Minutes• Meridian City Council Meeting May 18, 2004 Pg: 9 of 39 De Weerd: Okay. It's been moved and program. Is there any further discussion? budgeted currently at 6,000 dollars. Bird: That's right. De Weerd: Okay. Mr. Clerk. • seconded to approve the summer intern And that is in the amount of what is not Roll-Call: Bird, yea; Rountree, yea; Wardle, yea; Nary, yea. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 8: (Items Moved from Consent Agenda) De Weerd: Thank you, Mr. Clerk. Thank you, Council. We did not move any items from Consent Agenda. Item 9: FP 04-030 Request for Final Plat approval of 30 single-family residential building lots and 6 common lots on 9.01 acres in a R-8 zone for Baldwin Park Subdivision No. 8 by Capital Development, Inc. -North of West Ustick Road and east of North Linder Road: De Weerd: So, Item No. 9, FP 04-030. I will start with staff comments. Powell: Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, this is the -- it's, actually, the first final plat to come through on the revised Baldwin Park Subdivision. As you may recall, they took the -- kind of the remainder of the first preliminary plat that came in and added this property down here and did a new preliminary plat, so this is the first final plat to come in on that portion of it. This is Cedar Springs over here. Venable Lane ends about right here. So, currently, the access is out to the west, but, eventually, they will have access through here and, then, down to Venable Lane. There is the final plat. The final plat substantially complies with the approved preliminary plat. They did add one common lot for a street buffer for the landscaping, but that was the only change that was made and staff recommends approval. De Weerd: Thank you, Anna. Any questions for staff? Bird: I have none. De Weerd: Was the applicant in agreement or he would like to provide comment. Yorgason: My name is Dave Yorgason with Capital Development as the applicant. We are in agreement with the staff report and just request approval tonight. De Weerd: Thank you. Meridian City Council Meeting • May 18, 2004 Pg. 10 of 39 Yorgason: Thank you. De Weerd: Any questions for the applicant? Bird: I have none. De Weerd: Don't want to give him a hard time? Bird: Well, we do want to do that, but better not. De Weerd: Thank you, Dave. Yorgason: Well earned. Thank you. Okay. Counsel? Wardle: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Wardle. Wardle: I move that we approve FP 04-030, final plat for Baldwin Park Subdivision No. 8. Bird: Second. De Weerd: Okay. It's been moved and seconded to approve Item No. 9. Is there any further discussion? Okay. Mr. Clerk. Roll-Call: Bird, yea; Rountree, yea; Wardle, yea; Nary, yea. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. De Weerd: Thank you. Item 10. We are entering into the Public Hearing process part of our agenda. By ordinance we do require that we swear in anyone wishing to provide testimony during any these of public hearing items, Items 10 through 14. If you will be joining us in providing testimony, if you would, please, raise your right hand, even the applicant. Is the testimony you provide tonight the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? If so, say I do. (Affirmative answers.) De Weerd: Thank you. Okay. Items 10 and -- I'm sorry. Powell: Madam Mayor, they asked -- they requested to be moved to the end of the agenda. They had a conflict in meeting times. De Weerd: Okay. Does Council have any problem with that?