Memo from PlanniingProject:.Meridian Eye Care and Mittleider DA Modification Location: 125 W. Cherry Lane on the southeast corner of Cherry & W. 2"d Street Application: conditional use approval Highlights of Proposed Development: The subject property consists of 0.34 of an acre and is currently zoned O-T. Conditional use approval is for the construction of a new medical office in the O-T zoning district that does not meet all of the criteria of the Downtown Meridian Design Guidelines (DMDG). A DA modification is concurrently requested to remove the requirement for cross-access between the subject property and the property directly east at 1645 W. 1St St. The DA also allows a shared access with the property to the east to Cherry Lane. Proposed Commercial Square Footage: 3,600 s.f. Number of Proposed Buildings: 1 Compliance with Comprehensive Plan: Yes; O-T zoning Other: In 2004, this property (and the adjacent property to the east at 1645 W. 1St Street) was rezoned from R-4 to O-T with a Development Agreement. Elevations: Yes Commission Recommendation: approval at their public hearing on February 21, 2008. Summary of Commission Public Hearing: i. In favor: James Gibson (Applicant's Representative) ii. In opposition: None iii. Commenting: None iv. Written testimony: The Historic Preservation Commission submitted a letter dated 2/13/08. They were not in favor of reducing the design standards in the O-T district. Key Issue(s) of Discussion by Commission: i. No access to Cherry Lane once the property is redeveloped; ii. Whether or not the Old Town architectural design guidelines should be applicable to the subject property because of its location on the periphery of the Old Town district. Key Commission Change(s) to Staff Recommendation: None Outstanding Issue(s) for City Council: Staff recommends that if Council approves the DA modification that they restrict access to Cherry Lane. Written Testimony: Notes: 4/1/2008