o:, _o !) 7 D P -t o-o c 0 o o, o. i i 4TH ST Ie .\ (, i3 o c c E I & ,l t z q i 6 H F EI I a e I $ \ I (o a,€,@ @ A -L(r0-.r A NOTES f "-'"::l'I "..,*-:"."-"i.c +ooooo @ @ @ @o @ @o @ @o @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ L -!l*, -oU E PINE AVE. 2d I .1@ @' @(,iiG @ Sec 07,T3N,R1E ,r+oo BENCH MARKS] i..d+.-f wHPacrllc Aoise Idaho 95% R rict , ft l..& lldM 6r !&. @n . project No: a15o2s Project Title: Pine Awe., Meridaan Rd. To Locusr Grove Rd Sheet lOOf 61 I I I @ e @ @ I I r@*' f II i I 1 i I 5 ! E I EE I o 1,i i: :*Iriiirt : ; ! d ! a -@- z o --t m @@@@@@@o@@@o@@oo@oooo :rt : i' I ! i :ll !ti1i1;:i1{! : l!!l !i i i i i ; i i 'li i .i4,itl;i i i '[ i I; i :i ii i ;ii iiiiiiliE iiri :iliii!;;:iEE" i lr ! - r I i r i E:Er!i I l 3 3 I I ! t, l! i I ! 3 3-e slSl!c)i"a a lal!6 i: :El!@ :lsl:@IE ? ! 4i Ii t \EB\m'i.ncn\nor o,r+ F,s.ffi op s i lt Er :, ;I ! -! o z 9 o o No afo o 0 o ! L 0 I !q !! 0 I o f,.o a II -t o. o c 0 o o no r ,A, l" I i_dclaldo 8L:IIi8 III f I! J a 3 2 I 3 PI eg 1c tE I o t-- I a iii -S- z o -t m @@@@@@@@@oo@@@oo@o@@ooooo Ig1 rliio 9-: i It- IFli. ;;r I ril! " !ij.! i @ !t I g a I J' ],F I I I 1 .J- ! I €, o c) I 8 g a 3€ 3 .: a ? ;{ iI Fl Tlz_ iti i i i i i i i i i{i{tiiii{i iiiiii,;;ii:iiiiiiii!nii= : ; ,i E I I 1) 3 0 z 9 o No ! p. 0 sI I IJo ,' 0f.s 0rf vI -l o T o c 0 o o n o. alo 0 N 0 o dr ?i _A€ i: lfEI; t i ffi* rl il o I I t,it i!"io LT I I I I I 1 o e E B 3 Et f si I ; o {:r 9.;!!;; 3 t :l -@- z o --{ m U) @ @o@@o@ooooo L € ?r l! L ! 3 I 1 @@@eo@@@oo@@@@o i :l 1 3 Pd iEe"i! IB iEleo*"8 oE e; 7 J tn P fi 1il ili i i I li ii$1ryi$ii i i ii 5 \6d\tu6\cM\!'*' ur c 4rdM I6'a{I s :.o i E; EI ,F ! 9. o zI @ o N 1l 9. 0 :l !q !l 0 I o:,q !l) n + -lo To c o 0 oIo a, o (, 0 o 3E I I gt i T 1 g t ff B € i E d x 95% E P1NE AVE t9 B NOTES @ A @ A a0 oooooooo @ @ @ @o @ @oo @ @ @ @ @ @ €, @ @o @ V::_ A+V-5 r4!rlL_ -3 @ @ (o Ed Sec07T3N.RrE @ @ @ @ @ @ @ BENCH MARI(S i++5 l{HPaciri. Aors., Idaho Project No: 415025 Project Title: Pine Awe., Meridlan Rd. To Locust crove Rd shoet 14 0f 61 I E R @ @ I r\u MW Nd&i M\@1n IiI v, 9 t ! 3 B !i Fq 1 rr I :9 ! F. 6: ,g e 9l o {a! :!c : i ! I a iH3@ e ADKINS AVE -@: z o --l m 8 @@o@o@@@oooooo t , s ! _d a a r i 133 t* T: i t*iiiii*i i i i,li i iti i I lui{I1tti i i i i ! ! t. li "fi 'i @@@@@@@@e@@oo@@@ 1 , l, L1 @ €, !@) gl E e?3 iEE e1t I e t 9 c 4 c 4 G 6! F! i; l f I ii l @ to, rn re) e (r) " "* ) ! i i ! :t, i2; E 1) p. o z 9 @ o N n 9. 0 :1 !q Ia 0 ,' oL o. 7 u P -to- o c o d o vo aJ 0 0 o 0 o a I I i ! I lit o l' iE ^d]-l --' ) I l ir I l ;i 3 9 .? is I t T ! i q o a : a I I F, r! 2r F ;{: q I e = = 4r EI:IE@ 3 -i l, ;lql!@ 3B -@- z o -l m @ @@@@@@@@e@@@ooo@@@@oooo t I ,. ! t e o .1 3 ! .1. I c : : (9 6-i@i e a .q :!: ='9! < stI 3 ). I ,I 8 ! a t. t, It tE i i i iti ii i{i i i i i i lr iTi ii :i ;i i;s!it:'iil! ;- d t ,i ' a: i, g;"iri 3 E .Flt9! E! a ! 0o zI o N aJo 0 o 0 o !! 0 :i I lj 0 ,' 0 :_o 6l a + -l 0 fo cI o d o 7)o it d * i I o f I 6 I @ I I i I ,iO I l \ 2603 (!,(,4)@ @ o 8 z AIq A NOTES E E, PINE AVE oi @ E Sec 07.T3N R1€ BENCH MARKS: '---i]i-J' lYHPac,ll. tsoi3e Id6ho Y District . Project No: a1so25 Project Title: Pino Ave.. Meridian Rd. To Locust Grove Rd. Sheat 17Of 61 95% REVIEI/ rt \ I o k,tub.hd..,o o kd.sd(n6-e.'-B(.., o L*klrqfu*b.,b Ed6 o i--rid3,*ks,hhF-,- @ h@ieu.kh^*B @ tui7,.k*-,N lr i€@ ,-oo) 3 q l 1 I ] -\,rir5\ FIVE MITE CREEK g i IAo r5 l-l Ez Itlo IA Fl..! l.u .! ii a, II a a i oI ooc) s :.o :I .!,i EI t 'E '1] 9. o z 9 @ oo No n p. 0 I !D !f 0 I o:.q !)f nI io-o c o d o aI aJ o o 0 o l i l 1 I I l, i,ffilililil:iil Fl Elil+itldl hlqhlcrclll t"Uil"Ell c l tt" ;It3i:i \.r 1,,' \ \ 6d1