2017-06-27 SpecialMeridian City Council Pre-Council Meeting Agenda – June 27, 2017 Page 1 of 1 All materials presented at public meetings shall become property of the City of Meridian. Anyone desiring accommodation for disabilities related to documents and/or hearing, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 888-4433 at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting. CITY OF MERIDIAN CITY COUNCIL PRE-COUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, June 27, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. City Council Chambers 33 East Broadway Avenue, Meridian, Idaho 1. Roll-call Attendance: X Anne Little Roberts X Joe Borton X Ty Palmer X Keith Bird __X___ Genesis Milam __X___ Luke Cavener X Mayor Tammy de Weerd 2. Adoption of the Agenda Adopted 3. Continued from June 20, 2017 Special Meeting: FY2018 Budget Presentation Workshop 4. Citywide Strategic Plan Discussion Continued to June 27, 2017 Regular Meeting 5. Executive Session per Idaho State Code 74-206(d): To consider records that are exempt from disclosure as provided in chapter 1, title 74, Idaho Code. Into Executive Session at 5:27pm Out of Ex ecutive Session at 6:04pm Adjourned at 6:05pm Meridian City Council - Budget Workshop June 27, 2017 A Budget Workshop meeting of the Meridian City Council was called to order at 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 27, 2017, by Mayor Tammy de Weerd. Members Present: Mayor Tammy de Weerd, Keith Bird, Genesis Milam, Ty Palmer, Luke Cavener, Joe Borton and Anne Little Roberts Item 1: Roll-call Attendance: Roll call. X_ Anne Little Roberts X _ _Joe Borton X__ Ty Palmer X_ Keith Bird __X__ Genesis Milam __X__ Lucas Cavener _X Mayor Tammy de Weerd De Weerd: I will go ahead and start tonight's special meeting with roll call. For the record it is Tuesday, June 27th. We will start with roll call attendance, Mr. Clerk. Item 2: Adoption of the Agenda De Weerd: Item No. 2 is adoption of the agenda. Bird: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Bird. Bird: On the agenda Item No. 3 is the continuous -- continuing from June 20th the budget presentation for IT and Finance and with that I move we approve the budget as -- or the budget -- this is going to be a good night. The agenda has published. Borton: Second. De Weerd: I have a motion and a second to approve the -- adopt the agenda as published. All those in favor say aye. All ayes. Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 3: Continued from June 20, 2017 Special Meeting: FY2018 Budget Presentation Workshop De Weerd: Item 3 is our special meeting on the 2018 budget workshop. Jenny. Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 2 of 28 Fields: Good afternoon, Madam Mayor and Council Members. This is a continuation of our budget workshop number two from last Tuesday. The agenda today is we are going to go through IT, then, Finance, then, I will wrap it up and budget number will be on July 19th. With that I'm going to hand it over to Dave to present IT. De Weerd: Hi, Dave. Tiede: Hi, Mayor. Council Members. Glad to be here before you today. I didn't get to present last week. It's good to have you here. So, we will get started with Information Technology. Our agenda today is, again, budget dollars at work for FY-17 and, then, our 2018 enhancements that are being requested and, then, our road ahead. So, for our FY-2017 budget dollars at work, if you recall we had an IT cyber security assessment budget enhancement this last year . That's something that we have selected a vendor to work with and we are actually in progress with that. We actually received some equipment from the vendor -- or the contractor they are working with this last week and it goes into our environment tomorrow, in fact, and we will be doing some scanning and whatnot and, then, from there we will be working on a cyber security defense plan moving forward and identifying areas that we want to address annually and working with departments for some of those things, such as user awareness training, things like that. So, anyways, moving forward in a good direction. We asked for a position of network administrator this last year and that has been filled internally. We promoted Eli Daniel into that position . He is out in training this week, so he's not represented back here. But some of the things that we have been able to do with that position, as we have been able to diversify our risk a little bit more in infrastructure services. Infrastructure services really refers to the back end of IT, our servers, storage, network, et cetera, that everything runs on throughout the city. So, having another staff member has helped us so we can -- we can diversify that risk and give a little bit more continuity there. We have made a lot of starting improvements and improving our network, cleaning things up and providing some better long-term resiliency. One of those efforts was our -- an effort with Public Works to provide redundancy back to the water and wastewater treatment plant, so that that network has full resiliency in the event that some of our fiber is struck or affected somehow. So, that connectivity won't go down. So, anyway, that is a good thing and reduces our liabilities as an organization. We have been able to do a wireless refresh at key facilities and -- this is one area that I'd really like to highlight, because we identified this facility as an area that had some concerns with wireless infrastructure and so we went and asked for funding last year to replace some of that and we were able to save a lot of money on that, because our network administrator was able to handle that workload and take care of it. We didn't have to contract out to bring somebody in to install the equipment, make recommendations and actually do it and, then, on the flip side of that we also were able to get a lot better coverage with less equipment , which, again, is fantastic. And if we had gone to a third-party contractor for that they would have recommended a lot more equipment and a lot more expense than Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 3 of 28 what we were able to accomplish and still get the service that we need . So, that was fantastic. I already alluded a little bit to the Public Works fiber, which does support SCADA remote site connectivities, but on another note we also have been with this position able to start looking at how we better -- provide better connectivity to those options in the hard to get to areas. We have a lot of different water, wastewater infrastructure in areas -- in residential areas that don't necessarily get good connectivity options from commercial grade carriers and we have been able to partner with a couple different companies with -- for technology that will give us security, but also connectivity over cell service, which has been fantastic. So far we have it out at -- I think there is five sites in production. We have lit up two more that are waiting to have everything configured to communicate over that and right now it's looking like a very good , affordable option for connectivity to these various SCADA sites, which, again, back -- these are what control all the water and sewer infrastructure and how you get analytics and whatnot of those. So, very important infrastructure and we have been able to get a very good, reliable and affordable option for connectivity, which is fantastic. So, moving on we also asked for a position of a web developer in FY-2017 and ended up hiring Katherine Roebuck. She has been with us since late last fall. One thing that I was going to mention is over the last three years, as shown in the city survey, our usability and content of our website has increased substantially. We have increases of seven and 14 percent respectively I believe in the usability and quality -- I think I have those backwards. I think the usability was 14 percent increase and quality was seven percent increase. That has been largely in an effort that has been driven by the Mayor's office and Kaycee Emery, our communications manager, as far as a face lift to the city website and going through an update in content , but on the flip side we have also had improvements to the website in the way of open gov, giving people more of what they want at their fingertips . For our financial data we have moved over to a new utility billing system, provided a better web porthole for people to access their utility services and, then, we have made big strides of improvements with our Accella system for the -- the contractor phasing side. So, all those things are what our web developer will continue to do and she's already starting to do. She's working to improve the website, improve performance, make sure the content is more up to date. She has really hit the ground running and tackled some things that we have not been able to do in the past, such as accessibility. If you didn't know, there is actually certain compliance requirements with ADA related websites and we have been able to tackle some of those that we weren't even aware of. So, that's been great. She's also been making improvements in search engine optimization, which is, basically, getting the city's website out there when people are looking for relevant information and that's an art to itself , if you can imagine that. Anyway. So, lots of great improvements to the website. Lots more to come. So, we are excited about that. It's also creating a lot of efficiency for departments. They have a contact point to go to that they know can work through their issues and get the information out there on the website in a manner that's efficient, but also that looks good and helps with our brand and our overall objectives for the city. So, currently, we are working on transitioning away from Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 4 of 28 our old CMS system, so that's a work in progress. It's going to take some time. We have departments that we are migrating over and that's a system that we didn't ask for funding last year or we asked for it, but in lieu of a web developer we were able to get -- to remove that eventually, so that's our plan at this point, migrating away from that. So -- anyway. And, then, our last enhancement we had was for an expansion for IT, directly related to personnel increases. So, we built out some cubicles in the old art area, expanded IT into there, and that has been done for quite some time now. It's great, we have room to grow. Yeah. We love it. So, moving on. These are two enhancements that we have this year and I will go into more details on the next slide. So, our first enhancement is for license tracking software. This is a need that we have and it's to maintain the level of services that we currently provide throughout the city. We have really made an effort over the last five years to get a better handle on all the service -- all the software that the city handles and have a central point that manages that, but also reduces the risk of liability when it comes to license compliance issues or what we are using that we may not be licensed for . So, this offer will help us do that. It will help us prevent compliance issues, because we will be able to actually do real time tracking. It will help us identify needs where we might need department -- software for departments, but also where we can, with the software, we will be able to identify, hey, look, we actually own this software in another department that's not being used and we can reappropriate that software, which will, again, save the city money, which is a good thing. We will be able to analyze usage of software, which we can see, hey, look, if there is a need for the software, is it being used, is it not, should we discontinue u se or could it be used somewhere else. So, again, pretty minimal cost, but will provide a lot of benefit to the city and will help us to better accomplish this task that we are already trying to do manually right now. So, one time costs up front, purchase software, and, then, ongoing maintenance costs is what it looks like, so -- and this is the funded section. Our next enhancement is a service desk manager and this is, again, to maintain a level of service that we currently have, but it is in the unfunded area at this point. I believe it's in the tier two, if I remember right. So, we are looking for a new position of a service desk manager and the reason for that is we need to be able to maintain our current level of service to our internal customers. Right now the service desk manager role is something that does happen, but not as well as we would like it -- or as I would like it to. So, the role of a service desk manager is to help maintain the level of service that our customers need. It's focused on customer service. One of the things that we are doing right now is transitioning to a new ticketing system , so that we can get some better analytics and that person can help understand those analytics better and also help drive our needs moving forward, so we understand where our money is being spent on support and what those costs look like . When we sign up for a big -- as an example, when we sign up for a new software project, especially a large one like utility billing software, there is a lot of implications to staff time on that and we want to be able to get ahead of those things a little bit more than we have been able to in the past. So, this will help us do that. This person will help be able to understand those matrix and Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 5 of 28 performance measurables, so -- and, then, the other piece internally, we want to be able to continue to mentor our staff and have somebody available to do that . So, this was created -- or this need was create by a gap that was created about a year and half ago when I was promoted to CIO. At this point I am doing my best to fill that role and fill both shoes, but I can't say that I always feel like I'm doing -- I'm doing both roles to the best of my ability without putting in a hundred hours a week and I'm happy to do that for an extended amount -- you know, a certain amount of time, but at some point -- at some point my wife is like, well, maybe -- maybe it's time to look elsewhere. So, anyway, that's just one factor of all of it. But, again, our biggest thing is to continue that level of service and continue to drive that -- maintain that with -- for our internal customers, which I guess I would say you guys hear about growth constantly and you understand that picture , but as a service arm in the organization, really, all -- all of the city staff are our customers and as they grow we continue to have that need to continue to support them and as you know more and more people rely on technology to get their jobs done throughout the city and that's -- that's just the way it goes. So, anyway, it is a critical need and that's why it's on here. But it is in the unfunded section of a tier two at this point. I did not want to go into replacements. I feel like that's a horse I have beat on a lot, but I did want to highlight a couple infrastructure replacements that we have for IT, just because they are bigger ticket items. I don't have numbers on here, but you can find those numbers in your replacement book for the IT Department. One is our storage area network. That is the single most probably critical piece of infrastructure that IT has and when I say it's critical, I don't mean it's critical to IT, I mean it's critical to all the other departments, because that is where their data resides to do their jobs. The other key component of that is that is our key factor in our disaster recovery -- recovery or continuity plan that we have for IT. So, at this point if this building were unavailable for some reason or another and if we had to go somewhere else and continue to maintain service, this technology is what actually enables us to do that in a timely fashion. We can get things up and going in as little as four hours if needed and have everything back up and running and this -- this technology is what enables that. So, anyway, it's not cheap for sure, but we did look at some other options. This year we -- we have looked at various options, but one of those was the Cloud and just seeing what -- that that would take to get our information in the Cloud for all these services that we have that are residing on this piece of infrastructure and the cost we would have over a five year period for that is 1.3 million dollars versus this storage area network at, you know, 300,000. So, anyway, we think it's the right direction to go, that's why we are recommending to continue this direction and the technology does need to be replaced. But I at least wanted to mention that we are -- we have evaluated other options just to see what's going to make the most sense for the city. So, to go hand in hand with that, we have our data center switches that are up in our data center here that hook most of our servers and the storage together. Again, those are -- those are at -- this October they will be at the nine year mark. We have had some issues with them. They -- they don't -- they don't meet our needs anymore and with new technology they will be even in a worse situation. Things Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 6 of 28 have just changed quite a bit in the network landscape in the last ten years. So, just kind of the name of the game. We are also looking at doing our server operating systems. This is more of a requirement from a compliance with updates and things like that. At this point we are running server operating systems for all of our servers that came out in -- I'm thinking late 2009. But -- anyway. So, it's kind of past that mark where we look at software and say this is an issue. But the key kicker here is most software manufacturers also announce end of life cycles for most of their software and we are planning to make sure that we can get new software in place before we get to that situation where we are not supported, where they aren't getting updates. As you heard last year when I talked about security, one of the biggest areas that is a risk with IT security is exploits that happen with software that's not kept up to date. So, we just want to make sure that we are ahead of that and we are not getting the city into a situation where we are introducing more risk. So, that covers our big ticket replacement items for IT. The road ahead. I just want to highlight a few CSP items. I'm sure you have seen these before, as they are on the current CSP, but we have Microsoft Office that is also getting to that point where we are going to have to look at a replacement there. So, I think it's on the CFP for 2019, if I remember right. We are currently running Microsoft Office 2010 and it still works great, meets our needs, but at some point we are going to have to pull the plug and look at the new version. Our exchange server, which is our e-mail server, is in the same boat. Substantially less costlier than Microsoft Office. I mentioned our data center switches, but we have many other switches, network infrastructure, that are in need of update over the next few years. Most of them are right around the eight, nine year mark. Some of them aren't meeting our needs currently, but we are getting by and so those need to be replaced as well. So, they are on our CSP. Then a couple other items that are more future planning items and as the -- the Enterprise license agreement is something that we have considered over the last few years, just because we do use GIS a lot. This is the main GIS software that all departments are using and at some point there will be a tipping point where our current licensing model -- and this will wither be a wash or this one will cost us less money. It's basically where they size it based off your size of your population of your city versus buyin g a bunch of one time licenses that you continue to pay maintenance on . So, that's something that's on our horizon. And, then, the other one that I have on here is an electronic document management system and that's -- that's one that's a few years out for sure. We are doing a lot of research right now just trying to figure out where we want to go and what the benefits would be to the city if that's something that we want to pursue, so -- and with that I will stand for questions. I guess I would say sit for questions mind you. De Weerd: Thank you, Dave. Questions from Council? Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 7 of 28 Cavener: Dave, a question for you on the enhancement for the license tracking software. Can you share with Council how many unique -- I guess I take this to be software licenses, not dog licenses or other types of -- how many unique software licenses that we have and how many on average expire each year? Tiede: Absolutely. Councilman Cavener, Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, when you say licenses, that's a -- kind of a subjective term. So, what I will say is how many different software or pieces of software, different applications do we have -- Cavener: Okay. Tiede: -- and we are, last I checked, nearing the 300 mark as a city. Now, that includes everything from Fire to Public Works to Police, whatever. So, it's a lot of different software and a lot of it is something that 's specific to a specific business need, so, obviously, there is stuff that police might use that other departments will not, whatever. Most of those -- I say most, I would say probably half of the software that we have has some kind of maintenance cycle on them where we are paying an annual fee for updates and support and things of that nature. Those ones when you -- when you go out of compliance on that, there is usually reinstatement or penalty fees on top of that when you try to go and redo that maintenance. In extreme circumstances it will actually make you buy the software all over again. That doesn't happen, luckily, often and we have had a pretty good handle on the maintenance stuff for the last few years where IT is tracking that and making sure that we do renew those things as they come up , so that we are not incurring more costs. Does that answer your question? Cavener: It does. Madam Mayor, follow up if I may. Dave, it helps a lot -- can you share with us what you guys are doing now to track that versus what the tool would do? Tiede: Absolutely. So, currently our -- our focus that we have been able -- or the focus that we have had over the last few years has been on that reoccurring maintenance costs and we have developed a tool internally that helps with that . So, we -- we get a maintenance invoice comes due or -- when a maintenance invoice comes we, obviously, you know, hey, look, there is something due. But a lot of the times the companies will forget to pay us and, obviously, it benefits them if they don't say anything to us, because, then, they can charge reinstatement fees, which is kind of slimy, but it is what it is. So, we have developed a system where we can actually track these, put the start and end dates and we will practically go out and reach out to them and say we need a quote, we need to renew this and, then, go follow through with that. So, on the renewals we have made really good strides there, but the place that we haven't been able to address it as well is the -- the software that we installed that's more of a one time purchase, right, and so an example would be Microsoft Office or Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 8 of 28 Adobe Acrobat where we have one of these pieces of software come up and we purchase it for a department for a specific user in that department and we do our best to capture what's on there, but what happens over time is their computer gets replaced, responsibilities shift, people come and go, and the record of what needs to be there isn't always completely accurate and so this will actually -- this piece software actually allow -- will actually in an autonomous fashion dial into each computer, see what's on there and, then, match that up against what we actually have purchased and allows us to do audits against that. Cavener: Great. Thank you. That's helpful. De Weerd: Any other questions? Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: Question then -- and I guess we shift to replacements and you shared a little bit about some of the needs for these replacements . On our replacement forum, some of the conditions are listed as poor and others are listed at the end of life and I think you have touched on that. I just want to make -- get clarification. These are listed end of life that a functionality of them are still acceptable, but because they are no longer supported software wise is the rationale for replacement. Tiede: In some cases, yes. So, when we say end of life usually that means that it's no longer supported by the manufacturer, which in some cases is okay; right? If we have a wireless access point that's end of life, like we had a year ago in this building, if it goes down it's not that big of a deal; right? So, the criticality or nature of the equipment being used is also a factor in that . For instance, our storage area network, the SAN, that is -- if that goes down and we have to a part from the manufacturer, business stops at the City of Meridian. Everything from utility billing systems to finance systems to land use permitting -- whatever, it's all gone until we get a piece of equipment back from the manufacturer to help us out. They charge a premium for that equipment. They charge a premium to come fix the problem. We are down for X amount of time. Because we don't have any type of warranty or agreement with them that could be weeks and we have been in that situation one time before with a piece of infrastructure that wasn't quite as critical, where we were literally down for four months. So, anyway, we have made strides to make sure that doesn't happen again. Cavener: Madam Mayor, one additional question then. On those SANs, when we replace them what do we do with our old equipment on those particular elements? Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 9 of 28 Tiede: At this point for our last -- the last time we replaced them we actually continued to use that in a limited fashion for another piece of storage where we could put data if we needed. We were using it at the time for our video recording system. For this roll out there is a good chance that we will not do that, just because we see hardware failures on a regular basis . For instance, in the last week both of these devices had faults that went back to the manufacturer to go back for repairs on. So, at this point it was just the -- the failure rates are already seen. I wouldn't feel comfortable putting anything on it wit hout saying that if -- as long as you're comfort with it not going down -- it going down and being out of service for three months, we are okay with it. But I can't imagine that most of our internal customers would be okay with that. Cavener: Sure. Tiede: So, at this point, yeah, I feel like we will probably end up taking those out to auction. Cavener: Madam Mayor, one more question if I may. What is the end of life time for those SANs? You had mentioned -- and I appreciate that -- wanting to identify the solution before the end of life period occurs. Tiede: Right. Cavener: What is that time table slated for? Tiede: It depends on the piece and it depends on the manufacturer. For our SAN specifically, the end of life that they gave us was -- and just so -- there is -- there is two different terms that they use -- or we use in the industry; right? There is end of support, which basically means after end of support you pay a premium for support; right? And, then, there is end of life, which basically means at that point it doesn't matter how much money you give them they aren't going to help you out; right? So, we are at end of support this fall, as of December this year. End of life itself, they gave us two additional years. The cost for that support for the first year, which was all they were able to give us, was 30,000 dollars for one -- one of the units. We expect that number to go up 60 to a hundred the following year. So, that was an option we considered as well, but at this point it feels like we are kicking the can down the road a little bit for a very high cost and more risky, so -- Cavener: Thanks, Dave. I appreciate it. De Weerd: Any other questions? Thank you. Tiede: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Yes. Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 10 of 28 Tiede: I was asked to bring forth a discussion of a mobile device SOP. Would you like me to do that at this time? De Weerd: Is that something we want to put maybe on the workshop for July? Yeah. We have quite a few things ahead of us if that's -- Tiede: Madam Mayor, at this point during the last week's budget workshop I was asked to present it during workshop and that 's the only reason I brought it back up, but I am comfortable with whatever makes the most sense. De Weerd: Okay. We have a long evening ahead of us. Council, do you want to hear that or schedule it for a future agenda? Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: David, how long is your presentation? Tiede: Five, ten minutes. Bird: How long was our questions? Cavener: Madam Mayor, if I may, I suggest, then, if IT is comfortable with this, that we move this to a workshop session. They have provided us some materials. Gives us the opportunity to review it and if there is any questions that we can have those addressed for we make a final decision on the budget. De Weerd: Well, we will put it on July's workshop. Cavener: Thank you, Dave. I appreciate it. De Weerd: Thank you. Cunningham: Madam Mayor, Members of Council, Todd was conveniently at another appointment with his dog, so Jenny and I are going to kind of tag team this. So, we are going to start out with our agenda, which is our vision statement, budget dollars at work for '17, our enhancements for '18 and, then, kind of a look ahead and, then, we will close with any questions. First off, as you know, what the city's vision is is to be the premier community and we look at we are the support to help provide that highest level of customer service to all of our departments and our citizens and -- and all of you and so to make sure that we are the premier department within the premier city. Our budget dollars at work. You guys gave us 21,000 dollars last year for the open gov and, actually, Jenny and Todd -- I think they did a great job getting that launched. They actually got it Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 11 of 28 out on the site in February. Jenny can probably tell you more about it, because I know they have plans to actually launch it out to the departments as well. Fields: Right. So, currently there are 206 unique visitors that are visiting the site since the -- since the last 30 days and the average span of the visit is around three minutes. So, we know people are looking at it and are engaged -- engaging with open gov. Our plan is to roll it out -- after we implement the automation is to roll it out to the departments and build more robust reports, so that departments can drill in and utilize open gov that way. We think it's going to be much friendlier than MIP. For a lot of them it's -- for us it's intuitive, for them not so much. Cunningham: Right. So -- then you also gave 75,000 for the priority based budgeting and I can tell you that -- oh, there we go. We have all kinds of cute little things. They have actually looked, you know, what -- this is going to tell and it is going to be a very large project to identify all the programs within all the departments and, then, to cost all those programs. So, it was decided that we would start phase one and that's actually going to be identifying the programs and, then, phase two, costing those programs. But I can tell you that one of our enhancements does tie to this, so we will get into that. We are going to ask for three enhancements and it's the administrative assistant, our lobby remodel, and, then, also for a financial analyst. The first one is for the assistant. As you know, Finance doesn't have an administrative assistant and we did have Hillary and she -- we miss her greatly. I know she only was there a few hours a day for Finance it seemed like, but she actually -- especially as long as she worked for us, she actually did a lot in those few hours and we could -- we could use some help with our records retention. She was the one that actually managed that. We could use some help in the purchasing department. She actually did a lot of the case management tickets. She did the e-mail for Keith and Sandra. She did contract database entry, website content entries, and, then, also utility billing is looking at moving to the paperless movement and so we would ask that person to help with that -- help us with our -- our mail room, our fleet management, and as you know -- yeah. It was a part-time position before, so we could really use an administrative assistant. Next. The remodel this is kind of a pet peeve of mine. I have had to sit at the counter in MUBS and so I have had to get up on those high chairs and then -- and, then, try to move that chair around and get down off that high chair. It's not a very -- if you have to sit there eight hours a day it's not a real nice workstation and so what we would like to do -- this is going to do two things. It's actually going to -- right now we house two employees in that big lobby. We are going to shorten up the lobby a bit for the customers. We are going to create two functional workstations for the staff that are there full time and , then, we are also going to add three more workstations in the back. So, we are going to really utilize the space there and that's going to actually be covered with the capital improvement funds, rather than General, and, then, the last one is the financial analyst and this one, as everybody knows, is going to help Jenny with that priority based budgeting. I think it's a great idea to look at the performance of our Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 12 of 28 programs, but with that we are going to -- we are going to need help. I can tell you in existing staff we just don't have the resources to take that where we need to. So -- do you have anything else on that, Jenny? Fields: This position will also do more analytical work, such as the centric and financial modeling and forecasting, whereas we are not doing that currently. Cunningham: No time. Fields: No time. And this position will also help with the city -- the city wide fee development and management program that we are rolling out. Cunningham: We are going to come to you in August to explain to you what we are doing on the consolidated fee schedule , because it's something right now the fees are all managed by the department and what Finance would like to do is kind of take over the overall management of it and the document storage , so that we can kind of get it on a schedule for you guys. And with that, then, we move into the road ahead. In four days we are going to ask for more software. We are looking at procurement software and budget software. So, anything that could help us in the procurement side, the cases are just growing and growing and you can't even imagine the budget transactions that we have. Fields: And we have a few Council Members have requested electronic versions of the budget and this budget software will allow that, instead of getting the -- on top of getting the budget book, there is also an electronic version. Cunningham: With that we stand for any questions. De Weerd: Counsel, any questions? Bird: I have none, Mayor. De Weerd: Okay. Thank you. Fields: So, I'm just going to wrap up our budget workshop number two. This is just a reminder of what we presented the past two workshops. We are requesting the Council to consider using three million dollars from the Capital Improvement Fund. We have proposed a number of enhancements that did not meet -- or that did not make the balanced -- proposed budget and is identified in the unfunded list. Here before you is the recap of our current budget proposal and it is requesting new growth revenue to pay for current service needs. So, what do we need from you, Council, between today and July 19th? Ask questions, request clarifications, communicate with city staff and fellow member -- Council Members. The handout that you just received is a list of follow-up questions, inquiries, and questions that you inquired the past two workshops and that's been delivered to departments and departments will be responding or Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 13 of 28 following up to those inquiries in the coming week . The executive branch has presented a ton of information. The budget book has a lot of information and city staff has worked very hard to develop and prepare the balanced budget for your consideration. From now until July 19th the Finance Department will continue to work with Mayor, departments and Council to fine tune the FY-18 budget and will deliver an updated budget proposal on the 19th. With that we would like to thank you, Council, Mayor, and all city staff with the time and the effort in helping developing this year's FY-18 proposed budget. Do you have any question s for me? De Weerd: So, Council, as you look at the -- the list that Jenny handed out, is there anything that we missed? We wanted to make sure that the questions that you asked for further information and follow up are accurately captured and -- because we do want to get that back to you . We will have VRT come back and do a presentation. Kelly wants to come in and do numbers on what we are funding, number of riders, and those kind of things and so we will have that. I know that we did ask for a written request from the Rural Fire District. I don't know if you need any -- anything to revisit with them face to face, but we could schedule them in as well if you need that conversation outside of what is listed on -- on this. But anything else at this point? Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: A couple of adjustments. Under police level of service question I had asked. I didn't anticipate that being something for this upcoming budget year. Fields: Right. Borton: So, for the purpose of the next three weeks I would delete that, but it is something to investigate, develop, perhaps adopt prior to next year's budget development. Fields: Okay. Borton: And, then, the wastewater question with regards to it being a crane, that was answered in the -- in the meeting as I recall, so there was no follow up on that. One item that would be helped to circulate -- if you go back two slides -- maybe two. Three. Four. The budget gap revenue, that negative 550,000 dollars, where at least with this year we are funding existing maintenance operations of the city with new growth revenue to a certain degree -- Fields: Right. Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 14 of 28 Borton: -- to see what that five year trend is for that budget revenue. It should always be a positive figure we hope. Fields: Okay. Borton: This year it's negative and I'm curious how that's been trending over the last five years. Fields: Okay. I can definitely follow up. De Weerd: Anything further from Council? Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: And it doesn't have to be as part of the budget presentation, but just to make sure that it's on somebody's radar, the -- and taken to Council and the cost recovery model they use in the Parks Department on what we talked about, the specific pieces of revenue. It is a very specific item. I had to note that there was a plan to present us an update as to how old the cost recovery model is and any recommendations for changes, so that can be absent of the budget conversation, just to Mayor and staff would be most appropriate. De Weerd: Anything further from Council? Fields: Thank you. De Weerd: Thank you. Okay. Council, the next item is the strategic plan discussion and I think we will pull it up so that you have it in front of you on the screen. So, close the budget books and grab your strategic planning information. Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Yes. Cavener: Would you be willing to grant us five minute recess, so that we can maybe grab a quick bite to eat while we go through this? De Weerd: Uh-huh. Do we have -- Bird: We have got food in there, but I thought we were going to do it in Executive Session. You guys want to eat now? Cavener: Well, we have got -- I just don't know how long this discussion is going to take and I would hate to for it to be 6:00 o'clock and -- Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 15 of 28 De Weerd: Well, we will -- what we can do is walk through this process and end it at 5:30 to adjourn into Executive Session. We can have the Executive Sessio n discussion and eat at the same time, so we can -- and anything we can't do we will put on the end of our regular agenda. Cavener: Works for me. De Weerd: Does that sound reasonable, Council? Yes? Bird: Sounds good. Item 4: Citywide Strategic Plan Discussion De Weerd: Okay. Okay. So, Council, in front of you is -- or on the screen is the front page of -- of Jaycee's PowerPoint. Holman: It's a beauty. Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, I overheard a question regarding access to the software. I had sent an e-mail around today, but some of you may not have been able to see that yet . We thought it would be a fairly painless process to do it, but Dave and I -- they were able to do it in IT and Dave and I tried to work through it last Friday and I basically tried to log in as one of you, lots of errors, lots of issues and so we are trying to work through that now, because we are needing to -- basically the software does not sit out in the Cloud it actually resides on our network, so you have to VPN in to get into that software, but you don't all have individual computers, so that makes doing a VPN into the network more difficult. So, IT is trying to figure that out right now, but your computer up in the Council chambers will work for logging in and doing that, but for now to be able to VPN in from an individual computer, that -- we are still trying to figure that out. It lost about three clicks in. I couldn't figure out how to do it. And so Dave happened to do a bunch of stuff. So, anyways, he's figuring that out, but you will have access -- that computer in the City Council office will work, because it's -- it sits on our network, so -- and from your computers here Dave said it should work, so I just wanted to answer that. It ended up being a little more complicated when I tried to log in and, then, we thought IT could do it, because, of course, it magically always works for them, but -- De Weerd: Well -- and, really, the testing has been done at -- from City Hall, so the VPN thing was tested out and it will not work on iPads. So, just -- you're distracting with your snicker doodle. So, Council, what we thought we would do is just pull up the strategic plan and go through it from the focus area , do 1-A, 1- B, 1-C, see if there are any objectives that is needed discussion and, if not, we will, then, move to the next objective and just walk through it that way. Does that sound -- okay. So, in front of you you have goal 1-A. Is there anything in -- in this section that needs discussion? There is 1-A-2, which is complete and 1- A-3 that is recommended by staff to delete. Are you okay with those -- the Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 16 of 28 change of deleting 1-A-3 and since 1-A-2 is complete it could -- it could fall out. If there is nothing further on that -- Cavener: Oh, sorry, Madam Mayor. De Weerd: Yes. Cavener: 1-A-1. De Weerd: Yes. Cavener: I believe is listed as a high priority. It seems like it's been delayed in its process and I'm curious if you can give us -- give us an update as to the progress that is being made and your recommendation if it should stay as a high priority or if it should be moved to -- in my opinion, maybe low or removing it completely. De Weerd: What we have in here -- and it does not have a staff requested change. We are -- we are working this plan and recommend keeping it as is. Each of the leads have gone through all of these strategies and objectives to look at relevancy and what is in here is what is -- this is the adopted plan and -- that is being worked on. If you turn to the executive report that was also sent to you displaying the 71 objectives, it does show you the tactics that are under there in the column that says percentage objective , that is a weighted percentage of what it takes in each of these objectives with the various tactics related to it. If the completed column says yes, that objective weight -- that weighted objective or weighted tactic will move over into the completed column. So, as you see in objective 1-A-1, 25 percent of that objective has been completed and so as you can see this is one of those that is being actively worked on. Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: I guess my -- unfortunately, I guess my question still remains is can we be given an update as to why -- what's the cause of the delay? If I'm hearing you correctly, it's staff and your desire that this remains a high priority. I guess I just would like a little more explanation as to what 's -- if it's a high priority and was supposed to be completed last year, why it's only 25 percent of the way completed. De Weerd: At this point all's I can say is all of -- these objectives are being worked on and I will give you detail in the October bi-annual -- or semi-annual update to what is the progress what -- if the influencing delay of community development, as you can see in this strategic plan, has been assigned a number of these strategic objectives and we are processing high numbers of permits and Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 17 of 28 applications, so they are balancing a lot of this with their day-to-day demands, so I can't get into specifics on why this has not been completed , but I can say at this point it is 25 percent complete. Holman: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Yes, Ms. Holman. Holman: If I may. For example, on this one there are other tactics that are in progress right now, but until the actual tactic is complete that completed percentage does not update. So, for example, tactic two, it says zero percent complete, but when I go in there and I read the status notes on that particular tactic, Bruce Chatterton updated it, for example, in attendance at the MDC board meetings and many subcommittees. Attendance at all MDBA board meetings. Bruce Chatterton is now an ex-officio MDBA board member. Many subcommittees. So, he -- there are some updates in there that you're not seeing on this report, but there is some work being done on the other tactics . But as far as the completed percentage, you're not going to see that until the full tactic is checked off. So, I hope that helps and being able to get into the software -- when you have those questions you can log in and you will be able to look at notes and see some of the activity. Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: In light of that -- thank you, Jaycee. I would suggest that we move this to a low priority. Prior to the additional feedback from Jaycee I was of the mind of just removing it. Destination Downtown has been a dead plan for many years and if there is not a lot of effort being made to revive it, I would just as soon remove it, but if there is progress being made, that progress would ideally be shared in the October meeting, if it can't be shared today, but I would move that we would move this from a high priority to a low priority. De Weerd: Any other comments or questions? At this point the recommendation from the -- the lead is to keep that at high. Certainly we can visit that in the October update, where we can bring a status on all the activities . I will say that the downtown plan and making sure that it 's communicated that all -- all parties are on the same page remains of a high priority both for the city and the Meridian Development Corporation. So, we see this as a priority area. Milam: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Milam. Milam: I -- I was curious why 1-A-3 was recommended to be deleted. Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 18 of 28 De Weerd: I guess -- and Mr. Chatterton did talk about that when we had this on the agenda in February and, frankly, I don't recall the specifics on that, other than in terms of the Meridian Development Corporation and there has been a lot of progress in those relationships with the steering committee and the city, MDC, the MDBA, and the chamber, working in concert with each other, that it didn't need to be a specific focus, because of all the progress and the parties all being on the same page and moving forward. Holman: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Ms. Holman. Holman: There are notes in the software. Do you want me to read what the note was in there regarding the thought process behind that? De Weerd: Sure. Holman: Okay. I had recommended to City Council objective be deleted from strategic plan due to legislative changes to urban renewal agencies and questions about it being included in the plan originally. So, that was back in March. That was Robert Simison's update after he presented to you all. So, hopefully that refreshes that a little bit. De Weerd: Okay. Palmer: Madam Mayor? Palmer: Mr. Palmer. Palmer: I don't have a super strong opinion exactly one way or the other, just -- I wanted to point out the value of having the tactics on this one where I, too, wanted it to go away until now seeing the tactics and one -- the first one that really stood out to me -- determine the existing financial obligations and budgetary practices of the urban renewal agency. I think that is a fantastic idea. If we don't, as a city know, what it is that they have done, given that -- I'm sure I understand the background of the state technically created the urban renewal agencies and, then, we gave it life, more or less, that -- because we say go or stop and if we as a city don't know exactly what it is that they have done or what their financial situation is, that made me want to leave this one in here, whereas before when we looked at the tactics I wanted it gone. Commentary. Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 19 of 28 Cavener: I guess a question for Council Member Palmer or the Council as a whole. Is there merit in removing the other tactics, less that particular one, because I -- I agree there is some value in that and weighting that tactic at a hundred percent and -- but that is a high priority and look for an update from that in October. De Weerd: I -- I guess I would see this as something that we can work with the MDC and asking them to come and -- and present to Council. They have the -- the better opportunity to explain what their financial obligations and budget practices are, as in hearing the note in the -- under the tactics and what needed to be removed is when this was written there were some questions about that reporting structure and MDC can easily come and -- and discuss this or we can continue to -- we can just give an update in October. I don't care. Little Roberts: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Yes, Mrs. Little Roberts. Little Roberts: I would like to see -- De Weerd: Is your mike turned one? Okay. Little Roberts: Okay. De Weerd: Thank you. Little Roberts: Is it on? Given all the activity and things that we have been seeing lately from downtown, I would like to see us just leave things as they are and watch the progress and get an update in October. At this point I guess I am not real comfortable taking anything off or reducing it down , because our downtown is critical, we have got a lot of parts and pieces working on it, but I think we will have a lot more information in a few months. De Weerd: Okay. If -- do we want to go item by item and see if there is a majority that wants it in, out, high, low? What -- what's your pleasure? Is everyone in support of 1-A-1 remaining in as -- as shown? We have two no's. Mr. Bird, what was that? Bird: I am a no, too. We have already spent so much money on downtown -- destination downtown that I think that the process we are doing right now and getting -- between the city and MDC getting people interested in downtown to do things is the way we are going to form it. We have got to get people interested in downtown before we can have a Destination Downtown, so -- De Weerd: Mr. Bird, does -- this objective is regarding reinvigorating the Destination Downtown plan by communicating with stakeholder groups, gaining Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 20 of 28 broad and strong support as Mr. Chatterton noted in his -- some of his notes under the tactics. It's about building relationships and making sure that people are all on the same page. That's what that -- that objective really is about. It's not spending additional money. Bird: Madam Mayor -- Madam Mayor, I understand that, but how much did Mr. Chatterton spend to find out that Meridian didn't want -- or couldn't find anybody that wanted to come down and put in a center and stuff, so -- De Weerd: Well, Mr. Bird, Mr. Chatterton got approval from the Council to spend that money. So, it's tied on whether to keep 1-A-1 in. I -- does anyone have a different opinion on whether to keep it in or out? Milam: I'm good keeping all of 1-A in. De Weerd: Okay. Well, maybe we should look at this on -- do we want to keep all of 1-A in or take it out? Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: Do a grinding halt. I'd keep it all in there and by all I would keep every single objective in this thing. I will just kind of cut to the chase. From my perspective we adopted it, we have reviewed each objective, if there is any debate it's a debate on the correlation between, which of these objectives are high priority items and of those which has there not been sufficient action and accomplishment. I mean that's -- I see the legislative executive role focused more on that. So, if we identify as a Council that there is these listed objectives that we want to see progress on and these ones are high priority and these ones aren't, that when we have these bi-annual -- if not more frequent updates -- if there is a high priority where the Council said, for example, to Mr. Cavener's point, 1-A-1 is high priority, it's important, the question that will come from us is -- at least for me is not that it shouldn't come off , I would say that's a high priority item. It still is. Now, we can have a debate on why things haven't been done . Is there a lack of resources? Is there something that's impeding the employees from executing that? Let us know. And, if not, I don't want to -- from my perspective I don't want to take it out, because it's a great idea, but we are not getting it done. I'd rather put more pressure on getting it done, which falls on your lap, quite frankly, and find out what it is that's impeding the progress. So, I’m just going to say keep it all, but there is going to be hard questions on those high priority items within this thing that haven't been moved, what's holding us back. Milam: Madam Mayor? Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 21 of 28 De Weerd: And I -- I guess in order to answer those questions it really needs to be at the -- the semi-annual report as those -- those -- what has been accomplished and -- and where the lead feels their progress is, so -- and so going through this one at a time is -- at this point and explaining the priority -- I told the directors they didn't need to be here, because this was about what was already adopted and whether it needed to be changed . Mrs. Milam. Milam: I agree with Councilman Borton and I know that over time things will change and I don't agree that we should remove items bec ause they are not being completed, but things may change where we -- we have an item that was a low priority and now it becomes a high prio rity and I think that re-adjusting those when -- when the time is appropriate is probably going to -- more likely to happen probably more often than not with certain items, but -- but I agree this is what we adopted. We have been through this over and ove r and I don't -- I don't see the point taking anything out. Little Roberts: Madam Mayor? Cavener: Madam Mayor? Oh. De Weerd: Mrs. Little Roberts. Little Roberts: I would agree with that assessment. We did adopt it and items may move in priority depending on what else is happening, but I think we should leave it as is and watch the progress and learn in October where things are and if they are not happening why. Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: I guess I was under the impression that this is a continuation of this -- the semi-annual meeting that we attempted to have a few months ago where those very questions were asked. The fact is there are significant amount of objectives that are marked high that were to be completed in the past 18 months that in many cases haven't been -- from what we are able to see -- began. So, I'm all for seeing what the progress is, but in front of me I haven't seen a lot of progress and that -- and that's why the question has -- has arisen for me is what's going on with these and why isn't th ere as much progress and if there is not progress -- we can't have a 54 page list of objectives that we all m ove high, because the ones that are high don't get accomplished and the ones that are low we think are important, so we move them to high where they don't get accomplished. So, I feel that this is -- while, Mayor, I appreciate the semi- annual meeting is the place to ask those questions, I guess I was under the impression that that was a goal of tonight's meeting was to get some of those questions asked answered. Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 22 of 28 De Weerd: It was my understanding when we talked about setting this this was each objective -- was there a belief by Council that some should be removed or not and that in October, which we added the semi-annual, that we would be covering a lot of the updates then. This executive report does show where you have one hundred percent of an objective complete. It is reflected in the -- the column under completed and so I will tell you that I have -- I have answered that question numerous times that -- and I would love to go into detail on it in October where we can bring back a progress report. This -- this will give you a better idea of the completed objectives and in the note section you can see what staff is working on by what is listed in the notes and I thought tonight was really about if you wanted an objective in there or not and what woul d fall off if the majority supported that. Milam: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Milam. Milam: Not to change the entire system and -- just to throw this thought out there. Another way to look at this might be to have each department prioritize these similar to the way they did with the budget . If that would be more helpful. So, everything isn't like put on ten highs, but you got number one priority, number two priority, number three priority, and as they get completed, then, they move up in priority number and, then, have the -- you move the completed ones somewhere else. Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: To a certain degree doesn’t that come from us? Is it not our role, though, to say of these objectives here is what we wou ld like staff to execute. These ones are the more critical than others. De Weerd: Council, you know, I think it all has to be within context and -- and it's going to be easiest to put into context when you have the semi-annual update. The priority system that I believe was discussed when this was officially adopted in January of 2016, much of the -- the priorities are dictated by the work plans in the departments. The departments do have strategic plans that were derived from master planning process in Parks, in Fire, in Public Works and so that has loaded the priorities into some of these and others it's -- it's part of a process and a project that they are already involved in and it's a multi-year. It changes with almost every one of these objectives. The objectives are -- are a working plan that supports the strategic goal, which is the goal in the blue and kind of one of those reasons we said how deep into the operational piece do we really want to Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 23 of 28 get into. It really is -- these are areas that are supporting the focus areas and supporting the strategic goals. So, it just -- Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: In some cases too much information is not always the best . Yes, Mr. Borton. Borton: I love information. You're asking the wrong person. Perhaps this. One of the things that brought us to today -- there is two different considerations that really haven't been vetted from winter and of all of these objectives , which we have already all adopted and we are looking for progress, there is two categories of concern. One is -- and I'm trying to remember the spreadsheet that Mr. Cavener brought. One is it may be a good objective, but there has been no progress or no explanation as to why it stalled and that's the concern. But there is another category that we really haven't heard that there may be objectives that the concern from a Council member may be it's not that it's too slow, there is no progress, but I think we ought to revisit the objective itself , regardless of the speed of its completion. So, when I make remarks about I'm comfortable with the whole plan, I want to see progress done on it and I don't want to remove anything for the mere fact that progress has been slow. But if -- but in that second category -- and Councilman Cavener, I think because you had that spreadsheet, we didn't have a chance for anybody to say I think Objective 3 -B-3, for example, should come out for this substantive reason. Not because it's slow, but for some other reason. Cavener: Sure. Borton: And we could say, okay, that's a good idea, take it out, or we will say as a majority let's just leave it in. I understand your position now, but let's leave it in. That's the discussion -- that second category of reasons. So, this is a whole -- I don't know if Councilman Cavener has had that -- you haven't, I guess, but that chance to say for the non -- not that we haven't made progress on it, but the -- these -- because there was a lot on the list. I saw a lot of no progress made. A lot of the concern. But there were some where that wasn't the reason. It was something more substantive. So, perhaps that's -- this is the opportunity to hear those types of comments from anybody. And if the majority says good information, keep it in, Keith Bird rule applies and it all stays in, and we move forward as a whole and if the majority says great information , you made me think about it a different way, it should come out, then, that objective comes out. So, that's my thoughts coming. De Weerd: And that's what I thought we were discussing, not the -- necessarily the progress or lack thereof, but what fundamentally you had thought needs to be removed. Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 24 of 28 Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: We have had so many meetings where we have talked about what this meeting is going to be, I guess I'm -- I'm surprised that there hasn't been any consideration to address what was our most major concern about this plan in March was with the lack of progress. I think six weeks ago there was a plan to try and have this meeting before the end of May. Councilman Borton directly spoke about what were my concerns and frustrations about a lack of progress on the vast majority of the objectives that were set to be complete and so for us to sit here today and say we didn't think that was part of what this meeting was supposed to be, I have to say I'm surprised, because I was under the impression that was a lot of what we were going to talk about, because to Council Member Borton's point -- and we talked about this in May -- we didn't even get to the point to address what objectives we want removed substantively. Our short conversation was about where we were in this process . So, I guess I'm struggling to find where the disconnect was as to why we are not prepared to address the vast majority of these objectives that are still listed as incomplete -- now you brought me a cookie. I'm going to be so much nicer. Thank you. An explanation as to why these aren't complete and what progress is being made. I love the fact that we have got an ability to see that and perhaps if we would have been able to see that earlier maybe that would have addressed some of my concerns as they did with 1-A-3. But for us to say that that was not part of what this meeting was supposed to be about I think is not a correct statement in my opinion. De Weerd: Well, it seems like everyone's communicating at a different level. In your executive report you have -- you do see when the last edits were, so you can see that many of these objectives do have notation on when they were last in there and so it's -- it is a point of what has been being worked on. You do have also under the completed column under the objective itself where tacti cs have -- certain tactics have been completely completed, so there is activity and what I can say and what I did say in February, in March, in April and probably in May and now is that we felt after -- when we gave the initial -- or, yeah, the initial update for 2017 was this was a process of getting to that first update and seeing how as the objectives were rolled out that they were not in a correct order as they started to work the plan. They had to fully develop the tactics, develop the lead, assign tactics that weren't part of their departments, get buy-in from there. It was a process that in many opinions and I think that was shared earlier this year , too, is this was kind of the start of the plan. So, as everyone is owning this and has been utilizing the -- the amazing tool that -- that Jaycee and IT has put together to bring greater transparency in terms of progress, this is -- let move forward with this adaptive plan and know that staff is working it and you're going to have a lot of those more in-depth details when you get your semi-annual update in October. Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 25 of 28 Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: And to that point -- and I think this is -- I think what I said in February if -- there is six of us here and if three or four of us are comfortable with this plan as is without explanation, then, let's -- let's do move forward. I'm not one of them, but if the majority of you are comfortable and want to continue the plan as is, without changes, without explanation, then, man, I would be happy to move past this. Bird: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Bird. Bird: And, Councilman Cavener, I don't disagree with you, but in the same token in January of 2016 when we passed I don't think -- I think every one of us was sitting on the Council at that time. I have real frustrations with the speed things get done in the public sector. Coming from the private world -- this is a saying you guys have probably heard me say a hundred times -- the faster you do it, the more you make. The public, if it takes a little longer it justifies your job. I -- I think that it is -- it's something that we all voted on it. Let's give it a chance. Some of these -- some of these items you don't do overnight and I understand in the public they have got to jump through a lot of hoops that we don't have to jump through in the private sector, so -- Cavener: Madam Mayor? Bird: -- let's give it a chance. De Weerd: Mr. Bird, I guess I would say that a lot has been going on. Every month you have a department that stands in front of you and gives you a strategic update. In the budget hearings you got an overview of your budget dollars at work and what each of those departments have done and accomplished over this last year. This strategic plan includes areas that are not day-to-day in response to the growth pressures and I can tell you that every single one of our departments are heavily impacted by the growth that the city is -- is continuing to perform and serve to. So, where you may not see the -- the progress that you think that you should, they are working diligently every day to continue to deliver the standard of service that our citizens have come to expect and continue to raise the needle of that level of service to that next level and -- and so when we come in October we can explain some of the things that might have an influence on whether a tactic or an objective is completed or not , but they need to -- they need that -- that opportunity to not only refine their tactics, weight their tactics, because that's a new thing that happened over this period of time, too, and so we look forward to our semi-annual update and we will ask Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 26 of 28 Counsel are there objectives as Councilman Borton said, that you have a real issue with, not on its completion or not, on priority whether it's high or low, but something that at this point you do not think should be in this strategic plan that was adopted in January 2016 that we need to discuss. Palmer: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Palmer. Palmer: I was just sworn in in January of '16 and while I feel like I may have been a fairly well prepared 28 year old to take this office, there was still a lot about city government that I didn't understand. I had a lot more to learn over the last year and a half and so having had that time I have been waiting for this opportunity to be able to go into this and especially now that we have the tactics, because I can tell you many times 1-C-3, for example, I have been told that doesn't mean what you think it means. Well, now that we have got the tactics it screams what I think it means and I'm begging somebody to tell me still it doesn't mean what I think it means. There is another one that screams debt that's 95 percent completed, looking at opportunities for the city to go into debt. Why would we waste a minute when we brag about how we have never gone into debt on -- on putting staff time into figuring out ways that we could possibly look at going into debt. There is 58 pages here of which I have marked up maybe a third of them that I would love to discuss as a whole , which there was no way it was going to happen in this allotted time, which we haven't even gotten to now. So, I don't know where we are or what to do. Do you want to go into some specifics? Do we not? De Weerd: I guess you're correct, there is five minutes left. So, we -- we can put this on the tail end of our City Council. As I understand it, there is several areas that have been requested to continue on our agenda. So, we should have time. Palmer: That would be awesome. De Weerd: So -- Bird: That would be fine with me. De Weerd: We can put that at the tail end and -- Bird: Get your questions answered once and for all. Item 5: Executive Session per Idaho State Code 74-206(d): To consider records that are exempt from disclosure as provided in chapter 1, Title 74, Idaho Code. De Weerd: Okay. Item 5 is the Executive Session. Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 27 of 28 Bird: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Bird. Bird: I move we go into Executive Session as per Idaho State Code 74- 206(1)(d). Borton: Second, De Weerd: I have a motion and a second to adjourn into Executive Session. Mr. Clerk, will you call roll. Roll call: Bird, yea; Borton, yea; Milam, yea; Cavener, yea; Palmer, yea; Little Roberts, yea. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES, EXECUTIVE SESSION: 5:27 (p.m. to 6:04 p.m.) Bird: I move we come out of Executive Session. Milam: Second, De Weerd: I have a motion and a second to come out of Executive Session. All those in favor say aye. All ayes. Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES, De Weerd: Do I have a motion to adjourn this special meeting? Bird: So moved. Borton: Second. De Weerd: All those in favor. All ayes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:05 P.M. (AUD1�O,. 4RDlNG-ON FLLE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS) MAYOR T Y DE WEERD DATE APPROVED Meridian City Council Budget Hearing June 27, 2017 Page 28 of 28 ATTEST: C.JAYqEOLE(S) CITY CLERK ED AU-`- 01V UG\ ('i1y of jQ�E IDIS IDAHO SEAL OVED 6/29/2017 1 FY2018 Budget Workshop Information Technology •FY2017 Budget Dollars at work •FY2018 Enhancements •The Road Ahead Information Technology Agenda 6/29/2017 2 Enhancements •Security Assessment –Selected vendor to assist with a Cybersecurity Plan; starting work! •Network Administrator – Eli Daniel –Diversifying risk in Infrastructure Services –Improving network, clean up, long term resiliency –Wireless refresh at key facilities –SCADA remote site connectivity options Information Technology FY2017 Budget Dollars at Work Enhancements •Web Developer – Catherine Roebuck –Improving website, performance, content, and more –Accessibility and search engine optimization improvements –Efficiencies for departments –Working on transitioning away from CMS –City survey results •Expansion (TI) –Storage area now part of IT –Added cubicles Information Technology FY2017 Budget Dollars at Work 6/29/2017 3 Enhancement Title (in priority order) Service Level (increaseor maintain) Amount License Tracking Software Maintain $12,500 Service Desk Manager Maintain $141,666 Total $154,166 Information Technology Enhancement Summary Enhancement Description: This request is for software to be used for license tracking and compliance. This will: 1. Help prevent compliance issues by tracking licenses 2. Help identify need, plan software purchases, control receipt and distribution. 3. Analyze software usage and help avoid unnecessary purchases. Project Life: Year 1 of 1 Funding Source:50% General Fund / 50% Enterprise Fund Prior Year(s) Funding FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Total Estimated Project Cost $0 $12,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $22,500 One-Time Cost: $10,000 On-Going Cost: $2,500 Service Level: Maintain Strategic Plan Objective : This items falls under the Responsive Government focus area and is part of IT’s plan to maintain software for the City. Information Technology License Tracking Software 6/29/2017 4 Enhancement Description: •The IT department is seeking a new position of Service Desk Manager. 1. Helps maintain level of services our customers need 2. Focused on customer service 3. Drives and understands service desk metrics 4. Develops and mentors staff Project Life: Year 1 of 1 Funding Source:50% General Fund / 50% Enterprise Fund - Unfunded Prior Year(s) Funding FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Total Estimated Project Cost $0 $141,666 $102,366 $102,366 $102,366 $102,366 $551,129 One-Time Cost: $39,300 On-Going Cost: $102,366 Service Level: Maintain Strategic Plan Objective : This items falls under the Responsive Government focus area and is critical for IT to maintain current service levels for the City and to allow other positions to manage their responsibilities effectively. Information Technology Service Desk Manager IT Infrastructure Replacements •Storage Area Network (SAN) •Datacenter switches •Server operating systems Information Technology Replacements 6/29/2017 5 CFP items •Microsoft Office (Replacement) •Exchange Server (Replacement) •Network Update (Replacement) •ESRI ELA •EDMS Information Technology The Road Ahead Questions? Information Technology FY2018 Budget Workshop Finance Department Vision Statement Budget Dollars At Work Enhancements The Road Ahead Questions Finance Department Agenda City of Meridian Vision Statement: By 2035, Meridian will be the West’s premier community in which to live, work, and raise a family Finance Department Vision Statement: As a valued member of the City’s growing community, the Finance Department’s Vision is to work in harmony with the City’s overall commitment to obtain the highest levels of Customer Service, Accountability, Respect, and Excellence for our City’s departments, citizens, and growing community members. Finance Department Vision Statements Open Data Transparency Solution Objective of Budget request : “We are requesting a open data/business transparency solution that will be accessed through the City's website.” One-Time Expense Budget =$15,000 Actual = $12,425 Annual On-Going Expense Budget =$6,000 Actual = $4,900 Finance Department Budget Dollars at Work Priority Based Budgeting Budget = $75,000 Finance Department Budget Dollars at Work Phase 1 Phase 2 Finance Department Enhancement Summary Enhancement Title (in priority order)Service Level Amount Finance -Administrative Assistant Maintain $64,772 Finance -MUBS Counter Remodel Increase $33,000 Budget -Financial Analyst Increase $91,785 Total $270,033 Enhancement Description: •Lead the Finance team with records retention •Assist with the management of insurance database, contract management database, comprehensive financial plan db. •Assist Purchasing Division with case management, contract review, website content •Assist Utility Billing with document management (progress movement towards paperless) •Oversee city pool car management, mail room, policy and procedure digital manual development •This position will fill a void created when the Finance Department lost a PT FTE during FY2017 One-Time Cost:$8,500 On-Going Cost:$56,272 Service Level: Maintain Strategic Plan Objective: “Responsive Government” and “Strategic Growth”. This position will meet the Departments Mission to provide our customers with the highest level of customer service. Finance Department Administrative Assistant Project Life: Year 1 of 1 Funding Source:General Fund 50% -Enterprise Fund 50% Prior Year(s) Funding FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Total Estimated Project Cost $0 $64,772 $56,272 $56,272 $56,272 $56,272 $289,858 Enhancement Description: •Improve work stations for existing staff. •Increase usable space for 3 more staff and centralize Utility Billing staff for efficient back-up and coverage •This remodel will reduce the customer lobby space from 10x26 feet to 10x13 feet, allowing MUBS room for 5 staff rather than our current counter staff of 2. •This enhancement is requesting the use of Capital Improvement Fund Balance dollars of $33,000 One-Time Cost:$33,000 On-Going Cost:$0 Service Level: Increase Strategic Plan Objective: “Responsive Government” and “Strategic Growth”. We have physical limitations to the high counters and high chairs with our employees that is causing concern and risk. The lobby remodel will assist the department with providing better customer service and allowing staff members to keep coverage at 100%. Finance Department MUBS Counter Remodel Project Life: Year 1 of 1 Funding Source:Capital Improvement Fund Balance Prior Year(s) Funding FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Total Estimated Project Cost $0 $33,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $33,000 Enhancement Description: •Assist with annual Budget Development process •Lead the City with program/priority based budgeting process •Assist with development financial analysis tools, analytical reports (Centric), financial modeling and forecasting •Assist the City with establishing service levels, key performance indicators, activity based accounting •Develop citywide fee development/management program One-Time Cost:$8,500 On-Going Cost:$83,285 Service Level: Increase Strategic Plan Objective: 1.B.5 (Develop a Fiscal Model), 3.E.4 (Institute Priority Based Budgeting), 5.A.3 (Evaluate Financial tools for the City), 3.D.2 (Deploy Performance Measurement program), 3.E.2 (Conduct Priorities of Government exercise). Finance Department Financial Analyst Project Life: Year 1 of 1 Funding Source:General Fund 50% -Enterprise Fund 50% Prior Year(s) Funding FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Total Estimated Project Cost $0 $91,785 $83,285 $83,285 $83,285 $83,285 $424,927 Procurement Software Budget Software Finance Department The Road Ahead Finance Department Questions FY2 018 Budget Workshop Follow -Ups: • Genesis — Rough estimate of cost savings for an additional Building Maintenance Worker • Cavener— Examples of priority ranking, kind of items in each category • Cavener— What are the 13 high priority cases that are currently outstanding? • Cavener— What are employees doing versus contractors? • Cavener — Can we demonstrate the cost savings? The need? Community Development • Cavener — Would like to see scope of work for Growth Goal Consultant I:._.I VII • Cavener & Mayor— Look at standardizing office chair cost, same type of chair citywide. Varying in costs, would like more consistency. • Cavener — Since 2009, what percent of customer pay electronically versus other methods? • Cavener — Since 2009, what are the numbers of move in, outs, sells, transfers etc.? demonstrate increase in workload Fire • Borton —Would like updated analysis engine by engine • Bird — Since 2008, how many float firefighters have been added? • Mayor — Council approved Level of Service, are we meeting it? • Mayor— Bring back detail on CLA fitness program, cost, and how can we phase in? • Mayor— Detail list of fitness equipment replacement? • Mayor— Would like Rural Fire District commitment in funding Fire Station #6 first year personnel/operating cost in writing. • Mayor — What are the full costs for Fire Station #6? o Finance will assist in cost projection and analysis • Cavener — How many Personnel Reclassifications in the past 5 years? • Cavener — Define the 3 different types of Personnel Reclassifications? Equity Adjustment, Internal Alignment and Department Request. F:\BUDGET\FY2018\FY2018 Budget Workshop Follow -Ups 1 Sther GovernmentVallej! Regional Ti-ansit (VRI • Genesis — How many unique riders? • Genesis — Would like more detail on Express and Limited Stop Services • Cavener — How much revenue will adult sports/baseball program bring in? • Cavener — How much revenue is generated by Homecourt? • Cavener — Why is fiber connection needed at Homecourt? Whereas it's not funded for PD? • Cavener— Number of reservation at amphitheater? • Genesis — Update South Meridian Regional Park Construction enhancement form with revised number of acres. • Genesis — What is the development cost per acre? • Palmer — Calls for service graphs and charts, showing the different types of calls • Borton — Level of Service Study Metric would be helpful utilizing 3 categories • Palmer —What is the cost to use Desert Range? • Bird — How deep is Well #15? • Borton — How is it done without crane? o Staff — Rented ■ Public Works will provide clarification F:\BUDGET\FY2018\FY2018 Budget Workshop Follow -Ups 2