Email by Sara RicePage 1 of 2 Jaycee Holman From: Sonya Wafters Sent: Tuesday, March OZ, 2010 4:18 PM To: Jacy Jones; Jaycee Holman; Machelle Hill Cc: craig rice; Rice, Sara LeeAnn; Steve Siddoway; Peter Friedman Subject: RE: Park Road Access from Green Meadows and Meadow Woods Please include the following testimony in the public record for the Kleiner Park MDA application. Thanks! From: Rice, Sara LeeAnn [mailto:sara.rice@hp.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 4:10 PM To: Sonya Wafters Cc: Rice, Sara LeeAnn; craig rice Subject: FW: Park Road Access from Green Meadows and Meadow Woods Hello, My family resides at 12232 West Clover Meadows Drive, part of the Clover Meadows subdivision, which includes both Green Meadows and Meadow Woods streets. While we are not within the city limits for Meridian, we are certainly a party of interest to the proposed ACHD project which would connect the two dead-end streets of this subdivision to the future park development proposed for the corner of Eagle and Fairview and to the Red Feather subdivision. WE ARE OPPOSED TO THIS PROPOSED ACRD ROAD PROJECT. We were attracted to move into the subdivision several years ago because of the quiet dead- end neighborhood that it is. Our property value has already been negatively impacted by the addition of a 60-foot steel power pole in our back yard (in preparation for future ACRD development) complete with new high-voltage power lines overhead, and the removal of several mature 50+ foot evergreen trees to make way for it, and will be further impacted with the impending ACHD Cloverdale Road widening project, which will reduce the size of our parcel. Further development which would turn the dead-end streets into through streets to the future park would be utterly unacceptable to us and to the several other residents of our quiet neighborhood with whom we have spoken. The neighborhood is unique and widely appealing for its quiet streets, and the residents are committed to keeping it this way. It is our understanding that there is already great opposition to this project from a variety of sources: our entire neighborhood, the Venture Place neighborhood (which would also be impacted), those associated with the development of the proposed Eagle/Fairview park, the city of Meridian, and others. It is, once again, puzzling that ACHD would consider a project of this nature with such great and diverse concern waged against it. Sadly, our previous experience of dealing with those who make decisions at ACHD have been universally disappointing -almost as much so as they 3/2/2010 Page 2 of 2 have been frustrating and maddening. We have yet to find someone to work with at ACRD who appears to have the best interest and concern for its paying citizens in mind. This is once again exemplified by the fact that most all of the residents of our neighborhood were given no notice about this proposed project by ACHD, nor any advance notice of the meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 3rd at Meridian City Hall to discuss it. Their way of doing business is also unacceptable to us. We are asking the City of Meridian to do whatever it takes to prevent this proposed project from coming to fruition. Meridian stands to lose a very valuable asset in the form of a quiet neighborhood of concerned residents who care about thoughtful community planning. In addition, by allowing ACHD to again have their way with a project conceived in the vacuum of their insulated and insensitive thinking without the consent, agreement and full support of those affected is yet another chink in the armor of Meridian's power to control its own destiny. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to let me and my family (and my neighbors) know how best to defeat and deny this proposed ACHD road project. We have rearranged our personal schedules and prior commitments to attend the meeting tonight at City Hall, because our quality of life is important, as is the opportunity to send the message to ACHD that they are not allowed, at their most fanciful whim, to walk all over their own patrons and communities. Regards, Sara L. Rice 3/2/2010