MinutesMeridian City Council Meeting ~ • Tuesday, Dec~nber 4, 2001 Page 18 of 90 Bird: Second. Corrie: Motion has been made and second to close the Public Hearing for Item No. 9, a request for annexation and zoning, No. 01-014. Any further discussion? All those in favor of the motion say aye. Opposed no. All ayes. Motion is carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Corrie: Discussion? De Weerd: Mr. Mayor? Corrie: Mrs. de Weerd. De Weerd: I move we approve the request for annexation and zoning of .66 acres from R-1 to R-8 zone for Ted Cunningham and to ask the attorney to draw up Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law and Decision of Order and to include all staff comments. Corrie: Motion has been made to approve the annexation and zoning from R-1 to R-8 by Ted Cunningham, to include all staff comments, and for the attorney to draw up the proper papers. Further discussion? Hearing none, Roll-call vote, Mr. Berg. Roll-Call: Bird; aye; de Weerd, aye; McCandless, aye; Anderson, aye. Corrie: All ayes. Motion carried for annexation and zoning change. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 10. ~RuWic Heari~g~ ~ (1~3-023 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 30 building lots and 2 other lots on 16.4 acres in an R-4 zone for proposed Autumn Faire Subdivision No. 2 by Gemstar Properties, LLC -east of North Black Cat Road and south of West Ustick Road: Attorney to prepare Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for Approval Corrie: Item No. 10, is a Public Hearing, request for a Preliminary Plat approval of 30 building lots and 2 other lots on 16.4 acres in an R-4 zone for proposed Autumn Faire Subdivision No. 2 by Gemstar Properties, LLC, east of North Black Cat Road and south of West Ustick Road. At this time I will open the Public Hearing and entertain staff comments. McKinnon: Thank you, Mayor, Members of the Council. Up on the overhead right now is a diagram of the subdivision that's in front you tonight for Preliminary Plat approval. The first time this was brought in front of you it looked a little different and they have actually not changed a number of lots, but they have actually made the lots bigger and they spread them out on the far western side of the property -- it would be the left-hand Meridian City Council Meeting • • Tuesday, December 4, 2001 Page 19 of 90 side of the overhead. That was originally left vacant, open land. Now they have said that they'd like to have this approved with larger lots with the same number of homes. The reason why the property to the west was left vacant originally was the amount of sewer -- the sewer capacity that could be put through these homes. That limited the number of homes. Rather than have a large area that's left vacant next to a city park as you can see that will be developed right in the middle, they decided to create larger size lots in the subdivision and develop the entire area at this time, but keeping the same number of lots. There is some very large lots in the subdivision. They range from 35,000 square feet down to 9,800 and some change. The staff report, which we have got that in front of you, turn to a couple things I'd like to point out to you in the staff report. There was some discussion concerning the small stub street to the south -- I'm just going off of some notes here that Steve asked me to bring up for you. There was some discussion on Item No. 5 on Page two. Item No. 5 talks about there is two residential lots directly south of the city park and it is separated there by a small stub street. There was some discussion as to whether or not that stub street remain there. The applicant would like that to remain there. Staff comments originally stated they did not it there. The Commission agreed to take out that -- to leave the stub street there. You have got a very short block that's only two homes on that whole block. That's something that you might want to take a look at. Everything else is pretty straight forward. We do have some -- we do have the city park that's right there and you will notice that there is a pathway system that will lead from the park that follows the canal. The canal is to be piped and it would be graded over to be level grade and the pathway system will go from the eastern corner all the way down to the western corner at this time. With that I ask if there is any questions. Corrie: Council have any questions of staff? Bird: I have none. Corrie: Anyone have any questions of staff? Okay. Thank you, David. This is a Public Hearing and is the Autumn Faire Subdivision No. 2 representative here this evening? Stanfield: Scott Stanfield with Earl and Associates, 314 Gladiola in Caldwell. I will try to make this quick. It's pretty straight forward. Staff did a good job on the presentation explaining things quite well. The main reason to spread the lots around is because about a year and a half ago we were here on the Autumn Faire preliminary plat and there was concerns about a weed patch around the park. So we got with the engineering staff and established that approximately 30 more lots could be handled by the existing sewer system. We do run out of gravity in the southeast corner of the park, so this represents quite a small lift station placed in the northwest corner and we have met with engineering staff regarding that matter and we think we have worked out those details and we will continue to work out those details with the staff when we get to the final plat stage. The two little streets right there -- stub streets with the two blocks -- or two lots in between them, that was because it exceeded the maximum block length, where we start on Turnberry Crossing, the stub street in the northeast corner, measure that to the west and if we go all the way to the most westerly north-south stub street we Meridian City Council Meeting ~ • Tuesday, December 4, 2001 Page 20 of 90 are actually exceeding the city's housing block ordinance. We'd rather not have that stub street put in, but we do not want to go through a variance and ask for special consideration. So, henceforth, we have a stub street there. We concur with all the conditions of approval and ask for any questions. Corrie: Any questions, Council? Bird: I have none. Corrie: Okay. Stanfield: Thank you. Corrie: Anyone else from the public like to issue testimony? Johnson: My name is Sam Johnson. I live at 2435 North Black Cat, the odd-shaped property. Mr. Mayor, Council Members, and staff. I'm neither for or against this, but I would like to bring to your attention some of the issues that we face, so that perhaps some conditions could be applied to the developers and the building managers. As Gemstar and Conger Management managed the prior --1 think it was phase four to our -- direct north of us, we had a variety of instances where we had people -- contractors in pickup trucks running across our properly. We actually had a 40 foot by 20 foot by 15 foot deep ditch dug across the back of our property that had to be rectified after my contacts with them after they initially surveyed it incorrectly and that never got corrected. There was issues that a fence that was supposed to go up never happened. My understanding was there was an easement from the prior property owners -- we have only been in the house about year now -- to allow access back and forth and that created major problems for us, plus living pretty much in a constant bath of dust on a daily basis. So I guess what I'm asking for here is some conditions about some fencing that could be applied -- the fence has just been completed along our north side of the property line, but if that could be then completed along the west facing -- kind of the angle part before the construction were to start, that would be very helpful to limit the traffic and contractors who generally, you know, take the shortest path to get home at night. There was other issues regarding fencing I'd like -- I think my wife can address those issues as well. So those are my major concerns. Corrie: Council, any questions? Clarification? Bird: I have none. Corrie: Okay. Johnson: Thank you. R. Johnson: Good evening. I'm Dr. Regina Johnson. I also live at 2435 North Black Cat Road. I had the same concerns about fencing that my husband had. I just moved Meridian City council Meeting • Tuesday, Decs3mt~ 4, 2001 Page 21 of 90 up here after 16 years from Scottsdale, Phoenix, Arizona, and have been witness to 3 cycles of boom and bust in the real estate industry. My additional concern is that we may be faced with the economic downturn which everyone is now acknowledging a recession, but potentially may turn into a depression, and the rate of growth in selling housing lots will significantly slow for the next 12 to 18 months. So that we wouldn't be left with -- Langley Farms was about 110 acres and if this subdivision does not build as they optimistically project, we could be left with many acres of literally bulldozed dust around us for several years time. My request would be a restriction such athree- quarters of their units in the presently -- the infrastructure, Idon't know the correct term for it, but the present phase, that 75 percent of those units be sold before they begin construction on the next phase to minimize our chance that we would be left with bulldozed, partially improved land for several years, which would significantly degrade our quality of living. I also don't know whether this is the appropriate place to address it or not, but the Autumn Faire Subdivision -- the construction company has not completed their fence immediately to the north of us. As my husband mentioned, there have been to this point four incursions onto our property and currently there is a 30 to 40 foot gap in the fence enclosed by wire fence toward the middle and then simply cross pieces of wood. This will be very attractive to children crawling under the fence and getting onto our land, trash will be blowing on, and we don't have visual privacy which would be for afforded by fencing and I -- having listened to the issues with the other plats tonight, I suspect their assumption is that they would eventually buy our land and put a cul-de-sac on our land and I know this isn't before the Council tonight, but there has been five or six instances in five months of them not being good neighbors and at this point -- I can't speak for my husband, but I am not at all disposed to sell our land to that company in the future. So I would request that the fence be completed, at least for now, and that they not assume that they can leave the fence open because they are going to be buying our land. Corrie: Okay. Thank you. Is there anyone else that would like to issue testimony? Janicek: My name is Monte Janicek and my address is 2356 North McDermott Road. I own the property right to the south of this development there. I don't -- I just had some concerns I'd like to bring up. I'd like to see a fence built in the early phase of construction to stop the trash from blowing into the Stafford Canal and all over my property and to keep the people from trespassing back onto my property. The stub road should be fenced also with at least a six foot fence. When stubs roads are not fenced it's just a tunnel for people on the -- for the people to funnel them right into the canal to be on the canal bank and then basically over into my field. I've had a bad experience with the Turnberry Subdivision that is east of my property. You may recall a letter that was sent to the Council and Mayor on July 10, 2001. My biggest concern is that children playing on the canal or in and around the canal would be falling into the canal and drowning. I'm on the canal bank all summer long irrigating my field and if there is a drowning more than likely I'll be the one to find the victim and I do not want to have to take and pull a dead kid out of the canal. Last spring I was driving down the ditch bank road when I'd seen three little girls about six or seven years old in my grain field that I had just finished spraying about an hour before. They had crossed the canal on a small Meridian City Camcil Meeting ~ • Tuesday, December 4, 2001 Page 22 of 90 plank and walked right by a no trespassing sign. They probably understood the word, but I doubt whether they understand the word of trespassing. They probably understood no, but I doubt whether they understood trespassing. As you can see, I have a very big liability concern here when people don't understand the difference between private property and the city limits. I have got some pictures here, if I could have you guys take a look at them, if I could. I think there is five copies there. These were all taken last summer here. The first one there is a ditch there that's right next to the subdivision across the canal there and you can see that we had some vandalism there where kids cross the canal and got into my irrigation tubes and threw them into the canal and we had alittle -- had to come in and clean that all up and deal with that there. At the same time we had a lot of trash that's either blowing in or thrown into the canal. This is just an example of some of the trash there, but there has been a lot of trash down there in that canal there. Ever since that Turnberry Subdivision built out, they took and didn't have a fence when they first started construction in there and every time the wind would blow I had trash in my ditch and plugged up tubes and for the 25 years that I have framed there I have never had a problem like I did this last year or last two years. On the next one there you can see where some kids went and got some construction material and built themselves a raft and they floated it down the canal. One evening I was out irrigating and I seen a lot of trash coming down the canal and so I figured I better go up and see what's going on. So as I went by the house I stopped and picked up the camera and I drove up there and these kids were on this raft and I said, hey, that's a pretty nice looking raft, can I take your picture. They said sure. So I took a picture of the raft and took a picture of them there. But the thing that is significant is that public property out there and so I called the sheriff out there and we had to have them there explaining where the property lines were. The kids said, well, you know, if this is private property why don't you put a fence, you know, roll some barbed wire over the top of it to keep us from getting over here. On the next page you can see there where the subdivision -- or where the stub road stubs into the property up across the street there and it just funnels the kids. They ride their bicycles on the right sidewalk and come right to through there and they are right there into the canal and they get out there and play on the canal, ride their bicycles or whatever. This is the area where the little girls come through the subdivision right here and went out and crossed the canal there and played in the field right there. That canal is -- it's pretty swift. I got down in that canal to take and fish some trash out, I had my hip boots on then, you got to kind of lean against the current to stand up or it will knock you over and that's clay and mud in the bottom of that canal, it's slick, and a grown man to come out of that canal you have got to grab the grass on the side of the bank and pull yourself out. You're not going to walk out of it, it's just got straight up and down and clay and mud on the sides, you're just not going to climb out on the side of the canal there. For some reason on -- these are pictures on that Turnberry there. For some reason on the north side and the west side they did fence the stub roads, but on the west side they didn't and my concern with this Autumn Faire is that they take and have the stub roads and have the fence all the way across on the borders between me and them there. From my understanding the service boundary is going to drawn along -- the service line is going to be drawn along that - my property line there and so, therefore, I'm going to be farming that ground for quite awhile and it's -- you know, I'd like to have these Meridian City Council Meting ~ • Tuesday, December 4, 2001 Page 23 of 90 concerns addressed here so we can kind of have a dividing line between my property and the city limits. Thank you and if you have got any questions why - Bird: I have none. Cowie: Council? Thank you very much. R.Johnson: If I could have your indulgence to speak, listening to the gentleman who just spoke, I realized something else at issue for my husband and I on our property. Our property edges up to the canal from his property and Autumn Faire to the street and with the park going through and the path that was spoken of, that path will border the edge of our -- the western edge of our property, cut across the back of our property, and connect with the canal easement out to Black Cat Road. We don't have money to put up a fence and we also would have concerns about trespassing and liability issues for children coming to harm in the canal, so I would ask the Council how will that issue be addressed, whether it would be Autumn Faire or the City of Meridian that would protect our children, our young population from this drowning hazard, because we had nothing to do with the development of the prior Langley Farm and certainly we don't children to die, but we are not in a position to fence the edge of the canal when we are not putting in the development. Evidently the road across the park will skirt our property and then connect to the canal easement, if I understand what was said by the developer and the gentleman that just spoke. Cowie: Anyone else like to issue testimony? Stanfield: I think I can address a lot of these concerns. First, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's concerns on -- I apologize for the problems they had and we were involved in construction and if I had a business card I would give that to them right now and they can call me personally and when we are done here I will give them my phone number. Gemstar is quite reputable and they personally would be upset, so I apologize to them and they can call me when things occur. The fencing, that needs to be required. That is required and will be required and the gap Mrs. Johnson is probably speaking of is -- R. Johnson: It is Dr. Johnson. Stanfield: The gap is probably the stub street, which we didn't want to put in in the first place, but we were required by the agencies. The fence probably needs that stub street open, but I talked to Gemstar and I'm sure they'd fence that across and that probably would address Mr. Janicek's concerns on the stub street being fenced to his parcel. We could fence across those all, so that's no problem. The canal and the ditches and the drains were talked about by both parties. Sky Pilot Drain is required to be tiled and we will the that, so that should negate some of the affects with small children falling in there. As is fencing required for the micropath ordinance, so that should help out the Johnsons. Regarding the Stafford Lateral, Mr. Janicek, as you can see there that's actually on -- on Autumn Faire Crossing's property and we are showing that to be tiled, so hopefully that will negate some of those impacts. If Nampa-Meridian doesn't want it Meridian City Council Meeting • Tuesday, December 4, 2001 Page 24 of 90 tiled, then there is an emergency requirement and so we will try to enclose the whole thing. We can't address what's happened on Turnberry's westerly boundaries as it's not our property, but we can take care of our own. Regarding the comment about an economic downturn, I can assure you if the developers didn't think they could sell, they wouldn't be sticking their necks out there. The market is still going strong across the valley, so l'll let that speak for itself. Regarding the protection on -- I heard the Johnsons and it sure makes sense that they don't want a pulverized muddy area across the street from them, but bonding will be in place to help protect that. There is bonding with the City of Meridian and bonding with the highway district and should any developer fail in their duties the agencies have the ability to cash in the bond and complete the improvements. So that should help some of those concerns. I think that's about all I have.. Unless anybody has anymore questions. Cowie: Have any comments? Bird: I have none. De Weerd: Mr. Mayor? Cowie: Mrs. de Weerd. De Weerd: So what I'm understanding is you will make sure that it's fully fenced even by the stubs? Stanfield: Yes. De Weerd: Okay. On both the south and the west side? Stanfield: Correct. De Weerd: Okay. Any ditches that are open around you, except that one to the north where the pathway is, I understand that to be tiled? Stanfield: All of them, including the one to the north. The north boundary is actually the drain and as a condition of Autumn Faire preliminary plat to the north that was to be tiled. De Weerd: That's where the pathway is going? Stanfield: Correct. De Weerd: So that takes care of the fencing to the south side of the Johnson property then? Stanfield: Correct. Yes. Their westerly ditch that angles across here would be tiled and fenced. Meridian City council Meeting • • Tuesday, December 4, 2001 Page 25 of 90 De Weerd: Okay. Anderson: Mr. Mayor? Cowie: Mr. Anderson. Anderson: When can you do that fencing? Can you do that in the initial phases or -- Stanfield: Well, whenever you want. I know the city requirements really don't have a time line. I think it's before building permits, but if it please the Council we can do that sooner. But one thing I would like to help educate you on is the pressure irrigation goes in the rear lot lines three feet off the property line and if the fence is installed prior to pressure irrigation it's going to make it more difFcult to construct pressure irrigation. So if there is some language you choose to put in there after that -- Anderson: t think the big concern is construction trade waste blowing around it sounds like, so -- Stanfield: Then they are trespassing. Anderson: As long as it's before the building permits, then it should take care of that issue I would think. Stanfield: I would hope. Corrie: Do you have any questions, comments? Bird: I have none. De Weerd: Mr. Mayor? Cowie: Mrs. de Weerd. De Weerd: I guess if there is some way to require the fencing that it wouldn't interfere with the pressurized irrigation system. Doesn't that go in a foot or 2 off of the rear lot line? Stanfield: It's typically three feet. Three feet off. De Weerd: Then that can be a mess. Stanfield: Yes. Meridian City Council Meting Tuesday, Decerr~er 4, 2001 Page 26 of 90 De Weerd: If it can -- the earlier you can get that fencing up the better, because that also will help with the dust, because there is no question that the minute you start cutting the streets or doing any of the leveling it's going to be a dust bowl. Stanfield: Yes. That's true. De Weerd: So if you can time that around the same time you're putting in the pressurized irrigation. Stanfield: I can definitely pass that onto the developer. De Weerd: I don't know how you can make that a condition, but -- McKinnon: Actually, the -- Councilwoman de Weerd, actually the recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission, Item No. 18, there is a limitation already on the fencing to be in prior to the building permits being issued. We already have that safeguard in there. The safeguard was put in on all preliminary plats and on all final plats. De Weerd: Well, yes, but the building permits come a little later. Stanfield: Yes. They come a little bit after. McKinnon: That's true, but as far as -- De Weerd: Just if you can work with that. Stanfield: Yes. I can definitely. Corrie: You're on record, so -- De Weerd: Mr. Mayor. I guess, David, is there anything for the dust mitigation -- or, Brad, on requiring a water truck being on site during a certain phase of -- McKinnon: Well, Councilwoman de Weerd, we currently don't have a Fugitive Dust Control Ordinance like the City of Boise does. We are working on one. We have met with the AIC, we have met with the City of Boise and we have received copies of their fugitive dust ordinance as a model. We are still in the process of determining how stringent we want to be with the ordinance and regulation. There is some very restrictive things in the Boise fugitive dust ordinance and I'm not sure that that's something that we have the enforcement ability to take on. We are working on it and don't have anything right now. As far as is there a requirement for the water trucks, I've had some experience with enforcement and we don't have a fugitive dust ordinance, but my past experiences are if you come to them and say that this is a nuisance that more often than not they do get a water truck out there. Meridian City Council Meeting Tuesday, December 4, 2001 Page 27 of 90 De Weerd: Okay. All I can ask, then, is that you give them your phone number and they know who to call. Stanfield: I will differently do that. The City of Boise dust ordinance is probably over two years old now and they are -- it isn't taken lightly. So I'd like to see the city move forward with that. Corrie: Just for the record there is an ordinance that we are looking at as well of dust and mitigation with the lawsuit with ACHD and that's why we are moving ahead on one as well. So thank you. De Weerd: Thank you. Corrie: Thank you. Council, at this point I would entertain a motion to close the Public Hearing. Bird: So moved. De Weerd: Second. Corrie: Motion has been made and seconded to close the Public Hearing on Item No. 10 of Autumn Faire Subdivision under Gemstar Properties. Any further discussion? Hearing one, all those in favor of that motion say aye. Opposed no. Motion has been carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Corrie: Okay. Discussion, Council? Bird: I have none. De Weerd: I have none. Corrie: Okay. Then I would entertain a motion, then, on the request for preliminary plat approval of 30 building lots and 2 other lots on 16.4 acres in an R-4 zone, Autumn Faire Subdivision No. 2. De Weerd: Mr. Mayor? Corrie: Mrs. De Weerd. De Weerd: I move that we approve the preliminary plat for 30 building lots and 2 other lots on 16.4 acres in an R-4 zone for purposed Autumn Faire Subdivision No. 2 by Gemstar Properties, to include the recommendation by Planning and Zoning, as well as the position statement by staff correcting and clarifying a couple of the items in there; to also note in testimony received today that they will be fully fenced, even across the stub Meridian City Council Meeting Tuesday, December 4, 2001 Page 28 of 90 streets, both to the south and to the west and to ask the attorney to draw up the appropriate Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law and Decision of Order. Bird: Second. Corrie: Okay. There is motion by Mrs. de Weerd and a second by Mr. Bird on the preliminary plat for Autumn Faire Subdivision No. 2. Any further discussion? Anderson: Mr. Mayor? Corrie: Mr. Anderson. Anderson: 1'd like to just make a couple of comments. I know we looked at this project a little over a year ago and it's changed quite a bit and trouncil had concerns about lot sizes and the fact that this may not be completed for quite sometime around the city park, but I would like to compliment the applicant on the changes that they have made to this. I think Meridian needs a few more projects like this, we need a little more diversity in the lot sizes that are out there, and I just wanted to thank the applicant for listening to what the Council said. Corrie: Okay. De Weerd: Mr. Mayor? Corrie: Mrs. de Weerd. De Weerd: I would ditto that fact. Good job. Corrie: Any other discussion? Hearing none, roll-call vote, Mr. Berg, on the motion. Roll-Call: Bird; aye; de Weerd, aye; McCandless, aye; Anderson, aye. Corrie: All ayes. IVlotion is carried on the preliminary plat. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 11. Public Hearing: PP 01-016 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 28 building lots and 5 other lots on 5.4 acres in a proposed R-8 zone for proposed Kodiak Subdivision by Kodiak Development, LLC - 2435 South Meridian Road: Item 12. Public Hearing: CUP 01-029 Request for a Planned Unit Development for a private RV storage and reduced lot sizes in an R-8 zone for proposed Kodiak Subdivision by Kodiak Development, LLC - 2435 South Meridian Road: Meridiem Cdr Council M~etir~g• • Aprll 19, 2001 Pg. 2 THREE AYES, ONE ABSENT lt®m 4. Continued Public Hearing from March 1, 2001: PP 00- Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 30 building lots and 2 other lots on 16.4 acres in an R-4 zone for proposed Au~aaa Faire S~divisicKt No. ~ by Gemstar Properties, LLC -east of Black Cat Road and south of Ustick Road: Borup: item No. 4 is a Continued Public Hearing. Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 30 building lots and 2 other to#s from Autumn Faire Subdivision. We have received a letter from the engineer on this project requesting a deferment until the next available Planning and Zoning Meeting, They have some things they want to work out with the Engineering Department. I wrote with the (inaudible). Are you up for a motion on the continuance of that? Shreeve: So moved. Borup: To what date? It looks like we're okay on the 17~' of May. Centers: Which is our second - t just assumed wrs would put it there. I would move that we postpone I#em 4, Continued Public Hearing for the request for Preliminary Plat of the Autumn Faire Subdivision to May 17~': Shreeve: Second. Borup: Motion second, any discussion? All in favor? MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES Item 5. Continued Public Hearing from March 1, 2001: RZ 01- 001 Request far Rezone of 3.35 acres from R-8 to C-G for proposed Golden Corral Restaurant by Hubble Engineering -- 725 East Fairview Avenue: Borup: Item No. 5 is a Continued Public Hearing request for Rezone of 3.35 acres from R-B to C-G for Golden Corral Restaurant. We alsa have received a letter from the applicant requesting that this application be withdrawn: Do we still need a motion? t guess, maybe we aught to go ahead and formally accept their request. Centers: Mr. Chairman. Borup: Commissioner Centers. Centers: I would like to move that we honor their request to remove this item from the agenda regarding the Public Hearing of the Golden Corral Restaurant. Meridian Planning and Zoning mission Meeting • June 21, 2001 Page 2 4. Continued Public Hearing from May 17, 2001. P1~ AO-023 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 30 building lots and 2 other lots on 16.4 acres in an R-4 zone for proposed Autumn Faire Subdivision No. 2 by Gemstar Properties, LLC -east of North Black Cat Road and south of West Ustick Road: Borup: Okay. Item No. 4 is a Continued Public Hearing from May 17th. It's a request for Preliminary Plat approval of Autumn Faire No. 2. We do have in our packets a copy of a letter from Earl and Associates requesting a continuance due to the fact that there is a sewer study going on now that'll effect their project. Mr. Freckleton, we did have a question for you on this. They stated that they anticipate that study would be completed in early August. Is that a realistic date do you feel and what does early August mean? Freckleton: Mr. Chairman, members of the Commission I'm sorry, I don't have a good answer for you tonight. Brad Watson has been handling this project totally. I haven't had any involvement in it at all. Borup: Our reason for asking is just to determine a reasonable date. Freckleton: I know Scott Stanfield, the Engineer for the applicant has worked closely with Brad on this and I guess I have to assume that the date that he's got mentioned in his letter has probably been coordinated with brad. Borup: Well, he didn't mention a date. Freckleton: Early August? (Inaudible) thing would be to take your mid-month meeting in August. Borup: That's what we -well, our first meeting's August 2nd. I mean I think in realistic that would be - Freckleton: Probably the 2nd meeting. Borup: That's what we wonder, if the second meeting is realistic. I guess the short answer is you have no idea. Freckleton: Short answer, the final short answer Borup: Well, Commissioners? Nary: Mr. Chairman. Borup: This is too far out. We don't know what our agenda -how full it is. Centers: Do we need to set a date? Meridian Planning and Zoning mission Meeting • June 21, 2001. Page 3 Borup: Yes we do. We need to continue it to a date certain. Centers: Then I think we should continue it to the second meeting in August. Borup: August 16tH Nary: Is that a motion? Centers: I would make that motion. Nary: Second. Borup: (Inaudible) second to continue Autumn Faire to the August 16tH agenda. All in favor? MOTION CARRIED: TWO AYES, TWO ABSENT Item 5. Continued Public Hearing from May 17, 2001: CUP 01-017 Request for a Conditional Use Permit for expansion of the chamber office and visitor center in a C-G zone for Meridian Chamber of Commerce by Meridian Chamber of Commerce - 215 East Franklin Road: Borup: Item No. 5 is a Continued Public Hearing. A request for a Conditional Use Permit for expansion of the chamber office. We also have just received a letter also on this. They requested a continuance to August's second meeting. If you remember their conflict was a conflict with easement with Nampa Meridian. Because of that they had to come up with a new design. They're working on that but don't have plans. They're saying by then they will. Their request is August 2nd Nary: Mr. Chairman. Borup: Commissioner Nary. Nary: I guess, we've had this continued once before. My preference would be that we put it on August 16tH as well. We've tried to put continued projects on the second meeting. We don't have anything (inaudible). Hopefully, maybe by then they'll also have all of that resolved as well. I'd rather uVe kept the new projects on the first meeting and try to (inaudible). Centers: Is that a motion? Nary: Yes, move it to August 16tH