2015 04-16Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting April 16 2015 Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of April 16, 2015, was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Vice -Chairman Patrick Oliver. Present: Commissioner Patrick Oliver, Commissioner Rhonda McCarvel and Commissioner Ryan Fitzgerald. Members Absent: Chairman Steven Yearsley and Commissioner Gregory. Others Present: Jacy Jones, Ted Baird, Sonya Watters, Bill Parsons and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll -Call Attendance: Roll -call Gregory Wilson X Patrick Oliver X Rhonda McCarvel X Ryan Fitzgerald Steven Yearsley - Chairman Oliver: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. At this time I'd like to call to order the regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission for April 16th, 2015. Let's begin with roll call. Item 2: Adoption of the Agenda Oliver: Next we would go to the adoption of the agenda. Do I have a motion to adopt the agenda? Fitzgerald: Mr. Chairman, I would move for adoption of the agenda. McCarvel: Second. Oliver: It's been moved and seconded that we adopt the agenda. All in favor say aye. Opposed nay. Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Item 3: Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes for April 2, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting B. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for Approval: CUP 15- 005 Sonic Drive -In at Paramount by Ken Lenz Located 4936 N. Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 2 of 31 Linder Road Request: Conditional Use Permit Approval for a Drive-Thru Establishment in a C -G Zoning District Within 300 Feet of Another Drive-Thru Facility and Existing Residences C. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for Approval: CUP 15. 004 Meridian Martial Arts by Heather Neitzell Located 535 N. Locust Grove Road Request: Conditional Use Permit Approval to Operate an indoor Recreation Facility in an I -L Zoning District Oliver: Next we move to the Consent Agenda. Tonight we do the items on the agenda -- for the Consent Agenda are items A through H. Any additions or corrections? Fitzgerald: A through H or A through C? McCarvel: A through C. Oliver: Oh. Consent Agenda. A through C. Excuse me. Fitzgerald: Mr. Chairman, I would move for approval of the Consent Agenda. Oliver: I have a motion. Do I have a second? McCarvel: Second. Oliver: I have a motion and a second. All in favor say aye. Opposed if any. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Oliver: Moving on to the action items for this evening. So, before we get started this morning and the -- or this morning. This afternoon in our action items, we will start by -- let me just explain the hearing process. We will start by opening each item and we will have the staff report, which gives findings regarding how the item adheres to our Comprehensive Plan and Uniform Development Code for staff's recommendation and the applicant will have an opportunity to come forward to present their case for the approval of the application and respond to any staff comments. The application -- or the applicant will have up to 15 minutes to do so. Then we will have any public testimony which will follow. There is a sign-up sheet that you can find at the back of the room as you enter that anyone wishing to testify can. Anyone testifying will come forward and be allowed three minutes. If they are speaking for a larger group, like an HOA, and there is a show of hands to represent that, they will be given up to ten minutes. Then after all testimony has been heard the applicant will have an opportunity to respond. If they desire so they will have ten minutes and we will close the public hearing and the Commission will have the opportunity to discuss and hopefully be able to make a recommendation to City Council. Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 3 of 31 Item 4: Action Items A. Continued Public Hearing from April 2, 2015: CUP 15-001 Franklin Mini -Storage by Osborne Enterprises Located 1975 E. Franklin Road Request: Conditional Use Permit for a Self -Service Facility in a C -G Zoning District Oliver: So, we will begin with our open hearing. At this time I'd like to open the public hearing for item CUP 15-001, Franklin Mini Storage, Osborn Enterprises, located at 1975 East Franklin Road. We will start with staff. Watters: Thank you, Chairman Oliver, Commissioners. First application before you tonight is a request for a conditional use permit. This site consists of approximately ten acres of land currently zoned C -G, located at 1975 East Franklin Road. This site is surrounded by residential properties zoned R-4 and R-15 in the city and rural residential property zoned RUT and R-1 in Ada County. This site was annexed in 2001 and a development agreement was required as a provision of annexation, which limits development to a mini storage facility on this site. The Comprehensive Plan future land use map designation for this property is commercial. The applicant has submitted a conditional use permit application for the construction of a self-service storage facility in a C -G zoning district. This site is proposed to develop in two phases. The first phase is proposed to consist of 77,595 square feet of storage area, which includes 4,445 square feet of conditioned storage, which is climate controlled and 2,860 square feet of office area. The conditioned storage and the office area are proposed here on the -- at the entry on the north end of the property. The second phase is proposed to consist of 59,968 square feet of storage area. No outdoor storage is proposed. You can see the phasing line here on this site plan on your right. This is the first phase and, then, the second phase is to the south. Access is proposed via East Franklin Road, with two emergency accesses also via Franklin Road on either side of the main driveway. They are proposed here -- it's a little hard to see on this site plan, but these shaded areas here are the emergency accesses. This is the main access to the facility. These accesses will have the grasscrete, so it will be a hard driving surface, but it will look like grass as part of the buffer area. Cross -access is also required to be provided to the west to this property here for future redevelopment. Development is required to comply with the specific use standards for self-service storage facilities, which require a six foot tall site obscuring fence around the perimeter boundary of the storage facility. Restricted hours of operation from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and a 25 foot wide landscape buffer to residential uses. There are residential uses currently to the east, west, and south. A segment of the city's multi -use pathway system is required along the north side of the Five Mile Creek, which lies here at the southwest boundary of the site. An easement for the pathway is required with the first phase of development, but the pathway is not required to be constructed until the second phase. And this shows -- the drawing on your left here shows a cross-section of the elevation differences. The ground does slope significantly here. So, this -- this shows the different points on the site, what the storage units will look like from the adjacent residential properties. Building elevations were submitted as shown for the Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 4 of 31 proposed office and storage buildings, which is what you're looking at here and the storage unit structures in phase one. This shows the -- the office and storage building here and, then, the storage units down here along the edge of the boundaries. Elevations were not submitted for the second phase. However, they will be consistent with those proposed with the first phase. The building materials consist of -- for the office storage building consists of a mix of stucco, metal panels with stone accents, clear anodized aluminum and glass facades and metal roofing. Building materials for the storage units consists of metal wall panels, metal roofing and metal overhead doors. The height of storage structures range from approximately 11 feet to 21 feet at the ridge, with the shortest of the structures proposed along the east and west perimeter boundaries of the site adjacent to the residential uses. The applicant states the structures in phase two will be consistent in height with those in phase one, with the shorter buildings along east and west perimeter boundaries. Tamara Thompson, the applicant's representative, has submitted written testimony in response to the staff report and a letter has also been received from Arnold Burr. The applicant is in agreement with the staff report. I will let them cover that, but just in short they are requesting -- or they plan to request a reduction in the buffer width along the west boundary of the site from the City Council and the City Council is the decision-making body that needs to request -- or, excuse me, that needs to approve a reduction in the buffer width. Staff is recommending approval of the conditional use permit with the conditions in the staff report. Staff will stand for any questions the Commission may have. Oliver: Any questions? Fitzgerald: Sonya, only one question. Oliver: Commissioner Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: You said something about a cross -access. Watters: Yes. Fitzgerald: Where would that go based on the fact that Watters: Chairman Oliver, Commissioner Fitzgerald, the cross -access would go to the west property boundary, probably in alignment this drive aisle right here. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you, ma'am. Oliver: Okay. Could I have the applicant, please, come forward. Please state your name and address for the record. Thompson: Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, my name is Tamara Thompson, I'm with The Land Group at 462 East Shore Drive in Eagle. I'm here tonight representing the applicant and we have read the staff report and agree with most of its findings. We have a couple items that we'd like to discuss. First thing I want to highlight is that this was Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 5 of 31 approved back in 2001. The layout is -- is considerably different than that, but with that the property was annexed and zoned at that time with a development agreement and that agreement -- that development agreement limits development on this site to mini storage. So, we are complying with the development agreement. As far as the conditions of approval, the two items that -- that we have some issue with is on the conditions of approval 1.7, which is the cross -access and 1.8, which is the landscape buffer. We don't have -- we are showing the east property boundary with the 25 foot. We will comply on the south property boundary with 25 feet. On the west boundary is the one in question and we are -- right now we have a building setback of 35 feet and a ten foot combined landscape setback. There is two property owners on that western side. We have talked to both of them. The letter that you received is from one of those two. He's in agreement with what we have planned there and wrote a letter to that effect. The second gentleman we have talked to -- he's in agreement also, but we don't have his letter yet, but we will have that before our application to City Council. So, everybody is in agreement on -- on how they would like to see -- see that. We have worked out that buffer situation with them. Back to the cross -access. In -- I guess the issue on that is that the property to the west, which this cross -access would be given to, has a future land use designation of mixed use community and that allows -- and it's a fairly small parcel, just a little under .8 acres and that would allow a bank, a fast food drive-thru or restaurant and if all of that traffic is going to be routed through this site it would be problematic, especially with -- we had some -- we have continue this a couple times, you know, working with the fire department on -- on how that emergency access would be take place. So, we have two emergency accesses and, then, a main one and to point of all -- you know, if it came -- we don't know what it's going to be. But say it's a fast food, pulling all that extra traffic onto the site would be problematic. So, we are asking for relief on that condition. And, then, 1.8 -- I don't think there is anything we can do here tonight, that that's something we have to take back to City Council. And with that I will stand for any questions. Oliver: Okay. At this point we would have anybody that would -- signed up to come up and testify, but I have nobody on my form that shows they are going to testify. Is there anyone that would like to testify? Okay. Fitzgerald: Mr. Chairman, can I ask one question? I have one question for you. In the cross -access is there a secured fence gate somewhere that you're dealing with? I mean you say traffic can pull through. I'm thinking there is a gate in between those two first buildings; is that correct? Yeah. It's kind of hard. I'm looking at it, but it's kind of hard on the screen. But it wouldn't impact your security or would it? Thompson: Mr. Chairman, Commissioner Fitzgerald, it would not affect security. Basically, the buildings act as a fortress, if you will, that all the openings to the storage units are on the interior. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you. Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 6 of 31 Thompson: So, I just want to add that as far as cross -access, you know, maybe we could do something where it's conditioned to a secondary emergency access, so if somebody needed a secondary access for that that would be acceptable, but not a main entrance. Oliver: So, along that same side, all along that perimeter, that will all be landscaped along there or will it be fence? Thompson: There -- on the west property line there we are planning a six foot high solid fence. So, vinyl solid fence. And, then, there is roughly six feet of landscape setback and, then, the drive aisle and then -- and, then, another four feet of landscaping against the buildings. Oliver: Okay. Thank you. Seeing no testimony -- nobody to testify, I guess I need to close -- motion to close. Fitzgerald: So moved, Mr. Chairman. McCarvel: Second. Oliver: I have a motion and a second. All in favor say aye. Opposed say nay. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Oliver: Okay. I would like to start by just saying I like the design that you presented tonight. I think it's a really unique looking design. It's contemporary. I also like the fact of I have never heard of a climate controlled -- which is very interesting to me and I also like the fact that all those storage units are enclosed, rather than having a -- more of an awning situation. So, I think with that I think it looks good. But I do agree with a lot of the things that the staff has pointed out that should be taking place, so -- Fitzgerald: Mr. Chairman, I agree. I think it looks very well put together. The design for the storage facility is exceptional, which is impressive. Also, the way he dealt with the land grade there is very difficult, so I'm impressed with that. I -- my thought is the drive aisle may be a little bit challenging. I have a -- I mean some of the type of storage units that's my only concern of a storage facility. My only concern is that we are -- we are going to have traffic rolling through there in a secured facility in some cases, but I'm kind of open to some discussion on that point. McCarvel: Yeah. I guess, Mr. Chairman, I'm having a hard time visualizing how that access would change. I don't know if -- Fitzgerald: Yeah. Oliver: No other discussion? Okay. I'd like to have a motion, please. Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 7 of 31 McCarvel: Mr. Chairman? After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to approve file numbers CUP 15-001 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of April 16th, 2015, with the staff recommendations and the exception of 1.7 -- is that what it reads? Fitzgerald: I think it's 1.8 McCarvel: 1.8 was landscape. Sorry. Fitzgerald: B? Is that what it is? Oliver: With the exception of 1.8? McCarvel: 1.8 was landscape for the Council. Fitzgerald: I think there is another section of it, too. McCarvel: Okay. Fitzgerald: I can't find it right now. Hold on. I will get it. Watters: Page 23 of the staff report. Fitzgerald: It's 1.81B. McCarvel: 1.813. Okay. Fitzgerald; Is that correct, Sonya? Is that -- Watters: Are you asking about the -- Fitzgerald: The stub over -- Watters: -- cross -access to the west? Fitzgerald: -- cross -access. Watters: Yeah. 1.813. McCarvel: 8B. Okay. Sorry. Fitzgerald: Also 1.7. Watters: And also 1.7. Thank you. McCarvel: Okay. That's what I thought. Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 6 of 31 Fitzgerald: Okay. Baird: Mr. Chair, in addition to those section comments by the maker of the motion, I'm trying to -- there it is. The maker of the motion might specify -- does that mean you're granting the request for relief from the cross -access or you're recommending as -- as drafted? Oliver: At this time. Baird: Just for clarification. McCarvel: Granting relief. Oliver: You're granting the relief. McCarvel: Yes. Fitzgerald: Second. Oliver: Okay. It's been moved and seconded that we have approval the Franklin Mini Storage, CUP 15-001, with the exception of 1.7 and 1.8B. All in favor? Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. B. Continued Public Hearing from April 2, 2015: RZ 15-004 Verona East Subdivision by Primeland Investment Group, LLC Located East of N. Ten Mile Road and North of W. McMillan Road Request: Rezone of 0.67 Acres of Land from the L -O Zoning District to the R-8 Zoning District C. Continued Public Hearing from April, 2015: PFP 15-001 Verona East Subdivision by Primeland Investment Group, LLC Located East of N. Ten Mile Road and North of W. McMillan Road Request: Preliminary / Final Plat Consisting of Four (4) Single Family Residential Lots and Two (2) Common Lots on Approximately 0.62 Acres in a Proposed R-8 Zoning District Oliver: Next up it's a continued public hearing from April 2nd, which is RZ 15-004 and -- is that right? Yeah. PFP 15-001, Verona East Subdivision by Primeland Investment Group. Staff report. Watters: Thank you, Chairman Oliver, Members of the Commission. The next applications before you tonight are a request for a rezone and combined preliminary and final plat. This site consists of .67 of an acre of land, currently zoned L -O. It's located at Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 9 of 31 5048 North Cortona Way. This site is surrounded by single family residential properties in Verona Subdivision No. 2 to the north, east and south, zoned R-8, and vacant commercial property to the west across North Cortona Way, zoned C -G. This property was annexed with an R-8 zoning district back in 2003 as part of the Verona Subdivision development. It was rezoned in 2007 to L -O and a development agreement was required, which required substantial conformance with the conceptual office elevations in the agreement. The Comprehensive Plan future land use map designation for this property is medium density residential. The applicant is requesting a modification to the development agreement to remove this property from the agreement. This will allow the two single family residential attached structures with four dwelling units to be constructed on the site, instead of offices as originally planned. This application does not require action from the Commission. City Council is the decision maker on this request. This is just for informational purposes. A rezone of .67 of an acre is requested from the L -O to the R-8 zoning district consistent with the future land use map designation of medium density residential for this site. The applicant has submitted a site and landscape plan shown on your left that depicts how the site is proposed to develop with two single family residential attached structures. Conceptual building elevations for the dwellings were submitted as shown. Construction materials appear to consist of horizontal lap siding with stucco accents. A certificate of zoning compliance and design review application is required to be submitted for final approval of these structures at staff level. A combined preliminary and final plat is proposed consisting of four single family residential building lots and two common lots on .62 of an acre in the R-8 zoning district. Access is proposed via North Cortona Way, a collector street. Local street access is not available to this property. A common driveway is proposed for access to these lots and that is shown right here along the west side of the property. No written testimony has been received on this application. Staff is recommending approval per the conditions in the staff report. Staff will stand for any questions Commission may have. Oliver: Do you have any questions? No? Seeing none, we will have the applicant come forward, please. Please state your name and address for the record. Martins: Thank you, Commissioners. My name is Gerald Martins. I am the representative of the applicant Primeland Investments Group, LLC. We are here this evening, as staff very well summarized, requesting a rezone back to R-8 to allow construction of two structures with four residential units and we concur with staffs recommendations. Oliver: Any questions, Commissioners? Thank you. Okay. At this point we will have anybody that would like to come up for public testimony. I have no one on my -- again on my list. Is there anyone in the audience that would like to come forward? Okay. Seeing none, I would like to have a motion to close the public hearing. Fitzgerald: Mr. Chairman, I move we close the public hearing. Oliver: We have a motion -- Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 10 of 31 McCarvel: Second. Oliver: -- and second. All in favor say aye. Opposed nay? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Oliver: I'll start again. It's very compatible to what's around it. I don't see anything that I dislike about it. I think it fits with the surrounding area. So, it's just interesting how it's going to work with those houses right together like that. That should be interesting. But it looks good. Fitzgerald: Mr. Chairman? I agree. I think it's a good buffer between the higher density and, then, going into whatever that commercial corner is going to be. So, it was -- it's well planned. McCarvel: Yeah. Mr. Chairman. I agree. Seems pretty simple flip back to the original zone. I don't see any issues with it. Oliver: If we have nothing else can I get a motion? McCarvel: After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval of file numbers RZ 15-004 and PFP 15-001 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of April 16th, 2015. Fitzgerald: Second. Oliver: It's been moved and seconded that we accept RZ 15-004 and PFP 15-001, Verona East Subdivision. All in favor say aye. Opposed say nay. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. D. Public Hearing: AZ 15-002 Decatur Estates by 4345 Linder Road, LLC Located at 4345 N. Linder Road Request: Annexation and Zoning of 39.76 Acres of Land with an R-4 Zoning District E. Public Hearing: PP 15-004 Decatur Estates by 4345 Linder Road, LLC Located at 4345 N. Linder Road Request: Preliminary Plat Approval Consisting of Ninety -Nine (99) Building Lots and Twelve (12) Common Lots on 39.76 Acres of Land in the R-4 Zoning District Oliver: Okay. At this time we'd like to open the public hearing -- yeah. For AZ 15-002, Decatur Estates, and PP 15-004, Decatur Estates, and we will start with staff report. Watters: Thank you, Chairman Oliver, Members of the Commission. The next applications before you are a request for annexation and zoning and a preliminary plat. Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 11 of 31 This site consists of 29.76 acres of land. It's currently zoned RUT in Ada County and is located at 4345 North Linder Road on the west side of North Linder Road south of West McMillan Road. This site is surrounded by single family residential properties, zoned R-4 and R-8. A church zoned L -O and vacant land with a shop across Linder Road to the east, zoned L -O. The Comprehensive Plan future land use map designation for this site is medium density residential. The applicant requests annexation and zoning of 39.76 acres of land with an R-4 zoning district. Staff recommends a development agreement as a provision of the annexation with the provisions in the staff report. A preliminary plat is also proposed as shown there on your left, consisting of 99 buildable lots and 12 common lots 39.76 acres of land. The property is proposed to develop in four phases starting at the north boundary as shown on the plat. The gross density for the proposed subdivision is 2.49 dwelling units per acre, with an average lot size of 11,413 square feet. Because the density is under the three to eight dwelling units per acre desired in medium density residential designated areas, the applicant requests a step down in density to low density residential, which allows three or fewer dwelling units per acre as allowed by the Comprehensive Plan without an amendment to the future land use map. The reason for the lower density is the need for larger lot sizes to accommodate their desired product, which incorporates an RV garage attached to some of the dwellings. Access is proposed via one access from Linder Road and three existing stub streets from Bridgetower Crossing and Watersong Estates Subdivisions. The White Drain bisects this side right across here. You can see the pointer. The applicant requests City Council approval of a waiver for the drainage to remain open and not be piped. A bridge is proposed for access across the drain. A 25 foot wide street buffer is required along Linder as proposed on the landscape plan. Six foot wide parkways are proposed throughout most of the development. A total of 5.02 acres or 12.63 percent of the site is proposed in qualified open space, with a segment of the city's regional pathway along the White Drain and playground equipment as site amenities in accord with UDC standards. The applicant has submitted five conceptual building elevations for future homes in this development. Building materials appear to consists of a mix of horizontal lap siding and stucco, with shake shingle and stone accents. Written testimony has been received from Becky McKay, the applicant's representative, in response to the staff report. Staff is recommending approval per the conditions in the staff report? Staff will stand for any questions the Commission may have. Oliver: Do you have any questions? McCarvel: Mr. Chairman? Sonya, where was that where -- you're saying the staff would like that area piped in and they want to -- they would like to leave it open? Watters: Chairman Oliver, Commissioner McCarvel, Commissioners -- excuse me. Lost my place here. The applicant is requesting that Council approve a waiver to allow the White Drain to remain open and not be piped. Typically our code requires that any irrigation ditches be piped, unless they are of substantial size. Council, is the determining decision maker on that request. Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 12 of 31 McCannel: And just like a visual about -- do you know how much water goes through there or how wide is that ditch? Watters: Applicant can probably address that question for you. Fitzgerald: But, Sonya, there is a -- the concept is to have a connection to the pathways in the city; correct? Watters: Yes. Correct. Fitzgerald: So, It's kind of a common area type or -- supposed to be a common area feature? Watters: Yes, Commissioner Fitzgerald Fitzgerald: Okay. Oliver: Okay. Seeing no other, could I have the applicant come forward, please. State your name and address for the record. McKay: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. I'm Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions. Business 1029 North Rosario in Meridian. I'm here representing the applicant on this particular project, Todd Amyx with Amyx Signature Homes. As Sonya indicated, this particular parcel is an enclave. The city limits wrap all the way around it. We are located just south of McMillan on the east side of Linder Road. Bridgetower wraps around the north and the west side of the project. On the south is Watersong. To the east is Baldwin Park. As you can see, this is developed all the way around this parcel. The White Drain traverses it. Comes across Linder Road and, then, it exits the west boundary and I was the planner and we were the civil engineer on Bridgetower and what we did through Bridgetower with the White Drain, since it is a drain, it's not like a live canal system, we incorporated it into the project as a water amenity and, then, we constructed a multi -use pathway all along the south side that's 14 feet in width. So, -- I didn't touch it. Watters: Sorry McKay: I was thinking about it. So, when Mr. Amyx brought this particular project to me I knew the property very well. In fact, the Brineger family had owned this property for years and years and I met with Bud Brineger out at this property and we walked it as far as coordinating the piping of the ditches and the drains and everything that were taking place around the perimeter. So, obviously, it was the intent of myself and Mr. Amyx to incorporate this, so that it meshed into Bridgetower development. It was a -- kind of a seamless transition. So, what we did is, obviously, we are leaving the White Drain in its historical location. It's our intent to install a ten foot multi -use pathway from our eastern boundary all the way to match up with the asphalt pathway that is in Watersong along our very southeast corner and, then, extend it -- it will be, then, for -- there -- oops. Therefore Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 13 of 31 extended out to Linder Road. One of the things that I looked at when -- after we had our neighborhood meeting is I got a lot of input, we had a great turnout from the Bridgetower Subdivision. We had some residents in Watersong. The primary concerns from the people in Watersong is that they -- there is kind of an open space along our southwest corner and they wanted to make sure that they were going to install some sight obscuring fence, something like a vinyl fence. We did show that on our landscape plan, incorporated those recommendations. The staff asked us to connect to Watersong, the stub street, and extend it on into the development, which we -- we did. We also had a stub street coming -- where is the little -- there it is. We also have a stub street that comes in from Bridgetower on the north boundary. We had quite a few residents that live in that particular loop there. Each -- each kind of pod we called it when we did Bridgetower. It creates kind of a neighborhood within a neighborhood. They were concerned about some cut -through traffic going over to Hunter Elementary, because the elementary school is located just in a northwest fashion off the collector roadway that runs through Bridgetower. So, their comment was they wanted this vehicular connection here right in front of the LDS church. That is a public right of way. It's a reduced public right of way, but it does come straight out to the collector roadway and doesn't loop around and go out the pod like which -- this would be a more direct route and would cut down on the -- the traffic that may go through their neighborhood. So, we did go ahead and extend that right of way in. We have ten foot landscape buffers on both sides of that right of way. If people attend the LDS church hopefully they will walk, but they can drive without going onto the arterials. We have a 30 foot landscape buffer all along the Linder corridor. We will have a detached walk that slightly meanders in that 30 feet. We have Sawtooth Middle School located at our southeast corner. So, in looking at this I wanted to create convenient walkways for Bridgetower kids and the children that may locate in our subdivisions. So, we -- we have a pedestrian path located here. This will be our central amenity with playground equipment and we have a pathway that comes through the linear open space and, then, we have another micropath that hooks into the Linder Road right there and, then, in addition we have our ten foot multi -use pathway. So, you know, based on good planning on, you know, the surrounding projects, we have really good what I consider pedestrian interconnectivity that promotes the kids ride their bike or walk to the school and, obviously, creating the safe routes to school like is preferred. We matched our collector entrance with Monument Drive across the street at Baldwin Park. We -- we brought the collector into a -- for a short distance and, then, we have the traffic kind of split off so no one particular street carried the burden of all the traffic. We will have a landscaped island at the entrance and, then, we will have detached walks with a six foot landscape buffer throughout the project, with the exception of this section here of Ashton Street and the reason that we are doing attached walk at that southern section is because that area isolated by the White Drain narrows up and we were having difficulty creating an adequate depth for those lots that backed up to the White Drain. We will have a pump station located here in the southeast corner and there is a ditch that comes down parallel with Linder Road that we will put in pipe that will be our source for our pressurized irrigation with an overflow to the White Drain. The average lot size in here is about 11,400 square feet. We don't have any lot less than 8,000. So, what's before you this evening is a request for annexation and zoning to an R-4 designation, which is consistent with the Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 14 of 31 Bridgetower development. We wanted to, obviously, keep our lots a little bit larger like we have in Bridgetower and that drove our density down, so the medium density residential designation on your comprehensive land use plan of three to eight, we are below that at the 2.49. So, we are asking for a step down. We feel this is a great project. It will be a good addition. When -- after we talked to the neighbors they seemed to be quite pleased with our client -- that our client was doing the development, the quality of his homes, and the size of the lots and we think we have a great project and it will be a good fit. This particular area already has sewer and water stubbed to it. Hunter Elementary was constructed to service that section with Bridgetower and in calculating the number of students that included this parcel. The homes will kind of look like this. These are some of the homes that my client's built and his builder team has built in Alpine Point off of Eagle Road and McMillan Road. Just kind of gives you the idea of the quality of the homes. We do have some varying lot sizes in here, so we will have a variety south of the White Drain. The staff asked us to boost our density a little bit in there to provide a better variety of lots which we did. So, we have 70 foot wide lots and, then, they range up through into the 80s and even up to a hundred -- a little over a hundred. So, we feel that we will get a good diversity of homeowners that will have a variety of different age kids, so not to overwhelm Hunter Elementary. We reviewed the staff conditions. The only conditions that we had a concern are dealing with the multi -use pathway. We will be constructing the multi -use pathway through our parcel, however, the staff has included that we come into the Bridgetower Homeowners Association common lot and build approximately 115 feet of multi -use pathway to make the connection. The concern that we have is we don't have any, nor do we have any easement to go onto an adjoining property and make improvements. That would be considered an off-site improvement. We are very glad to build the multi -use pathway on our property, but I -- I have had a micropath connection to Bridgetower with Belano Creek over on the western edge of Bridgetower on Ten Mile and they would not allow us to take the fence down to make the connection of our micropath, so that people could walk north up to the -- the neighborhood commercial area. So, I just don't want to be put in the position where I can't satisfy my condition of approval, because it is completely out of my control. I did go back and look at the paperwork when I did phase ten of Bridgetower to see why the multi -use pathway was stopped at that location and it had to do with Settlers Irrigation District, they -- their path -- their access road is on the north side of the White Drain. In Bridgetower we combined their northerly access road and the multi -use pathway and we constructed a 14 foot dual purpose asphalt path. So, they can drive down it for maintenance. Also it's used for pedestrians and bicyclists. In the project that's before you, Decatur, we will have a ten foot multi -use pathway on the south side, but retain the Settlers gravel maintenance on the north side and keep that separate. But at the time Bridgetower was done -- or phase ten was constructed my recollection it was in 2004 was we stopped here because we weren't sure was the pathway going to go north of the drain or was it going to go south. I guess I -- I think it's -- this is something that the Parks Department and the city staff need to talk to Bridgetower, but it is an off-site improvement that shouldn't be part of my conditions of approval and that's 1.1.1 C, 1. 1.5 and 6.3. All three of those conditions that I noted in my responses and I bolded in letter have a provision in there that says that we shall make that connection off site. Do you have any questions? Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 15 of 31 Oliver: I have a couple if I could. I don't know if you can go back to the actual -- yeah. So, the drainage right there, is that the responsibility of the owners when they buy that property to put fence along that drainage or is that going to be the developer to put a fence along that drainage? McKay: Chairman Oliver, Members of the Commission, we will be installing wrought iron fencing all along the White Drain at the perimeter of the lots. So, I put the White Drain, which has an approximately 70 foot wide easement in a separate common lot under the association's ownership and maintenance and, then, there will be a wrought iron fence on both sides. We will also install wrought iron fencing along the linear open space and our central common area and along our pedestrian pathways. It will be solid fence along this perimeter here. One other thing that the Bridgetower residents asked that we match their fence, so that there is kind of a seamless -- you know, no one notices it, you know, from -- from like a beige to, you know, a stark white or something, that it be the same type of fence and my client has agreed to that. Oliver: The other is -- is you have got four phases and over what period of time do you feel like all four phases could be completed? McKay: We anticipate -- phrase one will -- will be -- consist of this secondary connection and our primary entrance and, then, that will be -- the client intends on constructing that in 2015 and paving before the winter. The second phase Will most likely be in 2016, which will be towards the center of the project and, then, the client -- we put four phases, but we -- he anticipates three. We put four just to be safe in the event that we experience some market changes that slows development down for whatever reason. He expressed to me that -- that it was his plan to build it in three. So, I would say over the next three years. Oliver: Okay. Then one final question is that you had some exemptions that you wanted that the staff had and it was regarding the pavement or the sidewalk that you were looking at. The 1.1C was one of them. Could you give me the others again, please? McKay: 1.1 -- 1.1.1 C, 1. 1.5 and 6.3 all deal with the multi -use pathway, which the portion of that condition that applies to construction of it on our site is applicable. The problem we have is the -- the section that says that we shall build this off site pathway. It's not under our control. Oliver: Okay. Commissioners, do you have any other questions? Thank you. Okay. At this time we would like to take public testimony. I do have a couple people that have signed up. We will start with Adam Simons. Would you like to come up and testify? Okay. Carolyn Yocum. If you would come up, please, state your name and address. Yocum: My name is Carolyn Yocum and I live at 4498 North Abruzzo Avenue in the Bridgetower Subdivision. From what she said I kind of got the impression that -- that Bridgetower had a meeting. If they did I did not know about it. But I - I knew when the little white house went down, that the houses were coming in, so -- but my main concern is the street that goes between my property, the back side -- I live on the east side of Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 16 of 31 Bridgetower. There is my house -- our house is there, a common area, and, then, the street. The street was originally designed to be an alley and it was supposed to be an alley with single level businesses behind. Then they came in with the request from the church that they build a church there, which we have no objection to, but at that time -- and I didn't realize that they decided that our alley was going to be a street. Now, the church has only one entry off of Linder and the other entries are both on the back -- on the backside of the church on that very narrow street. It's hardly wide enough for two cars to pass. We have sidewalk on the Bridgetower side. On the church side they are landscaping those clear to the asphalt. So, there is no sidewalk on that side of the street either. It is really -- I really don't consider it a street, because it's only half a street. So, all the church people come over on our side of the sidewalk, which is neither here nor there, except my dogs bark all day Sunday, because of everybody that's walking by. We have all these people driving out of the driveway all day long right behind our house, going onto this narrow street and it is one of their main avenues of going to and from. So, I really would object to them having this go into -- I think you can see on that picture -- I don't have a copy of the picture, but that it -- it shows kind of a narrower type of a street than the other one that's going to go into this new subdivision and I believe that this would really put a high impact of traffic on that -- on Penngrove Way. That's what they call the street, Penngrove Way, and if anybody were to take a second look at it they would see that it is -- it was not a -- not a good street to have a high level of traffic going to and from. So, I guess that's all I have to say. Oliver: Questions? Yocum: Thank you. Oliver: Thank you. That's all we had for public testimony. Is there anyone else who would like to come up? Would you like to come forward, please? State your name and address. Ebell: My name is Wayne Ebell. I live at 2122 West Maracay. If you bring up the graphic -- or the -- this one here. My property is over on the west side and my house backs up to the canal, which is there, and when I purchased that house in 2011 1 was told by Bridgetower development and Coleman that there wasn't any plans to do anything with that land for ten years and I happened to be down in Arizona for three weeks for spring baseball with a couple of other guys and I come home and I see this sign up on Linder Road and on the access road going into -- oh, I can't remember which street that is. Anyway, indicating that there is going to be this public meeting tonight about the property. Now, I have lived here five years in this subdivision over here and my biggest concern with putting 99 new homes is who is going to pay for the widening and the signals and the turn lanes that need to go into Sawtooth school and for the traffic coming out of Bridgetower and the additional traffic now for these 100 homes or whatever. Sometimes you can't even make a left-hand turn coming out onto Linder, because you have to wait for 16 to 26 cars that's come down Linder from the north going south and at 7:30 to 8:30 in the morning people going to work and if we add these other 99 cars coming out of this place, there has to be some kind of a traffic control. Buses and this -- this canal project Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 17 of 31 that we are talking about, I was not involved in the community meetings, because I wasn't in town and, like I said, I just found out about it two weeks ago and I put this on my calendar to come here. I'm really surprised there is not more people from my neighborhood here, because we have all talked about it, but it seems like nobody has got the gumption to come down and face, you know, the Council and I have no gumption -- I mean I have -- you know, I have no problem coming down here and speaking my piece and my piece is mainly the concern of the traffic flow. We need turn signals -- turn lanes. We need some kind of street light there and, my God, that church that's over there, which she's complaining about, is going to be horrendous, because those people are going to try to sneak around getting out onto Linder -- Oliver: You need to finish up. Ebell: -- and go to McMillan and turn right and, then, go to that signal and I can just see it in my head now what's going on. And the other concern I have is the people in Bridgetower -- I don't know about the people on the north side of the canal, but we love that ease way. It goes to our parkway -- our parks. We have the perfect dog run that's there and I believe that that same path should continue all the way to Linder. It should look the same. The same fences, the same setback and everything. I don't know about you, but wrought iron fences she's talking about putting, but I don't care about those. I just want the back side of this house -- or this canal to maintain its look from Linder all the way back to -- actually, it's our second pool area. Oliver: Thank you. And your time is up. Ebel[: Thank you. Oliver: Thank you. Do I have someone else? I believe you were first on the list. You changed your mind. State your name and address, please. Simmons: My name is Adam Simmons. I live at 1885 West Torana Street, which is -- the back of my property is just on the north end of this proposal here. Does this little thing have any impact here? A pointer? Watters: You can select a color at the top -- on the buttons along the top of the screen at the -- Simmons: I see. Watters: -- and, then, you can draw on it Simmons: Thank you. Okay. So, I live right here. You can see that? I neighbors and -- I'm sorry, I did it again. Thank you. My neighbors and I here, we asked the developer to continue Penngrove, which is right there by the church, to go through into this new development, because we were concerned about the bi-directional nature of school traffic going from this new development and Watersong up to Hunter and also going from Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 18 of 31 Bridgetower through this new development down to Sawtooth Middle School. So, we are going to be having school traffic in the morning and in the afternoon in both directions and there is a walking path in this loop here. I'm sorry. Yes. There is a walking path here from this loop that connects right through here. Let me -- thank you. It's right here. You can see that. And we were hopeful that we could minimize the vehicle traffic out of this particular loop where that walking path is going to have the most walking traffic going to it from school. So, that's why we were hopeful that this road on Penngrove would continue through. Especially because it's a minimal impact to those in our loop whose property does back up to that, but there isn't any frontage there that would impact those houses that are in Bridgetower across from the church. So, I just wanted to speak in support of continuing that road Penngrove through to the -- that was basically it. Thank you. Oliver: Thank you. Is there any other public testimony? Please state your name and address for the record. Baranco: My name is Jeff Baranco and I live at 1971 Pachino, which is -- do I dare try this? The pen? So -- will this write? Okay. So, I live here. It's not writing, but -- Watters: It should write, but it's not writing. Baranco: Okay. So, can you see where I was pointing? Okay. So, I live on Pachino Street and, obviously, that's one of the main thoroughfares coming from this new subdivision and I would agree with the Hargrove -- I'm not sure what that name of that street is -- that secondary street. I would agree that we do need to have that street in use. But the second concern that I would have is with Hunter Elementary she mentioned that that was a part of the original plan. My kids go to Hunter Elementary and I can assure you that school is filling up. I mean it's virtually full. So, that now proposes a problem for the school, but it also proposes a problem for the foot traffic and the cars that come through there. We already deal with just the cars that come through our pod -- racing through that thing and I can only imagine as it gets worse over time the amount of traffic that's going to be coming through that pod. So, I would definitely echo that that street does need to be there and in use. The second thing I would say is -- you know, we have some parks and, then, I'm not sure -- she didn't elaborate on what kind of parks are going to be going into this subdivision, but we do have a couple parks in Bridgetower and I can only imagine how many children will be in this new -- these 90 homes. They are bound to be using not only the parks, but probably the pool, because it's pretty easy to sneak into. But that's going to impact Bridgetower itself in a negative way and so I would just -- I would ask that that's considered, that this is not just a slam dunk, okay, there is an elementary school right here and there is a junior high across the street -- these schools are full. There is going to be impact. We talked about the traffic lights. That is a -- it has to happen. It's already very dangerous for those children. You add however many more children to that mix and that equation and you're just asking for an accident and so not only in our pod, but across Linder. Linder is becoming a -- it's a hazard and I'm not sure you could even put a light at Copper Cloud and Linder there to kind of mitigate some of that traffic, but the gentleman is right, there is a line of traffic just sitting there. It's a blind corner and there is kids walking out there and so -- so we can talk about throwing 90 houses into this -- into Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 19 of 31 this box, but we need to talk about the impact to not only the children that are coming through here, but the impact down the road as we -- Meridian tries to grow. I mean we are going to -- we are going to need more schools and more -- lots of assets in this area, so -- that's all I have. Oliver: Thank you. Is there anyone else that would like come forth? State your name and address, please. Johns: Good evening. My name is Jim Johns. I am at 4475 North Cool River Avenue. There is two houses on my street. I'm right across from Jeff. We have had these lengthy construction -- conversations. One thing I want to clarify is -- they brought up the issue of Penngrove. Right now it's blocked off. Is that going to continue going through? Because as far as the traffic flow, the safety issue, does that need to be addressed? The other little entrance that comes into Belltower, which is our neighborhood, is that on the table to be addressed or is that a final decision made on that? I have 26 years background emergency medicine. I see kids hit all the time. The amount of children in that area and the schools at Hunter and Sawtooth, are at max capacity. Another question I have is Linder going to be widened? Two lane highway between McMillan and Ustick is not safe. I don't know if the fire department has been involved, the police department has been involved as far as codes, signals. When you put in 99 homes, which is equivalent to 400 more people, of an average of 104 cars coming through there, is there going to be one or two entrances on Linder itself. I have one. That's the major thoroughfare, the major entrance. I'm not sure if that's in the plan. It sounds like there is one on Linder, a possibility on Penngrove and the one that goes into my neighborhood. That's three entrances. Okay? And on that note, if this is a three year project, well, where are the construction equipment -- the cement trucks, all the personnel, are they coming through our neighborhoods? Are they coming through Linder? Are they coming through Penngrove? That's going to have a direct impact traffic wise and safety wise. Okay. So, my concern and question is what is the first access point you're going to have onto that property for construction? Is it going to be Linder? Is it going to be Penngrove? Is it going to be in my neighborhood. So, that's going to have a direct impact as far as us, the residents, trying to get in and out. We have an issue now with Copper Cloud going to Hunter School. We have got a lot of racing. We have had a lot of issues. That's a school zone. The Mormon church that sits there on Penngrove, that's commercial land I assume. That's a commercial street, not a residential street, which connects all the way to McMillan. You know, our concern is that going to be going straight through in order to alleviate some of that traffic congestion. Oliver: Thank you. Is there anyone else? Would you like to come forward, please? State your name and address for the record. Young: My name is Lulette Young. I live at 4475 North Cool River Avenue, Meridian, Idaho. We just recently purchased our house in December. We were not notified as far as what plan was going to be going there, what was getting built, and, then, we never got notified. We just got this copy from our neighbors Jeff about this hearing. And we saw the hearing on the land, so we were never notified. Our realtor never told us about the Meridian Planning 8 Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 20 of 31 property that was going to, because that could have changed our decision in buying the house that we bought and, then, the other thing, too, as far as the access mode, my husband has been in critical care. I have as well. We see children on our street all the time. They are out there playing, they are out there having a good time, which is fine, and all the parents are out there watching them. But with more traffic coming in with these homes, they are going to be subjected to more -- more cars coming in at a faster rate. This is a residential area, so a lot of people already now in Meridian do not follow the residential speed limits that are listed or posted, because from us coming from a different state we notice all your speed limits and how they are. Nobody -- not that many people acknowledge it. So, you could see kids crossing and cars are coming -- flying by, even in the school areas. We did not choose Hunter Elementary for our daughter to go to school, we did not -- because she's a middle school student. We did not choose Sawtooth Middle School, but even from us just knowing the schools, they are impacted. We spoke with the principal at Sawtooth, they are impacted and they can't say no. They cannot turn anybody away. Our daughter went to Catholic school throughout her life, so she is continuing Catholic school. So, we are driving to take her to school, which is no problem, but Linder is a major impact -- from Major to Ustick. That's another one. You can see people waiting in line for us to either make a left-hand turn -- right-hand turn is easier to go towards Linder -- Ustick than it is going towards McMillan. So, it's a major impact. Kids are crossing the street all the time with their skateboards or with their bicycles and cars are not stopping and where the Mormon church is, that should be a totally full access road, because it shouldn't be accessible towards our street. We are a residential street. We are a family community and we have our kids playing there and they also have access to the parks, but we are safe. If you open that road by our house we are not as safe anymore. Our kids -- more people are coming in, we don't know who is who, who is coming in or anybody in that matter. We need to see familiar faces. We won't know. People already coming into our streets to drop off where the cul-de-sac is off of North Cool River Road, if you make a right, they are dropping their kids off right there and that's going to impact those residents there as well. Just to drop them off, because there is a walkway that the kids can go to school at Hunter Elementary and, you know, like I said, we weren't notified. We just bought our house. We settled in the middle of January. We are pleased where we are. We would just like you to go ahead and make amendments or to see what is the safety of our children. Oliver: Thank you very much. Young: You're welcome. Oliver: Is there anyone else? Seeing none. Could I have the applicant come forward, please. McKay: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. Oliver: Would you restate our name? Meridian Planning S Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 21 of 31 McKay: Becky McKay. Engineering Solutions. To answer Mrs. Yocum's question concerning Penngrove, we had a lengthy debate about what the staff -- the Meridian staff, Ada County Highway District staff and -- and the neighbors as far as this stub street -- oh. Watters: I don't know why it's not working right tonight, Becky. I just selected a color on my end. See if it works now. McKay: Okay. The pros and the cons of connecting the Penngrove stub street. No, it wants to change. It's persnickety tonight. Sorry about that. Anyway, we had a lengthy discussion about the pros and cons of the stub streets. The stub streets are put there for a purpose. They are obviously to provide interconnectivity and that's pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular. Ada County Highway District does not give us the option of not extending a street. Their policy manual and your ordinances say that stub streets shall be extended. We are connecting single family residential, low density single family residential with low density single family residential. So, we are definitely compatible. When we discussed Penngrove we initially had it as a pedestrian path and we suggested that to your staff and put it out there for ACHD. ACHD said they might consider it if the city could support it. When I had the neighborhood meeting, which was after my pre -application with city staff, the neighbors -- we had a lengthy discussion and I had a full room of Bridgetower people and the pros and the cons. Obviously, if we have multiple options for vehicles it cuts down and doesn't concentrate our traffic on any one particular street. So, it was the consensus of the group that they -- that we make that connection to give two opportunities for access into Bridgetower, whether it be vehicles or pedestrians. After looking at the development in the area and the schools and the more the micropaths are located, I had to agree with the neighbors, that was the best planning choice. The staff was supportive of it and so was Ada County Highway District. That is a right of way. Penngrove is a reduced right of way. It was initially proposed as just a -- kind of a private drive, but at some point in time it changed and they made it into a public road and so connecting it is standard. The same holds true for the Watersong connection. The Watersong connections -- we don't have a choice. So, we have three stub streets that we are connecting and we have one entrance to Linder. We want to reduce our number of entrances out to Linder Road, because that, obviously, chokes off and causes conflict along those arterials. But I think this is the best option and I -- you know, there is no project I don't think in the City of Meridian that has better connectivity than Bridgetower as far as options. We did a continuous collector. It ran through -- from Ustick and up to Ten Mile, over to Linder and, then, there is a public street that goes out to McMillan. I designed that drop off, pick up lane at the south side of Hunter Elementary right off the collector, so that people could drop their kids off, if they choose to drive them, and not have to go out on the arterial. So, you know, there were a lot of -- this whole section was studied very heavily by your staff, by the highway district. We had multiple meetings about how best to serve this section. Linder Road is two and three lanes. It needs to be upgraded to five lanes. It's in Ada County Highway District's capital improvement plan. It carries I think 12,000 -- over 12,000 vehicle trips. I guess I look at it from the perspective that on your comp plan this is designated for single family residential. If I came in at your four dwelling units per acre I would be at 159 homes and I'm at 99 and so I think we are sensitive to traffic and to impact on the joining residents and we have chosen, obviously, a Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 22 of 31 development plan that we think is compatible. As far as the capacity of the schools. Hunter Elementary, when Primeland sold that to the school district and we planned that into the project -- they sold it to them at the cost of the land, what they paid the farmer. So, the school district got in cheap on it, so it could be built in a quick fashion to serve this area. Part of the service is this section. Ten Mile to Linder. Ustick to McMillan. That includes this property. I have never heard as far as -- that was news to me that this property -- someone said that it would never develop for ten years. Obviously somebody was, you know, making it up. I -- this property has been under the Brinegers ever since I started working this area in the late 1990s and I believe they owned it for many years prior to that. So, that -- you know, I can't help what a realtor tells someone. They can tell someone anything. I can't control it. Developers can't control it. As far as the gal that indicated that she wasn't notified of the development. She lives within 300 feet. There is always a lag time at the assessor's office when those home sales -- those new deeds come in and when they update their GIS information. We get our list from the Ada County assessor and, like I said, there is a lag time. The city gets their list from them, too. We sign the property. We have the neighborhood meeting. The city notifies -- I mean we do the best that we can. There is absolutely no guarantee that every single person -- they might have moved in last week -- gets a notice. But we do the best we can. She's here this evening. This is a good project. Our bigger -- our larger lots are over there on that western boundary there, north of the creek, or the drain and this is a really -- it's going to be an asset to this section and to their neighborhood and I don't think it gets any better than this. You know, you see so many projects with higher -- medium to high density and this is what I would consider low and it's consistent with the density that we did throughout Bridgetower. Do you have any questions? Oliver: I have just one. Could you just address the construction equipment as far as -- there was a question about where would that be parked, where would that be coming in from during the construction phase of the subdivision? McKay: Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, the -- the construction traffic will come off of Linder. We have to build a construction entrance. There is no reason to have a construction entrance at a stub street when we have all of Linder have all frontage available. We get -- we can get fined for tracking -- mud tracking. We have to have our erosion control plan, our SWIP plan and report in place. So, Linder Road is where all the big equipment will be coming in. We are going to establish the Linder entrance, so when the homes start going up all of the contractors, builders, will be coming in off that Linder approach. That's going to be the most convenient. I kind of view the stub streets to the north as secondary access. You're going to have some traffic go through back and forth, but that's not the primary. The focus of this development is to Linder. Oliver: Thank you. Commissioner McCarvel or Commissioner Fitzgerald, do you have anything to add? McKay: Thank you. Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 23 of 31 Oliver: Thank you very much. Sorry. I can't. Okay. At this point, if we have no other public testimony and we have heard from there, so I need a motion. Fitzgerald: Mr. Chairman, I'd move we close the public hearing. McCarvel: Second. Oliver: Moved and seconded we close. All in favor say aye. Opposed say nay. Motion carries. We are now closed. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Oliver: Discussion? I will start if you don't mind again. I will just start. One of the things the gentleman over here talked about -- and you were very passionate about what you were saying. I totally understand what you're saying. There are some things that can be done through this body and some things that can't be done. Unfortunately, the road is ACHD and that's nothing that we can do anything about. It's just something that they have to look at when they get done -- get to that point. As far as looking at the school population, that's the school district, that's not ours. We don't have anything to say about that. That's just unfortunate that the school has to look at how to handle that situation. Using the facilities of Bridgetower. I can't say anything about that, because I'm not living there. I won't be living there. I don't know what the parents will do, but you just have to trust those people when they move in that they use their own facilities and not use someone else's. Or maybe Bridgetower needs to up a little bit as far as what they do as far as security to handle that. Hopefully, Linder will be widened. I would love to see that go to a wider -- to where they have more of an entrance to where they can get off the main traffic. That would help out. And, again, I agree with what was said with the realtor. Who knows what was said. I can't do anything about that. And the speed zones within the subdivision. That's -- again, contact your local law enforcement and see what they can do to maybe slow some of the traffic down. Then as far as neighborhood problems, I would like to think that this particular subdivision would be a very good neighborhood. I have a feeling that the way I have seen it and the way I have looked at the -- the plan, that I think you got a very good neighbor coming in versus who knows what. And so I really think that you will find that it will be a good neighbor, not a bad neighbor. Fitzgerald: Mr. Chairman? Oliver: Mr. Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: I would agree with all those comments. I'd also like to -- I think they have a significant effort made to get in touch with the community around them, to intermix and interconnect both pathways and streets. I agree that the road may not be the best idea next to the Mormon church, but I think it needs to be there to give that additional -- additional access points. I think it's a very well laid out -- even across the White Drain, which is a difficult situation in land that gets cut in half -- bisected by that drain. It's difficult and I thought it was well laid out. I think you have got a situation where you have got Meridian Planning B Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 24 of 31 excessive -- or very good job of laying out pathways and I think -- I think I would agree with the applicant that it's almost impossible to do work on land that's not yours. So, I think, in my opinion, we have to give them a pass on that one. But I think it is -- I think it's a great neighbor and it also is a step down from what is actually called for on the Comprehensive Plan. So, you're getting something smaller than you probably would if we would go through with a project that was to the comp plan. So, I think it's -- it's a good project. I think it fits well. I think this is very well laid out and you will get a good product in there with Amyx building it. Oliver: Thank you. Commissioner McCarvel? McCarvel: Yes, Chairman Oliver. I mean you said almost verbatim what I was thinking up here. I mean it's not very common that we get a request for a step down. So, you're going -- I mean this is a lower density project than what it's planned -- what was originally zoned in there, so -- and I think it's probably wise to leave that pathway -- that open there just esthetically to blend in with Bridgetower. You know, this is not the first time we are hearing about the issues on Linder. Again, it's -- there is nothing -- it's not within our control. I think the more I hear about this -- I mean things need to be directed to ACHD and just see if they can up their timeline if they can hear direct from you guys about, you know, the kids and the congestion and everything on there, maybe they can up their timeline, because that is planned to be widened and improvements done there and if there is people speeding up and down there, 1 would call law enforcement and see if they can get somebody posted out there during those times. But, you know, a big open piece of land like that it's -- the owner's got rights and he's actually stepping down the density of what it is zoned there for, so -- I'm in agreement. I think it's a great project. Oliver: If I could ask a question of staff. Is that possible? Regarding the three items that she was talking about, 1.1.0 and 1.115 and 6.3. Watters: What is your question, Chairman Oliver? Oliver: As far as how important is that that we stick with that -- pushing that -- finishing that piece versus getting an exemption on that? Watters: Chairman Oliver, Commissioners, it's very important to provide that missing piece of pathway to complete the pathway system. It is an off-site improvement. However, as part of an annexation the Commission and Council can require that that be done. I did leave a caveat in the condition that the applicant shall connect the pathway with consent from Bridgetower Crossing Subdivision HOA. So, I think we are covered on that. There is an out in case they can't get it. I am going to check with the -- Jay Gibbons, though, the pathway project coordinator, though, to see if they can go in under the city's easement for the pathway and construct that. I'm not really sure about that. So, I can check on that. But the way the condition is worded they have an out. Oliver: That's my -- that makes me feel better to know that we have that covered, you know. so -- Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 25 of 31 Fitzgerald: Mr. Chairman, could I ask Sonya one question? Oliver: Yes. Fitzgerald: In regards to that, it sounds like Settlers has a play in this situation as well. So, do they have an opinion and do they submit anything in regards to how they want that pathway connected or what they are going to use for access north or south or -- because it sounds like Bridgetower had a laid out plan. Watters: I believe the access driveway is on the north side of the White Drain. Oliver: It is. Fitzgerald: So, building the pathway does that put them in a situation where they have to cut across it anyway? Watters: Oh, you mean off -- Fitzgerald: Because that's why Bridgetower did -- they didn't connect it in the first place was because of the Settlers connection point. Watters: No, I don't believe they would be crossing over, because they are just a tiny segment, because they -- they go over to the north side of the White Drain. So, no, it should be fine. Oliver: Okay. Anything else? Hearing none, I would like to at this time ask for a motion. McCannel: Mr. Chairman, after considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of file numbers AZ 15-002 and PP 15- 004 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of April 16th, 2015, and granting -- which one was the -- I'm sorry , which one was the White Drain? Granting that being open. Fitzgerald: That's our recommendation. That's City Council. McCarvel: That's City Council, so we don't have to -- okay. Oliver: Okay. So, we have a motion to -- Fitzgerald: Do you feel comfortable we have an out? McCarvel: Yes. I feel comfortable -- if there is an out for them I absolutely don't feel like there is -- you can hold somebody to build on somebody else's property without their permission. Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 26 of 31 Fitzgerald: Second. Oliver: Okay. We have a motion and a second to approve AZ 15-002 and PP 15-004, Decatur Estates. All in favor say aye. Opposed say nay. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. F. Public Hearing: RZ 15-005 Hamelin Village Subdivision by B&S Investments, LLC Located 603 W. Pine Avenue Request: Rezone 0.50 Acres from the R-15 Zoning District to the R-40 Zoning District G. Public Hearing: PFP 15-002 Hamelin Village Subdivision by B&S Investments, LLC Located 603 W. Pine Avenue Request: Combined Preliminary/Final Plat Approval Consisting of Two (2) Multi -Family Residential Lots and One (1) Common Lot on Approximately 0.45 Acres in the Proposed R-40 Zoning District H. Public Hearing: CUP 15-006 Hamelin Village Subdivision by B&S Investments, LLC Located 603 W. Pine Avenue Request: Conditional Use Permit Approval for a Multi -Family Development Consisting of Eight (8) Dwelling Units (Two (2) Four-Plex Structures) on Approximately 0.45 Acres in a Proposed R-40 Zoning District Oliver: Okay. Next up at this time I'd like to open the public hearing for Items RZ 15-005, Hamelin Village Subdivision by B&F Investments and PFP 15-002, Hamelin Village Subdivision, as well as CUP 15-006, Hamelin Village Subdivision. We will hear from the staff report first. Parsons: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. The last item on the agenda this evening is the Hamelin Village Subdivision. The applicant is here this evening to discuss a rezone of the property, a combined preliminary/final plat and a conditional use permit to develop eight residential units on the property. You can see in the aerial up here that the site is -- currently consists of a single family home and several outbuildings that will be removed upon development of this site and all the adjacent properties are contiguous properties to this development are also -- are zone R-15 as well -- and, then, primarily all the developments around it are also -- consist of multi -family, except for the single family home that is located along the northeast corner. So, this is currently a single family home, but, again, it is zoned R-15 and it, too, could come forward at some point in the future and request the same multi -family use, which would, again, require a conditional use permit. The applicant is proposing the rezone from the R-15 district to the R-40 district and the main reason for that is because of the density that they are requesting for the property. Under the UDC the R-15 zoning district allows a maximum density of 15 dwelling units to the acre. The proposal before you this evening has the density -- a proposed density of 17.8 dwelling units to the acre and so because Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 27 of 31 this property is designated high density residential on the Comprehensive Plan, our next available zoning district for this property would be a bump up on the R-15 zone to the R- 40 zone, which is -- which would allow up to a maximum of 40 dwelling units to the acre on the property, but as stated in the comp plan with that HDR designation we anticipate dwelling units -- or we anticipate maximum dwelling units of higher than 15 or exceeding that 15 units to the acre. So, what the applicant is proposing this evening is consistent with not only the Comprehensive Plan of high density residential, but also the requested R-40 zoning district as well. With the rezone application staff is not recommending a development agreement. Typically we do require that with a rezone of the property, but since the adjacent properties are multi -family, the majority of that is developed as multi- family, the applicant -- if this applicant doesn't move forward on this application, anyone else that purchases the property, because of the current existing and the requested zoning district of the R-15 and R-40 zone, they would have to come back and ask for a conditional use permit and because it's compatible with the adjacent properties staff feels that in this particular application this evening and this rezone request we don't feel it's appropriate to request a development agreement. So, this proposed combined preliminary and final consists of two multi -family lots, which would be Lot 1 and Lot 2 and, then, one common lot adjacent to Pine Avenue. Lot 1, Block 1, will serve as the primary access to the development and that access will come off of Idaho Avenue and there is also a note on the plat that requires shared parking and cross -access to Lot 2. So, there is going to be a cross -access agreement in place, as well as shared parking for the entire development. The landscaping is part of the combined preliminary/final plat. The only landscape requirement would be the landscape would the landscape buffer along Pine Avenue, which on this plat or this plan before you this evening showed the 15 foot wide landscape buffer. Typically the city would require a 25 foot wide landscape buffer, but in this instance in order to facilitate that access from Idaho and provide the common open space required for the multi -family development and have all of that parking to the rear of the project, staff has approved an alternative compliance request to allow that reduction in the buffer from 25 feet to 15 feet and what that has done is allowed for a greater increase in the central open space to be shared between the dwellers of the multi -family development. Again, here are the two units that the applicant is proposing. Two four-plex structures, so a total of eight dwelling units to the acre. The overall open space for this development will consist of approximately -- again, that tree buffer, landscaping, and, then, approximately 3,279 square feet of common open space. Under the multi -family standards the minimum required is 2,000 square feet. So, you can see that the applicant is providing in excess of what the UDC does require. The proposed amenities for the development consist of a community garden, which you see here along the east boundary and down along the west boundary the applicant is proposing public art. Again, these -- the development is required to have two amenities per the UDC and the applicant is complying with that requirement as well. Per the UDC all of these units will be two bedroom units and per the UDC the site must have 16 parking stalls. Half of those will have to be covered and that is depicted on the concept plan or site plan before you this evening. I would also mention to Commission that the applicant is also required -- requested alternative compliance and has been granted alternative compliance to construct eight parking stalls as compact stalls and that would be located here along the east boundary and, then, because of how narrow the lot is, the applicant isn't able to Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 28 of 31 comply with the perimeter landscape requirements along the parking area as well and so they have been conditioned to at least landscape it with some shrubs and ornamental grasses and, then, each parking stall is to have a wheel stop to prevent vehicles from overhanging into the landscape and also hitting the adjacent fences that are surrounding the perimeter of the property. In my staff report -- and before you this evening staff did request some amended elevations for you to act on this evening and this graphic shows what was originally submitted with the conditional use permit and attached in the staff report, which is the elevation on the left and the elevations on the right are what the applicant is proposing based on a majority of staff's recommendations. I think the design professional got crossed with some of the requirements that staff had required, so I did speak with -- have a chance to speak with the applicant, he's in agreement with the changes that I want to propose to you this evening, but in general staff is supportive of the revised elevations. The primary concern was adding some windows to not only the east -- to the east and west facade, which they have done, there are the transom windows. The applicant has addressed staffs concerns with the design of the columns that they had on the -- the northwest and east elevations. In speaking with the applicant before the hearing I did want to communicate to them that if you look at the elevations that were submitted to the application -- with the application, you can see here that the covered entryway actually protruded from the rear elevation and it provided a column, so it gave a different -- a little more relief to that fagade as you enter into that courtyard area. Staff has communicated to the applicant that we would like to see that element incorporated into the proposed elevations that you're seeing this evening and I believe that would be on this slide right here. So, right now as proposed, if you look at this -- the adjacent rendering here you can see they have attached the columns to the fagade. Staff is recommending that they pop out the canopy like they had on the original elevation, but still use those same elements on that column. So, we are supportive of these changes before you this evening, with the inclusion of that change to rear elevation. So, staff -- if it's you desire to act on these elevations tonight, please, include in your motion that you support the elevation changes with the recommendation from staff that they have that pop out for the roof fagade and the decorative column as shown or at least consistent with the elevations shown with the original application submittal. Staff did receive written testimony from the applicant's representative. They are in agreement with all of the conditions of approval, except one minor modification for you this evening and that condition would be Condition of Approval 2.2.7, which is the Public Works condition, and I did confer with the Public Works Department before I came this evening and they are amenable to the change recommended by the applicant and, simply put, the original condition required that the applicant record the final plat prior to issuance of a building permit. Because the applicant doesn't really need to plat the property, it is a legal parcel of record, and it's not really necessary, in order for them to get a building permit staff is recommending you modify that condition that they get a building -- they won't -- they need to record the final plat prior to occupancy of the first residential structure. That will give the applicant latitude to work with the county assessor's office and work with the city in recording the plat as they are constructing the multi -family development. So, we are in agreement -- both Planning Department and Public Works Department are in agreement with that change to that condition. With that I will conclude my presentation and I'd stand for any questions you may have. Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 29 of 31 Oliver: Commissioners, any questions? McCarvel: Yes, Mr. Chairman. You're saying if this -- if we rezone this to R-40 and for some reason this project doesn't go forward, then, the next owner, if they sold it or whatever -- the next owner would have to come back for a conditional use if he really intended to max out the R-40? Okay. Thank you. Parsons: That is accurate. Yes. McCarvel: Okay. Oliver: Mr. Fitzgerald, are you good? Fitzgerald: I think so. Oliver: Okay. With that can we have the applicant, please, come forward and state your name and address for the record. Nickel: Good evening, Mr. Chairman and Commissioners, for the record Shawn Nickel, SLN Planning. Address is 1589 North Estancia Place, Eagle, Idaho. Here tonight for Rennison Engineering representing B&F Investments. Staff did an excellent job at explaining every aspect of the proposal, including our working with them up until the last hour on getting those elevations figured out and we are acceptive -- those are acceptable conditions as staff spoke on those -- on the elevation revisions. We also appreciate staff working with us on the timing of those building permits in relationship to the final plat. So, with that we are in favor of all the recommended conditions of approval that staff has before you and I'm just here to answer any questions. Oliver: Anything? Thank you. Nickel: Thank you very much. Oliver: At this time we would entertain anyone who would like to come forward with public testimony. And that's not you. Nothing? McCarvel: Only one left in the room. Fitzgerald: An empty room. Oliver: All right. With that I would entertain a motion. Fitzgerald: Mr. Chair, I would move we close the public hearing. McCarvel: Second. Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 30 of 31 Oliver: It's been moved and seconded that we close public testimony. All in favor say aye. Opposed say nay. Closed. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Oliver: Okay McCarvel: Mr. Chairman, I like the changes that staff has made. I mean for a high density type environment I really like the common areas and all those things that they have done to make it esthetically pleasing around there. I think it -- you know, in amongst the multi -family dwellings and stuff around there I think it's probably a good fit. Oliver: I agree. I think it's a perfect fit for what is in that area. So, I -- and I think the structures look very nice with the changes -- the changed elevations. So, I agree. Fitzgerald: Mr. Chairman, I would agree with both of your comments and I also applaud the staff and the applicant for bringing the -- the access and the parking off of Idaho, instead of Pine. I thought that was -- Pine is busy and it's getting busier and so I think that's great. Very well laid out. The amenities are great. I think it's -- it's well done. Oliver: Okay McCarvel: Mr. Chairman? Oliver: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval of file numbers RZ 15-005, PFP 15-002, CUP 15-006 and did -- was that ALT 15, is that -- we don't need that. Okay. With the following modifications: Support of the elevation changes recommended by staff and the relief on 2.2.7 to record the final plat prior to first occupancy. Fitzgerald: Second. Oliver: We have a motion and a second to accept RZ 15-005, PFP 15-002 and CUP 15- 006 with the following modifications: Supporting the elevation changes and 2.2.7, the Public Works condition to modify that. So, all in favor say aye. Opposed say nay. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Item 5: Other Items Oliver: Thank you very much. We have one more item on the docket for tonight. Does anybody want to do that? Meridian Planning & Zoning April 16, 2015 Page 31 of 31 Fitzgerald: Mr. Chairman, I move for adjournment. McCarvel: Second. Oliver: It's been moved and seconded to adjourn. All in favor say aye. Opposed say nay. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Oliver: Meeting is now closed. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:41 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) PRO ED r P TRI K OLIVER - CE -CHAIRMAN DATE APPROVED ATTEST: JAYCEE HOLMAN, CITY CLERK