2017 08-17 Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda – Thursday August 17, 2017 Page 1 of 2 All materials presented at public meetings shall become property of the City of Meridian. Anyone desiring accommodation for disabilities related to documents and/or hearing, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 888-4433 at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting. City Council Chambers 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Meridian, Idaho Thursday August 17, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. 1. Roll-call Attendance ___X__ Treg Bernt ___X___ Steven Yearsley ___X__ Gregory Wilson ___O___ Ryan Fitzgerald ___X__ Jessica Perreault ___X___ Bill Cassanelli __O____ Rhonda McCarvel – Chairperson 2. Adoption of the Agenda Adopted 3. Consent Agenda Approved A. Approve Minutes of August 3, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 4. Action Items A. Public Hearing for Heritage Hop Haus (H-2017-0100) by Prefunk Meridian Located 77 E. Idaho Avenue Continued to September 7, 2017 1. Request: Conditional Use Permit Approval to Establish a Drinking Establishment Use on the Property B. Public Hearing for Shops at Sawtooth Village (Lot 25) (H-2017-0096) by TS Development, LLC Located East Side of N. Linder Road, Approximately 1/8 Mile South of W. McMillan Road Approved 1. Request: Conditional Use Permit for a Drive-Thru Establishment Within 300 Feet of a Residential Use and District on 0.55 of an Acre of Land in the C-N Zoning District on Lot 25, Block 1, McLinder Subdivision No. 2 C. Public Hearing Continued from August 3, 2017 for Pine 43 (H-2017- 0058) by DMB Development Located South of E. Fairview Avenue, East of N. Locust Grove Road, North of Commercial Street and West of Hickory Avenue Continued to September 7, 2017 MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda – Thursday August 17, 2017 Page 2 of 2 All materials presented at public meetings shall become property of the City of Meridian. Anyone desiring accommodation for disabilities related to documents and/or hearing, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 888-4433 at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting. 1. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 0.07 of an Acre of Land with an R-15 (Medium High-Density Residential) (0.01 of an Acre) and C-G (General Retail and Service Commercial) (0.06 of an Acre) Zoning District 2. Request: Rezone of 46.11 Acres of Land from the C-G (General Retail and Service Commercial) to the R-15 (Medium High-Density Residential) Zoning District 3. Request: Preliminary Plat Approval Consisting of 516 Lots on 119.77 Acres of Land Consisting of 108 Mixed Use (28 Commercial and 80 Multi-Family Residential) Building Lots and 28 Mixed Use Common Lots on 73.68 Acres of Land in the C-G District and 356 Residential Building Lots Consisting of 196 Single-Family Detached, 128 Single-Family Attached and 32 Attached Live/Work and 24 Residential Common Lots on 46.12 Acres of Land in the R-15 Zoning District Adjourned at 7:03pm Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting August 17, 2017. Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of August 17, 2017, was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Commissioner Treg Bernt. Members Present: Commissioner Treg Bernt, Commissioner Gregory Wilson, Commissioner Steven Yearsley, Commissioner Bill Cassanelli and Commissioner Jessica Perreault. Members Absent: Commissioner Rhonda McCarvel and Commissioner Ryan Fitzgerald. Others Present: C.Jay Coles, Andrea Pogue, Bill Parsons, Sonya Allen and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-call Attendance X___ Treg Bernt ___X___ Steven Yearsley X___ Gregory Wilson _______ Ryan Fitzgerald X___ Jessica Perreault ___X___ Bill Cassanelli Rhonda McCarvel - Chairman Bernt: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. At this time I would like to call to order the regularly scheduled meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission on August 17th, 2017. Let's begin with roll call. Item 2: Adoption of the Agenda Bernt: Thanks, C.Jay. Adoption of the agenda. The first item on the agenda is the adoption of the agenda. Item H-2017-0100 will only be opened for the purpose of continuing this item to the regularly scheduled meeting of September 7th, 2017. It will open solely for the purpose -- for that purpose, so if there is anyone here this evening tonight to testify to that particular application, we will not be taking testimony today. Could I get a motion to adopt -- to adopt the agenda? Yearsley: Mr. Chairman, I move we adopt the agenda as presented. Perreault: Second. Bernt: It has been moved and seconded to adopt the agenda. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Item 3: Consent Agenda A. Approve Minutes of August 3, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 2 of 23 Bernt: No. 4 is the Consent Agenda. We have one item on the Consent Agenda this evening, which is approval of minutes of August 3rd, 2017, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Could I get a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented? Wilson: Mr. Chairman? Bernt: Commissioner. Wilson: I move we approve the Consent Agenda. Bernt: Could I get a second? Yearsley: Second. Perreault: Second. Bernt: Thank you. It's been moved and seconded to adopt the Consent Agenda. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Bernt: Perfect. So far I'm three for three. Wilson: You're doing well. Bernt: Thank you. Agenda items. No. 5 on the -- on the item list agenda, talk about that right now. At this time we would like to briefly explain the public hearing process for this evening. We will open each item individually and, then, start with the staff report. The staff will report their findings regarding how the item adheres to our Comprehensive Plan and Uniform Development Code, with the staff's recommendations. After the staff -- staff has made their presentation the -- the applicant will come forward to present their case for the approval of their application and respond to any staff comments . The applicant will have 15 minutes to do so. After the applicant has finished we will open to the public testimony. There is a sign-up sheet in the back as you entered for anyone wishing to testify this evening. Any person testifying will come forward and be allowed three minutes. If there are anyone speaking for a larger group, like an HOA and there is hands to show that they are, indeed, representative of that group, they will be given up to ten minutes. After all testimony has been heard, the applicant will be giving -- will be given another ten minutes to have an opportunity to come back and respond if they desire . After that we would close the public hearing and the Commissioners will have the opportunity to discuss and hopefully be able to make a recommendation to City Council if that's needed. Item 4: Action Items A. Public Hearing for Heritage Hop Haus (H-2017-0100) by Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 3 of 23 Prefunk Meridian Located 77 E. Idaho Avenue 1. Request: Conditional Use Permit Approval to Establish a Drinking Establishment Use on the Property Bernt: At this time -- at this time I would like to continue -- open -- oh, excuse me. That's right. I'm sorry. At this time I would like to open the public hearing for Item H-2017-0100, Heritage Hop Haus, by Prefunk in Meridian, located at 77 East Idaho Ave. It's been proposed that we continue this item until September 7th, 2017, for reasons the applicant requested to continue because there was not a site posted at their location. Can I get a motion to continue this item? Perreault: Mr. Chair, I move to continue file number H-2017-0100 to the date of September 7th, 2017. Bernt: Do I have a second? Wilson: Second. Bernt: It has been moved and seconded to continue the public hearing on Item H-2017- 0100, Heritage Hop Haus to September 7th, 2017. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT B. Public Hearing for Shops at Sawtooth Village (Lot 25) (H-2017- 0096) by TS Development, LLC Located East Side of N. Linder Road, Approximately 1/8 Mile South of W. McMillan Road 1. Request: Conditional Use Permit for a Drive-Thru Establishment Within 300 Feet of a Residential Use and District on 0.55 of an Acre of Land in the C-N Zoning District on Lot 25, Block 1, McLinder Subdivision No. 2 Bernt: Second item on our agenda this evening is Item H-2017-0096, Shops at Sawtooth Village by TS Development. We will begin with the staff report. Allen: Thank you, Chairman, Members of the Commission. The application before you tonight is a request for a conditional use permit. The site consists of .55 of an acre of land. It's zoned C-N, located on the east side of North Linder Road, approximately an eighth of a mile south of West McMillan Road at 4698 North Linder Road. Adjacent uses and zoning. To the north and south is vacant undeveloped property, zoned C-N. To the east is multi-family residential, zoned R-15. And to the west is vacant undeveloped property zoned L-O. The Comprehensive Plan future land use map designation for this property is mixed use neighborhood. The applicant is requesting a conditional permit for Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 4 of 23 a drive-thru establishment in a C-N zoning district within 300 feet of existing residences and residential zoning. The proposed site plan depicts a 2,880 square foot building, with a patio area, drive-thru, and associated parking. Access is provided from an ingress- egress easement that runs along the north and east sides of this site via North Linder Road. An ingress-egress cross-parking agreement exists for the lots in the subdivision , which enables the southern row of parking to be located on the adjacent lot to the south and be utilized by this use. The parking spaces next to the building are designated for employee spaces. To exit the site will require driving around the building through the drive-thru. The plan you're looking at on the left is the one that was originally submitted with this application. Since that time the applicant has revised the site plan based on the staff recommendations included in Exhibit B. The drive-thru -- as you can see here the site bends a little bit -- light line, so you enter the sight here, it's a one-way drive aisle, you come up, there are two employee designated parking spots here. You come around and, then, the stacking lane for the drive-thru is here and, then, there is another escape lane or circulation lane on the other side of it. The stacking lane goes around and the drive-thru window is indicated there on the side of the building. On the left side here traffic can drop out here to the south and go through this parking area here and out to the cross- access easement. The stacking lane appears that it should be sufficient for the proposed use and the escape lane is proposed in accordance of UDC standards for stacking lanes that are greater than one hundred feet. The drive-thru is visible from the adjacent public street Linder Road as required. A 25 foot wide buffer to residential land uses is required along the east boundary of the site, incorporating a mix of trees and shrubs, that result in a buffer that allows trees to touch at maturity. A wall or fence may also be included to assist in buffering the residential properties. Hours of operation are restricted from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the C-N zoning district. Conceptual building elevations were submitted as shown for the proposed structure. It's a single story with building materials consisting of stucco with stone accents around the base of the structure, with heavy timber beams and posts, stained wood facia and trim and a metal standing seamed roof. The structure is required to comply with the standards listed in the architectural standards manual. The applicant, as is stated there, did submit a revised site plan. It appears to address all of -- most all of the conditions in the staff report. Written testimony has been received from the applicant's representative Mary Murphy in agreement with a staff report and staff is recommending approval with the conditions in the staff report. Staff will stand for any questions. Bernt: Any questions for staff? No questions? Would the applicant like to come forward. Please state your name and address for the record. McKeegan: Thank you. My name is Patrick McKeegan. I am the architect for the project. My address is 2419 South Annette Street in Boise, Idaho. We appreciate the work that staff has done on the -- on the staff report and communication has been going back and forth and we have been working to comply with the -- with the requirements as they have been given to us. It's kind of an odd project and it's -- it's a really tiny business. It really is, so we end up with a lot of stuff that could probably fit a much larger drive-thru, but we do meet the minimum standards. We actually exceed them. In our staff -- in our preapplication meeting the Fire Department and others expressed concern about Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 5 of 23 having -- Bernt: I was just communicating with that guy. McKeegan: Okay. You know. And we did not have -- we met the -- the original plan met the code as far as parking, but it was suggested that we provide more. So, the owner owns all three contiguous lots, so we were able to go in and provide much more parking on the -- on the lot to the south and -- for that and, then, the employee spaces will -- next to the drive-thru lanes, so that the public won't be affected by that. We have provided on the -- on the side facing -- the apartments and homes we have provided a large patio in the front of the building towards them, hoping to draw them over to partake in the drinks and the stuff that we have. Building design is actually going to be the model for the rest of the -- of the development of the center, kind of a mountain sawtooth type of design if you will. I will discuss some -- at this point I will just stand for questions and appreciate the opportunity to present. Bernt: Our pleasure. Are there any questions for the applicant? No questions? Okay. Cassanelli: I have a question. Bernt: Sure, Bill. Cassanelli: Is this -- is this particular building just designed for a single tenant ? McKeegan: Two. Cassanelli: For two? McKeegan: Yes. Cassanelli: Thank you. Bernt: Any other questions for the applicant? McKeegan: May I make one clarification? Bernt: Sure. McKeegan: We are -- we have two separate tenant spaces, two separate franchises, but they are -- the same franchisee owns both businesses, if that makes -- Cassanelli: What is -- so there are two -- you have already got tenants lined up for a space in there? McKeegan: Oh, yeah. Yeah. We have got their plans -- their interior plans designed and we are waiting for approval to move forward on construction documents. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 6 of 23 Cassanelli: Thank you. Bernt: Any other questions for the applicant? All right. Thank you. McKeegan: Okay. Thank you. Bernt: At this time I'd like to take public testimony. There has been people that have signed up. It looks like maybe the three applicants. Would you guys like to testify at all? Okay. We are good? Okay. At this -- so, are good. The applicant -- you don't need to come forward. Oh. Does anybody else want to testify in regard to this item this evening? Excuse me? Okay. So -- Yearsley: Mr. Chairman, I move that we close the Public Hearing on file number H-2017- 0096. Wilson: Second. Bernt: It looks like we have a motion and a second. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Bernt: Thoughts? Yearsley: Mr. Chairman, I think it looks good. I actually like the -- the look of the -- the building. I think it's going to be a really nice building and if that's the model for the other ones I think it will be a really nice -- nice little area, so I think the driveways and the drive- thru looks pretty good, so I'm in favor of this application. Cassanelli: Mr. Chairman? Bernt: Mr. Cassanelli. Cassanelli: Actually, a question for staff on this. What -- what is the minimum parking that was required in this? Allen: Chairman, Commissioner Cassanelli, it's -- there is six spaces required, one space per 500 square feet of gross floor area. Cassanelli: And how many -- how many are included in the -- outside of the employee -- Allen: There is eight spaces, plus four employees. Cassanelli: Isn't the parking lot to the south included in the -- in the count? Is that what Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 7 of 23 that's -- Allen: Yes. Cassanelli: Okay. Mr. Chairman, I have got a concern I guess with the -- with the parking. If this is exactly the businesses that are -- that are going in there, it looks like we have got a restaurant of some sort. I just don't know if -- if that parking is going to be sufficient. They are using a -- a different property. What's going to happen when something goes in there, you know, down the road, where are we going to be with parking. I'm just a little bit concerned that it's going to get tight fast. Bernt: Anybody else? Anyone else have any concerns, questions? Cassanelli: I will add to that. I do like -- I like the drawings. I like the -- I like the look of it. I just -- I'm concerned that -- that that parking is not going to be ample down the road. Yearsley: Just clarification with staff. With the parking being in the other parking lot, they are -- they are tied to those many spaces, so if another development came in they couldn't use those parking spaces twice; correct? Allen: Chairman, Commissioner Yearsley, it's -- it's a shared parking agreement out there. So, if I were looking at the -- the parking for the adjacent site when it comes in, I would calculate the required parking for that side versus what they are already sharing with this business and they would have to meet the minimum standards. Yearsley: Okay. Allen: There will be a row of parking. As you can see they have started showing it there on the -- parallel to Linder Road. Right here. So, there -- there should be another row of parking to the south there. Bernt: Commissioner Wilson? Wilson: I'm going to make a motion. I mean I think -- I think Steven laid it out. I mean I don't know -- I think -- I think it looks good. I mean I think -- I think parking got covered and staff covered it and I'm ready to make a motion, unless someone else wants to weigh in. Yearsley: Like I said, I think with -- you know, they have got a minimum number of parking you know, they can't share what was already calculated on this one, so they would have to have for both and so I think where this is predominately a drive -thru facility it didn't look like there was much inside, so I would assume that the parking would be -- you know, I don't know if I have many concerns with parking. Wilson: Mr. Chairman? Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 8 of 23 Bernt: Commissioner Wilson. Wilson: After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to approve file number H-2017-0096 as presented in a staff report for the hearing date of August 17, 2017. Perreault: Second. Bernt: It has been moved and seconded to approve Item No. H-2017-0096 with no modifications. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Cassanelli: Nay. Bernt: Motion carries. Thank you. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. ONE NAY. TWO ABSENT. C. Public Hearing Continued from August 3, 2017 for Pine 43 (H- 2017-0058) by DMB Development Located South of E. Fairview Avenue, East of N. Locust Grove Road, North of Commercial Street and West of Hickory Avenue 1. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 0.07 of an Acre of Land with an R-15 (Medium High-Density Residential) 0.01 of an Acre) and C-G (General Retail and Service Commercial) (0.06 of an Acre) Zoning District 2. Request: Rezone of 46.11 Acres of Land from the C-G General Retail and Service Commercial) to the R- Medium High-Density Residential) Zoning District 3. Request: Preliminary Plat Approval Consisting of 516 Lots on 119.77 Acres of Land Consisting of 108 Mixed Use (28 Commercial and 80 Multi-Family Residential) Building Lots and 28 Mixed Use Common Lots on 73.68 Acres of Land in the C-G District and 356 Residential Building Lots Consisting of 196 Single-Family Detached, 128 Single-Family Attached and 32 Attached Live/Work and 24 Residential Common Lots on 46.12 Acres of Land in the R-15 Zoning District Bernt: All right. At this time I'd like to open the public hearing for Item No. H-2017-0058, Pine 43 by DMB Development. We will begin with staff report. Allen: Thank you, Chairman, Commissioners. The applications before you are a request for annexation and zoning, a rezone, and a preliminary plat. A development agreement Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 9 of 23 modification is also requested, but it does not require Commission action, only Council action. However, Council -- or Commission should feel free to make any notes they would like on that also. This site consists of approximately 120 acres of land. It's zoned C-G and it's located on the south side of East Fairview Avenue and the east side of North Locust Grove Road, north of Commercial Street. There is a variety of developed and undeveloped land surrounding this property, consisting of commercial, office, industrial and a mix of residential uses, zoned I-L, C-G, L-O, RUT in Ada county, R-8 and R-15. In 2007 this property was included in the annexation , rezone, and preliminary plat for the Pine Bridge Subdivision. A development agreement was required as a provision of annexation and later amended to remove the Scentsy property. The concept plan before you is the existing concept plan that is included in the current development agreement. It does include the Scentsy property over here on the right that does front over here on Eagle Road. Several time extensions have been approved for this preliminary plat, but it did expire earlier this year. Since the time the property was annexed Pine Avenue has been extended between Locust Grove and Eagle Road. A roundabout has been constructed at the intersection of Pine and Webb and infrastructure has been completed to support the Scentsy and PKG campuses. The Comprehensive Plan future land use map designation for this property is mixed use community. This property is located within the northern area of the core designated in the Comprehensive Plan. This area focuses on promoting an environment for health, sciences and technology and business centers, creating sustainable jobs, development products, training and research and manufacturing that can't be outsourced. The corridor of complementary businesses and services provides a one stop destination for visitors and workforce with all necessary amenities. The applicant is requesting a modification to the existing development agreement to accommodate the proposed mixed use develo pment plan. This does not require action for the Commission, as I stated, just City Council. The original concept plan shown here included approximately three million square feet of commercial, light office and multi-family residential uses and a medical campus and included the 50 acre property that is now the Scentsy Commons campus to the east. That area has since been removed from that development agreement . The proposed plan is shown here. It includes commercial components for office, retail and a variety of residential housing types. The concept plan depicts commercial uses along adjacent arterial streets, Fairview, Locust Grove and Pine, and I will show you these areas here if you can see my pointer. Commercial is right there, there, and along the north side of Pine, south side of Pine, and south of Pine, west of Webb here. Medium density residential detached homes, attached townhomes, vertically integrated residential, approximately 353 units are proposed internal to the development. Two collector streets are also proposed through the development north- south, which is Webb Way, the street that goes out here from Fairview to Pine, and an east-west collector street, State Street -- State Avenue from the east boundary of the site to Locust Grove. That's a dotted line here. I don't know if you can see well enough on this plan , but these lighter kind of yellow uses -- or areas here are the live-work units that are proposed. These kind of pinkish colored ones here are the single family detached lots. These yellowish areas here are the townhomes -- the attached townhomes and the orange ones are the multi-family residential apartments. Because Pine Avenue serves as an employment corridor in the core area , staff is recommending the multi-family residential apartments on the west side of Webb between Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 10 of 23 State and Pine -- those are this area where the E is shown -- are relocated adjacent to the other multi-family residential uses north of the Jackson Drain or removed entirely. That would be this area right here. The Jackson Drain goes through this green area right here where the C is located. The applicant has -- well, I will talk about first another amendment the staff had requested on the plan. Because most of the townhome units are access -- alley accessed here, so they still allow for on-street parking and garage entries off the alley. There is a couple areas that -- if you can see right here where my pointer is at, those are accessed from the street. The lots are only about 24 feet wide. So, by the time you get a 20 foot wide garage and a 20 foot wide parking pad, you've only got four feet left over, which doesn't allow for on-street parking and is really garage dominated on the front of the elevation. So, staff has asked the applicant on this area and this area up here to the north on the west side of Wilson to widen those lots out to single family detached lots, which will accommodate single family detached homes and the applicant has agreed to that. We met with -- I met with the applicant earlier this week and discussed these changes and, then, he submitted just kind of a rough drawing of the changes he'd like to make on the plan and -- and that reflects the widening of these lots here for the detached lots and, then, moving the multi-family here to this circled area right here north of the Jackson Drain adjacent to the other multi-family and, then, this area here will be changed to commercial uses there . So, then, I will back up here. The annexation request is for .07 of an acre of land with the R-15 zoning district, which is actually .01 of an acre, and C-G zoning, which is .06 of an acre. It's proposed for the right of way dedication for the extension of State Avenue and it's kind of hard to see, but if you can see my pointer here, it just goes across the very corner of this RUT property right here. Because it's on the boundary of this property and it's being dedicated as right of way, this -- the rest of this parcel isn't required to be annexed, just the piece that they are requesting. And, then, a rezone of 46.55 of land from the C-G and R-15 zoning district is proposed to allow the development of single family residential uses, which will contribute to the mix of uses desired within the MUC designated areas such as this. So, if you look at the parcel now -- or the property it's all zoned C-G. If you look at this map, all of this residential area through here, if you can see my pointer, that's all to be rezoned to R-15. A preliminary plat is proposed for 510 building lots -- excuse me -- lots on 120 acres of land, consisting of 108 mixed use -- and that's 28 commercial and 80 multi-family residential building lots and 28 mixed use common lots on 68 acres of land in the C -G district and 353 single family residential building lots, consisting of 175 single family residential detached lots, 138 single family residential attached townhome lots, 40 attached live-work lots and 21 residential common lots on 46.55 acres of land in the R-15 zoning district. Of course these numbers will be adjusted some with the changes that I mentioned. The subdivision is proposed to develop in 13 phases as shown , beginning with the single family residential portions more in the center of the development. Proposed lots in the R-15 district, single family residential uses, range in size from 2,000 square feet to just over 4,000 square feet, with lot dimensions of 20 to 35 feet in width by 100 to 125 feet in depth. There are several existing structures on the site that are required to be removed prior to signature on the final plat for the phase in which they are located . An updated traffic impact study was prepared for the proposed development , which determined the proposed development will generate less traffic than the current approved plan, because it does incorporate more residential uses. Landscape street buffers are Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 11 of 23 required adjacent to all arterial and collector streets within the development and along all streets within the C-G zoning district in accord with UDC standards. The top picture there is the roundabout that exists today and the landscaping that 's proposed within it and a sign for the development. The sign will require a separate sign permit. Open space and site amenities are required in accord with UDC standards for the single family residential portion of the development. Open space and site amenities are also required for the multi-family residential portion, but will be reviewed with the conditional use permit application. A minimum of ten percent or 4.66 acres of qualified open space is required within the single family residential portion of the development and a minimum of two qualified site amenities are required. The applicant's open space exhibit complies with the minimum requirements, but there is additional area that was not included that can count towards qualified open space, which is above the required amount. If you can see there on the bottom left exhibit, that is their open space that they have counted. Site amenities consisting of a swimming pool and cabana , sports and tennis courts, tot lots, players for children and segments of the city's ten foot wide multi-use pathway system east-west along the Jackson Drain and north-south along Webb Way is proposed. So, the current multi-use pathway runs along the north side of Pine here and is going to extend up along Webb and, then, it extends east-west along the Jackson Drain here. Conceptual building elevations were submitted for the commercial. That's here in the right-hand corner. The commercial -- or, excuse me, residential townhomes, single family detached and attached townhomes are proposed. Staff believes the commercial areas within this development should provide for businesses that incorporate the core vision and the diversity of residential housing choices should provide nearby housing options for employees in this area. No one has provided written testimony on this application and staff is recommending approval with the conditions in Exhibit B of the staff report. Staff will stand for any questions. Bernt: Thanks, Sonya. Any questions for staff? Perreault: Mr. Chairman? Bernt: Commissioner Perreault. Perreault: Can you go into more detail about the live-work lots, size, and what's intended to be there? Is there commercial and residential use in one location or -- help me understand that. Allen: Yes, Chairman, Commissioners, those lots I believe -- and the applicant can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they are around 24 feet in width -- 20, 24. They will be attached units. They will have commercial, retail, possibly, on the lower floor and, then, residential on the top floor. Perreault: Thank you. Bernt: Any other questions for staff? Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 12 of 23 Yearsley: Mr. Chair? Bernt: Commissioner Yearsley. Yearsley: Sonya, can you go back to the one that he sketched and -- so, he's moving the apartments there, but he's actually asking for more -- I know, but he's moving over there, but he's asking for more density to the north and south of that; is that correct? Allen: Chairman, Commissioners, Commissioner Yearsley, there -- and he can expand on this, because I wasn't clear on what type of housing he is proposing -- Yearsley: Okay. Allen: -- to the south of the multi-family here. He's -- he's moving all but I think -- I think there was four structures shown on the multi-family than was shown here originally up here and, then, he has added in some additional medium -- medium density residential there. Yearsley: Okay. Allen: Median high density. This is just a rough plan you're looking. You know, it hasn't it's just -- based on what we were talking he plans to refine it more. Yearsley: Okay. Bernt: Thank you, staff. Would the applicant like to come forward? Please state your name and address for the record. Thank you. Torfin: Sonya, if you want to put up the -- if I can click on this that will work for me. And your PowerPoint that you -- excuse me. Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, my name is Dan Torfin and I'm representing DMB Development -- Perreault: Can you state your address as well? Torfin: 250 South Beachwood, Boise, Idaho. Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, thank you. Sometimes I'm technically challenged, so bear with me. This I'm represent -- representing the applications that Sonya mentioned and she did a great job. I don't -- I don't want to redo all that. I'm going to -- I think it will be best for me to answer questions, but we have been working on this project since -- assembling the ground since the mid '90s. We started submitting applications in early 2000 and got approved in 2007 and started construction. We did build Pine Avenue to make that connection between Eagle and Locust Grove. We built a roundabout. The -- the map -- or the plan that you see on there is our plan for the Pine 43 development that we are going to landscape that and landscape the boulevard. Scentsy Commons was part of our project in -- in the early days and that is -- I just drove through there on my way here and it is probably the most beautiful campus that I have ever seen. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 13 of 23 Bernt: I would agree. Torfin: It's fantastic. So, we are -- we are really happy that we were able to get them to come to our development. We also -- PKG is in our project and have some room to expand and they are part of our project and in support of our project. So, really, the plan that's before you is what's left over after Scentsy and it really is a refinement of our mixed use plan, our concept that we envisioned ten years ago or even longer. We had a large component of multi-family residential that you saw on the previous plan and so what we have -- we have tried to do is meet the demands of the market, address the Comprehensive plan and so we are providing that variety of housing types that you see from detachment homes, attached townhouses, alley loads, some -- some of the detached are not alley loads and those architectural styles are just really a montage of what we are going to allow. We think we are going to see an eclectic mix of architectural styles. Our -- our mission for our company is to provide mixed use projects, because we think they are better communities, they are better for the community that we are in and this one will -- with its pedestrian access will have some benefits for downtown. Downton is within walking and biking distance and that was always something that we liked about this site. It now -- over the last ten years, of course, we have The Village, we have Kleiner Park, and I think there is going to be some walkability there. The addition of the residential really fits best with what the market is demanding and it will provide more of an urban higher density for the city core, which we think is beneficial to the city. I mentioned the pathways. The commercial really does stay at the arterials on Fairview, on Locust Grove and Pine Avenue and so we are -- we are still on board. Dennis Baker, who is the DMB was one of the founding members of the core and so he was instrumental in trying to promote that idea and so we have been working with staff for some time . We started work on this project in '95 and so we got a lot of patience and we want to do it right. We were agreeable to move that area, which is the area that E -- if I can get on there -- that you see on the map and so the clarification that I can make is the staff -- initially we did talk to staff about moving it so it's all the way on the east side. Let's see. I'm trying to get the cursor -- but -- so that the -- yes. This will be good. So, what we -- what we showed and we were trying to attempt that. Staff was concerned about having some of the single family on both sides of that collector and so if we move the multi-family off of Pine to keep that as a commercial corridor, we are fine to have that whole area from State all the way up and attach the existing multi-family residential that you see in orange and that was kind of the concept that we were discussing and so the -- the two areas that are kind of bubbles -- and I apologize for my scribble. I -- actually I have better printing than that, so -- it looks pretty bad on the screen. But we are -- we are showing -- those are not lots, but those are intended to be units that are part of multi-family and may be considered close to the densities that we -- that we are looking at in the apartment area, which is 20 units per acre. So, hopefully, that's a clarification and I will be answering more questions I'm sure. We think we have room to support the core and the medical , technical, businesses that we can attract as this area develops. We are fine with the -- with staff's analysis and their conditions of approval, with the exception of -- that we are agreeable to have that whole area be multi-family residential on the east side of Webb Avenue and our plan meets the goals of the Comprehensive Plan by providing that variety of housing, Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 14 of 23 instead of having just one type of apartment ground that we had in the project previously. We have four, maybe five different types of residential component and we are really trying to provide housing for people that work in the area , so you can live and work and benefit the transportation system, because you capture trips -- that's why our traffic -- our traffic counts are lower. So, I would just like to summarize that we have enjoyed working with staff and getting this thing refined. We are ready to make some -- you know, the revisions that we have talked about with staff and with you tonight. We think it meets the goals of the city. All the -- the roadway system in the infrastructure had -- some of it's been installed. Pine Avenue -- we installed sewer and water and have all utilities there ready to go. So, I think with that I would just stand for questions. Bernt: Thank you. Any questions for the applicant? Yearsley: Mr. Chair? Bernt: Commissioner Yearsley. Yearsley: So, go back to the -- back to the previous question, just so I can get a better clarification. I think you touched on it, but if you would -- so, we moved the apartments and so are kind of just -- instead of having like a single family mix there we are more going into the -- more of the townhouses just to the south of there; is that correct? Torfin: Yeah. The lower bubble -- the orange are the apartments. So, we have expanded down to the Jackson Drain and that lower bubble -- those are not lots, those are -- could be four or five plex units that do have garages, but they are more dense. They could be two -- they are a combination of two and three story units and so they don't -- they are still a multi-family attached unit that's higher density than what would be allowed in the R- 15 and so staff's original comment was to isolate that to switch our multi -family that was on Pine over to that area, we are agreeable to doing that. Yearsley: Okay. Torfin: And it does require -- Mr. Chairman, Commissioner Yearsley, it does require conditional use to do that multi-family. So, there is -- and also design review. So, there is -- you know, there is more review as that moves forward. Yearsley: Okay. Bernt: Thank you. Yearsley: Sorry. One other question. So, the previous plan had like three million square feet of commercial -- or -- so, we have kind of significantly reduced the commercial footprint in this area; is that correct? Torfin: Yes. Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting August 17, 2017. Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of August 17, 2017, was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Commissioner Treg Bernt. Members Present: Commissioner Treg Bernt, Commissioner Gregory Wilson, Commissioner Steven Yearsley, Commissioner Bill Cassanelli and Commissioner Jessica Perreault. Members Absent: Commissioner Rhonda McCarvel and Commissioner Ryan Fitzgerald. Others Present: C.Jay Coles, Andrea Pogue, Bill Parsons, Sonya Allen and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-call Attendance X___ Treg Bernt ___X___ Steven Yearsley X___ Gregory Wilson _______ Ryan Fitzgerald X___ Jessica Perreault ___X___ Bill Cassanelli Rhonda McCarvel - Chairman Bernt: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. At this time I would like to call to order the regularly scheduled meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission on August 17th, 2017. Let's begin with roll call. Item 2: Adoption of the Agenda Bernt: Thanks, C.Jay. Adoption of the agenda. The first item on the agenda is the adoption of the agenda. Item H-2017-0100 will only be opened for the purpose of continuing this item to the regularly scheduled meeting of September 7th, 2017. It will open solely for the purpose -- for that purpose, so if there is anyone here this evening tonight to testify to that particular application, we will not be taking testimony today. Could I get a motion to adopt -- to adopt the agenda? Yearsley: Mr. Chairman, I move we adopt the agenda as presented. Perreault: Second. Bernt: It has been moved and seconded to adopt the agenda. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Item 3: Consent Agenda A. Approve Minutes of August 3, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 2 of 23 Bernt: No. 4 is the Consent Agenda. We have one item on the Consent Agenda this evening, which is approval of minutes of August 3rd, 2017, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Could I get a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented? Wilson: Mr. Chairman? Bernt: Commissioner. Wilson: I move we approve the Consent Agenda. Bernt: Could I get a second? Yearsley: Second. Perreault: Second. Bernt: Thank you. It's been moved and seconded to adopt the Consent Agenda. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Bernt: Perfect. So far I'm three for three. Wilson: You're doing well. Bernt: Thank you. Agenda items. No. 5 on the -- on the item list agenda, talk about that right now. At this time we would like to briefly explain the public hearing process for this evening. We will open each item individually and, then, start with the staff report. The staff will report their findings regarding how the item adheres to our Comprehensive Plan and Uniform Development Code, with the staff's recommendations. After the staff -- staff has made their presentation the -- the applicant will come forward to present their case for the approval of their application and respond to any staff comments . The applicant will have 15 minutes to do so. After the applicant has finished we will open to the public testimony. There is a sign-up sheet in the back as you entered for anyone wishing to testify this evening. Any person testifying will come forward and be allowed three minutes. If there are anyone speaking for a larger group, like an HOA and there is hands to show that they are, indeed, representative of that group, they will be given up to ten minutes. After all testimony has been heard, the applicant will be giving -- will be given another ten minutes to have an opportunity to come back and respond if they desire . After that we would close the public hearing and the Commissioners will have the opportunity to discuss and hopefully be able to make a recommendation to City Council if that's needed. Item 4: Action Items A. Public Hearing for Heritage Hop Haus (H-2017-0100) by Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 3 of 23 Prefunk Meridian Located 77 E. Idaho Avenue 1. Request: Conditional Use Permit Approval to Establish a Drinking Establishment Use on the Property Bernt: At this time -- at this time I would like to continue -- open -- oh, excuse me. That's right. I'm sorry. At this time I would like to open the public hearing for Item H-2017-0100, Heritage Hop Haus, by Prefunk in Meridian, located at 77 East Idaho Ave. It's been proposed that we continue this item until September 7th, 2017, for reasons the applicant requested to continue because there was not a site posted at their location. Can I get a motion to continue this item? Perreault: Mr. Chair, I move to continue file number H-2017-0100 to the date of September 7th, 2017. Bernt: Do I have a second? Wilson: Second. Bernt: It has been moved and seconded to continue the public hearing on Item H-2017- 0100, Heritage Hop Haus to September 7th, 2017. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT B. Public Hearing for Shops at Sawtooth Village (Lot 25) (H-2017- 0096) by TS Development, LLC Located East Side of N. Linder Road, Approximately 1/8 Mile South of W. McMillan Road 1. Request: Conditional Use Permit for a Drive-Thru Establishment Within 300 Feet of a Residential Use and District on 0.55 of an Acre of Land in the C-N Zoning District on Lot 25, Block 1, McLinder Subdivision No. 2 Bernt: Second item on our agenda this evening is Item H-2017-0096, Shops at Sawtooth Village by TS Development. We will begin with the staff report. Allen: Thank you, Chairman, Members of the Commission. The application before you tonight is a request for a conditional use permit. The site consists of .55 of an acre of land. It's zoned C-N, located on the east side of North Linder Road, approximately an eighth of a mile south of West McMillan Road at 4698 North Linder Road. Adjacent uses and zoning. To the north and south is vacant undeveloped property, zoned C-N. To the east is multi-family residential, zoned R-15. And to the west is vacant undeveloped property zoned L-O. The Comprehensive Plan future land use map designation for this property is mixed use neighborhood. The applicant is requesting a conditional permit for Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 4 of 23 a drive-thru establishment in a C-N zoning district within 300 feet of existing residences and residential zoning. The proposed site plan depicts a 2,880 square foot building, with a patio area, drive-thru, and associated parking. Access is provided from an ingress- egress easement that runs along the north and east sides of this site via North Linder Road. An ingress-egress cross-parking agreement exists for the lots in the subdivision , which enables the southern row of parking to be located on the adjacent lot to the south and be utilized by this use. The parking spaces next to the building are designated for employee spaces. To exit the site will require driving around the building through the drive-thru. The plan you're looking at on the left is the one that was originally submitted with this application. Since that time the applicant has revised the site plan based on the staff recommendations included in Exhibit B. The drive-thru -- as you can see here the site bends a little bit -- light line, so you enter the sight here, it's a one-way drive aisle, you come up, there are two employee designated parking spots here. You come around and, then, the stacking lane for the drive-thru is here and, then, there is another escape lane or circulation lane on the other side of it. The stacking lane goes around and the drive-thru window is indicated there on the side of the building. On the left side here traffic can drop out here to the south and go through this parking area here and out to the cross- access easement. The stacking lane appears that it should be sufficient for the proposed use and the escape lane is proposed in accordance of UDC standards for stacking lanes that are greater than one hundred feet. The drive-thru is visible from the adjacent public street Linder Road as required. A 25 foot wide buffer to residential land uses is required along the east boundary of the site, incorporating a mix of trees and shrubs, that result in a buffer that allows trees to touch at maturity. A wall or fence may also be included to assist in buffering the residential properties. Hours of operation are restricted from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the C-N zoning district. Conceptual building elevations were submitted as shown for the proposed structure. It's a single story with building materials consisting of stucco with stone accents around the base of the structure, with heavy timber beams and posts, stained wood facia and trim and a metal standing seamed roof. The structure is required to comply with the standards listed in the architectural standards manual. The applicant, as is stated there, did submit a revised site plan. It appears to address all of -- most all of the conditions in the staff report. Written testimony has been received from the applicant's representative Mary Murphy in agreement with a staff report and staff is recommending approval with the conditions in the staff report. Staff will stand for any questions. Bernt: Any questions for staff? No questions? Would the applicant like to come forward. Please state your name and address for the record. McKeegan: Thank you. My name is Patrick McKeegan. I am the architect for the project. My address is 2419 South Annette Street in Boise, Idaho. We appreciate the work that staff has done on the -- on the staff report and communication has been going back and forth and we have been working to comply with the -- with the requirements as they have been given to us. It's kind of an odd project and it's -- it's a really tiny business. It really is, so we end up with a lot of stuff that could probably fit a much larger drive-thru, but we do meet the minimum standards. We actually exceed them. In our staff -- in our preapplication meeting the Fire Department and others expressed concern about Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 5 of 23 having -- Bernt: I was just communicating with that guy. McKeegan: Okay. You know. And we did not have -- we met the -- the original plan met the code as far as parking, but it was suggested that we provide more. So, the owner owns all three contiguous lots, so we were able to go in and provide much more parking on the -- on the lot to the south and -- for that and, then, the employee spaces will -- next to the drive-thru lanes, so that the public won't be affected by that. We have provided on the -- on the side facing -- the apartments and homes we have provided a large patio in the front of the building towards them, hoping to draw them over to partake in the drinks and the stuff that we have. Building design is actually going to be the model for the rest of the -- of the development of the center, kind of a mountain sawtooth type of design if you will. I will discuss some -- at this point I will just stand for questions and appreciate the opportunity to present. Bernt: Our pleasure. Are there any questions for the applicant? No questions? Okay. Cassanelli: I have a question. Bernt: Sure, Bill. Cassanelli: Is this -- is this particular building just designed for a single tenant ? McKeegan: Two. Cassanelli: For two? McKeegan: Yes. Cassanelli: Thank you. Bernt: Any other questions for the applicant? McKeegan: May I make one clarification? Bernt: Sure. McKeegan: We are -- we have two separate tenant spaces, two separate franchises, but they are -- the same franchisee owns both businesses, if that makes -- Cassanelli: What is -- so there are two -- you have already got tenants lined up for a space in there? McKeegan: Oh, yeah. Yeah. We have got their plans -- their interior plans designed and we are waiting for approval to move forward on construction documents. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 6 of 23 Cassanelli: Thank you. Bernt: Any other questions for the applicant? All right. Thank you. McKeegan: Okay. Thank you. Bernt: At this time I'd like to take public testimony. There has been people that have signed up. It looks like maybe the three applicants. Would you guys like to testify at all? Okay. We are good? Okay. At this -- so, are good. The applicant -- you don't need to come forward. Oh. Does anybody else want to testify in regard to this item this evening? Excuse me? Okay. So -- Yearsley: Mr. Chairman, I move that we close the Public Hearing on file number H-2017- 0096. Wilson: Second. Bernt: It looks like we have a motion and a second. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Bernt: Thoughts? Yearsley: Mr. Chairman, I think it looks good. I actually like the -- the look of the -- the building. I think it's going to be a really nice building and if that's the model for the other ones I think it will be a really nice -- nice little area, so I think the driveways and the drive- thru looks pretty good, so I'm in favor of this application. Cassanelli: Mr. Chairman? Bernt: Mr. Cassanelli. Cassanelli: Actually, a question for staff on this. What -- what is the minimum parking that was required in this? Allen: Chairman, Commissioner Cassanelli, it's -- there is six spaces required, one space per 500 square feet of gross floor area. Cassanelli: And how many -- how many are included in the -- outside of the employee -- Allen: There is eight spaces, plus four employees. Cassanelli: Isn't the parking lot to the south included in the -- in the count? Is that what Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 7 of 23 that's -- Allen: Yes. Cassanelli: Okay. Mr. Chairman, I have got a concern I guess with the -- with the parking. If this is exactly the businesses that are -- that are going in there, it looks like we have got a restaurant of some sort. I just don't know if -- if that parking is going to be sufficient. They are using a -- a different property. What's going to happen when something goes in there, you know, down the road, where are we going to be with parking. I'm just a little bit concerned that it's going to get tight fast. Bernt: Anybody else? Anyone else have any concerns, questions? Cassanelli: I will add to that. I do like -- I like the drawings. I like the -- I like the look of it. I just -- I'm concerned that -- that that parking is not going to be ample down the road. Yearsley: Just clarification with staff. With the parking being in the other parking lot, they are -- they are tied to those many spaces, so if another development came in they couldn't use those parking spaces twice; correct? Allen: Chairman, Commissioner Yearsley, it's -- it's a shared parking agreement out there. So, if I were looking at the -- the parking for the adjacent site when it comes in, I would calculate the required parking for that side versus what they are already sharing with this business and they would have to meet the minimum standards. Yearsley: Okay. Allen: There will be a row of parking. As you can see they have started showing it there on the -- parallel to Linder Road. Right here. So, there -- there should be another row of parking to the south there. Bernt: Commissioner Wilson? Wilson: I'm going to make a motion. I mean I think -- I think Steven laid it out. I mean I don't know -- I think -- I think it looks good. I mean I think -- I think parking got covered and staff covered it and I'm ready to make a motion, unless someone else wants to weigh in. Yearsley: Like I said, I think with -- you know, they have got a minimum number of parking you know, they can't share what was already calculated on this one, so they would have to have for both and so I think where this is predominately a drive -thru facility it didn't look like there was much inside, so I would assume that the parking would be -- you know, I don't know if I have many concerns with parking. Wilson: Mr. Chairman? Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 8 of 23 Bernt: Commissioner Wilson. Wilson: After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to approve file number H-2017-0096 as presented in a staff report for the hearing date of August 17, 2017. Perreault: Second. Bernt: It has been moved and seconded to approve Item No. H-2017-0096 with no modifications. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Cassanelli: Nay. Bernt: Motion carries. Thank you. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. ONE NAY. TWO ABSENT. C. Public Hearing Continued from August 3, 2017 for Pine 43 (H- 2017-0058) by DMB Development Located South of E. Fairview Avenue, East of N. Locust Grove Road, North of Commercial Street and West of Hickory Avenue 1. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 0.07 of an Acre of Land with an R-15 (Medium High-Density Residential) 0.01 of an Acre) and C-G (General Retail and Service Commercial) (0.06 of an Acre) Zoning District 2. Request: Rezone of 46.11 Acres of Land from the C-G General Retail and Service Commercial) to the R- Medium High-Density Residential) Zoning District 3. Request: Preliminary Plat Approval Consisting of 516 Lots on 119.77 Acres of Land Consisting of 108 Mixed Use (28 Commercial and 80 Multi-Family Residential) Building Lots and 28 Mixed Use Common Lots on 73.68 Acres of Land in the C-G District and 356 Residential Building Lots Consisting of 196 Single-Family Detached, 128 Single-Family Attached and 32 Attached Live/Work and 24 Residential Common Lots on 46.12 Acres of Land in the R-15 Zoning District Bernt: All right. At this time I'd like to open the public hearing for Item No. H-2017-0058, Pine 43 by DMB Development. We will begin with staff report. Allen: Thank you, Chairman, Commissioners. The applications before you are a request for annexation and zoning, a rezone, and a preliminary plat. A development agreement Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 9 of 23 modification is also requested, but it does not require Commission action, only Council action. However, Council -- or Commission should feel free to make any notes they would like on that also. This site consists of approximately 120 acres of land. It's zoned C-G and it's located on the south side of East Fairview Avenue and the east side of North Locust Grove Road, north of Commercial Street. There is a variety of developed and undeveloped land surrounding this property, consisting of commercial, office, industrial and a mix of residential uses, zoned I-L, C-G, L-O, RUT in Ada county, R-8 and R-15. In 2007 this property was included in the annexation , rezone, and preliminary plat for the Pine Bridge Subdivision. A development agreement was required as a provision of annexation and later amended to remove the Scentsy property. The concept plan before you is the existing concept plan that is included in the current development agreement. It does include the Scentsy property over here on the right that does front over here on Eagle Road. Several time extensions have been approved for this preliminary plat, but it did expire earlier this year. Since the time the property was annexed Pine Avenue has been extended between Locust Grove and Eagle Road. A roundabout has been constructed at the intersection of Pine and Webb and infrastructure has been completed to support the Scentsy and PKG campuses. The Comprehensive Plan future land use map designation for this property is mixed use community. This property is located within the northern area of the core designated in the Comprehensive Plan. This area focuses on promoting an environment for health, sciences and technology and business centers, creating sustainable jobs, development products, training and research and manufacturing that can't be outsourced. The corridor of complementary businesses and services provides a one stop destination for visitors and workforce with all necessary amenities. The applicant is requesting a modification to the existing development agreement to accommodate the proposed mixed use develo pment plan. This does not require action for the Commission, as I stated, just City Council. The original concept plan shown here included approximately three million square feet of commercial, light office and multi-family residential uses and a medical campus and included the 50 acre property that is now the Scentsy Commons campus to the east. That area has since been removed from that development agreement . The proposed plan is shown here. It includes commercial components for office, retail and a variety of residential housing types. The concept plan depicts commercial uses along adjacent arterial streets, Fairview, Locust Grove and Pine, and I will show you these areas here if you can see my pointer. Commercial is right there, there, and along the north side of Pine, south side of Pine, and south of Pine, west of Webb here. Medium density residential detached homes, attached townhomes, vertically integrated residential, approximately 353 units are proposed internal to the development. Two collector streets are also proposed through the development north- south, which is Webb Way, the street that goes out here from Fairview to Pine, and an east-west collector street, State Street -- State Avenue from the east boundary of the site to Locust Grove. That's a dotted line here. I don't know if you can see well enough on this plan , but these lighter kind of yellow uses -- or areas here are the live-work units that are proposed. These kind of pinkish colored ones here are the single family detached lots. These yellowish areas here are the townhomes -- the attached townhomes and the orange ones are the multi-family residential apartments. Because Pine Avenue serves as an employment corridor in the core area , staff is recommending the multi-family residential apartments on the west side of Webb between Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 10 of 23 State and Pine -- those are this area where the E is shown -- are relocated adjacent to the other multi-family residential uses north of the Jackson Drain or removed entirely. That would be this area right here. The Jackson Drain goes through this green area right here where the C is located. The applicant has -- well, I will talk about first another amendment the staff had requested on the plan. Because most of the townhome units are access -- alley accessed here, so they still allow for on-street parking and garage entries off the alley. There is a couple areas that -- if you can see right here where my pointer is at, those are accessed from the street. The lots are only about 24 feet wide. So, by the time you get a 20 foot wide garage and a 20 foot wide parking pad, you've only got four feet left over, which doesn't allow for on-street parking and is really garage dominated on the front of the elevation. So, staff has asked the applicant on this area and this area up here to the north on the west side of Wilson to widen those lots out to single family detached lots, which will accommodate single family detached homes and the applicant has agreed to that. We met with -- I met with the applicant earlier this week and discussed these changes and, then, he submitted just kind of a rough drawing of the changes he'd like to make on the plan and -- and that reflects the widening of these lots here for the detached lots and, then, moving the multi-family here to this circled area right here north of the Jackson Drain adjacent to the other multi-family and, then, this area here will be changed to commercial uses there . So, then, I will back up here. The annexation request is for .07 of an acre of land with the R-15 zoning district, which is actually .01 of an acre, and C-G zoning, which is .06 of an acre. It's proposed for the right of way dedication for the extension of State Avenue and it's kind of hard to see, but if you can see my pointer here, it just goes across the very corner of this RUT property right here. Because it's on the boundary of this property and it's being dedicated as right of way, this -- the rest of this parcel isn't required to be annexed, just the piece that they are requesting. And, then, a rezone of 46.55 of land from the C-G and R-15 zoning district is proposed to allow the development of single family residential uses, which will contribute to the mix of uses desired within the MUC designated areas such as this. So, if you look at the parcel now -- or the property it's all zoned C-G. If you look at this map, all of this residential area through here, if you can see my pointer, that's all to be rezoned to R-15. A preliminary plat is proposed for 510 building lots -- excuse me -- lots on 120 acres of land, consisting of 108 mixed use -- and that's 28 commercial and 80 multi-family residential building lots and 28 mixed use common lots on 68 acres of land in the C -G district and 353 single family residential building lots, consisting of 175 single family residential detached lots, 138 single family residential attached townhome lots, 40 attached live-work lots and 21 residential common lots on 46.55 acres of land in the R-15 zoning district. Of course these numbers will be adjusted some with the changes that I mentioned. The subdivision is proposed to develop in 13 phases as shown , beginning with the single family residential portions more in the center of the development. Proposed lots in the R-15 district, single family residential uses, range in size from 2,000 square feet to just over 4,000 square feet, with lot dimensions of 20 to 35 feet in width by 100 to 125 feet in depth. There are several existing structures on the site that are required to be removed prior to signature on the final plat for the phase in which they are located . An updated traffic impact study was prepared for the proposed development , which determined the proposed development will generate less traffic than the current approved plan, because it does incorporate more residential uses. Landscape street buffers are Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 11 of 23 required adjacent to all arterial and collector streets within the development and along all streets within the C-G zoning district in accord with UDC standards. The top picture there is the roundabout that exists today and the landscaping that 's proposed within it and a sign for the development. The sign will require a separate sign permit. Open space and site amenities are required in accord with UDC standards for the single family residential portion of the development. Open space and site amenities are also required for the multi-family residential portion, but will be reviewed with the conditional use permit application. A minimum of ten percent or 4.66 acres of qualified open space is required within the single family residential portion of the development and a minimum of two qualified site amenities are required. The applicant's open space exhibit complies with the minimum requirements, but there is additional area that was not included that can count towards qualified open space, which is above the required amount. If you can see there on the bottom left exhibit, that is their open space that they have counted. Site amenities consisting of a swimming pool and cabana , sports and tennis courts, tot lots, players for children and segments of the city's ten foot wide multi-use pathway system east-west along the Jackson Drain and north-south along Webb Way is proposed. So, the current multi-use pathway runs along the north side of Pine here and is going to extend up along Webb and, then, it extends east-west along the Jackson Drain here. Conceptual building elevations were submitted for the commercial. That's here in the right-hand corner. The commercial -- or, excuse me, residential townhomes, single family detached and attached townhomes are proposed. Staff believes the commercial areas within this development should provide for businesses that incorporate the core vision and the diversity of residential housing choices should provide nearby housing options for employees in this area. No one has provided written testimony on this application and staff is recommending approval with the conditions in Exhibit B of the staff report. Staff will stand for any questions. Bernt: Thanks, Sonya. Any questions for staff? Perreault: Mr. Chairman? Bernt: Commissioner Perreault. Perreault: Can you go into more detail about the live-work lots, size, and what's intended to be there? Is there commercial and residential use in one location or -- help me understand that. Allen: Yes, Chairman, Commissioners, those lots I believe -- and the applicant can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they are around 24 feet in width -- 20, 24. They will be attached units. They will have commercial, retail, possibly, on the lower floor and, then, residential on the top floor. Perreault: Thank you. Bernt: Any other questions for staff? Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 12 of 23 Yearsley: Mr. Chair? Bernt: Commissioner Yearsley. Yearsley: Sonya, can you go back to the one that he sketched and -- so, he's moving the apartments there, but he's actually asking for more -- I know, but he's moving over there, but he's asking for more density to the north and south of that; is that correct? Allen: Chairman, Commissioners, Commissioner Yearsley, there -- and he can expand on this, because I wasn't clear on what type of housing he is proposing -- Yearsley: Okay. Allen: -- to the south of the multi-family here. He's -- he's moving all but I think -- I think there was four structures shown on the multi-family than was shown here originally up here and, then, he has added in some additional medium -- medium density residential there. Yearsley: Okay. Allen: Median high density. This is just a rough plan you're looking. You know, it hasn't it's just -- based on what we were talking he plans to refine it more. Yearsley: Okay. Bernt: Thank you, staff. Would the applicant like to come forward? Please state your name and address for the record. Thank you. Torfin: Sonya, if you want to put up the -- if I can click on this that will work for me. And your PowerPoint that you -- excuse me. Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, my name is Dan Torfin and I'm representing DMB Development -- Perreault: Can you state your address as well? Torfin: 250 South Beachwood, Boise, Idaho. Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, thank you. Sometimes I'm technically challenged, so bear with me. This I'm represent -- representing the applications that Sonya mentioned and she did a great job. I don't -- I don't want to redo all that. I'm going to -- I think it will be best for me to answer questions, but we have been working on this project since -- assembling the ground since the mid '90s. We started submitting applications in early 2000 and got approved in 2007 and started construction. We did build Pine Avenue to make that connection between Eagle and Locust Grove. We built a roundabout. The -- the map -- or the plan that you see on there is our plan for the Pine 43 development that we are going to landscape that and landscape the boulevard. Scentsy Commons was part of our project in -- in the early days and that is -- I just drove through there on my way here and it is probably the most beautiful campus that I have ever seen. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 13 of 23 Bernt: I would agree. Torfin: It's fantastic. So, we are -- we are really happy that we were able to get them to come to our development. We also -- PKG is in our project and have some room to expand and they are part of our project and in support of our project. So, really, the plan that's before you is what's left over after Scentsy and it really is a refinement of our mixed use plan, our concept that we envisioned ten years ago or even longer. We had a large component of multi-family residential that you saw on the previous plan and so what we have -- we have tried to do is meet the demands of the market, address the Comprehensive plan and so we are providing that variety of housing types that you see from detachment homes, attached townhouses, alley loads, some -- some of the detached are not alley loads and those architectural styles are just really a montage of what we are going to allow. We think we are going to see an eclectic mix of architectural styles. Our -- our mission for our company is to provide mixed use projects, because we think they are better communities, they are better for the community that we are in and this one will -- with its pedestrian access will have some benefits for downtown. Downton is within walking and biking distance and that was always something that we liked about this site. It now -- over the last ten years, of course, we have The Village, we have Kleiner Park, and I think there is going to be some walkability there. The addition of the residential really fits best with what the market is demanding and it will provide more of an urban higher density for the city core, which we think is beneficial to the city. I mentioned the pathways. The commercial really does stay at the arterials on Fairview, on Locust Grove and Pine Avenue and so we are -- we are still on board. Dennis Baker, who is the DMB was one of the founding members of the core and so he was instrumental in trying to promote that idea and so we have been working with staff for some time . We started work on this project in '95 and so we got a lot of patience and we want to do it right. We were agreeable to move that area, which is the area that E -- if I can get on there -- that you see on the map and so the clarification that I can make is the staff -- initially we did talk to staff about moving it so it's all the way on the east side. Let's see. I'm trying to get the cursor -- but -- so that the -- yes. This will be good. So, what we -- what we showed and we were trying to attempt that. Staff was concerned about having some of the single family on both sides of that collector and so if we move the multi-family off of Pine to keep that as a commercial corridor, we are fine to have that whole area from State all the way up and attach the existing multi-family residential that you see in orange and that was kind of the concept that we were discussing and so the -- the two areas that are kind of bubbles -- and I apologize for my scribble. I -- actually I have better printing than that, so -- it looks pretty bad on the screen. But we are -- we are showing -- those are not lots, but those are intended to be units that are part of multi-family and may be considered close to the densities that we -- that we are looking at in the apartment area, which is 20 units per acre. So, hopefully, that's a clarification and I will be answering more questions I'm sure. We think we have room to support the core and the medical , technical, businesses that we can attract as this area develops. We are fine with the -- with staff's analysis and their conditions of approval, with the exception of -- that we are agreeable to have that whole area be multi-family residential on the east side of Webb Avenue and our plan meets the goals of the Comprehensive Plan by providing that variety of housing, Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 14 of 23 instead of having just one type of apartment ground that we had in the project previously. We have four, maybe five different types of residential component and we are really trying to provide housing for people that work in the area , so you can live and work and benefit the transportation system, because you capture trips -- that's why our traffic -- our traffic counts are lower. So, I would just like to summarize that we have enjoyed working with staff and getting this thing refined. We are ready to make some -- you know, the revisions that we have talked about with staff and with you tonight. We think it meets the goals of the city. All the -- the roadway system in the infrastructure had -- some of it's been installed. Pine Avenue -- we installed sewer and water and have all utilities there ready to go. So, I think with that I would just stand for questions. Bernt: Thank you. Any questions for the applicant? Yearsley: Mr. Chair? Bernt: Commissioner Yearsley. Yearsley: So, go back to the -- back to the previous question, just so I can get a better clarification. I think you touched on it, but if you would -- so, we moved the apartments and so are kind of just -- instead of having like a single family mix there we are more going into the -- more of the townhouses just to the south of there; is that correct? Torfin: Yeah. The lower bubble -- the orange are the apartments. So, we have expanded down to the Jackson Drain and that lower bubble -- those are not lots, those are -- could be four or five plex units that do have garages, but they are more dense. They could be two -- they are a combination of two and three story units and so they don't -- they are still a multi-family attached unit that's higher density than what would be allowed in the R- 15 and so staff's original comment was to isolate that to switch our multi -family that was on Pine over to that area, we are agreeable to doing that. Yearsley: Okay. Torfin: And it does require -- Mr. Chairman, Commissioner Yearsley, it does require conditional use to do that multi-family. So, there is -- and also design review. So, there is -- you know, there is more review as that moves forward. Yearsley: Okay. Bernt: Thank you. Yearsley: Sorry. One other question. So, the previous plan had like three million square feet of commercial -- or -- so, we have kind of significantly reduced the commercial footprint in this area; is that correct? Torfin: Yes. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 15 of 23 Yearsley: Okay. Is that just because markets are not heavily on commercial at this area or -- Torfin: Well, there is -- there is quite a bit of commercial ground available. There is -- the retail people and even office users want to be out at The Village or they want some exposure on the other streets. So, a lot of our residential areas that we are proposing now were kind of buried back in away from those arterials and weren't getting a lot of positive comments about that. Providing the residential in that core around the Jackson Drain and the pathway system was the impetus to kind of modify the plan. We still have a significant amount of commercial, retail, and office -- Yearsley: Right. Torfin: -- available on those arterials. Yearsley: Okay. Thank you. Bernt: Thank you. Torfin: Thank you. Bernt: At this time we would normally take public testimony, but no one has signed up for that, so no need for the applicant to -- is there someone out there that would like to talk? Go ahead. I should have asked. Bad manners. Bevan: Tom Bevan. 4202 North Marcliffe in Boise and we have the property on Fairview two doors down and so my main question is -- Wilson, is that going to go all the way through? Bernt: Are you talking about Webb? Bevan: Wilson up on -- I can't see it. I see Fairview and, then, the road comes up and Wilson comes over. Is that going to go all the way through -- Bernt: That would be a great question for Sonya. I had that same question earlier. She did, in fact, have -- Allen: Chairman, Commissioners, it will eventually go all the way through. There is one parcel that needs to redevelop before that happens . If you can see right here where my arrow is, this is where Wilson is proposed to extend to the west and, then, it picks up right here, but there is this one skinny parcel right here and it has a structure right in the middle of it right here. So, that's going to keep it from connecting for a while. Bevan: Okay. So, that the plan is to have Wilson connect to this and, then, come out to Fairview. The -- on Wilson is there going to be access to where they could just walk over to our retail area, the houses there? By the way, we are -- we are for the project. We Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 15 of 23 Yearsley: Okay. Is that just because markets are not heavily on commercial at this area or -- Torfin: Well, there is -- there is quite a bit of commercial ground available. There is -- the retail people and even office users want to be out at The Village or they want some exposure on the other streets. So, a lot of our residential areas that we are proposing now were kind of buried back in away from those arterials and weren't getting a lot of positive comments about that. Providing the residential in that core around the Jackson Drain and the pathway system was the impetus to kind of modify the plan. We still have a significant amount of commercial, retail, and office -- Yearsley: Right. Torfin: -- available on those arterials. Yearsley: Okay. Thank you. Bernt: Thank you. Torfin: Thank you. Bernt: At this time we would normally take public testimony, but no one has signed up for that, so no need for the applicant to -- is there someone out there that would like to talk? Go ahead. I should have asked. Bad manners. Bevan: Tom Bevan. 4202 North Marcliffe in Boise and we have the property on Fairview two doors down and so my main question is -- Wilson, is that going to go all the way through? Bernt: Are you talking about Webb? Bevan: Wilson up on -- I can't see it. I see Fairview and, then, the road comes up and Wilson comes over. Is that going to go all the way through -- Bernt: That would be a great question for Sonya. I had that same question earlier. She did, in fact, have -- Allen: Chairman, Commissioners, it will eventually go all the way through. There is one parcel that needs to redevelop before that happens . If you can see right here where my arrow is, this is where Wilson is proposed to extend to the west and, then, it picks up right here, but there is this one skinny parcel right here and it has a structure right in the middle of it right here. So, that's going to keep it from connecting for a while. Bevan: Okay. So, that the plan is to have Wilson connect to this and, then, come out to Fairview. The -- on Wilson is there going to be access to where they could just walk over to our retail area, the houses there? By the way, we are -- we are for the project. We Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 16 of 23 really like it. We were wondering if the access would be to the retail -- we have like ten tenants over here. Would they -- would they be able to walk down through there until -- but they won't be able until he moves that building; right? So, it will be like chain link fence, there wouldn't be any access? Allen: No, there won't be any access. It's just private property. Bevan: Yeah. I actually talked to him and he wants to develop something there, so -- Allen: Oh. Well, great. Bevan: I was -- Allen: Have him come talk to us. Bevan: I definitely will. So, he would -- so, Wilson would connect. And now this dotted line, these are homes here, so they will have just a -- just a regular sidewalk that goes right down Wilson then? Bernt: Can you put like an icon where he's talking about. I am trying to follow what he's saying and I -- Allen: Wilson is right here -- Bernt: Right. Allen: -- off of Locust Grove and comes over and it dead ends here at this property and, then, with this property it's going to dead end on the other side of this parcel . So, if this property redevelops in the future, then, we will require the extension of Wilson across that property. Bevan: Okay. Until it does will there any way to get over to the second parcel? Allen: Over here? Bevan: Yeah. Allen: No. Bevan: Oh. Okay. And the back side of this would be just a fence or what will that -- Allen: I'm not sure of the detail on that at this point. I'm not sure that they are proposing any fences against -- adjacent to the -- the commercial. Probably not. Bevan: Okay. Now, the point right next -- right -- yeah, the one south of that would be Butte Fence. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 17 of 23 Allen: Yes. Bevan: So, that's going to be a fence there between Butte Fence and them? Allen: I believe there is already a fence there. Bevan: There is. Yeah. So, that will stay like it is. Allen: Yes. Uh-huh. Bevan: That's all I had. Thank you very much. Bernt: You're very welcome. Thank you. Bevan: You bet. Bernt: Any other testimony? Parsons: Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission -- Bernt: Bill. Parsons: -- certainly I have worked with the applicant a little bit on this application and right now when we worked with him and in the staff report we were concerned with those bank of lots having double frontage on Wilson and on the street that they are proposing on the south side of those lots. Certainly it's within your purview to require that common lot to -- for them to add that common lot along those back portions where it butts up against that property and have that pathway connect if you choose to -- desire, because if that -- if Wilson -- if that building is removed and Wilson expands, we won't have -- those lots will be double fronted lots in that portion as well and wouldn't really comply with UDC. So, I think you have some ability there, but I don't know if they propose that or not with the revised plat or not. I think they did add a ten foot common lot, but I don't know if it went all the way to the west boundary or not. But certainly -- I don't know what that does to your lot depth. Allen: There is a common lot there, Bill. Parsons: Got you. Allen: It's a nonissue. Parsons: Okay. Bernt: Sonya. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 18 of 23 Allen: It's a non-issue. They already have a common lot there. Bernt: Okay. Any other testimony this evening at all? No? You're welcome to come back up and answer any questions that you may need to answer from the prior testimony. Torfin: Mr. Chairman, Dan Torfin again, I just want to clarify, we did add that ten foot common area on Wilson and that will allow -- once that other property develops Wilson is intended to connect and go out to Locust Grove and through our project to Webb, so it will have access to Fairview. I can answer any other questions that might come up. Bernt: Any other questions for the applicant? Cassanelli: No question. What is the -- the qualified open space? Do you have that? In terms of a percentage and size? Torfin: It's 4.66 is what we need. We are going to have more open space than that and that's for the existing plan of the R-15. The R-15 is likely going to shrink, but most of that open space is still going to remain. Some of it will be in that multi-family area along the Jackson Drain, but we -- we have a swimming pool and a cabana and we have sports courts, which are tennis -- typically for us its tennis. Now pickle ball. We got a lot of people that try and chase the tennis ball as fast and basketball and so those are some of the amenities that will go into R-15 as a qualified open space. Cassanelli: And the -- thank you. And, then, the -- the walking paths that you have in here, are they -- are they separate paths or are there -- are you making use of sidewalks? Can you elaborate a little bit on -- on some of those? Torfin: Yeah. The ten foot path along Pine will be separated. It will have a planter strip and it will run from -- I'm having trouble getting my cursor on this. But, essentially, it will run along Pine. It will turn and go north along Webb to the Jackson Drain, which is -- that area -- it's showing a blue line, which is the water under that C designation where the cursor is now going, so -- then it will connect to there. We are hoping that as the property develops and redevelops to the east of us, that -- a pathway connection will continue on that you can create a pedestrian and bicycle corridor that goes out to Fairview, gets through the other Kleiner ground and over to The Village into the Kleiner Park and so we are going to do whatever we can to promote that as part of a connection for Meridian's downtown out to there through our project. Perreault: Mr. Chairman? Bernt: Commissioner Perreault. Perreault: So, we have been having a lot of conversations this year as a Commission on these mixed use communities about parking in these high residential areas and guest parking specifically. Can you talk to us about that? Because we are seeing it be a continual potential issue and with this highly dense area how is this going to work if Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 19 of 23 somebody has three vehicles, have people over, what are your thoughts on that? Torfin: Sure. Mr. Chairman, Commissioner Perreault, we -- on the residential that you see, the alley load -- all the units will have a driveway for two cars and all the units will have garages for two cars, so you will be able to -- and that's a requirement -- Perreault: With the exception of the live-work units. Torfin: The live-work units will also have that. Perreault: They will. Torfin: They have access on the alley and, then, there will be some parking developed along State Street for that -- for the live-work, which -- Sonya is showing that right now. Perreault: Okay. Torfin: Thank you, Sonya. So -- and there really -- they are a townhouse as well. It could be somebody just -- like somebody has a counseling business or an artist that just wants to have a small office out front. There are other variations, but that's kind of what we are thinking. Perreault: So, the units are intended to be owned by the same individual, they are not the retail is not rented out and, then, there is like a loft or a condo above it, it's -- Torfin: Right. That's the style we envision and, really, for the 25 foot wide lots -- and you will have -- you potentially would have -- in that design you might an apartment over the garage as well. The one thing I didn't mention -- and maybe if I have a chance to -- we did meet with representatives -- representatives from the medical school and they are interested in this type of housing for the medical students and they are really nontraditional students and so they are looking for a townhouse more than apartments, although apartments are in high demand if -- you know, the paper today talked about a bunch of apartments and I think as things develop the affordability will get a little bit better on apartments. It's -- you know, it's cheaper to buy a quarter million dollar townhouse right now on a -- anyway, we have -- I have designed this project to accommodate millennials, the work force, and also for empty nesters, baby boomers, down sizers and they are actually competing for some of the same housing and so we -- we are providing all of that in this project for them , as well as the additional employment and the pathway connections. Perreault: Thank you. Torfin: Thank you. Bernt: Anymore questions for the applicant? Thank you. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 20 of 23 Torfin: Thank you. Bernt: At this time could I get a motion to close the public hearing for Item No. H-2017- 0058, Pine 43 by DMB Development? Cassanelli: Mr. Chairman, I move that we close the public hearing for Item H-2017-0058, Pine 43 by DMB. Wilson: Second. Bernt: It has been moved and seconded to close the public hearing for Item No. H-2071- 0058, Pine 43. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? None. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Bern: All right, Guys. Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Wilson: Mr. Chairman, I can lead off. Bernt: Commissioner Wilson. Wilson: I might have some more additional stuff. This is probably the biggest project I have ever seen kind of come before me and there is a lot of moving parts here, obviously, and I was concerned that we might not be able to -- to cover it, but I'm pretty comfortable with what was presented and what this looks like and I'm actually kind of excited about this. I have driven through this area a lot and have always kind of wondered what it's going to look like and how it's going to play out and I think that this is kind of a really exciting step -- I don't know -- second and third step, depending on how you want to consider that Scentsy and that PKG on development. I think this is a really cool development and I appreciate the fact that, you know, the folks worked with the staff -- I think through several iterations, made some really -- I think beneficial revisions and I think what they have come up with fits with the area and is a step in the right direction. Perreault: Mr. Chairman? I think it was wise of the applicant to switch some of that heavy commercial to the residential for visibility purposes. I'm a realtor and I can say that that was -- that was a wise idea. I -- I like the connectivity of this a lot. I think this is great. I think they have done a good job with making sure that there is plenty of places to move through and from north to south and east to west. So, that's -- that's very nice. Bernt: I agree completely. I love the connectivity north or south and multiple ways to connect east and west as well. So, I know it's the same thing I like as well. Perreault: Mr. Chairman, let me also say I agree with the staff recommendations regarding moving the multi-family up near the other multi-family. I think that was a wise idea and keeping that commercial on Pine. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 21 of 23 Cassanelli: Mr. Chairman? Bernt: Commissioner Cassanelli. Cassanelli: There is -- there is a lot -- there's a lot I like about it. I do want to -- one comment I have is personally I would like to see a fully revised drawing before I would vote to approve on this, moving that the rest of that -- not -- not this drawing, but -- but fully be done drawing. I just want to see -- I want to see what it's going to look like. But there is a lot I like about it and my one comment is I might like to see a little bit more open space. We were told that it's going to be more than a minimum. I think that something of this size almost begs to have more of a park type of a setting somewhere in there. I know we have got the -- there is the drainage area, but I'm thinking of more towards some of the -- some of the commercial on the south side. Those would be my comments, that I would really personally feel most comfortable seeing a fully revised drawing to see where all the apartments lay out, all that multi-family lays out. But in all I -- I like -- I like it. I mean I like the idea of this mixed use thing in a project and -- and I think it's going to be exciting, I just -- there is a few -- few tweaks that I would like to see. Wilson: Mr. Chair? Bernt: Commissioner Wilson. Wilson: Kind of commenting on that. I mean this is not like other kind of developments when you're talking about open space. I mean they exceeded it, but it's -- you know, it's a different configuration here, this mixed use community, so I kind of looked at it through the lens when considering if this was another kind of development. I think -- I think they do a good job of incorporating the open space, but also I'm keeping in mind that this is a little bit different kind of a development because of that mixture that you have. Yearsley: Mr. Chair? Bernt: Mr. Yearsley. Yearsley: You know, I have a tendency to agree with Mr. Cassanelli. I -- I would like to see an updated one just to verify the calcs, because we are -- they are doing enough modifications and it's done in haste that we can make sure we do have qualitied open space and I -- I apologize if it takes a couple of extra weeks, but something like this we just want to make sure -- for me personally I want to make sure it's done correctly before we -- and that everything is accounted for before we send it off to the Council. Bernt: Okay. My thoughts. I -- I think it's a fantastic development. I think it's pretty cool. I like the diversity of it. I like the work at home and I like what you guys did with the multi- family and it's the detached and it's pretty cool. I like it. I really like, you know, the way that -- you know, the downtown corridor and I don't necessarily use the downtown, but, you know, the nearby corridor, how it's changing, you know, or doing stuff that's different, you know, and I really like that. I think it's -- it brings some diversity to our development. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 22 of 23 I like it a lot. In our pre-meeting prior to I did mention to Sonya and Bill that we would most likely -- or at least the Commissioners would most likely -- like to see an end result. Sometimes it's a little bit difficult for us to approve something going forward, although we are not really approving anything this evening, I mean that's going to be done at the -- at the City Council level, but we like to present them with a finished product, we want to make sure that that finished -- we just want to know, you know, do the -- you know, like what Mr. Yearsley and Mr. Wilson said -- or, excuse me, Mr. Cassanelli to -- just to get the calcs right, just to make sure, just dot our I's and cross our T's, because this is a -- a really, really, really big development and so I -- I don't think that's, you know, farfetched to just -- just to take one last peek. I mean you have been working on it since 1995. Another couple weeks probably -- that probably won't hurt us, so -- is that okay? Any other discussion? All right. Yearsley: Mr. Chairman, I move to continue file number H-2017-0058 to the hearing date of September 7th of 2017, for the purpose to -- given the changes that were made at the last moment to -- to just one last look at the overall site plan. Perreault: Second. Bernt: It has been moved and seconded to approve -- or, excuse me, to continue Item No. H-2017-0058 to September 7th, 2017. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed? Thank you. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Torfin: Thank you. Bernt: Thank you. I need one more, fellows and ladies. Cassanelli: Mr. Chairman? Bernt: Commissioner Cassanelli. Cassanelli: I make a motion to adjourn. Bernt: Could I get a second? Yearsley: Second. Bernt: It has been moved and seconded to adjourn. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Bernt: Thank you. Have a good evening. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission August 17, 2017 Page 23 of 23 MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:03 P.M. AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED 4 M <', a oa , -Q q -1 71k 7 RHO DA McCARVEL - CHAIRPERSON DATE APPROVED ATTEST: 1411 C. JAY (tOLES OITY CLERK `' city of AN y `rr-}11TL T Meridian Planning Zoning Commission Meeting DATE: August 17, 2017 ITEM NUMBER: 3A PROJECT NUMBER: ITEM TITLE: Approve Minutes of August 3, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting MEETING NOTES 9 APPROVED CLERKS OFFICE FINAL ACTION DATE: E-MAILED TO STAFF SENT TO AGENCY SENT TO APPLICANT NOTES INITIALS Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting August 17,2017 Item #4B: Shops at Sawtooth Village Zoning/Aerial Map REVISED Site/Landscape Plan Original Site/Landscape Plan Conceptual Elevations Item #4C: Pine 43 Vicinity/Zoning Map Proposed Concept Plan Preliminary Plat/Phasing Plan Qualified Open Space Exhibit & Landscape Plan Conceptual Building Elevations Changes to Agenda:  Item #4A: Heritage Hop Haus – CUP (H-2017-0100) – Applicant requests continuance to Sept. 7th due to the site not being posted with a public hearing notice sign within the timeframe required. Item #4B: Shops at Sawtooth Village (H-2017-0096) Application(s):  Conditional Use Permit Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 0.55 of an acre of land, zoned C-N, located on the east side of N. Linder Road, approximately 1/8 mile south of W. McMillan Road at 4698 N. Linder Road. Adjacent Land Use & Zoning: North & South: Vacant/undeveloped property, zoned C-N East: MFR, zoned R-15 West: Vacant/undeveloped property, zoned L-O Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: MU-N Summary of Request: Request for a CUP for a drive-through establishment in a C-N zoning district within 300’ of existing residences & residential zoning. The proposed site plan depicts a 2,880 s.f. building with a patio area, drive-through & associated parking. Access is provided from an ingress-egress easement that runs along the north & east sides of this site via N. Linder Road. An ingress-egress/cross-parking agreement exists for the lots in this subdivision which enables the southern row of parking to be located on the adjacent lot to the south and be utilized by this use; the parking spaces next to the building are designated for employee spaces since exiting the site will require driving around the building through the drive-thru. The proposed drive-thru incorporates a stacking lane that should be sufficient for the proposed use; an escape lane is proposed as required for stacking lanes in excess of 100’ which also acts as a circulation lane for employees leaving parking spaces on the site. The drive-thru is visible from the adjacent public street (Linder Rd.) as required. A 25’ buffer to residential land uses is required along the east boundary of the site, incorporating a mix of trees and shrubs that result in a buffer that allows trees to touch at maturity; a wall or fence may also be included to assist in buffering the residential properties. Hours of operation are restricted from 6:00 am to 10pm in the C-N zoning district. Conceptual building elevations were submitted for the proposed structure showing a single-story with building materials consisting of stucco with ledgestone accents around the base of the structure with heavy timber beams and posts, stained wood fascia and trim, and a metal standing seam roof. The structure is required to comply with the standards listed in the Architectural Standards Manual. The applicant has submitted a revised site plan since the staff report was written as shown that addresses most, if not all of the conditions in the staff report. Written Testimony: Mary Murphy, Applicant’s Representative (in agreement w/staff report) Staff Recommendation: Approval w/conditions Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of File Number H- 2017-0096, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of August 17, 2017, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial to the City Council of File Number H-2017- 0096, as presented during the hearing on August 17, 2017, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2017-0096 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance) Item #4C: Pine 43 – AZ, RZ, PP (H-2017-0058) Application(s):  Annexation & Zoning  Rezone  Preliminary Plat  Development agreement modification (does not require Commission action) Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of approximately 120 acres of land, zoned C-G, located on the south side of E. Fairview Ave. and the east side of N. Locust Grove Rd., north of Commercial St. Adjacent Land Use & Zoning: There is a variety of developed and undeveloped land surrounding this site consisting of commercial, office, industrial and a mix of residential uses, zoned I-L, C-G, L-O, RUT in Ada County, R-8 and R-15. History: In 2007, this property was included in the annexation, rezone, and preliminary plat for Pinebridge Subdivision. A DA was required as a provision of annexation & later amended to remove the Scentsy property. Several time extensions were approved for the preliminary plat, which expired on May 7, 2017. Since the time the property was annexed, Pine Avenue has been extended between Locust Grove & Eagle Rd.; a roundabout has been constructed at the intersection of Pine & Webb; and infrastructure has been completed to support the Scentsy & PKG campuses. Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: Mixed Use – Community (MU-C) This property is located within the northern area of “The Core” designated in The Comprehensive Plan. This area focuses on promoting an environment for health sciences, and technology & business centers creating sustainable jobs, development products, training, and research, & manufacturing that can’t be outsourced. The corridor of complementary businesses and services provides a one-stop destination for visitors and workforce with all necessary amenities. Summary of Request: The applicant requests a modification to the existing DA to accommodate the proposed mixed use development plan; this does not require action from the Commission, just Council. The original concept plan included approxim ately 3,000,000 s.f. of commercial, light office, and MFR uses and a medical campus and included the 50+/- acre property that is now the Scentsy Commons Campus to the east. The proposed plan includes commercial components for office & retail and a variety of residential housing types. The concept plan depicts commercial uses along adjacent arterial streets (i.e. Fairview, Locust Grove and Pine); HDR (480+/- units) along the east side of Webb on the north end of the site and west of Webb between State & Pine; and MDR (detached homes, attached townhomes, vertically integrated residential) (353+/) units internal to the development. Two collector streets are also proposed through the development north/south (Webb) which will provide connectivity from Pine to Fairview and east/west (State Ave.) from the east boundary of the site to Locust Grove. Because Pine Avenue serves as an employment corridor in The Core area, staff recommends the MFR apartments on the west side of Webb between State & Pine are relocated adjacent to the other MFR uses north of the Jackson Drain or removed entirely. Due to the narrow width (24’) of the townhouse lots that are accessed from the street rather than the alley, staff has concerns that there will not be enough parking in those areas due to the driveways taking up most of the lots and the elevations will be mostly garage dominated which doesn’t make for the best curb appeal. Staff met with the applicant earlier this week to discuss these concerns and the applicant agreed to make some changes to the concept plan to relocate the MFR adjacent to the other MFR area and widen the townhome lots to allow for SFR detached homes instead which will address the parking issue and provide for better elevations. Annexation & zoning of 0.07 of an acre of land with the R-15 (0.01 of an acre) & C-G (0.06 of an acre) zoning districts is proposed for dedication of ROW for the extension of State Ave. A rezone of 46.55 acres of land from the C-G to the R-15 zoning district is proposed to allow the development of SFR uses which will contribute to the mix of used desired within MU-C designated areas such as this. A preliminary plat is proposed for 510 lots on 119.69 acres of land consisting of 108 mixed use (28 commercial & 80 MFR) building lots and 28 mixed use common lots on 68.12 acres of land in the C-G district; and 353 SFR building lots consisting of 175 SFR detached lots, 138 SFR attached townhome lots, 40 attached live/work lots and 21 residential common lots on 46.55 acres of land in the R-15 zoning district. The subdivision is proposed to develop in 13 phases beginning with the SFR portions. Proposed lots in the R-15 district SFR uses range in size from 2,000 square feet (s.f.) to just over 4,000 s.f. with lot dimensions of 20- to 35-feet wide by 100- to 125-feet deep. There are several existing structures on the site that are required to be removed prior to signature on the final plat for the phase in which that are located. An updated TIS was prepared for the proposed development which determined the proposed development will generate less traffic than the current approved plan. Landscaped street buffers are required adjacent to all arterial & collector streets within the development & along all streets within the C- G zoning district in accord with UDC standards. Open space & site amenities are required in accord with UDC standards for the SFR portion of the development; open space & site amenities are also required for the MFR portion of the development but will be reviewed with the CUP application. A minimum of 10% (or 4.66 acres) of qualified open space is required within the SFR portion of the development; and a minimum of 2 qualified site amenities are required. The applicant’s open space exhibit complies with the minimum requirements but there is additional area that wasn’t included that counts toward qualified open space above the required amount. Site amenities consisting of a swimming pool and cabana, sports & tennis courts, tot lots/play areas for children and segments of the City’s 10’ wide multi-use pathway system east/west along the Jackson Drain and north/south along Webb Way. Conceptual building elevations were also submitted for commercial, townhome and single-family detached homes proposed within the development along for the SFR detached homes & attached townhomes. Staff believes the commercial areas within this development should provide for businesses that incorporate The Core vision & the diversity of residential housing choices should provide nearby housing options for employees. Written Testimony: None Staff Recommendation: Approval w/conditions in Exhibit B of the staff report Notes: Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of File Number H- 2017-0058, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of August 17, 2017, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial to the City Council of File Number H-2017- 0058, as presented during the hearing on August 17, 2017, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2017-0058 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance) Meridian Planning Zoning Commission Meeting DATE: August 17, 2017 ITEM NUMBER: 4A PROJECT NUMBER: H-2017-0100 ITEM TITLE: Heritage Hop Haus Public Hearing for Heritage Hop Haus (H-2017-0100) by Prefunk Meridian Located 77 E. Idaho Avenue 1. Request: Conditional Use Permit Approval to Establish a Drinking Establishment Use on the Property MEETING NOTES Cdl,JtIAILlej -tv �f' i�G�- �, ivy CLERKS OFFICE FINAL ACTION DATE: E-MAILED TO STAFF SENT TO AGENCY SENT TO APPLICANT NOTES INITIALS CITY OF MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Date: August 17, 2017 Item # Project Number: H-2017-0100 Project Name: Prefunk Meridian Pleaseour rint name For Against Neutral Do you wish p Y 9 to testifv (Y/N) Meridian Planning Zoning Commission Meeting DATE: August 17, 2017 ITEM NUMBER: 4B PROJECT NUMBER: H-2017-0096 ITEM TITLE: Shops at Sawtooth Village (Lot 25) Public Hearing for Shops at Sawtooth Village (Lot 25) (H-2017-0096) by TS Development, LLC Located East Side of N. Linder Road, Approximately 1/8 Mile South of W. McMillan Road 1. Request: Conditional Use Permit for a Drive-Thru Establishment Within 300 Feet of a Residential Use and District on 0.55 of an Acre of Land in the C -N Zoning District on Lot 25, Block 1, McLinder Subdivision No. 2 6C,6&/'je �61 /JD MEETING NOTES M APPROYED CLERKS OFFICE FINAL ACTION DATE: E-MAILED TO STAFF SENT TO AGENCY SENT TO APPLICANT NOTES INITIALS CITY OF MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Date: August 17, 2017 Item # Project Number: H-2017-0096 Project Name: Shops at Sawtooth Village Please print your name For Against Neutral Do you wish to testifv (Y/N) Meridian Planning Zoning Commission Meeting DATE: August 17, 2017 ITEM NUMBER: 4C PROJECT NUMBER: H-2017-0058 ITEM TITLE: Pine 43 u Ic Hearing Continued troM August 3, 2U I / tor Fine - - y Development Located South of E. Fairview Avenue, East of N. Locust Grove Road, North of Commercial Street and West of Hickory Avenue 1. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 0.07 of an Acre of Land with an R-15 (Medium High -Density Residential) (0.01 of an Acre) and C -G (General Retail and Service Commercial) (0.06 of an Acre) Zoning DistrictRequest: Rezone of 46.11 Acres of Land from the C -G (General Retail and Service Commercial) to the R-15 (Medium High - Density Residential) Zoning District i R,-ry IACt- Pm-liminriry PInt Annrnvnl (-'nncictinn of .g,1 A I ntc nn 1 19 77 Aare -c of I nnrl MEETING NOTES C0�4�1 �Vf� -tV q" ';b17 CLERKS OFFICE FINAL ACTION DATE: E-MAILED TO STAFF SENT TO AGENCY SENT TO APPLICANT NOTES INITIALS