Letter from Dorothy Pefferle.~ NOV 3 p 2001 CITY OF MERIDIAN CITY CLERK O~FICF ~1VIayor Tammy de Weerd Councilman Joe Borton Councilman Charlie Rountree Councilman Keith Bird Councilman David Zaremba 2613 W. Cedar Grove Street Meridian, ID 83646 November 30, 2007 HAND DELIVERED RE: Selway Apartment Hearing November 27, 2007 Dear Mayor and Council Members: I attended the meeting and was impressed with your willingness to listen to the homeowners' concerns regarding the proposed Selway Apartment project. I think you did a really fine job. I was so happy and relieved to hear you say that the quality of the proposed construction does not meet your vision of the Meridian you are trying to build, and the Meridian I have come to love. My home is in Kelly Creek subdivision, near Goddard Creek. Unlike many other homeowners, I did ask my Realtor, Larry Wickham, what was going to be built on the land which is now the proposed Selway site, and was told that most likely there would be apartments, with commercial to the South bordering McMillan. The idea of apartments did not raise a red flag with me -since the neighborhood was going to be nice, I assumed the apartments would be upscale and a good fit. In addition, for 12 years I watched nonstop development in the Roseville/Rocklin area of Placer County, California (20 miles east of Sacramento). It was asemi-rural area for many years, and then took off like Meridian has done - though at a faster pace. The two communities are similar in a lot of ways -family friendly, great places to rear children, etc. Many of the new subdivisions there have apartment complexes incorporated into the master plan, and the result is lovely. The homes are very nice -all stucco, the roofs -beautiful landscaping, etc. The apartments are equally nice - 100 percent stucco, file roofs, many with garages -massive landscaping - something I would readily live in if I were to decide I didn't want to maintain a home and yard. They are two stories -not real high density -and esthetically pleasing - I have seen similar developments in other areas of the country the past five years or so, most likely as a result of a step toward public transit. So when Larry Wickham told me apartments would be built, that is what I was envisioning. Mayor and City Council Members Page 2 November 30, 2007 I was horrified when I leazned what was planned adjoining Kelly Creek when I first saw the project plan for Selway. When I purchased Goddard Creek was not in -everything was dirt - so I never in my wildest dream could have imagined any City Government would allow the main (and for a time only) entrance to a large apartment complex to be located within our subdivision; or that the City would allow something so shoddy and low quality (three story vinyl) be built among very nice homes. I wondered what kind of place I had moved to. (Thanks to P & Z for nixing the vinyl.) I do love Meridian - I had been planning to relocate for five yeazs, and had visited quite a few different cities in various states. As a Montana native, I knew what I was looking for and was beginning to think it didn't exist anymore - then I found Meridian. Please do everything within your power to keep our neighborhood safe and esthetically pleasing. As this process moves along, I am hoping that (1) You will hold the developers to very high standards, including lots of stone and stucco. I would like to see both, as that is what most of our homes have. You mentioned 50 percent or more as I recall. If the plan isn't in Meridian's best interest, you have the responsibility to ask them to scrap it and go back to the drawing board. It doesn't look classy or high quality to me. The developers are counting on landscaping to solve a multitude of problems. As an avid gardener, I am observing and learning that this is not quickly and easily done in our desert climate. Things grow slowly, so the buildings themselves need to be attractive, as they will be in view for some time. (2) Most of the surrounding subdivisions have nice stone entrances with some kind of water feature. The apartments should have a similaz entrance, and this comes under `making them nice' and `fit in'. If they have a sign, hopefully it will be approved by the City and be nice quality and in good taste, properly placed. Maybe it could say something like Selway Village and avoid the word apartments -slightly less offensive. Perhaps it could be cleaz~ defined that they aze separate and not a part of Kelly Creek. I am bothered by the fact that you enter Goddard Creek, pass the Kelly Creek entrance sign, then on the left will be the entrance to the apartments, after you enter our subdivision. Just awful and unacceptable. It will look like the apartments are part of our subdivision. Hope you can think of a remedy for this. (3) The developers want to put on a cheaper roof, but should be held to higher standazds, and required to use the same roofing material that our homes have. (4) You may have seen pictures of some of the developments this developer (Rudeen) has built in the Spokane area. Someone has the power point slide show, and I am hoping you will find time to see it. Perhaps you could arrange to view it at the continuation Mayor and City Council Members Page 3 November 30, 2007 (5) meeting. I think you would be alarmed when you see the quality of their construction and the overall look of their developments. It appears they are not high-end or even mid-level developers and will not attract the kind of tenants that will fit into our neighborhoods. As I recall some of their developments were in industrial areas In closing -thanks for listening. We all know mistakes were made -but please do everything within your power to ensure whatever is built on this property will be an asset to ow neighborhoods and to Meridian. I have owned investment property including apartments and still do own commercial property, so I do understand the developer's profit motive and their desire to use less expensive materials for greater return; however, I feel this is not the proper setting for aloes-end development. Certainly I would think it may be possible to decrease the number of units while making them more upscale, still providing a good return on the investment. Like many of my neighbors (who do not attend the meetings) say - I don't have a problem with apartments -just make them nice, as nice as the neighborhood so they attract tenants that will be an asset to the neighborhood and to Meridian. Our neighborhood has a low crime rate, and we want to keep it that way. Sincerely, Dorothy Pefferle 855-5755