Cost Share Permit No. 18 Linder - Cayuse to Chinden EXECUTEDADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT COST SHARE PERMIT � � 3775 Adams Street ACHD Contact Person: �; ��} Garden City Idaho 83714 Name: Rod Ashby ��� ��� Phone (208) 387-fi280 3775 Adams Street �� Facsimile (208) 387-6289 Gazd¢n City Idaho 83714 Phone: (208) 387-6235 (/Uv�vr✓t�v�GW TO Jlll/YLGo Dat¢ oT P¢rmit _© r Ger 27 , AC13D Project No.:5]')032, P¢rmit NO.: 078 2017 51'1024 Capitalized terms that are not defined in this Permit shall have the meanings given to them in th¢ ACHD Cost Spar¢ Ordinance No. 215. • ~ . 7. PARTNERING AGUNCY INFORMATION This ¢rmit is ranted to: Cit of Meridian Partn¢rin A enc Contact Person: 33 E- Broadway Ave. Caleb Hood Meridian, Idaho 83642 33 E. Broadway Ave - Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 489-0572 Email: chood@meridiancity. ore Name/Location o£ ACHD Road Project: Linder Road, Cayuse Creels Drive to Chinden Boulevazd, ACHD Project #517032, and Linder Road,. Usticic Road to McMillan Road, ACHD Project #517024, as depicted in the plans attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. Approved Non -Transportation Components: Pursuant to this Penniq ACHD authorizes, and, as a condition of issuing this Permit, requires, [he following Non -Transportation Components: (1) Desiev. Construction. and Main[en ante of Int T t t til R pl d 'th D Construction and Pe t al M t f P t L d th B ff Ar b t the Curb and Sidewal& in Front of and/or Adjacent to Parcels L 2. and 3 f P t #517032 d Parcels 2 and 11 0£ Pro'ect #517024 as de icted on Exhibit A. ACHD authorizes and re uires me design, constmction, and maintenance of interim treatments in the form of 2 -inch rninus drain rock, along with conduit for future irrigation. The top surface of the drain rock shall be level and depressed % inch to 1 inch below the top surface of the curb and sidewalk in order to contain [he rock (collectively, the "Int¢rim Treatm¢nt") within the buffer area in front of and/or adjacent to Parcels 1, 2, and 3 of Project #517032 and Pazcels 2 and 11 of Project #517024 for a period of 10 yeazs from the date of this Permit Prior to or upon expiration of the 10-yeaz period, the Interim Treatment must be replaced wixh developed landscaping in the form of irrigated grass or other permanent landscaping approved pursuant to this Permit (tfie "Permanent Landscaping"), except that ACHD may, in its sole discretion, taking into account then -current conditions, authorize the Interim Treatment to remain in front of and/or adjacent to parcels that are undeveloped beyond the 10 -year period. Such authorization, if given, shall only be valid if it is provided by ACHD in writing prior to the expiration of the 10 -year period. ACHD authorizes and requires the design, construction, and perpetual maintenance of additional street lights (the "Additional Lights") in from of and/or adjacent to Pazcels 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 9 of Project #517024. In accordance with Ordinance 215, the foregoing Interim Treatment, Permanent Landscaping and Additional Lights are referred to herein as the "Non -Transportation Components." Conditions of acquisition/contribution of real property by Partnering Agency au reimburs¢m¢nt to ACIID by Partnering Agency for acquisition of real property: None. ACHD has already acquired or is in the process of acquiring the right-of-way necessazy to incorporate the Non -Transportation Components into the Road Project. Therefore, the acquisition of real property is not required of Partnering Ageacy, and is not part of the Non - Transportation Components. Party responsible for Partnering Agency shall be responsible for obtaining approval of the plans/designs of the Non - Transportation Components, which shall consist of designs for the Interim Treatment and Permanent Landscaping described in Section II. u rartnermg [agency is responstbl¢ for providing plans/d¢signs, d¢adl3ne for submitting plans designs to ACFID for approval: 2 as to Additional conditions: AIZ designs/pLans rubmitud by Partnerixzg Agency will comply with (i) established exagineering standards, including the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction (ISPWC),- (ii) rhe American Associatiore of State Highway and Tranrportarion O,fj4cials ("AASHTO"); (iii) the Cost -Share Ordinmzce No. 2I5; (iv) all adopted ACHD rules, regulations, and policies; and (v) all state and fedora[ laws. No designs slzalL be considered fzxzal until they are approved i ritmg by ACHD. Any modifications to the deadlines set forth above must be approved in writing by ACHD. By approving sucJs designs/pLarzs, ACHD assumes n responsibility for any d �cfencies or inadequacies Zn the design or construction of the Non-Traszsportation Conxpmxents. any credits provided to Partnering Agency and application of any time for reimbursement, if applicable: Partnering Agency shall be solely responsible for all design costs for the Non -Transportation Componen[s, if any. Partnering Agency shall receive no credits in connection witlx ffie design costs for the Non -Transportation Components. uescnption of construction worK approved by ACHD to be completed by Partnering Agency (if applicable)= (In addition to description, refer to designs and plans attached to this Permit as Exhibits, if applicable. ](f designs and plans ar¢ not complete at the time of issuance of this Permiq they must be approved in writing by ACRD and shall be incorporated into this Permit.) Upon submission of the plans/designs of xhe Non -Transportation Components by Partnering Agency and approval by ACHD, Partnering Agency may proceed with construction or may elect to contract with ACEID for construction. If Partnering Agency performs the construction, it shall construct the improvements in accordance with the approved plans/designs- Additional conditions: (I) Partnering Agexzcy wZ[[ zzot allow any [lens to attach to any right -of --way, improvements, or other property of ACRD as a result of any labor pc,jOrmed or znaterials supplied in ecrioa with tlxe construction of the Non-Trarssportation Components- (2) Parnxering Agency shall be responsible far obtabaing all permits z-equlred by ACHD in conrsectiax with any construction of the Non - Transportation Components- (3) Partnering Agesacy's construction shall zxot negatively inxpact ACHD's cmxrtructfon of the Transportation Cmnponwxts or ACHD's Road Project schedule ixx any way. (4) Any endnzent ro rhe designs and p[azzs must be approved in writing by ACHD. (S) All constructims of the Nan-Trmasportation Components shald be in accordance with the desigzxs/plaxxs approved by ACHD. (6)All c nstruction by Partnering Agency will comply with (i) established exxgineering standards, including the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction (bSPWC); (ii) the American Associarioxx of State Highway azxd Transportation OjjZciaZs ("AASHTO "); (ill) the Cosr-Share Ordinance No. 2I5; (fv) all adopted ACRD rules, regu[atimzs, and policies; mxd (v) all state mzd federal laws. or a part of the a. Date for submitting Partnering Agency's contractors and engineers to ACHD for approval: Not applicable due to the nature of the constmction. b. Date for submitting Partnering Agency's contractors' and engineers' estimates to ACHD for approval: Not applicable due to the nature of the constmction. c. Date for submitting Partn¢ring Agency's contractors' and engineers' contracts to ACHD For approval: Not applicable due to [he nature of the constmction. Any modiFcallons to the deadlin¢s s¢t fortb above must b¢ approved in writing by ACHD_ Allocation of construction costs Por Non -Transportation Components, reconstruction costs of Transportation Compon¢nts necessitated by the incorporation of Non -Transportation Compon¢nts into th¢ Road Proj¢ct, ACHD construction, maintenance, administration, and ov¢rrun costs (including, if applicable, any credits provid¢d to Partn¢ring Agency and application of any federal funding), and time for reimbursement, if applicabl¢: Partnering Agency shall be solely responsible For all constmction costs of the Non - Transportation Components, whether ACHD or Partnering Agency performs suck[ construction. Partnering Agency shall receive no credits in connection with the construction of the Non - Transportation Components. If ACHD performs the constmction of the Non -Transportation Components, then Partnering Agency shall reimburse ACHD for the acetal cost of all materials used, the cost of the relocation of any utilities necessitated by the Non-Transpottation Components, and any other costs associated with the constmction and installation of the Non- Transporta[ion Components. Payment by Partnering Agency shall be made to ACHD within 30 days following submission of an invoice by ACHD to Partnering Agency identifying such charges. R¢location of utilities to b¢ compl¢ted by Partnering Agency (if any): If Partnering Agency constmets the Non -Transportation Components, Partnering Agency will be solely responsible for the relocation of any utilities reeuired in connection with the placement, incorporation, or construction of the Non -Transportation Components. If ACHD cons[mcts the Non -Transportation Components, Partnering Agency will be solely responsible for the cost of the relocation of any such utilities. Storm water provisions (if applicabl¢): The buffer area between sidewalk and vertical curb shall be designed so as to prevent stortn water from accumulating and ponding in said buffer area. Additloxxal condirlons: Upon a detenrzlnation by ACRD that the incorporation into the Road Project of Partnering Agency's Non-Transportatiotx Conzponents will /save an adverse � ct on stann water quantity or quality, Partnering Agency shall be solely responsible for either mitigating or funding the xniriga tion of any such adverse effecxs in a means detenn[ned by m- acceptable to ACHD. At this time, ACHD's schedule for completion of the Transportation Components is unknown, but estimated to be Fall 2019 for Project #517032 and Fal] 2021 For Project #517024. The deadline for Partnering Agency's completion of the Non -Transportation Components is upon substantial completion of each Road Project. 1Vlaint¢nanc¢ r¢quirem¢nts of Non -Transportation Components by Partn¢ring Agency: Partnering Agency shall be, and is hereby, granted a non-exclusive, revocable license to maintain, repair, and replace the Non -Transportation Components, subject to the provisions of this Permit and during the term of this Perrrxit. This includes [he perpetual maintenance, repair, and replacement of the Permanent Landscaping within Parcels 1, 2, and 3 of Project #517032 and Pazcels 2 and 11 of Project #517024. Partnering Agency shall cause the Non -Transportation Components to be operated and maintained in good functioning order during the term of this Permit, in accordance with applicable ]aw, the approved designs/plans, Partnering Agency's landscape and irrigation standards and specifications, and industry standards. This obligation includes, without limitaflon, grass and lawn care, pruning or replacement of gravel, trees, and shrubs, clean-up of litter and debris, weed removal, and application for shrubs, trees, and groundcover, as applicable. Any replacement and/or installation by Partnering Ageacy of additional improvements shall be accomplished in accoffiance with designs, plans, and speciFications approved in advance and in writing by ACHD, in its discretion, and as required to satisfy applicable laws, its policies, and good engineering and landscaping practices. Additional cozzduions: I. This Permit does not extend to Partnering Agency the right to use any part of tl e ACHD Road Project area to the exNuston of ACHD for any use within its jurisdiction, authori ry, and discretion or of others to the extent authorized by law. 2. Lx accessing any part of the Road Project that has been accepted as a open publfc Jxighway (as the ternx "higlxway" is deferred bz Idaho Code Section 40-109(5)), Parnzerzng Agency's authorized use is subject to the rights of the public to use the highway - 3. The rights granted hereunder are subject to and subordizzate to the rights oj' holders of easements of records and the statutory rights of utilities to use the rig/st-of--way. 4. This Pernxir does not pt-ec[ude or impede r/xe ability of ACHD to enter into or grant easenxczats or license agreenzersts allowing third parties to access t/ze Raad Project area, or the ab[[iry of ACHD to redesign, reconstruct. relocate, n:aintahx, and improve <he Road Project arzd right-oj--way as it deternxines necessazy, in its sole dfscretioza. agrees that the license granted herein is temporary and merely a permissive use of the ACHD right-of- way purssuzrot to the terms of this Permit- Partnering Agency assumes rhe risk that the license granted herein may be Lermirzated before Partnering Agency has realized the economic benefit of the cost of installing, constructing, repairing, or maintaining the Non -Transportation Components, and by signing and accepting this Permit, Partnering Agenry hereby waives and estops itse{ffroxn asserting any claun, ineZuding damages or reimbursement, that rhe license is in any way irrevocable because Parrnering Agency has expended funds on the Non -Transportation Components and rhe Permit hots not been ire ejj`ecr for a period sujj?cienxfor Partnering Agency to realize the economic ben �t from such expenditures. 6. hx rhe event Partnering Agency falls to replace, repair, main<ans, and care for the Non -Transportation Components, ACHD shall have rhe following r znedies in addrrion to any other recovery in law or irz equity, provided that ACHD first gives Parmerixsg Agency 30 days' notice arsd Partnering Agetzcy fails to remedy such failure: (i) ACRD nzay revoke this Permit, (i Z) ACHD nzay replace, mairztahs, and/or care for the Non -Transportation Consponents, and Partnering Agency shall reimburse ACHD fully for aL1 associated costs,- (iii) ACHD may remove, alter, redesigh, or reconstruct the Non -Transportation Components or any part of the ACHD Road Project (incLsxdrng without Linzitarion the right -of --way), or in the case of landscaping, replace tJze Non -Transportation Components with hardscape, and Parrnering Agency shall reiszburse ACHD fully for all associated costs,- and (iv) ACRD may refuse to issue any further Cost Share Permits or any other perznirs for future ACRD Road Projects until Pan Bring Agency complies with the conditions of the Permit In addition, in the event of an emergency caused by Parhzering Agency's failure to pezfor z required maintereance, ACRD may immediate Ly perform any and all emergency repairs or rake othe+- nseasures in connection with aaz emergency, and Partnering Agency shall reimburse ACHD fuZ[yfor all associated casts - Term oY Perpe[ual, until terminated or revoked pursuant to [fie provisions of this Permit. Upon termination or revocation of this Permit, upon the request of ACHD, Partnering Agency will either, as directed by ACHD, (i) promptly remove the Non -Transportation Components and restore the underlying azea to at least the condition present as of the date of this Permiq repairing and restoring all portions of ACHD's right -of --way and personal property, if any, that aze damaged during such removal activities; or (ii) reimburse ACHD for its cost of redesigning, replacing, and/or reconstructing the right -of --way underlying the Non -Transportation Components. Any portion of the Non -Transportation Components that remain in ACHD right- of-way 90 days after tfie termination or revocation of this Permit shall be deemed abandoned, and ACHD shall have the right to remove them or redesign, replace, and reconstruct the right-of- way underlying them and charge all costs to Partnering Agency. D VLii. ADDITIONAL Additional This Permit provides the terms upon which the incorporation of [hc Non -Transportation Components into the Road Project are approved and supersedes any conflicting terms in Partnering Agency's Cost Share Application. 1. This Permit is issued conditioned upon Partnering Agency's compliance with ACHD's Cost Share Otdinance No. 215 and all certifications made by Partnering Agency pursuant to this Permit. 2. This Perrttit is subject to [he provisions of state and federal law and ACHD's Cost Share Ordinance No. 215, in effect as of the date of issuance of this Permit (the "Applicable Law"). Tn the event of any conflict between this P¢rmit and Applicable Law, Applicable Law shall govern. In the event that any pati of the obligations of Partnering Agency or of ACRD in connection with the Road Proj¢e[ are determined to be illegal or un¢nforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, [he remaining obligations of Partnering Agency set forth in this Permit shall still b¢ applicable. Future amendments and restatements of the Cost Share Ordinance shall not be applicable to this Permit. 3. If any portion of the ACHD Road Project (including without limitation any portion of the right- of-way) is damaged as a result of Partnering Agency's action or inaction with regard to [he construction, operation, and/or maintenance of the Non -Transportation Components or the Failure or neglect to construct, operate, and/or maintain the Non -Transportation Components, [hen Partnering Agency shall, at its sole cost and expense, correct such deficiency and restore the azea to the same condition i[ was in prior xhereto, and if Partnering Agency or its successors or assigns shall Fail or neglect to cothtttence such correction and restoration within 24 hours of notiFcation [hereof, ACHD may proceed to do so, in which event Partn¢ring Agency shal] reimburse ACHD for the costs and expenses thereof, including, without litrtita[ion, reasonable compensation For [he use of staff and equipment of ACHD. 4. Partnering Agency shall be liable [o ACHD Eor any and all damages, fines, fees, obligations to third parties, costs, expenses, attorney fees, or any other liabilities whatsoever resulfing From Partnering Agency's failure to comply with any provision of this Permit and/or Cos[ Share Ordinance No. 215. Without limiting the foregoing in any mann¢q in the event Partnering Agency fails to comply with any provision of this Permit, then following any applicable notice and opportuniTy to cure set Forth harem, ACHD shall have [he right, in addition to all other rights and remedies e]sewhere in this Permiq to redesign, replace, and/or reconstruct the Non - Transportation Components and/or the right-oF-way underlying the Non-TranspoRation Components, and in such event, Partnering Agency shall reimburse ACHD for all associated costs. The obligations in this Section shall survive the expiration, revocation, and/or cane¢llation o£ this Permit for any reason. 7 �. rannenng Agency may delegate any or [ts respOns bnrttes hezeunder to any third party so long as it gives prior written notice to ACHD that speciF es in detail what responsibilities aze being delegated and identifies the third party. Notwithstanding any delegation to a third party, Partnering Agency shall remain and shall be ultimately responsible {or the third party's compliance with the terms of this Permit, and no delegation shall absolve Partnering Agency of any duties or obligations of this Permit in any way. In addition, Partnering Agency fully assumes all legal risks of determining wheth¢r any such delegation is proper under applicable law and/or regulations, and shall not be absolved of any responsibilities under this Permit if it is unable to complete or maimain any such delegation for any reason. 6. Partnering Agency will proxecq defend, indemnify, and hold ACHD and its officers, directors, employees, members, and agents hazmless from and against any and all liability, suits, losses, damages, claims, actions, costs, and expenses of any nature, including court costs and attorney fees, arising From or out of any acts or omissions of Partnering Agency, its agents, or contractors related to or in connection with the Non -Transportation Components and the exercise of any privileges or performance of any obligations by Partnering Agency pursuant to [he terms of this Permit. Partnering Agency's obligations in this Section shall survive the expiration, revocation, and/or cancellation of this Permit for any reason. 7. In [he even[ the Non -Transportation Components will or may necessitate Future maintenance, repair, relocation, or replacement that is no[ the subject of this Permit, ACHD shall in its discretion issue Partnering Agency an amended or an additional Cost Shaze Permit to perform such work. 8. ACHD shall at all times have the right to relocate, reconstruct, remove, or redesign any and all improvements xhat are part of the Road Project ACHD will use its bast efforts to advise Partnering Agency of any anticipated actions within [he Road Project that would be likely to cause a relocation, modification, or other adaptation of any of the Non -Transportation Components, and the parties, to the extent reasonably possible, shall agree to a priority schedule regarding the same and shall attempt to cooperate with respect to planning and coordination as related to any such relocation, modification, or other adaptation of any of <he Non -Transportation Components. If ACRD ultimately determines [hat any part of the Road Project must be relocated, recons[mcted, removed, or redesigned, [hen Partnering Agency, at its sole cost and expense, shall be responsible for relocating, reconstructing, removing, or redesigning the Non - Transportation Components, as required by ACHD, which shall be accomplished by Partnering Agency according to designs, plans, and specifications approved by ACHD in writing prior to any such work. Partnering Agency may also elect to remove all or a part of the Non -Transportation Components in lieu of any relocation, modification, or adaptation. Partnering Agency assumes any and all costs of itself and ACHD relating to any future relocation of the Non -Transportation Components. 9. ACHD shall at all times have the right io revoke this and any other Cost Share Permit granted to Partnering Agency to access any Highway or Public Right -of -Way. In addition, ACRD may immediately perform any and all emergency repairs or take other measures in connection with an emergency, in which case Partnering Agency shall reimburse ACHD fully for all associated costs. 10. This Permit shall immediately be revocable and/or cancelable by ACHD by providing written notice to Partnering Agency upon the occurrence of any of [he following: (i) a determination by ACHD that any of the information submitted by Partnering Agency in the Cosi Share Application is false or inaccurate in any manner; (ii) a determination by ACHD [ha[ Partnering Agency has Failed to comoly with env Berm nr nrnv..mnn nF rhic Permit nr env other nPrm:r orwvrrd h.. AnHD to Partnering Agency; or (iii) a determination by ACHD that Partnering Agency has- failed to replace, maintain, and/or car¢ for the Non -Transportation Components as required by the terms of this Permit. Except in an emergency situation, ACHD shall provid¢ Paattterittg Agency with 30 days' notice of dte issue and an opportunity to comply prior t¢ exercising such rights. 11. The issuance of rttis Permit shall in no way obligate ACHD to provide Partnering Agency with additional permits or rights, nor shall AC}1D be obligated to utilise provisions or rights set forth in this Permit in connecrion with additional permits or rights that it may elect to provide to Partnering Agency in the future. 12. Al] exhibits and any addenda to this Permit are incorporated herein. l3. This Pet�ttit is conditioned upon the signature of ACRD and Partnering Agency below. SIGNATC7RTS This Cost Share Permit is issued by the Ada County Highway District on the date set forth above: Ada Connty Highway District: The person signing below represents that he or she has the authority on behalf of ACHD to issue th' Permit and bi ACHD to the terms set forth herein. By: n Its: Dia-ector City of Meridian: Acceptance/certification by Partnering Agency: The person signing below represents that he or she has the authority on behalf of Partrtering Agency to accept and agree to the terms o£ this Permit an``d bind Partnering Agency to the terms set Forth herein. �C-a✓s�Ii By: Tammy erd Its: Mayor Exhibits Exhibit A Project Plans C] _,ems • _ ><'� �' ;� c Goy....++�YXecC �o jeZNLGI EXHIBIT A Paul Wootls, prasldeni Rebecca W. Amoltl, Vim Presltlen[ Sara M. Baker, Commlalonar ]Im D. Hansen, Commlaloner Ken[ Gold[M1orpe, Commissloner Exhibit A is explicit to 95%plan sheets 1, 2, and 3 0£ ACHD Project No. 517032 and to 75 % plan sheets 1, 14-19 of ACHD Proj ect No. 517024. All other plan sheets are not applicable to the cost share permit. Ada County HlgFway DlsbiCt • 3JJ5 Atlams Street • Gartlan CI[y, ID 63J14 PH 2O8 38Jb1fID FX 345-J650 • wnvw.achdldalro.ory Y Y3flr r'r ®-®ryy�j ®e®.T '� i r t�� r Y.:. 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