Letter from John & Rachel CourtrightFeb 28 08 03:4 p Homes (208) 888'738 Cellular. (208) 230.4209 .John W. Courfrit~htt 1888 E. SEnnmerridge Dr. Meridian, ID 83845 P~ ~O -, ~ ~~ S ~~ (~ '~ Fa~c (208) 331 ~ ~ johncourtrighf~itowerama6oise.corn SAX: 888-4218 February 28, 2008 Meridian P&Z RE: Application RZ 07-021 I received you letter about Unfortunately, I will not be to express myself. t was at the prior meeting why Surprisingly, I was the ONLY questions, which were not ad School District people. Be it ~ proposed rezoning or to the F the Sumrnefield Subdivision. irrigation system for the grass recently placed has ruined the subdivision. My fence is a di: business development procei sprinkling systems by kept in school dis#rict certainly did no business park do consider thi ._...... .. ~L~IV`]E FE@ 2 82008 GIN OF MERIDIAN CITY CLERK OFFICE hearing on the above application on March 4, 2008. to attend as I will be out of the State. However, I wanted re this proposal was presented and explained. adjacent homeowner to attend. 1 also asked several pressed by the developers, but were answered welt by the nderstand, my wife and I have NO opposition to the oject. It will have little effect on the property owners in However, as I described in the prior meeting, the school's and landscaping around the temporary school buildings cedar fencing that is required by the CC&R's of the aster, solely due to that reason_ I would ask that as the ds, that the prevention of damage to our fences by Hind. Proper planning can prevent the problem. The think of it. I tnaly hope that the developers of the Incidentally, the school asked me to email them with my fence concerns, which I did the next day, asking for a response. I have received NO response from them. I wilt, however, make my continuing concerns well known to them. Thank you, John & Rachel Coulfright 1888 E. Summerridge Dr. Meridian, ID 83646 Hm: 888739 Cell: 230-4209