Minutes Meridian Planning ~ Zoning Commission ~` January 12, 2000 Page 43 toward Badley, but since that ditch was abandoned there is nothing there to drain anymore. Borup: Okay, if the project was developed and there was an existing drain that needed to go through there that would be addressed on the plat, so if there was something that would come up at that time on a plat. Siddoway: Yes, any such easements would show up on the plat and you could deal with them at that time. Barbeiro: rezone of incorporating all staff comments. Brown: Second. Borup: All in favor. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES 14. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PROPOSED TEMPORARY PARKING AND PRODUCT STORAGE ON ADJACENT LOTS ZONED C-G BY GARY BODILY-BODILY RV-MERIDIAN ROAD BETWEEN FRANKLIN AND GEM: Borup: Steve. Siddoway: This is the existing Bodily RV facility that fronts on First Street in downtown Meridian. The lot actually extends from First Street to Meridian Road. It is north of Gem Avenue and South of Franklin Road. They are proposing due to the rapid growth of their business, over flow parking and product storage to be approved on the two areas that are hashed on the map on the wall. In-between it is the existing Bodily RV facility. It would be restricted to or have a time limit of 12 to 18 months and we would- there are some issues whether the pavement-we would like to see some paving extend off of Meridian Road into the property to keep the gravel from migrating on to Meridian Road, but have no major hang ups with this. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them. Barbeiro: Steve, the pavement or paved road coming in essentially a little drive way (inaudible) off of Meridian Road in to that larger parcel. Siddoway: Yes actually I have a photograph that I forgot to show you. This is that lot behind Les Schwab. This photo is taking from Meridian Road looking east. This is the larger of the two lots that they are proposing to use. You can afl ready see some RV's on there. They have been using it and they are going through this to formalize their permission to do so. The existing Bodily RV site as viewed from Meridian Road is this. I move that we recommend approval to City Council Item 10, request for 1.761 acres from R-8 to R-15 to entirely R-15 by the owner Lynd Hoover Meridian Planning a~oning Commission January 12, 2000 Page 44 I don't have a picture of the smaller one because its land locked in the middle. The proposal would be to -I'm standing at the edge of a curb cut that goes into the site where you can access it and we would like to have some paving there to enter into the site to keep the gravel from coming out on to the road. Borup: Is the applicant here and like to come forward. Vance: Mr. Chairman, members of the commission my name is Mike Vance. I am with W.B. Consulting Group and I am representing Gary Bodily. My address is 825 E. State Street in Eagle. Borup: My quick question would be do you have concerns with staff comments? Vance: We have no concern accept for number 3, which I would like to very briefly discuss. One thing before I get into that I did want to mention, this is a temporary conditional use permit unlike most of them. This has a sunset of 18 months. Mr. Bodily in all likelihood will be before you very soon for a new facility in a different location. The only thing that I would like to mention to you is that (inaudible) or on the southerly piece, the southerly lot is not going to have anything for sale on it. It is for overflow parking. How you get into that southerly cross-hashed area is you go up the northerly side: There is a driveway that goes all the way from First Street all the way through to Meridian. What that is used for is for overflow parking for the vehicles, the recreational vehicles that go in there. ACHD, when they just redid Meridian Road, put 2 curb cuts into that lot and they paved them back something like 6 or 8 feet. Borup: Beyond the sidewalk? Vance: Yes. It is not paved back the 30 feet that ACRD normally would like to see and probably would. Under normal circumstances this is a CG lot. The whole thing is going to get paved when a building goes in there anyway. There is some paving there today. For the most part, the access into that graveled lot is through the east/west roadway that goes between First and Meridian Road. It is not a kilter condition, but common sense would say you should put the 30 feet in. Those two driveways are really not used that much. If it is a condition that the city insists on, ACHD did not make any comment regarding paving that 30 feet. That is a city request that the planning department is asking for. All the other conditions are perfectly acceptable. We would just ask for some compromise on paving that back. That lot does not belong to Mr. Bodily. Barbeiro: Mr. Vance between you and Steve, granted that Mr. Bodily does not own the lot, could we put those little temporary fences that you put up there at the curb cut. Would that be sufficient to prevent migration or would that be a problem with fire. Vance: Well, there is nothing there. Borup: Fire would go right over it if there was a problem J Meridian Planning ar~oning Commission t January 12, 2000 Page 45 Barbeiro: As a curb cut, that would be where people very well may come in and drive in and out of that area. If you want to prevent people from coming through that curb cut and use the main east/west artery that putting up one of those very similar to what we have in the Subdivision where the street is stubbed off and in anticipation of another Subdivision to come in. Steve, would that be acceptable? Again, it is just to prevent people from going through that one curb cut into the parking lot. Borup: Steve, while you are commenting is there indeed 6 feet of pavement back there. Your picture did not show that. Was that because there was mud on it? Siddoway: Yeah, I'm actually not sure if it does. I can only take his word for it. I did drive onto the lot using that curb cut, but all I remember is lots of dirt. It may very well be. Vance: Your off the sidewalk pretty quick. It is about 6,7 feet of asphalt. Siddoway: Beyond the sidewalk, or Vance: Beyond the sidewalk. Borup: Mr. Vance, it just got come mud on it and that is why it don't show up. Vance: It has a little on it. You can see it. Siddoway: Mr. Barbeiro's question, the -it is not a bad idea to block it off. My hesitation is with esthetics, just having those barricades on Meridian Road which is a major entry way corridor concerns me. Borup: Like parking lot bumpers. Vance: Mr. Chairman, we agree to all the conditions of approval. Borup: Are you going to put a new gravel base in? Vance: It's all ready graveled. Borup: So it is done to the extent that its going to be? Vance: Yes. Borup: Cause there is a lot of mud there now. Vance: It's not for public use. It is only for employee parking and for parking for recreational vehicles that can not be parking along the east/west roadway. Meridian Planning a~Zoning Commission ~r. ' January 12, 2000 Page 46 Borup: You have all ready stated-you said you would comply to all this. My concern would be if that is the condition it is there is going to be mud tracked out if your going directly onto the street. Vance: Nobody goes directly onto the street because there is quite a drop off going down to the street. Borup: Okay thank you. Any one here wish to comment or testify on this application. Commissioner's. Brown: I move we close the public hearing. Barbeiro: Second. Borup: All in favor? MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES Borup: Do we have a motion? Brown: I move approval of Item 11 request for conditional use permit for purpose of temporary parking and product storage on the adjacent lots zoned CG by Gary Bodily, Bodily RV incorporating all staff comments. Barbeiro: I second the motion. Borup: All in favor? MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES 12. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR FOUR 2,880 SF OFFICE TRAILERS AND TEMPORARY GRAVEL PARKING IN AN I-L BY MICRON TECHNOLOGY-3475 E. COMMERCIAL COURT: Borup: I'd like to open the public hearing on Item number 12. We have a letter from them requesting continuation. I would suggest that we may want to move this to the end of the agenda and decide what dates at that time to look at our schedules. We will move Item 12 to the end and in fact while I am at it, lets move Item 15 to the end of the agenda also. 13. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA-TAKE OUT, DELIVERY, EATING ESTABLISHMENT BY COLE ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS-1580 4T" STREET, SUITE 103: Borup: Mr. Siddoway.