PZ - Email by Lisa Bachman Request to Renotice - 9/2/15Machelle Hill From: Lisa Bachman <Ibachman@jub.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 7:43 AM To: Sonya Watters Cc: Jace Stolfo; Kristi Watkins; Scott Wonders; Machelle Hill; Bill Nary; Ted Baird; Michael Byrns; robertp@devansconstruction.com Subject: Easy Jet Sonya, On behalf of the property owner, we are requesting to remove the Easy Jet project from the September 3rd agenda. We are requesting to be scheduled for the October 151h agenda in order to allow adequate time to submit a revised application. It is anticipated that project changes would include a slight change in the area of the rezone, a reduction in units, and possibly additional open space. With the proposed changes and re -scheduling, we are also requesting that the city re - notice the project — the 300' mailed notice and published notice. We will bring a check over this week for $183 to cover the re -noticing costs. The property owner will update the public hearing notice signs to reflect the new meeting date as required by code (at least 10 days prior to the public hearing). As discussed, we will submit the revised application information to you prior to September 16th. We will likely email folks today who gave us their email addresses at the neighborhood meeting to give them a heads up about the meeting date change. One last item - please let us know if a project representative needs to be present at the September 3rd hearing for any reason. Thank you, Lisa M. Bachman, AICP, PCED Planner/ Project Manager J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc. 250 South Beechwood Avenue, Suite 201, Boise, ID 83709-0944 p 1208 489 7894 c 1208 577 8752 e I Ibachman@'ub.com THE J-U-B FAMILY OF COMPANIES: wwvd.j��b e�n�. � www �a[ew-rymap�rin� c.om ; tuw�v.lans;dontrou.p�ric_cgm This e-mail and any attachments involving J-U-B or a subsidiary business may contain information that is confidential and/or proprietary. Prior to use, you agree to the provisions found at edocs.jub.com. If you believe you received this email in error, please reply to that effect and then delete all copies. No Text