Memo from Planning (2)Project: Selway (Continued from 11/27/07) Summary: The appellant has requested City Council review of a Planning Commission decision on a Conditional Use permit. Architectural materials, density, traffic and compatibility with the surrounding residences seem to be the primary concerns of the appellant. This project was continued from November 27~' so the Council could: 1) review revised elevations that show a minimum stonework (accent) of 50 percent and greater modulation on the carriage units; 2), who will be responsible for "No Parking" signs on Goddard Creek; 3) providing cross access easement to property to the south; 4) a cross section showing the screening for the headlights on the north boundary; 5) if the existing pathway to the north is not extended into the site, what is the plan for the area where the pathway currently exists; and, 6) review the written minutes. The hearing was continued and the appellant, applicant and public should be allowed an opportunity to discuss only the items listed above. Update: 1) The applicant has prepared revised elevations and will present those tonight. 2) ACRD Staff, Christy Richardson, submitted an e-mail requesting a condition be added, stating: The Developer shall install NO PARKING signs on Goddard Creek Way from Wapoot Way to the south, for a location to be determined by ACRD Traffic Services. The costs associated with the signs and installation shall be the Developer's costs. There is some associated roadway striping/pavement marking that needs to occur with the installation of the signage. ACRD will pay for and conduct that work, but the Developer shall coordinate the scheduling of the sign installation with Traffic Services so that the pavement marking work can occur at the appropriate time. 3) Staff recommends that the Council add a condition to the CUP requiring cross access be provided to the property to the south in two locations; one at the east property line, and one near the southwest corner. This condition should read as follows: Prior to the issuance of the fourth building permit, provide Planning Staff with a copy of a recorded cross-access/ingress-egress easement to the property to the south. Said easement shall provide vehicular access to the property to the south in the two locations shown on the site plan, to Goddard Creek Way. 4) The applicant has submitted a cross section showing screening to the north. The applicant will present that tonight. 5) Staff contacted the appellant and believes they will have an update for the Council tonight on what they plan to do with the existing pathway and common lot, should the pathway not be extended south into the Selway development. Written Testimony since last hearing: Letter from Dorothy Peffele, dated November 30~' & E- mail, with attachments, from Al Wallace, dated December 14~'. Outstanding Issue(s) for City Council: Notes: 12/18/2007