2001-01-08', . FEB - 9 2001 ~._ __. ~~'~L ~___. . __ Meridian Parks and Recreation Commission January 8, 2001 The regular meeting of The Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by David Moe at 7:30. Present were David Moe, Sheri Baker, Ed Fong, Tammy De Weerd, Debbie Watkins, Bruce MacCoy, Creg Steele and Tom Kuntz Agenda: Sheri Baker made a motion to adopt the January agenda, Debbie Watkins seconded, all ayes motion carried. Approval of Minutes: Ed Fong made a motion to approve November's minutes seconded by Creg Steele, all ayes, motion carried Public Introductions/Comments: The Commission introduced themselves to the new Commissioners. Creg and Bruce told about themselves and their involvement in the community. Correspondence/Announcements: Tom discussed his memo to the Commission stating how he would like to approach the Directors informational items. Catrina went over the brochure and discussed the lack of facilities and asked the Commission if they had any suggestions for locations. David Moe said that we need to get with the school district, and Tammy de Weerd said the boys and girls club is interested in working with us. Tom said in order for our rec. programs to grow, we will eventually need a recreation center. Catrina also-went over the revenue for 2000 and Tammy de Weerd informed her of the best ways to get the fees out and before a public hearing. Sheri asked how we are recruiting instructors. Catrina said mostly word of mouth and some from BSU. Tom asked the Commission to look over the memos to the Mayor and Monroc. Tom addressed a letter from the Land Group explaining that due to the weather, they are putting a temporary stop to the work at Generations Plaza. Tom also explained the problems with Petra and the damages to sidewalks, sprinkler lines and trees. Elroy also sent a memo to them regarding their use of the Pine Street parking lot. This is a 2-hour lot that the construction workers have been parking in all day and leaving equipment in at night. The memo explained that they need to find alternate parking and clean up the lot. They seem to have followed the direction. Ed Fong talked about the direction that the pathway committee is leaning toward which is connecting schools and parks together in connective pathways. They are trying to establish some direction from Planning and Zoning to let future developers know that there will be a plan that is going to ask for connectivity between sub-divisions, schools and parks. The committee should finish their work in March. Tammy de Weerd suggested that Ed bring this to the City Council. Bruce MacCoy made a motion the plan for connectivity between sub-divisions, schools and parks. This was seconded by Debbie Watkins, all ayes motion carried. Regarding the article in the paper, Little League is putting together a small committee to meet with Parks and Recreation to discuss working together. Tami Smith went over the brick brochure for Generations Plaza and informed the Commission that there will be an announcement in the water bill informing citizens that they are for sale again. Tom showed the Commission the panels that will be at Generations Plaza, and Debbie Watkins checked to make sure that they would hold up to certain forms of vandalism. The Commission asked Tom to check and see if there is a warrantee against chipping. Old Business: Election of new officers- David Moe went over the open nomination process and then nominated Sheri Baker for Chairperson. There were no other nominations. The Commission was in agreement. The nominations were closed, all ayes motion carries. Tom made a suggestion that the Vice- Chairperson take over as Chairperson upon the end of the Chairpersons term. David Moe nominated Ed Fong; Bruce MacCoy nominated Debbie Watkins. Ed Fong withdrew his name. Nominations were closed with Debbie Watkins as the only nominee, all ayes, motion carries. Debbie thanked David for the excellent job he has done, and the Commission agreed. Action/Comp Plan Status- Tom addressed the 5 planning issues that Jerry Dragoo wanted the Commissions direction on, and the cover page, which is a synopsis of the position that the Commission took. This then went to the City Council. Debbie Watkins said that she felt the Council liked the idea and overall plan of the 8 major parks with walkways in between. They did not seem in favor of us buying now because there is no money and they basically said show us how to do it. There was no clear direction as far as the bond, and in Debbie's opinion, they were not ready to listen to this and did not give us anything to go on. Debbie said that Tom was very clear on the need to buy land now, but that she left with the feeling of what do we do now. Debbie said that it is the Commissions duty to get out to the community and gather support by letting them know where we are heading and our needs and the Commission has not done a good enough job of that. She also said the Council seemed to like the vision and where we are heading. Sheri asked Tammy if the Council seemed put off by what was presented. Tammy said no but we do need a planning document. Sheri suggested we do a survey to find out what the people will support. But we need to research the options and come up with some viable alternatives so that we can tell the people how this can be accomplished and how long it will take. Bruce MacCoy said he has done a lot of fund raising, and he considers the bond issue to be a final alternative. We should first be looking into corporate sponsorship and federal grants. We need to do our homework and find out what our options are. Sheri asked if there would be enough money in grants and sponsorships for purchasing land or would the amounts be only enough to develop portions of what we already have. We should see what landowners would donate. Sheri said the problem is that landowners can get good money for the lands so why donate it. Tammy said that they might want a legacy so they will sell most to a developer but set some aside for a park, our plan is the cornerstone, and Council will not create the plan. Ed Fong suggested a sub- committee to work on funding proposals and alternatives to funding. Ed and Bruce will make up this sub-committee. Tammy said that we need to do something to raise the impact fees because there are members of the Council who will not support a bond if all options are not covered. Tom said impact fees don't accrue at a fast enough rate to do any damage and should be used to develop parks once we purchase the land. Tom thinks the goal of this Commission should be to put a plan in place to fund the land acquisition for the seven or eight community parks that we need. Our number 1 priority should be to secure land. The school district is able to take advantage of the mill levy dropping every year and say 'we can get a bond without raising taxes' yet the rest of the City loses out on revenue, and the ability to claim those funds. Bruce suggested that we get the map of park sites out to the public so they can see where we want to be heading. Housing Development Plan- Tom, wanting to keep the Commission informed as to the developments that are being planned, went over 6 possible subdivision plans in our area. Bruce asked if we could have all parks surrounded by single loaded streets. Creg suggested that single loaded streets be part of our standards, it all has to do with access to the parks. We want parks to be accessed from all sides and visible from main roads. Tom said that we might need to massage the location sites of parks to make sure that the plan that we get is one that we can implement. Tom would like to move the park numbered c- 18just south. RFP/RFQs- Tom, David and Jim have been working on getting a landscape architect for the 56-acre site. They met before Christmas and discussed that the RFQ (request for qualification) is more timely as far as the applicants not needing to put as much time and energy into putting a proposal together. Sheri asked if that meant that they would present to us their qualifications for this project. Tom said yes and explained the procedure. The plans are done for Bear Creek through CTA. Tom said if there aren't any questions or comments, he will start moving on this. Sheri asked if phase 1 design and bid documents, due April 27could be moved up. Tom said no, that date is conservative. Sheri asked where we would be in the completion of phase 1. Tom said phase 1 is pretty simple. We are contracting with W&H Pacific, to do a survey and topo map of the 56-acre site to address the re-routing of the irrigation ditches. There will then be a meeting with all of the farmers who will be effected by this, ACHD as far as road right-of-way, Settlers Irrigation and Briggs Engineering. WH Pacific will design the tiling and re-routing of the ditches before the irrigation water comes this spring and if we miss it, we will have to wait until November. Tom is not sure if it is realistic to expect phase 1 to be done this fiscal year. The money will carry over to the next year, as long as we have been doing something. Commission Meeting Dates and Times- there have been several conflicts with the third Monday of each month as meeting dates for the Commission due to holidays. If the Commission is happy with the dates as they are, that is fine. Or we could consider changing meetings to the 2"d Monday of the month. This way, matters discussed could be taken to Council on the 2"d Tuesday. The Commission will consider moving to the second Monday of each month at i • 7:OOp.m. At the next meeting. Tami Smith will contact the fire station to check on their conference room. Next Commission meeting will be on February 12 at the new fire station. Park Curfew-Tom would like some direction on what the Commissions wishes are regarding the curfew for the parks. Sheri asked if we could have summer and winter hours, Debbie asked if we could do a half and hour after dusk. Tom said we could but there will be problems with whatever we do. Why is this an issue? There has been 1 Tully Park neighbor who complained. Debbie Watkins made a motion to leave the curfew as is (midnight) until it becomes more necessary to change. David Moe seconded, all ayes motion carries. New Business: Dog Ordinance at Tully Park- The 5-mile creek path will allow dogs on leash, so Tom thought it may be a good time to re-address the issue of dogs in Tully Park which staff does recommend. David Moe made a motion to recommend the City Council revision of the existing dog ordinance at Tully Park to allow dogs on leash as per city ordinance # 65-3. Debbie Watkins seconded, all ayes motion carries. David asked how the mess will be handled, Tom said we will put mitt stations up. Naming 56-acre site- Tom would like to bring this to the Commission next month. We should also make a decision on what to name Bear Creek Park. This will be under old business next meeting. Directors Informational Items: Bear Creek Master Plan- Tom asked the Commission to look at the memo regarding the grading and parking lot plan. David Moe said he thought the developers were going to do the rough grading. We will negotiate the price of the rough grading because we are allowing them to use the perimeter of the park for a retention pond that would retain water from the street. Tom went over what is included in the master plan but not in phase1, a 3 round basketball ring, a playground, and a restroom/picnic shelter. In phase 1 we are hoping for 2 parking lots, gravel pathway around the perimeter, irrigation system, grading and grass. Tom needs immediate input on what else will be in that 6 acres. The only input from the community has been a couple of tennis courts. The Commission felt that 2 tennis courts and 2 softball fields would be appropriate for Tom to take to the public meeting. Skate Park Project- The site selection committee is meeting on Wednesday to tour the four sites that are being considered for the future skate park. The sites are the new police station, the 58-acre park site, the middle school and the land in the back of Storey Park. Tom went over the pros and cons of each site. Debbie asked why, if Storey Park already has bathrooms, drinking fountains, picnic shelters as well as other amenities, this isn't already happening. Tom said there are political reasons, but it is a very good option. One of the drawbacks to this site is that the skate park will close at dark, and Storey is open until midnight. Bruce liked how the skate park was laid out and visible in Boise. Sheri said the kids would need to police themselves. The Land Group reduced their fee for the design of the park by cutting 1 community meeting and no landscaping design around the slab. Ada Recreation District- Roger Simmons is interested in an Ada County Recreation District, Boise said they were not interested, our Mayor said we are not interested. One of the possibilities if that were to happen would be that our department would desolve and our holdings would be turned over to the recreation district. Staff does not recommend this. Bruce said that if Meridian were to end up in that type of situation, we end up on the short side of the stick. He thinks it would be foolish with the resources that we have, to turn those over to county. Creg Steele made a motion that we not involve ourselves in the County Recreation, but consider partnering up on pathways and special interest parks. Debbie Watkins seconded, all ayes, motion carries. Dates for Generations Plaza Phase 2- Tom would like to consider May or June for the opening of phase 2. The only question would be is do we want to do it before the second building is complete. Debbie suggested that if we do it before the second building, people know that it is our project. This will be tabled. Tom met with Babe Ruth regarding a partnership and Sheri asked about 2001 goals and objectives. David made a motion to adjourn at 11:05 seconded by Debbie Watkins.