2006-06-08 IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES THURSDAY JUNE 8, 2006 AT 10:00AM Meridian City Attorney's Office 703 N. Main Street, Meridian, Idaho COMMITTEE MEMBERS X Dan Wood _O_ Jim Keller _X_ Gene Strate _O_ David Fulkerson _O_ Phil Krichbaum _X Keith Borup _X_ Miguel Legaretta ADVISORY STAFF _X_ Doug Strong _X Ted Baird _O_ Anna Canning _X_ Stacy Kilchenmann _X_ Ron Anderson _O_ Bill Musser _O_ Elroy Huff AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: The Administrator, Doug Strong, called the meeting to order, called roll and introduced study team to members of the attending public. II. REVIEW OF BBC RESEARCH & CONSULTING TEAM DRAFT REPORT: Study Team reviewed revised draft report containing preliminary land use assumptions, capital improvement plans, and maximum allowable fee schedules for Parks, Fire and Police impact fees. III. QUESTIONS FROM IMPACT FEE COMMITTEE: Study Team discussed questions/comments from committee members and members of the building and real estate community. The study team committed to distributing another revised draft report in advance of the next meeting. IV. FUTURE TOPICS: a. Next meeting scheduled for July 6, 2006 from 10:00 - 12:00 am at the Meridian City Attorney's Office, 703 North Main Street, Meridian, Idaho. b. Open house to discuss Impact Fees scheduled for June 26, 2006 at Meridian Police Department, 1401 E. Watertower, Meridian, Idaho. c. Presentation to City Council and first reading of Ordinance (NOT a public hearing) scheduled for June 27, 2006 at Meridian City Hall. 33 East Idaho Avenue, Meridian, Idaho. d. Public Hearing on CIP and third and final reading of Ordinance scheduled for July 25, 2006. V. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. City of Meridian Impact Fee Advisory Committee Minutes - June8, 2006 Page 1