3/14 Memo from PlanningRECEdVEIS MAR ~` ~ G;~=~g March 14, 2008 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: C. Caleb Hood, Current Planning Manager City of Meridian Planning Department RE: ZOA-07-002, Temporary Use UDC Text Amendment March 18, 2008 City Council Agenda Item After further coordination with the Legal Department, Planning Staff has realized that construction trailers have inadvertently been left out of the proposed Temporary Use Text Amendment to the UDC. Therefore, Planning Staff would like the following section of the UDC to be amended to read (proposed change in bold and underline): 11-3E-2: APPLICABILITY: The regulations of this article shall apply to all temporary uses in all districts with the exception that trailers and other construction related eouipment associated with an active construction site and temporary uses _ _ _ that are conducted as part_of the curricular orextra-curricular nrogramming of an education facility shall be deemed accessory uses. Further, because the subject application is directly tied to the temporary uses ordinance that is being proposed for Title 3 by Emily Kane, Legal Department, staff recommends that the ordinance associated with the UDC text changes listed for ZOA-07-002 go into effect on the same day as the ordinance changes proposed in Title 3 (the Legal Department will place both ordinances on the same Council agenda). As part of the motion to approve ZOA-07-002, please note the change and effective date requested above. Thank you. City Of 1VTeridian City Clerk Office -- Formatted: Font: it pt, Strikethrough Formatted: Font: 11 pt, Font color: Orange Planning Department .660 E. Watertower Street, Suite 202, Meridian, ID 83642 Phone 208-884-5533 . Fax 208-888-6854. www.meddiancity.org