Short-Term Concession Permit SHORT-TERM CONCESSION PERMIT Permit# Meridian Parks & Recreation 11 W.Bower Meridian, ill 83642 (208)888-3579 F= (208) 898-5501 Date(s) of Event: Park Site(s), Facility(ies): SERVING, SELLING OR GIVING AWAY FOOD: If food is served, sold or given away to the general public, a temporary food and drink license must be obtained from the Meridian Parks and Recreation Department, 11 West Bower, 208--888-3579. The City of Meridian requires event organizers to provide proof of liability insurance to protect event sponsors and the City of Meridian from any claims caused by the serving offood at City sites or facilities. Special Event permit holders may contract with food, craft, and other types of vendors as part of their scheduled event; however, a Short Term Concession Permit for individual vendors or a multi-vendor permit for the event, is required to sell anything on park property. All vendors must follow rules and regulations set forth and s",ted on the short term concession permit and must resmct sales to within the boundaries ofthe event. Event organizers are responsible and will be held liable for all actions of the vendors and suppliers included in their event. Number, type and placement of all vendors are subject to Meridian Parks & Recreation's (MFR) approval. All vendors and their equipment, MUST be removed from Park property at the end of the scheduled event. See nther side rnr additinnal infnrmatinn abnut Short-Term Cnncessinn Permit approval. Parks are avaIlable from mId Apnl thrnugh mId Octnber Event Organization' Primary Con",ct Person: Mailing Address' Email: City: State: Zip' Home Phone: Work Phone: Fax: All non-profit/non tauble organization are reqlÙred to complete a SnO! Fnrm and return lrith applicatinn. Name of Event: Date(s) of Vending: Print names addresses nhone numbers and citv license numbers for each vendor belnw. List additional vendors on a senarate sheet. VENDORIBUSINESS OWNER'S NAME ADDRESS PHONE CITY LICENSE Short Term Concessiou Permit: $25.00 per day, no tax (each vendor); A Short Term Concession Permit for city parks does not authorize the sale ofalcoholic beverages. Rec SuplSkate Palk 7/16104 READ AND COMPLETE INFORMATION ON REVERSE SIDE. SHORT - TERM CONCESSION PERMIT Permit # Vendor Roles & Regulations Due 10 turf and sprinkler head damage, vehicles are restricted to paved palk roods or parIcinß areas. This includos concession trailers, delivery and catering vehicles. Vendors must have pemrission prior to the event to drive on the turf. All sprinkler heads, valve boxes, utilities, and other site amenities will ne,d to identified by parl< staffbefore each event Vendors will be beld liable for damages. All roadways are fire lanes. Parking is allowed in dosignated parl<ing lanes ordy;- one space per vehicle. Vehicles palked in "No Parking" areas will be towed at owoer's risk and ""pense. Nesnllth Brothers Towing, 208-884-1000. Pms are open ftom sunrise 10 sunset. No person shall leave a vehicle standing orparl<ed aflerclosing homs of the palk. All vehicles left in the palkafter sunset will be lowed at owner's risk and expense. All pre-approved vendors and other vehicles palked on the tori must have plywood pillows onder the tires and tongue jack wheel,. All vehicles parked on palk pedestrian access mods need plywood pillows for the tires and tongue jack wheels. Glass beverage containers are prohibited at all Meridian Parlo; & Recreation facilities. Any glllJ!s containers 'uch IIJ! condiment jars need to be placed or seenred in a cardboard box or other c_iner, identified IIJ! "GLASS", 10 prevent lueakage and possible injury 10 park users and workers. Vendors wilillatten cardboard boxes before placing inlo dompsters. Alln.sh will be removed ftom palk site by vendors if dumpsters are full. Adequate and accessible electricity, drinking water, and waste water dumping sinks and drairu; are limited in all parlo; and facilities. Power and water are available in ",me locatioru;, limited reso=. Event organize" are required 10 supply all electrical needs for veudors and supplie". A list of these needs should be detailed on the event logisti'" map. All vendors couoectioru; to utilities (i.e. water, power, etc.) will meet all cwrent codos. Complaints about inadequate water or power services ftom vendors and other users are due 99% ftom overloading the system, i.e. 5-8 fau"",, or tee connection, long roo of hoses, IIJ! much IIJ! 200 feet, 'Plittiogpower oullet« douhle or even triple or too small of a cord 10 cony amps. City Oerl<'s office and CenOal District Health approvals are required for all vendors and their services to the public. Vendors must be self-contained or must use Greywater barrels for their used water and Grease barrels for th, used grease. These baITels will be placed in and around vendor area¡¡ on pillow or pallets and will be the resporu;ibility of the vendor. Vendors to make sure coals and charcoal are out and cold before placing in trash containers. Mcridiao Parks & Recreation staff do not act IIJ! delivery service for vendors. All property belonging to a vendor, i.e. carts, containers, 1rash receptacles, etc, will be marked and identified IIJ! such. All drivers operating vendors carm must be licensed drivers, 18 years or older. Each cart must be identified with a sigo orllag stating the vendo"naroe. All vendor carm must have approval ftom MPR prior to the event. Vendors e><haust with large amouots of "heat" will not œ allowed 10 locate directly under 1ree~ This includes generato". . Banners, signs and other items are not permitted to be fastened b. an. meaos to trees or shrub"""'. I hereby certify that 1 have read and \riIIahide by the rules and regnlations act fDl1h by the City of Meridian Parks & Reereation Departmen~ aud in sigoingthis applieation,I bereby agree that 1 and tbe organization 1 repreoen~sbaD bold the City of Meridian and all of its ageots oremptoyees fi'eeaod blameless fi'om anyc1aim, liabili!!, or damage wbich may arise from ose of City facilities oreqoipmen~ whether or Dot tbeCity of Meridian, its ageots or employees arejoiotly negligent 1 further agree to promptly reimburse the City ofMeridiao fur any eleao op, loss or damage 10 Gty roperty resotdog from this use. In addition, I givecooseot to the disetosnre ofthephooe number(s) 1 bave 6sted on this app!ieadoo pursuant to reqnests from the pnhlie, aDd I give coosent to the disclosure of these phone number(s) io informadooal po htieatioos, releases, or anoonoeements abont this community event Event Orgaoizer: Date: Veudor: Oat" A COpy OF THIS APPROVED SHORT TERM CONCESSION PERMIT MUST BE DISPLAYED AT THE VENDINGSITE(S) ON ALL DATES AGREED UPOÆ Office Use Onlv Aouroval for a Short Term Concession Permit is Grauted OrganizationIV endor: Event: For the following daters): Forlhe following site(s)' From: am/om To: am/om To include' # of Vendors Fee' Date oaid' Meridian Parks & Recreation Approval by: Date: Must be si~ed and dated bv authorized MPR ~ent Pork rules ore posred at restrooms and shelters and are strtctJy enforced. For Reservation infonnation contact us by phoue, mail, fax or eroail: Meridian ParJc¡ & Recreation Adroill_tion Office IIW. Bower, Meridian Idaho 83642 (208)384-4228 Fax(208)384-4127 recreation(Qjmeridiaocitv.ore For a complete list of the Meridian City Code and more park related infonnation visitwww.mcridiancitv.ore Roc Sup/Skate Park 7/16104 Meridian Parks & Recreation Memo RECEIVED SEP 1 0 2004 City of Meridian City Clerk Office To: Mayor and City Council CC: Will Berg From: Doug Strong, Director v()J Date: September 9, 2004 Re: Proposed Required Recreation Permits During the July Parks and Recreation Commission meeting the Proposed Required Penn its were reviewed and passed by the Commission to be sent forward to the Mayor and Council for their approval. The Parks Staff is requesting this item be put under the consent agenda for your September 21st meeting. Staff Summary of Parks & Recreation Commission Recommendation to City Council and the minutes from the July 14, 2004 meeting is attached. Page 1 cJvre;Úiãn .:f\ ,u."". J STAFF SUMMARY OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL () (';) lí \D . Project Name: \ 'vi"vb ~o~ \<Jìt LU;W :J., \Atlli,J Park: ~\ \ ?wJU APplicant:~~'\~ ~ .~~ . P&R Commission Meeting Date:l - I L/- 0 L/ Recommendation: ~~~ k) Lu,\ C~~ ~ \aJiHAJ summa.ry \{~c ~~Ž~ ~i() .~ 0- ~ ~o-~ . . Key Commission Changes to Staff Recommendation: CA:7N~..l.J~-b-hJ QJJLiI\..t~L+ . +v...'1'~ w \)-{'~ G-Y\. ~\3,à - -tuLÅ-^-"- I - - . ~ ~J-- ~ t'lJ $AÇb i ..' ,^, -L~ --JJ'f . ~¡ ~r flV--~~~{¡~) ~ 5'tA-Vt 4nf- ~t'¡'t'P Outstanding I~sues )or City Co';mliì: Vv¡P . '\J Mf\9-..i . . APPROVED: t~?- with this and to work with the police department and their code writer so we can put it in a final format to move to council to be passed by resolution to become a part ofthe park ordinance. Creg Steele made a motion to have Doug move this forward and take the necessary steps he needs to take to move this to city council. Seconded by Bill Allen, motion passed unanimously. CONCESSION CONTRACT FOR SETTLER'S PARK After a lengthy discussion on the options for the concession stand, Doug Strong suggested that the commission table this item and bring it back to the commission in January 2005 since we are now so far into the summer months. If there were any requests for the use ofthe facilities we would have to have some kind of rental amount on the books that has been through council for a daily rental of that facility just like we did for the shelter rental fees and things like that. Jim De Boer made a motion to table the concession contract for Settler's Park until the January 2005 meeting. Creg Steele seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously. ~ PROPOSED REQUIRED PERMITS Kathleen Kuebler stated that in your packets you have Short-Term Concession, Amplified Sound, and Park Use Application. Currently the department has no permits for this. For example, there is an event in the skate park in August and they want Dominos to come in and sell pizza. All I can do is say, yes or no that they can come. I don't have a permit that Dominos has to have to give me twenty-five dollars to come. A church group wants to have an event in Tully Park and they want a DJ and to set up a stage. I have no permit for that and I have nothing to give them and I have nothing to give me. It's just a yes or no, case by case basis. The only thing we have is a bounce house permit and an alcohol permit. We have nothing for a DJ if they want to come, Domino's Pizza wants to sell at an event or if an event wants to occur. More and more events want to come to our parks. Jim De Boer stated that he reviewed the items closely and has several comments and changes that I believe need to be made. Bill Allen questioned the fee pricing and if they were inline with Boise? Kathleen Kuebler stated that she got them straight from Boise- Bill Allen stated that he believes the Event Fee Permit should be increased to fifty dollars. After a very lengthy discussion on changes to the permits in regards to language usage, typographical errors, contradictions, etc., the commission agreed to move it forward to City Council for approval with changes. Parks and Recreation Commission Mioutes July 14.2004 5 Jim De Boer made a motion to accept the application for Sound Permit, Short Term Concession Permit, and the application for Event Permit as presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission with the exception of the following: make the administrative change to accurately reflect the turf usages in regards to the tires and vehicles on the turf, up the application fee for Event Permit to fifty dollars, changing the administrative error on the application for event rule number four, and to rename the Amplified Sound Permit to the Event Amplified Sound Permit. Bill Allen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. UPDATE ON MERIDIAN POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPRETY Doug Strong stated that this is an item that has been brought back to you at the request of city council for your final recommendation and approval. The council will then take it back for action. You have in your packet a colored layout of the racetrack. What has transpired since we last met is that it looks like a ten thousand dollar budget item for some basic improvements of the five-acre site made by our department will move forward for final approvaL It looks like we will have some limited funds to do a curb cut and to create a temporary parking area, which you see indicated on the layout. The red area you see on the layout is the outside dimensions ofthe racetrack it's not the actual size of the track it includes the area for their stand and spectator viewing area. After a brief discussion Jim De Boer made a motion to provide Snake River Racing with basic agreement that they can help craft with Director Strong and move forward on this, seconded by Creg Steele. The motion passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS None DIRECTOR'S REPORT Doug Strong stated that he provided a written report in your packet that captures some of the activity for the month and would invite any questions in regards to the report. I have added an addition to the report that brings you up to date with the vandalism in the park just for your information. Jim De Boer questioned whether or not the police were investigating the vandalism in the park to possibly identify a trend or link someone to the damage to make him or her legally responsible? Doug Strong stated two nights ago two young boys ages 8 and 10 were caught vandalizing the women's restroom and it has become a felony conviction due to the dollar amount involved. We have also investigated purchasing surveillance cameras and have a cost figure for that. We have verbal support from the council to do a budget Pooh and Recreation Commission Minutes July 14.2004 6