Parks Trees 8-10-11 E HuffMeridian Urban Forest Management Elroy Huff, City Arborist Meridian Parks & Recreation Commission August 10, 2011 1 Executive Summary The primary mission of a well developed forestry program is to provide the residents of the community a healthy, safe, and pleasant environment 2 Develop a Hazard Tree Mitigation Policy The park system currently has only a few trees that could be serious hazards because we have such a young park forest 3 Conduct Tree Inventory Some of this work has been completed, and more to come this fall Inventory will set the stage for the management plan It will essentially tell us the items we need to know 4 Develop a Pruning Cycle Establish a plan of how many trees will be pruned each year This will probably be a five- to seven-year rotation 5 Develop Spray Programs Use the tree inventory to determine the pests and diseases that need attention in our system Use integrated pest management strategies in developing spray or treatment 6 Develop a Tree Planting Program How many trees to plant each year and where? The tree inventory will establish future planting sites Diversification of tree species 7 Trees Planted to Date in 2011 Lakeview Golf Course - 104 Park System - 16 Downtown - 6 Julius M. Kleiner Memorial Park - 242 To be planted at Kleiner in September, additional 60 trees 8 9 Increase Education Awareness and Public Outreach Expand and strengthen partnerships Continue Arbor Day Celebrations Focus on education to promote tree planting and proper care of trees Develop programs to enlist volunteers Volunteer tree plantings and Eagle Scout tree planting projects 10 Maintain Tree City USA Status Have an Urban Forestry Advisory Commission, which is the Parks & Recreation Commission Tree ordinance in place Hold Arbor Day Celebration Spend two dollars per capita on urban forestry 11 Ensure Cooperation of All City Departments Work with departments on planning and development 12 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Develop procedures in the management plan to be used by all employees in the park system 13 Develop a Management Plan for Downtown Trees Develop a planting and removal cycle to ensure integrity of the streetscape 14 15 So where do we go from here? 16